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1、Period4SectionA3a3cUnit 4 I used to be afraid of the darksTeaching aimsv1 used to结构第一人称转换为第三结构第一人称转换为第三人称。人称。v2 完成完成3a,3b,3c任务任务v3 进行阅读强化训练;进行阅读强化训练;v4 阅读内容复述训练。阅读内容复述训练。 New words background (n.)背景背景interview (n.v.)采访、面试采访、面试Asian (n.a.)亚洲人、亚洲的亚洲人、亚洲的deal with (how)-do with (what) 处理处理a great deal

2、of 大量的大量的It is a deal-no surprise, thats a deal. 一言为定一言为定-别惊讶,只是个别惊讶,只是个交易交易shyness (n.)害羞害羞dare (v.aux)-need敢、胆敢敢、胆敢dare to do-dare do敢于做某事敢于做某事crowd (n. v.)-crowded (a.)-crowds of人群、涌出人群、涌出-拥挤的拥挤的-一群群一群群ton (n) 吨吨tons of大量的大量的private (a.)-public私人的、私立的私人的、私立的-公开的、公立的公开的、公立的personal (a.)个人的个人的guard

3、 (n.v.)警卫、守卫警卫、守卫on guard-guard against站岗、保持警惕站岗、保持警惕-预防预防require (v.) 要求要求request (n.v.)-require (v.)虚拟虚拟require sb to do sth =sth require doing需要某人做某事需要某人做某事-某事需要被做某事需要被做Tests 1.Dont trouble him, he has a great b .2.“what do you think of it ?” We are i the brave girl.3.Mo Yan is an A novelist.4.Ho

4、w did you d with your old toys?5.“What? How d you say so?”ackgroundnterviewingsianealarev6.These days there are more and more p cars driving on the road.v7.“you cant enter in unless the owners agree.” The g says to the visitor.v8.“Next time you mustnt let him in ! ” the boss r rivateuardequireedUseu

5、sed toandnowtodescribethefollowingpictures.IusedtoButnowIputtoysalloverthegroundkeeptoysinorderIusedtoButnowIsleepinclasslistentotheteachercarefullyIusedtoButnowIIusedtoButnowIdrinkalotstopdrinking Nocommunicationwithfamilymembers.Whatsyourproblem?Whatsyourproblem?Beingtooshytotalkwithothers.Beingaf

6、raidofspeakinginfrontofcrowds.Whatsyourproblem?Havingtoomuchhomework.Whatsyourproblem?Whatsyourproblem?Havingnotimetoplay.Whatsyourproblem?Icantgetwellwithothers.Phrases v1、19-year-old Asian pop star v2、in front ofv3、dare to do v4、appear to othersv5、take up开始从事开始从事 v 6.deal with处理;对付处理;对付v7.not . an

7、ymore 不再不再 v8.all the time总是;一直总是;一直v9.get tons of attentionv得到太多的关注得到太多的关注 v10.give up放弃放弃v11.fight on继续奋斗继续奋斗/v12.a number of 许多许多.Sentences 1、无论我到哪里总是引人关注。、无论我到哪里总是引人关注。I get tons of attention everywhere I go.2、我再也没有自己的私人时间了。、我再也没有自己的私人时间了。I dont have much private time anymore.3、总有保镖在我身边。、总有保镖在我身

8、边。There are always guards around me.4、放弃平常人的生活。、放弃平常人的生活。give up your normal life.5、你永远也想象不出成果的路是多么的、你永远也想象不出成果的路是多么的难。难。You can never imagine how difficult the road to success is.6、很多次我想放弃,但还是坚持了。、很多次我想放弃,但还是坚持了。Many times I thought about giving up, but I fought on._howCandyslifehaschanged_Candysad



11、文,理解课文内容,判断正误。v( )1.The writer interviewed 19-year-old Asian rock star Candy Wang.v( )2. Candy told the writer that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her fear.v( )3. Now Candy is not shy anymore and loves singing in front of the whole school.FFFv( )4. Candy didnt use to be p

12、opular in school, but now she gets too much attention everywhere she goes.v( ) 5.Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for Candy now because there are few guards around her.v( ) 6.You have to be prepared to give up your normal life if you want to be successful.TFTRead and remember the text,

13、then fill in the blanks.vFor this months Young World magazine, I 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. Candy told me that she to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her . As she got better, she to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. Now shes not shy and loves singi

14、ng in front of .v interviewedshynessdaredanymorecrowdsvI asked Candy how life was different after she became famous. She explained that there are many good things, like being able to travel and meet new people all the . “I didnt use to be popular in school, but now I get tons vof everywhere I go.” H

15、owever, too much attention can also be a bad thing. “I always have to worry about how I to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. And I dont have much time anymore. Hanging out with friends is almost impossible for me now because there are always around me.”timeattentionsappear

16、privateguardsvWhat does Candy have to say to all those young people who want to become ? “Well,” she begins slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your life. You can never imagine how difficult the to success is. Many times I thought about giving up, but I on. Youv really a lot of talent and ha

17、rd work to succeed. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.”famousnormalroadfoughtrequire根据短文内容,完成已给出首字母的单词,使短文内容通顺完整根据短文内容,完成已给出首字母的单词,使短文内容通顺完整vWe are very g 1 that Wang Ming has made great progress. He used to b 2 late for school and didnt listen to the teachers c 3 in class. After

18、 school,he liked p 4 computer games and watching TV. He didnt do his homework So his lessons were bad. He f 5 in many subjects. ladearefullylayailedvLi Ping is a good boy. He is g 6 at his lessons. He m 7 friends with Wang Ping. He helps him with his lessons and helps him w 8 out problems. Now,with

19、Li Pings help,Wang Ming has become i 9 in his lessons. He studies hard and finishes his homework on time. Besides,he gets on well with his classmates. From this,we know that its i 10 for us to help and learn from each other.oodakeorknterestedmportant1.tookupsingingtodealwithhershyness.takeup开始;从事开始;

20、从事 WhendidyoutakeupJapaneseasasecondforeignlanguage?你什么时间开始选修日语作为第二语言你什么时间开始选修日语作为第二语言?Heleftajobinthecitytotakeupfarming.他辞去城里的工作,开始务农。他辞去城里的工作,开始务农。LanguagepointsJackysmotherwassurprisedtoseeherson_allthefoodonthetablequickly.A.eatupB.lookupC.takeupD.giveup假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三假如你想从事这项工作,你必须先接受三个月的训练

21、。(个月的训练。(takeup)AIfyouwanttotakeupthisjob,youmustfirstreceivethreemonthstraining.takeup还有还有“接受接受(提议提议);占用占用”等意思等意思 Youshouldtakeupmysuggestionandstartsavingmoney.你应该接受我的建议你应该接受我的建议,开始存钱。开始存钱。IknowhowbusyyouareandIwouldnttakeuptoomuchofyourtime.我知道您忙,我不我知道您忙,我不会会占用您太多的时间。占用您太多的时间。知识拓展知识拓展takeoff脱掉;起飞



24、和dealwith dowith常与连接代词常与连接代词what连用,而连用,而dealwith常与连接副词常与连接副词how连用。如:连用。如:Idontknowhowtheydealwiththeproblem.=Idontknowwhattheydowiththeproblem.我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。知识链接知识链接用用dealwith或或dowith填空。填空。Canyoutellmehowto_it?Ireallydontknowwhatto_it.你怎么处理那台旧电视的?你怎么处理那台旧电视的?(两种翻译两种翻译)dealwithdowithH

25、owdidyoudealwiththeoldTVset?WhatdidyoudowiththeoldTVset?_didyou_yourpocketmoney?IsentittothechildreninSichuan.A.What;dealwithB.How;dotoC.What;dealtoD.How;dealwithD2.shedaredtosinginfrontofherclass,.dare在在这里用作实义动词。这里用作实义动词。dare用作实义动词时用作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化有时态和人称的变化,用用do、does或或did来构成否定句或疑问句。来构成否定句或疑问句。 Goa



28、;警卫 Theguardwontletyouinifyoudontshowhimyourpass. 如果你不出示通行证如果你不出示通行证,哨兵不会让你进去的。哨兵不会让你进去的。Alltheprisonersareundercloseguard. 所有的犯人都在严密的看守之下。所有的犯人都在严密的看守之下。Minersworeahelmetasaguardagainstfallingrocks.矿工头戴钢盔矿工头戴钢盔,防备落下的岩石。防备落下的岩石。guardv.守卫;保卫守卫;保卫 Thedogguardedthehouseagainststrangers.狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。狗










38、于应酬场合。require强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。提出的要求。request正式用词正式用词,指非常正式、有礼貌的请求指非常正式、有礼貌的请求或恳求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。意味。知识链接知识链接(2013江苏省扬州市江苏省扬州市)-Mr.Li,Icantunderstandeverythinginclass.- Dont worry! Ill _ the mainpointsattheend.A.recordB.reviewC.requireD.rememberB6.Onlyavery


40、项选择1.Heusedto_tobedlate,butnowhegoestobedearly.A.goesB.wentC.goingD.go2.Somepeopleliketosleepwiththewindow_.A.openB.opensC.openedD.closeDA3.Theoldmanlives_,buthedoesntfeel_.A.alone;aloneB.lonely;lonelyC.alone;lonelyD.lonely;alone4.Dontleavetheroom_thelighton.A.forB.withC.atD.aboutCB 5.Sheusedtowatch


42、意疑问句)Youusedtobeverystrong,_?4.Ialwaysgotosleepwithmybedroomlighton.(改为同义句改为同义句)WhenIgotosleep,Ialways_mybedroomlight_.usedntyoukeepondidntyou/v7.大量的:大量的:v plenty of ,a lot of ,lots of ,va quantity of ,quantities of,va supply of ,supplies of, a mass of, vmasses of可与可数名词和可与可数名词和不可数名词不可数名词连用连用 v a num

43、ber of ,a variety of , varieties of,v a good/great many 后接可数名词后接可数名词复数复数v a great amount of, amounts of ,va great/good deal of 后接不可数名词后接不可数名词 v a sum of 修饰货币修饰货币 v8.Preparev prepare sth.v prepare to do.v prepare sb sth.v prepare sb to do sthv prepare sb as n.v be prepared to do./be prepared of sth.v9. fight on go on keep on v move on walk on work on



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