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1、Warm upPlease count numbers from one to twenty.1 2 3 4 5one two three four five6 7 8 9 10six seven eight nine ten11 12 13eleven twelve thirteen14 15 16fourteen fifteen sixteen17 18 19seventeen eighteen nineteen1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819抢说数字抢说数字threethreetwotwoeleveneleveneighteeneighteen

2、sixteensixteentwentytwentyseventeenseventeenfivefiveeighteighttententwelvetwelvesixsixnineteennineteenfifteenfifteenfourfournineninesevensevenfourteenfourteenthirteenthirteenoneone20 21 22twenty twenty-one twenty-two30 40 50thirty forty fifty60 70 80 sixty seventy eighty90 ninety 100 one hundred整十表达

3、整十表达ten 10 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40fifty 50 sixty 60seventy 70 eighty 80ninety 90 one hundred 100102030405060708090100911253847566574839Lets count the numbers.zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteensixteen seventeen eighteen nineteentwenty th

4、irty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred Who can do it?1+2=2+2=3-3=8-5=Unit 10 An easy maths lessonTeacher : JennyDate : Oct 21st一堂容易的一堂容易的数学数学课课What is one plus two?Its three.Reviewplusis1 + 2 = 3onetwoplus isthreeWho can do maths?4+6=5+6=4+1=8+1=3+8=2+3+4=6+7=11105911913+=oneplustw

5、ois three1 + 2 = 3oneplusthree is four1 + 3 = 4+=twoplustwois four2 + 2 = 4+=threeplustwois five3 + 2 = 5+=Who can do maths?9-6=8-7=3-3=5-2=6-3=10-5=11-9=_What is three minus two?Its one.8 - 5 = 3eightfiveminusisthree3 - 3 = 0threethreeminusiszerosevenminusfouris three7 - 4 = 3-=sixminustwois four 6

6、 - 2 = 4-=twelveminus five is seven 12 - 5 = 7-=Who can do maths?9-6=8-7=3-3=5-2=6-3=10-5=11-9=+ +plusplus- -minusminusAn easy maths lesson 1 + 2 = 3 one plus two is three2 + 2 = 4 two plus two is four 3 3 = 0 three minus three is zero8 5 = 3 eight minus five is threeQuiz 1+2=3 One plus two is three

7、.2+3=5 Two plus three is five.3+4=7 Three plus four is seven.4+5=9 Four plus five is nine.5+6=11 Five plus six is eleven.6+7=13 Six plus seven is thirteen.7+8=15 Seven plus eight is fifteen.2+2=4 Two plus two is four.6+2=8 Six plus two is eight.5+3=8 Five plus three is eight.7+4=11 Seven plus four i

8、s eleven.8+5=13 Eight plus five is thirteen.9+6=15 Nine plus six is fifteen.10+7=17 ten plus seven is seventeen14-2=12 fourteen minus two is twelve13-5=7 thirteen minus five is seven15-8=7 fifteen minus eight is seven65-37=28 sixty-five minus thirty-seven is twenty-eight74-26=48 seventy-four minus t

9、wenty-six is forty-eight99-99=0 ninety-nine minus ninety-nine is zero7-3=4 Seven minus three is four.47-19=28 Forty-seven minus nineteen is twenty-eight.99-34=65 Ninety-nine minus thirty-four is sixty-five.97-61=36 Ninety-seven minus sixty-one is thirty-six.99-51=48 Ninety-nine minus fifty-one is fo

10、rty-eight.5-1=4 Five minus one is four.3.Lets say.l4 + 3 = l6 + 2 =l6 + 1 = l9 4 = l( ) 3 = 10l9 3 = four plus three is sevensix plus two is eightthirteen minus three is tennine minus three is sixsix plus one is sevennine minus four is five5.Look, think, draw and say.1)Choose one number in the air f

11、irst. How much do you need to make it 10?2)Find the missing numbers on the floor. Which numbers are missing?7.Lets chant.lOne, two, three, three, two, one.lCounting numbers is fun.lFour, five, six, six, five, four.lOpen the windows and close the door.lSeven, eight, nine, nine, eight, seven.lSeven bo

12、ys names are called “Steven”.lTen, ten, ten, ten, ten, ten.lTen children want to count them again.8.Word total puzzles.TIGER is worth 20+9+7+5+18=59ANT is worth 1+14+20=35Can you find an animal worth less than ANT?Can you find an animal worth more than TIGER?giraffe = snake =horse =hippo =elephant =

13、bee =Homework1.抄写数字0、10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90、100和 plus、minus 各“8+1”遍 。2.报听写数字0到20在家庭本上。签字。3.用英文写出下列数学题的英文表示。 (1)12+8= (3) 9+7= ( 2)7+10= (4) 5+6=Maths is fun.Three, two, one.Maths is easy.But we are busy.容易容易繁忙繁忙pingpong ballpingpong ball乒乓球乒乓球I Ive got ve got one.one.ve got = have got 有有I Ive go

14、t ve got two.two.I Ive got ve got one.one.I Ive got ve got two.two.I Ive got ve got one.one.Please Please givegive me me allall the pingpong balls. the pingpong balls.给给所有的所有的Hey, Hey, take away take away five oranges.five oranges.拿走拿走LetsLets countcount. .lets = let us让我们让我们数数数数ue e/ ju: /2.Listen,

15、 look, point and say.mute huge fume cute duke tube fuse tune 哑巴哑巴巨大的巨大的冒烟冒烟可爱的可爱的公爵公爵管子管子保险丝保险丝曲子曲子 nude lute mule puke Sound practise. Sound practise. 发音练习发音练习Homework1.抄写单词“4+1”遍,句子“2+1”遍。单词:maths count plus minus easy busy fun give all take away 句子:Maths is fun. Were busy. Take away five oranges. 2.读音标里的单词各10遍。读课文6遍,签已读。3.课堂宝一张。



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