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1、CONFIDENTIALFrequently Used Template TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText2X2 CUBEDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source12X2 TOWERUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source25PS MARKETINGUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source3StrategySkillsSystemsStaffShared valuesStructureStyle7SUnit of measure*

2、FootnoteSource: Source4ARROW 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source5CUBES1 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source6CUBES2 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source7CUBES3 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source8TextTextTextTextCUTOUT 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source9New entrantSuppli

3、ersBuyersSubstitutesFORCES AT WORKUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source10TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextJOINTUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source11TextTextTextTextLEVEL SEPARATE 4Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source12TextTextTextLINEAR A 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source13Te

4、xtTextTextTextLINEAR B 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source14TextTextTextLINEAR C 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source15TextTextTextLINEAR D 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source16TextTextTextTextLINEAR E 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source17TextTextTextLINEAR G 3DUnit of measure

5、* FootnoteSource: Source18TextTextLINEAR I 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source19TextTextTextTextLINEAR J 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source20TextLINEAR N 3DTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source21TextTextTextLINEAR P 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source22LINEAR Q 3DTex

6、tTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source23TextTextLINEAR Q 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source24PlanImplementSupportLINKS 3Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source25PERSPECTIVE 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source26TextTextTextPROPELLER 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source27RINGS

7、3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source28TextSCALETextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source29TextTextSCALESUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source30TextTextTextTextTextTextSIZES INUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source31SPIRAL1 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source32SpiralBrakesTube in tube

8、SPIRAL2 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source33TextTextTextTextSPOTLIGHTUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source34TextTextTextTextTextTextSTAIRCASEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source35STARS 3DUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source36TextTextWIRE CUBESUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source37T

9、extTextTextTextTextTextTextARROWSUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source38LEVEL 1TextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source39LEVEL 2TextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source40LEVEL 3TextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source41LEVEL 4TextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: So

10、urce42LEVEL 5TextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source43LEVEL 6TextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source44FLOW 2TextHeaderHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source45TextFLOW 2 TITLETextHeaderHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source46FLOW 3Text

11、HeaderHeaderTextHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source47TextFLOW 3 TITLETextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source48FLOW 4TextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source49TextFLOW 4 TITLETextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderTextTextUni

12、t of measure* FootnoteSource: Source50FLOW 5TextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderHeaderTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source51TextFLOW 5 TITLETextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderHeaderTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source52FLOW 6TextTextHeaderHeaderHeaderHeaderHeaderTextTextTextHe

13、aderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source53TextFLOW 6 TITLETextTextHeaderHeaderHeaderHeaderHeaderTextTextTextHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source54BLADESTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source55BOXTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source56BOXTextText

14、TextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source57CYCLE 1TextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source58CYCLE 2TextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source59CYCLE 3TextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source60CYCLE 4TextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source61CYCLE 5Text

15、TextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source62CYCLE 6TextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source63CYCLE 7TextTextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source64CYCLE 8TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source65TextINCOMINGTex

16、tTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source66RIBBONTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source67RINGTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source68UPON 2TextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source69CONTINUOUSTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measu

17、re* FootnoteSource: Source70CUTOUTTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source71LINEAR ATextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source72LINEAR BTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source73LINEAR CTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source74LINEAR DTextTextTextUn

18、it of measure* FootnoteSource: Source75LINEAR ETextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source76LINEAR FTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source77LINEAR GTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source78LINEAR HTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source79LINEAR IT

19、extTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source80LINEAR JTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source81LINEAR KTextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source82LINEAR NTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source83LINEAR PTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSour

20、ce: Source84LINEAR QTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source85PROPELLERTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source86STEP 5TextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source87TextTextTextText2 ON 1Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source88TextTextTextTextTextTextAGAINSTUnit of

21、measure* FootnoteSource: Source89TextTextTextTextTextAT WORKUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source90TextTextCOUPLED HORIZUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source91TextTextCOUPLED VERTUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source92TextTextTextTextFOCUSEDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source93New entrantS

22、uppliersIndustry competitorsBuyersSubstitutesFORCES AT WORKUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source94TextTextTextPARALLELUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source95TextTextTextTextSPLITUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source96TextSURROUNDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source97TextTextTWISTEDUnit of m

23、easure* FootnoteSource: Source98TextTextUP & AWAYUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source99TextTextUP & DOWNUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source100The way managerscollectively behave with respect to useof time, attention,and symbolic actions The people in the organization, consideredin terms of co

24、rporate demographics, not individual personalitiesThe organization chart and accompanying baggage that show who reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated Those ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior) which are typical of the organization

25、and common to most of its members The processes and procedures through which things get donefrom day to day A coherent setof actions aimedat gaining asustainableadvantage over competition Capabilitiespossessed bythe organizationas a whole asdistinct from theindividuals. Some companies perform extrao

26、rdinaryfeats withordinary peopleStaffSystemsStyleSharedValuesStructureSkillsStrategy2S-5SUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source101CustomerClientsDistributorsCompetitorsSuppliers3CS TRIANGLEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source102SkillsSharedvaluesStrategyStaffStructureSystemsStyleA coherent set o

27、factions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantageover competition The organization chart andaccompanying baggage that showwho reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integrated The people in the organization,considered interms of corporatedemographics, notindividual personalities The w

28、ay managers collectively behave with respect to use of time, attention and symbolic actions The processes and proceduresthrough which things get donefrom day-to-dayThose ideas of what is rightand desirable (in corporateand/or individual behavior)which are typical of theorganization and commonto most

29、 of its members Capabilitiespossessed bythe organizationas a whole asdistinct fromthe individuals.Some companiesperform extraordinaryfeats with ordinary people3S-4SUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source103StyleStructureStaffStrategySystemsSkillsShared valuesThe way managers collectively behave with

30、 respect to use of time,attention and symbolic actionsCapabilities possessed by the organization as a whole as distinct from the individuals. Some companies perform extraordinary feats with ordinary peopleThose ideas of what is right and desirable (in corporate and/or individual behavior)which are t

31、ypical of theorganization and commonto most of its membersThe processes and and procedures through which things get donefrom day-to-dayThe organization chart and accompanying baggage that showwho reports to whom and how tasks are both divided up and integratedThe people in theorganization, considere

32、d in terms of corporate demographics, notindividual personalitiesA coherent set of actions aimed at gaining a sustainable advantage over competition7SUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source104Competitive positionLowMediumHighProduct/market attractivenessLowMediumHighBUSS PORTFOLIOUnit of measure* Fo

33、otnoteSource: Source105Change visionChief ExecutiveLeadership groupsDown the lineExternal constitutionCommitmentConvictionCourageCapabilityIndividual activityEnabling devicesCHANGE BOARDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source106 Delta Delta P P Vision andLeadershipOrganizationalInfrastructurePerform

34、anceMeasurementPeopleDevelopmentCommunicationsProblem SolvingProcessClient managers (particularly middle management) haveskill to lead programimplementationChange in actual behaviorAction plans sufficient to achieve goalsAgreement on objectives by line managementManagement of high-involvement proces

35、sImplementation ornear implementationof required structureand systemsFlow of 2-way communicationsPeoples understanding, belief and contribution to act on vision and action plansAccurate measurementof action and resultsClear accountabilitiesEarly winsVisible demonstrationof new vision andvalues by cl

36、ientleadershipDELTA PUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source107Natural owner Relative ability to extract value Low Medium Value-creation potential in business unit High Corporatecenter skillsBusiness unit linkagesTaxation/valuationdifferences Industry attractivenessCompetitive positionRestructuring/

37、rationalization opportunities“One of the pack” Retain andgive toppriorityRetain andgive priorityRetain andmanage forcode orliquidate Probablydivest DivestDivest orliquidate MACSUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source108Business StrategyManufacturing StrategyConfigurationSystemsResearchFocusLaborPoli

38、cyProductDesignMakevs.BuyOrganizationProcessDesignMANUFACTURING STRATEGYUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source109Restructuring framework 1 5 4 3 2 PENTAGONUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source110Benefit Price Competitivedisadvantage Competitiveadvantage PRICE BENEFITUnit of measure* FootnoteSourc

39、e: Source111Appraise performanceand prospects Developstrategy Redesignpivotal jobs Design the skillbuilding process Assess changereadiness Top downaction programs Bottom up action programs 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 3 SMILE CHARTUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source1123.Create andpursue a uniqueadvantage 2.Res

40、egment the market to create a niche4.Exploit uniqueadvantageindustrywide 1.Do more andbetter of thesameWhen tocompete STRAT GAMEBOARDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source113Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Value system Strategic manage-mentExternally orientated planningForecast based planningBudget

41、 planningMeet budget and schedulePredict the futureThink strategicallyCreate the futureSTRAT MANAGEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source114Selling margin ContributionSalesSelling rateSalesAvailable selling time EffectivenessContribution Available selling time Productivity ContributionTotal selling

42、 costsEfficiencyAvailable selling timeTotal selling costsUtilizationAvailable selling timeTotal sales time Support intensitySupport costsTotal selling costsSupport leverageTotal sales timeSupport costsTREE PRODUCTIVITYUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source115MaximizeshareholdervalueGrowthroughcultu

43、ralinitiativeRedeployassetsImprove corebusinessperformanceGrow throughacquisitionand/or mergerAdopt soundfinancingapproachVALUE CREATIONUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source116Real Perceived Clients relative ability to extract valueCorporate center skillsLinkages between business unitsFinancial ow

44、nership fitIndustry restructureInternal controllerShared resourcesTransfer of capabilityVertical integrationDifferences in tax positionExistence of non-cases objectivesInefficiencies in financial marketsDifference in valuation techniqueVALUE SOURCESUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source117GANTT10He

45、aderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source118GANTT15HeaderText#Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source119TextTextVENN 2Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source120TextTextTextVENN 3Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source121CONFIDENTIALFrequently Used Template Data DrivenTemplate June 2002 This re

46、port is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a comple

47、te record of the discussion.Label 1Label 2Label 3AREAUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source123Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5BARUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source124Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TitleUnit of measureTitleUnit of measureBAR 2Unit of me

48、asure* FootnoteSource: Source125Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5BAR BUTTEDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source126Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000SeriesSeriesBAR STACKEDSeriesUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source127Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000100%=Serie

49、sSeriesBAR STACKED 100%SeriesUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source128TitleUnit of measureTitleUnit of measureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Label 6BUBBLEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source129Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5COLUMNUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source130Label 1 Label 2

50、Label 3 Label 4 Label 5Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Label 5TitleUnit of measureTitleUnit of measureCOLUMN 2Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source131Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5COLUMN BUTTEDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source132Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5 SeriesSeriesSeriesSeri

51、es000000000000000COLUMN STACKEDUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source133Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=000000000000000COLUMN STACKED 100%Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source134TitleUnit of measureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TitleUnit of measure100% = 000Se

52、riesSeriesSeriesSeriesLabel 1COMBO PIE SEGMENT COLUMNUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source135TitleUnit of measureTitleUnit of measureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5COST CURVEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source136TitleUnit of measureTitleUnit of measureDUAL COLUMN LINEUnit of measure* Footn

53、oteSource: Source137TitleUnit of measureTitleUnit of measureDUAL LINEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source138Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4LINEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source139Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5PIEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source140TitleUnit of measureLabel 1Label 2L

54、abel 3Label 4Label 5TitleUnit of measureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5PIE 2Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source141RANGE HIGH LOWUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source142SCATTER X & YUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source143WATERFALL BARLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure* Fo

55、otnoteSource: Source144WATERFALL COLUMNLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source145CONFIDENTIALFrequently Used Template Named ObjectsTemplate June 2002 This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for d

56、istribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.ARROWSUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source147DISCLAIMERS CLIENTThis report is

57、 solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company.Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source148DISCLAIMERS INTERNALThis report contains information that

58、is confidential and proprietary to McKinsey & Company and is solely for the use of McKinsey & Company personnel. No part of it may be used, circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside McKinsey & Company. If you are not the intended recipient of this report, you are hereby notified tha

59、t the use, circulation, quoting, or reproducing of this report is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source149DISCLAIMERS PRESENTATIONThis report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution o

60、utside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source150LEGENDSLegendLegendLegendUnit of measure* FootnoteS

61、ource: Source151MCKINSEY LOGOUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source152MISCUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source153MOONSLegendLegendLegendLowMediumHighLowMediumHighUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source154STICKERILLUSTRATIVECONFIDENTIALESTIMATEEXAMPLEFOR DISCUSSION ONLYFOR DISCUSSIONPRELIMINARYDR


63、 FootnoteSource: Source156WORLD MAPUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source157CONFIDENTIALFrequently Used Template TextTemplate June 2002 This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization with

64、out prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.PPT TABLE 2HeadingHeadingTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source159PPT TABLE 3HeadingHeadingHeadingTextTextTextUnit of m

65、easure* FootnoteSource: Source160PPT TABLE 4HeadingHeadingHeadingHeadingTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source161PPT TABLE 5HeadingHeadingHeadingHeadingHeadingTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source162PPT TABLE 6HeadingHeadingHeadingHeadingHeadingHeadingTextTextT

66、extTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source163CONFIDENTIALFrequently Used Template SEO VA Template June 2002 This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written

67、 approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextText165Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Text Title Text 166Unit of measure

68、* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Text Title Text Text167EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Text Text TextText168EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Text Text Text169EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTitle Title 170EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTitle Titl

69、e Title 1712 COLUMN * FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTitleTextText1723 COLUMN* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTextTitleTextTitleText1734 COLUMN* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleText1745 COLUMN* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleText1756 COLUMN* FootnoteSour

70、ce: SourceTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleText1767 COLUMN* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTextTitleTitle1778 COLUMN* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText1783-STEP TextTextTextTextTex

71、tTextText1794-STEPTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText1805-STEPTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText1813 HORIZONTAL Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText1824 HORIZONTALUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText

72、1835 HORIZONTALUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText1844-STEP Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText185FLOW 2TextHeaderHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source186FLOW 2 TITLEUnit of measure* Footn

73、oteSource: SourceTextHeaderHeaderTextText187FLOW 3TextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source188FLOW 3 TITLEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderTextText189FLOW 4TextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source190FL

74、OW 4 TITLEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderTextTextText191FLOW 5TextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderHeaderTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source192FLOW 5 TITLEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderHeaderHeaderTextTextTextText1

75、93HORIZONTAL FLOW 3Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTitleTextTextText194HORIZONTAL FLOW 4Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText195HORIZONTAL FLOW 5Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTitleTextTextTextTextTextTitleTextText

76、TextTextText196HORIZONTAL FLOW 6Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTitleTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText197HORIZONTAL FLOW 7Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTitleTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTe

77、xtText198FLOW WITH SHOCK 1TextHeaderHeaderTextHeaderTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTitle199FLOW WITH SHOCK 2Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceHeaderHeaderHeaderTitleTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText200FLOW WITH 3 COLUMN * FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextText

78、TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText201FLOW WITH 2 COLUMN* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText202SQUARE FLOW Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText203FRAMEWORK Unit of measure* Foo

79、tnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText204Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Title TextText205Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle TextTitle Text206Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle TextTitle TextTitle TextTitle Text207xxxxxTitle TextTitle TextTitle TextTitle

80、 Text208Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: Source Title Title Title 209Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle TextTitle TextTitle 210Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextText211Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText212SCP * F

81、ootnoteSource: SourcexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxerformancetructureonductExternal shockSCP213Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText214Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText215Unit of measure* Foo

82、tnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText216Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTitle TextTitle TextTitle TextTitle TextTitle TextText217Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTex

83、tTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText218Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTitle 219* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTitleTitleTitleTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText220TEAM STRUCTURE * FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Title Client McKinsey Expert

84、 group 221Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextText222Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextText223Title TextTitle TextTitle TextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Title Title 224Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle Title TextTitle TextTitle TextTitle TextTit

85、le Title 225Title TextTitle TextTitle TextTitle Title 226Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText227Sub titleSub titleRisk management Title 228Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText229CYCLE 2TextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextText230CYC

86、LE 2TextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextText231CYCLE 3TextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextText232CYCLE 3TextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextText233CYCLE 4TextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText234CYCLE 4Text

87、TextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText235CYCLE 5TextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextText236CYCLE 5TextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextText237CYCLE 6TextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* Foot

88、noteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextText238CYCLE 6TextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextText239FORCES AT WORKUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText2402 BY 2 MATRIXUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceHighLowHig

89、hLowTextTextTextTextTextText241TextLowMediumHighTextLowHigh2 BY 3 MATRIXUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextText242TextLowMediumHighTextLowMediumHigh3 BY 3 MATRIXUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText2434 BY 3 MATRIXUnit of measure* Footnot

90、eSource: SourceTextLowMediumHighText1234TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText2444 BY 3 MATRIXUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceText1234Text234TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText1TextTextTextText245STUDY OBJECTIVEUnit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextText

91、246TextTextLEVEL 03Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText247TextTextTextLEVEL 04Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextText248TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextLEVEL 09Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText249GANTT 4 WEEK Unit o

92、f measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText250Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText251Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText252Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextT

93、extTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText253Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1234Text1234Text1234Text1234Text254Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1234Text1234Text1234Text1234Text1234Text255Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTex

94、tTextText1234Text1234Text1234Text1234Text1234Text1234Text256Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text257Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3

95、4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text258Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text259Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2

96、 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text260Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text1 2 3 4Text261Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextT

97、extTextText12345678Text9101112262Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextText12345678Text9 10 11 12 12345678Text9 10 11 12263Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextMonTueWedThuFriTextResponsibility 264Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTextTextTextTextResponsibility MT

98、WTFTextMTWTFText265* FootnoteSource: SourceTextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure266* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextUnit of measureTextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Text267* FootnoteSource: SourceTextLabel 1La

99、bel 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure268* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextUnit of measureTextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Text269* FootnoteSourc

100、e: SourceTextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure270* FootnoteSource: SourceTextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Labe

101、l 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure271* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextTextUnit of measure272* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextTextTextUnit of measure273* Foot

102、noteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextTextTextTextUnit of measure274* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure275EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label TextTitleMeasure L

103、abel Label Label Label Label Label Label Label TextTitleMeasure Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label TextUnit of measure276EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Label 6TitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Label 6TitleMeasure Label

104、1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Label 6TitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Label 6Unit of measure277EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label TextTitleMeasure Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label TextTitleMeasure Label Label

105、 Label Label Label Label Label Label TextTitleMeasure Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label TextUnit of measure278EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure279EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTextLa

106、bel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Unit of measure280EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextUnit of measure281EXHIBIT T

107、ITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5TitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5Unit of measure282EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextTitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextTitleMeasure Label 1Label 2Labe

108、l 3Label 4TextUnit of measure283EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleTitleMeasureMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextTitleTitleMeasureMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextTitleTitleMeasureMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextTitleTitleMeasureMeasure Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4TextUni

109、t of measure284EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTitleMeasure TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTitleMeasure TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextTitleMeasure TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure285Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle (Meas

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112、extTextTextText287ROIC TREE ANALYSISPercent Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title Title 288EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTextSeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000TextSeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100

113、%=Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000Unit of measure289EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceUnit of measureSeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000TextSeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000TextSeriesSeries

114、SeriesSeries100%=Label 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5000000000000000Text290EXHIBIT TITLE* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasure SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Text000000000000000000000000TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTitleMeasure SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Text000000000000000000000000TextTextTextTextTextT

115、extTextTitleMeasure SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Text000000000000000000000000TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTitleMeasure SeriesSeriesSeriesSeries100%=Text000000000000000000000000TextTextTextTextTextTextTextUnit of measure291Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4

116、Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxx292Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasure293Unit

117、of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasureLabel 1Label 2Label 3Label 4Label 5100% = xxxxTitleMeasure294Unit of measure* FootnoteSource

118、: SourceTitleMeasureTitleMeasure295Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasureTitleMeasureTitleMeasure296Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasureTitleMeasureTitleMeasureTitleMeasure297Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitleMeasureTextTitleMeasure298Unit of measure* FootnoteSo

119、urce: SourceTitleMeasureTitleMeasureTitleMeasureTitleMeasure299Unit of measure* FootnoteSource: SourceTitle (Measure)TitleMeasureTitle (Measure)Title (Measure)Title (Measure)300STICKER AND OTHERS EXAMPLEESTIMATEPROPOSEDCONCEPTUALPRELIMINARYROUGH ESTIMATETO BE COMPLETEDONLY FOR DISCUSSIONWORK IN PROG




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