高中英语 3.1练习课件 外研版必修1 (陕西专版)

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1、Section Introduction & Reading and VocabularyStep One:Warming upWhat do you know about Australia?What is it famous for? _答案:答案:It is home to Koala Bear,Kangaroo.It is famous for Sydney Opera House.Step Two:Fast reading Read the text (P23) quickly and answer the following questions.1How long did it t

2、ake the writer to travel from Sydney to Alice Springs by train?_答案:答案:Two days and nights.2Why did Australians stop riding horses for travelling a long distance?_答案:答案:Because the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.Step Three:Careful reading.Read the text carefully and choose the best answer

3、s.1The sentence“And what a ride!” in the first paragraph means that_.Athe writer enjoyed the long journeyBthe writer was made too tired from the long rideCthat was a long and dangerous journeyDhe had nothing to see but desert答案:答案:A2The whole passage mainly tells us_.Athe importance of the desert in

4、 AustraliaBhorses are of no use in travelling in a desertCits cruel to kill thousands of camelsDthe transport to the middle of Australia答案:答案: D3Which is the right order of the following things?aA new railway line was built and the camels were no longer used.bAustralians needed a way to travel to th

5、e middle of the country.cAustralians trained camels to carry food and other supplies.dThey tried riding horses to travel.Abdca BdbacCacbd Dcabd答案:答案: A4Australians used to travel on camels for_.Abusiness BshoppingCfarming Dpleasure答案:答案: A5The writer talked a lot about camels in the text because_.At

6、hey played an important part in Australian lifeBshe was planning to travel on a camelCshe wanted to speak highly of the animalsDshe wanted to explain why the train was called Ghan答案:答案: D.Read the text again and do True (T) or False (F) exercises.1The police shot the camels with the permission of th

7、e government.()2It was in 1935 that a law which allowed people to shoot camels was passed in Australia.()3On the train,Alice still studied.()4They used camels instead of horses because horses are not good at traveling a long distance.()5The government built a new railway line in 1925.()答案:答案:1.T2.F3

8、.T4.T5.FStep Four:SummaryRecently I had my first ride on a longdistance train.The train was wonderful and we ate great meals cooked by 1._!For the first few hundred kilometers of the 2._,the 3._was very colorful.We first saw fields with dark red 4._,5._with no green things on and then 6._farms which

9、 were built over a century ago.On the train I sometimes talked to other 7._.Our train is called the Ghan,why?I know that in order to get to the middle of the country,they bought some camels from Afghanistan.Ghan is short 8._Afghanistan.For many years,9._camels carried food and other supplies,and ret

10、urned with wool and other 10._.The Afghans and their camels did this until the 1920s.Then the government built a new railway line,so they didnt need the camels any more.答案:答案:1.experts2.journey3.scenery4.soil5.desert6.abandoned7.passengers8.for9.trained10.productsdistance n距离距离in the distance在在远处,在,

11、在远方方(较远处)at a distance在在远处,从,从远处(较近近处)at/from a distance of在距在距的地方的地方 (课文原句文原句P21)I first travelled a long distance by train when I was six years old.当我六当我六岁的的时候,第一次坐火候,第一次坐火车进行了行了长距离的旅行。距离的旅行。I could see the bus coming in the distance.我看我看见公共汽公共汽车从从远处开开过来了。来了。The picture looks better at/from a dist

12、ance.这幅画离幅画离远点看好看一些。点看好看一些。Whats the distance from Bejing to Taiyuan?从北京到太原多从北京到太原多远?within walking/driving distance走路走路/开开车去就可以去就可以keep sb.at a distancekeep ones distance from与与保持一定的距离保持一定的距离 His house is within walking distance of the hospital.他家离医院只有几步路他家离医院只有几步路远。Youd better keep your distance f

13、rom the dog.Its dangerous.你最好离那条狗你最好离那条狗远点。它很危点。它很危险。1.You can see the ancient ruins_a distance of 10 miles.AinBatCby Dto解析:解析:at a distance of在在距离。距离。答案:答案:B2We walked along the seashore and saw a ship_.Afrom that distance Bin the distanceCat a distance of Din a distance解析:解析:句意为:我们沿着海边走,看见远处有一艘船。句

14、意为:我们沿着海边走,看见远处有一艘船。in the distance在远处,符合句意。在远处,符合句意。答案:答案:Bjourney n旅程;旅行旅程;旅行(课文原句文原句P23)For the first few hundred kilometres of the journey,the scenery was very clourful.在旅程的前几百公里,在旅程的前几百公里,风景是非常多姿多彩的。景是非常多姿多彩的。It is one days journey to get to the seaside.到海到海滨要一天的旅程。要一天的旅程。go on journey去旅行去旅行be

15、on a journey在旅行中在旅行中have a good /pleasant journey一路一路顺风 I wish you a pleasant journey!祝你旅途愉快!祝你旅途愉快!3.We havent seen Mr Smith,for he is away_a journey.Afrom BwithCon Din解析:解析:考查固定搭配。考查固定搭配。on a journey在旅行。句意为:我们没在旅行。句意为:我们没有见到史密斯先生,因为他外出旅行去了。有见到史密斯先生,因为他外出旅行去了。答案:答案:Cscenery n风景,景色景,景色(课文原句文原句P23)Fo

16、r the first few hundred kilometres of the journey,the scenery was very colourful.在旅程的前几百公里,在旅程的前几百公里,风景是非常富有色彩的。景是非常富有色彩的。 They went to the countryside to enjoy the scenery.他他们去去乡村欣村欣赏风景。景。辨析:辨析:scenery,scene,sight与与viewscenery指某一地区的指某一地区的“整个风景整个风景”是是由多个由多个scene构成的景色构成的景色Scene指指“一眼可以浏览的风景一眼可以浏览的风景”,

17、但多半包括其中的人物、动作但多半包括其中的人物、动作和行为和行为Sight“风景,名胜风景,名胜”,常用复数形,常用复数形式,指人文景观式,指人文景观View指在远处或高处以人的角度看指在远处或高处以人的角度看到的到的scenery的一部分的一部分The sunrise is a beautiful scene.日出是一幅美景。日出是一幅美景。Come and see the sights of London.来看看来看看伦敦的名敦的名胜。We can get a very good view of the sea from the top of the tower.从塔从塔顶我我们可以看到非

18、常好的海景。可以看到非常好的海景。4.To enjoy the_,Irene would rather spend long hours on the train than travel by air.AsightBviewCscenery Dscene解析:解析:scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色,是不可数名词。色,是不可数名词。sight指指“景色景色”时为可数名词,往往指眼见时为可数名词,往往指眼见的景色,如供人游览的的景色,如供人游览的“美景美景”或或“名胜名胜”,尤指人工制成的景,尤指人工制成的景色;色;view通常指

19、自然景色,或指从远处或高处看到的景观、景物;通常指自然景色,或指从远处或高处看到的景观、景物;scene所表达的景色常是所表达的景色常是scenery的一部分,常指自然景色,也可指的一部分,常指自然景色,也可指舞台的场景。舞台的场景。答案:答案:Cabandoned adj.被被遗弃的弃的(课文原句文原句P23)We saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years ago.我我们看到一些一百多年前建造的看到一些一百多年前建造的现已已废弃的弃的农场。The police didnt go near the abando

20、ned car.警方没有接近那警方没有接近那辆废弃的汽弃的汽车。An abandoned baby was found outside Toms house last night.一个弃一个弃婴昨晚在昨晚在汤姆的家姆的家门外被外被发现了。了。abandon vt.抛弃,抛弃,遗弃,放弃弃,放弃 We had to abandon the car and walked the rest of the way.我我们只好弃只好弃车,步行剩下的路。,步行剩下的路。The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.那个残忍的男人抛弃了妻儿。那个残忍的男人抛弃了妻儿。

21、5.He got lost in a(n)_village and he could not ask anybody for help.Apeaceful BattractiveCordinary Dabandoned解析:解析:该句意为:该句意为:“在一个废弃的村庄他迷路了,无法向任在一个废弃的村庄他迷路了,无法向任何人求助。何人求助。”答案:答案:Drefer to (1)指的是;涉及指的是;涉及(课文原句文原句P21)Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport.有些有些动词不止是指一种交通方式。不止是指一

22、种交通方式。When I said someone was foolish,I wasnt referring to you.当我当我说有些人很愚蠢有些人很愚蠢时,我并不是指你。,我并不是指你。(2)提及;提起提及;提起Dont refer to this matter,please.请不要再提不要再提这件事了。件事了。(3)查阅;参考;咨;参考;咨询We often refer to these books in our study.我我们在学在学习中中经常参考常参考这些些书。When you meet some new words,you can refer to your diction

23、ary.遇到遇到生生词时,你可以,你可以查词典。典。(4)将将称称为California is referred to as the “Golden State”加利福尼加利福尼亚被称做被称做“黄金之州黄金之州”。6.It was foolish of him to_his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.Astick to Brefer toCkeep to Dpoint to解析:解析:句意为:在那次重要考试中他竟愚蠢地看他的笔记,他因此而句意为:在那次重要考试中他竟愚蠢地看他的笔记,他因此而

24、受到了惩罚。受到了惩罚。refer to参考,查阅。参考,查阅。答案:答案:Bbe short for 是是的的缩写写/简称称(课文原句文原句P23)Ghan is short for Afghanistan.“Ghan”是阿富汗的是阿富汗的缩写。写。“PRC” is short for “the Peoples Republic of China”The letters “PRC” are short for “the Peoples Republic of China”“PRC”是中是中华人民共和国的人民共和国的缩写。写。be short of缺少缺少for short简称称in shor

25、t总之之 The school is short of teachers.这个学校缺少老个学校缺少老师。7.用适当的介用适当的介词填空填空_short,we cannot please everyone all the time. According to some scientists,well be short_energy in the near future. We call the United Kingdom of Britain and the Northern Ireland the “UK”_short.答案:答案:Inoffor8As is known to us,WTO

26、is short_the World Trade Organization.Aof BtoCas Dfor解析:解析:be short for是是的缩写。的缩写。答案:答案:DReading in English is one of the fastest ways of improving your English.用英用英语阅读是帮你提高英是帮你提高英语的最快的方式之一。的最快的方式之一。Reading in English为v.ing形式作主形式作主语,当,当v.ing形式作主形式作主语时,谓语动词用用单数形式。数形式。Driving a car during the rush hour

27、 is boring.在交通高峰在交通高峰时刻开刻开车令人令人厌烦。 Learning English well is very useful to us.学好英学好英语对我我们很有用。很有用。9._morning exercise every day is good for our health.ADoing BTo doCDone DBeing done解析:解析:此题考查动词此题考查动词ing形式作主语,该句意为:形式作主语,该句意为:“每天早晨每天早晨锻炼身体有益于健康。锻炼身体有益于健康。”答案:答案:AWhen you read,the most important thing t

28、o do is to understand the main ideas.阅读时,最重要的是理解大意。,最重要的是理解大意。 (1)句中句中to do为不定式作定不定式作定语修修饰the most important thing。当名当名词或一些代或一些代词前有序数前有序数词the first,the second或或the last,the only等或有最高等或有最高级修修饰时,其后用不定式作定,其后用不定式作定语,另外,若被修,另外,若被修饰词为不定代不定代词如如much,little,anything,everything,something等等时,也通常用不定式作定,也通常用不定式作

29、定语。She likes to listen to Mr Lis lessons,so she is always the first to come and the last to leave.她喜她喜欢听李老听李老师的的课,因此她,因此她总是第一个来最后一个走。是第一个来最后一个走。I have something important to tell you.我有重要事情要告我有重要事情要告诉你。你。(2)to understand the main ideas是不定式作表是不定式作表语,该句中,句中,to可省略,可省略,当主当主语部分有部分有实义动词do的某种形式的某种形式时,作表,作表

30、语的不定式的不定式to do可以省可以省略略to。What I want to do now is to have a good sleep.我我现在想做的就是好好睡一在想做的就是好好睡一觉。 What they wanted was to earn enough money.他他们的想法是的想法是挣足足够多的多的钱。10.Finally we finished the task.I think what we can do now is_.Arelax BrelaxedCto relaxing Drelaxing解析:解析:relax作表语,前面省略了作表语,前面省略了to。答案:答案:AT

31、hen the government built a new railway line,so they didnt need the camels any more.后来政府修筑了一条新后来政府修筑了一条新铁路,因此,他路,因此,他们不再需要不再需要骆驼了。了。not.any more不再不再He still smoked,but he didnt drink any more.他他还是抽烟,但是不再喝酒了。是抽烟,但是不再喝酒了。I made a mistake,but Im sure I wont do it any more.我做了我做了错事,但我确信以后再也不会了。事,但我确信以后再也

32、不会了。11.完成句子完成句子我今后再也不干我今后再也不干这种蠢事了。种蠢事了。I_do such stupid things_.答案:答案:wont;any more12Will you give this message to Mr White,please?Sorry,I cant.He_.Adoesnt any more work hereBdoesnt any longer here workCdoesnt work any more hereDdoesnt work here any longer解析:解析:not.any longer/any more中,中,any longer

33、/any more要置于句要置于句末,因此选末,因此选D。答案:答案:D.单词拼写单词拼写1We were struck by the beauty of the West Lake,so we stopped to admire the beautiful_(风景景)答案:答案:scenery2Children should be_(训练) from an early age in table manners.答案:答案: trained3Some_(专家家) think that language learning is much easier for children as their

34、tongues are more flexible.答案:答案: experts4_(骆驼) are much better than horses for travelling in the desert area.答案:答案: Camels5The_(被被遗弃的弃的) disabled children should be taken good care of by the whole society.答案:答案: abandoned6The d_from the farm to the town is five kilometres.答案:答案: distance7I didnt sle

35、ep until m_last night for drinking too much black coffee.答案:答案: midnight8This summer I will make a long j_from Beijing to Guangzhou.答案:答案: journey.短语翻译短语翻译1get _上上(车、船等、船等)2get _下下(车、船等、船等)3take _ (飞机机)起起飞4_ the distance 在在远处5_ the coast 在沿海在沿海6be short _是是的的缩写写/简称称7_ sb.to do sth. 允允许某人做某事某人做某事onof

36、foffinonfor allow.完成句子完成句子1The way you thought of_ _ _ _(修理修理车) helped us a lot.答案:答案:to repair the car 2Harry Potter usually_ _(上上车) the magic bus to school.答案:答案: gets on3She _(遗弃了弃了) her husband and her children.答案:答案: abandoned 4_ _ _ _(不不许抽烟抽烟) in the meeting room.答案:答案: Smoking is not allowed5The music reminded me of_ _ _(快快乐景象景象) in my childhood.答案:答案: the happy scenes 6If you dont know a word,you can_ _(查阅) a dictionary.答案:答案: refer to7_ _ _ _ _(晚晚饭后散步后散步) is one of the ways to keep healthy.答案:答案: Taking a walk after supper8Auto_ _ _(是是的的缩写写) automobile.答案:答案: is short for练规范、练技能、练速度



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