高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 模块知识 Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero 话题走近名人(2015安徽)某英文杂志正在举办以“Fancy yourself as an interviewer” 为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview” 为题,写一篇英语短文。内容包括:1采访的对象;2采访的原因;3想提的问题。【晨背范文】A Famous Chinese I Would Like to InterviewThe person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.I would really

2、 like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an a

3、stronaut and how he was trained.I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is as great fun as I have read.Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting.话题词汇1admirevt.钦佩;欣赏2outstandingadj.优秀的;杰出的3personalityn个性;性格4be

4、honored as被誉为 5be gifted at对有天赋6set a good example to为做出好榜样话题佳句1. Honored as one of the most outstanding leaders, Mandela won the respect of the whole world.被誉为最杰出的领袖之一,曼德拉赢得了全世界的尊重。2I realize the secret to success is not where you were born, but what you are doing in your life.我意识到成功的秘诀不在你出生在哪里,而在于

5、在生活中你正在做什么。3What impresses me most is his famous saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninetynine percent perspiration.”给我印象最深刻的是他的名言,“天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水”。.单词速忆1_ vi.& vt. 逃脱;逃走;避开2_ vt .酬劳;奖赏n.报酬;奖金3_ vt.进攻;攻击;抨击4_ vt.& vi.投票;选举n.投票;选票;表决escaperewardattackvote5_ n意见;看法;主张6_ n舞台;阶段;时期7_ n质量;品

6、质;性质8_ n法则;原则;原理9_ adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的10_ adj.慷慨的;大方的11_ vt.(与to连用) 献身;专心于_ adj.忠实的;深爱的opinionstagequalityprinciple meangenerousdevotedevoted12_ vt.教育;训练_ adj.受过教育的;有教养的_ n教育13_ vt. 建立;创建_ (过去式) _ (过去分词) _ n建立;创办14_ n暴力;暴行_ adj.暴力的educateeducatededucationfoundfoundedfoundedfoundationviolenceviolent 15_

7、n残忍;残酷_ adj.残忍的16_ adj.积极的;活跃的_ v行动_ n行为;行动17_ adj.相等的;平等的_ adv.平等地_ n平等crueltycruelactiveactactionequalequallyequality 18_ adj.不公正的;不公平的_ adj.公平的19_ adj.自私的_ adj.无私的;忘我的_ adv.无私地;忘我地unfairfairselfishselflessselflessly.短语快译1_ 事实上2_ 求助于;致力于3_ 失业4_ 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中5_ 设立;建立as a matter of factturn toou

8、t of workin troubleset up 6_ 爆炸;使充气7_ 丧失勇气或信心8_ 当权;上台9_ 愿意做某事10_ 被判处(徒刑)blow uplose heartcome to powerbe willing to do sth.be sentenced to .句式仿写1However, this was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg.(关系副词when引导的定语从句)仿写:那是一段我生活幸福的时光。_ I lived a happy life.2The last thir

9、ty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(see的主语为物,意为“见证;目睹”)仿写:最近几个月国际油价急剧下降。_ the petrol price going down sharply.3Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.(only引导的倒装句)

10、仿写:直到那时我才意识到友谊的重要性。_ the importance of friendship.4I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.(the first time用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句)仿写:他对玛丽一见钟情。He fell in love with Mary _ _.【答案】1.That was a time when2The last few months have seen 3Only then did I realize4the first time he saw her.单元语法“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句用适当

11、的关系词或“介词关系代词”填空1We went through a period _ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.2Id like to know the way _ he succeeded in rescuing the trapped.3Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return in the near future.4I dont believe the reason _ he explained to us the other day

12、.5The reason _he was absent the other day was that he was injured.【答案】1.in which/when2.in which/that3.to which4that/which 5.for which/why.教材活用根据课文内容,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1_ (bear) on July 18, 1918, Nelson Mandela is the first black president of South Africa.He studied law after 2._ (enter) un

13、iversity.In 1944 he 3._ (found) ANC Youth League.Then in 1952 he set up 4._ law office to help poor black people.【答案】1.Born2.entering3.founded4.a5against6.was sentenced7.to blow/blowing8.and9later10.really1devote vt.献身;专心于【考点激活】 Zaragoza has devoted all his life _ the field of science.萨拉戈萨把他的一生都献给了科

14、学领域。(1)devote to (doing) sth.献身于;致力于(2)devoted adj.忠实的;献身的be devoted to (doing) sth.专心于;奉献于(3)devotion n关爱;关照;奉献;忠诚【知识建构】 Cinderellas two stepsisters followed her, pretending to be devoted to her so that they could enjoy the kings riches, two birds flew by and plucked(啄) out their eyes.辛德瑞拉的两个姐姐为了享受

15、国王的财富,跟着辛德瑞拉,假装很爱她,这时两只鸟儿飞过来,啄瞎了她们的眼睛。(2014福建)【易错点津】在短语devoteto中,to为介词,其后接名词或动名词。类似短语还有:pay attention to 注意;object to反对;look forward to期盼;get down to 开始着手做;be/get/become/grow used (accustomed) to习惯于;lead to 导致。【即时巩固】语法填空Her son, _whom she is so devoted, devoted himself to _ (become) one of the world

16、s best long distance swimmers._(devote)to his job, he spent little time with his mother.【答案】to tobecomingDevoted2equal adj.相等的;平等的;胜任的vt.等于;抵得上n.同等的人;相等物【考点激活】In fact, when it comes to the art of war, ants have no _.(2015安徽)实际上,说到战争的艺术,蚂蚁没有对手。(1)be equal to (doing) sth.等于/胜任做某事(2)A equals B inA在方面比得

17、上B/与B相匹敌(3)have no equal in sth.在方面没有对手(4)equallyadv.相等地;平等地【知识建构】 If the constitution said that all people were free and equal, then she thought it should apply to her.如果宪法说所有人都是自由和平等的,那么她认为这也适用于她。(2014山东)【举一反三】表示“胜任”的其它表达形式还有:be up to;be fit for;be qualified for;be qualified to do sth。【即时巩固】一句多译在数

18、学方面他没有对手。No one can_ math. (equal作动词用)He has _ math.(equal作名词用)【答案】equalequal him in;no equal in3reward n& vt.报酬;奖赏;酬劳;奖金【考点激活】Good is _ good.好人有好报/(善有善报)。(1)reward sb.with sth.for (doing) sth.为做某事而用酬谢某人(2)give/offer a reward to sb.for sth.为某事而给某人报酬deserve a reward for因而理应受到奖励in reward (for)作为酬谢;作为奖

19、励(3)rewardingadj.值得的;有报酬的【知识建构】 When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics.说到卖房子,商家也大量使用回报策略。(2015重庆)【词义辨析】reward作名词时,表示做某事而获得的“回报”、“酬金”,可指钱或物;作动词时,表示“报答;酬谢”prize作名词时,表示“获几等奖或获奖金额”award作名词时,表示经评委考虑颁发的“奖品”“奖金”;作动词时,表示“授予,颁发”。其搭配为:award sb.with sth.,意为:“授予某人某物

20、”。【即时巩固】用award, reward, prize的适当形式填空She was _ for her efforts with a cash bonus.Mo Yan was _ the Nobel _ in 2012.【答案】rewarded withrewardedawarded;Prize4escape v& n逃脱;逃生;泄露【考点激活】A prisoner has escaped _ a jail in northern England.一名囚犯从英格兰北部的一所监狱中越狱。(1)escape from从逃脱;逃避escape (doing) sth.逃避(做)某事(2)fir

21、e escape太平梯;安全梯;安全出口a narrow escape九死一生【知识建构】 That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat.那个特别的日子,我哥哥和我坐着看了两遍那两部电影,试图避开炎热。(2014山东)【即时巩固】语法填空Whoever breaks the law cant escape _ (punish)This is the prison _ the thief escaped last night.【答案】frombeing

22、punishedfrom which1turn to求助于;翻到(书的某页);开始行动;转向【考点激活】赏句猜义Turn to the left when you see a flower shop.()Whenever you are in trouble, turn to me for help.()After he left university he became a teacher, but later turned to journalism.()turn on打开turn off关闭(开关等)turn down调小;拒绝turn up开大;调高;出现;到场;被发现turn in上

23、交;提交turn over打翻;翻身;移交turn out出席;在场;证明是;结果是【知识建构】 It turned out that he was the general manager of the company.结果他是这家公司的总经理。【即时巩固】用turn短语的适当形式填空He looked honest, but finally it _ _that he was a thief.When meeting new words, I often _ _a dictionary.He _ my suggestion and _ the business to his daughter

24、.【答案】转向求助于开始从事turned outturn toturned down;turned over2come to power上台;执政;当权【考点激活】The party _at the last election.这个政党在上次大选中当选执政党。(1)have the power to do sth.有权做某事do everything in ones power尽某人所能have the power of doing sth.具有做某事的能力(2)in power当权的;执政的(表状态)within/beyond ones power在能力范围之内/之外【知识建构】 Fathe

25、rs have the power to control children and young people.父辈们有权力控制孩子们和年轻人的生活。【即时巩固】句型转换I will try my best to help you out.I will _to help you out.I cant work out the physics problem.The physics problem is _.【答案】came to powerdo everything in my powerbeyond my power3set up设立;建立【考点激活】At the front of the s

26、upermarket, a charity (慈善) group had_ a stand selling cooked sausages and flowers to raise funds.为了募集资金,一个慈善团体在超市的前面搭建了一个货摊卖烹调过的香肠和鲜花。(2014福建)set down写下;记下set out出发;动身;开始;着手set aside把放在一边;省出;留出set about doing sth.开始做某事;着手做某事【知识建构】 Old Walter is setting down his memories of village life.老沃尔特正在写他乡村生活的

27、回忆录。【即时巩固】用set短语的适当形式填空I dream about _ my own business in ten years.I have formed the habit of _ some time to exercise every day._ early in the morning, they headed for the destination.After finishing my homework, I _ reading a novel.【答案】set upsetting upsetting asideSetting outset about1 only then d

28、id we decide to answer violence with violence.只有到这个时候,我们才决定以暴制暴。句型提炼:Only 状语(从句)放于句首的部分倒装only位于句首,修饰的是状语(状语从句、介词短语、副词)时,句子运用部分倒装。【句型剖析】 Only in this way can we solve the problem.只有用这种方式,我们才能解决这个问题。Only when I reread the poem did I understand its meaning completely.只有重读这首诗的时候,我才真正地理解它的意思。【易错点津】only 放

29、在句首修饰主语时不用倒装。如:Only those who accept this reality can lead a really full life.只有那些接受这个现实的人才能过上真正丰富的生活。【即时巩固】句型转换You can improve your Mandarin if you practice more.Only if you practice more _ _your Mandarin.(2015四川)【答案】can you improve2I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我的心情很不好。

30、句型提炼:the first time用作连词,引导时间状语从句(1)the first time用作连词,用来引导时间状语从句,意为“第一次”。(2)名词(短语)作连词,引导时间状语从句的还有:every/each time每次last/next time上/下次时by the time到为止the moment/the minute/the instant一就【句型剖析】 Every time I thought of the thing, I felt very shameful.每次想到这件事,我都感到非常丢脸。“By the time you walk into that meeti

31、ng, there should be no surprises,”she says.“当你走进那间会议室时,应该没有什么意外情况发生。”她说。【易错点津】the first time意为“第一次”,相当于从属连词,引导时间状语从句;for the first time意为“第一次”,介词短语,在句中只能用作状语,不具有连词功能。He was reading the first time I saw him.He was reading when I saw him for the first time.我第一次看到他时,他正在读书。【即时巩固】完成句子我第一次上英语老师的课时就很感兴趣。我第一次上课这么兴奋。I became interested in the English teachers lesson_ I attended his class.I was so excited in class _ .【答案】the first time;for the first time



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