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1、Santa Clauss trip to the worldWatch a video Santas Trip to ChangpingFrom: 望牛墩中学望牛墩中学 By: Miss Xia一般过去时一般过去时The simple past tenseHello ! Merry Christmas !I bring some gifts to you ! I divide you into four groups.Lets see which group can do better. The winners can choose a gift first! Remember the sto

2、ry in the video?1. How many cities did Santa travel to?He _ to _ cities.2. How did he go there?He _ there by _ .3. What did he do in those cities?He _ Christmas presents to some sick children.What did Santa Claus do last year?traveledsixwentplanesent/gaveWhat did Santa do last week in China?1.He _ a

3、 Christmas tree and some presents.boughtA. buy B. bought2. He _ some Christmas cards to his friends.sentA. sent B. send3. He _ a big dinner with children.hadA. have B. had4. They _ at the Christmas party.sang and dancedA. sang and danced B. sing and danceWhat did Santa do last week in China?Answer m

4、y questions about your last Christmas1. Did you receive a Christmas present last year?2. When did you receive the present?3. Was there a card in your presents?4. Did you have a Christmas dinner?5. What did you eat?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.I received it on Christmas Eve.Yes, there was./No, there wasnt

5、.Yes, I did./No, I didnt.I ate some turkey and some figgy pudding .Yes, I did./No, I didnt./1. Did you receive a Christmas present last year?2. When did you receive the present?3. Could you sing Christmas songs?4. Did you have a Christmas dinner?5. What did you eat?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.I received

6、 it on Christmas Eve.Yes, I could./No, I couldnt.Yes, I did./No, I didnt.I ate some turkey.What tense(什么时态) is used in the sentences ?1. Did you receive a Christmas present last year?3. Could you sing Christmas songs?一般过去时一般过去时The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构主语主语 +_肯定句肯定句:动词的过去式动词的过去式ateThe simple Past

7、 Tense一般过去时的结构ate否定句否定句情态动词后情态动词后+_notThe simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构ate否定句否定句be动词后动词后(was/were)+ _notThe simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构否定句否定句didnt后后+ _动词原形动词原形The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构ate一般疑问句一般疑问句情态情态 +The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构ate一般疑问句一般疑问句Be动词动词Was/Were+The simple Past Tense一般过去时的结构一般疑问句一般疑问句_+主

8、语主语+ 动词原形动词原形 Did 巩固练习:改为否定句巩固练习:改为否定句1.Jim worked in Japan last year. Jimdidnt work in Japanlast year. ed2.They were asleep 2 hours ago. They werentasleep 2 hours ago.1.They were in the zoo yesterday.Were they in the zoo yesterday?2. Lily went shopping just now. 巩固练习巩固练习: : 改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句Did Lilygo

9、 shopping just now?什么时候用什么时候用一般过去时一般过去时由一般过去由一般过去时态的时间时态的时间状语决定状语决定一般过去时常接时间状语一般过去时常接时间状语为为yesterday或由其构成的短语。如或由其构成的短语。如yesterday morning由由“last+时间时间”构成的短语。如构成的短语。如last year由由“时间段时间段+ago ”构成的短语。构成的短语。 two years agoat the age of以及一些表示过去时态的从句。以及一些表示过去时态的从句。 when he was ten years oldIn1995just nowthe o

10、ther day前几天前几天表示过去某一时间的短语或状语,主要有:表示过去某一时间的短语或状语,主要有:1. He usually gets up early in the morning. But he _ late this morning.2. She usually works from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. But yesterday she _ from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.3. _ on Sundays. They went to the park last Monday.4. _at breakfast. But yesterday he didnt r

11、ead the newspaper.把下列句子改成相应时态把下列句子改成相应时态got up worked They often go to the parkHe often reads the newspaper一般过去时一般过去时里一定有动里一定有动词的过去式词的过去式the past form(过去式)过去式) workedworkaskaskedarrivearrivedshop shoppedcarrycarriedstudied study stop stoppedmovemoved +ede+d辅音字母辅音字母+y, 改改y为为i+ed以以重读闭音节重读闭音节结尾结尾,末尾只有末

12、尾只有一个辅音字母一个辅音字母的词的词先先双写双写末尾的辅音字母,再加末尾的辅音字母,再加edregular verbs不规则变化动词,参照课本不规则动词表不规则变化动词,参照课本不规则动词表P142toldtellsaysaidfindfounddodidthe past form(过去式)过去式)irregular verbs如何巧记不如何巧记不规则动词的规则动词的过去式?过去式?原形原形 过去式过去式中文中文cost cost 花费花费 cut cut 割割 hit hit 击打击打 hurt hurt 伤害伤害 let let 让让 put put 放放 read read 读读 be

13、at beat 打败打败set set 放置放置 shut shut 关闭关闭drive drove 驾驶驾驶 ride rode 骑骑 write wrote 写写 win won 赢赢原形和过去式一样原形和过去式一样 i 改为改为okeep kept 保持保持 sleep slept 睡睡sweep swept 扫扫ep改为改为pt原形原形 过去式过去式 中文中文sit sat 坐坐begin began 开始开始drink drank 喝喝ring rang 铃响铃响sing sang 唱唱swim swam 游泳游泳give gave 给给 i 改为改为aExercises写出下列动词

14、的过去式(一个一分)写出下列动词的过去式(一个一分)Each group choose oneWhat did Santa do yesterday afternoon? Guessing game:A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.What did Santa do yesterday afternoon? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he did

15、nt.What did Santa do last night? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.What did Santa do two days ago? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.What did Santa do yesterday afternoon? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No

16、, he didnt.What did Santa do yesterday afternoon? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.What did Santa do the other day? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he did./ No, he didnt.What did Santa do just now? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分A: Did he?B: Yes, he d

17、id./ No, he didnt.What did Santa do last Sunday morning? Guessing game:猜对得猜对得3/ 2/ 1分分 Choose the right answer.1.Lily often _ listen to music but last night she _ TV. A. like; watch B. likes; watched C. like; were watching D. liking ; watchingB 2. Jenny_ English every evening when she was a middle s

18、chool student. A. has study B. studies C. study D. studiedD 答题技巧:答题技巧: 1.要注意寻找关键词要注意寻找关键词时间状语时间状语. 一题一题1分分 A. played B. plaied C. play D. playsA 4. -_ you tell me the way to the bus stop? -Certainly . Go along the road to the end. A. Could B. May C. Must D. ShouldA 3.They _ football yesterday.答题技巧:答

19、题技巧: 3. 要注意单词要注意单词形式的变化形式的变化: 元音元音+y 结尾的直接加结尾的直接加ed辅音辅音+y结尾的改结尾的改y为为i加加ed答题技巧:答题技巧: 4. 用一般过去式表达婉转的语气用一般过去式表达婉转的语气5. When did you _here? A. got to B. reached C. arrived in D. reach D 答题技巧:答题技巧: 5. 多用排除法多用排除法1.They were play football yesterday.2.We didnt went out last Friday.They played football yeste

20、rday.We didnt go out last Friday.知错就改3.We studyed hard last term.We studied hard last term.一题一题1分分一般过去时态练习一般过去时态练习:用动词的过去式填空用动词的过去式填空1._ you _(remember) to buy the oranges just now?2.-Who _(stop) the car? A monkey did.3.We _(not go) to the cinema last night. The film_ (not be) very good.4.What time

21、_ you _(get) to school this morning?Did remember stoppeddidnt go wasnt did get 一题一题1分分This dog was born on Christmas Eve in 2002. He _ different from other dogs because he _ born with two legs . The poor dog of course _ not walk and even his mother Sarah _ not want him. His first owner Michael Johns

22、on also did not think that he could survive and he _ thinking about killing him. But then, his present owner, Jude String, met him and wanted to take care of him. She _to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself. She _ him “Faith”.wascouldwascalled一题一题1分分wasdiddecidedFaith 看图填词1. Why did M

23、r. Green spend Christmas Day in hospital?2. What did he do on Christmas Day?3. When did he have a good time?4. What happened to him on his way home that night?5. Where would Mr. Green spend New Years Day?阅读理解阅读理解一题一题2分分Mr. Green1. Why did Mr. Green spend Christmas Day in hospital?阅读理解阅读理解一题一题2分分Mr.

24、GreenBecause he broke his right leg.2. What did he do on Christmas Day? He _ a bad day in bed thinking that he _ a lot on such a happy day.spentmissed阅读理解阅读理解一题一题2分分Mr. GreenOn New years Eve.3. When did he have a good time?4. What happened to him on his way home that night?He fell and _ his _ leg.5.

25、 Where would Mr. Green spend New Years Day?In hospital.brokeleftWriting:姚明的简介姚明的简介born: September 12, 1980parents: professional basketball playerage nine: start playing basketball 2002: join Houston Rockets2008: appear in the NBA All-Star team2011: retireevery day : play basketballusually: do volunt

26、eer job writing Yaoming is a famous basketball player. He _ born on September 12, 1980. His parents _ professional basketball players when they were young. So Yaoming often watched them play basketball. And Yaoming _ playing basketball at the age of nine. He played very well. He _ Houston Rockets in

27、 2002. He _in the NBA All-Star team. He was the tallest player in NBA. He _ in 2011. Now he still _ basketball every day. He usually _ vollunteer work in his spare time.waswerestartedjoinedappearedretiredplaysdoes一题一题1分分Summary I一般过去时用法一般过去时用法: _ _ _ _委婉语气委婉语气过去过去过去经常过去经常不清楚时间不清楚时间过去过去经常经常弄弄不清楚不清楚委婉

28、语气委婉语气 情情 况况 加加 法法 例例 词词 Summary II 规则动词的过去式规则动词的过去式help-helped play-played1.一般情况一般情况加加edlive-lived save-saved 2.以字母以字母“e” 结尾的词结尾的词只加只加dstudy-studied carry-carried 3.以以“辅音字母辅音字母 +y”结尾的词结尾的词改改y为为i,再加再加edstop-stopped plan-planned4.以以重读闭音节重读闭音节结尾结尾,末尾只有末尾只有一一个辅音字母个辅音字母的词的词先先双写双写末尾末尾的辅音字母,的辅音字母,再加再加edSu

29、mmary III4. _3. _2._1._常接的时间状语常接的时间状语lastagoin 2005yesterday一般过去时一般过去时Feeling (课堂感受课堂感受)一般过一般过去时态去时态动词变动词变化规则化规则 题型题型训练训练改为一改为一般疑问般疑问句句改为否改为否定句定句答题答题技巧技巧时间时间状语状语写作要求:写作要求:1.这节课我们做了什么?这节课我们做了什么? (至少写三件事)(至少写三件事)2. 你的感受你的感受3. 正确运用一般过去时正确运用一般过去时 写一篇日记:写一篇日记:write a diary 日记的格式日记的格式(example)Wednesday, D

30、ecember 24thA new teacher gave us a lesson today. She is called In her lesson, first we Then we At last we We were today. We learned a lot.Who did best/better in this lesson?Thanks for listening!1.cost 2. cut3. make4. say costcutmadesaid写出过去式过去分词:一个加一分写出过去式过去分词:一个加一分1. hit2. hurt3. find 4. havehithurtfoundhad写出过去式过去分词:一个加一分写出过去式过去分词:一个加一分1. come2. run3. write4. let cameranwrotelet1. go2. give3. take4. readwentgavetookread



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