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1、Book 2Book 2Unit 1 Cultural relicsUnit 1 Cultural relics基础落实基础落实.高频单词思忆高频单词思忆1.His parents died in the earthquake,but 1.His parents died in the earthquake,but luckily he luckily he s s . .2.She did not 2.She did not f f the idea of going out in the idea of going out in the dark because she was afrai

2、d of darkness. the dark because she was afraid of darkness.3.We use flowers and balloons to 3.We use flowers and balloons to d d our our classroom on New Year classroom on New Years Day.s Day.urvivedurvivedancyancyecorateecorate襟裂票棺刑拔赌洗歉兢孰糙税凰莹鼠户陨沂壬萄萎酪摇姿斥购居许衅雨隋高考一轮知识点梳理必修U4.Illegally parked cars will

3、 be 4.Illegally parked cars will be r r by by traffic police. traffic police.5.The broken ship 5.The broken ship s s to the bottom of the to the bottom of the sea. sea.6.Rose was 6.Rose was ( (怀疑怀疑) about the whole ) about the whole idea. idea.7.We have found further scientific7.We have found furthe

4、r scientific ( (证据证据) for this theory. ) for this theory. 8.You can leave a message with 8.You can leave a message with ( (接接 待处待处). ). emovedemovedankankdoubtfuldoubtfulevidenceevidencereceptionreception袭俯侣井慎江摈赴己虑包伞堂趣却坯眩焦借袍殆簿侄聂绒驰蓟填贸开途派高考一轮知识点梳理必修U9.There was a huge bang as if someone had 9.There wa

5、s a huge bang as if someone had ( (引爆引爆) a rocket outside.) a rocket outside.10.Discussions are held on an 10.Discussions are held on an ( (非正非正 式的式的) basis within the department.) basis within the department.explodedexplodedinformalinformal科肌迄颜宛户岳餐益聋钓仍家苇臼屿累赵韵歼幸油综园钓哈又煌翔衰封芳高考一轮知识点梳理必修U.重点短语再现重点短语再现1.

6、1. 调查调查2.2. 属于属于3.3. 搜寻,寻找搜寻,寻找4.4. 作为报答;回报作为报答;回报5.5. 处于交战状态处于交战状态6.6. 拆开拆开7.7. 看重;器重看重;器重8.8. 担任,任职担任,任职9.9. 把某物从把某物从搬到搬到10.10. 关心;在乎关心;在乎look intolook intobelong tobelong toin search ofin search ofin returnin returnat warat wartake aparttake apartthink highly ofthink highly ofserve asserve asremo

7、ve sth.fromremove sth.fromtotocare aboutcare about治驶佬泼篱第碍妻荣资铬震教委泄矛截南棕诬抉仟菱赁袱霖啼肠祈柱纹瓢高考一轮知识点梳理必修U.典型句式运用典型句式运用1.This gift was the Amber Room,which was 1.This gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because several tons of given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. amb

8、er were used to make it.这件礼物就是琥珀这件礼物就是琥珀 屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用 了好几吨琥珀。了好几吨琥珀。 which was given this name. which was given this name.为为 从句。非限制性定语从句,当先行从句。非限制性定语从句,当先行 词是物时,用词是物时,用 引导,先行词是人时用引导,先行词是人时用 引导。非限制性定语从句和它的先行词只有松散引导。非限制性定语从句和它的先行词只有松散 的关系,往往是对先行词作补充说明,通常有逗的关系,往往是对先行词作补充说明

9、,通常有逗 号与主句隔开。号与主句隔开。考点提炼考点提炼非限制性定语非限制性定语whichwhichwhowho唬荷圈数崖戳碱儡癌珠絮累奶詹暑愈蝗衅愧碑舅温孺玩靠赃岭狡容辕次肌高考一轮知识点梳理必修U2.Later,Catherine had the Amber Room moved 2.Later,Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St Petersburg where she to a palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. spent h

10、er summers.后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派人 把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的一个宫殿把琥珀屋搬到了圣彼得堡郊外她避暑的一个宫殿 中。中。 该句使用了该句使用了 结构,其结构,其 中过去分词在句中作宾语补足语,表示被动的含中过去分词在句中作宾语补足语,表示被动的含 义。义。 get sth.done get sth.done可替换可替换have sth.donehave sth.done表达相同的意表达相同的意 思。该结构字面的意思是思。该结构字面的意思是“ ”,有时,有时 可翻译成可翻译成“ ”,有时也可能是自己做,有时也可能是自己做 某事,有时某事,有时have

11、have还有还有“遭遇,遭受遭遇,遭受”之意。之意。考点提炼考点提炼have sth.donehave sth.done使某事被做使某事被做请人做某事请人做某事冒滨阿羹岔棵郸拌坛侠源男城详臭磅电沂孙湍带溶奎赫券流她春试胸干影高考一轮知识点梳理必修U3.This was a time when the two countries were 3.This was a time when the two countries were at war. at war.当时正处于两国交战的时期。当时正处于两国交战的时期。 This is/was a time when. This is/was a tim

12、e when.意为意为 “ ”。其中。其中whenwhen引引 导的是定语从句,修饰先行词导的是定语从句,修饰先行词a timea time。4.There is no doubt that the boxes were then 4.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for K nigsberg,which was at put on a train for K nigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. that time

13、a German city on the Baltic Sea. 毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯 堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。堡,当时它是波罗的海边的一个德国城市。 There is no doubt. There is no doubt.为固定句型,意为固定句型,意 为为“ ”,后面常接,后面常接aboutabout短语或短语或thatthat 引导的引导的 从句。从句。考点提炼考点提炼这是一个这是一个的时期的时期/时候时候考点提炼考点提炼毫无疑问毫无疑问同位语同位语.o o闲古纷搀虑更求椽抖儿联腐少袭碍夺彼氧万兢痴禄苇书龄窿蝴

14、提花妥削依高考一轮知识点梳理必修U5.After that,what happened to the Amber Room 5.After that,what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. remains a mystery.从那以后,琥珀屋发生了什从那以后,琥珀屋发生了什 么成了一个谜。么成了一个谜。 what happened to the Amber Room what happened to the Amber Room是是 一个由一个由whatwhat引导的引导的 从句,从句,whatwhat在从句中充当在从句中充当 语。

15、引导主语从句的词有连词语。引导主语从句的词有连词that,whether;that,whether; 疑问代词疑问代词who,what,which,whoever;who,what,which,whoever;疑问副词疑问副词 when,where,why,how when,where,why,how等。等。考点提炼考点提炼主语主语主主褂债贝炯耀阴慎垦闸碳税困童冗措拱爽倍芬头井弹搭蹦硕砷钢扫大荔柔锭高考一轮知识点梳理必修U导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.survive1.survive Is it enough to have Is it enough to have for a long

16、 for a long time? time? ( (回归课本回归课本P P1 1) ) 观察思考观察思考 He survived his sister by five years. He survived his sister by five years. 他比他姐姐多活了五年。他比他姐姐多活了五年。 It made her very sad that she survived her It made her very sad that she survived her daughter. daughter. 她的女儿先她而去,这让她十分难过。她的女儿先她而去,这让她十分难过。survive

17、dsurvived裔秆影角煌照惫嘱吹尊低斋铭尘瘩舌枝蝗纫靡臃苗扫彬孕闻袒耘桐兵玻蝗高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结survive survive 。(1)survive sth.(1)survive sth.在在之后仍然生存;从之后仍然生存;从中逃中逃生生survive sb.(by.)survive sb.(by.)比比活得长(几年)活得长(几年)survive on sth.survive on sth.靠靠存活下来存活下来survive from.survive from.从从存活下来;流传下来存活下来;流传下来(2)survivor (2)survivor n n. .生还者生

18、还者survival survival n n. .存活,幸存存活,幸存vt vt. .比比活得长;(经过活得长;(经过)活(保存)活(保存)下来;下来;vi vi. .活下来;幸存;残留活下来;幸存;残留迅屈钟回趟遵撞氯远口掣轴吊搜弥麦乍耘猫阅副矢虎烙融憋舍截货学谊朝高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1)(1)战后,汤姆比他的朋友多活了十年。战后,汤姆比他的朋友多活了十年。 Tom Tom after the war. after the war.(2)(2)有许多奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。有许多奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。 Many strange customs Many stra

19、nge customs . .survived his friend by 10 yearssurvived his friend by 10 yearshave survived fromhave survived fromearlier timesearlier times撰主花疹舰丽倾楷卯芋袍垢途簇癸娜承罕参褂顺内蝗白你其拥饶毅俘卓窍高考一轮知识点梳理必修U2.fancy2.fancy The design of the room was in the The design of the room was in the style popular in those days.( styl

20、e popular in those days.(回归课本回归课本P P1 1) ) 观察思考观察思考 Some singers like to wear fancy clothes. Some singers like to wear fancy clothes. 一些歌手喜欢穿奇装异服。一些歌手喜欢穿奇装异服。 I can I cant fancy her doing such a silly thing.t fancy her doing such a silly thing. 我无法想像她做了这样一件愚蠢的事。我无法想像她做了这样一件愚蠢的事。 She said she wanted

21、a dog but it was only a She said she wanted a dog but it was only a passing fancy. passing fancy. 她说想要一条小狗,但这不过是一时心血来潮。她说想要一条小狗,但这不过是一时心血来潮。fancyfancy凝穴麓病月防摧志家惨红膨芋祭脊屏娶唇区唇烧醒被憾万怂害搞聋纷渝梯高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结fancy fancy 。fancy (onefancy (ones) doing sth.s) doing sth.想像(某人)做某事想像(某人)做某事fancy sb.(to be).fanc

22、y sb.(to be).认为某人认为某人fancy sb.as.fancy sb.as.认为某人是认为某人是fancy+that-clausefancy+that-clause以为以为have a fancy forhave a fancy for爱好,迷恋爱好,迷恋catch/take sb.catch/take sb.s fancys fancy合某人的心意;吸引某人合某人的心意;吸引某人take a fancy to sb./sth.take a fancy to sb./sth.喜欢上,爱上某人喜欢上,爱上某人/ /物物fancy dressfancy dress聚会时所穿的奇装异服

23、聚会时所穿的奇装异服fancy oneself (as sth.)fancy oneself (as sth.)自命不凡,自负自命不凡,自负adjadj. .奇特的,异样的;奇特的,异样的;vt vt. .想像;设想;想像;设想;n n. .想要;爱好想要;爱好橡酮胚堂黎鱼祝掩权巧偏痴掀逸驮丽野滩瓢栓毒毖堆糖醋猪岛册伟辑熄沈高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1 1)今晚你想不想出去?)今晚你想不想出去? Do you Do you this evening? this evening?(2 2)她自以为是个严肃的演员。)她自以为是个严肃的演员。 She She a serious a

24、serious actress. actress.fancy going outfancy going outfancied herself (as/to be)fancied herself (as/to be)君翌嫁菜垦还仓亢颂陌秦巫长滥艺花吮恫属此男邻组却悉晾铺昏负秃贯穷高考一轮知识点梳理必修U3.design3.design It was It was for the palace of Frederick for the palace of Frederick . . ( (回归课本回归课本P P1 1) ) 观察思考观察思考 The basic design of the car

25、is very similar The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. to that of earlier models. 这种汽车的基本设计与早期的样式非常相似。这种汽车的基本设计与早期的样式非常相似。 The programme is designed to help people The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. who have been out of

26、 work for a long time. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。 These coursebooks are designed for These coursebooks are designed for intermediate students. intermediate students. 这些教科书是为中级水平的学生编写的。这些教科书是为中级水平的学生编写的。designeddesigned钩酋莱褥晶狮动腔来阮殆哦悠啄殿革再侩广凶凛治谐钎颂绚抽碳事剥复视高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结design design n n.

27、 .设计工艺;设计布局;意图;设计工艺;设计布局;意图; 。(1)by design(1)by design(=on purpose=on purpose)有意,故意)有意,故意have designs on/upon sth.(money/life)have designs on/upon sth.(money/life)图谋图谋(钱、生命)等(钱、生命)等vt vt. .设计,设计,计划;目的是;打算给计划;目的是;打算给(2 2)be designed for sb./sth.be designed for sb./sth.be designed to do sth.be designe

28、d to do sth.be designed as sth.be designed as sth.为某目的或为某目的或用途而制造或计划用途而制造或计划翼墩响便溃客证楞轩提装萎萤呆天镜兹绳挨后喇圈靖架占坊命凄玻殊睡摆高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1 1)从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。)从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。 The magazine will appear The magazine will appear from next month. from next month. (2 2)这方法是专为小组活动设计的。)这方法是专为小组活动设计的。 The method i

29、s The method is use in small groups. use in small groups.in a new designin a new designspecifically designed forspecifically designed for时糜廊碎蜀猴柒陷挝杖权廷愈政局饭耽砍坞秆热溶啼疵耿沾缸渍撂伤冕揩高考一轮知识点梳理必修U4.prove4.prove A fact is anything that can be A fact is anything that can be . . ( (回归课本回归课本P P5 5) ) 观察思考观察思考 Can you

30、prove your theory to us? Can you prove your theory to us? 你能向我们证明你的理论吗?你能向我们证明你的理论吗? He proved himself wise and brave. He proved himself wise and brave. 他证明自己机智勇敢。他证明自己机智勇敢。 Can you prove where you were on May 10th? Can you prove where you were on May 10th? 你能证实五月十日你在什么地方吗?你能证实五月十日你在什么地方吗?provedprov

31、ed省逃甲狱荷胁芦及颜温升舱办渭佃傍毙帚柏策碟贞享纯段腮栅箩债南胸严高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结prove prove 。(1)(1)vt vt. .(2)(2)link-vlink-v. .vt vt. .证明;证实;证明;证实;link-link-v v. .证明是;结果是证明是;结果是prove+prove+n n././pron.pron.sth.to sb.sth.to sb.向某人证实向某人证实n n././pron.pron.+(to be)+(to be)+n n././adjadj. .that-clausethat-clauseprove+prove+(to b

32、e)+(to be)+n n././adjadj. .prep.prep.短语短语/ /advadv. .荔饵顿陡茅羔焙洗耸缔掸坐被悟仓言词觉石对侥吗央舌揪信卤玖颖阵鸦拂高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1)(1)困难在于他怎样向其他科学家证实他的想法。困难在于他怎样向其他科学家证实他的想法。 The difficulty was how he could The difficulty was how he could other scientists. other scientists.(2)(2)结果证明这药疗效令人满意。结果证明这药疗效令人满意。 The medicine The

33、 medicine . .prove hisprove his ideas toideas toproved (to be) satisfactoryproved (to be) satisfactory哼瀑泽朴鹤借券斗扫蔫嗡躇常拔讣胎酚前攻挝魏打沿体扳归先峨欺聂咬烬高考一轮知识点梳理必修U重点短语与句型重点短语与句型5.belong to5.belong to However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William , William , whom the am

34、ber room whom the amber room , , decided not to keep it. decided not to keep it. ( (回归课本回归课本P P2 2) ) 观察思考观察思考 Lions and tigers belong to the cat family. Lions and tigers belong to the cat family. 狮子和老虎属于猫科。狮子和老虎属于猫科。 Have you ever belonged to a political party? Have you ever belonged to a political

35、 party? 你加入过什么政党吗?你加入过什么政党吗?totobelongedbelonged踊屁掐柏饥跋蕉诚技滦缠洪侩琴朋揉窄滓拜盯溯妈擂亮拧侵阮争半碎狼彩高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结(1)belong to(1)belong to表示表示“ ”。不用。不用于被动语态和进行时态。于被动语态和进行时态。(2)belong(2)belong还可用于除还可用于除toto以外的其他介词或副词前以外的其他介词或副词前 面,表示面,表示“某人某人/ /某物处在适当的位置;在这个地某物处在适当的位置;在这个地方正合适方正合适/ /有用有用”。(3)belongings (3)belongin

36、gs n n. .财产;所有物;相关事物。财产;所有物;相关事物。属于;是属于;是的成员的成员靠频挂眠堤星眯惧礁惨沪超弗哦掌群洽京炊础坯廉把卵聋蜡揭道股安追替高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1)(1)中国是属于第三世界的国家。中国是属于第三世界的国家。 China is a country China is a country . . (2)(2)他属于哪一组的成员?他属于哪一组的成员? What group What group ? ?belonging to the Thirdbelonging to the ThirdWorldWorlddoes he belong todoe

37、s he belong to以型倒全郸琢腮瘁洽淆质咋窑燕各盎搞惶她勘浇凹砰叹祭屈洛吻辱醛历缘高考一轮知识点梳理必修U6.search for6.search for I think highly of those who are I think highly of those who are the Amber Room. ( the Amber Room. (回归课本回归课本P P7 7) ) 观察思考观察思考 Many people joined them,searching for gold. Many people joined them,searching for gold. 许多人

38、加入到他们之中找寻金子。许多人加入到他们之中找寻金子。 Police searched for clues in the area. Police searched for clues in the area. 警察在那一带寻找线索。警察在那一带寻找线索。searchingsearchingforfor变饿兽字哨舌淋农加倔激形镇样考闻离鬼软兽浸金畅坐寡象洽浴余株啸估高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结search forsearch for意为:意为: 。易混辨异易混辨异in search of,search,search forin search of,search,search for

39、(1)in search of(1)in search of是介词短语,意为是介词短语,意为“寻找寻找”,在句,在句中可作状语、定语、表语、宾语补足语等。也可说中可作状语、定语、表语、宾语补足语等。也可说in the/onein the/ones search fors search for。(2)search(2)search意为意为“搜查搜查”,为及物动词,宾语可以是,为及物动词,宾语可以是somebody, somebody, 指搜查人的身体,也可以是指搜查人的身体,也可以是someplace,someplace,指搜查某个地方。指搜查某个地方。searchsearch也可用作名词,其前

40、面可也可用作名词,其前面可用冠词或物主代词,其后用用冠词或物主代词,其后用forfor短语修饰。短语修饰。(3)search for(3)search for意为意为“搜寻,查找搜寻,查找”,指花费极大的,指花费极大的力力气去气去寻找某个特定的目标,还可以说寻找某个特定的目标,还可以说search.for.search.for.,意为,意为“为寻找为寻找而搜查而搜查”。寻找寻找腋狠夸孟逾趴它狂玉舔聂夏臃赠殷呀巍嘴欣茄奔磅米荐华愈铰宣卖委嫌伞高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空(1)They started off at once in search (1)T

41、hey started off at once in search the missing child. the missing child.(2)So far,they have been unlucky in their (2)So far,they have been unlucky in their search search gold and have no money left. gold and have no money left.ofofforfor曳漆仔闭撼讯郁泳铡设罪智罚盔巧滔漱备佰砧怖谁咆痴兹戈芋包寒铭但诛高考一轮知识点梳理必修U7.take apart7.take a

42、part The old man saw some Germans The old man saw some Germans the Amber Room and removing it.( the Amber Room and removing it.(回归课本回归课本P4)P4) 观察思考观察思考 We had to take the engine apart. We had to take the engine apart. 我们不得不卸下引擎。我们不得不卸下引擎。 The little boy took apart the radio to see The little boy too

43、k apart the radio to see how it runs. how it runs. 这个小男孩拆开收音机看看它是如何运作的。这个小男孩拆开收音机看看它是如何运作的。 归纳总结归纳总结 take apart take apart意为:意为: 。taking aparttaking apart扩散,拆开扩散,拆开美企演痪丑宿凤淤诊债根顷拽罪袋鳃抉食按塘饿挞仿紊呼敖俄扔完予是帆高考一轮知识点梳理必修U易混辨异易混辨异tell.apart,apart from,take aparttell.apart,apart from,take apart(1)tell(1)tellaparta

44、part把把区别开。区别开。They look almost the same;it is difficult to They look almost the same;it is difficult to tell them apart.tell them apart.他们看上去几乎一样,很难把他们区别开来。他们看上去几乎一样,很难把他们区别开来。(2)apart from(2)apart from除除之外,相当于之外,相当于except,except except,except for,besidesfor,besides。Apart from water,an apple has a g

45、reat deal of Apart from water,an apple has a great deal of sugar in it.sugar in it.除了水分以外,苹果还含有很多糖分。除了水分以外,苹果还含有很多糖分。Apart from him,nobody knows the truth.Apart from him,nobody knows the truth.除了他以外,没人知道真相。除了他以外,没人知道真相。(3)take apart(3)take apart拆开,拆散。拆开,拆散。烘涣丰擎促谆棺溶荚榷挚显宫路见随特问采鹤己分锌化饭芦消爹真处噶怜高考一轮知识点梳理必修

46、U即学即用即学即用(1)The machine (1)The machine ( (拆卸拆卸) and the) and the useful parts were sold. useful parts were sold. (2)Even the parents could hardly (2)Even the parents could hardly ( (区分开双胞胎哥俩区分开双胞胎哥俩).).was taken apartwas taken aparttell thetell thetwin brothers aparttwin brothers apart怨禽寻企唬葬刀亡芯播闹甄另美

47、即钧绚收娃肌套验碧绣按棍慌事硷涪说屁高考一轮知识点梳理必修U8.Frederick William ,the King of 8.Frederick William ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. would have

48、 such an amazing history.普鲁士普鲁士 国王腓特烈国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到,他送给俄威廉一世绝不可能想到,他送给俄罗罗 斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。塌雪瓢栋抓谨捅听拌将质颂拷辊陆轿扮唱射讹抱辗辨犬档镑铀捶好毯院提高考一轮知识点梳理必修U典例体验典例体验As there was so much noise,weAs there was so much noise,we what they were talking about. what they were talking about.由于有那么多的噪音,我们不可能

49、听见他们在谈论由于有那么多的噪音,我们不可能听见他们在谈论什么。什么。I I enough attention to grammar, enough attention to grammar,otherwise I otherwise I these these grammatical mistakes in my composition.grammatical mistakes in my composition.我本应该足够注意语法的,不然,我就不会在我的作我本应该足够注意语法的,不然,我就不会在我的作文里犯这些语法错误。(实际上没足够注意语法)文里犯这些语法错误。(实际上没足够注意语法)

50、She She this song. this song.她可能还没有听过这首歌。她可能还没有听过这首歌。couldncouldnt havet have heardheardshould have paidshould have paidshouldnshouldnt have madet have mademight not have heardmight not have heard甜育迟净认初氖擂霜隙磺亲神压绑澡靖某衍惨义寂镜填芝穷梦烤咕镜烯烘高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结could have donecould have done意为意为: : 。could not/nev

51、er have donecould not/never have done不可能做过某事不可能做过某事must have donemust have done一定做过某事一定做过某事might have donemight have done也许做了某事也许做了某事should have doneshould have done本该做实际上没做本该做实际上没做neednneednt have donet have done本来不需要做实际上做了本来不需要做实际上做了would have donewould have done本来会本来会shouldnshouldnt have donet ha

52、ve done本不应该做实际上做了本不应该做实际上做了ought to have doneought to have done本应该做实际上没做本应该做实际上没做oughtnoughtnt to have donet to have done本不应该做实际上做了本不应该做实际上做了本来能够,本来可以做某事本来能够,本来可以做某事强藕沾啸备局创盖怠键哗候掖盅吼完轮肖仕隅褂戏殿袱代抽匣孪册冷杭铣高考一轮知识点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1)Did you visit the Big Ben in London?(1)Did you visit the Big Ben in London? No,w

53、e No,we it,but we spent too much it,but we spent too much time shopping. time shopping. A.could visit A.could visit B.could have visited B.could have visited C.must have visited C.must have visited D.can have visited D.can have visitedB淖秤腊袜凑玩迹亭蚌揽吸妆唇座脖鸣呜陀瓦声钙史配罚彰搪铀猎泅联风渗高考一轮知识点梳理必修U(2)She looks very ha

54、ppy.She (2)She looks very happy.She have have passed the exam. passed the exam. I guess so.Its not difficult after all. I guess so.Its not difficult after all. A.should A.shouldB.couldB.could C.must C.mustD.mightD.might 解析解析 must have passed the exammust have passed the exam肯定是通过考肯定是通过考 试了,由前句中的试了,由

55、前句中的“happyhappy”和下句中的和下句中的“not not difficult after all difficult after all”可以推知。可以推知。C察揍汲剂和绰荤善贷贬颅步恫疹褂翁捂舵屯顽材城建桂海状所蛮袜片合村高考一轮知识点梳理必修U9.He/She only cares about whether the 9.He/She only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true information, eyewitness has given true information, which must be fa

56、cts rather than opinions. which must be facts rather than opinions. 他他/ /她只关心目击者是否提供了真实信息,它她只关心目击者是否提供了真实信息,它 必须是事实而非个人观点。必须是事实而非个人观点。 典例体验典例体验 I would have cold drink I would have cold drink coffee. coffee. 我想喝冷饮而不是咖啡。(平行名词)我想喝冷饮而不是咖啡。(平行名词) Why didn Why didnt you ask for help, t you ask for help,

57、trying to do it on your own? trying to do it on your own? 你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?你干吗非得自己干,而不请人帮忙?rather thanrather thanrather thanrather than剔钦泅兽菇嫂厕支诈拼朴物憾唉在谜毫酸冕郝究啄寂萤滔钒挣侗隅宦再哇高考一轮知识点梳理必修U归纳总结归纳总结(1 1)rather than.rather than.意为:意为: ,常用来连接平,常用来连接平行结构。行结构。(2 2)would/had rather do.than (to) do=would would/had ra

58、ther do.than (to) do=would do.rather than (to) do=prefer to do.rather than (to) do=prefer to do.rather than (to) do.do.rather than (to) do.意为意为“宁愿宁愿而不而不愿愿;宁愿;更喜欢;宁愿;更喜欢”。I Id rather go tomorrow than today.d rather go tomorrow than today.我宁愿明天走,而不是今天。我宁愿明天走,而不是今天。He would rather go walking than watch

59、 TV at He would rather go walking than watch TV at home.home.他宁愿出去散步也不愿在家看电视。他宁愿出去散步也不愿在家看电视。而不是而不是; ;与其与其,还不如还不如;两者相比更喜欢;两者相比更喜欢楔秀只枪汛叶琶捏仅厩量擅堆乡况羚敲嵌票等憎戒冰裳骨剥估肺撂派妙吟高考一轮知识点梳理必修U(3 3)prefer to do sth.rather than do prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.=prefer doing sth.to doing sth.sth.=prefer doing sth.t

60、o doing sth.更喜欢做某更喜欢做某事,而不愿事,而不愿She preferred to go with us rather than stay She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.behind.=She preferred going with us to staying =She preferred going with us to staying behind.behind.她宁愿和我们一块去,而不愿留下。她宁愿和我们一块去,而不愿留下。为拾霞及硒醚遵级雍狞铀姆珐溪摄诈比柱惶网仇妇燕挠稻糯减熬惹邹牡脓高考一轮知识

61、点梳理必修U即学即用即学即用(1)To enjoy the scenery,Irene would rather (1)To enjoy the scenery,Irene would rather spend long hours on the train spend long hours on the train travel travel by air. by air. A.as B.to C.than D.while A.as B.to C.than D.while(2)I(2)Id rather d rather it up than it up than him for him f

62、or help. help. A.give;ask B.to give;to ask A.give;ask B.to give;to ask C.give;asking D.giving;asking C.give;asking D.giving;askingCA啄轮帜杖咆鹰共啃欠挚舵席垒紧盲荔集绞根情楷输包橙巴春捍愿染督饱招高考一轮知识点梳理必修U品味构词品味构词1.1.利用派生法,品句填词利用派生法,品句填词(1)(1)WhatWhats the s the of the sentence? of the sentence? Oh,it Oh,it that every possible

63、that every possible has been tried but it fails.(mean) has been tried but it fails.(mean)(2)His unusual (2)His unusual in different in different stages enlarged his stages enlarged his in in everything,so he is much more everything,so he is much more at attending to things.(experience) at attending

64、to things.(experience)(3)Jia Pingwa,a peasant novelist,has achieved(3)Jia Pingwa,a peasant novelist,has achieved great success by his hard great success by his hard .His.His has been published,for example, has been published,for example,“Deserted Deserted Capital Capital”.(work).(work)meaningmeaning

65、meansmeansexperiencesexperiencesexperienceexperienceexperiencedexperiencedworkworkworksworksmeansmeans丁艇寅嫁食证钵瞪气隐债色酣恤匣涂钒拧耿僻匪圈候氛峰酮幅疲扣嘘登用高考一轮知识点梳理必修U串联扩展串联扩展 名词名词 后后缀缀- -s(s(复数复数形式形式) ) 名词名词( (不可数不可数) )wood wood 木材木材woodswoodscustom custom 风俗风俗customscustomsmanner manner 方式方式mannersmannerspaper paper 纸

66、纸paperspapersgoodgoodgoodsgoods货物;财产货物;财产looklook脸色脸色lookslooks好处好处森林森林海关海关礼貌礼貌试卷试卷,文件文件相貌相貌萝姻沫氛眷邢闹遗雍胎跑捣纫哨逢砧聘熔盎饱挪团揣捻稳玉田蓄蜜件米咀高考一轮知识点梳理必修U2.2.利用派生法,品句填词利用派生法,品句填词 (1)You should put the rat (1)You should put the rat out of the out of the children childrens reach because it is s reach because it is . .

67、(poison) (poison) (2)The (2)The travelling in Africa of the travelling in Africa of the woman woman made her more made her more than before.(adventure) than before.(adventure)(3)My teaching style is (3)My teaching style is to that of to that of most other teachers,which we bear a most other teachers

68、,which we bear a striking striking to each other,so we to each other,so we are are successful in our career. successful in our career. (similar) (similar)poisonpoisonpoisonouspoisonousadventuresadventuresadventureradventureradventurousadventuroussimilarsimilarsimilaritysimilaritysimilarlysimilarly姚院

69、址口惯穆予从邦议莹叉灵蹬驻弃寻摩刀蜒被嗓继斟拈总妥岁安巡逮刹高考一轮知识点梳理必修U串联扩展串联扩展 名词名词 形容词形容词 副词副词dangerdanger危险危险有危险的有危险的dangerouslydangerously危险地危险地curiositycuriosity 好奇心好奇心好奇的好奇的奇怪地奇怪地小心;慎重小心;慎重谨慎的谨慎的cautiouslycautiously谨慎地谨慎地 忧虑忧虑anxiousanxious忧虑的忧虑的anxiouslyanxiously急切地急切地desiredesire渴望渴望 渴望的渴望的渴望地渴望地cautioncautionanxietyanx

70、ietydangerousdangerouscuriouscuriouscautiouscautiouscuriouslycuriouslydesirouslydesirouslydesirousdesirous凑佩功筷拙挖垄傈哑哟掺父面阐哭坤适砧沾盟坎似学烬悟姐慈刀交合叭坷高考一轮知识点梳理必修U考题回扣考题回扣【例例1 1】With the governmentWith the governments aid,those s aid,those by the earthquake have moved to the new by the earthquake have moved to t

71、he new settlements. settlements.(上海高考)(上海高考) A.affect A.affectB.affectingB.affecting C.affected C.affectedD.were affectedD.were affected 解析解析 句中有句中有have movedhave moved作谓语,因此空格处应作谓语,因此空格处应 选择能作定语的选项,若选择能作定语的选项,若thosethose后有后有whowho可选可选D D项,项, 这样构成一个定语从句,但缺少这样构成一个定语从句,但缺少whowho,因此只能选,因此只能选 affect aff

72、ect的过去分词形式作定语,因为的过去分词形式作定语,因为af fectaf fect(影(影 响)与响)与thosethose(那些人们)之间是被动关系,故用(那些人们)之间是被动关系,故用 affected affected。C遭症侈陛陨洋讽狼困芬笺苑笺垒筑蔓下卯淳蝇雁镶歉币茵厨柜贝箱棠古琐高考一轮知识点梳理必修U课文原文课文原文It was also a treasureIt was also a treasure ,.,.decorated with gold anddecorated with gold and jewelsjewels【例例2 2】What is the price

73、 of petrol these What is the price of petrol these days? days? Oh,it Oh,it sharply since last month. sharply since last month. (江西高考)(江西高考) A.is raised A.is raised B.has risen B.has risen C.has arisen C.has arisen D.is increased D.is increased 最仇焦哗锭藤远搔缩汐砸网胶酒妊由棒体恫汾掐伪渡辉草汤茸八诞摩吁棉高考一轮知识点梳理必修U解析解析 由由since

74、 last monthsince last month可知应该用现在完成可知应该用现在完成时时, ,首先排除首先排除A A、D D。再根据句意可知应该选。再根据句意可知应该选B B。riserise是不及物动词,意为是不及物动词,意为“上升上升”,符合题意。,符合题意。arisearise意为意为“站立,出现站立,出现”,不符合语境。,不符合语境。答案答案 B课文原文课文原文Recently,the Russians and GermansRecently,the Russians and Germansa new Amber Room at the summer palace.a new A

75、mber Room at the summer palace.have builthave built逗牵镊酉贪砌握硝组键姓惺庸牵尸剔莫尊押悲痛伤癌素聚敞蒲掩庐捣津炎高考一轮知识点梳理必修U【例例3 3】Professor Williams keeps telling his Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future students that the future to the well to the well educated. educated. (重庆高考)(重庆高考) A.belongs A.belon

76、gsB.is belongedB.is belonged C.is belonging C.is belongingD.will be belongedD.will be belonged 解析解析 句意为:威廉姆斯教授一直告诫他的学生句意为:威廉姆斯教授一直告诫他的学生 们说未来是属于受过良好教育的人的。们说未来是属于受过良好教育的人的。belong to belong to 属于,此词组在使用时要注意,不能用于进行时属于,此词组在使用时要注意,不能用于进行时 态,也不能用于被动语态。故排除态,也不能用于被动语态。故排除B B、C C、D D三项。三项。 课文原文课文原文 However,t

77、he next King of Prussia,Frederick However,the next King of Prussia,Frederick William , whom the amber room William , whom the amber room , , decided not to keep it. decided not to keep it.belongedbelongedAto迈肋启便习岗彰漓渠圣陛楚号零挫畜喀艾刷蔽颇磺欢拴土世戈彭衅辣晾屈高考一轮知识点梳理必修U【例例4 4】The fact has worried many scientistsThe fa

78、ct has worried many scientists the earth is becoming warmer and the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. warmer these years. (江西高考)(江西高考) A.what A.whatB.whichB.which C.that C.thatD.thoughD.though 解析解析 分析句式结构可知此处缺少同位语从句的分析句式结构可知此处缺少同位语从句的 引导词,从句意义、结构均完整,所以选引导词,从句意义、结构均完整,所以选thatthat。 课文原文

79、课文原文 There is no doubt There is no doubt the boxes were the boxes were then put on a train for K then put on a train for Knigsberg,.nigsberg,.thatthatC.o玖跪炯凑直逻洁蹋寺祖低寿牟蓟锐倍峡铲绊躺躬兢俭庐四漏眷洋僳颈纂斋高考一轮知识点梳理必修U【例例5 5】The Great Wall is The Great Wall is tourist tourist attraction that millions of people pour in a

80、ttraction that millions of people pour in every year. every year. (上海高考)(上海高考) A.so a well-known A.so a well-known B.a so well-known B.a so well-known C.such well-known a D.such a well-known C.such well-known a D.such a well-known 解析解析 在在“so/such.thatso/such.that”结构中,结构中,soso可以用可以用 “so+so+adjadj.+a+

81、.+a+单数名词单数名词”结构,而结构,而suchsuch则用则用 “such+a+such+a+adjadj.+.+单数名词单数名词”结构。结构。 课文原文课文原文 Frederick William ,the King of Prussia, Frederick William ,the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have gift to th

82、e Russian people would have . .suchsuchan amazing historyan amazing historyD捣遥乳绑稍皮篡惠摊嵌岿育帽鼓略疗豆缨兹镊举蚂红惜姐溜逛檀爵潘能扩高考一轮知识点梳理必修U自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.There are a lot of 1.There are a lot of c c relics in our relics in our country. country.2.Our school was 2.Our school was d d by a famous by a famous professor

83、from Tongji University of professor from Tongji University of Shanghai,whose style many people prefer. Shanghai,whose style many people prefer.3.Look yourself in the 3.Look yourself in the m m and find what and find what there is on your face. there is on your face. 4.Before they move into the new h

84、ouse,they 4.Before they move into the new house,they bought some new bought some new f f to equip with it. to equip with it. ulturalulturalesignedesignedirrorirrorurnitureurniture疮绎投苫蛇译莽袜勘辫迟妒裴太鸳垮纺霜争姜舶缸养碳厄擦寝紫吧互挠空高考一轮知识点梳理必修U5.During the war,much of the 5.During the war,much of the p p of that of that

85、 family was transferred secretly. family was transferred secretly.6.He was considered to be honest.In fact,the 6.He was considered to be honest.In fact,the e e he gave proved to be false. he gave proved to be false.7.In my 7.In my o o ,we can,we cant take the toy car t take the toy car apart. apart.

86、8.Don8.Dont t p p to have known all.Please to have known all.Please raise your questions if any. raise your questions if any.9.Time is like 9.Time is like t t ,so we must value it.,so we must value it.10.There10.Theres a stone in the middle of the s a stone in the middle of the road.We road.Wed bett

87、er d better r r it at once. it at once.ropertyropertyvidencevidencepinionpinionretendretendreasurereasureemoveemove寒全寇退样锁孔琴智栅唉狄堪葱杉且陷笺节杂促妮枝等厌倡抢诺哀痰欧性高考一轮知识点梳理必修U.短语运用短语运用1.He bought her a gold watch 1.He bought her a gold watch her kind help. her kind help.2.The room can 2.The room can a study ( a stu

88、dy (书房)书房). .3.His work 3.His work by the by the critics. critics. 4.Scentists are 4.Scentists are a cure for this a cure for this serious disease. serious disease.take apart,even though,do with,there is notake apart,even though,do with,there is nodoubt,look into,in search of,serve as,in doubt,look

89、into,in search of,serve as,in return for,belong to,think highly ofreturn for,belong to,think highly ofin return forin return forserve asserve aswas highly thought ofwas highly thought ofin search ofin search of颈垫呼涣那匀莆强编塌竿仗穿坦逾棒销魂耘儿梨缺垃恃门否岂襟灌杀发马高考一轮知识点梳理必修U5.The old man saw some Germans 5.The old man s

90、aw some Germans the Amber Room and moving it away. the Amber Room and moving it away.6.The islands 6.The islands Spain. Spain.7.The policemen 7.The policemen the matter the matter immediately after it happened. immediately after it happened.8.What are you going to 8.What are you going to the food th

91、e food left over from the party? left over from the party?9.He will win the first place. 9.He will win the first place. about it. about it.10.I10.Ill do it more carefullyll do it more carefully it will take me hours. it will take me hours.taking aparttaking apartbelong tobelong tolooked intolooked i

92、ntodo withdo withThere is noThere is nodoubtdoubteven thougheven though坤少鸽擂腻磐诣饼脸蜗寞进惹品锡纹浑文莽笺紫斤简巴赊妄胡桓蹄诅拱佑高考一轮知识点梳理必修U.完成句子完成句子1.Don1.Dont worryt worrytheythey ( (很可能只是忘了打电话很可能只是忘了打电话). ). 2.The country 2.The country ( (已与邻国交战已与邻国交战) for several years.) for several years.3.3. ( (令人怀疑令人怀疑) John ) John w

93、ill come to help us when we are in trouble. will come to help us when we are in trouble.4.She just sat there,4.She just sat there, ( (陷入沉思陷入沉思).).5.All people 5.All people ( (对她高度评价对她高度评价) ) because of what she has done. because of what she has done.6.The Bird Nest 6.The Bird Nest ( (很值得参观很值得参观).).c

94、ould have just forgottencould have just forgottento phoneto phonehas been at war with itshas been at war with itsneighbourneighbourThere is some doubt whetherThere is some doubt whethersunk in thoughtsunk in thoughtthink highly of herthink highly of heris well worth a visit/visitingis well worth a v

95、isit/visiting之珐综寐应凝邢如卡泉龟悼眯岁逞马呻冶索曼杜闯辆链撤堪齐急醉窍奏好高考一轮知识点梳理必修U.单项填空单项填空1.Mrs.Brown was much disappointed to see the 1.Mrs.Brown was much disappointed to see the washing machine she had had washing machine she had had went wrong went wrong again. again. A.it A.itB.it repairedB.it repaired C.repaired C.rep

96、airedD.to be repairedD.to be repaired 解析解析 washing machinewashing machine之后为定语从句,引导词之后为定语从句,引导词 that/which that/which因在从句中作因在从句中作hadhad的宾语而被省去,故的宾语而被省去,故 A A、B B两项不可选;两项不可选;D D项句意不通,亦不可选。该题项句意不通,亦不可选。该题 使用的是使用的是have sth.donehave sth.done结构,其中从句使用了过结构,其中从句使用了过 去完成时态。去完成时态。C倾兢缮餐溶诛塌颖程损唇癸冕奉箭浊存儒制沁恩砒淹氓秩酪比

97、辜乱迄狗盾高考一轮知识点梳理必修U2.The very thing 2.The very thing I want him to do for me I want him to do for me is the last thing is the last thing he will do. he will do. A.that;that A.that;thatB.which;whichB.which;which C.that;which C.that;whichD.which;thatD.which;that解析解析 当先行词被当先行词被the very,the lastthe very,t

98、he last修饰时,定修饰时,定 语从句的引导词应使用语从句的引导词应使用thatthat。A恃贴蒋贯英顺慰住翻姻铺棱镁簧演励西豢握天峰伞庭怒旁瞳扛膊储陇与逊高考一轮知识点梳理必修U3.This painting of his has been 3.This painting of his has been by some by some experts of the world. experts of the world. A.high thought of A.high thought of B.well thought of B.well thought of C.highly tho

99、ught C.highly thought D.good thought D.good thought 解析解析 think highly/well ofthink highly/well of对对评价很高,评价很高, 应使用副词修饰应使用副词修饰think ofthink of。B晴溜编狠隶田衅质萎约泳乓药稿催掌悠例茹绸猾肆诺俱病烘釉郊铬柞卵砰高考一轮知识点梳理必修U4.He considered 4.He considered medicine and medicine and up up the pen. the pen. A.to drop;took A.to drop;took B.

100、dropping;taking B.dropping;taking C.dropping;to take C.dropping;to take D.to drop;take D.to drop;take 解析解析 consider doing sth.consider doing sth.打算干某事。打算干某事。B淳丈作效饱祖沙踪萄霜砍牧爆武彤篱砌傅葫台烦损浦盛粤锅咽绝汹框釜仅高考一轮知识点梳理必修U5.Perhaps this book will 5.Perhaps this book will of some use to of some use to you in your studie

101、s. you in your studies. A.show A.showB.offerB.offer C.be proved C.be provedD.proveD.prove 解析解析 proveprove作系动词时无被动语态作系动词时无被动语态,of ,of use=useful use=useful。D傻搞株娟胸猿倪衔络信酝窄偶窟起莹谊防菌杯兹蹈谋蜡絮浪机装户多库果高考一轮知识点梳理必修U6.Hot,wet weather does not agree 6.Hot,wet weather does not agree the the old man. old man. A.with A

102、.withB.onB.on C.to C.toD.inD.in 解析解析 agree with sb.agree with sb.适合某人。适合某人。A田藉绿囱提劳洁让痈堰辽霄希被厦渭赴裴砚寺熙挖叛掩蚂协阎幕踩账鲤屠高考一轮知识点梳理必修U7.Mr.Jackson gave me some valuable advice on 7.Mr.Jackson gave me some valuable advice on how how English. English. A.studying A.studyingB.studyB.study C.should I study C.should I

103、studyD.to studyD.to study 解析解析 how to do sth.=how sb.should do sth.how to do sth.=how sb.should do sth.。D斋罕调牟葡釉吮竞飞悬欺赁晒缮味狰肚松恨掠悔屏它求边湖扮尉寿鹏哗晾高考一轮知识点梳理必修U8.Not a single song 8.Not a single song at yesterday at yesterdays s party. party. A.she sang A.she sangB.sang sheB.sang she C.did she sing C.did she s

104、ingD.she did singD.she did sing 解析解析 否定副词否定副词notnot放于句首,句子要用部分倒装放于句首,句子要用部分倒装 语序。语序。C弃炕鸣坝趾塌勃粥疏咯柞郧擅无地撼范襄蔷开输辩岔褐神秆肆沮丙森仿烂高考一轮知识点梳理必修U9.The young brother,rather than his two elder 9.The young brother,rather than his two elder brothers, brothers, for the wrong doing. for the wrong doing. A.was to answer A

105、.was to answer B.were to answer B.were to answer C.was to be answered C.was to be answered D.were to be answered D.were to be answered 解析解析 谓语动词应与前面的主语谓语动词应与前面的主语the young the young brother brother保持一致;保持一致;sb.answer for sth.sb.answer for sth.表示表示“某某 人应对某事负责人应对某事负责”或或“因为某事某人应得到报因为某事某人应得到报 应应”。A跋物桓擦炕

106、凉园卷床盎炬娘也塑矢越歼椭比号象登元腆蕊啊浆盎佐肢剖谁高考一轮知识点梳理必修U10.Has she ever asked for the reason 10.Has she ever asked for the reason may may explain his coming late? explain his coming late? A.why A.whyB.for whichB.for which C.that C.thatD.for thatD.for that 解析解析 thatthat在定语从句中作主语,在定语从句中作主语,whywhy为关系副为关系副 词,不可作主语。词,不可作

107、主语。C经辗岭吴攒孟醛蚤渺帮滚植仕偏掳牙服标端令簿斥裳缩俺社礼蕴剁驱皋圭高考一轮知识点梳理必修U11.About two hundred people are working in 11.About two hundred people are working in his company now,most of his company now,most of were once out were once out of work. of work. A.which A.whichB.whoB.who C.that C.thatD.whomD.whom 解析解析 whichwhich不能指人;

108、不能指人;whowho与与thatthat不能跟在介词不能跟在介词 后面。后面。D邪假箔龋境西泻骗梧彻脓岳匙惹宜绕擦犹抚殷秦慷除甚匪冈讫告狐耐拇饿高考一轮知识点梳理必修U12.The little boy was the only one who12.The little boy was the only one who the earthquake in his village,and the the earthquake in his village,and the government sent him to a city school after government sent him

109、 to a city school after that. that. A.experienced A.experiencedB.escapedB.escaped C.survived C.survivedD.sufferedD.suffered 解析解析 survivesurvive幸存,幸免于难。幸存,幸免于难。experienceexperience经经 历;历;escapeescape逃跑,逃脱(和逃跑,逃脱(和fromfrom连用);连用);suffersuffer 遭罪。遭罪。C敲彝开遭写所酸公珍溉恭穴诞父颇灸廖射弹末乓吐己仓推碾足恃拈椒余凳高考一轮知识点梳理必修U13.He go

110、t to the station early,13.He got to the station early, missing missing his train. his train. A.for fear of A.for fear ofB.in search ofB.in search of C.in case of C.in case ofD.instead ofD.instead of 解析解析 句意为:他很早就到了车站以免错过火车。句意为:他很早就到了车站以免错过火车。 for fear of for fear of生怕,以免;生怕,以免;in search ofin search

111、of寻找;寻找;in in case of case of万一;如果;万一;如果;instead ofinstead of而不是。而不是。A呀牟币诅脯鱼轿悟齿陌抑酷协仿泻否考摹悟糯梨球寅筏姿陡尔腔皂觉桔佐高考一轮知识点梳理必修U14.A clean environment can help the city bid 14.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which for the Olympics,which will promote will promote its economic development

112、. its economic development. A.in return A.in returnB.in natureB.in nature C.in turn C.in turnD.in factD.in fact 解析解析 in returnin return反过来;反过来;in naturein nature事实上;事实上;in in turn turn依次,轮流依次,轮流; ;作为回报;作为回报;in factin fact事实上。事实上。C眨鸡族车淳同孜羊职究代松潭躇密与无诊涩捕岿叼杆磺淄瞻狠悬紧界睡掏高考一轮知识点梳理必修U15.There15.Theres no doubt

113、 s no doubt international international cooperation is the key to cooperation is the key to with with cybercrime. cybercrime. A.whether;doing A.whether;doingB.that;dealingB.that;dealing C.whether;do C.whether;doD.that;doD.that;do 解析解析 There is no doubtThere is no doubt表达的是肯定含义,故表达的是肯定含义,故 其后用其后用thatthat来引导从句;来引导从句;the key tothe key to结构中的结构中的toto 是介词,后接名词或动词是介词,后接名词或动词-ing-ing形式作宾语。形式作宾语。B返回龙纠渠癸喘詹旭父锗筑算奴邀苗辖哦膏篮雏瑶猾箔誊锻拴校稿襄拦蜜猛察高考一轮知识点梳理必修U



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