高中英语 第一单元 Women of achievement课件 新人教版必修4

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1、 Unit one Women of achievement热身导入热身导入1. Let us read the words and expressions in unit one Women of achievement . 自主学习自主学习+合作探究合作探究1.students read the words and expressions by themselves .2. Students read them in turn .3.Students read them in pairs .4.Students write down the words from Achievement t

2、o Inspire .5. Students have a dictation each other from Achievement to Inspire .反馈练习反馈练习课堂小结课堂小结What have you learnt in this class ?布置作业布置作业1.Write down the words left on your exercisebook .2. Do the exercise P3-P8 .3.Do the Reading (10) .WOMEN OF ACHIEVEMENT A Chinese saying goes:Womencanholduphalf

3、ofthesky.热身导入热身导入 Iwilldescribesomepeopletoyou,pleaseguesswhotheyareaccordingtomydescription.Shewastheonlyfemalemonarch(君主君主)ofChina,andremainsthemostremarkable(非凡的非凡的),influential(有影响的有影响的)andmysterious(神秘的神秘的)womaninChinesehistory.Empress(女皇女皇)WuZetian(624 - 705) inTangDynastyShewasDrSunYat-senswi

4、fe.ShewasoneofthetopleadersinmodernChinesehistory.Sheconcernedherselfwithwelfareprojects,leadingChinaWelfareInstituteespeciallyforwomenandchildren.SoongChingling(1893-1981),China She was an inventor and a scientist from Poland. She went to Paris and studied physics and chemistry there. She is the on

5、ly woman scientist who was awarded two Nobel Prizes. MarieMarie Curie Curie (1867-1934) (1867-1934) On July 4,1934, she died in Paris, killed by her own experiments. She died of radiation poisoning(放放射物中毒射物中毒).Asayounggirl,shealwayswantedtostudyanimals.ShewenttoAfricaandstudiedchimps.Herresearchshow

6、edtheconnectionsbetweenchimpsandhumanbeings.Sheworkstoprotectchimpseverywhere.JaneGoodall(1934-),BritainWhat qualities do you think a great person should have? ?合作探究合作探究willing to sacrifice hard-workingmodestunselfishinsistentdeterminedintelligentresponsiblegreat peopleI think a great person should

7、be consideratekind1.achievement(c.n.) He is proud of his achievements.他对自己的成就感到自豪。他对自己的成就感到自豪。 makeanachievement 取得成就取得成就achieve(vt.)后接后接n.做宾语做宾语 Heachievedgreatsuccess. 他取得了巨大的成就。他取得了巨大的成就。 Youwillneverachieveyouraimunlessyouworkharder.除非你更努力的工作,否则你不会实现你的目标。除非你更努力的工作,否则你不会实现你的目标。 反馈练习反馈练习反馈练习反馈练习(2

8、007天津)天津)Lucy has _ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university. A. acquired B. finished C. concluded D. achieved2. condition “条件条件” (c.n.) There is a condition for peace talk.身体健康是获得成功的条件之一。身体健康是获得成功的条件之一。 Heath is one of the most important cond

9、itions of achieving success.“状况,状态状况,状态” (u.n.)be in good/poor/excellent condition 处于某种状态中处于某种状态中 She is often in top condition. I have had no exercise for ages; Im really out of condition.on condition ( that ) 在在条件下,倘若条件下,倘若你要穿上大衣才可以出去你要穿上大衣才可以出去。 You can go out on condition that you wear an overco

10、at.on no condition 一点也不,决不一点也不,决不你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。 You must on no condition tell him what happened.3. connection - connect connect A with B 把把A与与B联系起来联系起来Thetwotownsareconnectedbyarailway.connection between A and B肺癌和抽烟之间有关系吗?肺癌和抽烟之间有关系吗? Isthereaconnectionbetweensmokingandlungcancer.conn

11、ection with/ to sth.与与有关有关/联系联系他的失败和他的态度无关。他的失败和他的态度无关。 Hisfailurehasnoconnectionwithhisattitude.Hisfailureisinconnectionwithhisattitude.4.She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children. devote to 把把奉献给奉献给 ;专心致志于;专心致志于 ; 把把专用于专用于He has devoted all his life to _(help) the bli

12、nd people.5. campaign: n. a series of planned activities/attacks or battles运动运动 战役战役n.&v.Shespentherlifecampaigning_womensright.Hesuccessfullyledacampaign_nuclearweapons.a campaign for/against campaign for/against 争取争取/反对反对的活动的活动参加争取参加争取/反对反对的活动的活动foragainstcarry out/ start/run a campaign for/agains

13、t/to do sth.课堂小结课堂小结What have you learnt in this class ?布置作业布置作业1.Read the reading many times .2. Write down the reading I.3.Cloze P15 . Jane Goodall went to Tanzania(坦桑尼坦桑尼亚亚) and studied chimps from 1960s. She went with three African helpers to live in the Gombe National Park in East Africa. Her l

14、ife was spent following and recording the social life and relationships of the chimps. Because of her research, we now know that chimpanzees hunt for meat, use tools, and have different personalities. In 1965, she earned her PhD(博士学位博士学位) in ethology (动物行为学动物行为学) from Cambridge University.Jane Gooda

15、ll热身导入热身导入chimpbehave like human being热身导入热身导入Enjoy a short video about Jane and the chimps and then introduce Jane Goodall .自主学习自主学习FastReading1. Who is the protector?2. What animal are observed?3. When did Jane Goodall arrive Gombe? How old was she?4. What was the purpose of her study of the chimp

16、s?Jane Goodall.Chimps.She arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was26.Her purpose was to help the rest of the world to understand and respect the life of the chimps. Women of achievementsCarefulReadingThefamilyofchimps_and_inthemorningChimpseither_orcleaneachothertoshow_Themotherchimpandherbabies_inthet

17、reeChimpssleeptogetherintheir_forthenightChimpsinGombeNationalParkwake uplovemove offfeedplaynestThe_betweenmembersofachimpfamilyisas_asinahumanfamily.relationstrong自主学习自主学习 The first paragraphJanes study on chimps:1.She spent years _ and recording chimps daily activity.2.She observed chimps as a gr

18、oup hunting _ and then eating it, and discovered chimps hunt and eat meat.3.She also discovered how chimps _ with each other.4.She studied their body language, which helped her _ their social system.observingmonkeycommunicateworkoutThe second paragraphTrueorfalse 1)Shehopesthatchimpscanbeleftinthefo

19、rest.2)Shesupposesthatpeopleshouldusechimpsforentertainment.3)Shehasspentmorethanfiftyyearshelpingpeopleunderstandherwork.4)Shehasbuiltmanyspecialplacesforthewildanimalstolivein.FFforty yearsshould not useWorking with animals in their own environmentGaining a doctors degree for her studiesShowing th

20、at women can live in the forest as men canThe fourth paragraph反馈练习反馈练习1.1.What did the group do first in the morning? They_.What did the group do first in the morning? They_.A.A.went into the forest slowlywent into the forest slowlyB.B.left the chimp family of chimps wake upleft the chimp family of

21、chimps wake upC.C.observedobserved the family of chimps wake up the family of chimps wake upD.D.helped people understand the behaviourhelped people understand the behaviour of the chimps of the chimps2. Why did Jane go to Africa to study chimps in the wild? Because 2. Why did Jane go to Africa to st

22、udy chimps in the wild? Because she wanted_.she wanted_.A.A.To work with them in their own environmentTo work with them in their own environmentB.B.To prove the way people think about chimps was wrongTo prove the way people think about chimps was wrongC.C.To discover what chimps eatTo discover what

23、chimps eatD.D.To To observeobserve a chimp family a chimp familyC C A A 3 3. . Jane Jane was permitted towas permitted to begin her work after_. begin her work after_.A. The chimp family woke up B. she lived in the A. The chimp family woke up B. she lived in the forestforestC. Her mother came to C.

24、Her mother came to supportsupport her D. she arrived at her D. she arrived at GombeGombe4. The purpose of her study was to _.4. The purpose of her study was to _.A. Watch the wild chimps in cagesA. Watch the wild chimps in cagesB. Gain a doctors degreeB. Gain a doctors degreeC. Understand and C. Und

25、erstand and respectrespect the lives of chimps the lives of chimpsD. Live in the forest as men canD. Live in the forest as men canC C C C The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodle worked with_ and help people _ _of these animals.chimps in their environmentunderstand and respect the life 反馈练习反馈练习反馈

26、练习反馈练习 Main ideasPara 1:Para 2:Para 3:Para 4:A day in the parkJanes way to study chimps and her achievementHer attitude to the animalsShe has achieved everything she wanted to doDISCUSSION WhatmadeJaneGoodallagreatsuccess?WhatshouldwelearnfromJaneGoodall? Therearetwopointsthatmadehersuccess:oneisher

27、waytostudychimps,andtheotherishertruelovetotheanimals.Thefirstoneisfacile(易做到的易做到的),becauseitisonlyaway.Everyonecandoit.Butforthesecondone,itisnoteasy. Wehaveachoicetousethegift ofourlivestomaketheworld abetterplace -JaneGoodall Who do you think is a great woman in the world?课堂小结课堂小结What have you le

28、arnt in this class ?HOMEWORK1.Take the note P3P8 .2. Read the reading many times to review the words.GrammarUnit1主谓一致主谓一致52He and IHe and I _ ( _ (bebe) both students of this school.) both students of this school.Both parties Both parties _ _ (have) (have) their own advantages. their own advantages.

29、Her jobHer job_ (have) (have) something to do with computers. something to do with computers. They They _(_(havehave) not come yet. ) not come yet. ThereThere _( _(bebe) a desk in the room. There _ (be) no ) a desk in the room. There _ (be) no chairs in it. chairs in it. arehaveisarehas主单谓单;主复谓复主单谓单

30、;主复谓复用适当的动词形式完成句子:用适当的动词形式完成句子:热身导入热身导入自主学习自主学习1. “ what is Subject Verb Agreement ?” ” 2. 看表格看表格 。3.坚持三个原则坚持三个原则 ,坚持一分为二,坚,坚持一分为二,坚持实事求事,慧眼识主语持实事求事,慧眼识主语 。54反馈练习反馈练习 单句改错单句改错Physics are a very interesting subject. His family was all music lovers.The pair of shoes are worn out.Half of the students h

31、as finished their composition.The number of students in you are 50.The cattle is eating grass on the hill.A knife and fork are used to have meals.意意( (义义) )单谓单;意单谓单;意( (义义) )复谓复复谓复55由由 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _等连接两个主语时,等连接两个主语时,及及_结构中,结构中,谓语常谓语常与最近它的主语保持一致与最近它的主语保持一致 RULE3. . 就近原则就近原则eitherorneithernornotbu

32、tnot onlybut alsoorhere/ where/there be56选择最佳答案选择最佳答案 _ was wrong. A. Not the teacher but the students B. Both the students and the teacher C. Neither the teacher not the students D. Not the students but the teacher 57 RULE 4._4._ 当主语后面跟有_ _ _ _ _ _ _等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数由_而定。向前向前看看原则原则.aswellas,alongw

33、ith,with,like,ratherthan,togetherwithbut,except,besides,including,asmuchas no less than其其前主语的单、复数前主语的单、复数58E-mail, as well as the telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _ on the project da

34、y and night to meet the deadline. (上海上海2005) A. work B. working C. is working D. are working59RULE 5. 单数原则单数原则( ( ( (疑问词疑问词疑问词疑问词+)+)+)+)to do, doing,to do, doing, 句子句子句子句子做主语时;做主语时;做主语时;做主语时;time, money,time, money, 距离距离距离距离, , , , 重量重量重量重量, , , ,书刊名书刊名书刊名书刊名, , , ,国家名,地区名国家名,地区名国家名,地区名国家名,地区名等复数名等

35、复数名等复数名等复数名词常被看作整体作主语时;词常被看作整体作主语时;词常被看作整体作主语时;词常被看作整体作主语时;every. and every .; each . and each .; no . and no every. and every .; each . and each .; no . and no . 短语中短语中短语中短语中andandandand连接的单数名词连接的单数名词连接的单数名词连接的单数名词; ; ; ;many a, more than one, one and a halfmany a, more than one, one and a half与单数名

36、词组成的与单数名词组成的与单数名词组成的与单数名词组成的短语;短语;短语;短语;某些名词以某些名词以某些名词以某些名词以s s s s结尾如结尾如结尾如结尾如 mathsmaths, politics, physics, news, , politics, physics, news, plasticsplastics 等,谓语动词应用单数。等,谓语动词应用单数。等,谓语动词应用单数。等,谓语动词应用单数。andand连接两主语指同一人或物连接两主语指同一人或物连接两主语指同一人或物连接两主语指同一人或物,这时,这时,这时,这时后面的名词没有冠词后面的名词没有冠词后面的名词没有冠词后面的名词没

37、有冠词;60Each Each of us _a tape-recorder. (have)of us _a tape-recorder. (have)The United StatesThe United States _a great country. _a great country. (be)(be)Three weeks/Three weeks/ Ten dollars / Five kilosTen dollars / Five kilos _allowed for _allowed for making the necessary preparations then. (be)m

38、aking the necessary preparations then. (be)Every Every girl and girl and everyevery boy _the right to join the club. boy _the right to join the club. (have)(have)Many aMany a person _the novel before. (read) person _the novel before. (read)To holdTo hold the Olympic Gamesthe Olympic Games _a rich pr

39、ize for a _a rich prize for a country. (be) country. (be) Choosing what to eatChoosing what to eat _no longer easy now.(be _no longer easy now.(be) )When and where we will go When and where we will go _ known yet. _ known yet. (not, be)(not, be)Bread and butterBread and butter _their daily food. (be

40、) _their daily food. (be)hasRule5.单数原则单数原则1Oneortwodays_enoughtoseethecityAisBareCamDbe 2Nottheteacher,butthestudents_lookingforwardtoseeingthefilmAisBareCamDbe反馈练习反馈练习3.NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary_tiredofhavingoneexaminationafteranotherA.isB.areCamDbe4.NeithermywifenorImyself_abletopersuademydaughte

41、rtochangehermindAisB.areCamDbe5.Eithersheoryou_goingtovisitBeijing.A. is B. are Cam Dbe6NobodybutBettyandMary_lateforclassyesterdayAwasBwereChasbeenDhavebeen7Awomanwithsomechildren_soonAiscomingBarecomingChascomeDhavecome8.Everything,includingtheclothes,_stolenthatevening.A.isB.wasC.areD.were9No one

42、 except my parents _ anything about this。 Aknow Bknows Cis known Dare known10The teacher as well as the students _ the book already Ahas read Bhave read Care reading Dis reading11All but one _ in the accident Awas killed Bwere killed Cwill be killed Dare killed 65直击高考直击高考1._ofthelandinthatdistrict_c

43、overedwithtreesandgrass.(上海上海2000)A.Twofifth,isB.Twofifth,areC.Twofifths,isD.Twofifths,areC语法一致原则语法一致原则663.Thecountrylifehewasusedto_greatlysince1992.(山东山东2005)A.changeB.haschangedC.changing D.havechangedB语法一致原则语法一致原则672.Eitherthedean(系主任系主任)ortheprincipal(校长)(校长)_themeeting.A.attendsB.attendC.areat



46、anandwoman_thesamerights.A.hasB.haveC.hadD.ishavingA单数原则单数原则Notonlyyoubutalsohe_wrong.(is/are)Neitheryounorhe_right.(is/are)There_twoshopsandacinemabesidetherailwaystation.(is/are)Here_amapandahandbookforyou.(is/are)isisareis_反馈练习反馈练习课堂小结课堂小结1.主谓一致的定义主谓一致的定义 。2.表格。表格。3.坚持三个原则。坚持三个原则。4.坚持一分为二坚持一分为二 。

47、5.坚持实事求是坚持实事求是 。6.慧眼识主语慧眼识主语 。Diligence is the greatest of teachers . 勤奋是最好的老师勤奋是最好的老师 。75PleasureforamommentAJokeMum:Tommy,Ms.Greenkissesyouatschooleveryday.Tommy:Yes,shedoes.Mum:Doyoukissherback?Tommy:No,Mum.Ikissherface.布置作业布置作业1.Take the notes of Subject-Verb Agreement .2. Preview the Reading II

48、 .3.Do the exercise 17-20 .The world belongs to the energetic . 世界属于精力旺盛的人世界属于精力旺盛的人 。热身导入热身导入1.How did you born into the world ?2 who delivered you ?1. 3. Did she married during her life?2. WHAT MADE HER FAMOUS?Sheisaspecialistinwomensdisease.hardwork,determination,gentlenature,kindness,considerati

49、onNo,shehadchosennottohaveafamilyofherown.1.Who is Lin Qiaozhi? 自主学习自主学习Fast reading Q2. True or false:After reading about Lin Qiaozhi, the writer was moved by what she did , so she decided to study medicine. T 自主学习自主学习Careful ReadingQ. From Para.1, what can we infer(推断推断)? A. The writers homework w

50、as to change her life. B. The writer liked biology and chemistry. C. The writer was a middle school student. D. The writer was studying at university. Para1 自主学习自主学习Q. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book?A.It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.B.She wanted to ma

51、ke money.C.It was intended for women who lived in the countryside and could not reach a doctor.D. Both A and C. para2 Para. 3Q1. Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Why?Q2. What made Lin Qiaozhi famous?No, it wasnt. Because at that time womens education was always placed s

52、econd to mens.It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients.HOW MANY WORDS CAN YOU FIND IN THE TEXT USED TO DESCRIBE LIN QIAOZHI? Qualities considerate determined kind good-natured busy hard workingPara 3合作探究合作探究Para 4. What were her sacrifices(牺牲牺牲)?She devoted her whole

53、life to her patients and chose not to have a family of her own.Three achievements of Lin QiaozhiShe became a specialist in womens diseases.She got a medical training for her career.She made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.合作探究合作探究反馈练习反馈练习Read the text quickly in

54、5 minutes and do some T or F exercises.1.Lin Qiaozhi was very busy in her career. 2.Lin wrote books and articles for women living in the city.3.She lived in the late 20th century. T FF.4.It wasnt difficult at all for women to get education in the times when Lin lived. 5.It was Lins cleverness that h

55、ad got her into medical school. 6.Lin had safely delivered(接生) about 50,000 babies.FF反馈练习反馈练习:Look at the following pictures and say at least three sentencese.g.: She was a doctor Adoctorwhobecameaspecialistinwomensillnesses.ShedevotedallherlifetomedicalworkforChinesewomenandchildren.Herworkencourag

56、edmanyotherwomentobecomedoctors.LinQiaozhi(1901-1983)ChinaIntroduce Lin QiaoZhi to everyone 课堂小结课堂小结1.What have you learnt in this class ?It is when you are using what you have learnt from books that you wish you had read more. 书到用时方恨少书到用时方恨少布置作业布置作业1. Do the exercise P16-P20.2. Read the Reading I,II many times and introduce Jane Goodall and Lin QiuZhi .3.Review all the knowledge in unit 1 Women of Achievement .



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