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1、College English(大学英语)Task 2 Whats Apples product range?社科基础部 周伯亮Workplace Communication(职场交际)Task2:What s Apple s product range?Listeningin(听力练习)Listen to the model dialogue and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Situation :Peter is a project manager of Apple Inc. He is talking about Apple Inc. w

2、ith a visitor.Word TipINC.Incorporatedv v Task2:What s Apple s product range?Model DialogueVisitor: Whats Apples _? Peter: Apple offers _, including Mac computers, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and other consumer electronics.Visitor: Which of your products _? And what were Apples _ last year?Peter: O

3、f course, iPhone is our _. With the successful launch of iPhone iPhone 5, Apple has surpassed Samsung and become the worlds biggest smartphone maker. The _ _ of last year is more than US$ 108 billion. Visitor: Very good performance! Can you tell me something about Apples history? Peter: Yes. Apple _

4、 in 1976. Steve Jobs _ with his two co-founders. Task2:What s Apple s product range?v Speaking out (口语练习) Listen to the model dialogue again and check your answers. Then practice the dialogue and try to role-play it with your partner. Where you role-play it you are expected to use the Mind Map below

5、, but do NOT look at the model dialogue.(通过角色扮演来练习口语,不能看课本,只能看以下的提示图)Task2:What s Apple s product range?Task2:What s Apple s product range?v英语口语评分标准:v1、语音语调(20分):v 发音准确correctness, 声音清晰clarity, 语调自然natural expression 2、交际能力(20分):v 反应敏捷quick response, 应答扣题precision, 表达得体appropriateness 3、流利程度(20分):v 流利达意fluent expression, 语速自然流畅appropriate speed 4、词汇语法(10分):v 用词恰当word selection,无语法错误grammatical accuracy 5、选材内容(10分):v 紧扣主题relevance,观点清晰clarity,表达完整integrity,有创意originality 6、仪容仪表(10分):v 感情充沛expressivity,仪表大方good manners& gestures 7、综合能力(10分):



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