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1、第第1页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语第一部分实效复习提分案第第2页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语必修一第第3页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语Module 1My First Day at Senior High 晨背预习晨背预

2、习晨背预习晨背预习二重奏二重奏二重奏二重奏综合应用综合应用综合应用综合应用学写作学写作学写作学写作课堂学透课堂学透课堂学透课堂学透三关键三关键三关键三关键第第4页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语C晨背预习二重奏晨背预习二重奏第第5页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语一重奏一重奏单向记忆单向记忆 .记派生1_ adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的_ adj.吃惊的

3、;惊讶的_ vt.使吃惊_ n吃惊2_ n信息_ vt.告知3_ n(常作复数)指示;说明_ vt.指示;指导4_ adj.厌烦的;厌倦的_ adj.令人厌烦的_vt.使厌倦amazingamazedamazeamazementinformationinforminstructioninstructboredboringbore第第6页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语5_ adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的_ adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的_ vt.使尴尬;使困窘6_ n行为;

4、举动_ v表现;使守规矩7_ n记述;描述_ vt.描述8_ vt.使印象深刻_ n印象embarrassedembarrassingembarrassbehaviorbehavedescriptiondescribeimpressimpression第第7页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语9_n鼓励;激励_ vt.鼓励;激励10_ adj.失望的_ adj.令人失望的_ vt.使失望_ n失望11_ vi.消失(反义词)_ vi.出现encouragement encou

5、ragedisappointeddisappointingdisappointdisappointment disappear appear 第第8页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.背短语1_与相似2_远离;远非3_一点也不像4_玩得开心5_单独地;独自地6_换句话说7_期待;盼望8_在开始/结束的时候9_被(划)分成10_参加11_上大学be similar tofar fromnothing likehave funby oneselfin other wordslo

6、ok forward toat the start/end ofbe divided intotake part ingo to college第第9页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.仿句式1Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.(替代词that的用法)【仿写】北京的天气比

7、南京的天气凉爽很多。The weather in Beijing is _.2I dont think I will be bored in Ms Shens class!(否定转移结构)【仿写】我想我们不一定能成功,但是不管怎样还是试试吧。_but lets try anyway.much cooler than that in NanjingI dont think we will succeed第第10页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语3In other words,

8、 there are three times as many girls as boys.(倍数as . as.)【仿写】他用功的程度是我的三倍。He studies _.4He said it didnt matter if we made mistakes.(It doesnt matter if/whether .)【仿写】他是离开还是留下没关系。_.5Oh really? So have I(so引导的倒装句)【仿写】如果你去那儿,我也去。If you go there, _.three times as hard as IIt doesnt matter whether he lea

9、ves or remainsso will I第第11页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.正确拼写写作词汇1He _ (描述) what he had seen and heard.2Their _ (态度) towards me shows that they dont like me.3We have just received _ (指示) that we must hand in all our baggage in no time.4He became _ (热心

10、的) about classical music.describedattitudeinstructionsenthusiastic二重奏二重奏语境记忆语境记忆 第第12页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语5More practice will make you speak with greater _ (流畅)6The book _ (包含) many events that can not be found in other books.7He received a lo

11、t of _ (鼓励) from his teacher and made great progress.8It was with these effective _ (方法) that I achieved my _ (学术的) goals.fluencycoversencouragementmethodsacademic第第13页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.语境串记派生词汇1He is _ to talk about such an _ matter in fro

12、nt of so many people. (embarrass)2Jane is _ because her job is _which _ her parents. (bore)embarrassedembarrassingboredboring,bores第第14页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.选用左栏短语填空1Dear guests, you are welcome to _some activities.2I have been _the trip for a

13、 very long time.3_helping improve the situation, they have made it worse.4The physical benefits of exercise can _three aspects.5What they performed during the finals _their ordinary training.6In summer, there is _swimming as a means of keeping fit.take part inlooking forward to/towardsFar frombe div

14、ided intois similar tonothing like第第15页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语K课堂学透三关键课堂学透三关键第第16页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语1amazing adj. 令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的练一练单句语法填空(教材原句)The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly

15、 and the classrooms are _ (amaze)老师们热情友好,教室配备令人惊讶。(2015四川卷)Little Tom sat _ (amaze) watching the monkey dancing in front of him.小汤姆吃惊地坐着观看猴子在他面前跳舞。关键点一热考单词关键点一热考单词 amazingamazed第第17页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(2014新课标卷)There are _ (amaze) stories of

16、instant transformation.有一些令人吃惊的快速改观的故事。(2014福建卷)I was _ (amaze) that hed come up with this sweet idea.我非常惊讶他有这么一个甜蜜的想法。What _ (amaze) the audience was his impressive performance.让观众吃惊的是他令人印象深刻的表演。amazingamazedamazed第第18页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(1)

17、be amazed at/with sth. 对某事很吃惊be amazed to do sth.因做某事而吃惊be amazed that .因而感到惊讶(2)What amaze sb. is/was .使某人吃惊的是(3)to ones amazement令某人吃惊的是in amazement吃惊地;惊奇地记一记 第第19页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语2attitude n态度;看法练一练完成句子(2015四川卷)He has _ life.他的生活态度很积极。(

18、2015浙江卷)People will change their _ you when you are in difficulty.当你有困难时人们会改变对你的态度。a positive attitude to/towardsattitude to/towards第第20页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语attitude to/towards .对的态度/看法have/take a positive/negative attitude to/towards . 对持肯定/否

19、定的态度记一记 第第21页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语3impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记,让明白(的重要性等)练一练单句语法填空(教材原句)Li Kang is very _ (impress) with the teachers and technology in his new school.李康对自己新学校的老师和技术印象深刻。(2015江苏卷)He left a deep _ (impress) on me and gave me the inspira

20、tion to pick up my pen again.他给我留下了深刻的印象,并鼓励我重新拿起笔开始写作。impressedimpression第第22页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(2014湖北卷)What was so _ (impress) about Jasmine Westlands victory was that she came first in the marathon bare footed.杰西敏韦斯特兰的胜利给人留下如此深刻的印象是因为她光着

21、脚在马拉松比赛中获得了第一名。(2014天津卷)What _ (impress) me about his painting is the colors he uses.我对他的油画印象最深的是他使用的色彩。impressiveimpresses第第23页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(1)impress sb. with sth.给某人留下印象impress sth.on/upon sb./ones memory使某人铭记某事be impressed with/by .

22、对有深刻印象(2)leave/have/make a(n) . impression on sb.给某人留下的印象记一记 第第24页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语4cover vt. 包含,涉及;盖,掩盖;行走(路程);看完(页书);(记者)采访/报道;占用(一段时间或空间);(钱)够用 n封面(底);盖子练一练 写出下列句中黑体词的含义(教材原句)Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years, grades

23、six to twelve._(2015天津卷)The cover of a book caught my eye._包含封面第第25页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(2015浙江卷)The bird covered the longest distance. _(2015湖南卷)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket covering the desert._The reporter was sent to

24、cover the sudden fire._飞过覆盖 报道第第26页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语记一记 第第27页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语教师微点5instruction n(常作复数)指示;说明U U指导;讲授;教育练一练单句语法填空(教材原句)Ms Shen gave us _ (instruct) and then we worked

25、 by ourselves.沈老师给我们作出说明,然后我们独立完成。(2014山东卷)But with my English teachers patient _ (instruct) and help, I kept on learning.但是在我的英语老师耐心的指导和帮助下,我不断地学习。 instructions instruction第第28页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语It is the most _ (instruct) lecture that I ha

26、ve attended since I came to this school.这是我自从来到这所学校所听过的最有教育意义的一堂课。A computer can only do what you have instructed it _ (do)计算机只能做你已命令它做的事情。instructive to do 第第29页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(1)instruct v命令;指示instruct sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事instruct sb.

27、in sth.教授某人某方面的知识(2)instructive adj.有教育意义的记一记 悟一悟instruction作“指导;讲授;教育”讲时为不可数名词,其后常与介词in搭配;复数instructions表示“操作指南;用法说明;命令”时,其后常跟介词on, for或about。第第30页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.语法填空单句训练1(2014广东卷)The audience was _ (impress) by his _ (amaze) performanc

28、e.2(2015福建卷)It took a horrible accident to change her attitude _ life.3When I woke up, I found the ground _ (cover) with snow.4The sentence _ (impress) her so much that she wrote it down.单词对点微练单词对点微练 impressed amazing to/towardscoveredimpressed第第31页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复

29、习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语5(湖南卷)This is the most _ (instruct) lecture that I have ever attended.6I _ (encourage) by what he said the other day.7What _ (amaze) me most was his big beautiful house.8The manager instructed him _ (report) to the boss.9After the careful treatment, his high fever finally _

30、 (appear)10Nothing is greater than the _ (enjoy) from a cool drink in a hot summer day. instructivewas encouragedamazedto reportdisappearedenjoyment第第32页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.短文改错单句训练1Failing the exam, he had a disappointing look on his face._2

31、This website covers a lot of informations, which cant be found in the newspaper. _3I wish to impress the importance of honesty with you. _4In my amazement, he came up and shook hands with me._5Ive heard hes cured many diseases in this method._6This book contains your operating instruction._disappoin

32、tingdisappointedinformationsinformationwithonInToinwithinstructioninstructions第第33页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语1in other words 换句话说练一练单句语法填空(2014湖南卷)In _ words, old habits die hard.换句话说,旧习难改。In _ word, good listening can really enable us to get closer

33、 to each other.总之,认真倾听确实能使我们拉近彼此的距离。Word came _ Li Hua was admitted to Beijing University.消息传来说李华被北京大学录取。关键点二必考短语关键点二必考短语 otherathat第第34页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语(1)in a/one word总之;简言之keep/break ones word遵守诺言/食言have a word with sb.与某人谈话have words w

34、ith sb.与某人争吵(2)Word came that .有消息传来(此时word为不可数名词)记一记 第第35页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语2look forward to 期望;盼望练一练单句语法填空(2015新课标卷)Im looking forward to _ (hear) from you.我盼望收到你的来信。The moment I had been looking forward to _ (come) at last.hearingcame第第36

35、页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语to为介词后接doing的短语be devoted to 致力于 be used to 习惯于get down to 着手做be close to 接近pay attention to 注意be addicted to 沉溺于lead to 导致contribute to 导致;有助于记一记 第第37页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版

36、英语外研版英语教师微点3nothing like一点儿不像;没有什么能比得上练一练单句语法填空He found that his hometown was _ like what it was when he was a small boy.他发现他的家乡跟他小时候完全不一样了。There is nothing _ a hot bath when you are worn out after a busy day.经过忙忙碌碌一天已疲惫不堪,没有什么能比得上洗个热水澡了。 nothing like第第38页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名

37、师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语There were _ like 500 people in the audience.观众大约有500人。It isnt _ like as cold as it was yesterday.今天全然不像昨天那么冷。somethinganything第第39页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语There is nothing like .没有什么比得上something like大约;有点(像)anythi

38、ng like与相似(多用于疑问句或否定句)记一记 第第40页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语4take part in 参加练一练单句改错We should take active part in sports._He attended to yesterdays lecture and found it boring._He joined in the army last year._active前加an去掉to去掉in第第41页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高

39、考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语辨一辨take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用;part前有修饰语时,要用不定冠词a/anattend主要指出席、参加某一活动,强调出席者只是在其中“听”或“看”等,不起积极作用,主要指参加会议、上课(学)、参加典礼(葬礼)、听演讲等join可指参加某一团体或组织,成为其中一员join in多指参加比赛或活动,参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏、谈话等某项具体活动,常用于口语join sb. in .和某人一起第第42页页名师一号高考总复习

40、模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语语法填空单句训练1There is _ like a good cry to get all your worries out of you.2The art show was far from _ (be) a failure; it was a great success.3He suggested that our class should _ (divide) into five groups.4We are looking forward to _ (

41、receive) your email in no time.短语对点微练短语对点微练nothingbeingbe dividedreceiving第第43页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语5We had great fun _ (play) sands in the beach.6I have learned to do things all by _ (me) in the new school.7I soon found that the work I was doi

42、ng had been done by other people in _ words, I was wasting my time.8The boy likes to take part _ all kinds of outdoor activities.playingmyselfother in第第44页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语1Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothin

43、g like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用新的教科书,沈老师的教学方法与我初中老师的教学方法完全不同。句型公式:that作替代词关键点三常考句式关键点三常考句式第第45页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语练一练用it/that/ones/those填空His own experience was different from _ of his friends.他自己的体会和朋友们的体会不同。I bough

44、t a pen and _ cost me 10 dollars.我买了一支钢笔,花了我10美元。He likes American novels, especially twenty century _.他喜欢美国小说,尤其是20世纪的小说。Our computers are as good as _ made in America.我们生产的电脑和美国生产的一样好。 thatitones those第第46页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语that/thosethat主

45、要用于有后置定语的情况,可以代替可数名词单数或不可数名词;those表示特指,代指提到的或已知的复数名词,相当于the名词复数one/onesone只能代替可数名词单数,其代替的是同类中的一个人或物,可用冠词或形容词修饰,表示特指时一般其前加定冠词the; ones是one的复数形式,用来代替可数名词复数it用来代替上文提到的同一事物,还可指代婴儿或性别不详者记一记 第第47页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语教师微点2In other words, there are th

46、ree times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生的3倍。练一练一句多译This tree is three times as tall as that one.This tree is _ that one.This tree is _that one.这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。twice times taller thanthree times the height of第第48页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语表示倍数的3个常见句型

47、(1)Abe倍数asadj./adv.原级asB(2)Abe倍数adj./adv.比较级thanB(3)Abe倍数the size/length/height/depth/width . ofB记一记 第第49页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语短文改错单句训练1The new building is four time bigger than that one. _2The number of students in our class is larger than tho

48、se of his class. _3My friend was a girl calling Mary._4That doesnt matter whether you come or not._5I dont think he is reliable, isnt he?_6I bought an ancient vase, the price of it was reasonable._7He didnt finish his work; so did I_8I wanted to describe the town that I lived._句式对点微练句式对点微练timetimest


50、根据以下要点回信告知。1学校的总体情况;2同学和老师的情况;3你的感受。 话题学校生活话题学校生活第第52页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语Dear Tom,Thank you so much for your letter. Ill tell you something about my first day at Senior High._ (我的新学校是以前学校的两倍大). And _ (教室令人惊奇) with a computer in each. _ (同学们友

51、好 而 热 心 ) and we help each other find the dormitories. _ (我对老师们的教学方法印象深刻), _ _ (这些方法与我初中老师的方法完全不同。which). At the first lesson, I felt nervous at first, but I soon felt relaxed after our teacher asked us to introduce ourselves to each other.My new school is twice as big as my previous onethe classroo

52、ms are amazingMy classmates are all friendly and enthusiasticI was very impressed with my teachers teaching methodswhich are nothing like those of the teachers at my Junior High school第第53页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语I like my new school very much. I

53、think I can make great progress in this school.Yours,Li Hua第第54页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语教师微点加练一刻钟(一).单词拼写1We are looking for a(n) _ (热心的) person to work in our sales department.2The new teaching _ (方法) encourage children to think for themselves.3H

54、is _ (态度) to his new job seemed to be very negative.4The trees had been planted by the _ (以前的) owner.enthusiasticmethodsattitudeformer第第55页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语5I wish he wouldnt ask such _ (令人尴尬的) questions.6Jackson _ (给人印象) me with his force

55、and kindness when we first met.7There must be some _ (误解) I thought I ordered the smaller model.8I cant find my keys anywhere theyve completely _ (消失)9Theyve bought a new house ,but it will need a lot of work before they can _ (搬) into it.10Someones _ (助手) is a person who helps them in their work.em

56、barrassing impressed misunderstandingdisappearedmoveassistant 第第56页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.语法填空单句训练1The _ (amaze) thing is that it was kept secret for so long.2The doctor needs some more _ (inform) about the patients medical history.3They need cl

57、ear _ (instruct) on what to do next.4The writer began with a(n) _ (describe) of the area.5Teachers usually make _ (correct) in red ink.6Children need lots of _ (encourage) from their parents.7I get a lot of _ (enjoy) from my job.8They were _ (disappoint) at the result of the game.amazinginformationi

58、nstructiondescriptioncorrectionsencouragementenjoymentdisappointed 第第57页页名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标名师一号高考总复习模块新课标外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语外研版英语.语法填空Today is my first day at Senior High school and I _ (write) down my thoughts about it. My new school is very good. The teachers are very enthusias

59、tic and _ (friend). Every room has a computer _ a special screen. The teachers write on it. Theyre brilliant! The English class is really _ (interest). Our English teacher is an enthusiastic lady _ (call) Ms. Shen. She gave us _ (instruct) and we worked by ourselves. We all like her attitude very mu

60、ch. The population of my class is larger than _ of my previous class in Junior High. And there are three _ (time) as many girls as boys. In this class, everyone is hardworking. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street _ we live. Im looking forward to _ (do) it!am writingfriendlywith interestingcalled instructions that timeswheredoing



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