最新小学pep五年级英语上册PEP 六英上 Unit 3 第四课时精品

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1、Unit3Myweekplan第四课时第四课时BLetslearnWhatareyougoingtodo?Imgoingto LetschantImgoingtobuyabook.Imgoingtotakealook.Imgoingtobakeacake.Imgoingtowalknearalake!Imgoingtohaveagoodday!Saturday,Saturday, this Saturday,What are you going to do this Saturday?Sunday,Sunday, this Sunday,What are you going to do thi

2、s Sunday?Weekend,weekend,this weekend.What are you going to do this weekend?ReviewA:Whatareyougoingtodothisweekend?B:ImgoingtoDoyouoftengotothebookstore?Whatbookscanyoubuyinabookstore?Whatareyougoingtodointhebookstore? post office post cardspostcard,postcardIamgoingtobuyapostcard.dictionary English

3、dictionary Chinese dictionary/diknri/dictionariesdictionarydictionary,dictionary.I am going to buy a icbook,comicbookIamgoingtobuyacomicbook./kmik/wordbook,wordbookIamgoingtobuyawordbook.wordworkComic book,comic book, buy a comic book.Im going to buy a comic book.Word book,word book,buy a word book.

4、Im going to buy a word book.Dictionary,dictionary,buy a dictionary.Im going to buy a dictionary.word bookdictionarycomic bookpost cardpost cardword bookdictionarycomic bookpots darc narydictionkoob cocmidrow koobpost card dictionary comic bookword book pitalhoshospitala word booka post carda diction

5、arya comic bookWhat are you going to buy ?I am going to buy. Whatareyougoingtobuy?IamgoingtobuyLets try:What are you going to buy?Im going to buy a/an/some.=(I am)wordbooksComic booksPost cardsnewspapersdictionariespostcardB:Iamgoingtobuyapostcard.A:Whatareyougoingtodo?A:Whenareyougoing?B:Thisaftern

6、oon/Tomorrow/Nextweekend. A:Whatareyougoingtodo?B:IamgoingtobuyA:Whenareyougoing?B:Thisafternoon/Tomorrow/Nextweekend.Pair WorkIamgoingtothe.Iamgoingtoseeafilmaboutspacetravel.Whereareyougoing?cinema.spacetravel/speistrvl/太空之旅太空之旅 A:Where are you going? B: Im going to the cinema .Were going to see a

7、 film about space travel. (太空之旅) A:Cool!I have lots of comic books about space.When are you going? B: Next Wednesday. A: WhynotgoonTuesday?Its half /ha:f/price/prais/. (半价) B: Really? Thank you .Letstalk:WhatWhereWhen开动脑筋想一想,下面的这是什么词?开动脑筋想一想,下面的这是什么词?分别问了什么?要怎么回答?分别问了什么?要怎么回答??Unit 3WhatWhereWhen答案揭

8、晓:答案揭晓:1、这三个词是特殊疑问词,、这三个词是特殊疑问词,2、特殊疑问词要根据问的内容做具体回答。、特殊疑问词要根据问的内容做具体回答。意义是“什么什么”,要根据问的内容来,要根据问的内容来回答。回答。如如:whats your name? my name is XXX.意义是“那里那里”,具体回答地点那里,具体回答地点那里 。如如:where is your school? My school is near the post office.意义是“什么时候什么时候”,具体回答,具体回答时间时间 。 如如:when are you going to school tomorrow?Im

9、 going to school at 7:00.Unit 3_Shopping Mall (商业街)_Where are you going?(你打算去哪里?)(你打算去哪里?)Im going to the.Amy:Where are you going ?Chen:Im going to the .Amy:What are you going to buy ?Chen:I am going to buy .Amy:When are you going ?Chen:I am going at o clock. a dogon Sunday afternoon thiseveningshoe

10、 storea pair of shoesA:WhereareyougoingB:ImgoingtoA:Whatareyougoingtobuy?B:ImgoingtobuyA:Whenareyougoing?B:Imgoingtoatoclock.Amy: Where are you going ?Chen: Im going to the .Amy: What are you going to buy ?Chen: I am going to buy .Amy: When are you going ?Chen: I am going at o clock.fruit standsome

11、applestomorrow morningAmy:Whereareyougoing?Chen:Imgoingtothe.Amy:Whatareyougoingtobuy?Chen:Iamgoingtobuy.Amy:Whenareyougoing?Chen:Iamgoingatoclock.thisweekendclothesshopacoatfruitstandtomorrowmorning9:00petshopSundayafternoon5:00shoestorethisevening7:00 Questions:1)WhereisChengoing?2)Whatisshegoingt

12、obuy?3)Whenisshegoing?Where:bookstoreWhat:buyacomicbookWhen:at3oclock I can say : ( 我会说我会说 ) A:Whereareyougoing_?B:Imgoingto_.A:Whatareyougoingto_?B:Iamgoingto_.A:Whenareyougoing?B:Iamgoing_.this afternoonthe bookstorebuybuy a comic bookat 3 oclockShowtime:A:Goodafternoon!CanIhelpyou?Ss:Yes!A:Whatar

13、eyougoingtobuy?S1:Imgoingtobuya.A:Ok,itsyuan.S1:Illtakeit.A:Whatareyougoingtobuy?S2:Imgoingtobuya.Choose the right answer(选词填空)(选词填空)where what when1、_ are they going to do in the park? Theyre going to have a picnic.2、_ are you going next week? Im going to Guangzhou.3、_ is Mickey going to the bookst

14、ore? Hes going at 9:00 on Sunday morning.Where What WhenhomeClean my roomSaturday morningparkWalk near the lakeSaturday afternoonMy parents homeWatch TVSaturdayeveningTips:写下你周末的计划NameXiongSuyaChen FanlangWherelibraryparkWhatRead a bookFly a kiteWhenSaturdaySaturdayYou can use:Where are you going on

15、 the weekend?What are you going to do?When are you going?Tips:要记住噢!要记住噢!Summary:What are you going to do?Im going to+活动内容Where are you going?Im going+地点When are you going?Im going 时间How are you going?I m going 交通方式Put the words in a sentence.1.do are you to going what the weekend on(?) 2.the going t

16、hey cinema are to (.) 3.together we going to are TV watch(.) 4. he going to is take a trip (?) 5.how you going are(?) What are you going to do on the weekend?They are going to the cinema.We are going to watchTV together.Is he going to take a trip?How are you going?按要求完成句子1. We are going to the books

17、tore. 对划线部分提问 2. I am going to read a magazine. 改为一般疑问句3.Iamgoingtoplanttreestomorrow.对划线部分提问对划线部分提问4.Theyaregoingtherenextweek.对划线部分提问Whereareyougoing?Areyougoingtoreadamagazine?Whatareyougoingtodotomorrow?Whenaretheygoingthere?Pair work.A: What are you going to do ?B: Im going to buy a dictionary.A: When are you going?B: This weekend.A: Lets go together.B: OK.同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全知识是一种快乐而好奇则是知识的萌芽。培根



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