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1、如何撰写医药如何撰写医药SCI论文?论文? How to Write a Good SCI Paper on Medical & Pharmaceutical Research? Professor of English and simultaneous interpreter for international academic conferences, is the Director of the Department of Pharmaceutical English, the Deputy Director of the Office of International Exchange

2、 & Cooperation and the Deputy Director of the Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of CPU. He is chief compiler of Chinas top-level and nationwide textbooks of Pharmaceutical English (Peoples Medical Publishing House, 2011) and Analytical Chemistry Experiments (a bilingual laboratory workbo

3、ok, Science Press, 2012), member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of China Pharmaceutical University and the chief English language reviewer for SCI-indexed Chinese Journal of National Medicines,. As a teacher, Prof. Shi has been working at China Pharmaceutical University with both the undergra

4、duate students of Pharmaceutical English in the key course of “General & Simultaneous Conference Interpreting” and the PhD candidates of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the leading course of “Writing in English for Publication in SCI-Indexed Pharmaceutical Journals”. SCI收录医学相关学科(一)Allergy (过敏症)Anatomy &

5、Morphology(解剖与形态学)Andrology(男科学)Anesthesiology(麻醉学)Behavioral Sciences(行为科学)Biochemical Research Methods(生物化学研究)Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems(心脏与心血管系统)Cell & Tissue Engineering(细胞与组织工程)Chemistry, Medicinal(医学化学)Clinical Neurology(临床神经病学)Critical Care Medicine(急救医学)Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medici

6、ne(牙医学,口腔外科与内科)Dermatology (皮肤病学)Emergency Medicine (急诊医学)Endocrinology & Metabolism(内分泌与新陈代谢)Engineering, Biomedical(生物医学工程)Gastroenterology & Hepatology(胃肠病学与肝脏学)Genetics & Heredity(遗传)Geriatrics & Gerontology(老年病学与老年医学)Health Care Sciences & Services(卫生保健科学与服务)Hematology(血液学)3SCI收录医学相关学科(二)Immuno

7、logy(免疫学)Infectious Diseases(传染病学)Integrative & Complementary Medicine(综合与补充医学)Medical Ethics(医学伦理学)Medical Informatics(医学信息学)Medical Laboratory Technology(医学实验研究技术)Medicine, General & Internal(内科)Medicine, Legal(法医学)Medicine, Research & Experimental(医学研究与实验)Microbiology(微生物学)Microscopy(显微镜学)Mycolog

8、y(真菌学)Neuroimaging(神经影像学)Neurosciences(神经科学)Nursing(护理)Nutrition & Dietetics(营养学)Obstetrics & Gynecology(妇产科学)Oncology(肿瘤学)Ophthalmology(眼科学)Orthopedics(整形外科)Otorhinolaryngology(耳鼻喉)Parasitology(寄生虫学)Pathology(病理学)Pediatrics(小儿科)Peripheral Vascular Disease(周围性血管疾病)4SCI收录医学相关学科(三)Pharmacology & Pharm

9、acy(药理学)Physiology(生理学)Psychiatry(精神病学)Psychology(心理学)Public, Environmental & Occupational Health(职业保健)Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging(放射学、核医学与医学影像)Rehabilitation(康复科学)Reproductive Biology(生殖生物学、再生生物学)Respiratory System(呼吸系统)Rheumatology (风湿病学)Sport Sciences(运动科学)Substance Abuse(物质滥用、药

10、物滥用)Surgery(外科学)Toxicology(毒理学)Transplantation(移植)Tropical Medicine(热带医学)Urology & Nephrology(泌尿与肾脏)Virology(病毒学)5医药学论文英语写作中的语言问题How to Write a Medical and Pharmaceutical Research Paper in Good English?加拿大恶性肿瘤预防控制概况 据估计,2011年加拿大新发恶性肿瘤病例约17.8万例,7.5万人死于恶性肿瘤,居加拿大死因首位。加拿大男性恶性肿瘤发病率近二十年来有所下降,肺癌发病率下降趋势较为明显

11、,烟草控制效果开始显现;女性恶性肿瘤发病率则呈缓慢上升趋势,主要与女性肺癌、甲状腺癌和非霍奇金淋巴瘤的发病率上升有关。加拿大男性恶性肿瘤死亡率呈现逐步下降趋势,早期筛查和治疗水平的提高是主要原因,女性恶性肿瘤死亡率基本保持稳定。加拿大癌症控制计划(Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, CSCC)为肿瘤防控机构和组织建立了纽带,通过各地区和组织的协调行动,使得肿瘤防控更加高效,促进了加拿大的肿瘤防控工作。Cancer Prevention and Control in Canada An estimated 178 000 new cases and 75

12、000 deaths of cancer are expected in Canada in 2011. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. Among males, the overall cancer incidence rate declined over the past twenty years, especially in lung cancer, which reflects the effect of tobacco control. Among females, the overall cancer incidenc

13、e rate has been increasing slowly because of increases in incidence rates for lung cancer, thyroid cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The cancer mortality rate in males has been declining slowly because of early screening and improved treatment, while the mortality rate has remained relatively stable

14、 in females. Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control(CSCC) established a bridge among cancer stakeholders. The CSCC has encouraged the cancer control community in Canada work together to take into action. This efficient and resource-saved approach will accelerate the ability of advancing and sustaining

15、 the cancer control in Canada.语言的规范: Writing in Better EnglishAn estimated 178 000 new cases and 75 000 deaths of cancer are expected in Canada in 2011. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. 改成:An estimated 178,000 new cases and 75,000 deaths of cancer are expected in Canada in 2011, with

16、cancer being the leading cause of death in the country. 语言的规范: Writing in Better EnglishAmong males, the overall cancer incidence rate declined over the past twenty years, especially in lung cancer, which reflects the effect of tobacco control. Among females, the overall cancer incidence rate has be

17、en increasing slowly because of increases in incidence rates for lung cancer, thyroid cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. 改成:The overall rate of cancer incidence for males declined over the past two decades, especially in lung cancer, due to the effort of tobacco control; yet for females, it has been

18、increasing slowly because of the higher incidence rates for lung cancer, thyroid cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. 语言的规范: Writing in Better EnglishThe cancer mortality rate in males has been declining slowly because of early screening and improved treatment, while the mortality rate has remained rel

19、atively stable in females. 改成:The cancer mortality rate for males has been declining slowly thanks to early screening and improved treatment, while that for females has remained relatively unchanged. 语言的规范: Writing in Better EnglishCanadian Strategy for Cancer Control(CSCC) established a bridge amon

20、g cancer stakeholders. The CSCC has encouraged the cancer control community in Canada work together to take into action. This efficient and resource-saved approach will accelerate the ability of advancing and sustaining the cancer control in Canada.改成:A bridge among cancer stakeholders has been esta

21、blished by CSCC, the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, which has been calling for more joint efforts from different organizations in the cancer control community to take more effective measures so as to further promote the prevention and control of cancers in Canada. SCISCI论文类型论文类型uResearch Arti

22、cleuLetter (Report, Short Article, Communication)uReview (Perspective, Comment, Viewpoint)uEditorialuCase ReportuCorrespondence (To editor, Letter)SCI论文的分类实验性论文1引言2 实验方法3 实验结果(数据)4 对实验结果的分析5 结论 SCI论文的分类报道性论文(报道某一项科学发现,这一发现不是通过实验、而是通过野外调查发现的)1引言2 研究区概况3 对所发现的现象的叙述4 解释5 科学意义6.结论 SCI论文的分类理论性论文(提出一项理论或计

23、算方法)1引言2 理论的提出(推导、证明)3 理论的验证(如理论模型的率定)4 理论的应用(算例,或应用意义)5 结论 SCI论文的分类综述性论文综述某一领域中的最新进展,应该有述有评,而不只是前人工作的罗列;要有综述者自己的观点和对他人工作的评价,指出不足之处和解决问题的设想,以及今后的研究方向;该归纳出几个热点或前沿问题,展开叙述,不要像记流水帐似的,面面俱到;既要大量占有文献,又要有所取舍,突出精华,要对文献仔细消化之后再动笔,切忌机械罗列。要有对未来发展的展望,对他人的研究起到指导作用;尽量引用最新的工作,体现出时效性;尽可能阅读原始文献 科技论文的结构科技论文的结构n 论文题名n 作

24、者姓名+通讯地址n 摘要+关键词n 引言n 材料与方法n 结果n 讨论与结论n 致谢n 参考文献学位论文的结构学位论文的结构n 论文题名论文题名n 摘要摘要n 致谢致谢n 目录目录n 引言引言n 文献综述文献综述n 方法方法n 结果结果n 讨论讨论n 结论结论n 参考文献参考文献语言的规范: Writing in Better EnglishWriting in Correct English First Step to TakeWriting in a Professional Manner Easier Said than DoneTitles Brief yet to the Point

25、Abstract Easy Way to SuccessIntroduction Well Begun is Half DoneMaterials and Methods Where to StartResults and Discussion Writing with CautiousnessConclusion Always ImportantAcknowledgements Always IndispensableLetters of Communication with the Journal Paving the Way towards PublicationPractice thr

26、ough Error-Correction Making Progress Progressively论文主体构思论文主体构思nMaterials and methodsnResultsnIntroductionnDiscussionWhy?How?What?InterpretationIntroductionIntroduction撰写撰写u围绕围绕WHY展开(展开(有逻辑性,证据、解读相结合!有逻辑性,证据、解读相结合!)u研究背景(研究背景(疾病特性、重要性、本研究关键相关点疾病特性、重要性、本研究关键相关点)u研究进展(研究进展(最新的、重要的科学、技术进展,科学问题,最新的、重要的科

27、学、技术进展,科学问题,注重挑选、切记保罗万象!注重挑选、切记保罗万象!)u研究假设(研究假设(相对具体相对具体)、拟解决方案()、拟解决方案(简要说明简要说明)IntroductionIntroduction撰写撰写Papers of all kinds include an introduction. Generally speaking, the introduction concisely describes the purpose of the investigation and should tell the reader(s) why this work was done. Yo

28、u should briefly review past research on the problem with enough background information to orient the reader (this is usually accomplished by a literature search of published materials). A good introduction first summarizes the most important current knowledge in the area. The background information

29、 included must be appropriately referenced. You might first discuss the general problem or theory pertaining to the problem you are studying, and then discuss the topic more specifically to the group, species, or specific area you are researching. You should conclude the introduction with a statemen

30、t of the problem (the hypothesis) you have investigated. State the specific question(s) you are attempting to answer, the general method used, and how your investigation will help clarify or expand the knowledge in the general area. One function of the introduction is to briefly tell the reader what

31、 to expect in the paper. As a writer, one of your main purposes in writing this part of the paper is to interest the readers about the subject of your current work. By the way, try to avoid jargons and abbreviations in this section of the paper.Mostly, it is easier to write the introduction after co

32、mpleting the rest of the paper. 引言适度铺陈研究的相关背景知识作为正文的开篇,引言的质量决定了读者对论文的第一印象,因此,在引言中如何表达作者的研究背景和目的,并引起读者的阅读兴趣就显得非常重要,即简洁而清楚地解释:为什么要选这个论题?这个论题为什么重要?目的是引导读者进入论文的主题。引言是说明论文的写作背景、理由、主要研究成果及其与前人工作的关系。基本内容应该包括研究背景、存在问题、和研究目的等三个方面。引言引言包含四个元素,或者说四个组成部分。1,研究领域。是与本研究工作的有关的背景介绍。正确地估计研究课题的意义。应用背景。也就是为什么要做这项工作。例如在基

33、础研究方面有何新意,有何应用前景。课题的意义估计不足,说明作者的知识水平不高,估计过分则显得不够严谨。 2,前人工作。是详尽,全面地介绍以前的相关工作。我们必须充分地阐述前人包括作者自己已经做过的相关工作,以及和本论文的联系。这一点需要引起特别的重视。有人以为讲很多其他人的工作并引用许多文献会降低本论文的重要性,原创性。实际效果常常相反。没有充分阐述研究工作的背景,不引用与本论文相关的重要文献,审稿人至少会认为作者阅读文献不够。引言3,问题所在。指出在相关领域尚待研究的,也是本文准备涉及的问题。但是不要过分地批评他人的工作。4, 本文贡献。在引言部分要将本论文的要点简洁明了地用一,二句话点出来

34、,以便读者在读论文主体前已经有一个大概的印象,这篇论文将围绕什么主题来讨论。一篇论文值得发表,一定具有新的结果。一定是具有和任何前人所作工作不同的地方。最后,我们必须强调,引言一定要用自己的话来写,而不是将人家论文中的引言部分照抄一遍。 Materials and MethodsMaterials and Methods撰写撰写围绕如何回答所提围绕如何回答所提科学问题科学问题或检验或检验研究假设研究假设展开展开u研究设计研究设计(病例(病例-对照、队列、临床实验;前瞻、回顾)对照、队列、临床实验;前瞻、回顾)u研究对象研究对象(来源、纳入排除标准、样本量)(来源、纳入排除标准、样本量)u研究方

35、法研究方法(资料收集、样本采集、检测方法、质控手段)(资料收集、样本采集、检测方法、质控手段)u统计分析统计分析(变量定义、指标计算、统计方法、分析工具)(变量定义、指标计算、统计方法、分析工具)技巧:技巧:可采用亚标题、引用文献、过去式描述可采用亚标题、引用文献、过去式描述Not all types of papers include a Materials and Methods section. For example, research-oriented reviews, book-recommending reviews or conference reports do not in

36、clude detailed descriptions of methods because such reviews usually do not involve the conduction of experiments.Generally speaking, through this part of the paper, the authors attempt to provide the readers with sufficient amount of details of the experiment so that the lab work can be repeated. Wi

37、th regard to the materials, their sources and purities (for chemicals and reagents) with much precision must be defined; plants, animals, microorganisms and cell lines must be specified; isolation, extraction, identification and purification procedures should be described and ethical protocols for b

38、oth animal and human research must be followed. Methods should be described in detail if it is uncommon or unknown to the readers, be outlined briefly with a reference if a particular method is well-described elsewhere, yet be only referred to if it has been well-established. Statistical methods in

39、the analysis of data should be stated clearly without lengthy descriptions except when necessary. Write the Methods section in the past tense. It should not be written as if it were directions in a laboratory manual; therefore, do not make a list of materials or give instructions on how to do someth

40、ing.Materials and Methods撰写撰写ResultsResults撰写撰写围绕所开展研究发现的结果(图、表)展开围绕所开展研究发现的结果(图、表)展开u中心思想:中心思想:回答科学问题或可研假说回答科学问题或可研假说u展开顺序:展开顺序:逻辑顺序、时间顺序、主次顺序逻辑顺序、时间顺序、主次顺序u展开方式:展开方式:简明扼要、循序渐进、前后衔接、段落明确简明扼要、循序渐进、前后衔接、段落明确u结果与方法相对应:结果与方法相对应:样本量、重要指标、统计量(样本量、重要指标、统计量(P)u图表相结合:图表相结合:前后一致,重点介绍、相应补充前后一致,重点介绍、相应补充技巧:技巧:

41、可用亚标题、过去式、主动式(可用亚标题、过去式、主动式(We)为主、不)为主、不引用文献、客观描述、不实施讨论引用文献、客观描述、不实施讨论Results撰写撰写In this section, you present the data in a straightforward manner with no analysis of the reasons the results occurred or the biological meaning of the data (these comments are reserved for the Discussion). However, you

42、 should interpret the data (preferably statistically), highlight significant data and point out patterns, correlations, and generalizations that emerge. Also write this section using the past tense.Data are generally organized into tables and/or figures (graphs). Tables and figures must be accompani

43、ed by a caption and be referred to in the text. A Results section that includes only a table or a figure and no text is not acceptable. Unreduced, unsummarized, or “raw” data should not be included. The text describes the results presented in tables and figures, calling attention to significant data

44、 discussed later in the report. Do not repeat what is already clear to the reader from reviewing the tables and figures, which, if well constructed, will show both the results and experimental design.Summarize data in a form that allows the reader to easily see any correlations, relationships, or pa

45、tterns that are important. Typical forms for doing this are tables and figures. Tables are made when it is important that specific values are shown (i.e. means, standard deviations, etc.). Figures are made when it is more important to show trends or relationships of data. Certain requirements, howev

46、er, must be met:DiscussionDiscussion撰写撰写围绕研究结果展开围绕研究结果展开u结果解读:结果解读:归纳总结、旁征博引、演绎推断归纳总结、旁征博引、演绎推断u阐明意义:阐明意义:解决何种问题、有何挑战解决何种问题、有何挑战u批判推广:批判推广:研究局限性、偏倚,研究结果可靠及推广程研究局限性、偏倚,研究结果可靠及推广程度、下一步研究方向度、下一步研究方向u谨慎作结:谨慎作结:针对结果、不拓展、不推断,与前文一致!针对结果、不拓展、不推断,与前文一致!技巧:阅读文献技巧:阅读文献Discussion撰写撰写Through this section, you in

47、tend to explain the meaning of the results, giving particular attention to the problem or hypothesis posed in the Introduction. You should address physical, chemical, and biological factors that may have affected the results. The way the results came out may be advantageous or disadvantageous to the

48、 biological system being considered (e.g., cell, organism) and you should discuss this. To do this competently, you should be familiar with appropriate literature including books and journal articles. Compare the results to the background information and, in doing so, construct explanations why the

49、results occurred. You should also explain differences from or similarities to any related experiments completed by other workers.In constructing explanations, you reach the conclusions that explain the outcome, and you support those conclusions with well reasoned arguments, and documentation from th

50、e scientific literature. In effect, you are presenting and defending a point of view in the section.AbstractAbstract撰写撰写围绕全文主体部分展开围绕全文主体部分展开u全文精华缩略版全文精华缩略版uBackgroundBackground:来自来自Introduction,背景,背景+问题(问题(1-2句)句)uMethodsMethods:设计、对象、方法、指标和统计方法设计、对象、方法、指标和统计方法uResultsResults:支持或不支持研究假设的主要发现、数据支持或不支

51、持研究假设的主要发现、数据uConclusions:Conclusions:来自来自Discussion保持保持250字以内,注意语句整合和变换!字以内,注意语句整合和变换!摘要质量的好坏会对编辑的决定产生强烈影响好的摘要务必:-准确、真实-可独立成篇-不使用专业术语-简短又具体-被引用参考文献摘要是推销您的论文的闪亮名片Abstract撰写撰写Abstracts are required in virtually all scientific papers. To some extent, the abstract is the miniature version of the whole

52、paper, allowing the readers to quickly examine the content of a paper. The abstract, together with the title, may be the only parts of the paper to be read by others. Besides, the abstract, in whole or in part, is used by most abstracting services or databases. In some sense, writing a good abstract

53、 is an easy way towards finishing a well-written paper in English. (If you attend a scientific conference, the abstract you submitted will also be read in the selection of public presentations, so the abstract you submit may also show your competitiveness.)Generally, write your abstract after the re

54、st of the paper is completed. After all, how can you summarize something that is not yet written? Economy of words is important throughout any paper, especially in an abstract. However, use complete sentences and do not sacrifice readability for brevity. You can keep it concise by wording sentences

55、so that they serve more than one purpose. For most scientific writings, the abstracts should include details about the content of the paper (informative abstracts). These abstracts may contain about 250 to 500 words; however, they should outline the basic contents of the paper: objectives, materials

56、, methods, results or major findings and conclusion(s), which may form a kind of template for the authors to follow.Title PageTitle Pageu标题(标题(TitleTitle):):简明、准确、清晰,有吸引力!简明、准确、清晰,有吸引力!212320字以内,字以内,200字母以内,可用副标题字母以内,可用副标题Title PageTitle Pageu作者作者(Author:Corresponding、Co-corresponding、 First、Co-firs

57、t、Last、Senior)u单位(单位(AffiliationsAffiliations)u标注:标注:通讯作者联系方式(地址、电话、通讯作者联系方式(地址、电话、email)u短标题(短标题(Running TitleRunning Title、Short TitleShort Title)u关键词(关键词(Key WordsKey Words:3-53-5个)个)TitleThe title is the main message of a manuscript, stated in one or two lines. Short as the title of a scientific

58、 paper may be, it is perhaps the most important part of the whole paper. The title of a paper should convey the main contents of a paper with as few words as possible, which is better for literature searches and reviews. A good title will leave a good impression in the mind of the readers and encour

59、age them to read further.It is universally acknowledged that a good title should be informative and clear, without too many abbreviations (except for those commonly used ones). Therefore, the words in a title must be chosen with great care. They should state the main conclusion of the study, with ke

60、y words for the project. The meanings of the title should be accurate and easy to understand. The title should not be too broad or too big without specific contents.The abbreviated title, also called short title or running title, is usually located at the top of each page as a summary of the main ti

61、tle, and should, therefore, be short enough to be put in the limited space on top of the page.Most journals may have some restriction or limitation over the total number of words in the title (mostly no more than 20). Most titles are phrases instead of complete sentences unless otherwise necessary.A

62、cknowledgmentAcknowledgmentnThis work is founded (supported) by nThe authors wish to thank all the study participants, research staff and students.nWe thank . for their manuscript editing (or sharing data with us). pFinancial DisclosureThis work was supported by. The funders had no role in study des

63、ign, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.pCompeting Interests (Conflict of Interest statement)The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.Funding Support and Competing InterestsFunding Support and Competing InterestsAuthor ContributionsAuthor

64、Contributionsdirected the study, obtained financial support and was responsible for study design, interpretation of results and manuscript writing. summarized results and drafted the manuscript. . Recruited study subjects. .carried out the experiments.AcknowledgmentsAcknowledgmentsIf, in your experi

65、ment, you received any help in thinking up, designing, or carrying out the work, or received materials from someone, you must acknowledge their assistance and the service or material provided. Authors always acknowledge any sources of funding that supported the research, and all universities and res

66、earch granting agencies expect you to publish your research to justify their support for your work. Acknowledgments are always brief with much sincerity and objectivity. The following are some common useful sentences and examples from articles for your reference:Cover LetterCover Letter Different jo

67、urnals may have different requirements for the cover letter, but it is generally supposed to include the main contents, major findings and their significance, the intended journal and the contact information of the author(s). Some journals may require a list of recommended reviewers in the cover let

68、ter. Electronically-generated cover letter through manuscript-submission web can be done more mechanically by providing the information the journal wants to receive. Please refer to the “Instructions/Guide for Authors” of journals for more specific requirements.Cover LetterCover LetterDear _ Chief E

69、ditors Name,We submit our manuscript by _, _, _ and _ entitled _ to _ Journal for publication.This manuscript is new and has not been considered elsewhere. It reports some new findings that extend the results reported earlier in _ Journal and _ Journal with much significance in the _ of _.Five Poten

70、tial Reviewers: Name-1, e-mail address-1Name-2, e-mail address-2Name-3, e-mail address-3Name-4, e-mail address-4Name-5, e-mail address-5All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit it to your journal. The original manuscript and figures will be transferred, following the instruction b

71、y the Editorial Committee when the paper is accepted.Thank you very much for your attention and favorable consideration. Sincerely yours,_Corresponding authorCover LetterCover LetterDear _,Enclosed is a manuscript by _, _, _ and _ to be considered for publication in _ Journal. The work described has

72、 not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in whole or in part, and all the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed. The authors have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to _Journal. Thank you for your attention and considerat

73、ion.Kind regards.Yours sincerely,_Corresponding authorCover LetterCover LetterDear _ Publisher or Editors Name, Enclosed is a manuscript by _, _, _ and _ to be considered for publication in _ Journal. The research reported in this manuscript has been funded by/through _. In order to ensure complianc

74、e with the _ policy, I, as corresponding author on behalf of all the authors, am retaining the rights to: Provide a copy of the authors final manuscript, including all modifications from the publishing and peer review process, to the _ database at the time the manuscript is accepted for publication;

75、 and Authorize _ to make such copy of the manuscript available in digital form for public access in _ database no later than _ months (indicate 0 to 12 months) after publication.By accepting this manuscript for review, _ Publisher name accepts these terms and agrees that the terms of this agreement

76、are paramount and supersede any provisions in any publication agreement for this article, already signed or to be signed at a later date, which may conflict. _(Corresponding author)Reviewer 1:Major comments1. With the publication of several studies, it has become clearer that HPV status is an import

77、ant factor (see recent paper by Nagpal, IJC 2002: 97, 649-653). Some studies of SCCHN that did not have HPV data gave negative results (e.g. Hamel et al BJC 2000). Do the authors have any HPV data? This would greatly strengthen the ms.Response: We agree with the reviewers comments. HPV status is an

78、important factor in the etiology of SCCHN. We also cited this newly published paper in the revision (ref. 36). HoweverWe have discussed this point as a limitation of our study. Responses to Responses to ReviewersReviewers审稿人的观点这篇文章与本刊的主题范围是否关联?该文章讨论的问题是否重要的问题?是否有重要的或者新的想法?摘要能够精简地呈现文章的主要内容?前言是否能提供良好的

79、研究相关背景?研究方法是否被适当地使用与分析?研究结果是否被适当地描述与分析?研究者所采用的资料是否能支持结论?研究与相关文献结合是否紧密?对于资料的诠释是否流畅?适当?文章内容的安排是否流畅?Reply Letter with the Revised Manuscript Dear Sir,Thank you very much for accepting our manuscript (Ms. No.: _) for publication in _ (Journals Name). All the comments and questions have been carefully ad

80、dressed with the changes in red and underlined on one of the copies. These are listed numerically below:1. P. _, lines _-_. has been 2. P. _, lines _-_. has been 3. P. _, lines _-_. has been I have enclosed herewith 3 copies of the revised manuscript. We are sure to have satisfactorily improved our

81、manuscript and sincerely hope that it can be accepted for publication in Thank you!Sincerely yours,_ (Corresponding Authors Name)Encl: 3 copies of the revised manuscript; 1 copy of the original manuscriptCommon MistakesWhen we check or proofread our own manuscript, we need to keep a keen eye on the

82、mistakes or problems with the following aspects:Punctuation MarksSpelling Errors and Wrong Capitalization of some LettersSubject-Verb AgreementTenses and VoicesWrong Use of Intransitive VerbsPlural Forms of Nouns MistakenOrganization Name and AddressMisuse of Words We are strongly convinced that all your efforts will better help you to greatly improve your ability to write better papers for publication. Wish you good luck!If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at shizhixiangcp Thank you!



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