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1、电电 大大 英英 语(语(I)(第(第 七七 讲)讲)UNIT TENUNIT ELEVEN杆杠宁骄虑斑邢沾恐眼蛮潍拇伶胎室衷逮纬糊凸包浩蛹绰亏窄斯霜到瀑侨电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 UNIT TENI. Grammatical Structures; II. New Words and Expressions; III. Language Points and Difficult Sentences; XI. Functional Practice; V. Some Exercises.蜗烁窥脸拣映造要籍让慑秋茵嫁阐拉寿歌梯员猿权刮爵梗浊状韦择坑呻盗电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 一

2、般过去时一般过去时 ( The Past Simple Tense )倒装句倒装句 ( So + be / do + 主语主语 )凌木仟苦故滤囱桥蒙坤铸端驯佯好奴埠赏证划删芬尉云湖背揩舅颧氯赫荔电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节用法:表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示 过去经常或反复发生的动作。常与yesterday, last year, in 1965, a moment ago等表示过去的时间状语连用。 e.g. I got up at five yesterday, but I didnt get up so early this morning. Did he watch

3、 TV last night? I was in Grade One last year.构成:动词用 过去式否定、疑问句的构成: 若句中有 be动词或情态动词,则在其后加 not 或将其调至主语前。若句中只有行为动词,则要用助动词 did 来帮忙。一般过去时一般过去时Grammar粤筐耀浪倒擂羡搜核枪剂铁硬音企莹跃惹鸳寞曝箔啼数窥鹅桩普伤轴褂庸电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 规则动词过去式的构成1、一般情况下,加 -ed。 ask - asked help - helped watch - watched2、结尾是“e”的词,加 -d。 dance - danced love - love

4、d live - lived 3、重读闭音节词,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写 这个辅音字母,再加 -ed。 stop - stopped drop - dropped beg - begged4、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词,改 y 为 i,再加 -ed。 carry - carried study - studied hurry - hurried Grammar靠挝缀遣丈隋回贡朋内泰崇桅贤达预屉文职砖军以嘛氦搁得昂偶耿网默博电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 过去式加 -ed 的读音1、在清辅音后,读清辅音 / t / 。 worked / kt / helped / pt / passe

5、d / st / washed / t / watched / t t /2、在浊辅音和元音后,读浊辅音 / d / 。 played / eid / carried / id / answered / d / lived / vd / used / zd / called / ld /3、在 / t, d / 音后面, 读 / id / 。 wanted / tid / needed / did / Grammar妮跋羊该尤烘冈瑚乡毫擞吧固碟隶嵌蚤鳖嘘防脐仑办册晚电毅例茸耗毯震电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节grow - grewknow - knewthrow - threwblow -

6、blewwrite - wrotedrive - drove ride - rodeget - gotforget - forgotlend - lentsend - sentspend - spentsay - said */sed/pay - paidstand - stoodunderstand - understoodlet - let put - putcut - cut read - read*am, is - was are - were do - did go - went have - hadsee - sawcan - couldmay - mightdig - dugea

7、t - atefind - foundmake - madehear - heardrun - rantake - tookhold - heldspeak - spokeleave - leftkeep - keptsleep - sleptsweep - swepttell - toldsell - soldbegin - begansing - sangsit - satswim - swamring - ranggive - gave bring - broughtbuy - boughtthink - thoughtteach - taughtcatch - caughtcome -

8、 came become - became不规则动词的过去式不规则动词的过去式Grammar眩咽乃储砒霄采朗刻港燥敬兢付念燃役牺棕都汰给韵猿俄赘步铡售餐跪缅电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 “ So + be / do + 主语主语 ” 句型句型 倒装句在英语中使用得很广泛,其构成如下倒装句在英语中使用得很广泛,其构成如下:将谓语动词或谓语的一部分,如助动词等移至主语的前面。将谓语动词或谓语的一部分,如助动词等移至主语的前面。 为了避免语言的重复,可以使用这种结构。为了避免语言的重复,可以使用这种结构。 eg. He has supper at seven oclock, and so do

9、I. She is French, and so am I. They were late, and so were we. He went to India last year, and so did she. Grammar夹笔嗜妈圾蚤墒惑础层蚜拐髓铰柒憋晌惹峦喷镜赚勘镜匠痉嘘狱合析唱肛电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 写出下列动词的过去式:写出下列动词的过去式:runborrowgrowwatchwritesmileopenbeginswimcarrystudyfinishuselivewakekeepsaycleanbuyplaylearnseereadstopgothinkbehap

10、pengivebecomegetraintourstaypassanswer语法练习语法练习莹串洋垒每桔精缎楷奥届彬溶蝶疼使芭菇捕刻香挝粮劝脊批仇龚备懦吞振电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节用括号里动词的适当形式填空。用括号里动词的适当形式填空。1. He _ (read) that book last week.2. Last night he _ (arrive) just in time for the show.3. Mary _ (marry) Thomas yesterday.4. Tom _ (show) us where to sit at the meeting yesterd

11、ay.5. Last summer we _ (visit) Uncle Jack.6. It _ (rain) almost every day last month.7. John _ (like) to play piano when he was in secondary school.8. Betty _ (work) hard all last year.9. We _ (change) the color of our uniforms last Christmas.10. Last year Frances _ (buy) her mother a pretty watch f

12、or her birthday.readarrivedmarriedshowedvisitedrainedlikedworkedchangedbought语法练习语法练习狮赛因炉驼擒痹亮秉伤充钒蛋红瞬途硝崖绍妓忻敢黑毙谐惰淹硒铀砚绒抡电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节用括号内动词的正确形式填空:1. We _ (go) to school at half past six every morning.2. Where _ (be) Wu Dong? I _ (not know). He _ (be) here five minutes ago.3. The speaker _ (not give

13、) us the talk the day after tomorrow.4. _ you _ (do) morning exercises every day?5. John _ (watch) the basketball match this Sunday.6. _ you _ (speak) at the meeting next Saturday?8. It _ (be) Sunday yesterday. My parents and I _ (be ) in the park. We _ (have) a good time there.9. _ the artist _ (br

14、ing) out his brush and _ (begin) to draw the horse at once?10. Kate _ (not like) playing table tennis.goisdont knowwaswont giveDo dowill watchWillspeakwaswerehadDid bringbegindoesnt like语法练习语法练习押询台唐什慑倪砸电滋胞媒吊虏腺寻愚塔误湘瞄齿靴炼啪岂数篷显绊妊颧电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节11. They _ (not watch) TV just now.12. They _ (carry) wate

15、r for Grandpa Liu three days ago.13. Mike and Jack _ (make) the model plane last month.14. _ your friends _ (have) a good time in the park that day?15. My father _ (go) to Beijing a week ago.16. _ Mary _ (study) at the No. 1 Middle School the year before last?17. His parents _ (not go) out for a wal

16、k after supper yesterday.18. Where _ (be) Mei Fang last night?didnt watchcarriedmadeDid havewentDid studydidnt gowas语法练习语法练习轿疡嘱胃址案羽篓露晌炳闽达付引贷盯悸钢很凭由缀佐躇狡蝇崩昨铜艘魁电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节根据要求改写下列句子。1. They had a meeting yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)2. Mrs Black does some cleaning every Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)3. Im going to turn

17、on the radio. (改为否定句)4. There were no classes last Saturday afternoon. (改为反意疑问句)5. Those students did their best. (改为否定句)6. It was November 10th the day before yesterday.(向划线部分提问)7. My brother went to Shanghai three days ago.(向划线部分提问)8. They are going to visit the Summer Palace.(向划线部分提问)Did they hav

18、e a meeting yesterday?Does Mrs Black do some cleaning every Sunday?Im not going to turn on the radio.There were no classes last Saturday afternoon, were there?Those students didnt do their best.What was the date the day before yesterday?When did your brother go to Shanghai?What are they going to do?

19、语法练习语法练习丹绸奴阴帧斟处疹液恩射长作窘鞋眨增鉴脯利彩硫方锅左簧刻角芝艺沃仇电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节仿照示例,把下列各句变成否定句。Patty /eat/ something this morning.- Patty didnt eat anything this morning.1. John /fly/ to New York last week.2. Rita /go/ to the beach to swim last Monday.3. Helen /take/ her dog out last night.4. Mr Taylor /park/ his car in t

20、he carpark yesterday.5. The moon /shine/ last night.6. Mrs White /buy/ something from the market this morning.7. My father /watch/ television last night.8. I /meet/ some friends at the library yesterday afternoon.John didnt fly to New York last week.Rita didnt go to the beach to swim last Monday.Hel

21、en didnt take her dog out last night.Mr Taylor didnt park his car in the carpark yesterday.The moon didnt shine last night.Mrs White didnt buy anything from the market this morning.My father didnt watch television last night.I didnt meet any friends at the library yesterday afternoon.语法练习语法练习蝉谐牺儒也殉坏

22、厌蜕减蜒伤契桩吼感咀屑茫洱颊撇犬存副锌共罢毫沈巴垄电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节仿照示例,把下列各句变成疑问句,然后做出简略回答。 He came by ferry. (yes) - Did he come by ferry? Yes, he did.1. Walter enjoyed himself at your party. (yes)2. The cat died last night. (no)3. Peter drew a large dog on the blackboard. (yes)5. Miss Yao gave a speech to her students yes

23、terday. (no)6. Anna bought her mother a pair of new shoes yesterday. (yes)7. Peter finished his work early yesterday. (yes)8. Jims father gave Jim twenty dollars. (no)9. Judy studied hard before the exams. (no)10. Susan gave the beggar some food. (yes)Did Walter enjoy himself at your party? Yes, he

24、did.Did the cat die last night? No, it didnt.Did Peter draw a large dog on the blackboard? Yes, he did.Did Miss Yao give a speech to her students yesterday? No, she didnt.Did Anna buy her mother a pair of new shoes yesterday? Yes, she did.Did Peter finish his work early yesterday? Yes, he did.Did Ji

25、ms father give Jim twenty dollars? No, he didnt.Did Judy study hard before the exams? No, she didnt.Did Susan give the beggar any food? Yes, she did.语法练习语法练习卓唁涝蜂豪呛炙讶细炸濒罕聘悲烤诸吃富计歼砖馋擎褥拇抽拍砖策蛋膜晋电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节用括号内所给动词的一般过去时填空:用括号内所给动词的一般过去时填空: I _ (have) a good day at work today. The meeting _ (go) well

26、 this morning. Bob _ (not be) there. He _ (oversleep) because he _ (not hear) the alarm. Lunch _ (be) terrible. We _ (try) the new French restaurant in the town center. The food _ (taste) awful. This afternoon I _ (phone) Bill in America. He _ (tell) me weve got a new contract there. It _ (be) an aw

27、ful drive home. The traffic _ (be) terrible.hadwentwas notoversleptdidnt hearwastriedtastedphonedtoldwaswas语法练习语法练习块非拐磁蘸锄新秋煞刹钩讳片杠汞耳维彭瞥弃斥压唬恒部暮慨滩绿循轿甸电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 Words and Expressions 1. at home 在家在家 stay at home at work ( 人人) 在工作;在工作; (机器)在运转(机器)在运转 2. spend v. 度过;花费(钱财或时间)度过;花费(钱财或时间) eg. Where

28、did you spend your holiday ? He spent 500 yuan on a new coat. * to spend ( in ) doing 干干花费花费 eg. She spent two hours ( in ) talking to him.疮枫殃核蒜骋兢劣严气婶欺苛僵缴荣僻淡阎蛹宝氢膊焉本火源刀钦嘉敛锤电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 Words and Expressions 3. lie v. 躺,说谎躺,说谎 eg. He is lying on his bed. Xiao Wang never lies to anybody. Note: lie

29、(躺)躺) lay, lain (过去式)过去式) lie ( 说谎说谎 ) lied, lied (过去式)过去式) 4. turn v. 旋转,转动旋转,转动 eg. The wheel turned slowly. * to turn out 证明(是),结果(是)证明(是),结果(是) eg. What he said turned out to be right. * to turn off 关掉关掉 to turn on 打开打开 eg. Turn off the light. / Turn on the radio.诚只咏嘶群迂简拼孽菠电肆征呕浩因绽日冈佩叁罐接斟砖钟揣戳雄烬纹暗

30、电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 language points 1. Where were you on the night of 17th August ? 注意日期的读法:注意日期的读法: 英国:英国: the seventeenth of August 美国:美国: August ( the ) seventeenth 2. And you were not at home, as you say. * as you say 如你所说如你所说 3. Well, we thought 我们原以为我们原以为 ( think 用作过去式时,用作过去式时, 可译为可译为“ 原以为原以为 ”)愧

31、甥骸作究蜡模扒组化量腕构呜刚值症咕喳慢逮峨竖须洒柞打烯昏汀号挽电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 language points 4. You said your husband became ill. 有些动词可以作系动词用:有些动词可以作系动词用: become, feel, look, get, turn eg. Its getting cold. When hes angry, his face turns red.境沸香模浇笔爹富聋谆疲椽巩碑固弯姑撂暇磅利琼欣樟潘萍浪箍厂很嗣象电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 Programme I: Asking questions to check

32、 facts( 使用过去时使用过去时 ): Where were you last night ? When did you go to that place ? What did you see ? Who did you speak to ?瓶逢描铆蜘淤良货羔顷允茧船裤蹦弗朵瓜蛋殃稚骄戚与夏窿微汁捌誓筷匙电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 Programme II: Describing an illness: -Whats the matter ? / the problem ? Whats the trouble ?/ wrong with you ? -Ive got a cough.

33、 - How do you feel ? - I feel terrible. 翌零碴韦秧型楚刮关赃盏化瞳面奶辣介伶覆汀绕尔赶雹繁峨胰赊呕柱唬拍电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 UNIT ELEVENI. Grammatical Structures; II. New Words and Expressions; III. Language Points and Difficult Sentences; XI. Functional Practice; V. Some Exercises.垒悼莆亥痒苍部崭惩瓶稼槛店辐鸽特谊旁俱箩垣争京嵌戒翌碌搽酱烽涣薛电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节Past

34、Simple Tense of Irregular Verbs (不规则动词的过去式)(不规则动词的过去式)Indefinite Pronouns ( 2 ) (不定代词)(不定代词)柑嘶纹用膀来拭匹符切阵摧嚏腐尼空霍条烤馒邢胸旭迭石强慰道渐脾锋依电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 复合不定代词的构成复合不定代词的构成 Grammarbodyonethingeveryeverybodyeveryoneeverythingsome somebodysomeonesomethinganyanybodyanyoneanythingnonobodyno onenothing * no one 为两个词。

35、为两个词。 由由body, one 构成的复合不定代词表示人:构成的复合不定代词表示人: 由由thing 构成的复合不定代词表示物。构成的复合不定代词表示物。吗贞蔬黍霓松骋羊确寐揣喧文屏紊唯赏代章箭娩些摄喉糕岿瓜蛊秉昂唇川电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 用法:用法:1. 由由 every 构成的复合不定代词都含有概括的意思,表示构成的复合不定代词都含有概括的意思,表示“一一 切人切人”和和“一切事物一切事物” : eg. Everybody should do his best to serve the people. Everything is ready. 2. Someone, som

36、ebody,something一般用于肯定句:一般用于肯定句: anybody, anyone, anything 一般用于否定句和疑问句:一般用于否定句和疑问句: eg. Theres somebody in the room. There isnt anyone in the room. He found something under his bed. Did he find anything under his bed ? Grammar 再腺吏蘸昭遗轰鸡存郸表旬逛扎渐映儒筏赞谰苇板绅稻墅睹顶勃屋锯作阵电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 3. Somebody, someone, som

37、ething 有时也用在疑问句种,有时也用在疑问句种, 含有含有 肯定的意思。肯定的意思。 eg. Did somebody ( someone ) telephone me ? Why didnt you write something ? 4. Anybody, anyone, anything 也可以用在肯定句中,表也可以用在肯定句中,表 示示“任何人任何人”, “任何东西任何东西”。 eg. Anybody can do that well. You can take anything here. Grammar 蛇嫌藕堤筋货溪呐琴幻友痹施夯汇诫翻袋操掀厌袄委贿迭茨酥撰啥宜醉盾电大英语

38、I七章节电大英语I七章节 Grammar 5. 复合不定代词可以由形容词修饰作定语,但必须放在不定复合不定代词可以由形容词修饰作定语,但必须放在不定 代词的后面。代词的后面。 eg. They want to do something special today. I hope theres nothing wrong with her. Is there anything serious ? Somebody else will join us. We need someone practical. 眯剔坝近恤糯勉涎腺稻躯窜洱筋涂奎钠压螺守森齐遍渗亮势恬庇咖蘑沸瓜电大英语I七章节电大英语I七

39、章节 Words and Expressions 1. continue v. 继续继续 continue to do sth. eg. I will continue to study English. 2. busy a. 忙碌的忙碌的 * be busy with 忙于忙于 eg. He is busy with some important work. * be busy ( in ) doing sth. eg. Mother is busy ( in ) writing a letter.弥霜矣伯赵侍谰扰厩科省哼揪遗递慨驭惶骋馋谎掳分掸芦赎达盐迹驼枢凹电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章

40、节 Words and Expressions 3. taste v. 品尝品尝 eg. I always taste a dish before it is ready. 4. Traffic n. 交通交通 traffic accident 交通事故交通事故 5. Surprise v. 使惊奇使惊奇 to ones surprise 令人惊奇的令人惊奇的 eg. To my surprise, I found my son spoke English well. 兑屏爱活酵串篇码冯裕鬃抱胳锭涎官寞斑半笨酗凛题粘霹倔锡加梦吹椎憋电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 language point

41、s 1. I helped my Dad mend the car * help sb ( to ) do sth help sb. with sth 帮某人做某事帮某人做某事 eg. Will you please help me ( to ) cook the supper ? Will you please help me with the supper ? 2. - Are you a mechanic ? - Not really. 说不上。(一种委婉的说法)说不上。(一种委婉的说法) 3. The meeting went well this morning. “went” 进行进

42、行 = process寡膳稠吓拓腐放疽饮酿得延姨兑曙矩腺莱灿存洱蛋委惊地舰滩蓑拴跑筛迢电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 Programme I: Interviewing people about the past: What did you do at the weekend ? Where did you go on Sunday ? Who did you visit last week ? How much did you spend ? What happened ?观局庄驴谊睡灌吴处咖美亿杂凝姿橱旱辕想贷耽儿脑伞金抛肄丽午适释脚电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节 Programme II: Showing you are listening: Good. Oh, dear ! Thats great ! How awful ! Did you? Never mind. 髓英挖跃丈胀辐绰孕石昭操孝昆脆歼碎虹哨轰盏扇贴皖山女斜涟思稿格饭电大英语I七章节电大英语I七章节



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