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1、八年级八年级(上上)Units 13第第 6 讲讲人教版九年级复习第六课时人教版九年级复习第六课时 刘春霞刘春霞 Studying aims:1、熟记考点单词和短语。、熟记考点单词和短语。2、熟练掌握重点句子并能正确运用。、熟练掌握重点句子并能正确运用。 3、 归纳整理知识点和易混易错单词,短语归纳整理知识点和易混易错单词,短语的用法。的用法。4、 通过写作指导和写作练习,提高学生的通过写作指导和写作练习,提高学生的写作能力。写作能力。1wonder(v.&n.)wonderful(adj.)极好的极好的【高高频】2activity(n.)activities(pl.)活活动3bore(adj




5、21compete(v.)competition(n.)比比赛;竞赛;竞争争22clear(adj.)clearly(adv.)清清楚楚地地;清清晰晰地地;明白地明白地23win(v.)won(过去去式式/过去去分分词)赢;获胜;赢得得winner(n.)获胜者;者;赢家家【高高频】24talent(n.)talented(adj.)有才能的;能干的有才能的;能干的1go on vacation 去度假去度假2take photos 照相照相3stay at home 待在家里待在家里4go shopping 购物物5quite a few 相当多;不少相当多;不少6of course 当然;

6、自然当然;自然7feel like 给的感的感觉;感受到;感受到8because of 因因为9hardly ever 几乎从不几乎从不10once a month 一月一次一月一次11at least 至少至少12less than 少于少于13more than 多于多于14such as 例如例如15as long as 只要;既然只要;既然16care about 关心;在意关心;在意17be different from 与与不同;与不同;与有差异有差异18bring out 使使显现;使表;使表现出出19in fact 事事实上;上;实际上上20be similar to 和和相同

7、;与相同;与一致一致1我大部分我大部分时间只是待在家里只是待在家里读书、休息。、休息。I just stayed at home most of the time _ _ and _2唯一的唯一的问题是晚上除了是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。没什么事可做。They only problem was that there was _ _ _ _in the evening but read.3我感我感觉我像一只小我像一只小鸟。I _ _ I was a bird.to readrelaxnothing much to dofelt like4我想知道我想知道过去去这儿的生活是什么儿的生活是什么样的。

8、的。I wonder what life _ _ here in the past.520分分钟后,太阳开始升起来了。后,太阳开始升起来了。Twenty minutes later,the sun started to _ _6牛奶牛奶对我我们的健康有好的健康有好处。Milk is _ _ our health.was likecome upgood for7你每晚睡几个小你每晚睡几个小时?_ _ _ do you sleep every night?8对我我们提出的有关看提出的有关看电视的的问题的回答也的回答也颇有意思。有意思。_ _ _ our questions about watchi

9、ng television were also interesting.How many hoursThe answers to9通通过上网或看游上网或看游戏类节目来放松是很好的方目来放松是很好的方式,但我式,但我们认为最好的方式是通最好的方式是通过锻炼来放松。来放松。It is good to relax by _ _ _ or watching game shows,but we think _ _ _ to relax is through exercise.10旧旧习难改。改。Old habits _ _11她从不她从不为清清洁牙牙齿去看牙医。去看牙医。She never _ _ _

10、_ for teeth cleaning.using/surfing the Internetthe best waydie hardgoes to the dentist12塔拉学塔拉学习和蒂娜一和蒂娜一样努力。努力。Tara works _ hard _Tina.13塔拉比蒂娜更外向。塔拉比蒂娜更外向。Tara is _ _ than Tina.14拉里拉里经常帮助我激常帮助我激发自己的潜能。自己的潜能。Larry often helps to _ _ _ _ _ me.asasmore outgoingbring out the best in15一个真正的朋友是在需要一个真正的朋友是在

11、需要时给你帮助,使你帮助,使你感你感动。A true friend _ for your hand and _ your heart.16我我们可以可以谈论并分享每一件事情。并分享每一件事情。We can _ _ and share everything.17我最好的朋友与拉里相似。我最好的朋友与拉里相似。My best friend is _ _ Larry.reachestouchestalk aboutsimilar toseem【典例在线】It seems that he was late for the train.看来他没赶上火车。They seemed to find the w

12、ay to the cinema.他们似乎找到了去电影院的路。That seems not a bad idea.主意看起来还不错。My temperature seems (to be) all right.我的体温似乎正常了。【拓展精析】It seemsthat引导的从句表示“看来”;seem to do sth.意为“似乎做某事”;seem (to be)adj.意为“看上去”;seemn.意为“看起来”。【活学活用】1)这则消息似乎比我们原先预想的传播得更快。The news _ than we had expected.seemed to (be) spread faster/mor

13、e quicklyhardly【典例在线典例在线】I hardly ever exercise.我几乎不我几乎不锻炼。There is hardly any food in the fridge.冰箱里几乎没有食物了。冰箱里几乎没有食物了。【拓展精析拓展精析】hardly副副词,意意为“几乎不;几乎没有几乎不;几乎没有”,表示否定意表示否定意义,其同其同义短短语为almost not。通常用在形容。通常用在形容词、副、副词或或动词之前。之前。注意:注意:hardly不是不是hard的副的副词形式。形式。hardly表示表示频率率,常与常与ever连用。其他表示用。其他表示频率的率的词还有:有:

14、never(从不从不),sometimes(有有时时),often(经经常常),usually(通常通常),always(总总是是),seldom(很少很少)。【活学活用】【活学活用】2)Did you go to the cinema last night?Oh,no. I _ go to the cinema. The tickets,you know,are too expensive.(2014,宁波宁波)Aalways BhardlyCusually Doften3)My sister _ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sl

15、eep every day.(2014,江西江西)Aalways BsometimesChardly DneverBAtry【典例在线典例在线】Parents are trying to plan their kids lives for them.父母父母们试图为们试图为他他们的孩子的孩子们计划人生。划人生。We should try our best to protect the environment.我我们应该尽力保尽力保护环境。境。He is trying finishing the work by himself.他他正正试着独自完成着独自完成这项工作。工作。Can I try o

16、n the dress?我能?我能试穿穿这条裙子条裙子吗?【拓展精析拓展精析】try动词,动词,“试图;设法;努力试图;设法;努力”。try to do sth.试图去做某事试图去做某事try ones best to do sth.尽力去做某事尽力去做某事try doing sth.尝试着去做某事尝试着去做某事try on试穿试穿try名词,意为名词,意为“尝试尝试”。have a try尝试一下尝试一下【活学活用活学活用】4)We can go to Jinan Railway Station by bus.Why not _ there for a change?Atry walking

17、 Btrying to walkCtry to walk Dto try walking5)This yellow Tshirt looks nice. May I _?Sure.(2014,广安广安)Atry them on Btry on itCtry it onACwonder【典例在线典例在线】Mum,summer holiday is coming.I wonder where we can go.妈妈妈妈,暑假要到了暑假要到了,我想知道我我想知道我们们能去哪里。能去哪里。I wonder if you would mind giving me a hand.我我想想知知道道你你是是

18、否否能能帮我一下。帮我一下。【拓展精析拓展精析】wonder动词,意意为“惊惊讶;惊惊奇奇;(对)感感到到怀疑疑”,相相当当于于want to know,常常见的的用用法法有有:后后接接who,what,why等等引引导的的宾语从从句句;后后接接that引引导的的宾语从从句句时,表表示示“感感到到惊惊讶”;后后接接if或或whether引引导的的宾语从从句句时,表表委委婉婉的的请求求或或疑疑问;后后接接“疑疑问词不定式不定式”构成的短构成的短语;后接不定式短;后接不定式短语。【活学活用活学活用】6)他想知道昨晚发生了什么。他想知道昨晚发生了什么。(翻译句子翻译句子)He wondered _

19、_ last night.7)I wanted to know how I could get to the hospital.(改为改为同义句同义句)I _ _ _ get to the hospital.8)Excuse me. I wonder _ there is a bus here to go to Downing Street.Yes. Bus No.223.Athat Bwhen Cwhy Dwhetherwhat happenedwondered how toDenough【典例在线典例在线】The girl is old enough to go to school.这这个

20、女孩到上学的年个女孩到上学的年龄龄了。了。I have enough time/time enough to do my homework today.今今天天我有足我有足够够的的时间时间做家庭作做家庭作业业。The boy didnt have enough to eat.He was a little hungry.这这个个男男孩没有足孩没有足够够的的东东西吃西吃,他有点他有点饿饿。【拓展精析拓展精析】enough作作副副词时,修修饰形形容容词或或副副词,一一般般放放在在被被修修饰词后后面面。作作形形容容词时,放放在在被被修修饰的的名名词前前面面或或后后面面均均可可。enough还可可作代

21、作代词,意意为“足足够;充分;充分”,充当主充当主语,宾语。【活学活用活学活用】9)This movie wasnt _He fell asleep half way through it.Ainteresting enough Benough interestingCinterested enough Denough interested10)Lucy isnt_old_enough_to carry the box.(选出出能能代代替画替画线部分的一部分的一项)_Ais so young that she can Bisnt young enough toCis too young to

22、Dis so young toACAre you as friendly as your sister?你你和和你你姐姐姐姐一一样友友好好吗?【典例在线典例在线】He is as tall as his father.他和他爸爸一他和他爸爸一样高。高。Tom gets up as early as me.汤汤姆和我起得一姆和我起得一样样早。早。Lucy isnt as outgoing as Mary.露西不如露西不如玛丽玛丽外向。外向。【拓展精析拓展精析】as.as意意为“与与一一样”。中中间接接形形容容词或或副副词的的原原级。其否定。其否定结构构not as.as意意为“不如不如”。【注注

23、意意】as.as结构构中中的的第第一一个个as是是副副词,在在否否定定句句中中可可以改以改为so,而第二个而第二个as是是连词,不能用不能用so代替。代替。【活学活用活学活用】1)The dish is delicious!Well,at least its as _ as the one I cooked yesterday.Agood Bwell Cbetter DbestAHowever,Larry often helps to bring out the best in me.然而然而,拉里拉里经常帮我激常帮我激发出我最佳的一面。出我最佳的一面。【典例在线典例在线】An acciden

24、t brings out the best in him.一一次次事事故故显显现现出出他的最佳品他的最佳品质质。He has brought out two new books at the same time.他他同同时时出版了两本新出版了两本新书书。Please bring out the chairs.请请把椅子搬出来。把椅子搬出来。【拓展精析拓展精析】bring out意意为“使使显现;使使表表现出出”,此此处bring out还有有“出版出版(书籍籍);生;生产(新新产品品);带出来出来”之意。之意。【活学活用活学活用】2)Dont worry. I think you can _

25、out the best _ you.(2015,威海,威海)Atake;in Bbring;inCtake;at Dbring;atBmuch too,too much与与too many【典例在线典例在线】There are too many cars at this time every day.每天的每天的这这个个时时候都候都有太多有太多的的车辆车辆。I have too much homework to do.我有太多的家庭作我有太多的家庭作业业要做。要做。The food there is much too terrible.那儿的食物太糟糕了。那儿的食物太糟糕了。【拓展精析拓展精

26、析】much too意思是意思是“太太”。much是用来加是用来加强强too的的,后接形容后接形容词或副或副词。too much意思是意思是“太多的太多的”。too是用来加是用来加强强much的的,后接不后接不可数名可数名词。too many后接可数名后接可数名词复数形式复数形式,同同义于于too much。【活学活用活学活用】1)There are _ people on the bus.2)There is _ water on the floor.3)Im afraid that cap is _ big for me.too manytoo muchmuch toohow often,

27、how long,how soon与与how far【典例在线典例在线】How often do you have a sports meeting?你?你们们多久开多久开一次运一次运动动会?会?Twice a year.一年两次。一年两次。How long have you lived here?你住在?你住在这这儿多儿多久了?久了?Five years.五年了。五年了。How soon will this book come out?这这本本书书多久才会出多久才会出版?版?In a few days.几天以后吧。几天以后吧。How far is the new supermarket fr

28、om here?新的超市?新的超市距离距离这这儿有多儿有多远远?【拓展精析拓展精析】how often意为意为“多久一次多久一次”,答语通常是,答语通常是always,usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等表示频率的副词或短语。等表示频率的副词或短语。how long意为意为“多长时间多长时间”,答语通常是,答语通常是(for) three days/weeks/months等时间段。等时间段。how soon意为意为“多久以后多久以后”,常用在一般将来时态的,常用在一般将来时态的句子中,其答语通常是句子中,其答语通常是“in一段时间一段

29、时间”。how far意为意为“多远多远”,答语通常是表示距离的短语。,答语通常是表示距离的短语。【活学活用活学活用】4)_ are the Olympic Games held?Every four years.5)_ will your father be back?In five days.6)_ is it from your home to school?5 minutes walk.7)_have you worked in this company?Since three years ago.How oftenHow soonHow farHow longbecause与与bec

30、ause of【典例在线典例在线】He stopped playing soccer because of his sore back.他他因因为为背痛停止了踢足球。背痛停止了踢足球。The sports meeting is put off because it rained heavily last night.由于昨晚雨下得很大由于昨晚雨下得很大,运运动动会被推会被推迟迟了。了。【拓展精析拓展精析】because of是复合介是复合介词短短语,后接名后接名词或名或名词性短性短语。because回答以回答以why开开头的疑的疑问句句,并引并引导原因状原因状语从从句。句。【活学活用活学活用】

31、8)I was afraid to ask questions _ my poor pronunciation.Abecause of BbecauseCas a result Dso9)A Spring Morning is my favorite poem _ its words are beautiful and I can feel the sense of spring in it.(2015,山西山西)Auntil Bbecause CthoughAB合作探究Do you have any problems?Lets discuss!一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示补全下列单词。一、

32、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示补全下列单词。1John is one of the most successful _ (作家作家) in the world.2He forget to bring his _ (雨雨伞) and he was wet through.3This bag is _ I cant pack any more clothes in.4Its impolite to _ at others when others make mistakes.5If you work hard,you can get good _ in the exams.writersumbrella

33、fulllaughgrades二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。6Without any help,I managed to repair the car all by _ (my)7Dont use the lift when you escape from a high _ (build) during a fire.8For your healthy,youd better eat _ (little) meat and more vegetables.9Mike is a _ (talent) actor and we like his movie

34、s very much.10“Please keep _ in the hospital!” the nurse said to me _(quiet)myselfbuildinglesstalentedquietquietly三、单项选择。三、单项选择。11_ do you go to the sports club?At least once a week.(2014,苏苏州州)AHow long BHow oftenCHow much DHow far12I could _ hear what you said just now. Could you please say that ag

35、ain?(2015,重重庆庆)Asometimes BalwaysChardly Dclearly13I wonder _ you will come to my house tomorrow,I want to show a gift to you.Aif Bthat Cwhat DwhenBCA14In the old days,lots of people didnt have _ food to eat and money to send their children to school.Alot Bmany Cmuch Denough15_ that they havent know

36、 the news.AIt seems BIt seemedCThey seem DThey seemedDA话题话题日常活动日常活动一、本话题的常用表达一、本话题的常用表达1We should eat a balanced diet.2We need to have good eating habits.3Its very important for us to do sports to keep healthy.4More and more people have realized the importance of healthy lifestyle.5We have a great t

37、ime doing sports on the playground.6We are happy to have a healthy lifestyle.7Our daily life is full of pleasure.参考参考谚语1Its never too old to learn.活到老活到老,学到老。学到老。2Time flies never to be recalled.光光阴阴一一去去不不复返。复返。3All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也明的孩子也变傻。傻。二、佳句欣赏与模仿二、佳句欣赏与

38、模仿1Thats_a_funny_time for breakfast.【thats aadj.time for sth.对而言而言,那是怎那是怎样的的时间】对运运动来来说,那是一个令人那是一个令人兴奋的的时光。光。Thats an exciting time for exercise/doing sports.2In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.【either.or.要么要么要么要么】在周末在周末,他他们在家要么做作在家要么做作业要么看要么看书。On weekends,they either do homework

39、 or read books at home.3She knows its not good_for her,but it tastes good.【be good for对有好有好处】多做运多做运动对健康有好健康有好处。Doing more sports is good for health.4I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven.【from.to.从从到到】他他们做作做作业经常要从七点做到九点。常要从七点做到九点。They usually do homework from 7:00 to 9:00.5Sounds_like youre h

40、aving a healthy lifestyle.【sounds like句子听起来句子听起来】听起来他听起来他们玩得很开心。玩得很开心。Sounds like theyre having a good time.三、写作范例三、写作范例English Online杂杂志志社社对对部部分分初初中中生生的的课课余余活活动动进进行行了了问问卷卷调调查查。根根据据下下表表的的调调查查结结果果,写写一一篇篇100词左左右右的的调查报告告,并并简单谈谈你的意你的意见和看法。和看法。How many students60%5%15%20%What do they doRead books or do h

41、omeworkWatch TVPlay computer gamesDo sports【参考范文参考范文】English Online made a survey on what middle school students do in their spare time. Here are the results.After school,most students spend their time either reading books or doing homework at home. They think its their duty to do well in schoolwork

42、. That can help them get good grades. And they regard books as their friends. Some of them choose to do sports. It can help not only relax themselves but also keep healthy. They also say they have a great time doing sports on the playground. Some play computer games with classmates or friends. Its r

43、elaxing,but sometimes they spend too much time on it. Only a few students who dont have any hobbies prefer to watch TV.From the survey,most students pay too much attention to their study. Im not so happy to see the result. In my opinion,doing sports is as important as schoolwork. And the activities from the survey are not colorful enough. I think we students need more activities to keep healthy.



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