天津市葛沽第三中学八年级英语上册 Module12 Traditional life全模块课件 外研版

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1、MODULE 10 LAO SHE TEAHOUSE 本模块重点重点句型:动词不定式和双宾语eg:I want to go to the teahouse. Waiters bring tea to the customers and sell them delicious food.重点语法:Verbs followed by infinitives (动词不定式和双宾语)重点任务:Writing and acting out a scene from a play.Unit 1 She wanted to see some Beijing Operas重点任务: Activities 3,

2、 4 and 5重点单词: interest, offer, agree, impossible, almost, main. 单词拓展与辨析:1. possible impossible (adj.) 2. interest (v.& n.) interested (adj.)人做主语 (be interested in) interesting (adj.) 常形容物3. agree1) agree to do sth.同意做某事2) agree with sb. 同意某人(的观点)3) agree on 对意见一致4.almost , nearly almost adv 常用来修饰形容词

3、、动词。放在no, none, nothing,impossible的前面。如:He said almost nothing worth hearing. 他说的简直不值得听。二者都有“几乎,差不多”的意思。alomost 所表达的程度比nearly 小。almomst 不能用not 修饰;nearly可以用not 修饰。如:He is not nearly so much intereted as I thought. 他几乎不像我想的那样有兴趣。重点词组:1.offer to do sth 2. want to do sth 3. agree to do sth 5.try to do s

4、th 6. plan to do sth 7. decide to do sth 8. have a good time=enjoy oneself 9. be famous forv重难点句子: P801.How was it? 怎么样? 问某人的工作、学习、身体状况时,常用“How.”= “What is /are .like?”2.So my parents offered to take us there. offer vt. 常与to 连用,表示意愿,试图. He offered to help me.(主动帮助)3.Lao She was a famous writer.He is

5、 especially famous for his play.11.as sb know 正如某人所知道的10. No idea = Ive no idea. UNIT 2 IT TAKES PLACE IN A TEAHOUSE.重点任务: Activities 1 and 4重点单词: audience, customer, lose, master,waiter.单词拓展与辨析:1.custom (n.) 风俗 customer (n.)顾客2. lose lost lost 3. master (v.) 精通,掌握(n.) 主人,大师4.wait (n. &v.) 等待,等候wait

6、er 侍者,服务员waitress 女侍者,女服务员waiting room 候车室,候诊室重点词组:1.take place =happen 表示“偶然发生”但注意二者都没有被动语态。happen 发生,为常用词,用于偶发事件发生,为常用词,用于偶发事件。eg: This story happened in China. eg: You look terrible what has happened?happen也指由另一件事引起的事情。也指由另一件事引起的事情。eg: What happens if nobody comes to the party? take place发生,通常用于生

7、,通常用于计划、安排或人划、安排或人们积极参与的事。极参与的事。2. say goodbye to sb say hello to sb3. the end of 在终端,在末端(the end of the year年底) by the end of 到末为止at the end of 在的末端(尽头) in the end =at last=finally 最后,终于4. The Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争5. send sb to sp. 6.fromto7.the Great Master of Language 语言大师8. one of +adj 最高级最高级+n

8、(pl.)9. give sb a wonderful(warm) welcome 对某人表示热烈欢迎UNIT 3 LANGUAGE IN USE重点任务: Activities 1,2 ,3 主要练习plan, decide, hope, want, agree, offer, try 后面接动词不定式做宾语.Activities8.10是对本模块重点的词汇的练习. 重点单词:performance,silver, excellent,wonderful. enjoy (v.) enjoyable(adj.) full empty重点词组:1.take sb to sp. 2.at the

9、end. 3.be full of adj be filled with v.10.all over the world 11. look after12.make sb do sth 使、让某人做某事。 类似的用法还有have, let 等使役动词。13. fall in love with 爱上某人巧记动词不定式的用法巧记动词不定式的用法:动词不定式是中学英语一个较难的语法项目动词不定式是中学英语一个较难的语法项目,下面的口下面的口诀诀 可以帮助你快速和准确的记忆可以帮助你快速和准确的记忆:不定式有标记不定式有标记, to与动原连一起与动原连一起.没有人称数变化没有人称数变化, 动词特点它

10、具备动词特点它具备.主宾定状表补语主宾定状表补语,惟独做谓不可以惟独做谓不可以.not 加上不定式加上不定式,否定结构要牢记否定结构要牢记.1.1.基本结构基本结构:to +v :to +v 2.2.没有人称和数的变化没有人称和数的变化. .3.3.不可以做谓语不可以做谓语, ,具有名词具有名词, ,形容词形容词, ,副词的副词的特征特征. .4.4.否定形式否定形式:not to +v:not to +vMODULE 11 THE WEATHER 本模块重点重点句型:情态动词may/might和动词不定式做主不定式做主语 表示可能的方式表示可能的方式: 1.用may/might 来表示2.I

11、t is possible that 3.It is possible to do sth. 4.主+will pobably/possibly +v动词不定式做主不定式做主语: It is a good idea to bring your camera= to bring your camera is a good idea.重点语法:1. Possibility: may, might, probably 2.动词不定式做主不定式做主语重点任务:Preparing some advice on the best time to visit ChinaUNIT 1 IT MAY BE CO

12、LD TOMORROW.重点任务: Activities 2, 4 and 5重点单词: weather, cloud(y) shower(y),freezing, wet, might, probably, possible,wind(y), sun(ny), snow(y),centigrade, temperature,degree.单词学习:本单元涉及很多的表达天气的词可以用头脑风暴法wwe ea at th he er rcloud(y)snow(y)sun(ny)storm(y)wind(y)shower(y)coldrain(y)说明说明: :1.sun,cloud,wind,

13、storm1.sun,cloud,wind, storm 的词性可以是的词性可以是v &n v &n 2.2.词尾词尾+y+y为为adjadj老师还可以适当的拓展天气的词汇老师还可以适当的拓展天气的词汇:humid 潮湿的 chilly寒冷的icy 结冰的 foggy 有雾的 重点词组:1.go shopping 去购物go boating 去划船go fishing 去钓鱼go climbing 去登山go riding 去骑马go walking 去散步2.at the moment=at this moment e on 好了, 加油, 发芽4.not bad. 5.sounds gre

14、at.6.better get going.最好走吧7.It may be +adj+. It might be +adj+. It is possible that. It is possible to do sth 主主语+will probably(possibly) +v8.be off to 意意为“去去” Im off to the school library. 我我这就去学校就去学校图书馆。1. You must be joking. 你一定是在开玩笑你一定是在开玩笑! must 表示说话人很肯定的一种揣测,意为表示说话人很肯定的一种揣测,意为“一一定定”、“必定必定”,只用在

15、肯定句中,只用在肯定句中 (否定句和疑问否定句和疑问句用句用can来代替来代替) 。 如如: He cant be there because I saw him in the library just now.2. Whatlike?表示表示“怎么样怎么样?” 相当于相当于how。 What is the weather like? =How is the weather?重难点句子:Suggestion: 1.Ss use the words and the structures to write a weather report in TianJin. 2.teacher can tel

16、l students to learn words through the word map below. UNIT 2. WHENS THE BEST TIME TO VISIT YOUR TOWN OR COUNTRY?重点任务: Activities 2, 3 and 4重点单词:pleasant, fall, depend, northwest, southesat单词拓展与辨析:1.pleasant adj另人愉快的,舒适的. please v 请,使高兴,使快乐pleasantly adv 高兴地,愉快地pleasant place 让人愉快的地方2. fall (Am E) au

17、tumn (Br E) spring, summer, autumn(fall), winter重点词组:1.It is the best time to do sth2.travel around 3.a lot of =lots of =plenty of4.bring 带上带上,带来带来 take 拿走拿走5.take a photo/photos6.in the sea7.from time to time =now and then=at times有时有时8.in +季节季节 in + 月份月份9.stay for a long time 10.remember to do ; r

18、emember doing forget to do ; forget doing stop to do; stop doing重难点句子: P90重难点句子:1.The USA is a very big country to visit, so choose careful the places to see and the time to go.句子中to visit, to see, to go都是动词不定式做定语分别修饰country, places ,time.choose v. chose ,chosen, chosing 选择,挑选如:She chose to study ch

19、emistry.2.It is a good idea to bring your camera because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves.该句是一个复合句,主句中it 做形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式to bring your camera.Because 为连词,引导一个原因状语从句这个句子中want接动词不定式做宾语3. It is pleasant to visit Alaska in July and August but it might be cool in the evening. UNIT 3 LANG

20、UAGE IN USE重点任务: Activities 3 ,4 主要练习动词不定式Activities ,,重点练习表示可能性的用法,涉及到复合句的使用,是本模块重要的词汇的运用重点单词:possible ,depend1. depend v 依靠常和on 连用We depend on each other.我们彼此互相信任dependant n2.possible (表示可能的句式)重点词组:pared to / with 和相比 Compared to his brother, Daming is better at English. 相对于哥哥而言,大明的英语学得更好。2.best o

21、f all 3.make sure4.The rest of the countryMODULE 12 TRADITIONAL LIFE本模块重点重点句型:must / mustnt and can / cant1. You must stay here.2.You mustnt/cant break anything.3.We can go and see the panda together.重点语法:must / mustnt and can / cant重点任务:Writing advice for foreign guests to a Chinese family.UNIT 1 Y

22、OU MUST WAIT AND OPEN IT LATER. 重点任务: Activities 3, 4 重点单词:receive, accept, baseball, chess, chopstick(s), purse, soap, immediately ,wrap, break,hang单词拓展与辨析:1.accept receive辨析辨析:receive 客观上收到,accept 表主观上接受receive a letter , accept a birthday present I received a gift, but I didnt accept it.2.In red

23、paper 用用红纸联:write in ink用墨水写speak in English用英语讲话3.wrap vt 包包,裹裹-unwrap例: I wrapped my head in a scarf. 我用头巾裹住我的头.4.traditional adj.传统的的tradition n.传统 5. break-broke-broken6.hang-hung-hung 悬挂挂hang-hanged-hanged 上吊上吊,缴死死重点词组:1.do some cleaning2.break something 辩析: something(某事,某物), anything(任何事), eve

24、rything, (每件事)nothing(不,没有东西)3.on the first day 在具体的某一天用on4.cut ones hair have ones hair cut 理理发5.at Spring Festival6. Chinese New Year7.use both hands 8. Stop chatting. 别聊了!9.Oh, you remembered! 你们记着呢!10.Get a move on! 快点啊!11.Hang on! 等等!12.Thats right. 错不了!13.You cant be serious! 不会吧!14. Its bad l

25、uck. 这不吉利。15. Just wait and see. 等着瞧吧!1.Here she comes分析: here 放在句首时,主语是代词时,不用倒装.但主语是名词时要全部倒装.Here came the bus.There goes the bell.类似的用法如:here, there, out ,in , up, down, away 等.2. I mustnt open it now.must 表示”必须” ; mustnt表示”禁止” .回答的must问句时,要用neednt or dont have to.Must we finish the work today?Yes

26、, you must.No, you neednt.( No, you dont have to.)3.You cant use white, blue or black.重难点句子:UNIT 2 YOU MUSTNT TALK TOO LOUDLY.重点任务: Activities 2, 3,4 and 5重点单词: custom, weddig, greet,pour,throw.单词拓展与辨析:1.greet v 问候,向致意greeting n.问候祝贺2.throw-threw-thrownv重点词组:1. I enjoy my stay. 我过得愉快。我过得愉快。2. shake

27、hands with sb. 与某人握手与某人握手3. after that 以后,然后以后,然后4. speak to sb. 与人说话与人说话5. have a light meal 简单的加餐简单的加餐 little6. on time按时按时 in time 及时及时 7.at around 4 pm下午四点左右下午四点左右 about8. at a tea party 吃茶点时吃茶点时9. hear sb. doing sth.听见某人在做某事听见某人在做某事 hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事(做听见某人做某事(做完)类似用法完)类似用法see, watch, not

28、ice, feel等。等。14.be different from 与与不同不同 be the same as 与与相同相同15. arrive at(小地方小地方) arrive in (大地方大地方) reach get to16.for example, such as , and so on.重难点句子:1.The girl who catches them will be next to get married.分析: 该句是一个复合句.关系代词who引导一个定语从句修饰前面的名词girl,在定语从句who catch them 中who 做主语.get married 结婚 We

29、got married last year. marry v 娶,嫁 married adj 已婚的2.Tea is not just a drink but a light meal.茶不仅仅是饮料而是一顿简单的加餐.Suggestion: in this part, teacher should help Ss with the reading skills (skimming, scanning, fast reading) Write advice for vistiors :traditional life in China (England)UNIT 3 LANGUAGE IN U

30、SE重点任务: Activities 3-7练习can,cant,must,mustnt的用法, -是本模块重要词汇的运用重点单词: smoke, passport, litter重点词组:1.wash up洗餐具, clean up打扫干净, look up查(字典)2.at the age of 3.get married 4.on the pavement5.listen to the teacher6.no smoking7.pay forSuggestion: activity12 can help Ss to finish the module task (group work )

31、Module11-module12 情态动词的用法小结:情态动词的用法小结:记忆口诀:记忆口诀:情态动词两要点,动词原形后面跟can 表“能力”may“ 许可”,must “责任”或“义务”,否定回答neednt 换may ,might may ,might 的用法见评估的用法见评估p162p162can ,must can ,must 用法见评估用法见评估p p带情态动词的一般疑问句答语中情态动词的不一致现象:带情态动词的一般疑问句答语中情态动词的不一致现象:1)在回答在回答must开头的一般疑问句时,其否定回答用开头的一般疑问句时,其否定回答用neednt或或dont have to.Mu

32、st we do it now? No, you neednt.(No, you dont have to.)2) need开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must.Need I hand in my exercises before noon?Yes, you must.3) may 的否定形式的否定形式may not表示表示“可能不可能不”, 在表示在表示“不可以,不可以,禁止,阻止时禁止,阻止时”常用常用mustnt .You may ask him, but he may not answer you.你可以去问他,但他可能不会回答你May I take the

33、 book out of the reading room?Yes, you may.(No, you mustnt)我可以把这本书带出阅览室么是的,你可以(不,你不可以) cant 与与may not 的区别:的区别:cant 常表示常表示“不可能,一定不不可能,一定不”,may not 表示表示“可能不,或许不可能不,或许不”cant 比比may not 语气强,把握性大语气强,把握性大The man standing over there _be Jack. Hes gone to Beijing.A.mustnt B cant C.wont D may not表示不能的含义表示不能的含义cant 与与mustnt 的区别的区别: cant表示表示“不能不能”,是指无能力,是指无能力,mustnt 表示表示“不能不能”指的是指的是“禁止,不允许禁止,不允许”在口语中在口语中,cant也可以表示也可以表示“禁止,不允许禁止,不允许”但语但语气气不如不如 mustnt强强 He is so young that he cant go to school. 此句中不可以用mustnt There is a meeting here, You mustnt make any noise. 此句中不可以用cantThank you!



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