中考英语 语法冲刺复习 代词课件

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1、中考英语中考英语语法复习:代词语法复习:代词一、考点测试( ) 1. Mr. White taught _ Chinese last year.A. ourB. weC. usD. ours( ) 2. He is old enough to wash _ clothes by_. You can just wash _.A. his, himself, yoursB. his, himself, yourC. him, himself, yoursD. him, himself, your( ) 3. _ invited _ to come to _ birthday party last

2、Saturday.A. Me, they, mine B. I, them, mineC. I, them, myD. Me, they, my( ) 4. Hello, _ is Tom speaking. Whos _? A. It, thisB. this, thatC. that, thisD. this, it( ) 5. I have two brothers. One is a doctor, _ is a policeman.A. anotherB. the otherC. othersD. the others( ) 6. He has _ friends in his cl

3、ass, so he feels lonely.A. fewB. a few C. littleD. a little( ) 7. There are so _ books to read and so _ homework to do.A. many, manyB. many, muchC. much, muchD. much, manyCBBCAAB语法复习:代词语法复习:代词( ) 8. Jack feels hungry. He wants _ to eat.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing( ) 9. _ is necess

4、ary to get on well with others.A. That B. This C. It D.These( ) 10. The old man has two children, but _ of them lives with him.A. either B. neitherC. both D. none( ) 11. Come here, Lucy. I have _ to tell you right now.A. something importantB. anything important C. nothing importantD. everything impo

5、rtant( ) 12. There are six people in the office. _ of them are party members.A. AllB. Both C. No oneD. Neither( ) 13. The cars made in Shanghai are better than _ made in Tianjian. A. that B. those C. theseD. this( ) 14. You dont have _ apples. Would you like me to give you _?A. some, someB. any, any

6、C. some, anyD. any, some( ) 15. _ are students in No. 1 Middle School. A. I, you and he B. You, he and I C. He, you and I D. You, I and he ACBBBDAA语法复习:代词语法复习:代词二、考点精讲精练考点1:人称代词,物主代词和反身代词(1). 变化形式表 (2). 人称代词主格和宾格:动词前面用主格,动词或介词之后用宾格。如:We went to see them yesterday. Dont worry about him.语法复习:代词语法复习:代词

7、(3). 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词:一般情况下形容词性物主代词后面接名词,名词性物主代词后面不可接名词。如:This is my bag. Where is yours? Their school is much bigger than ours.(4). 人称代词的排列顺序:通常情况下,单数you, he and I 复数we, you and they 如: You, she and I should help each other. Tom and I went to school together. 但要注意:人称相同时男在前,女在后。如:He and his wife lov

8、ed each other deeply. John and Mary are good friends. (5). 反身代词必顺要与被指代人在人称和数上保持一致,意为“某人自己”。如: I can do all the homework by myself. The boy cant dress himself. 常考反身代词短语有:enjoy oneself(玩得开心) help oneself to(随便吃) say to oneself (自言自语) come to oneself(苏醒) all by oneself(独自地) leave sb. by oneself(将某人单独留下

9、) look after oneself (照顾自己) learnby oneself / teach oneself. (自学) dress oneself (自己穿衣),hurt oneself (伤到自己)例句:Help yourself to some fish. 随便吃些鱼吧。(6). it 和one的区别: it 指的是上面提到过的同一物,one指的是上面提到过的同类物中的1个。如:语法复习:代词语法复习:代词I cant find my hat. Have you seen it? (指的就是上句话提到的hat,两者同一物) No, I think youd better buy

10、 one. (指的是hat的同类物)考点2:指示代词(this, that, these, those等)用法(1). 单数:this: 这个(近), that: 那个(远);复数:these: 这些(近), those: 那些(远) 如:Whats this? Its a cat. What are those? They are apples.(2). 电话通话中常用this指代自己,that 指代对方。如:This is Tom speaking. Whos that?(3). 用来代替前面提到的名词,避免重复。不可数名词用that, 可数名词单数用one, 复数用the ones 或t

11、hose. 如: The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangdong in winter. I have a blue watch. He also has one. The streets in Beijing are wider than those (the ones) in Dongguan.考点3. 疑问代词与疑问副词的用法(1). who(主格), whom (宾格), what (什么), which (哪一个), how(如何)。如: Who is the man over there? What are you go

12、ing to do this afternoon? How do you go to school every day?语法复习:代词语法复习:代词(2). how often, how soon和how long的区别。 how often 提问时,答语一般用twice a day, sometimes, often等表频率的词。如:How often do you watch TV? Twice a day.how soon提问时,答语一般用in+一段时间。如:How soon will you arrive in Beijing? In 20 minutes.how long 提问时,答

13、语一般用for+一段时间 或since+时间点。如:How long have you been in China? For two years. / Since two years ago. /Since I came here.考点4. 不定代词的用法(1). some和any: 一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和一般疑问句。 如:There are some books in the desk. He doesnt have any money. Do you have any questions?但说话人有请求或建议时,一般疑问句中还用some. 如:Would yo

14、u like some more coffee?(2). many和much: many后接可数名词复数, much 后接不可数名词。如:I have many friends, but I can find out much information about it.语法复习:代词语法复习:代词(3). a few, few, a little和little: a few (肯定) 和few (否定) 后面接可数名词;a little (肯定) 和little (否定) 后面接不可数名词。如:The problem is so difficult that few students can

15、work it out.这问题是如此难,以致几乎没有学生能算出。 I have a few apples, so I can give you one.我有几个萍果,所以我能给你一个。 Hurry up, we have little time. 快点,我们没有时间了。 Take it easy. There is still a little time for us to go there.别着急,离我们到那里还有一点时间。(4). 与两者有关的不定代词 (both, either, neither) both (两者都): 后接名词,动词均为复数。either (两者中任何一个): 后接动

16、词单数。neither (两者中没有一个): 后接动词单数。如: Both of the twins are kind to their parents. 双胞胎两个人对他们父母亲都很好。 I have only two tickets. Either of you can go with me. 我只有两张票。你们中只有一个人可以跟我去。 Grandpa Li has two sons. But neither of them lives with him.李爷爷有两个儿子,但没有一个儿子和他住。 There are many flowers and trees on both (eithe

17、r) sides (side) of the road.路的两边有很多花和树。语法复习:代词语法复习:代词(5). 与三者有关的不定代词 (all, each, none) all: 三者或以上都。Each: 两者或以上中任何一个,后接动词单数。none : 三者或以上中没有一个, 后接动词单数或者复数。如: All of the books are useful to all of us. 所有书对我们所有人都有用。 Each of us has an apple = We each have an apple. 我们每个人都有一只萍果。 None of the students in ou

18、r class are from Japan. 我们班的学生没有一个来自日本。(6). another, other, the other, others, the others another: 三者或以上中的另一个,后接名词单数(有时该名词省略)。如: I dont like this pen. Can you show me another (pen)? other: 其他的,别的,后接名词复数。如: There are many students in the classroom. Some students are reading. Other students are doing

19、homework. the other: 两者中另一个,一般结构为onethe other 如: I have two pens. One is red, the other is blue. 特指其他的,别的,后接名词复数,一般有范围(即有具体数字表明)。如: There are 60 students in my class. 30 are girls, the other students are boys.语法复习:代词语法复习:代词others=other+名词: 其他的,别的,后不能接名词。如: I can lend you my bike, but you cant lend i

20、t to others. the others=the other+名词:特指其他的,别的,后不能接名词,一般有范围(即有具体数字表明)。如: He has 5 children. 2 of them are middle school students. The others are primary school students.答题技巧:先判断横线后是否有名词,没名词的在another, others和the others 中选;有名词则在another, other和the other 中选。没名词时,代替的名词为单数则用another;代替名词为复数,有具体数字表特指时用the ot

21、hers;代替名词为复数,没特指时用others.有名词时,后接名词为单数则用another;后接名词为复数,有具体数字表特指时用the other;后接名词为复数,没特指时用other。注意固定搭配onethe other 结构。如: He is ready to help _. (没名词,代替名词为复数,没具体数字特指,所以选填others) This watch is not so good. Would you pass me _?(没名词,代替名词为watch, 单数,故选another) 语法复习:代词语法复习:代词I have watched 8 movies. 4 movies

22、 are interesting, _ are dull. (横线后是are, 不是名词,代替名词movies为复数,有具体数字8,4特指,所以选填the others) Would you like _ cake? (横线后有名词,名词为cake, 单数,故选another) Some boys are playing football outside. _ boys are reading books inside. (横线后有名词boys,复数,没具体数字特指,所以选填other) There are 20 cars parking here. 10 cars are yellow. _

23、 cars are red. (横线后有名词cars,复数,有具体数字20,10特指,所以选填the other) I have two good friends. One is good at English, _ is good at Chinese. (one the other 结构) (7). 形容词修饰以下不定代词时形容词要放在不定代词的后面,这类不定代词有:somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, everybody, everyone, everything, nobody, nothing等。如: something important 重要东西 nothing interesting 没有有趣的东西 somewhere warm 暖和的地方The endThank you



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