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1、语法填空语法填空 关联词 并列连词:and, or, but. 复合连词:定语从句,名词性从句 状语从句 并列连词并列句的分类并列句的分类 1、表示连接两个表示连接两个同等同等概念,常用概念,常用and,notonlybut(also),neithernor,then等连接。等连接。e.g.TheteachersnameisSmith,andthestudentsnameisJohn.2、表示、表示选择选择,常用的连词有,常用的连词有or,eitheror,otherwise(否则)等。(否则)等。e.g.Hurryup,oryoullmissthetrain.3、表示、表示转折转折,常用的连

2、词有,常用的连词有but,still,however,yet等。等。e.g.Hewasalittlemanwiththickglasses,buthehadastrangewayofmakinghisclasseslivelyandinteresting.4、表示因果关系,常用的连词有、表示因果关系,常用的连词有so,for,therefore(因(因此)等。此)等。e.g.Augustisthetimeoftheyearforriceharvest,soeverydayIworkfromdawnuntildark. 一、用适当的并列连词填空一、用适当的并列连词填空1Tomwasaboutto

3、closethewindow_hisattentionwascaughtbyabird.2Hurryup,_wellbelateforthetrain.提升演练提升演练提升演练提升演练whenor/otherwise3Iamreadinganovel,_sheisreadingaletter.4_doesJackdohisworkwell,_hehelpsotherswiththeirwork.5Shemustbeout,_thelightsareout.whileNot onlybut alsofor6_shedidnotspeakclearly_Ididnothearwell.7Ineve



6、先行词表表从句中从句中的成分的成分备注备注关关系系代代词词whowhomwhosethatwhichas人人主主,宾宾人人人人,物物人人,物物物物,整整个句子个句子 整个句子整个句子宾宾定定主主,宾宾主主,宾宾主主,宾宾作宾语时可省,但作宾语时可省,但介词前置不可省介词前置不可省作宾语时可省,作宾语时可省,但介词前置不用但介词前置不用that作宾语时可省,但介作宾语时可省,但介词前置不可省,可指词前置不可省,可指前面整个句子。前面整个句子。such/thesameaswhoseroof=theroofofwhich=ofwhichtheroof关联词关联词先行词先行词表表在从句在从句中的成中的

7、成分分备注备注关关系系副副词词 whenwhywhere时间时间原因原因状状状状地点地点状状=on/in/atwhich=on/in/atwhich有时有时where并不指并不指具体地点具体地点=forwhich定语从句: 主要考查知识点:引导定语从句的关系代词和系词的选择,非限制性定语从句,由 whose,who,whomwhere, when, that, which,as(像那样) 和 “介词+关系词“ 以及”suchas,the sameas 引导的定语从句。1.who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句: (1)He has entertained hopes(一直怀有一个希望)o

8、f being admitted to a sight of the wonderful valley,_ beauty he has heard much. (2)The student in_ all of the teachers took great pride was admitted into Beijing University last year. (3) Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those_ dont.

9、whosewhomwhowho2.when/where 引导的定语从句,在从句中作状语:(1)This is the mountain village _ I stayed last year. (2).Ill never forget the days _ I worked together with you.3.介词+ 关系代词:( 介词+which 或+whom) (1)This is the house in_ I lived two years ago.( in which=where) (2).Do you remember the day on_ You joined our c

10、lub?( on which=when) (3)Last week, only two people came to look at the house ,neither of_ wanted to buy it.wherewhenwhichwhichwhom4. as , which 因带的定语从句由as, which 引导的非限制性定语从句, as 和which可代替整个主句,As一般放句首,有时在句中或在句末。 which在句中。(1)._we know,smoking is hasrmful to ones health.(2).The sun heats the earth,_ is

11、 very important to us.(3)Einstein, _we all know, was a great scientist.(4)The work was very hard,_we had expected.Aswhichasas5. suchas, the sameas the same.that.(1).I hope to get such a recorder _she is using.(2). They are such warm-hearted women_ I will never forget.(3) I live in the same house_ he

12、 (lives in). 注意1:I live in the same house that he lives in. 我与他住在同一个房间。 the same that表示同一个 注意2. suchas 与such that suchas中的as 在从句中作主语、宾语或语。而 suchthat中的that在从句中不作成分。1.She is such a good girl as all of us like.2.She is such a good girl that all of us like her.asasas即时演练: 单句填空1.His movie won several awa

13、rds at the film festival,_ was beyond his wildest dream.2.We shouldnt have spent our money testing so many people, most of _ are healthy.3.Today, well discuss a number of cases_ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.4. Some pre-school children go to a day care centre,_ they learn si

14、mple games and songs.5.Chinas restaurant on Baker Street, _ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business.6.Look out!Dont get close to the house_ roof is uder repair.whichwhomwherewherewhichwhose7.Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by flood, from_ effects the people are still suffer

15、ing.8. Ill never forget the days _ we spent together in the south.9._ is known to us, the moon travels round the the earth once a year.10.THe disease attacks such animals_lions and tigers.11.When he came back from abroad, John told his parents about the cities and the people_ he had visited.12.She w

16、ears the same dress_ her sister.whosethatAsasthatas语篇模拟:用适当的词填入短文的空格中。 Computer programmer David Jones, _earns 35,000 a year designing new computergames, yet cannot find a bank _ is readyto lethim have a credit card(信用卡)。Instead,he has been told to wait until he is18,_he isoldenough to get the right

17、s. The 16-year-old boyworks for a small firm in Liverpool, _ theproblem of most young people of his age isfinding a job. But Davids biggest headache now is _todo with his money.David got his job with theLivaepool based company four months ago.whothatwhenwherewhat“ I got the job because the people_ r

18、un thefirm knew I had written some programs already,” he said. “ I had been studying computing _ was not part of our studies at school in booksand magazines for four years in my spare time. Iknew _I want to do and never consideredstaying on at school. Most people in this businessare fairly young,any

19、way.” David added: “ I wouldlike to earn a million and I suppose earlyretiremant is a possibily. You never know _ the market might disappear.” (10)whowhichwhatwhen名词性从句连词(1)从属连词从属连词whetherwhetherwhetherwhetherthatthatthatthat(2)连接代词连接代词What WhoWhat WhoWhat WhoWhat Who which which which whichWhom who

20、seWhom whoseWhom whoseWhom whosewhateverwhateverwhateverwhateverwhoeverwhoeverwhoeverwhoeverwhicheverwhicheverwhicheverwhichever(3)连接副词连接副词when when when when whywhywhywhywherewherewherewherehowhowhowhow,if/as ifif/as ifif/as ifif/as if( ( ( (只用于表语从句)只用于表语从句)只用于表语从句)只用于表语从句)只起连接作用,只起连接作用,只起连接作用,只起连接

21、作用,不充当从句不充当从句不充当从句不充当从句中的任何成分。中的任何成分。中的任何成分。中的任何成分。既起连接作用,既起连接作用,既起连接作用,既起连接作用, 本身又做从句的本身又做从句的本身又做从句的本身又做从句的主语主语主语主语、宾语宾语宾语宾语、表语表语表语表语或或或或定语(定语(定语(定语(whosewhose)。既起连接作用,既起连接作用,既起连接作用,既起连接作用,本身又做从句的本身又做从句的本身又做从句的本身又做从句的状语状语状语状语。howhowhowhow manymanymanymany,how muchhow muchhow muchhow much, 请找出以下复合句的

22、名词性从句并分请找出以下复合句的名词性从句并分析其类型析其类型1. The question why we must learn English has been asked many times.2.ThatiswhereLuXunoncelived.3.Whetheryoucomeornotisuptoyou.4.WethoughtitstrangethatTomdidnotcomeyesterday.5.Itsuncertainwhethertheexperimentisworthdoing.()同位语从句同位语从句()表从表从()主语从句主语从句()宾语从句宾语从句()主语从句主语从句



25、avetogois_mymotherisillinbedA.why;whyB.why;becauseC.why;thatD.that;because5.Whatthedoctorsreallydoubtis_mymotherwillrecoverfromtheseriousdiseasesoon.A.whenB.howC.whetherD.whyEveryone knew 1_Andy was a famous writer, but no one knew 2_she came from and 3_ she was born in 1961 was still a mystery. 4_t

26、hey did know was 5_she was loved by poor people because she always helped 6 _ was in need of money. 从句语篇练习从句语篇练习thatWhere Whether WhatthatWhoever名词性从句改错1.Thefactwhichshehadnotsaidanythingsurprisedallofus.2.Whattheboydidnttakemedicinemadehismotherangry.3.Ifwellgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather.()t

27、hat()That()Whether4.Whathereallymeansiswhathedisagreeswithus.5.Whenwellfinishtranslatingthebookdependonthetime.() ()that()depends状语从句连词一一.时间状语从句时间状语从句: 1.when=while=aswhendoingsth.=whiledoingsth.当主从句的主当主从句的主语一致而且从句有进行时态时用。语一致而且从句有进行时态时用。2.一、就、的表达:一、就、的表达: The moment=the minute=the second (将来)(将来) =t

28、he instant=immediately =as soon as + sb. do/.does sth. , sb. will do sth. =hardly had sb.done sth.when sb. did sth. =no sooner had sb. done sth.than sb. did sth. the moment/the minute/the second/the instant/immediately directly/instantly/as soon as 3.after :在在之后。之后。 before:在在之前,之前, 不知不知不觉就不觉就还没来得及还没

29、来得及/还没有还没有.就就.,趁着,趁着还没还没就就, not until :直到直到才才 since:自从自从二二.条件条件状语从句状语从句: if(如果),(如果),unless(如果不(如果不,除非),除非) so long as(只要),(只要), provided/providing(假使),(假使), in case(万一,如果),(万一,如果), on condition that(在在的条件下的条件下)。 三三.地点地点状语从句状语从句:where=intheplaceinwhich在在的的地方地方wherever在在的任何地方的任何地方 四四.目的状语从句目的状语从句:从句中

30、常含有从句中常含有can,could,may,might,will,would等情态等情态动词。动词。inorderthat=sothat(为了,以便)(为了,以便),incase(以防,以免)(以防,以免)forfearthat(以免,惟恐),(以免,惟恐), 五五.原因原因状语从句状语从句:because:因为语气较强,表示直接的因果关系,回因为语气较强,表示直接的因果关系,回 答问句。用在强调句型中。答问句。用在强调句型中。as :因为,由于语气没哪么强因为,由于语气没哪么强since=now that= when:既然,语气更弱既然,语气更弱for:因为,放在句后,表示对前一句加以解析

31、。因为,放在句后,表示对前一句加以解析。seeing that /hearing that 由于由于 , given= considering 考虑到考虑到六六.让步状语从句让步状语从句:though=although:虽然,尽虽然,尽管管as:虽然,把作表语的名词,形容词,作状语的虽然,把作表语的名词,形容词,作状语的的副词及某些动词要放到句首,若提前的是单数的副词及某些动词要放到句首,若提前的是单数可数名词,要省略不定冠词。可数名词,要省略不定冠词。n./adj./adv.assb.+v.while:而,用在主从句之间,表对比。而,用在主从句之间,表对比。evenif=eventhough

32、即使,尽管即使,尽管疑问词疑问词+ever=nomatter+疑问词疑问词无论无论)(位句首,虽然位句首,虽然)whatever,whoever,whenever,wherever,however.七。比较状从七。比较状从(not)as.asthemore.,themorethan八。结果状从八。结果状从(如此。以致于。)(如此。以致于。)so形容词(副词)形容词(副词)thatmany(much)little(few)such(a)+形容形容+名词名词.that.九.方式状从状从as(正如)(正如)asif(though)(好象)(好象)(用虚拟语气)即时演练: 单句填空。1.Peter w

33、as excited_ he received an invitation from his friend to visit Beijing.when2.Nancy enjoyed herself so much_ she visited her friend in Sydney last year.3.It just isnt fair,_ I was working as a waiter last month, my friend were lying on the beach.4. _ she grew older, she became more beautiful.5.It is

34、almost five or six years_ we saw each other last time.6. Youd better not leave the medicine_ kids can get at it.7.Jack didnt marry_he was forty-five.whenwhileAssincewhereuntil8.The plane had took off _he arrived at the airport.9._ he had lived in the south for nearly 20 years, he decided to go to se

35、ek his fortune in the north.10.Bamboo grows well _ it has plenty of rain.11.The engine stopped running _ the fuel was finished.12. There is must be no one in the house _the door is closed.13. We will have a picnic tomorrow _ it rains or its very cold.beforeAfterwherebecauseforunless14.The old tower

36、must be savedthe cost is.15.He tried his best to solve the problem,_ difficult it was.16.” You cant have this football back _ you promise not to kick at my cat again,” the old man said firmly.17. Its known to all that _ you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health.18. In time of serious acciden

37、ts, _ we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.19. _ I were you, I woulg go and work there.whateverhoweverunlessuntilunlessifIf语篇模拟1:在下面短文空格处填入一个适当的词。 I went to the seaside to spend my holiday lastsummer holiday with my faily. One day, I wasswimming in the river _ someone shouted

38、,“ Look out. There is a shark not far away!”Onhearing the shout, I was scared to death _I was well aware of its dangerous characteristic. “ Just dont worry, Tom!” my father said to me.“ but lets go back to our hotel and we can avoidbeingharmed. We stayed in the seaside for about two weeks._ the weat

39、her was much hotter than that In my hometown, I got used to it.Every morning,whenbecauseAlthough I got up earlier than my parents and went for breakfast ahead of time. Then I went to hasve achat with my new friend, John,_ I happenedto come across during my holiday. John was anative_ was familiar wit

40、h the seaside well.He was a man with good qualification. Soon webecame very good friends. _ we parted, wehave been kept writing to each other. Now, I stilloften hear from him. We talked in our letter aboutthings and persons _ we remembered inthe seaside.who/whomwhoSincethat语篇模拟2.在下面短文空格处填入一个适当的词。 Wh

41、en I put forward the suggestion _ hego to work in the countryside, he promised to takeit into consideration. He, _ name is WangLin, just graduated from an agricultural universityin Guangzhou. Of course, it wil mean living in thecountryside for at least three years or more_ he returns to the city.Wan

42、g Lin studiedhard at university. _ he had time,he wouldgo to the library or reading room to refer toinformation _ he needed.I would like him towork in the countryside just _ he couldhelp rid people there of hunger by expandingthatwhosebeforewheneverthatbecauseby expanding the output of crop. In this

43、 way, itwill make _ possible to get most of people toimprove their living conditions, _ is the policyof our country. I know there is little entertainmentin the far-away area in the countryside. I shallgive him the violin I bought the other day. So thathe can play it sometimes. But only _ hecomes to

44、see me this evening shall I give it tohim.I shall also tell him to be modest _working with the farmers even if he knows morescientific knowledge than they do. Do you think_ he will follow my advice? Of course he will.itwhichwhenwhen/whilethat_ I am not his mother, he always regardsme as his. He always believes _ I sayto him.AlthoughwhateverThank you



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