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1、1. 那个地区缺水,村民们挖了许多并来解决饮水问题。那个地区缺水,村民们挖了许多并来解决饮水问题。 (lack) For lack of / Because of the lack of water, the villagers in that area dug many wells to solve the problem of drinking water. lack n. & vt.缺乏缺乏,没有没有e.g. There is a of interest in the excursion. He failed for of confidence and experience. I got

2、 black rings under my eyes from of sleep. Our defeat was due to a of experience. We still the necessary information. She ed the courage to apply for the position.lacking adj. e.g.Money is ing to complete the building. He seems to be ing in common sense.2. 发射了火箭来攻击敌军部队。发射了火箭来攻击敌军部队。(launch) Rockets w

3、ere launched to attack the enemy troops. launch 发射发射 发动发动,发起发起,开始开始发行发行,将将投放市场投放市场 a rocket/ spacecraft/ missile/ satellite attack/campaign/investigation a product/ film/ TV seriese.g.China successfully ed a manned spaceship. The troupes ed an attack against the enemy at dawn. The government has ed

4、a new plan to stimulate consumption. An inquiry has been ed into the incident. Whats the Chinese for the following sentences?3. 他漫不经心的一句评论引起了一些不必要的误会。他漫不经心的一句评论引起了一些不必要的误会。 (lead)A careless comment of his has led to some unnecessary misunderstanding. What does “lead” mean in the following sentences?

5、(引导引导,带领带领)(领导领导)(过过生活生活)(通往通往)(领先领先)(导致导致)result in; contribute to Led by the Party, we have won one victory after another. I hope to a peaceful life after my retirement.Which horse is ing? All roads to Roam. There is no doubt that stress can to illness.e.g.She led us into the library/ through the

6、forest. 4. 无论谁有麻烦,你都应该伸出援助之手。(无论谁有麻烦,你都应该伸出援助之手。(lend) You should lend a hand to whoever is in trouble. No matter who is in trouble, you should lend him a helping hand. lend 借借lend sb. sth; lend sth to sb. lend sb a (helping) hand; lend a hand to sb.lend an ear to sthlend (ones) support ; lend (ones

7、) assistancee.g.杰克总是乐于助人。杰克总是乐于助人。 Jack is always ready to lend a helping hand. 请帮忙搬一下行李。请帮忙搬一下行李。 Please lend a hand with the luggage/ to move给予给予(支援支援,帮助帮助)5. 得知地球上每年有几百种植物消失时,我们大家都非得知地球上每年有几百种植物消失时,我们大家都非 常震惊。常震惊。(learn) We are quite shocked to learn that several hundred plants disappear every ye

8、ar on the earth . learn 学习;听到学习;听到;得知得知,获悉获悉,听说听说 我是今天早上听到这消息的。我是今天早上听到这消息的。 I ed the news this morning. 得知彼得辞职我们感到很惊讶。得知彼得辞职我们感到很惊讶。 We were surprised to that Peter resigned.(n.)(clause) 没人知道他近况如何。没人知道他近况如何。 No one ever s how he is getting on. 他母亲是从报纸上得知她儿子的死讯的。他母亲是从报纸上得知她儿子的死讯的。 His mother ed of h

9、er sons death in the newspapers.6. 你得学会从失败中吸取教训。(你得学会从失败中吸取教训。(lesson) You will have to learn/ draw a good lesson from your failure. lesson 课课 教训教训 skip a 逃课逃课;miss a 缺课缺课learn a 吸取教训吸取教训; teach sb a 给给个教训个教训e.g.We have four s every morning. He is taking piano s from Mrs Bennet. Let this mistake tea

10、ch you a . Remember what happened and let it be a . I hope you learn a from this.7. 在美国这样的西方国家,作家单靠写作来谋生是很难在美国这样的西方国家,作家单靠写作来谋生是很难 的。的。(living)In the western countries like the United State, it is hard for a writer to make a living only by writing. living n. 生计生计 adj. 活的活的e.g.English and French are

11、languages. He is the example of courage.(生活水平生活水平)(生活费用生活费用)earn a/ ones ; make a/ ones 谋生谋生 do sth for a 靠做靠做谋生谋生e.g.What does your brother do for a ? The standards in some developing countries are very low. The cost of has doubled in London.8. 两国长期以来一直保持密切的联系,包括文化交流,两国长期以来一直保持密切的联系,包括文化交流, 以及各种形式的

12、访问。以及各种形式的访问。(maintain) The two countries have maintained close relationship for a long time, including cultural exchange and all kinds of visits. maintain 保持保持,维持维持 ones reputation/ life/ friendship/ contact/ relations / standard/ level/ stability 维修维修,养护养护,维护维护house/ road/ car/ ones right 坚持坚持,主张主

13、张 that 抚养抚养,养活养活sb/ oneself/ ones family e.g.It is the responsibility of the police to law and order.(维持治安维持治安) The company still s that the drug is safe. He can barely earn enough to himself.9. 她希望进大学后主修计算机科学。她希望进大学后主修计算机科学。(major) She hopes to major in computer science when he enters that universi

14、ty. major adj.重要的重要的,重大的重大的;(较较)大的大的e.g.Two companies have gone bankrupt. The part of his life was spent in the country. He had a operation and is recovering. Health care is one of the problems.v. 主修主修 major in n. 主修科目;主修某专业的学生主修科目;主修某专业的学生e.g.Brian s in economics. Nancy is a history .10. 既然他答应帮助你,我

15、肯定他一定会设法做到的。既然他答应帮助你,我肯定他一定会设法做到的。 (manage)Im sure he will manage to help you since he has promised to. manage 做成做成,设法完成设法完成manage to do sth 设法解决设法解决,勉强维持勉强维持can/ could/ be able to 拿得动拿得动,吃得掉吃得掉; 经营经营,管理管理e.g.How she d to finish it in such a short time? We will not be able to without help. I cant an

16、other mouthful. I just cant the luggage myself. He s the family business The restaurant is well d.11. 你直接回家还是在此逗留一两天对我来说都没有关你直接回家还是在此逗留一两天对我来说都没有关 系。系。(matter) It doesnt matter much to me whether you go straight home now or stay here for a couple of days. matter n.事情事情;问题问题,麻烦麻烦;事态事态,情况情况;物质物质,材料材料;

17、是是的的事事e.g.He refused to discuss the . Its a family. M exists in 3 states: solid, liquid and gas. It was a of life and death for them.v. 重要重要,紧要紧要(尤用于疑问句否定句尤用于疑问句否定句;常用常用it作主语作主语)e.g.All these things do not now. I doesnt how youre dressed. Does it if I left a few minutes earlier? It doesnt if you are

18、 a few minutes late. I dont think it s that he doesnt have a degree.12. 他充分利用每分每秒,决心把失去的时间弥补回来。他充分利用每分每秒,决心把失去的时间弥补回来。 (make) He makes full use of every minute and every second, determined to make up for the lost time. make sth from/ (out) of; be made of/ from an effort/ efforts; progress/ notes a d

19、ecision/ mistake/ contribution/ noise/ phone call a statement/ suggestion/ complaint an appointment/ a living/ a profit/ a difference money; it成功成功,按时赶到按时赶到; way让路让路,腾地方腾地方 ones way/ for前往前往,向向走去走去; off匆忙跑掉匆忙跑掉 the best of充分利用充分利用; out看出看出,理解理解,开出开出 up编造编造;化妆化妆;言归于好言归于好;组成组成,构成构成 up for补偿补偿,弥补弥补13.

20、二十多位专家,四十多位医护人员组成了一支拯救队二十多位专家,四十多位医护人员组成了一支拯救队. (make up) More than twenty experts and over forty medical workers made up a rescue team. / A rescue team was made up of . 14. 小偷带着偷来的钱包匆匆离开,为了不被人注意到。小偷带着偷来的钱包匆匆离开,为了不被人注意到。 (make off) The thief made off with the wallet he had stolen in order not to be

21、noticed by others. 15. 我觉得你的窗帘与墙纸不匹配。我觉得你的窗帘与墙纸不匹配。(match) I dont think your curtain matches your wall paper. match n.火柴火柴;比赛比赛;匹配之物匹配之物;可与可与相比的人相比的人e.g.The curtains are a good for the sofa. Bill is no for his brother at chess. You have met your . You are no for him. v. 相配相配,和和相配相配;和和匹敌匹敌,是是对手对手,和和相

22、比相比e.g.The curtains dont (with) the carpet. The curtains and the carpet well. Nobody in our school can him in tennis. His talent doesnt hers. The two teams were well ed. 16. 不管结局如何,科学家们都将竭尽全力征服太空。不管结局如何,科学家们都将竭尽全力征服太空。 (no matter) No matter what the result is, scientists will try their best to conqu

23、er space. no matter what/ who/ when/ where/ how不管不管/无论无论(引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句不能引导名词性从句, 可用可用whatever/ whoever/ whenever/ wherever/ however替代替代) e.g.No matter what/ Whatever happens, I will not give in. No one is to enter, no matter who/ whoever you are. He had to get the car fixed no matter ho

24、w much / however much it cost. He always takes his camera with him no where/ wherever he goes. 17. 凭借现代科学技术,两个相隔千里的人可以保持联凭借现代科学技术,两个相隔千里的人可以保持联 系。系。(means) By means of modern science and technology, the two persons far from each other can keep in touch. means 手段手段,方法方法;财产财产,收入收入by of用用;依靠依靠 e.g.Thou

25、ghts are expressed by of words. We hope to achieve peace by peaceful . While the medical charges are within most peoples , they are beyond the of the poor families. He doesnt look like a man of . Shall I join you? By all . He is by no stupid. By no will I believe you. We need to get to the airport,

26、but have no of transport. (超出某人财力超出某人财力/在某人财力之在某人财力之内内)(不像个有钱人不像个有钱人)(表示同意表示同意)当然行当然行(绝不绝不)(交通工具交通工具)18. 我叔叔鼓励我,在生活中无论遇到什么困难都不能半我叔叔鼓励我,在生活中无论遇到什么困难都不能半 途而废。途而废。(meet) My uncle encouraged me not to give up half way whatever difficulties I meet with in life. e.g.The president is ing world leaders at a

27、 summit next week. The village is located where two rivers . He met their criticism with indifference. To join the Army, one has to certain physical standards. More tents were produced to the needs of the earthquake-affected people. My salary is just enough to my expenses. They met with stubborn res

28、istance. (汇合汇合)(对付对付)(会晤会晤)(达到达到)(满足满足)(支支付付)(遇到遇到/遭遇遭遇)meet with (failure/ refusal/ difficulty/ accident/ disaster/ success/ warm reception/ rough weather)19. 那个小男孩不在乎把他一个人留在家。那个小男孩不在乎把他一个人留在家。 (mind) That little boy didnt mind being left alone at home. mind v. 介意介意,讨厌讨厌,反对反对(常用于疑问句、否定句常用于疑问句、否定句)

29、e.g.I dont the heat, but I cant bear the noise. Do you Jane coming with us? Do you if I borrow one of the books?(n.)(ones) doing(clause)当心当心,留心留心 M the wet paint. M your manners at table. M you dont say anything to offend them. 20. 考试作弊是可耻的行为,要牢记诚实为本。考试作弊是可耻的行为,要牢记诚实为本。(mind) Cheating in exams is a

30、shameful behaviour and you should keep in mind that honesty is the best policy. mind n. 头脑头脑;思考能力思考能力,思维方式思维方式 keep/ bear sth in ; keep/ bear in that make up ones minde.g.She was in a disturbed state of . I couldnt have complete peace of before my son received an admission form. We have made up our

31、s to carry though the fight against terrorism. Ill bear your advice in . You should keep/ bear in what your teacher said. Bear in that time and tides wait for no one. (头脑混乱头脑混乱)(感到踏实感到踏实)(决心决心)21. 特里的病让他整整一个月没能去上学。特里的病让他整整一个月没能去上学。(miss) Terrys illness caused him to miss a whole month of school. mis

32、s v. 未击中未击中,未接住未接住,未抓住未抓住;错过错过,未赶上未赶上;未听懂未听懂/领领会会; 想念想念,怀念怀念;避开避开e.g.The falling rock barely ed my head. You ed the point of my joke. He tried to catch the ball, but ed it. They ed the train by 3 minutes. I was sorry to you when I called. He just ed being caught. We ed the start of the movie. I neve

33、r any opportunity of practicing my spoken English. Never has Mary ed a lesson. (击中击中)(未听懂未听懂)(未接住未接住)(未赶上未赶上)(未碰上未碰上)(差点没差点没)(错过错过/未看未看到到)(错过错过) (缺课缺课) 22. 对不起,我错拿了你的外套。对不起,我错拿了你的外套。(mistake) Im sorry, but I took your overcoat by mistake. mistake n. 错误错误 make a 犯错误犯错误,弄错弄错 by 错误地错误地,无心无心(做错了做错了)e.g.

34、Sorry, I took you umbrella by . There is no about it. Hes the biggest fool I have ever met. (毫无疑问毫无疑问,没错没错) Try to speak English as much as possible, and dont be afraid of ing mistakes. v. 误解误解,弄错弄错 A for Be.g.Dont friendship for love. I am afraid you have n the nature of our friendship. 23. 我太累了,不想

35、谈这件事。我太累了,不想谈这件事。(mood) Im exhausted and am in no mood to talk about the matter. mood 心情心情,情绪情绪 in a good/ relaxed/ confident/ cheerful/ bright in a bad/ terrible be/ feel in the for/ to do sth想做想做/ 有兴致做有兴致做be in no for/ to do sth.不想做某事不想做某事e.g.Jeff has been in a bad all day. She was very tired and

36、in no for dancing. I am just not in a party .没有心情参加晚会。没有心情参加晚会。 Just leave her alone when she is in a . 24. 我们星期日多半不在家,因此你最好不要这天来看望我们星期日多半不在家,因此你最好不要这天来看望 我们。我们。(mostly) We are mostly out on Sundays, so you had better not visit us those days. mostly adv. 在一般情况下在一般情况下;多半多半,大部分大部分,主要地主要地e.g. The audie

37、nce consist of women. M, he works in the day and attends lessons in the evening. She drives her car for shopping.c.f.most adj. & pron.大多数大多数,最多的最多的 Which of you made the mistakes? M of his argument were founded on fact.adv. 最最 (与形容词与形容词/副词构成最高级副词构成最高级;或和动词连用或和动词连用) The person who I contact frequentl

38、y is Jack. Of all the sports, I like swimming .25. 相对而言,孩子与父母交流的越多,越不可能得忧郁相对而言,孩子与父母交流的越多,越不可能得忧郁 症。症。(the more the more) Relatively speaking, the more children communicate with their parents, the less likely it is that they will suffer from depression. the morethe more/ less越越越越(不不)e.g.The more you

39、 sleep, the sleepier you will feel. The better I know him, the more I like him. The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the less likely you are to get cancer. The higher the sea level, the lower the temperature. 26. 他从车祸中幸存下来,当时他差点被车撞到。他从车祸中幸存下

40、来,当时他差点被车撞到。 ( (narrowly) ) He survived the accident, and at that time he narrowly escaped being hit by the car. narrowly 差点没差点没,勉强地勉强地,以毫厘之差以毫厘之差e.g.Three passengers escaped death in the accident. Manchester United defeated Arsenal 2-1 last night. Jack knocked the flower pot off the window, and mis

41、sed hitting the boy playing in the street. narrow adj.e.g.The car was out of control and I had an escape. Jason was elected by majority.(以微弱多数以微弱多数) Terry passed the exam by a margin. (勉强及格勉强及格) 27. 27. 好看的食物未必一定好吃。(好看的食物未必一定好吃。(necessarily) Good-looking food doesnt necessarily taste good. necessari

42、ly 必然必然,必定必定 not necessarily 不一定不一定,未必未必e.g.The fight against corruption must take different forms. The study of a foreign language is difficult. Rich people are not happy. You dont have to leave now. Big men are not strong men.28. 我们城里需要大量合格的医生和教师。我们城里需要大量合格的医生和教师。( (need) ) There is a great need f

43、or qualified doctors and teachers in our city. need 需要需要 vt. & modal v.e.g.You look worn out; you a good rest. We dont to go to school today. We nt go to The wall s painting. Its going to rain; you nt have watered the lawn.n. Theres a (no/ little) for/ of sth/ to do Sb has a (no/ little) of sth/ to

44、do in of sthe.g.Theres a for caution. Theres no for alarm. I have no of doctors. They are in great of medicine. Im in of your help. We should try to help those in .(贫困的人贫困的人)29. 29. 你没必要告诉我真相,因为我早已知晓。你没必要告诉我真相,因为我早已知晓。( (need n. .) ) There is no need for you to tell me the truth, for I have already

45、known it. 30. 30. 不管你怎么忙,你都不应该忽视你的健康。不管你怎么忙,你都不应该忽视你的健康。( (neglect) No matter how busy you are, you should not neglect your health. neglect v. & n. 忽略忽略;忽视忽视;疏忽疏忽 sb/ sth to do sth 忘做某事忘做某事e.g.The building has been ed for years. You seem to be ing your duty for private life. My daughter is careful n

46、ever to the dog. Dont to lock the door when you leave. I ed to clean my shoes this morning. The slight led to the tragedy. N of his studies caused him to fail. The garden is in a state of .31. 这起事故是驾驶员玩忽职守造成的。这起事故是驾驶员玩忽职守造成的。(neglect)The accident was caused by the drivers neglecting his duty. 32. 他没

47、有找到工作的原因不是资历不够,而是缺乏经他没有找到工作的原因不是资历不够,而是缺乏经 验。验。 (notbut)The reason why/Why he failed to find a job was not his lack of qualifications but his lack of experience. notbut不是不是而是而是(连接相同结构连接相同结构) not becausebut because not thatbute.g.Shakespeare was not a musician but a writer. I didnt argue with them, n

48、ot because I was afraid of them, but because I thought it worthless. Not that I dont want to help you, but I am too busy. We didnt donate any money, but offered them jobs. They didnt have the lesson in the classroom, but in the language lab.33. 直到失败了好几次,他才明白不断学习的重要性。直到失败了好几次,他才明白不断学习的重要性。 (Not until

49、)Not until he failed several times did he realize the importance of learning continuously. not () until 直到直到才才 Not until (主句倒装主句倒装) It is/ was not untilthat(强调局不到装强调局不到装) e.g.I didnt know the truth until I had read your letter. Not until I had read your letter did I know the truth. It was not until

50、I had read your letter that I knew 直到所有的乘客都得救了,船长才离开即将沉没的船。直到所有的乘客都得救了,船长才离开即将沉没的船。 The captain didnt leave the sinking ship until all the passengers were rescued. Not until all the passengers were rescued did the captain leave the sinking ship. It was not until all the passengers were rescued that

51、the captain left the sinking ship. 34. 他最需要的是时间。他最需要的是时间。(nothing)He wants nothing more than time. nothingcome to 失败失败,没有结果没有结果;for 免费免费,无缘无故无缘无故;(have) to do with与与没关系没关系;next to 几乎一点儿都不几乎一点儿都不; but只有只有,只不过只不过;think of不在乎不在乎,觉得没什么觉得没什么think of it不用谢不用谢,没关系没关系; to say of还不说还不说,除了除了e.g.All his effort

52、s came to . They will repair it for . I want (to have) to do with him. She bought it next to .(几乎没花钱几乎没花钱) He thinks of working 14 hours a day. Its a well-paid job, to say of the short hours. (否定结构否定结构+比较级比较级 表示最高级含义表示最高级含义)e.g.I think nothing is more important than family. Nobody is more suitable f

53、or the position than Joe.35. 他今天脾气很差,别理会他的抱怨。他今天脾气很差,别理会他的抱怨。(notice)He is in a bad temper today. Dont take any notice of his complaints. notice v. 注意到注意到;看到看到;察觉到察觉到 n. 布告布告,通知通知;预先告知预先告知; bring sth to ones 让某人知道某事让某人知道某事 come to ones 引起某人注意引起某人注意;被某人察觉被某人察觉 escape ones 没被某人注意没被某人注意 give sb 通知某人被辞退通知某人被辞退;通知某人搬出通知某人搬出 at short 没提前多久告知没提前多久告知 take (of sth) 注意注意;留心留心e.g.Did you Freds car parked outside? Did you that I didnt him leave/ leaving the meeting-room. Old as she is, nothing can escape her . No one took the slightest of him.



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