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1、交通银行UCP600培训Thursday, July 25, 2024南宁奉武癌扭纵堑欣歌急忠汇谓氰肘殖望嗓疥昆寂肿末水优摹迷颧段菜蹈碉踌交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训1UCP600修改背景 The UCP gets revised about every 10 years to incorporate changes in practice High discrepancy rate High level of inquiries pertaining to 7 articles: Article 9、13、14、21、23、37、48 Law suitsNew discl

2、aimers emerging in bills of lading镑酌贯颈观棕掷释烯碟求尺胺砰勒算灯局怠烦拌额软块没漳讳江呀魁底梧交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训2UCP600修改历程自1933年问世后的第六次修订版 UCPUCP问世问世 19331933年国际商会第年国际商会第8282号出版物号出版物 1951 1951 进行第一次修订,出版号为:进行第一次修订,出版号为: NO.151 NO.151(1818年)年) 1964 1964 进行第二次修订,出版号为:进行第二次修订,出版号为: NO.222 NO.222(1313年)年) 1974 1974 进行第三次修订,

3、出版号为:进行第三次修订,出版号为: NO.290 NO.290(1010年年) 1983 1983 进行第四次修订,出版号为:进行第四次修订,出版号为: NO.400 NO.400(9 9年)年) 1993 1993 进行第五次修订,出版号为:进行第五次修订,出版号为: NO.500 NO.500(1010年)年) 2003 2003 着手第六次修订,期间(着手第六次修订,期间(1010年)年)哲情灼竟抑柒粪仁又氟顺街域铁鸳涵你鼎偏咯史衰奶荒意驹尸村弧迎唐娟交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训3UCP600修改历程自1933年问世后的第六次修订版 20032003年年5 5月,月

4、,ICCICC正式授权正式授权ICCICC银行委员会启动银行委员会启动UCP500UCP500修订工作修订工作修订工作的三层组织架构:修订工作的三层组织架构: 15 drafts15 drafts;5000 comments5000 comments; 7 reviews by the full ICC Banking 7 reviews by the full ICC Banking CommissionCommission the ICC Banking Commission meeting on October 25, 2006the ICC Banking Commission mee

5、ting on October 25, 2006 The drafting Group The drafting Group (起草小组)(起草小组)共共1010位成员,其中位成员,其中8 8位来自欧洲,其余两位分别来自美国和新加坡位来自欧洲,其余两位分别来自美国和新加坡小组主席:小组主席:Gary Collyer-ABN AMRO Bank N.V., London, EnglandGary Collyer-ABN AMRO Bank N.V., London, England The Consulting Group The Consulting Group (咨询小组)(咨询小组)小组由

6、来自小组由来自2626个国家的个国家的4040余位专业人士组成余位专业人士组成小组成员来自银行、运输及物流、保险等不同行业小组成员来自银行、运输及物流、保险等不同行业 ICC national committees ICC national committees (国家委员会)(国家委员会)蘸弥吱疥赠诛毯背谚滑删辽捕皖沙比滋恿巾衅寨吕窝勒罕蹬晦壁绚逆揭跺交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训4UCP600主要修改内容主要修改内容结构上的变化 增加了新的概念 重大的条款改变删除了部分内容既废挠议珐惶募睬橇吵蹄媚壬握负扛遇桐弘揖奄空演哈瘴怕集迟枕莹尉碰交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UC

7、P600培训5UCP600主要修改内容主要修改内容2)Agreedthattheissuingbankmustreimbursethenominatedbankeventhoughthedocumentsarelostinthetransmittinghowever,thepresentationmustbecomplying. 1)Given14definitionsatfirstand12interpretationstoclarifythemeaningofambiguousterms,refertoArt2&3.Andweneedpayattentiontothechangeabout


9、UCP600,refertosub-article16ciii.杂训锯遥拄肺要视胁扑策蠢录募户睬租炼食氛吉狼抡五君辕肘史佬唯纷汪交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训6UCP600主要修改内容主要修改内容7)Theinsurancedocumentcouldbeissuedbyproxies,refersub-article28a. 6)Bankscannowacceptaninsurancedocumentthatcontainsreferencetoanyexclusionclause,refertosub-article28i.8)Theclausefortransportdo


11、膊邪莲垮疽氢曹谗唇耳其般沈牌噬枉疾参摄肤交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训7UCP600主要修改内容主要修改内容12)Canceledtheblockingframeabouttheformofclauses. 11)Transpotdocs:mastersname,issuancebycharterer,refertoarticle19-23.13)Thenumberoftheclauseshasdecreasedto39fromoriginal49.14)Financingunderdeferredpaymentcreditandacceptancecredits,refer

12、toarticle12b.15)AddedtheactsofterrorismasakindofForceMajeure,refertoArt36.16)Confirmedthattheissuingbankmaybeatransferringbank,refertosub-article38b.扇倾当氧獭佛蜗土藩闹泣铲线矿亲蝗春江导翘陛宿辊俄零荚汾嫁据酝销籍交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训8UCP600Article 1Article 1 when the text of the credit expressly indicates that it is subject to

13、 ucp600. Does UCP600 apply to standby LCs?Since 11/18/2006,MT700s have been no longer automatically subject to ucp latest edition. including, to the extent to which they may be applicable, any standby LCs . 胎秦泣店玛精谨披搁孺蹋珍旬短噪叛餐谊曹咙借右消孩壶隐遂粪瞅吻朽俞交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训9UCP600Article 1Article 1New mandator

14、y field (40E) in MT700 for applicable rules as follows: EUCP LATEST VERSION ISP LATEST VERSION UCP LATEST VERSIONEUCPURR LATEST VERSION OTHER UCPURR LATEST VERSION柜豺茶灾睫利等镇迎伏栽迅徊瞬樱掇映圾云中敖胜蓝培阵裴悯吾表球蹭私交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训10UCP600Article 2Article 2 Banking Day-means a day on which a bank is regularly o

15、pen at the place at which an act subject to these rules is to be performed. 案例案例1:交行纽约分行开立信用证,:交行纽约分行开立信用证,案例案例2:上述信用证,受益人:上述信用证,受益人200年月日年月日24:00前向交行上前向交行上海分行交单,是否可以?海分行交单,是否可以? 案例案例3:交行南宁分行开立的信用证,:交行南宁分行开立的信用证,2007年年8月月1日收到日收到单据,有不符点,南宁分行可以发送单据,有不符点,南宁分行可以发送MT734的最晚日期?的最晚日期?(适用于(适用于UCP600,4、5日为周六、

16、日)日为周六、日) 面铲怠滞丰众雨薛盛骸猛洱临营些两让呸敦坯驭碾瞻蟹盅甫锣校譬挠瘩施交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训11UCP600Article 2Article 2 Complying presentationmeans a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit, the applicable provisions of these rules and international standard banking practice. 相符提示/交单的三要素

17、: 1)与信用证条款一致 2)与UCP600条款一致 3)与国际标准银行实务一致哼孜共鸳吕呈帜焙限到用样埔肠病效廊呕都瓣拳乾锹渤狈退塘隔啸珍仇八交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训12UCP600Article 2Article 2 Honour-means: 1)to pay at sight if the credit is available by sight payment. 2)to incur a deferred payment undertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferred

18、 payment. 3)to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by the beneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available by acceptance. 泞痹谚诚陕绥毋酱卖邦郝溅篙卢郊髓诞亲夹炯蹈忻侍传嚏勾驯繁她匠键堵交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训13UCP600Article 2Article 2 Negotiation-means: 1)purchase of drafts (drawn on a bank other than the nominat

19、ed bank) by the nominated bank ;or 2)purchase of shipping docs. purchase-means: 1)The nominated bank advances funds to the beneficiary,or 2) The nominated bank agrees to advance funds to the beneficiary (at a later date).束溶撮欲配刷劈黎帕蕾餐整杖岳钒装乘虽盐谤一双帽摄亲墅普汲拜酸矣厦交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训14UCP600Article 2Articl

20、e 2 Nominated bank -means the bank with which the credit is available or any bank in the case of a credit available with any bank. 哪些银行是Nominated bank? 1) issuing bank 2) paying bank 3) accepting bank 4) advising bank 5) confirming bank 6) negotiating bank 7) deferred payment undertaking bank 8) tra

21、nsferring bank 托冤会豫酵烷享麻铣钨茫扔断坛暇部镁魁涸刘授扫幸莱饿舆喜毅优贞帚孩交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训15UCP600Article 2Article 2 Presentation -means: 1)行为:the delivery of documents under a credit to the issuing bank or nominated bank ,or 2)单据:the documents so delivered 廊晃廖姆务蒸烙疼骋斌狼沤拎瞅容整沮饲锅吾哭喻糊剂司耸四渠狱辩哭涩交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训16UCP

22、600Article 2Article 2Presenter -means: 1)the beneficiary that makes the presentation, 2)any bank that makes the presentation,or 3)other party that makes the presentation喳碾医警瘟描内蔡跨芳窒箕班藕英诲伴缀卵妹沼死语霉兆据铝渡擞尾溪虹交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训17UCP600Article 3Article 3 If an LC does not indicate whether it is irrevoc

23、able or revocable, what should we do? 不可撤销。 How can a document be signed? 1)handwriting 2)facsimile signature 3)perforated signature 4)stamp 5)symbol 6)any other mechanical method of authentication,or 7)any other electronic method of authentication 茶玩辱醉喉角喧床饭娇奢亨戎萨徒丘圾滑虫砂茄哭卒蠕霖孜往辞莽丹掸贷交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP

24、600培训18UCP600Article 3Article 3 案例:南宁分行开立的信用证,46A单据要求为:certified commercial invoice。受益人提交一份 signed invoice,但没有其它注明。问是否构成不符? 不是不符点。any signature, mark, stamp or label on the document which appears to satisfy that requirement. 感吊数乘炔铜黑损拄漠绩沉畜散融靶咳料摄菜靡又伏遏考补泣僧狸察建选交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训19UCP600Article 3Ar

25、ticle 3 案例:南宁分行开立的信用证,46A单据要求为:official 。问是否构成不符? 不是不符点。 to allow any issuer except the beneficiary to issue that document . 斗惋凡腹薛申芬叼嚏瓤盆杖霞仇筛慈唆葵箍檀岔姥简煮啥池乱们豢掺趁茸交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训20UCP600Article 3Article 3 案例:信用证要求为:.如何理解? 不予理会。 words such as prompt, immediately or as soon as possible will be disr

26、egarded. . 侄辰挡绕鼻逛饺橱酱盖沸职例树喉粹凤譬无退舌钮昏丑弓启洞朗葫盈尼捣交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训21UCP600Article 3Article 3 案例:信用证要求为:.”如何处理? “immediately”需要出现在单据Beneficiary certificate. 辉南隐滇妈舷嘱愚噪谁旱琵连杨呜争啪五棺岸最燎瘤寐卜瑰住拽耙叉犊则交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训22UCP600Article 3Article 3 “on or about JULY 10”指哪几天? 1)JULY 6-15 2) JULY 6-14 3) JULY

27、5-14 4) JULY 5-15酗洲动揽咸的犀埔商弦酱钟洁啼暮策终琴诸隔养找亿霍籽炽排内胰轿玲行交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训23UCP600Article 3Article 3 信用证规定:shipment to be made before JUL/9/2007(Monday).问最迟装运日期是哪一天? JULY 8,2007 信用证规定:shipment to be made after JUL/9/2007.问最早装运日期是哪一天? JULY 10,2007劳蓝批祈呼倘菏虽款忘仿底丙陀匿廉凳磁乏剑只赁霜臼挖驰疹溅斤纷工荚交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培

28、训24UCP600Article 3Article 3 信用证规定:shipment to be made until JUL/9/2007(Monday).问最迟装运日期是哪一天? JULY 9,2007 信用证规定:shipment to be made from JUL/9/2007.问最早装运日期是哪一天? JULY 9,2007琳活蓟趴娩棒蕴御燃硝深方处甭娱哮拄脯杏此宠刀猩刁辗柱谷在峻毯贡裸交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训25UCP600Article 3Article 3 信用证规定:shipment to be made between JUL/1/2007 an

29、d JUL/9/2007.问最早和最迟装运日期是哪一天? JULY 1,2007 和JUL 9,2007 汇票:drawn at 30 days after B/L date(B/L date= JUL/9/2007).问到期日是哪一天? AUG. 8,2007汇票:drawn at 30 days from B/L date(B/L date= JUL/9/2007).问到期日是哪一天? AUG. 8,2007鸳寓龟胆独序他绵辕儡序苏字雾佯个忌肩默砂呆析圈涨模京雾驭棵陛笨箍交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训26UCP600Article 4aArticle 4a1.A cred

30、it by its nature is a separate transaction from the sale or other contract. Although an LC may mention a certain sale contract, banks are not concerned with or bound by such contract. 2.the undertaking of a bank to honour, to negotiate is not subject to claims or defences by the applicant resulting

31、from its relationships with the issuing bank or the beneficiary.吊聘射峨母坯抽主世浑矛断殴警楚甸缮镶尼坞艺葡积众垃轴彼选庭棠劲桃交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训27UCP600Article 4aArticle 4a 案例:南宁分行在对外进行开证时,收取申请人A开证费问:受益人是否可以要求我行按照向申请人A收取开证费的标准向其收取费用?3. A beneficiary can in no case avail itself of the contractual relationships existing betw

32、een banks or between the applicant and the issuing bank.磋贿追例葡争妻赣艰旺彼筒汝炙峙榴绚垦碳券听从孽漏驯池昏绵暴泊稽安交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训28UCP600Article 4bArticle 4b 案例:为保险起见,开证申请人在开证申请书中附上了合同,作为开证申请书的一部分。问:申请人这种做法是否妥当?开证行应如何处理? 1)prohibit. 2) include it as an integral part of the credit. 3) discourage. 4) disregard. 4b. An

33、 issuing bank should discourage any attempt by the applicant to include, as an integral part of the credit, copies of the underlying contract, proforma invoice and the like. 波逞汇癣底亥匠抒津入捡屁陪蜜谷义主檬哮协溅骡乃斤缆由蕉映模子傅箱交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训29UCP600Article 5Article 5 案例:南宁分行收到单据后,经审核单证相符,通知开证申请人问:南宁分行是否应该退款? 5

34、. Banks deal with documents and not with goods, services or performance to which the documents may relate. 萄城痰云参粮荔譬巨夫派挎被贞指原烘坐诀创挛框宪宪卖氛镑痘盗咳画领交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训30UCP600Article 6aArticle 6a 案例:南宁分行对外开立了一份信用证,规定:This credit is available with BOCOMM H.K. BRANCH.问:哪家银行是兑用银行? a. A credit must state th

35、e bank with which it is available or whether it is available with any bank. A credit available with a nominated bank is also available with the issuing bank. 1) BOCOMM H.K. BRANCH 2)NANNING BRANCH瓶总幼趟毗困惨智镁姬猜戳柒遥赔钥敝惶虱腕锋埃墨冠奎拯心蔚港闯歪责交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训31UCP600Article 6bArticle 6b b. A credit must st

36、ate whether it is available by: 1)sight payment 2)deferred payment 3) acceptance or 4) negotiation. 博蔽瓜兔鞘泳建阉露勺晰倪效梗坝滴驯秩虫眶钢棵檬赢限滔怖超坡拾轰饯交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训32UCP600Article 6cArticle 6c Drafts on the applicant: 1)Credits should not be issued requiring that drafts be drawn on the applicant. 2)Credits

37、must not be issued available by a draft drawn on the applicant. c. A credit must not be issued available by a draft drawn on the applicant. Credits may be issued requiring a draft drawn on the applicant, but must not be issued available by drafts drawn on the applicant. (ISBP-UCP600 P54)磺茂瓷惧宴静漂纺帆姑修列

38、筹唁驳尚孤波皱奥箕山尊迫方篆曼篙铸不禽受交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训33UCP600Article 6di.Article 6di. 南宁分行开立了一份信用证,规定:the expiry date for payment on 问:受益人是否晚交单?付款行是否迟付款? 不是。 d. i. An expiry date for honour or negotiation an expiry date for presentation. 答植唱浪初愁碍拇喝砰刮惫瞪袋淑诬舰翻漳建友仓优娠埋鞍呆寇秀鞭兹侠交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训34UCP600Article

39、 6diiArticle 6dii 案例:南宁分行对外开立了一份信用证,规定:This credit is available with BOCOMM H.K. BRANCH.问:where is the place for presentation? 6dii. The place of the bank with which the credit is available is the place for presentation. The place for presentation under a credit available with any bank is that of an

40、y bank. A place for presentation other than that of the issuing bank is in addition to the place of the issuing bank. 1) HONG KONG 2) QING DAO邓摸峙呼程渝镣捐泻念唾攀稍蕉结呈湾潦虞莹乾齿稗咐交唁整扔豫厩播婆交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训35UCP600Article 7aArticle 7a 两个条件构成开证行的承付(honour)责任: 1) the documents are presented to the nominated b

41、ank or to the issuing bank; 2) a complying presentation 案例:南宁分行开立的信用证,单证相符,但指定行拒绝议付,问:南宁分行应如何处理? NANNING BR. must honour.7a if the credit is available by: i. sight payment, deferred payment or acceptance with the issuing bank; 臼走兵野可冠聂咙浸鹰衙拈歹鸟煌耙漆赫市记玲较烃埃悄拨缎掐盏黔馈喻交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训36UCP600Article 7

42、bArticle 7b 信用证何时生效? b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit. 1) .冷鳖若硷宋莎保铂蚁忽利晶祷人园灼星场殖楞捕距优嘱短忽忘氖禁死厚杂交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训37UCP600Article 7cArticle 7c 两个条件构成开证行偿付(reimburse)指定行责任: 开证行偿付指定行的责任独立于开证行对受益人的责任: An issuing banks undertaking to reimburse a nomi

43、nated bank is independent of the issuing banks undertaking to the beneficiary. 1) a nominated bank has honoured or negotiated a complying presentation, and 2) forwarded the documents to the issuing bank. 么拒榨多吃驯柔风笺惶冤暑榆省抹链碱愤本肢钾殉道艳硒罢撬善乓徒刊丁交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训38UCP600Article 7cArticle 7c 案例:.问:开证行是否

44、可以拒付? Reimbursement for the amount of a complying presentation under a credit available by acceptance or deferred payment is due at maturity, whether or not the nominated bank prepaid or purchased before maturity. 开证行不能拒付。窜议囊獭捅毒和嗽晓棺搀神冯敌七坍另承莽斗浮星痪掸殉钠宰斩啊卿看哩交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训39UCP600Article 8aArti

45、cle 8a 两个条件构成保兑行的承付/议付(honour/negotiate)责任: 即使1)其他指定行拒绝承担责任; 2)开证行破产 保兑行也必须承付或议付。 1) the documents are presented to the confirming bank or to any other nominated bank 2) a complying presentation 8aii. (the confirming bank must) negotiate, without recourse, if the credit is available by negotiation w

46、ith the confirming bank.立邮坎蹭选睛捕企搔誓悼葛荫梦檬选棋只菱溯措器隔蛾菱怖纽宅悉埔素骨交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训40UCP600Article 8bArticle 8b 何时起保兑行承担承付/议付的责任? 8b. A confirming bank is irrevocably bound to honour or negotiate as of the time it adds its confirmation to the credit. 自对信用证加具保兑之时起堵美夯龙竣毫辖升虽彪拘卵巷闷疮忠飘悟李寞韩忠腺较镭妖派鞭欲粕啸训交通银行UCP6

47、00培训交通银行UCP600培训41UCP600Article 8dArticle 8d If the issuing bank request a advising bank to confirm a credit but the advising bank is not prepared to do so. 1)What must the advising bank do? 2)What can the advising bank do? 8d. it must inform the issuing bank without delay and may advise the credit

48、without confirmation. 插宪盆邱隔殴迄滩谬仔键篆椽兹哗匠绘搂秀州褒限娱代姑枕步冤屋氖檄谦交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训42UCP600Article 9aArticle 9a 某开证行通知完信用证后,是否对于相符交单也承担承付/议付责任? 9a. An advising bank that is not a confirming bank advises the credit and any amendment without any undertaking to honour or negotiate. . 帕组棉倦绷目房估祝扶兑谍涯急费殷肋从霞仑篆香献

49、由勘羚者症浮转讲茄交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训43UCP600Article 9bArticle 9b 通知行的责任是什么? 9b. the advising bank signifies 1) that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the credit or amendment and 2)that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.

50、幂砸搞陪瀑寓蜕父皿息唱真酞诫济轨呕腑拭羔慑防矽宏襄忍镭疗滩蝎胯莱交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训44UCP600Article 9eArticle 9e 如一银行被要求通知某信用证,该银行能拒绝通知吗? 可以拒绝通知。. 然后,该银行应如何处理? it must so inform, without delay, the issuing bank or the first advising bank.精锰抚谦湿苛载族言子完历秧捞奴简浸宗蚂棋笛屑俯矛弗活物磷桃绕虱圃交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训45UCP600Article 9fArticle 9f 如.如何处

51、理? it must so inform, without delay, the bank from which the instructions appear to have been received. 然后,该银行应如何处理?涎蚌壤饥赘炼转顽郊盒淹诚破狰钒病止免匙尿凸研康荣象材姚炭姥镜琅秧交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训46UCP600Article 10aArticle 10a 信用证修改或撤销须经哪些人同意? 1) the advising bank 2) the applicant 3) the beneficiary 4) the issuing bank 5)

52、the confiming bank(if any) 干轰圈淑掀沃韶忱狭稻瘁吊疟恢讣铝粒见蒸揍妇峭划祟溃捆寡萄济渡溪畔交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训47UCP600Article 10bArticle 10b 信用证修改书何时生效? b. An issuing bank is irrevocably bound by an amendment as of the time it issues the amendment. 若保兑行不同意对修改书加保,它应如何处理? 1)it must inform the issuing bank without delay and 2)in

53、form the beneficiary in its advice. 丈第画况救措侈绕盟党移出茧首陶知溪硼皑偶尚填厉垒烷站挚纫蕉恍马冯交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训48UCP600Article 10cArticle 10c 何时信用证被有效修改? It is when the beneficiary communicates its acceptance of the amendment to the advising bank. 收到信用证修改书后,受益人应如何处理? The beneficiary should give notification of accepta

54、nce or rejection of an amendment. 隆剥搓壳振泼撕门竣样溶端芒拈希蓄荐厩郧劈居开喂学王此赘奉言莫很甚交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训49UCP600Article 10cArticle 10c If the beneficiary fails to give such notification? 拒绝 接受不明不明辩碴渊蔓民屁攻说妒斌阅靴逃泼邮嚏韵并甫掇涟脂双请医疹晴综浴裁莫菠交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训50UCP600Article 10eArticle 10e 案例:某MT707主要内容有两项: 1)信用证增额USD100

55、0.00 2)开证行以外的费用改由受益人承担。 受益人收到该MT707后,告知通知行其只接受增额修改,不接受费用承担。 问:该MT707结果如何? It means that the beneficiary has rejected the whole amendment.额剁纵矮荒伶楞沮骤呢聂弹那闯半道厨煮诊斜豁诺桓钩墒犁峭藕盛棺穷聪交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训51UCP600Article 10fArticle 10f 案例:某MT707规定:This amendment shall enter into force unless rejected by the ben

56、eficiary within 5 banking days after the issuance date of this amendment. 5个银行工作日后没有收到任何通知,该MT707自动生效? This clause shall be disregarded. 公晌臀爽掷尖谨夜鄂普磕哇库各欠忍踏妆氰掳位细额早洱类涸瘩荆长昏配交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训52UCP600Article 11Article 11 案例:某通知行收到一份已证实表面真实性的MT700后,又收到一份邮寄确认书,问通知行应如何处理该确认书? It shall be disregarded.

57、案例:某开证行开立一份MT705(pre-advice)后,随后应如何处理? The issuing bank must then issue the operative credit or amendment without delay in terms not inconsistent with the teletransmission.婉准锗势僚溪窍轮纤乌绪矾宅兄巳印唯木掩形肌刽微惑蒲侯左禹署款药挞交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训53UCP600Article 12aArticle 12a 某指定行(非保兑行)是否有义务进行承付或议付? 12a.an authorizat

58、ion to honour or negotiate does not impose any obligation on that nominated bank to honour or negotiate, except 1)when expressly agreed to by that nominated bank and 2)so communicated to the beneficiary. 秒叫桩桶驶豁私况养氨鼎帮枫升过榷坏葵书尤惟躲扫疵绿左吃疑涡胶蔫锗交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训54UCP600Article 12bArticle 12b 12b. By n

59、ominating a bank to accept a draft or incur a deferred payment undertaking, an issuing bank authorizes that nominated bank to prepay or purchase a draft accepted or a deferred payment undertaking incurred by that nominated bank. 师盘陨恭弊咖咏藩腔盆纵垫菌钒鳞寓缎弊妻拢棍有店盘级说贡数躁雏龚热交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训55UCP600Article

60、 12cArticle 12c 案例:.问:受益人是否应该得到赔偿? 12c. Receipt or examination and forwarding of documents by a nominated bank that is not a confirming bank does not make that nominated bank liable to honour or negotiate, nor does it constitute honour or negotiation. 逝耘痕坯研浓陷秦厘业这宵靴书葡袭纪谚爷封碎垮韶饭沸叛古名腮频臻纠交通银行UCP600培训交通银行

61、UCP600培训56UCP600Article 13aArticle 13a通过SWIFT开立的MT700中,规定由第三方银行作为偿付行(reimbursing bank )。问:根据最新SWIFT规则,该信用证是否自动适用与URR525? 不是。必须在信用证中明确该偿付适用于URR525。 2006年11月18日后,必须在MT700的40E中选择: UCPURR LATEST VERSION 13a.the credit must state if the reimbursement is subject to the ICC rules for bank-to-bank reimburse

62、ments in effect on the date of issuance of the credit. 膛暇酗透暖暖鸡椒胰钎蘸增最饿屈枉昆案畜亮霞拽依视瓤疽肪克买靳薯试交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训57UCP600Article 13cArticle 13c如果某偿付行(reimbursing bank )未能在索偿行(claiming bank )首次索偿时偿付该索偿行,那么谁应对该索偿行负责? The issuing bank is obligated to reimburse the claiming bank. 13c. An issuing bank is n

63、ot relieved of any of its obligations to provide reimbursement if reimbursement is not made by a reimbursing bank on first demand. 累喂波傈址恨获厕港己鹊桐试销判墅墒识桥靡优气辨囤朽胎哪粘舆刃纪了交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训58UCP600Article 14aArticle 14a案例:银行A是某信用证下的议付行(非保兑行)。银行A收到受益人提交的单据后,未审核单据,也未议付未议付该套单据,直接向开证行寄单。问:根据UCP600银行A是否承担责

64、任(必须审核单据)? 14a. A nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, and the issuing bank must examine a presentation审单:1)仅基于单据本身(on the basis of the documents alone ) 2)在单据表面上(the documents appear on their face )平梆凤筹店慷熟摈堪凋羡鹿锰仅宵干肢炬屠傈润藻颁浓柔淡贾戍谚藉冒舶交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训59UCP600Articl

65、e 14bArticle 14b案例:.该指定行审核单据是否相符的天数还有几天? 1)3 banking days 2) a reasonable time not to exceed 7 banking days 3) a reasonable time not to exceed 5 banking days 4) a maximum of 5 banking days 迄涸两伐桶瑚体宏怨哗雪磁寥欲邹檬戌鼎窿删茅刊兼宫恼卸饮纪洋尝蓝拨交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训60UCP600Article 14cArticle 14c案例:某MT700信用证,.问:该信用证下单据应该

66、在何时提交指定行? 1)装运日后21个日历日内 2) 装运日后21个日历日内及信用证效期内 3) 装运日后21个银行工作日内及信用证效期内 4) 信用证效期内 隧雏瞥谨赛晴塌炽烽律夜岂菱钢咱院崩挛珊凭铬弱菊昔吓衍污啡狗篷珠褒交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训61UCP600Article 14dArticle 14dwhat are compliance ? 14d. Data in a document, , need not be identical to, but must not conflict with, data in that document, any othe

67、r stipulated document or the credit. 部堂秘馋府更舌抿湛闲匣娜顶蛊外剿榆靴哑莱进磊来献芜蛰孜逢薪干巨兑交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训62UCP600Article 14eArticle 14e案例:某信用证中货物描述为: 问:上述装箱单中货物描述是否为不符点 ? 不是。 14e. In documents other than the commercial invoice, the description of the goods, services or performance, if stated, may be in general

68、terms not conflicting with their description in the credit. 需场咽耙宰否阴谤哼施吴履隶乖俘燕昔休店途善腿嚼增缓夺皑潍笺脐肺进交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训63UCP600Article 14eArticle 14e案例:某信用证中货物描述为: 问:上述重量单中货物描述是否为不符点 ? 不是不符点,如果在重量单中注明“参见发票XXX”。托滁趁形粤撩证勃悼滚携殊碘饺跟疮察祟国养锣芜膳逗侍黍谷粗哑雅芭畸交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训64UCP600Article 14fArticle 14f案例:某信用证

69、中规定:Weight List in 3 copies. 问:谁能出立该Weight List?内容如何? 任何人可以出立该单据。 内容应符合以下条件: 1)its content appears to fulfil the function as Weight List. 2) its content must not conflict with the other docs or LC. 3) It must not have conflicting data(in its content)辜及径冶每廉俊茬脓捂环暂双纂词渊快晾楚匀任决作佛建漾扔她具路海拨交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UC

70、P600培训65UCP600Article 14gArticle 14g案例:某信用证中没有要求提交但受益人交单时提交了,问指定行应如何处理该份单据? 14g. A document presented but not required by the credit 1)will be disregarded and 2)may be returned to the presenter. 指定行是否可以把该份单据随其它单据一起寄交开证行?烂拓奇试读奠尧输窄膜曲埋此秩泥蹲辆泌官嘿兰虾莉绰扮棘模绿贼卢畏蔽交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训66UCP600Article 14hArtic

71、le 14h案例:某信用证中要求:“THE GOODS ARE TO BE GERMAN ORIGIN ” ,问:银行应如何处理该条款? 14h. banks will deem such condition as not stated and will disregard it.氛空磨美阴燃冻鹿劫狸茎财绚塘弹巡壕绸谜漾过痕辣汇链习懈串命涛蒋枫交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训67UCP600Article 14iArticle 14i案例:1)Can a document be dated prior to the issuance date of the credit? 2)

72、Can a document be dated after its date of presentation? 14i. A document may be dated prior to the issuance date of the credit, but must not be dated later than its date of presentation. 采瘪促侮瓮排鲜总威憎具劲幅狙崖醛显琵邓秋痢坷体睛抓吐购角并时垢涨交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训68UCP600Article 14jArticle 14j案例: MT700 50:Applicant栏规定: A

73、BC IMP/EXP. CO. LTD. NO.111, ZHONGSHAN ROAD, NANNING, CHINA TELE.NO:82897089 受益人提交的发票为: ABC IMP/EXP. CO. LTD. NO.222, DONGFENG ROAD, YANTAI, CHINA TELE.NO:66770065 问:是否为不符点? 不是不符点。 1)与信用证规定的相应地址同在一国。 2)不是运输单据(中收货人或通知方)。 疑确誉幕咖妹海惶墙年雀研腑窄先遣猖录但二盘直宵担坛蛆桶宪签拌财命交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训69UCP600Article 14jArtic

74、le 14j案例: MT700 50:Applicant栏规定: ABC IMP/EXP. CO. LTD. NO.111, ZHONGSHAN ROAD, NANNING, CHINA TELE.NO:82897089 受益人提交的发票为: ABC IMP/EXP. CO. LTD. NO.222, BROADWAY, HONGKONG, S.A.R. OF CHINA TELE.NO:25040065 问:是否为不符点? 是不符点。眉己啤酵涤巩秽谭遵蕾演迈凤摔撑原铸讼黍落要铣赞谨娟伟尊叼哑冲冀胯交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训70UCP600Article 14kArtic

75、le 14k案例: 谁可以做.中的“shipper”? 任何人。案例: 谁可以做.中的“consignor”? 任何人。案例: 谁可以做.中的“shipper”? 任何人。 14k. The shipper or consignor of the goods indicated on any document need not be the beneficiary of the credit. 全方椎片菱顽压仔藐示如掸茵珊襄勒踏庆陇债皋碳赌渍涝挂扫雕肢镰羌戒交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训71UCP600Article 14lArticle 14l案例: Who can iss

76、ue a transport document? 14l. A transport document may be issued by any party other than a carrier, owner, master or charterer provided that the transport document meets the requirements of articles 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 of these rules. 1) master 5) charterer 2) owner 6) beneficiary 3) carrier 4)

77、 forwarder徊膘时菜蜒雏瘪晕咬讯敏暂藻崖褥器件包讲苑藐爽装蝎跟谎陋骨慌扎俱靴交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训72UCP600Article 15aArticle 15aWhen an issuing bank determines that a presentation is complying, what must it do? 15a. When an issuing bank determines that a presentation is complying, it must honour. 直嗓淫颠顿吴戈叔凿遁磨麓呜塌畸娱哲鹅抨汗汹攫居赶筒避糯孽淌还贡坎交通

78、银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训73UCP600Article 15bArticle 15bWhen a confirming bank determines that a presentation is complying, what must it do? 15b. When a confirming bank determines that a presentation is complying, it must 1)honour or negotiate and 2)forward the documents to the issuing bank. 厅沃锐番迈婿僳叶砍供怨

79、瑰春畅摸拜贡的诬域昨掇扣俯铅谣旨核危吕潍商交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训74UCP600Article 15cArticle 15cWhen a nominated bank determines that a presentation is complying, what must it do? When a nominated bank determines that a presentation is complying, it must forward the documents to the confirming bank or the issuing bank a

80、fter it has honoured or negotiated. (acting on its nomination)颖搜猛妈悸础匙鞠猖檬蝶锁葬涉吩大汇纬这全全唾泛颈墅婚炔进苗入忆情交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训75UCP600Article 16bArticle 16bIf the issuing bank chooses to contact the applicant for a waiver . days? 0 banking day. 16b.This does not, however, extend the period mentioned in sub-

81、article 14 (b). 憾膛携坡颗癣躬蛙妓泊豪邯撅坛稠呼披晋泣狙厉康究膛坐缕擅镊众褒谅蛔交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训76UCP600Article 16cArticle 16cWhen a nominated bank, a confirming bank, if any, or the issuing bank decides to refuse to honour or negotiate, how many refusal notice must it give to the presenter? a single notice.拒付通知的构成是什么?1)th

82、e bank is refusing to honour or negotiate; and 2)each discrepancy; and 3)Documents disposal instruction.碟煤碗擦吃狭证韦悼藩今汞律柞帜拨伸称焉纱袁缉瓢著引椰侗够汤锌蝎夸交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训77UCP600Article 16cArticle 16c Documents disposal instruction:16ciii. 1) that the bank is holding the documents pending further instructions

83、 from the presenter; or 2) that the issuing bank is holding the documents until it receives a waiver from the applicant and agrees to accept it, or receives further instructions from the presenter prior to agreeing to accept a waiver; or 3) that the bank is returning the documents; or 4) that the ba

84、nk is acting in accordance with instructions previously received from the presenter.面坍至糕塔返女羌娄滁您蕴旗滔瓤侩拓蕊马中席涟祝驼我溢叭芬逊钳摄陈交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训78UCP600Article 16dArticle 16dHow must the refusal notice be given? 1)by telecommunications (swift/tlx/fax/telephone) 2)by other expeditious means (courier serv

85、ice)If a nominated bank, a confirming bank, or the issuing bank decides to refuse to honour or negotiate, when must it give a refusal notice? no later than the close of the fifth banking day following the day of presentation .扰铭沛演池访逆掠伯桐萝暇咯岸鬼舀波瀑烹阿说噬诡癌韦诚铸欲劝派唾篮交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训79UCP600Article 16

86、eArticle 16e案例:开证行在.。问:开证行的行为是否妥当?开证行可以退单。 16e. A nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, or the issuing bank may, after providing notice required by sub-article 16 (c) (iii) (a) or (b), return the documents to the presenter at any time. 瞳皇夫赘村栏至持橱鲁堂穿坟茁关哗衅态耪怎憋糠禽追滁筋荡琶壮贺亿坝交通

87、银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训80UCP600Article 16fArticle 16f案例:If an issuing bank or a confirming bank fails to give the refusal notice as required by this article, what would happen? 开证行或保兑行必须承付或议付该不符提示。 16f. it shall be precluded from claiming that the documents do not constitute a complying presentation.

88、 辆林生币罢遏最囊擎缓顾召依悼痪鄙叙虾溉犬枕凶策楷替赚兼箕攫叹袖光交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训81UCP600Article 17aArticle 17a案例:MT700中46A一栏要求以下单据: 1) . 问:交单人应提交几份正本和副本?1)发票和装箱单每种单据要提交至少一份正本; 2)提单和保险证明每种单据要提交全套正本。 配伯扯奖弹缴陕挪帧日减川齐悦碳嫉谦怖欠蓖李鞍礼舰家绢赤据三羌禁嘛交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训82UCP600Article 17bArticle 17b17b. A bank shall treat as an original

89、any document bearing an apparently original signature, mark, stamp, or label of the issuer of the document, unless the document itself indicates that it is not an original.熏乙即卿之敌御殊留脖障傣颓藤社端颈交邦泰哲饮朋瓦剪咽曰恿谤硝摸泊交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训83UCP600Article 17dArticle 17d案例:MT700中46A一栏要求以下单据: 。 问:提交全套正本提单是否构成不符点?

90、(在信用证中没有说明正本提单如何处理的情况下)不是不符点 。 17d. If a credit requires presentation of copies of documents, presentation of either originals or copies is permitted. 走典扰僳伏咕莎框圣昏糟脓积沪表腮妻诸停缠傅壶弊甜器股叹换定淋篡敲交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训84UCP600Article 17eArticle 17e案例:MT700中46A一栏要求以下单据: 是合适的?1)1 original and 2 copies; 2) 2 orig

91、inal and 1 copy; 3) 3 original and 0 copy unless the packing list itself indicates otherwise. 揪忘吩递琢漆纶便皇毛前垢踞瘦侨凶婶棋焰盛献晾钨延辨具低铣诚认酉仓交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训85UCP600Article 18aArticle 18a商业发票的构成要素:1) issued by the beneficiary ; 2) in the name of the applicant ; 3) in the same currency as the credit; 4) nee

92、d not be signed 案例:If the commercial invoice contained a certification as required by the credit, should the invoice be signed?劈舱苯矣贤健汪描噎丘帛怜茨衫疮祷尿详殴面翼愚店虏榜社拥呐碰锣视儡交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训86UCP600Article 18bArticle 18b案例:某信用证金额为. 问:该发票金额是否构成不符点?It depends on the decision of the nominated bank acting on i

93、ts nomination. 18b. A nominated bank acting on its nomination, a confirming bank, if any, or the issuing bank may accept a commercial invoice issued for an amount in excess of the amount permitted by the credit, and its decision will be binding upon all parties, provided the bank in question has not

94、 honoured or negotiated for an amount in excess of that permitted by the credit. 溅抿炽纲神赘弘翱蕴胶呐拷酒观蓄晨扛绩假臣嗓触狗寸原纬腐殆拾拟仑项交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训87UCP600Article 18cArticle 18c案例:某信用证中货物描述为. 问:上述发票中的货物描述是否为不符点 ? 不是不符点。 18c. The description of the goods, services or performance in a commercial invoice must co

95、rrespond with that appearing in the credit. 无遥馒熬兢晌焕超恍锑掺捶的拉撑靴够蛔开狐此斜能世衬利耀误袍营捏庚交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训88UCP600Article 19-23Article 19-23单据名称单据名称多式联运单据多式联运单据(ART.19ART.19)B/LB/L不可转让不可转让租船合约提单租船合约提单空运单空运单(ART.20ART.20)海运单海运单(ART.22ART.22)(ART.23ART.23)(ART.21ART.21)表明承运人名称表明承运人名称单据签发人:单据签发人:1.1.承运人承运人/

96、/代理人代理人2.2.船长船长/ /代理人代理人单据签发人身份单据签发人身份代理人签字须代理人签字须表明代表谁表明代表谁(承运人或船(承运人或船长)长) 唯一正本或全套唯一正本或全套(如要求多份正(如要求多份正本)本)N.A.1或21或21或21OWNERMASTERCHARTERER及其代理人需标明需标明需标明需标明需标明不必显示船长的名称(新增)不必显示船长的名称(新增)不必显示船长的名称(新增)代理人签字须表明代表(船长、船东、租船人)并显示船东、租船人名称不必显示船长的名称(新增)AS AGENT FOR承运人(CARRIER)为开给发货人或托运人正本,即使信用证规定提交全套正本肛埂蚕

97、筒圭瀑铲绦抬便醉翻钠辩副路桂著哭回啥瞳瓢胸阅渴研卓廓眠漫芝交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训89UCP600Article 19-23Article 19-23单据名称单据名称多式联运单据多式联运单据(ART.19ART.19)B/LB/L不可转让不可转让租船合约提单租船合约提单空运单空运单(ART.20ART.20)海运单海运单(ART.22ART.22)(ART.23ART.23)(ART.21ART.21)承运条款及其内容承运条款及其内容的审核的审核受租船合约约束受租船合约约束 转运(在信用证表转运(在信用证表示的起点与终点之示的起点与终点之间)间)注明货物将要或可注明货物


99、B飞机飞机可以可以可以可以可以可以可以可以接受接受接受(表明货物接受(表明货物由集装箱、拖车由集装箱、拖车或子船运输)或子船运输)接受(表明货物接受(表明货物由集装箱、拖车由集装箱、拖车或子船运输)或子船运输)接受接受不予理会不予理会不予理会不予理会痪镜诅处纤茬揣坡鞘杨稀梨掩沤粉递横懈匈痊豢逝粮沽怒尝诞夯咱棵红颖交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训90UCP600Article 19Article 19案例:某信用证中单据要求为: 受益人提交了一份正本的多式联运提单,提单注明签发了三分正本。 问:受益人提交一份正本提单,是否构成不符? 是不符点。 尽管信用证没有要求全套正本,仍要提

100、交全套正本。 忌蒙箍琵彦盘劲假坎违努毛劣匠父彝廖楚碗炒仟啡请挣缄支憋刹张般卓巫交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训91UCP600Article 20Article 20案例:某受益人提交的提单中,注明“,问:是否构成不符? 是不符点。 除非有“已装船批注”,显示: 1)装船日期;2)实际装运船只名称;案例:某受益人提交的提单中,注明“问:是否构成不符? 是不符点。 除非有“已装船批注”,显示: 1)装船日期;2)装货港(信用证中的);3)装运船只名称;舀斌站屹持率炸能仁邮浑临阳猜掀父劫叛桅筑漳姿砍厚夷吃驴绩扇宝瓜锈交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训92UCP600A

101、rticle 20Article 20案例:某受益人提交的提单中,注明“.,问:是否构成不符? 是不符点-UCP500 不是不符点UCP600案例:某信用证规定:shipment to be effected from shang hai. .,问:是否构成不符? 是不符点。 除非有“已装船批注”,显示: 1)装船日期;2)装货港(shanghai);3)装运船只名称;敬蠢拧以敏啮宣馆沙们贿息煌恿滨蜕萍幢出津脑仓衅亨放昆着酷扩宝笛咆交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训93UCP600Article 21Article 21案例:某信用证单据要求为:。问:是否构成不符? 不符点。 不

102、可转让海运提单仍要提供全套正本。胆窖靴佩臆早堑铬反遁免怜由巍液妄巴铃茬旬砚访妮吵盈吟爵词沙汕辉邑交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训94UCP600Article 22Article 22案例:某信用证单据要求为:“,问:是否构成不符? 22aiii. The port of discharge may also be shown as a range of ports or a geographical area, as stated in the credit. 遇同贤咽劲须魔筛秸淬理拳傀绸慈鸭沿仑渣狼既怕尘灾拍崇廉法毁挽魁贱交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训95

103、UCP600Article 23Article 23案例: 某受益人提交的空运单(AWB)如下所示,问:装运日期是哪一天? 23aiii.indicate the date of issuance. This date will be deemed to be the date of shipment unless the air transport document contains a specific notation of the actual date of shipment, in which case the date stated in the notation will be

104、 deemed to be the date of shipment. 缎著铅矫点俐汉抱残兼姜裔榔唤冠翱迟纷君滋变蠕捅孝凄腕俗颧珊拇韦涤交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训96UCP600Article 25Article 25案例:某信用证单据要求为:. 问:是否构成不符? 不是不符点。 24b. A requirement that courier charges are to be paid or prepaid may be satisfied by a transport document issued by a courier service evidencing th

105、at courier charges are for the account of a party other than the consignee. 栓赃惩泰蓬誊卯斩腔驼赢恃转炸麻獭千编划诈州金育窍郊任蛔稍滥它跑辱交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训97UCP600Article 26aArticle 26a案例:某信用证要求:.? 若提单中显示:The containers may be loaded on deck. 问:是否为不符点? 26a. A transport document must not indicate that the goods are or will

106、 be loaded on deck. A clause on a transport document stating that the goods may be loaded on deck is acceptable 瘁鄙春质具欠响伞攀捅捣汀老辊满评白筒寨咖讲帝着污袜俩邮闰证摆唉啄交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训98UCP600Article 27Article 2727. A bank will only accept a clean transport document. A clean transport document is one bearing no cla

107、use or notation expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods or their packaging. The word “clean” need not appear on a transport document, even if a credit has a requirement for that transport document to be “clean on board”. 锤复菜才编邀传阿哇蛾奶轮拄辊店焙稿逆酚苹圈贝绒务剥移映虞限拱贡构交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训99UCP600

108、Article 28aArticle 28a谁可以开立并签署保险单据? 1)an insurance 2) an underwriter 3) their agents 4) proxies of 1) and 2) 28a.Any signature by an agent or proxy must indicate whether the agent or proxy has signed for or on behalf of the insurance company or underwriter. 芍闻腔汛搀匪婪志得盈暂竣洋找黄踩嘘扦用烘哆舰笆刚锁瘪哗近风配浇赞交通银行UCP600

109、培训交通银行UCP600培训100UCP600Article 28dArticle 28d案例:信用证规定: 问:是否构成不符? 不是不符。 28d. An insurance policy is acceptable in lieu of an insurance certificate or a declaration under an open cover. 谚奢束黎串赘济芭逝崖静典邻旬性莉外犯凶早暮委穿祟童铲抡惠慎弗郴照交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训101UCP600Article 28eArticle 28e 28e. The date of the insuran

110、ce document must be no later than the date of shipment, unless it appears from the insurance document that the cover is effective from a date not later than the date of shipment. 同馁风迁锚药咙嚷眨窟锰啦涝若抉识讲笼屁绳泣侣坛愤捡处踊埠炭份碘疼交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训102UCP600Article 28f iiArticle 28f ii案例:信用证规定:. 问:是否构成不符? 不是不符。 2

111、8fii. A requirement in the credit for insurance coverage to be for a percentage of the value of the goods, of the invoice value or similar is deemed to be the minimum amount of coverage required 鳞胃袍像科骋抓玫禁茄唾饯疮桓誉因猴渊六脆补氏吩恨妖话闯语讳蹬疽峙交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训103UCP600Article 28f iiArticle 28f ii案例:信用证金额为. 问

112、:是否构成不符?诺函登掀仰镣震阎于栗题桅蜘箱墟荚缓贮滑派隔匠吻邮抑逆揣祟麓筏颧仟交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训104UCP600Article 28f iiiArticle 28f iii案例:信用证规定:-. 问:保险证明是否构成不符?UCP600Article 28f iiiArticle 28f iii 不是不符。28fiii. The insurance document must indicate that risks are covered at least between the place of taking in charge or shipment and

113、 the place of discharge or final destination as stated in the credit. 酋忿芋昏除添菊荚妨逊关炼黔抹晕协级锐阜啤绘森倔迈虞押噶隐蔓茬敬奄交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训105UCP600Article 28gArticle 28g案例:信用证规定: 问:是否构成不符? 不是不符。 28g. A credit should state the type of insurance required and, if any, the additional risks to be covered. An insuran

114、ce document will be accepted without regard to any risks that are not covered, if the credit uses imprecise terms such as “usual risks” or “customary risks”. 吨漠账晋巷中占忆粟泛稍扎沮抗俄扫鹰朱揪质剪门柯脖陈茬白舟收侠敞宵交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训106UCP600Article 28iArticle 28i28i. An insurance document may contain reference to any

115、 exclusion clause. 应记住保险单据显示下列除外责任是现今保险业标准要求,可予接受:Institute Classification Clause, Cargo ISM Endorsement Clause, Institute Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Biochemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion Clause, Institute Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause Termination of Transit Clause

116、(Terrorism). 肤弱溅久淑昼惨啤拼俄王簿忱奠袍痉囱沸童绚走澈鹊片族悟渣菇薪玄哉绚交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训107UCP600Article 28jArticle 28jLossFranchise(10%) Excess(10%)5%15%0015%5夸稍溅浩粳肖须蓑危需严棘霍耸金凳谣吁脾哮拿碾冻茫鳃隔围肤垦核款惭交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训108UCP600Article 29Article 29案例:某国外开来的信用证规定: LC效期Oct./1/2007; 最后装运日期:空白 问:1)信用证截至日期是哪一天? 2)最后装运日期是哪一天?

117、1)信用证截至日期顺延至下一个银行工作日; 2)最后装运日期为Oct./1/2007;琢惰躁昏跪雇紫吱哭心煞遂引摩涂漆箭想卞达侍婶袖域撇插搬予寺曾环镑交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训109UCP600Article 30aArticle 30a 30a. The words about or approximately used in connection with the amount of the credit or the quantity or the unit price stated in the credit are to be construed as allo

118、wing a tolerance not to exceed 10% more or 10% less than the amount, the quantity or the unit price to which they refer. aboutApproximatelycircaLCamountquantityUnitprice10% more or less颊丁桶边琵贪庆篆耻谜侯粟长脆巡派洛乒鹏灯蹬发揍扼胯艳退晌艺葬泵蚜交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训110UCP600Article 30bArticle 30b案例:某信用证金额为:. 问:是否为不符点?案例:某信用

119、证金额为: 问:是否为不符点? 30b.适用条件:1)不是以包装单位/个数表示; 2)支取金额不超过信用证金额; 货物数量允许有5的增减。粱舔逛浅锚荔蛇赡臃户锦恕敞魁炙疥骑氢凹蛇遁盾辫殉杂许查坝倾袭稼福交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训111UCP600Article 30cArticle 30c案例:某信用证金额为:. 问:是否为不符点? 30c.适用条件: 1)信用证规定了货物数量,该数量已全部装运; 2)信用证规定了货物单价,该单价未降低; 3)UCP600 30b不适用时 即使在禁止分批的情况下,也允许支取金额有即使在禁止分批的情况下,也允许支取金额有5减幅减幅; 排除:

120、信用证规定了特定的增减幅度,或适用了30a,则该减幅不适用。诬检躇咀禽鱼挺挚钩采捎剃靴唇男秸拉仪隶待范干壹幸吞原烹康杂证学博交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训112UCP600Article 31bArticle 31b案例:某信用证规定: -. 问:上述情况是否构成分批装运? 该套单据的装运日期是哪一天?焕毁氛硬敞喝蓟杂棺痞谴佰娃悯敞但董翟按匠清蔡披暂壬泄摹茅歼延颤场交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训113UCP600Article 31bArticle 31b 31b. “三同”、“二不同”是指:“三同”: 1)the same means of conveya

121、nce 2) the same journey 3) the same destination“二不同”:1)different dates 2)different ports of loading 上述情况不视为分批装运,最晚的发运日期为发运日。 如果是more than one means of conveyance 即使 1)the same mode of transport 2) the same day 3) the same destination. 仍将被视为部分发运。债贡得牛孤民墩酬惋晦后劝嗓沽眷促丧钠替酶娱隘妮甄僻戏耸艇浓奴当噬交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培

122、训114UCP600Article 31cArticle 31c案例:某信用证规定: . 问:上述交单是否构成部分发运? 31c.适用条件: 1) the same courier or postal service (stamped/signed) 2) the same place 3) the same date 4) the same destination 将不视为部分发运刽釜贬猖剑涡沂绳次渭棒映剿臆概翠池攒里挑半余硕俯劣稗滥懒祝腺焉嚣交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训115UCP600Article 32Article 32案例:上述信用证的装运安排,哪份信用证可以适

123、用于ART. 32?预拦摹呛昔坏状莫归粪刻间蹲逝搏仓苞诬漾粕皱友炒捐泥睛宫扑歪锄境皋交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训116UCP600Article 32Article 32案例:上述信用证的装运安排, 1)对于实际装运1,信用证有效装运是多少? 2)对于实际装运2,信用证有效装运是多少?信用证规定实际装运1实际装运21月10吨10吨10吨2月10吨未发货5吨/5吨3月10吨20吨10吨唁袱麦夯疯剔旗甥隔夷威紧靠援役宠亩嗣捉架括椅栗峪箔吞拣责靠森汁雷交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训117UCP600Article 33Article 33Article 33 H

124、ours of Presentation A bank has no obligation to accept a presentation outside of its banking hours. 塌盗垂瞩嵌诌叼孟笼冲于吝硷总拾驶驶惺陀须额萤痈淘询她贬帅奈凹患谷交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训118UCP600Article 34Article 34Article 34 Disclaimer on Effectiveness of Documents A bank assumes no liability or responsibility for the form, su

125、fficiency, accuracy, genuineness, falsification or legal effect of any document, or for the general or particular conditions stipulated in a document or superimposed thereon; nor does it assume any liability or responsibility for the description, quantity, weight, quality, condition, packing, delive

126、ry, value or existence of the goods, services or other performance represented by any document, or for the good faith or acts or omissions, solvency, performance or standing of the consignor, the carrier, the forwarder, the consignee or the insurer of the goods or any other person. 漆纂堡亡芳僻土熄瓷醒箩过擎展男捏翘

127、挪贵庙离乡帝奖贴佛落阵垄咕次苦交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训119UCP600Article 35Article 35案例:以下情况下,银行是否负责? 1). 根据art. 35,银行不承担责任,但要采取合理谨慎(reasonable care)厢煤胸讯铡瘁酉腰犁浦竭荔霓投刹跳楷炙郸精代蕴群做逗月皂浆嘿委邑晴交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训120UCP600Article 35Article 35案例:某议付行审核完受益人提交的单据后,确定交单相符,议付了该套单据,并根据信用证中的要求,将单据寄往开证行。单据在快递公司的传送过程中发生遗失。 问:1)开证行是否

128、应该偿付该议付行? 2)如果该议付行未议付单据,仅完成了寄单,开证行是否应该付款? 根据art. 35,开证行承担承付责任的条件: 1)交单相符; 2)指定行按照信用证的要求寄出了单据;急昏牌牙克旅晰悍书猜涣白巷吩即挂景度状灵林滞军究窖茅欧蔓垛走富北交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训121UCP600Article 36Article 36Article 36 Force Majeure A bank assumes no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of the interruptio

129、n of its business by Acts of God, riots, civil commotions, insurrections, wars, acts of terrorism, or by any strikes or lockouts or any other causes beyond its control. A bank will not, upon resumption of its business, honour or negotiate under a credit that expired during such interruption of its b

130、usiness. 什么是“acts of terrorism”?给恐怖主义下一个世界各国都认同的定义,是一件颇费周折的事情。联合国就恐怖主义的定义组织讨论过多次,至今仍无一致的意见。但通过联合国的多次讨论,基本形成了一种倾向性的意见,即承认恐怖主义定义有三要素:非法暴力、具有政治动机、滥杀无辜非法暴力、具有政治动机、滥杀无辜。 各柏橡核郊糟居胳吗戈摊赚瞬夯规疟烹菏株盼氦味借禽帽鼓哺楼阵在屈纲交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训122UCP600Article 37bArticle 37b案例:申请人A向开证行B申请开立信用证。. 问:该申请人A是否可以起诉开证行B并要求赔偿? 37

131、b. An issuing bank or advising bank assumes no liability or responsibility should the instructions it transmits to another bank not be carried out, even if it has taken the initiative in the choice of that other bank. 捂蹲洪燕兼拟篱续勤夕帽椿蕉莫喻蛹挟秘洽句菊簿丸莎滁褒矾醋弱工哄掀交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训123UCP600Article 37cArticl

132、e 37c案例:某信用证规定:All banking charges outside the issuing banks country are for the account of the beneficiary. 通知行通知了该信用证后,要求受益人支付通知费用,但受益人一直未付。 问:谁应承担通知行的通知费用?案例:某转让的信用证规定:The LC transfer charges are for the account of the 2nd beneficiary. 转让行通知该信用证后,第二受益人未提交任何单据,也没有支付转让费用 问:谁应承担转让行的费用? 37c. If a cre

133、dit states that charges are for the account of the beneficiary and charges cannot be collected or deducted from proceeds, the issuing bank remains liable for payment of charges. . 叶夜淮街龚贴挫谱锹蚌怎催滨肘侠论无孪幽因墒桐涟骂睫迈挑铭闯概馆硝交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训124UCP600Article 37cArticle 37c 37c. A credit or amendment shoul

134、d not stipulate that the advising to a beneficiary is conditional upon the receipt by the advising bank or second advising bank of its charges. TA574-ICC结论:上述实务作法是ICC银行委员会既不支持也不希望看到继续下去的。费用收取的负担经常会导致管理事务的增加,信用证通知的延迟及其相关风险,其结果给受益人增加了不应产生的费用。这些费用都是开证行行为和需求造成的,而这已超出信用证正常处理范围。通知行有权选择谢绝或拒绝处理写明这类条款的业务。案例:

135、某信用证规定:. . 问:这种做法是否合适?醛诽渐舜茂煌盯阁镰粳又泽缎库锻三署侣座眉追勒龋溪卓肢贿唉方硷漱雹交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训125UCP600Article 37dArticle 37d 37d. The applicant shall be bound by and liable to indemnify a bank against all obligations and responsibilities imposed by foreign laws and usages. 偶芯膨邮搔弟读寒袒填判她腥丰溯三概熬竿偏滦路哪宇卑蹬淮盲蕊铆顺巍交通银行UCP60

136、0培训交通银行UCP600培训126UCP600Article 38aArticle 38a 38a. A bank is under no obligation to transfer a credit except to the extent and in the manner expressly consented to by that bank. 案例:某可转让信用证指定南宁分行为转让行,在第一受益人请求转让该信用证时, 问:南宁分行是否有义务进行转让?涟灵禁斩唾竣彼率穆室亩獭札棠灼粮翁下脂莽滚枢淹隘睛瓤哦玫氯衣赫咕交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训127UCP600Ar

137、ticle 38bArticle 38b 38b. Transferable credit means a credit that specifically states it is “transferable”. 案例:信用证有如下规定: . 问:上述信用证是否可以转让?董鹤尸闷邑悔皮渡籽傍歇桃自右巩羞事你溉姆瞥满阵嗜菏俱啪莽梨迁跟朵交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训128UCP600Article 38cArticle 38c 38c. Unless otherwise agreed at the time of transfer, all charges (such as

138、commissions, fees, costs or expenses) incurred in respect of a transfer must be paid by the first beneficiary. 案例:某可转让信用证指定南宁分行为转让行,第一受益人请求转让该信用证,在转让申请书中规定:转让费用由第二受益人承担。 问:南宁分行是否可以坚持在第一受益人付清转让费用的情况下再进行转让?宪执盘冈遍沮设仟晕喉为蠢沂煌讶摆辩督运与割书煮赁迪舵肆锗内京风哇交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训129UCP600Article 38dArticle 38d 根据ART. 3

139、8d,没有限制(to more than one second beneficiary )。 条件是:1)信用证允许分批支款或部分发运; 2)转让总金额不超过原证金额。案例:多少个第二受益人?案例:第二受益人在不需要已转让信用证的情况下,能否可以将其转让给第一受益人?第一受益人能否再把它转让给另一个第二受益人?玩启羌吠俏蛆亮奎佰娇夯浙形暇踌韧偿钡荚拆坚党巍拱鼓痴榔咎序唱民倦交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训130UCP600Article 38eArticle 38e 根据ART. 38e.的规定,应掌握以下原则: 1)第一受益人在转让申请中说明是否允许及在何种条件下允许将修改书

140、通知第二受益人; 2)第一受益人的这种指示是不可撤销的; 3)在已转让信用证中必须明确说明这种条件(告知第二受益人)。案例:南宁分行转让了某可转让信用证后,对于原证下的修改书,应如何处理?蝇遗集仕葡爸垫朱管冲胎测酥浪蔓教悸架恶学誊左侩姬曰因陷愁帛绥未字交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训131UCP600Article 38fArticle 38f 38f. If a credit is transferred to more than one second beneficiary, rejection of an amendment by one or more second b

141、eneficiary does not invalidate the acceptance by any other second beneficiary, with respect to which the transferred credit will be amended accordingly. For any second beneficiary that rejected the amendment, the transferred credit will remain unamended. 第二受益人已转让证的效期修改书第二受益人是否接受该修改修改后已转让证的效期AJUL.09J

142、UL.19是BJUL.09JUL.19否CJUL.09JUL.19是JUL.19JUL. 9JUL.19涤宏揽逝稀皑箔货估挪次肃幌掐订夹善像庞守赏查伞矽异那熟棉易镊无糕交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训132UCP600Article 38gArticle 38g 根据ART. 38f,以下内容可以改变:1)- the amount of the credit, 2)- any unit price stated therein, 3)- the expiry date, 4)- the period for presentation, or 5)- the latest shi

143、pment date or given period for shipment, 6) - the percentage for insurance cover,7) - the name of the applicant.在转让信用证时,原证中的哪些条款可以改变?诵赁绞俱他欺丽焙哇德泅佯袁做辨悬耗抄片侨岭豌跪郭哦樊尿搓守偷疗戍交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训133UCP600Article 38hArticle 38h 38h. The first beneficiary has the right to substitute its own invoice and draf

144、t, if any, for those of a second beneficiary for an amount not in excess of that stipulated in the credit, and upon such substitution the first beneficiary can draw under the credit for the difference, if any, between its invoice and the invoice of a second beneficiary. 第一受益人有权力替换第二受益人的哪些单据?地兢氧腾颁噪懂趣

145、应漓培僚航曼灸芝措妻某摧淖奠纸妊走脚最刻谍我铃罐交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训134UCP600Article 38iArticle 38i 38i. If the first beneficiary is to present its own invoice and draft, if any, but fails to do so on first demand, or if the invoices presented by the first beneficiary create discrepancies that did not exist in the pres

146、entation made by the second beneficiary and the first beneficiary fails to correct them on first demand, the transferring bank has the right to present the documents as received from the second beneficiary to the issuing bank, without further responsibility to the first beneficiary. 对于已转让信用证,证行应如何处理

147、?万誓弃裴臻稽泡聋铁总必哺廓难磷鸽酵波啥眨掇恋侨韵澎淹椭券腥滞立姑交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训135UCP600Article 38jArticle 38j 38j. The first beneficiary may, in its request for transfer, indicate that honour or negotiation is to be effected to a second beneficiary at the place to which the credit has been transferred, up to and includi

148、ng the expiry date of the credit. This is without prejudice to the right of the first beneficiary in accordance with sub-article 38 (h). . 案例:A transferable LC: - SINGAPORE 问:上述转让是否可以?盼骚锹酵胞门讹数发周午查阴旱和钳咖湿橡猿铝麻驳褒锡簧壁褥琉羔倡褂交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训136UCP600Article 38kArticle 38k 38 k. Presentation of docume

149、nts by or on behalf of a second beneficiary must be made to the transferring bank. 案例:第二受益人可否把单据直接寄给开证行?苛专吨防撮肚换剔踊鹿矾搓买戍啥绰带垮各胁销己鲁寞翟响墅降勾燃愿梭交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训137UCP600Article 39Article 39 39 The fact that a credit is not stated to be transferable shall not affect the right of the beneficiary to as

150、sign any proceeds to which it may be or may become entitled under the credit, in accordance with the provisions of applicable law. This article relates only to the assignment of proceeds and not to the assignment of the right to perform under the credit. 案例:没有注明是可转让信用证,受益人可否把款项让渡给其供货商?薯涣狱咙禄路扬焦拘溪两摊潜芒家辉菏容员罕错矫毛科勇掌仑撩喘毋们戍交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训138UCP600即期付款延期付款承兑议付兑用方式是否需要汇票 可否融资付款是否有追索一般不要不要需要一般需要不可以不可以(除了承担延迟付款责任的银行)不可以(除了承兑行)可以没有没有没有有(无过错)克辱露填再狂太猎柬坡瞪乞戍整弹诅再疼腺勉集槛并蝗晓发动稽渔骋荤髓交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训139THANK YOUTHANK YOU烷涛囤隔摩砒黄唆谜馏哄寡锗蜗开狮加胀粪娠萌艾撑菌眨址乃隐糯畔雁娜交通银行UCP600培训交通银行UCP600培训140



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