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1、书面表达的衔接与连贯书面表达的衔接与连贯连接词的分类和运用连接词的分类和运用l连接词连接词是指在文章中用来说明上下句或前后两个意思之间关系的词或词组。连接词通常用于开篇,引出扩展句;也可用于句中,尤其是用于较长的复合句中,以作为上下文的连接纽带;还可以置于文末或段末,用于总结上文或结束本段落的内容。1、表示平行、对等或选择关系:、表示平行、对等或选择关系:and, bothand, as well as, as well, neithernor, or eitheror,not onlybut also等等lHe loved swimming when he was a small boy a

2、nd at eight he became a member of the diving team in Guangdong Province. (NMET 1991范文)l I dont know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. (NMET 2001范文)2.表示转折关系的连接词语有:表示转折关系的连接词语有:but, yet, while, however, on the contrary, by c

3、ontrast, on the other hand, in spite of, despite, nevertheless(不过,尽管)(不过,尽管), although, otherwise 等等lOn the other hand, 40% think that fee should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers. (NMET 2002范文)lWhile they were working, my sister walked to a river nearby. (NMET范文)3

4、.表示因果关系的连接词:表示因果关系的连接词:for, so, therefore, as a result, because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, lHe stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. So come on, stand here. (NMET 1997范文)lHe didnt work hard, as a result, he failed in the exam.4.表示时间顺序的连接词:表示时间顺序的连接词:at first, f

5、irst, second, then, next, later, meanwhile, in the end, finally, after that, since then, for the first time, at last, eventually, as soon as, the next moment,shortly after, for one thing, for another thing 等等lAfter that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. .(NMET1996范文)l

6、The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road.(NMET2000范文)5.表示空间顺序的连接词:表示空间顺序的连接词:on the right, to the left, on one side of, on the other side of. At the foottopend of, in the middlecenter of,等等lOn one side of the road there is a new classroom building. On the other side, where

7、the playground used to be now, stands another new buildingour library.(NMET1999范文)lIn it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines.(NMET1999范文)6.表示解释说明的连接词:表示解释说明的连接词:that is (to say), in other words, such as, for exampleinstance, namely, actually, to tell you the truth according to thi

8、s ,and so on 等等l I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums and taking computer lessons.(NMET2001范文)lIn other words , I love my hometown and the people there.7.表递进关系的连接词:表递进关系的连接词:whats moreworsebetter, besides, in addition, worse still, to make things worse, moreover, fur

9、thermore, above all, not only but also等等lWhats more , it will become necessary to build gates and walls (NMET2002范文)lIn the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. Whats more ,I can go to bed earlier.(NMET2001范文)lIn addition to meeting the need of markets at home, its products are shippe

10、d to many countries.8.表示总结的连接词:表示总结的连接词:in short, in brief, in a word, in general, as you know, as far as I know ,on the whole, to sum up等等lIn short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce the learning load.(NMET2001范文)lIn a word, great changes have taken place in our vi

11、llage.连接词在文章中起着重要作用,千万不可忽视!连接词在文章中起着重要作用,千万不可忽视!2.表示总结 lin a word (总之), altogether(总之)等。如:lSmoking costs us much money and it can easily cause a big fire. In a word, smoking can do us much harm.吸烟耗费许多金钱,而且容易造成火灾。总之,吸烟会给我们带来很多危害。lShe is kind; she is diligent; she is clever. Altogether, she is a good

12、girl.l她善良、勤奋、聪明。总之,她是一个好女孩。3.表示情绪 lto ones joy(令某人高兴的是), lto ones surprise (令某人惊讶的是), to ones disappointment (令某人失望的是),lto ones pride (令某人自豪的是), lto ones satisfaction (令某人满意的是),l to ones horror (令某人惊恐的是) 等。 1.表达普遍规律lgenerally speaking(一般说来),lin general(一般说来),lall in all(总的说来)等。 l如:Generally speaking

13、, it is not so cold in February. 一般说来,二月份不是很冷。lAll in all, drinking isnt so good to us. 一般说来,喝酒对我们没有什么好处。l如:To my joy, my son passed the exam with a very high mark. 令我高兴的是,我 儿子以高分通过了这次考试。lTo my surprise, he dared to get angry with his teacher. 令我惊讶的是, 他竟敢生老师的气。lTo my disappointment, the famous actre

14、ss didnt attend the party. 令我失望的是, 这个著名的女演员没有参加宴会。lTo our pride, our country has set up another man-made satellite. 令我们骄傲的是, 我们国家又发射了一颗人造卫星。lTo my satisfaction, he answered the question correctly. 令我满意的是,他准确地回答了这个问题。 lTo my horror, the baby fell out of the cradle.4.表示转折关系 lhowever (然而,无论如何), neverth

15、eless (然而,不过)等。l如:This problem is very difficult; however, it is very important.这个问题很难,然而很重要。lThere was no news; nevertheless, she went on hoping. 尽管毫无音讯,她还盼望者。5.表示顺序 lfirst (第一,首先第一,首先), second (第二第二), then (然后然后),at last (最后最后), in the end (最后最后) 等。等。 如:lYou have many things to do. First, you shou

16、ld clean the room. 你有许多事情要做,首先应该打扫一下房间。lHe stayed in Beijing for some time; then, he went to Shanghai. 他在北京呆了一段时间, 然后去了上海。lAt first ,I thought it difficult to learn English, but in the end I changed my mnd.l以开始我认为英语难学,但最后我改变了看法。一一. 模仿练习模仿练习l用例句中的过渡词汇补全下列各句,每空用例句中的过渡词汇补全下列各句,每空一词。一词。l1.Generally spea

17、king, men are much stronger than women. 一般说来,一般说来, 男子男子比女子强壮得多。比女子强壮得多。l_ _ , girl are much more gentle than boys.Generally speakingl2. All in all, your article is well-written. 总总得说来,你的文章写得很好。得说来,你的文章写得很好。l_ _ _, this story is very interesting.All in alll3. This film is wonderful. This film is inst

18、ructive. In a word, it is a good film.这部这部电影很精彩,而且很有教育意义。电影很精彩,而且很有教育意义。 总之,这是总之,这是一部好电影。一部好电影。lYour suggestion is thoughtful. Your suggestion if practical. l_ _ _, it is a good suggestion. In a word l4.To my joy, she was admitted into a famous university. 令我高兴的是,她被一所令我高兴的是,她被一所著名的大学录取了。著名的大学录取了。l_

19、_ _, he managed to win the prize.To my joy l5. To my surprise, she refused his invitation to dance with him. 令我惊讶的令我惊讶的是,她拒绝他的邀请是,她拒绝他的邀请跟他一起跳舞。跟他一起跳舞。l_ _ _ , he didnt carry out his promise to come to see me.To my surprise l6. The reality is cruel. However, you should face it.现实是残酷的,然而你应该面对它。现实是残酷的

20、,然而你应该面对它。lThis match was very important. _, he lost it.However l7.You must get ready for this exam. First, you must go over all your notes. 你必须为这次考试做好准备。你必须为这次考试做好准备。 首先你应该复首先你应该复习所有笔记。习所有笔记。lYou must listen to your parents. _, you should have breakfast on time.First l8.At first, he tried to lift t

21、he stone. But at last he gave up. 一开始他想劲力举起这快石头,一开始他想劲力举起这快石头,但最后放弃了。但最后放弃了。lAt first, he didnt understand me. But _ he supported me strongly.at last l9.To my disappointment, he failed to pass the exam. 令我失望的是,他没能通过令我失望的是,他没能通过这次考试。这次考试。l_ _ _ , she didnt do anything for me.To my disappointment l10.

22、In general, it is warm in April. 一般说一般说来,四月份天气很暖和。来,四月份天气很暖和。l_ _, girls are more careful than boys.In general 二二. 补充句子补充句子l根据中文意思,将下列英文句子补充完整。根据中文意思,将下列英文句子补充完整。l1.你给了我许多帮助,也给了我许多鼓舞。总之,没有你我不能成功。lYou gave me much help and encouragement. _ _ _, I couldnt have succeeded without you.In a word l2.总的说来,你

23、的回答不太令人满意。总的说来,你的回答不太令人满意。l_ _ _, your answer is not so satifying.l3.一般说来没物理比数学难学得多。一般说来没物理比数学难学得多。l_ _, physics is much more difficult than mathematics.All in all Generally speaking l4.令我满意的是,他数学考试得了满分。令我满意的是,他数学考试得了满分。l_ _ _, he got full marks in the mathematics exam.l5.令我惊恐的是,令我惊恐的是, 我卡见他从树上摔了下来。

24、我卡见他从树上摔了下来。l_ _ _, I saw him fall down from the tree.l6.这辆自行车真的很漂亮,然而我没钱买。这辆自行车真的很漂亮,然而我没钱买。lThis bike is really very beautiful. _, I have no money to buy it.To my satisfaction To my horror Nevertheless l7.他首先去了法国,然后又去了美国。lFirst, he went to France; _ he went to America.l8.令我高兴的是, 我终于说服她改变了主意。l_ _ _

25、 . I finally persuaded her to change her mind.then To my joyl9.一开始他反对我的计划,一开始他反对我的计划, 但最后他支持我的计划了。但最后他支持我的计划了。lAt firsthe was against my plan, butl _ _ _ he was for it.l10.你必须购买一些生活必需品。你必须购买一些生活必需品。 你必须了解一些关于你必须了解一些关于这个国家的信息。总之,这个国家的信息。总之, 你必须为这次旅行做好准备。你必须为这次旅行做好准备。lYou should buy some living necess

26、ities. You should learn something about this country. _ _ _, you must get everything ready for this journey.In the end a word In三三. 行文逻辑训练行文逻辑训练l阅读短文,选择适当的过渡性词汇填空。first, whats worse, in my opinion, besides,nowl 1 _ many middle school students are fat and there are reasons for it. Some eat too much m

27、et and too many snacks. Some sit too long but seldom exercise.l Getting fat has quite a few disavantages. 2 _, being fat makes it difficult for one to walk or move as others.Now First l3 _, to be fat usually means to be weak, and it is easy for a fat person to suffer from many kinds of diseases. At

28、the same time. A fat person gets tired easily, which decreases his study efficiency.l 4 _, to be fat is not a good thing for us middle students. We should try to eat less meat but more vegetables. _ we should try our best to take part in all kinds of sports. If so, we are sure to lose weight and sta

29、y healthy.Whats more In my opinion Besides 四四. 篇章结构训练篇章结构训练l给下面的书面表达的主题句排序:l你班同学参加了学生双语报组织的一场头论。讨论的主题是:城市内是否可以饲养宠物。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给该报社写一篇文章,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己的观点或建议。用5个句子完成文章。反反对养养宠物的同学物的同学认为支持养支持养宠物的同学物的同学认为1.造成造成环境境污染染2.可能会商人可能会商人1.与孤寡老人做伴与孤寡老人做伴2.人与人与动物和物和谐相相处,能增添生活情趣能增添生活情趣lA. Some students are against

30、the idea of keeping pets.lB.Some students think its a good idea to keep pets.lC.I think we can keep pets at home but we must prevent them from polluting our emvironment.lD.Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets or not at home in cities.lE.In general, opinions dif

31、fer from people to people.l5. An AnnouncementBoys and girls, May I have (take) your attention, please. There will be a lecture at half past three on Friday afternoon. Its about “Information and English Study”. And it will be given by Mr Li Ping who is a famous teacher from the English Department. Th

32、eres sure to be something instructive and interesting. We can get more information from it, I think. And it will improve our English studies to a new stage. Anyone who wants to attend it can come to Room 206. Take notes and have a discussion after it. Please come here on time. Thats all. l6. May I h

33、ave your attention, please?As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place, we will invite Dr. Lil from Qinghua University to give us a talk on the environment problem and he will also tell us about the improvement in environmen

34、t protection in recent years in Beijing.lThe report will begin at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, April 30th in the auditorium on the third floor in the classroom building. Im sure we can get enough information from his talk to make good preparations for the coming talk show. Everyone should be there on time, then listen to the report and make full notes at the same time.By the way, we will have a discussion after the report.Thats all. Thank you.



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