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1、Thank-you NotesActivities感谢信感谢信(Thank-you Notes) 日常生活中,我们在应邀赴宴、收到礼品或得到帮助之后,出于惯例和礼貌,应及时给对方写一封感谢信(a thank-you note)。感谢信不必过长,也不必说得过分,否则会使人觉得言不由衷,但也不能太简单,否则使人觉得缺乏诚意。当你对对方不甚满意时,出于礼貌,还是要写信感谢,使对方不至于太难堪。感谢信有个人之间的,也有合作伙伴之间的。Sample: The following are two thank-you notes. One is to a new business partner. The

2、other is to a friend. Please read and try to understand them.August 21, 2007Dear Mr. Smith, I am writing to thank you for your hospitality during my recent trip to Germany. It is always very useful to meet ones business partners face to face, and I think we had some interesting discussions. I am loo

3、king forward to seeing you when you visit London in September.Yours sincerely,Mark HowardSeptember 29, 2007Dear Peter, This is just a short note to thank you for a very pleasant evening while I was in New York. It is always good to see old friends again and it was very useful to exchange ideas. Plea

4、se give me a ring next time you come to London. Perhaps we can meet for lunch.Best wishes! Mark 从上面的例子可以看出: 书面的感谢信是比较正式的表达方式,其内容包括:对对方提供的帮助、给予的接待或赠送的礼品表示衷心感谢;说明对方的帮助所起的作用或赠送的礼品非常好;再次表示感谢或问候对方。感谢信的内容包括:感谢信的内容包括: 写感谢信的确切日期。 对于非正式的感谢信,可以使用收到的礼品上的名字。例如:此人名字是James,但礼品上用的“Jimmy”。你在感谢信上就可以用“Dear Jimmy.”。 对

5、于正式的感谢信,要以“Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown.”开头。 在信中要提及收到的礼品: “Thank you very much for the lovely candle sticks.”。 告诉对方将如何使用此礼品:“Well have many romantic nights with these lovely candles.” or “John and I will think of you every time we make a toast.” or “It will keep me warm this winter when its cold and snow

6、y outside.”。 结束语:“Sincerely, Mary” , “Lovely, Mary” , “Affectionately, Mary” , “With Appreciation, Mary”。 时效性是感谢信的关键,一封真诚的感谢信要及时传递给收信人。发出感谢信的时间一般在一天至一周内最为合适。但是,迟到总比没有好。 必要时亲手写封感谢信。即使你已亲自谢过赠送你礼物的人,之后再写一份感谢信仍然很有必要。手写的感谢信其本身就是一份很好的礼物,收信人也会因你花时间表达对其的谢意而感到高兴。 选择最能体现自己风格和个性的卡片并在需要时将它填写好。 写电子信件感谢常为你做日常琐事的家

7、人和朋友,也不失为一个很好的办法。 感谢信要真诚且合理,不必太长,也不要过短或夸大其词。写感谢信最好生动,亲切,适宜,得体,对某事某物充满感激,记住:简单的几句真心话往往传递更丰富的含义。Activity 1Activity 2Please write a thank-you note according to the Chinese information given below 史密斯先生刚刚被提升为经理,便收到约翰逊先生的祝贺信,于是回信表示感谢,对他给予自己工作上的帮助表示感谢,并表示盼望见到他。Dear Mr. Johnson, Thank you for your letter c

8、onveying congratulations on my appointment(promotion). I also wish to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look forward to seeing you soon.Sincerely,John SmithWrite a note to Oliver and Jennifer to thank them for inviting you to a dinner party held at their home on January 8

9、, 2007 January 15, 2007Dear Oliver and Jennifer, Thank you so much for the delightful evening we had at your lovely home a couple of nights ago. It was a pleasure to see you again and enjoy your wonderful cooking. Looking forward to seeing you again soon! Thanks again for everything.Sincerely,Frank & Clark



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