(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第二部分 七下 第5课时 Unit 9-12课件.ppt

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《(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第二部分 七下 第5课时 Unit 9-12课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(课标通用)安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 第二部分 七下 第5课时 Unit 9-12课件.ppt(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点必研探究中考话题作文第5课时Unit 9Unit 12考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题Unit 91.height n.身高;高度*2.heavy adj.重的*3.build n.身材4.cinema n.电影院*5.glasses n.(pl.)眼镜6.handsome adj.英俊的7.mouth n.嘴8.round adj.圆形的9.singer n.歌手*10.describe v.描述11.real adj.真正的;真实的*12.differently adv.不同地*考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必

2、背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题Unit 1013.potato n.土豆;马铃薯*14.special n.特色菜;特价品;adj.特别的;特殊的15.large adj.大号的;大的16.size n.大小;尺码*17.fish n.鱼;鱼肉*18.candle n.蜡烛*19.age n.年龄*20.candy n.糖果Unit 1121.horse n.马22.feed v.喂养;饲养*23.farmer n.农民;农场主24.grow v.种植;生长;发育*考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题25.farm n

3、.农场;v.务农;种田*26.pick v.采;摘*27.flower n.花28.expensive adj.昂贵的*29.cheap adj.廉价的;便宜的*30.slow adj.缓慢的;迟缓的*31.guide n.导游;向导*32.gift n.礼物;赠品33.dark adj.黑暗的;昏暗的*34.fire n.火;火灾35.painting n.油画;绘画36.lovely adj.可爱的37.fast adv.& adj.快地(的)*38.robot n.机器人考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题39.hear v.听到

4、;听见*40.interested adj.感兴趣的Unit 1241.lake n.湖;湖泊*42.beach n.海滩;沙滩43.sheep n.羊;绵羊*44.natural adj.自然的*45.as prep.& adv.作为;当作*46.language n.语言47.surprise n.惊讶;惊奇;v.使惊讶*48.jump v.跳;跃*49.forest n.森林50.ago adv.以前*51.snake n.蛇考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题1.little less(比较级)least(最高级)2.act a

5、ctor n.男演员actress n.女演员3.sing singer n.歌手4.realreally adv.真实地5.potatopotatoes(复数形式)6.specialspecially adv.特别地;专门地7.differentdifferently adv.不同地difference n.不同;不同之处8.luck lucky adj.幸运的luckily adv.幸运地unlucky adj.不幸的unluckily adv.不幸地考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题9.farmfarmer n.农民;农场主10

6、.worryworried adj.担心的;焦虑的11.cheapexpensive adj.昂贵的12.slowslowly adv.慢地13.naturalnature n.自然14.visitorvisit v.参观15.mousemice(复数形式)16.IndiaIndian adj.印度人的考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题1.of medium height 中等身高2.of medium build 中等身材3.a little 一点;少量4.in the end 最后5.take ones order 点菜6.aro

7、und the world 世界各地7.make a wish 许愿8.blow out 吹灭9.get popular 受欢迎;流行10.cut up 切碎11.bring good luck to给带来好运12.quite a lot 许多13.in the countryside 在乡下14.all in all 总的说来考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题15.be interested in 对感兴趣16.stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜17.run away 跑开18.shout at(to) 冲大声叫喊19.put

8、 up 搭起;举起20.get a surprise 吃惊21.up and down 上上下下22.wake.up 把弄醒考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题1.你的朋友长什么样?What does your friend look like?(见教材P49)2.我可能晚点到。I may be alittle late.(见教材P50)3.他是高还是矮?Is he tall or short?(见教材P50)4.你想要什么种类的面条?What kind of noodles would you like?(见教材P77)5.蜡烛的数量

9、(代表的)是这个人的年龄。The number of candles is the persons age.(见教材P59)6.上周你的旅行怎么样?How was your trip last week?(见教材P62)7.那真是蛮好玩的。It was somuch fun.(见教材P62)考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题8.然后导游教我们如何制作机器人模型。Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.(见教材P65)9.一切都是关于机器人的,我对那不感兴趣。Everythi

10、ng was about robots and Im not interested in that.(见教材P65)10.在那里我们架起帐篷,生火取暖并做饭。There we put up our tents and made a fire tokeep us warm and cook food on.(见教材P71)11.但是我太累了,所以早早就睡着了。But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.(见教材P71)12.后来我爸爸告诉我蛇没有耳朵,但是能够感觉东西的移动。My dad told me later that snakes dont

11、 have ears but can feel things moving.(见教材P71)考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题1.would like (见教材P57)2.动词过去式的构成(见教材P63)3.What/Who/How/Where引导的特殊疑问句(见教材P51,P57,P63,P69)4.选择疑问句(见教材P51)考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题Unit 9 描述人的外貌Unit 10 谈论食物和点餐Unit 11 学校郊游Unit 12 周末活动考点必研探究

12、中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题.根据句意、首字母及汉语提示补全单词。1.Who was the first person(人) to swim across the English Channel?2.I dont know the age(年龄) of John and his brother.But they look so young.3.The doctor tells him to open his mouth(嘴)and say“Ah”.4.Look at the girl with long curly hair.Shes a

13、famous singer(歌手).5.Would you please tell me the real(真正的)reason?6.Its natural(自然的) for a child to love his parents.7.Look!There are so many mice(老鼠) in the old house.8.Li Lei is smart and he can speak two languages(语言).9.Tony started(开始) to learn Chinese last year.10.These robots(机器人) can help us c

14、lean the room.11.Our teacher cant remember that boy.Can you describe(描述) him?12.There was a fire(火) in the hotel last night.考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题13.My mother is good at cooking fish(鱼).14.Im sorry I didnt hear(听见) what you said.15.My sister is a guide(导游)and she loves her j

15、ob.16.The bus was too slow.Lets take a fast(快的)train.17.The ring was too expensive(昂贵的),so he didnt buy it.18.The hat is very cheap(便宜的) and it is only five dollars.19.Linda got many gifts from her friends at her birthday party.20.The room is dark(黑暗的) and I cant see anything in it.考点必研探究中考话题作文单词必会词

16、汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题.根据短文内容和括号内的汉语提示,在空白处填入正确的单词。When I was a child,I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and go to the city.We lived on a 21.farm(农场),and especially in winter,we were quite cut off from the outside world.As soon as I left school,I packed my bags and 22.moved(

17、搬) to the city.However,I soon discovered that my life has its disadvantages,too.One big disadvantage is money.It 23.costs(花费) so much to go out,not to mention basics like food and housing.24.Another(另一个) disadvantage is pollution.The 25.air(空气) is so dirty that Im afraid to go outside.考点必研探究中考话题作文单词

18、必会词汇拓展短语必背重点句型和交际用语语法链接重点词汇过关检测话题Of course there are advantages.First,there is 26.so(那么) much to do in the city.And there are wonderful jobs and more chances of moving to a more important job or position.27.Finally(最后),if you like shopping,the kind of goods is very surprising.Whats more,there are ma

19、ny shops that are not 28.far(远的) from your home.Is life better in the city then?Perhaps it is,when you are in your teens or 29.twenties(二十多).However,as you get older,and especially if you have small children,the peace of the 30.countryside(农村) may be a better choice.I certainly hope to move back the

20、re soon.考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点1littleadj.小的小的(P50)考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关5.Alice feels lonely here because she has few friends.辨析little,a little,few与a few考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点2anotheradj.&pron.另一另一;又一又一(P53)A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.the other 考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关3.We cant do it that waybut whether it

21、will work is B matter.A.otherB.anotherC.eachD.every.根据句意,用another或the other填空。4.We should tell the truth.We cant say one thing to a man and another thing to someone else.5.He has two daughters.One is a nurse;the other is a worker.考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关归纳another的用法(1)表示“(三者或三者以上的)另一个”,后接单数名词。如:Could yo

22、u give me another apple?你能再给我一个苹果吗?(2)表示“另个”,用于“another +数词/few+.”中,后接复数名词。如:Could you give me another five/few apples?你能再给我五个/几个苹果吗?注:the other后跟单数名词,表示“(两者中的)另一个”。如:I have two pens.One is black,and the other is red.我有两支钢笔,一支是黑色的,另一支是红色的。考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点3ordern.&v.点菜点菜;命令命令(P56)考点必研探究中考话题作文词语

23、冲关句型冲关归纳order作可数名词,意为“点菜,订购”。order也可作动词,意为“点菜,预订”。如:I want to give the bookshop an order for this book.我想向书店订购这本书。考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关拓展(1)order可作动词,意为“命令,嘱咐”。常用结构为:order sb.to do sth.“命令某人做某事”。如:The doctor ordered him to stay there.医生嘱咐他留在那里。(2)order 可作不可数名词,意为“秩序,顺序”。如:He found everything in the h

24、ouse in good order.他发现屋子里一切都井然有序。(3)order 可构成in order to.或in order that.,意为“为了”。如:He gets up early in order to catch the early bus.=He gets up early in order that he can catch the early bus.他早起床是为了赶上早班车。考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点4hearv.听听见;听到听到(P65)考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关归纳hear的用法(1)hea

25、r sb.do sth.听见某人做了某事;hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事。(2)hear of 意为“听说过,听到”;hear about意为“听到/得知关于某人或某事的消息”,比hear of知道得更详细、具体。拓展hear与listen的区别hear意为“听见”,是及物动词,后面可以直接跟名词或代词作宾语;listen是不及物动词,具体听什么,要用listen to。如:Suddenly I heard a strange noise.我突然听到一个奇怪的声响。Jenny is listening to the radio.詹妮正在听收音机。考点必研探究中考话题作文

26、词语冲关句型冲关考点5Idlikesomenoodles,please.劳驾,我想要一些面条。我想要一些面条。(P57)考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关归纳would like的用法(1)would like (sb.)to do sth.=want(sb.)to do sth.想要(某人)做某事。如:Wed like to go for a picnic next Sunday.下周日我们想去野餐。(2)Would you like sth.?你想要某物吗?表示客气的请求,句中用some而不用any。肯定

27、回答为Yes,please./否定回答为No,thanks.。如:Would you like some coffee?你想来点咖啡吗?Yes,please.好的。考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关(3)Would you like to do sth.?你想要做某事吗?表示提建议,其肯定答语为Yes,Id love/like to.否定回答为Id love/like to,but I.(说明具体原因以拒绝)。如:Would you like to go shopping with me?和我去买东西好吗?Sure,Id love to.当然好,我非常乐意去。考点必研探究中考话题作文词语

28、冲关句型冲关考点6ButIwassotiredthatIwenttosleepearly.但是我太累了但是我太累了,我早早就睡着了。我早早就睡着了。(P71)考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关考点必研探究中考话题作文词语冲关句型冲关归纳so.that.意为“如此以至于”,so后接形容词或副词,引导结果状语从句。如:The soup was so delicious that he drank it up.汤如此好喝以至于他喝了个精光。特别提示such.that.意为“如此以至于”,such修饰名词。但当名词前有many,much,few,little等词时,要用so。如:Its such

29、 an interesting book that everyone likes reading it.这本书如此有趣以至于人人都喜欢读。There was so much work to do that everybody got bored.有太多工作要做了,以致每个人都感到厌烦。考点必研探究中考话题作文中考话题作文微讲堂系列旅行生活话题分析“旅行生活”是全国各地中考书面表达的主要内容之一,写作内容通常为:旅行前的准备工作;旅行的经历和感受;旅行的意义和人们对旅行的不同看法。预测2019年安徽中考书面表达也可能涉及与“旅行生活”相关的话题。考点必研探究中考话题作文典题研析(2018浙江宁波

30、)今年5月11日,你校组织了一次社会实践活动,部分学生选择去了红星农场(见导图一),其余学生选择去了科技博物馆(见导图二)。请根据你所选择的实践活动写一篇英语日记,记录当天的经历和感受。注意:(1)日记必须包括你所选择导图的所有要点,并适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;(3)词数为80100,日记格式及首句已给出,不计入总词数。Friday,May 11thToday I had a school trip.考点必研探究中考话题作文审题指导1.写作内容是叙述“学校郊游”方面的内容。2.写作时,时态上宜用一般过去时,人称上主要以第一人称和第三人称为主。3.写作需注意要求中所提供的要点

31、,不可遗漏。写作技法本文是图表作文。图表作文的特点是:材料清晰,一目了然,内容充足,稍作发挥即可。可用“五步法”写图表类作文。第一步:看清要求,仔细审表。第二步:分好段落或层次,列好提纲。第三步:初定手稿。第四步:润色修改。第五步:最后定稿。考点必研探究中考话题作文写作提纲 考点必研探究中考话题作文遣词造句 考点必研探究中考话题作文满分作文Friday,May 11thToday I had a school trip.The weather was fine.My classmates and I set off to Hongxing Farm by bus early in the mo

32、rning.The minute we arrived,we took a walk around the farm.Then we fed the chickens.When I threw some food to them,they ran over to me with excitement and some of them even walked into their friends.The most exciting thing was that we picked strawberries after lunch.While we were picking,we ate a lo

33、t.How sweet they were!I had a wonderful time today!I do hope to go there again in the near future!考点必研探究中考话题作文名师点评本文是日记,属于应用文。文章分三段。第一段:开头点明主题。第二段:正文部分详细介绍当天的经历。第三段:叙述当天的感受,结尾紧扣主题。出彩点:set off,with excitement,hope to do sth.等短语和when引导的时间状语从句及过去时的使用,充分体现了作者驾驭语言的能力和娴熟的写作技巧。考点必研探究中考话题作文对应训练(2018湖南长沙)假如你

34、是李华,于4月13日星期五这一天参加了学校组织的郊游活动。请你以 school trip 为主题,写一则英文日记,内容包括参加活动的人员、集合时间、郊游地点、交通方式、活动内容以及个人感受等。要求:(1)80100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数);(2)可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)日记中不得出现真实的人名和校名。Friday,April 13th考点必研探究中考话题作文It was sunny today.I went on a school trip with my classmates.We visited the Greenery Farm and it was great fun

35、.All of us met at the school gate at 7:00 a.m.and went to the farm by bus.On arriving there,we were given a warm welcome by the farm workers.Then one of the workers showed us around the farm,where we learned a lot about farming.At noon,we had a picnic,during which we enjoyed ourselves in the sunshine,singing,dancing and flying kites.We did love the fresh air and the beauty of nature.We took lots of pictures.Time flied!It was time for us to leave though we didnt want to.It was really an unforgettable and meaningful trip for me.



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