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1、指导:市教研室指导:市教研室 赵淑红赵淑红制作:钟村中心小学制作:钟村中心小学 陈淑敏陈淑敏审校:市教研室审校:市教研室 赵淑红赵淑红义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版)四年级下册四年级下册Module 2 2 DailyRoutineDailyRoutinePeriod 1本课时目标:本课时目标:1. 学生能听懂及使用询问时间的问句:学生能听懂及使用询问时间的问句:What time is it?2. 学生能用英语准确表达学生能用英语准确表达:(1)整点时间)整点时间 oclock(2)几点半)几点半half past (3)几点一刻钟)几点一刻钟a quarter pa

2、st 3. 学生能初步理解学生能初步理解Its time to,用,用Its time to提醒别人做某事。提醒别人做某事。4. 学生能听说读以下新词:学生能听说读以下新词: time, oclock, half, past, quarter, get up, sleep, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner Module 2 2 DailyRoutineDailyRoutineLets guess.It has a round face but no eyes.It has hands but no feet.What is it?A clock

3、can tell us time.猜谜语,引出时钟,复习数字。(或者直接猜图片,用It looks like .)There are 12 numbers on the clock. Do you still remember the numbers?Which number is missing?ninesevensixthreetentwooneeightfourfivetwelveeleven数字按顺序出现一次,再不按顺序消失一次,出现和消失学生都齐读复习数字。2024/7/25What time is it?Its one oclock.Look at the clock. A clo

4、ck can tell us time. Do you know what time is it?学习整点的表达。并初步感知询问时间问句:What time is it?Lets try.What time is it?Its . oclock.1.只要点击时钟上的数字,时针就会移动到相应的数字上。2、这里可以先教师问,学生齐答。3、接着学生齐问,个别学生回答。2024/7/25Its 6 oclock in the morning.2024/7/25Its 5 oclock in the afternoon.2024/7/2530 minutes= halfIts half past twe

5、lve.2024/7/25What time is it?Its half past .1.只要点击时钟上的数字,时针就会移动到相应的数字上。2、这里可以先教师问,学生齐答。3、接着学生齐问,个别学生回答。2024/7/2515 minutesa quarterIts a quarter past twelve.学习a quarter 以及past.学习几点一刻钟的表达。Children,look at the clock. What time is it?Is it 12 oclock?引起学生对几点一刻钟表达的思考。通过ppt的扇形理解a quarter。通过时钟上的时间,以及教师的肢体语

6、言,让学生理解past。2024/7/25Listen and choose the right time.Its a quarter past . .ABCD1.先让学生观察每一个时钟。2.听教师读时间,学生选时钟。What time is it?Its a quarter past.Lets play a game!1、 学生两人一组。2、课前每个小组自带一个钟。3、拨动时钟用What time is it? Its . 来进行时间问答操练。语言组织:Children,take out your clock. Try to make a time, and ask your deskmat

7、e “what time is it?”2024/7/25Who?The girl with glasses is Nini.介绍今天的新朋友,引入Its time to .的学习。Today we have a new friend. Who? Look! Lets get to know her.2024/7/25Its 7 oclock in the morning.Its time to get up.1、板书短语带读,形音关联。2、操练 get up时,加上动作,音义关联。2024/7/25Its half past 7 in the morning.Its time to have

8、 breakfast.2024/7/25Its a quarter past 12.Its time to have lunch.2024/7/25Its half past 6 in the evening.Its time to have dinner.2024/7/25Its a quarter past 9 in the evening.Its time to sleep.get upsleephave breakfasthave dinnerhave lunch炸弹游戏,机械操练这5个动词及短语,达到上口目的。每个词组读两遍,遇到“炸弹”时只能拍掌,不能出声。炸弹可以由某个学生读出短

9、语指定。get upsleephave breakfast看口型跟读短语,操练这5个动词及短语,达到上口目的。老师只做发音口型,学生反应并读出该短语,并做动作。have lunchhave dinner视学生情况还可以增加,一学生做动作,其它同学猜词组的活动;也可让学生记忆各图的时间半分钟,然后老师说时间,学生说出相应的动词词组。Lets play a game!12:0019:0007:00Its Its time to井字棋游戏规则:1、全班分两组AB对决。(用AB代替井字棋的圈叉,方便老师上课操作)2、每组每轮由一位学生做代表,用Its time to sleep. 或者Its a qu

10、arter past 11. 说出他们选择的图片。3、当他们所在组的字母A或B能连成线,就胜利!教师操作:1、如果该图是A组说出就按该图左上角的A,图片就会变成一个大A,表示该格子被A组占领。B组说的就按右下角的B。2、游戏中,限制只能用英文提示代表。2024/7/25Lets try to talk about the pictures .没有句型提示,让学生自己看图说话。先让个别学生示范,然后让学生各自说。Lets sing.Its time to go to bed.用金太阳配套的光盘播放。2024/7/25Can you be their secretary?7:00 7:157:3012:1519:3022:30get uphave breakfastgo to schoolhavelunchhave dinnersleep1、学生竞当三位主人翁的小秘书。2、根据时间表,提醒图片中人物什么时间该做什么事情。Who wants to be their secretary and to remind them something everyday?由个别学生示范,关注学生的语音语调,是否礼貌。接着鼓励学生在小组里面练习,四人小组投票选出一个小秘书。广州市小英中心组Homework:



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