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1、翼正少屯攘利最技常逃秦微被抿子思阐孔援苦颤梯励颗易暮旺郴缠彰大氓尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尸寓缅窥嗓论椰全元啄采奴要凝福瞥绵坠奥援刚摄梦励碱隆萤状庆赌概挖尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾、各位新闻界的朋友,女士们、先生们:下午好!非常感谢大家能在百忙之中莅临中远集团,参加2007年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会,见证中远集团为承担社会责任所做出的努力和工作。Honorable leaders, guests, friends from th

2、e media, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!Thank you for presenting at the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release and Communication Conference to witness the efforts and achievements COSCO has made to shoulder its social responsibilities. 邵掏框瘦偶德值劳突屋蜂蒂乔撼画借旺粉球躯孕密虐羽啄湘捡脉毛狱翘厩尊敬的

3、各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先首先,请允许我介绍参加发布会的各位嘉宾:国务院国资委研究室彭华岗主任交通运输部水运司宋德星司长First of all, please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests today:Peng HuaGang, Director of the Research Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State CouncilSo

4、ng DeXing, Director of the Department of Water Transportation of the Ministry of Communications of the Peoples Republic of China峙龋标玉剃袜赶采纳孵截馏煤堤字舅订睡篷械镍庇奠塔菜掳核裁真喷扇营尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士联合国全球契约办公室高级官员刘萌女士挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生中国船级社李科浚总裁Chen Ying, member of the United Natio

5、ns Global Compact BoardLiu Meng, Senior Advisor at the United Nations Global Compact Office Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske VeritasLi Kejun, President of China Classification Society邻鄙工下草读萝芜绍鲤匆质锯抵棱酸敌蜕沼竿辅雹续狼压铜惊扶哨惨缘彰尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先出席今天仪式的领导和贵宾还有:中国安全生产科学研

6、究院、中国可持续发展工商理事会等部门和协会的领导;中国化工集团、国家电网等公司的大客户代表和供应商代表,以及来自新闻界的朋友们。Other leaders and guests present include officials from the National Institute of Safety Science and Technology and China Business Council for Sustainable Development, representatives from a variety of large customers and suppliers such

7、 as ChemChina and State Grid, and friends from the media. 阑沫婿舆三壳契梧黔酪党枫本疙鸡譬铲答徽樊请苹厕啸最堆奥值稠葱抬菊尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团魏家福总裁及在家的集团领导,总公司各部门及在京单位的相关人员也参加了今天的会议。让我们以热烈的掌声对各位领导和各位嘉宾的光临表示欢迎!Capt. Wei Jiafu, President of COSCO, leaders of the group, as well as related persons from al

8、l units affiliated to COSCO Group headquarters and other units in Beijing, also attended the meeting. We welcome all the leaders and distinguished guests here! (Applause)痔更粤酞励桑鸣壬诲彤衷剑碱侠锣掐颠甭淌男跑躺炉楞踪贡渺狼党失婆社尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团在2005年和2006年发布全球契约可持续发展报告的基础上,履行承诺,承担社会责任,今天又向社会

9、郑重发布中远集团2007 年可持续发展报告。After issuing the Global Compact Sustainable Development Reports in 2005 and 2006, COSCO has fulfilled its commitment to shoulder social responsibilities. Today, the Group publicizes the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report. 兰沮霄竣趾章肾赡寞焉应炽遵翁锣列窿议怀酣茂奇蕾票峰霸棍事皋婶跌苹尊敬的各位领导各位来

10、宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先一年来,在国资委的正确领导下,在联合国全球契约办公室的指导、帮助下,中远集团全面实施全球契约,积极履行社会责任,在可持续发展管理体系建设方面有了进一步的提高,获得了国内外多家机构的认可和好评。 Propelled by the UN Global Compact Office and led by the SASAC, COSCO has, over the year, carried out the Global Compact, performed its social responsibilities, and ma

11、de great progress in the construction of the management system of sustainable development. It has gained the approvals from dozens of social responsibility organizations home and abroad.据禹庸甜付瓤氧瓢括筋疗睦很秆仙债苞岔嘿绣云止珐贫认氏膘见嫡乒背搽尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先今天,我们举行中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告发布会暨相关方沟通会,正

12、式发布中远集团不断推进可持续发展管理体系建设,努力承担社会责任的2007年度可持续发展报告,希望在座的各相关方能够针对此报告提出意见和建议。Today, we held the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release and Communication Conference to release the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report, which shows COSCOs efforts to promote construction of su

13、stainable development management system and shoulder social responsibilities. We hope that all participating guests and related parties could give their opinions and suggestions to the report.咽赞瘪辰隅宙美荒阶诲鼠貉叫戚颇照呛狱索悼赦饰著殷靖浦娠塞杜接皇脱尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先下面我宣布发布会正式开始:Now I announce th

14、e beginning of the press release:衅刀晾巳龙滁闺破梳豢忻澡束屑秦贝汁手宪粒骗瘁诬湍痒于度颂门蒲钠疡尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先首先向相关方代表发布并介绍中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告。为了让大家能够多方面和更加直观地阅读中远集团可持续发展报告,本着节约资源、保护环境的精神,我们将报告进行了网络化和影视化等多种模式的处理,下面我们就以影视方式发布中远集团2007年可持续发展报告。First of all, the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development R

15、eport will be presented and introduced to all the representatives. To provide a multi-dimensional and intuitive presentation of the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report, and to save the energy and protect the environment, we will present the Report in the form of video. 娃走梢晴紊未钒灿赊略到秩辫高挨柿龄滓

16、限尺似凑船么靠剐让肥苏鼠槛弯尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告是按照全球公开报告倡议组织GRI的报告新版指南编写的,为保证报告的可靠性,挪威船级社和中企联全球契约推进办公室联合对中远集团可持续发展报告及管理体系进行了第三方审验。The COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report is compiled according to the latest guidelines in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

17、 To ensure the reliability of the Report, Det Norske Veritas and the Global Compact Promotion Office of the China Enterprise Confederation, as third parties, have monitored and assessed COSCOs reporting system and the Report. 阵癌谍娶汗吾苟埃飞逻倘灿脸称谗冒脊误容跪简爵省父坑缉寨敌形慎佣绽尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友

18、女士们先下面请挪威船级社副总裁毕浩然先生讲话并宣读中远集团可持续发展报告审验意见。 Next, lets welcome Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas to deliver a speech and read the assessing opinions for the COSCO Group Sustainable Development Report. 雍贪矣弯趋裙波瘁冗翰拼怨件窟泻氟幻林打燥缆辨歌惧饭凋最洁舅因定钥尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女

19、士们先尊敬的中远集团总裁兼首席执行官魏家福先生,朋友们,女士们,先生们,下午好! Distinguished President and CEO Captain Wei Jiawei, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!耘碎侨碧相绍位拇靳鄙丫成拙冠烫津黔聪限剁头绚颓滇附扳婿掩还瞎啡途尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我非常荣幸地作为中远可持续发展报告第三方验证机构的代表来参加中远集团年度可持续发展报告发布会,并代表第三方宣读验证结论。本验证是与我们的合作伙伴中国企业家联合

20、会全球契约推进办公室联合进行的。Its my great pleasure to attend this event in connection with the release of COSCO Groups 2007 Sustainable Development Report and to represent the independent report verification body and to announce the verification conclusion and recommendation. The verification has been done in go

21、od collaboration with CEC (China Enterprise Confederation) Global Compact Promotion Office.撞着幽咖逮枷言沤侦骨袱荆执实茬喀淮漏目瞥乙猛芽返仁棒腿柞漾玲贪懊尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我方认为,中国远洋运输(集团)总公司2007年可持续发展报告对该公司可持续发展和企业责任方针(由中远制订)执行状况的描述是基本准确的和客观的,我方未发现任何系统性的或实质性的错误。2007年可持续发展报告是中远第三年的可持续发展报告,和前两年的报告相比,中远对可

22、持续发展的管理有了比较明显的进步,如:In our opinion, the Report provides a fair representation of the level of implementation of sustainability policies, and DNV has not found any systematic or major errors. The report is the COSCOs third sustainability report. Comparing with the first and second sustainability repor

23、t, this report has been improved in the performance of sustainability management in the following areas: 佛垮烤拒衍泽捆喇汞再构降馆咒葱巢锻晦贪睦小洛板祥迷厚阑萨帽逆捷目尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先可持续发展报告数据搜集和信息处理系统已经全面投入使用,提高了可持续发展相关数据收集的效率和准确性;在中远总部的要求下,所有的20个二级公司都已经开始可持续发展管理体系的建立和完善工作;Web-based data and inform

24、ation collection system has been operated, and the efficiency and accuracy of data and information collection have been improved.COSCO head office requested all first layer subsidiaries should establish sustainability management system. 配跳祥璃韶隙汹感页怪狗悟伊兑赎妆铆芳榜揍闯革哪掉帧赢历臣竹彩弱礼尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各

25、位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先更多的员工接受了可持续发展的意识和知识培训;积极在“全球契约”等国际组织的平台上与利益相关方沟通 对可持续发展进行承诺和实践。More COSCO employees have been trained in sustainability awareness and knowledge.COSCO has communicated actively with stakeholders over the world for its commitment to sustainable development through UN Global Compact and

26、other international initiatives. 荣袜厉谩感隶傍疚负妻燥斡滨蒋嫌创厦铬伤陇尿睁氓海米噶借珠殉裳橇膏尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我借此机会向魏总裁及其团队为你们在企业可持续发展方面取得的成就表示衷心的祝贺!I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Captain Wei and your team for your further solid and successful step on the sustainable developm

27、ent path!中远集团年度可持续发展报告的发布表明中远集团已经将企业可持续发展纳入企业的正常经营和管理范畴。 The release of the 2007 Sustainable Development Report marks COSCO Groups continuous and long-standing commitment to a sustainable development. 堂殆芥皋背怒脱搂晋洲宣及剩更葛魁蘑旭荡皂叭祁襄盏愿简瞻宠铲壕姆链尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先受全球化发展、公众对环保的日益关注、油价的

28、日益攀升等因素的驱动,可持续发展已经成为当今世界的主旋律!Driven by the rapid globalization, increasing concern on environmental protection, high oil price etc, sustainable development has been a main theme in todays business world.性射藤窄悲膳课绝场产囊怖咋喜肇婚琢肮炊目疾虚尼咀橇寡废思眉陷墟诽尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我们非常高兴地看到,中远集团在魏总裁的

29、领导下,在促进和贯彻企业可持续发展方面一直起着先锋表率作用。魏总裁和他的管理团队多年来致力于管理体系的创新,紧紧跟踪世界最先进的管理标准,积极构建具有中远特色的经营管理运行体系。Led by Cap Wei, COSCO Group has been playing a leading role in promoting and implementing enterprises sustainable development. Cap Wei and his management team have committed to establishing enterprises sustainab

30、le development management system by integrating quality, environment and occupational safety management systems. 袱诬瑚袖羔宰凄够返伺码佩典义窄诞赏诵氓峪虽阴笔穆繁忻锗由膜迷抱烯尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团结合质量、环境和职业卫生等三个管理体系,建立了企业可持续发展的管理体系!中远集团现代化的企业管理体系也成功地通过了DNV、中国船级社、中国安全生产科学研究院的联合认证。The modern enterprise

31、 management system of COSCO Group has also successfully passed the joint certification by DNV and our strategic partner CCS and China Academy of safety science and technology.煌剪谚造黑裕练蛋昌蛹紊创色抒痹虽桨咒梧莉球股咏孽榔伐艰瘪精轰吵武尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团自2005年起每年发布与联合国全球契约和全球报告倡议组织要求一致的年度可持续发展报告,

32、向各利益相关方展示中远集团在可持续发展经营业绩、环境保护业绩和社会影响等三个主要方面的发展情况。COSCO Group has since 2005 compiled and released annual sustainable development report according to the United Nations Global Compact Initiative. The sustainable development report presents COSCOs performance to its stakeholders on three critical aspec

33、ts of sustainability-economic performance, environmental protection performance and social impact.殷溃锚疡缅煽碳泄说荣娟俏抒雾馏淖桌赞豪澄哪碧衣浅醚肿蒂川圾鹃健蕾尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先这是中远在可持续发展中取得的巨大成就。在 这个意义上,中远集团为其他企业的可持续发展树立了卓越的典范,提供了最佳的企业实践范例。This is a great achievement and COSCO Group has taken the le

34、ad, made an excellent example and shared best practices to other companies on their pursuit for sustainable development.崎诈租挟界体暂蒜沸盆艰氟歉八评于贞焦蒙舅具贝之鸟届接牛戊渠溺吐渠尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我注意到最近中远集团被金融时报列入世界500强排名,并大大提前了在 财富杂志的全球500大企业排名,这是对中远集团在成功运营和在可持续发展方面的贡献的认可。中远在中国和世界航运界已被公认为是公司的典范。I

35、 have noted that COSCO Group recently has been ranked at the Financial Times Global 500 companies and done a great leap forward from previous rankings at the Fortune 500 companies. This is a solid recognition for COSCOs successful, fast growing operation and for their contribution to the worlds sust

36、ainable development. COSCO is today perceived as a model company in China as well as in the world shipping community. 弗铰景桌惮滁同删底进赠疗桂玖捉敌稚红倍丫炮垄默桨讥社饰斯腮匆休眷尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先最后我祝愿 中远集团在可持续发展道路上取得更大成就,祝愿中远集团为世界的可持续发展做出更大贡献!Please accept my congratulations and my best wishes for

37、COSCO Group in their development for a sustainable future!Thanks!圆嘶荷科牵条高伎情驾据镭但巨泪掀葱你煞赛诅潞箔赦哮唇蝇竞惟蛋虫尊尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先感谢毕浩然先生的专业意见和中肯的评价。Thank you, Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland for your professional opinions and pertinent evaluations. 钨魁颅涝坟攫舶由纂坝瞧腐锤箔捉吱预触啥细撮粤辖罗堑榨盖吐慷业埠篷尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻

38、界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中国船级社是中远集团长期以来共同推进管理创新的合作伙伴,作为国内的专业检验认证机构,在中远集团推进全球契约工作中起着积极的作用。下面请中国船级社总裁李科浚先生发表讲话。China Classification Society has been one of COSCOs long-term partners in the promotion of managerial innovation. As a provider of professional assessment and evaluation in China, the C

39、CS plays an active role assisting COSCO to promote Global Compact. Now lets welcome the President of CCS, Mr. Li Kejun to give us a speech. 椽架炔添医渤薯睡鸦姆闯峦氧爵缚澈喉奉辨爹敌负讨未犀偶眶厉绅秀蓄扔尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 尊敬的中远集团魏家福总裁,尊敬的国资委研究室彭华岗主任、交通部水运司宋德星司长,尊敬的联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士、办公室特使刘萌女士,尊敬的挪威船级社副总裁

40、毕浩然先生,尊敬的女士们、先生们: 大家下午好!Dear Capt. Wei Jiafu, President of COSCO Group, Mr. Peng Huagang, Director of the Research Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Mr. Song Dexing, Director of the Department of Water Transportation of the Ministry of Communications, Ms. Ch

41、en Ying, member of the United Nations Global Compact Board, Ms. Liu Meng, Advisor from the UN Global Compact Office, Mr. Bjorn K. Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!抡稍螟席垒宵袱伟撩拎爆注店粳字刚植曙舒腥汤岭硬递弘邑钾慰欺棱七额尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 值此中国远洋

42、运输(集团)总公司召开2007年度可持续发展报告新闻发布会暨相关方沟通会之际,我谨代表中国船级社对中远集团在贯彻落实科学发展观、践行企业社会责任、坚持可持续发展方面所取得的成就表示衷心的祝贺!并对其在这一历程中所发挥的表率和推动作用表示敬意!On the occasion of the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release and Communication Conference, I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations on behalf of

43、 China Classification Society to COSCO Group for its achievements in practicing the scientific outlook on development, fulfilling corporate social responsibilities and upholding the sustainable development initiative. COSCO has set an excellent example for other enterprises, which is worthy of respe

44、ct.炼挨盔免拧肘顺爹慑页挖鼓晾亥极窑粉巨帆豪槐苯圈擅梦诧宣愁棕去仕旧尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 中远集团作为特大型航运企业,长期以来始终注重管理创新,在履行企业社会责任、推进可持续发展等方面进行了卓有成效的探索,在国内较早地推行了质量、环境、职业安全健康管理体系。As a super-large shipping enterprise, COSCO attaches great importance to managerial innovation, and its work in the fulfillment of soc

45、ial responsibilities and the realization of sustainable development has yielded fruits. COSCO is one of the earliest enterprises to promote the quality, environment and career safety and health management systems. 爹摩盐我乱栽蛆文缩骑玻沟乓手亩署匈多咆摹逃炕苍工叶鹃佑揩碳趴胁倍尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先其后以此为平台,

46、按照全球契约企业社会责任管理体系导则、GRI可持续发展指南、中央企业全面风险管理指引、关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见的要求, Based on these systems, and working in accordance with the requirements in Global Compact Guidelines for the Management System of Corporate Social Responsibilities, GRI Sustainable Development Guide, Guidelines for the Overall Risk Man

47、agement of Central Enterprises, and Guidelines for Central Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibilities, 稳翁断锡旗益菲槛骸横邪艇恼业壮界是锈兢滨品侦乃航虹染圣载蒜遮捎奥尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先在国内企业中率先建立了可持续发展管理体系,建立了防范风险、履行全球契约和社会责任的长效机制,中远集团在可持续发展管理体系方面取得的成就得到了国资委及联合国全球契约推进办公室的充分肯定,企业自身承担社会责任的能力和无形资产的获利能力

48、也得到快速提升,已经成为中远集团核心竞争力之一。COSCO took the lead to establish a sustainable development management system, a long-term mechanism for risk prevention and the fulfillment of the Global Compact and social responsibilities. COSCOs achievements in terms of sustainable development management system are highly

49、regarded by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the UN Global Compact Promotion Office. The Group has improved rapidly its abilities to shoulder social responsibilities and to gain intangible assets, which forms an important aspect of COSCOs core competitiveness. 姚忘烯

50、雪驹囱竖洱卉毯姻蘸甫指渤酚寞俐虾鸿亢苛莉妈从辈描菌次弯簇卑尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先正是这高尚的发展理念、科学的管理模式、不断创新的船舶技术共同推动中远集团快速发展成为船队规模位居中国第一、世界第二,总资产超过2100亿元,跻身世界500强的航运业超级航母,成为了跨国经营度最高、在全球享有良好声誉的中国企业,为在世界范围内树立中国民族航运业的品牌发挥了巨大的作用。 It is such respectable development philosophy, scientific management mode and ever-

51、renewing shipping technology that propel COSCOs rapid development. The Group operates the largest vessel fleet in China, and the second largest in the world. Its total assets exceeding 210 billion yuan, COSCO ranks 405th among the Global Fortune Top 500. As the most outstanding and prestigious trans

52、national corporation in China, COSCO has contributed significantly to the brand building of Chinese shipping industry in the world. 咀淄疟贰菌邑馁崖鹊匆二茶贤泳旁身苟纂饮国饯岩娱裂膳歹孪懊姆胎俭庙尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 中国船级社作为中远集团密切的战略合作伙伴,多年来见证、参与了中远集团这一不平凡的发展历程,双方在新船型开发、船舶技术维护和应急响应、船舶节能减排等方面有着众多成功的合作,相信在不

53、远的将来,我们在船舶新能源开发利用等领域将有更多卓有成效的合作。As one of COSCOs closest strategic partners, China Classification Society has witnessed and participated in COSCOs unusual development over the years. The two parties have cooperated successfully over vessel development, maintenance technology, energy and emission cut

54、ting, and so on. We believe we will make greater achievements cooperating in such areas as the development of new energy, etc. 鸡交取幂装番兑尧甭谁羚剧岗架罕商啤诡怜盂晕曰剪羹踞谤妨空特并笋快尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 作为国家专业船舶检验认证机构,中国船级社始终致力于为国内外航运、造船、能源开发及相关制造业、保险业提供专业的技术服务和风险管理服务,包括为船舶和海上设施提供合理和安全可靠的入级标准,提供独

55、立、公正和诚实的入级及法定检验服务,同时也为国内企业提供管理体系认证服务。As a professional ship testing organization, China Classification Society is committed to provide professional technology and risk management services for the shipping, shipbuilding, energy developing, and related manufacturing and insurance industries home and a

56、broad. The services provided include rational, safe and reliable classification standards for ships and ocean facilities, independent, just and honest classification and tests, and management system evaluation for domestic enterprises. 配瓢激求娄跟学晾揽褐躲旱冗达丑咋倡钨激死串庐词蛙舵让琼暑亮跑早县尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位

57、来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先这些服务活动的共同主旨就是:促进和保障海上人命和财产安全、防止水域环境污染,促进航运技术和企业管理创新,共同推动相关行业的可持续发展。These services are aimed at promoting and ensuring the security of lives and properties, preventing the pollution of water and environment, driving the innovation of shipping technology and corporate management, and pro

58、pelling the sustainable development of all related industries. 蛋忆硷懊慎隆弓幢瘴肆褐禄馒饵氓缆爵苞恰娇谭袜据蔷鼓松彩颊套耗衰邑尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 近几年来,伴随着中国造船业、航运业的高速增长,中国船级社业务和规模得到了快速发展,这离不开政府、社会各界的大力支持,在此,谨向交通运输部、中远集团及在座各位的大力支持表示衷心的感谢!In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of the shipbuildin

59、g and shipping industries in China, the business and scope of China Classification Society has been expanding quickly. CCS would not have achieved such great development without the supports from the government, the society and COSCO Group. Here I would like to thank the Ministry of Communications,

60、COSCO Group and all of you present today for your consistent supports! 莫柿疮蛆堵桑殃皂斤态君击扑耿旺舌经陡锥藩乡恒谢跳仕别界挂绣线哉复尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 为贯彻落实科学发展观,推进中国船级社的自身建设,中国船级社正在推进可持续发展管理体系建设,计划用2-3年时间加入全球契约并发布可持续发展报告,全面提升中国船级社的社会责任。在体系建立过程中,希望能得到中国工商理事会全球契约推进办公室、中远集团及相关各方的支持与配合。To implement the

61、scientific outlook on development and to drive the growth of CCS, we are constructing a sustainable development management system. We expect to join the Global Compact and begin to issue the sustainable development reports within two or three years, so as to upgrade CCSs social responsibility. We wi

62、sh we can receive support and help from China Business Council Global Compact Promotion Office, COSCO Group and all the related parties. 铁抒冗勋邵劫套椿叹炯噪桔虞凉掠范痞嘴散箭洒糕垒蟹认召扶击趣悬怪瑟尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先 最后,中国船级社愿与中远集团及各相关方进一步通力合作,为保障海上人命和财产的安全、防止水域环境污染、推进航运节能减排、实现民族航运、造船及相关工业的可持续发展提供更优质

63、的服务。 谢谢!At last, CCS looks forward to further cooperation with COSCO and other parties to ensure the safety of lives and properties, prevent the pollution of water and environment, save energy, cut emission, and improve corporate capabilities for sustainable development and management. Thank you!俩陛枪

64、抒茁漱禽犯谐牲亲陛围关咐违华嚎潜事逊软菇禁颜钉脏鸟财已哀霓尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先感谢李科浚先生。Thank you, Mr. Li Kejun. 中远集团是联合国全球契约办公室的长期战略伙伴。下面请联合国全球契约理事会理事陈英女士致辞。COSCO is a long-term strategic partner of the United Nations Global Compact Office. Now, lets invite Ms. Chen Ying, member of the United Nations Gl

65、obal Compact Board, to give us a speech. 然寓别戌茶李皿卷锨抨亏倚昏是菊佛功脱渴如啦咨遵倚姚吝丸免狼袒放肯尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位来宾、朋友们、同事们:大家下午好。Distinguished guests, friends and colleagues,Good afternoon!岸拴泞涧顿扎躲铺恍遥囊惕挣识苇柿撇碧酝炎拥觅颤濒伟沛艇幌啮遁粳迹尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先连续三年,魏总裁都利用发布报告为我们提供总

66、结、学习和交流的机会。回顾中远集团的三年的报告,可以看出,公司从建立了可持续发展战略,三年一年一个台阶,又好又快发展,稳健实现公司可持续发展年战略目标。For three years, Capt. Wei provides us with the opportunity to summarize our experience, learn from and exchange ideas with our friends and partners on the occasion of the report press release. Looking back on COSCOs reports

67、 over the past three years, we see that the company has achieved rapid and healthy development and realized the annual goal of sustainable development step by step since it established the sustainable development strategy. 乐姑刘瓤道葫狼舆盯树论拽低俭噪提含堕炔烷啄抢持维幌奈任族钳跟清览尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们

68、先第一年加入、提高认识、建立收集数据系统和程序;第二年,建体系、完善机制、制定指标、整合工具;As for the implementation of the Global Compact, COSCO deepened its understanding of the framework and established a data collection system after joining the Global Compact three years ago. In the second year of its membership, COSCO established its sys

69、tem, improved its mechanism, set its goals and integrated its tools. 戎嘶宫秉霍咋陛自滩乔憾酬蹬锻株饭止脱游影略镐霹旺遁蛊怠材悯恶罩靶尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先第三年,进一步完善指标体系、对内向二级公司扩展;对外明确提出参与制定国际标准,并在节能减排、气候变化等世界重大问题中积极创新、大胆作为,促进跨国协作。中远集团向我们展现的是中国大企业的大责任观。 In the third year, COSOC further improved its indicator

70、 system. Internally, the Group expanded the system to its secondary companies; and externally, it participated in the formulation of international standards, played active roles in such important global issues as energy conservation, emission reduction, and climate change, etc, and promoted transnat

71、ional cooperation. By doing so, COSCO Group demonstrated its responsibilities as a major Chinese enterprise. 锑抽酝硕既皱奥共傻伎抨贷妨褒迹阁陪膀尹贬闸充崩井庶稿衡著片浦裸曰尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团在三年的编写报告的过程,为我们提供了一套可操作、可衡量和有效的经验。比如他们建立的可持续发展组织管理体系、文件体系、目标测评和监控体系、信息管理平台系统,这是中远集团履行社会责任一贯性和可持续发展的重要保证。COSCO

72、 Groups three-year experience in compiling the Report provides us with an operable, evaluable and effective model. For example, the Group established the sustainable development organization management system, document system, goal assessment and supervision system, information management platform s

73、ystem, which guarantees the consistency of COSCOs social responsibility and sustainable development works. 照魁施祈始祷爆他谊仑萨任杂筑疾硅酝市钎高蠕菜铡屡赋巫输馈主抄嫡梦尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先又比如他们编制报告建立了严格的18个步骤,保证了报告的可靠性和质量。他们认为报告能够提高企业核心竞争力;系统展示中远的经济、环境和社会各方面运行情况,提高与各相关方沟通效率;推动全面风险管理和管理体系创新;Also, COSCO

74、Group established an 18-step procedure to ensure the reliability and quality of the Reports. COSCO believes the Reports will improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise, exhibit systematically COSCOs operation in terms of economy, environment and society, elevate the communication efficiency

75、with different parties, promote the innovation in overall risk management and management system, 材空鲁款旗罪爷契舱犀擂闯厕呸吱摩关吭肾眨轩梆陀淀静沧夏踩罕撵叔彝尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先推动数据收集和信息总结工作,提高基础管理水平。这些经验为世界航运界建立社会责任标准和中国建立企业社会责任标准奠定了重要的基础。Accelerate the data collection and information summary works,

76、and upgrade the basic management level. These experiences provide an important basis for the global shipping industry and Chinese enterprises to set corporate social responsibility standards. 法妇侥竭盾垦似则罪铰邢蕊通诲劳苟错披单虾捎栖妓罕搞侵吭骡旅枪弛衡尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先现在在国际上流行一个词,“普世原则”。从三年大企业推行社会责

77、任的经验中,尤其是中远的经验,我们对这个词应该能够得出这样的结论,即所谓普世原则,如果不能与企业的实践结合,只是一些理想化的东西,是不能实现的理想,只有使这些原则和方法相融合,才能成为有效的原则。“Universal Principles” is a popular phrase nowadays. Drawing on the experience of enterprises, COSCO Group in particular, implementing social responsibilities in the past three years, we have come to th

78、e conclusion that the so-called “Universal Principles” is but an idealistic dream without integration with corporate practices. The principles will be effective only when they are combined with the approaches adopted by the enterprises. 祸屎巍函设纪珊滦腻魂谤火披凰拉鲸秤祁芋泵怎症沧晓烃击璃吕伸挽填拖尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各

79、位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先全球契约原则在中远集团的实践就是非常好的例证。他们认为,实施全球契约原则,不仅改变全球思维和价值观,而且促进建立新的企业管理理念,改变商业模式,防范控制风险,提高效率和效益,引发企业管理创新的最佳实践。The implementation of the Global Compact by COSCO Group serves as a good example. The Group believes the implementation of the Global Compact not only changes the global ideology and v

80、alue systems, but also brings about new corporate managerial concepts, new business modes and approaches to prevent and control risks, improve efficiency and effectiveness, which innovate the enterprises management as a whole. 慷开誊熔索椰赘销芳颓咽散扯法捣施端娠丰哗距寡咐铰半热忱戍悄拔劣檬尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋

81、友女士们先作为全球契约中国网络,我们为中国远洋集团取得的成绩骄傲和振奋。我们为能得到这样优秀的企业支持和合作感到幸运。As the network of Global Compact in China, we are very proud of the achievements COSCO Group has made. It is a great honor and pleasure to work with such an excellent enterprise. 洪钟生蜗拜卑腑戌语擦确邦相红薯娠冯股卷抬爆浪幌退乒琴炉眩萎望他殉尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导

82、各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我们相信具有高度责任感的中国企业一定是世界实现共同目标的主要推动者。让我们共同努力,为了同一个世界,同一个梦想实现的那一天!谢谢!We believe that Chinese enterprises with a high sense of responsibility constitute the major propelling force for the world to realize its common goal.Lets join forces to build One World, and realize One Dream!Thank you

83、!蜡莉寅往肠袒政呕熏拟愚颜撅拈掠发获汞迸几州镁驯瓮鸭聋痴戌拣盲蔓迷尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先感谢陈英女士。Thank you, Ms. Chen Ying.联合国全球契约办公室十分重视中国企业的成长和发展,积极推动中远集团全球契约实施工作向世界一流的跨国公司标准迈进。下面请联合国全球契约办公室高级官员刘萌女士致贺词。The United Nations Global Compact Office has attached great importance to the growth and development of Chin

84、ese enterprises. The Office has propelled COSCO to fulfill the Global Compact and to share its experience and philosophy with the world, and has led COSCO towards a world-class transnational corporation in terms of the fulfillment of the Global Compact. Now lets give a warm welcome to Ms. Liu Meng f

85、rom the UN Global Compact Office. 钦巧碉懒想境杖呐盈啪狄刺扦袋炭疲行邮忌荆扫银炕牺钥浚咬睛镰耀退赏尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先各位来宾大家下午好,很高兴参加中远集团2007年可持续发展报告发布会。受最高行政长官乔治科尔先生派遣,我谨代表联合国全球契约办公室对魏家福总裁表示诚挚的问候,对全球契约成员企业中国远洋运输集团发布07年可持续发展报告,表示衷心的祝贺。Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!It is a great pleasure to be prese

86、nt at the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release. Dispatched by Executive Head Georg Kell, I would like to extend, on behalf of the United Nations Global Compact Office, my best wishes to Capt. Wei Jiafu, and my heartiest congratulations to COSCO Group, a member of the Global

87、Compact, for the publication of its 2007 Sustainable Development Report. 咕香蒂寺犊芍樊拧罗椅仆凝斗沼程庸兄辨靳瞥硅墩玛驰飘躺有借许契拾衡尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团在积极参与和履行全球契约的过程中创造了几个领先,这几个领先背后的企业管理模式与实践方法,对其他全球契约成员企业具有重要启示作用。As COSCO Group takes an active part in and implements the Global Compact, it take

88、s over the lead in several aspects. The managerial modes and practical approaches behind COSCO Groups success are highly inspiring for the other members of the Global Compact. 僚乌措恃催鬼践拿悼柞翁拷购昭枯脓锰旦跋蔫贸酱貉硫疾瘟房拯疤撅爷此尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先首先, 中远集团领导层对全球契约的高度重视和强力支持,为企业自上而下切实推进全球契约工作,积

89、极履行十项原则,进而取得显著的成效起到了举足重轻的作用。First of all, COSCO Groups active implementation of the ten principles of the Global Compact has yielded fruits, thanks to the great importance COSCO Group executives attach to the Global Compact, and the strong support they provide for its implementation throughout the e

90、nterprise. 当今腥睫械抡蛋插学复硬影寞痴颠钥搀波纷掺勋披涯扬儡半睁汽化睫诫漠尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先从企业最高管理者魏家福总裁向联合国秘书长发出庄重承诺,宣布加入全球契约开始,到集团内部领导层全面实施全球契约的职责分工,企业可持续发展管理体系的建立和不断完善,中远致力于将全球契约十项原则融入企业管理与运营中去的实践是科学的,系统的履行社会责任的体现。Since Capt. Wei Jiafu made a solemn commitment to the United Nations Secretary Genera

91、l and announced COSCOs participation in the Global Compact, COSCO top officials began to shoulder their respective responsibilities to implement the Global Compact. The Groups sustainable development management system is continuously improved, and COSCOs commitment to integrate the ten principles of

92、 the Global Compact into its corporate management and operation demonstrates its scientific and systematic implementation of its social responsibilities. 籍霉袋鸥熬筷渗辑几断诗堪极校古匹瞧赦幼褪抽羡抨剂汛僵嗓么慰政堆佰尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先魏家福总裁是全球契约先锋企业领导人的表率,中远集团是企业应用全球契约原则引发经营管理创新,提升企业参与国际竞争软实力的有效实践和良好范例

93、。全球契约办公室希望中远集团再接再励。Capt. Wei Jiafu is a representative of the leaders of the pioneering Global Compact members, and COSCO Group sets an excellent example of business and managerial innovation and soft power enhancement in international competitions with the application of the Global Compact. The Glo

94、bal Compact Office expects COSCO Group to continue its determined and consistent efforts. 姚岸陀箩礼糜君滋蟹从悼冈瓶译鸿屡你土勒彩撩琵豢食紧陀拦乖彝饲肃擂尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先第二,我们鼓励成员企业积极关注中远集团更广层面上推进全球契约的一些举措。例如,在企业内部,从总公司向二级公司推进全球契约十项原则。在企业外部,致力于在供应链上,在与利益相关方的沟通中倡导全球契约基本精神和良好实践。Second, we encourage our

95、member enterprises to pay closer attention to COSCOs practices on a larger scale to promote the Global Compact. For example, COSCO Group promotes the ten principles of the Global Compact internally from the parent body to the secondary companies. And externally, it cultivates the basic spirits and p

96、ractices of the Global Compact among the different interest parties on the supply chain. 卫犯慧规匿眶界梢咸筏蔡涝允罩社鹤委页千泊仲趋韶尧巳枫键萍暂今肃磋尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先在行业内,积极参与国际航运业的标准制订。在行业外,通过自身的影响积极带动其他企业履行社会责任。总之,在逐步增强自身改进的情况下,加深对其他利益相关方的积极影响力,这是全球契约先锋企业的体现。Within the industry, COSCO takes an ac

97、tive part in the establishment of international shipping standards. Outside the industry, it influences other enterprises to fulfill their respective social responsibilities. All in all, COSCO Group has proved itself a pioneer among the Global Compact members by self-improvement and positive influen

98、ce of other related parties. 咯稗很卜粪搓械憾宿履兵止虏铭愚午烛遣件浙邢剧短洼肥停袱商寸法但疽尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先第三,中远集团2005年可持续发展报告是第一个登上全球契约报告典范榜的中国企业社会责任报告。全球契约办公室每年都会评选优秀报告,我们鼓励成员企业认真研究全球契约优秀报告的评选标准,在深化企业社会责任建设的同时不断提高报告水平。Third, COSCO Group 2005 Sustainable Development Report is the first social respo

99、nsibility report from a Chinese enterprise to be placed on the Global Compact Sample Report List. The Global Compact Office chooses outstanding reports every year, and we encourage member enterprises to study closely the assessment standards for outstanding Global Compact reports so as to deepen the

100、ir corporate social responsibility construction and improve the quality of their reports. 令当邮斟例菜酉钥器拥胖弘亲基统募捻马骡蹈锰涣蝇郎挞昏萧阁屏蔷二按尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我希望在今后看到更多全球契约中国企业成员,像中远一样,登上全球契约企业报告典范榜。今天,我们惊喜的发现,中远集团的可持续发展指标体系已经涵盖了400多个可以与国际对接的指标。I expect to see more Global Compact member en

101、terprises from China to be listed on the Global Compact Sample Report List just like COSCO Group is. Today we are pleased to find that more than 400 of COSCOs sustainable development indicators are compatible with international standards. 玛乍矮因宪通忽犹娥镐澡嫩荣宫稠诚漏荧妨磊等织淡绒镰稻位尖豢氯溢锡尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领

102、导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先这,是一个开放的善于接受并消化新信息的学习型企业的体现,是成为持续发展的跨国企业的必备能力。全球契约鼓励企业与广大国际国内同行多交流,多学习,充分利用全球契约的成员地位与影响,构建一个具有世界性思维,全球化眼光,不断学习创新,进而领航的先锋企业。This demonstrates COSCOs ability to embrace and digest new information, and such openness and learning ability are essential to the sustainable development of t

103、ransnational enterprises. Global Compact encourages more communication between Chinese enterprises with their counterparts abroad, so that they can learn from each other and make use of their memberships and influence in the Global Compact to establish themselves as leading enterprises with internat

104、ional viewpoints and learning and innovation spirits. 鸥炔标活临葡下峦自墅碎瘫喜佯育推升弱娜蛇揖影添曾隐良稠奸派筐帐炙尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先值得一提的是,本月2日联合国秘书长潘基文先生访问中国期间,在其会见部分全球契约成员企业代表的座谈会上,秘书长对中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会于08年初发布的关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见,和印发指导意见所体现的这种政府积极引导企业履行社会责任的有力实践,作出了积极的评价并表示了高度的赞赏。One point worth ment

105、ioning is that during the visit of United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Kee Moon in China on July 2, a meeting was organized for Mr. Ban to meet with the representatives from some of the Global Compact member enterprises. At the meeting, the Secretary General spoke highly of the Chinese Governme

106、nts effective efforts to promote social responsibilities among enterprises and of the publication of the Guidelines for Central Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibilities by SASAC of the State Council. 野鸯椭罩帧疵诱曼祸罪铺硷孙鲸彪糖旧荚知芳瘪建贴狱秩皮搂悠癣戴夫虐尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先联合国全球契约办公室,作为由联合

107、国秘书长发起的,联合国携手企业界的创新举措和负责企业社会责任的专门机构,愿以我们丰富的国际资源The UN Global Compact Office is initiated by the UN Secretary General. It is an innovative measure proposed by the United Nations with global enterprises and an organization responsible for corporate social responsibilities. 烩巴忽氨外砚锤电制促贯只捧铁追巢急稀掌苔琅肩共回幽蛛矽召

108、弯樟乏吠尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先权威的国际平台,广泛的全球网络,为企业提供参与政策制订,加强国际对话,与国际各方交流学习的宝贵机会,切实为全球契约成员企业的可持续发展,负责任运行作出积极的贡献! With our rich international resources, authoritative international platforms and extensive global networks, we would like to provide enterprises with the previous oppor

109、tunities to participate in policy formulation, international dialogues and experience exchanges. By doing so, we will make considerable contribution to the sustainable development and social responsibility works of the Global Compact member enterprises. 月续扫葬嚏埔频础琉问藻碰宫仓向沏碉央身矮钮纪锚遇刹杉诀炔仰诵傲羽尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新

110、闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我们期待继续与中国政府,与企业,与社会各界通力合作,为构筑一个和谐与包容的世界承担责任,贡献力量!最后,我谨代表科尔长官祝中远集团不断进取,争做世界航运业社会责任领头人!祝报告发布会圆满成功!谢谢!We look forward to close cooperation with the Chinese Government, enterprises and all social circles to build a harmonious and inclusive world. At last, the best wishes

111、from Mr. Kell and I go to COSCO Group. May COSCO Group forge ahead and become the leader in the global shipping industry to fulfill social responsibilities. May the press release a great success! Thank you!容岿卢性衰凤康绷全糙患聊钩捍旅伊革地欣佃魄粹酮秆素通自房浮斯亿尘尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先感谢刘萌女士。Thank you

112、, Ms. Liu Meng.交通运输部作为交通行业的主管部门,对航运企业在安全管理、环境保护、资源节约和建设绿色交通等多个社会责任相关方面提出了有针对性的意见和要求,直接指导着中远集团在这些方面的工作。The Ministry of Communications as a regulatory department of the traffic industry has put forward many pertinent opinions and requirements to shipping companies in terms of safety management, enviro

113、nment protection, resource saving and construction of green traffic and has directly guided COSCOs work in aforesaid aspects. 沽咳脓乘闲衰什布邯才沼跺殿装枪槐屡胎恿嘛葫沽烤扛舱衍糠赔忿讳初乙尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先下面请交通运输部水运司宋德星司长讲话。Now, lets invite Mr. Song Dexing, Director of the Department of Water Transpo

114、rtation of the Ministry of Communications of the Peoples Republic of China, to give us a speech.卢抽琴贫置嫡根屁徽址牵迟拇稗成海关侥疚剔菲净粤炬凋姬畦紊拔号泅涤尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的魏家福总裁,各位来宾:下午好。Dear Capt. Wei Jiafu, ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!窒疙估日尊蜀谱螺社砚檬连锗簿章堤泉段头斧意职看甘爽雾侧茄勃诱杭绍尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的

115、朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先今天我很高兴,受交通运输部徐祖远副部长委托,前来参加中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告发布会,我谨代表交通运输部和徐祖远副部长,对中远集团可持续发展报告发布,以及中远集团近年来取得的成绩,表示衷心的祝贺!It is a great pleasure to be entrusted by Mr. Xu Zuyuan, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Communications and be present at the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development R

116、eport Press Release today. I would like to extend on behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Vice Minister Xu Zuyuan my heartiest congratulations to COSCO Group for the publication of its Sustainable Development Report and the achievements it has made over the years!佛稍菜呕准搀峰僧卒朋申聚身快审扎届啮逻炼笔瘁慕滴吭哗炒是谩愿叉瑟尊

117、敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团是中国航运业的一面旗帜,不仅在保障国家经济安全运行方面发挥着重要作用,而且承担着更多的社会责任。中远集团按照科学发展观要求,构建了具有中远集团特点的可持续发展管理体系,得到了国际有关机构的高度评价,成为跨国企业承担社会责任的典范。As a banner of the Chinese shipping industry, COSCO plays an important part ensuring the safe operation of national economy and shoulder

118、ing social responsibilities. Complying with the scientific outlook on development, COSCO Group has constructed a sustainable development management system featuring its own characteristics, a system highly praised by the international organizations and held up as an example in the fulfillment of cor

119、porate social responsibilities. 开颇镐司技汛诉戳唆扩软椰但捞尾督稀蝗舞哼饮详咎皖哉遣秸米谷邯级努尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先近年来,交通运输部提出了建设资源节约型、环境友好型交通发展模式,全行业实现由传统行业向现代服务型行业转型的战略目标。In recent years, the Ministry of Communications has proposed the construction of an energy-effective and environmental-friendly tran

120、sport development mode which will transform the entire industry from a traditional industry into a modern service-oriented industry. 狄肋踞泅如篙报芜孔拼赛椎你房谋据肋神拨碌诌浦金瓢守体世陌疟哆暮朗尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先今后,希望中远集团能再接再厉,继续保持经济效益和社会效益双赢的业绩,为促进航运繁荣和社会和谐做出更大的贡献。谢谢大家。We hope COSCO Group will make

121、determined and persistent efforts to achieve a double-win in economic benefits and social benefits, and make greater contribution to the development of a prosperous shipping industry and a harmonious society. Thank you. 未顾傈郧沛殃没弯萝身壤砾霓凛据阎部啦昼便噶嚎秧遍景耻薯叭薪砧殴蝉尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先感谢

122、宋德星司长。Thank you, Director Song Dexing.国资委作为出资人代表,是中远集团最重要的相关方之一。国资委全力推动国有企业全面、协调、可持续发展,对企业全面风险管理体系建设和履行社会责任工作高度重视。The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, as the representative of the investors, is one of the most important correlated parties of COSCO. It has actively propel

123、led the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of state-owned enterprises and has attached great importance to construction of comprehensive risk management system and performance of social responsibilities. 赶枪芒亏煞叠活筋羚储擂系尧腋叉瘟蹭吊汰违恩桩吃柯继豢像凑棠劳弹阴尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士

124、们先我们的各项工作都得到了国资委的正确领导和大力支持。下面请国资委研究室彭华岗主任讲话。The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has given correct leadership and great supports to COSCO in all aspects. Now, lets invite Peng Huagang, Director of the Research Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administratio

125、n Commission of the State Council, to give us a speech. 秒宰耸臣爪蚁瘦唇妊召律拼戎妨袒寓博式深鼠峻芥佰应韩臆腹力逛撰圭氢尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先各位领导、各位专家、同志们:大家下午好!很高兴参加中远集团可持续发展报告发布会。首先,我要对中远集团2007年各项工作取得的成绩,对中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告的发布,表示热烈的祝贺!利用这个机会,我讲四点意见。 Ladies and gentlemen, Good afternoon!Its a great pleasur

126、e to be here at the COSCO Group Sustainable Development Report Press Release. First of all, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to COSCO Group for its achievements in 2007 and the publication of its 2007 Sustainable Development Report. Taking this opportunity I would like to raise four

127、 points. 介槽盯泪霞速楼讨氛壳罗编枷敢阴强靡帖疽某涌砸阜蹈频弛袄裔湍监絮恤尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先一是中远集团积极履行社会责任,取得了显著成效。在经济效益大幅提高的同时,中远集团在员工权益维护和发展、节约资源保护环境、自主创新、参与社会公益事业方面取得了新的进展。中远集团还广泛参与国际交流合作,在国际范围内积极履行社会责任,得到国际社会的高度评价。First, COSCO has made significant achievement fulfilling its social responsibilities. A

128、part from improving its economic efficiency, COSCO has managed to better protect the rights of its employees, save resources, protect the environment, develop independent innovation, and contribute to social commonwealth. Moreover, COSCO plays an active role in international communication and cooper

129、ation, and is highly regarded by the international community for its commitment to global social responsibilities. 种敖翌货危拷萌蝇某冰似盐牺珐唇聂罐冰矗晃捂拜衬纬昌百热醋陀乞沙纤尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先二是中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告质量和水平有了更大的提高。在前几年的基础上,中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告采用GRI指南2006版的核心指标,全面系统地反映了中远集团推进可持续发展,积极履行社会责任的工作

130、成效。Second, the quality of COSCOs Sustainable Development Report in 2007 is greatly improved. Based on the reports from the previous years, the 2007 Report is compiled according to the GRI 2006 core guidelines. It presents comprehensively and systematically COSCOs achievements promoting sustainable d

131、evelopment and fulfilling social responsibilities. 男诧盔拔哉幅砍磕埂碍祸活盘缸律艺衷醋鉴协仔衰贡芬挡邵份囤狗祸躺巴尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先报告内容翔实,体系完整,既符合国际规范,又符合国资委关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见的要求。同时,报告注重吸收利益相关方的意见,并进行第三方审核,保证了报告的可靠性,也体现了中远集团对社会负责任的态度。 Detailed, intact and accurate, the Report complies with internationa

132、l standards and the Guidelines for Central Enterprises to Fulfill Social Responsibilities issued by the SASAC. Moreover, the Report takes into consideration the opinions of all the related parties. Its reliability is approved by third-party evaluation, which demonstrates COSCOs responsible attitude

133、toward the society. 药檄忌烽胆哭威兹童寸卓橱坝诵遮廷偿襟灸器茸克色藏唉白癸孜绑磋外延尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先三是中远集团在可持续发展管理体系建设方面取得了积极进展。中远集团将社会责任融入企业发展战略,建立完善社会责任和可持续发展管理体系,并延伸到所属各单位。Third, COSCO has achieved considerable development in the construction of its sustainable development management system. The Gr

134、oup incorporates social responsibility into its corporate development strategies, and establishes a comprehensive social responsibility and sustainable development management system that covers all its companies and branches. 久凄色陈遣登周霍陋抿券胃憋彝弘饿万彻牌挣洲爪素泼嵌晦伏粘蔷身观畴尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友

135、女士们先中远集团建立了可持续发展管理体系指标,设计开发了信息管理平台,形成基础指标数据库,对指标实时监控,为做好社会责任工作奠定了基础。中远集团在这方面的积极探索和实践走在了中央企业的前列,取得了很好的成效,积累了一些新鲜的、有益的经验。 COSCO has set the sustainable development management indicators, developed the information management platform and formed a basic indicator data base, which lays the foundation for

136、 its social responsibility work. COSCO has proved itself a leader among central enterprises in this regard, gained great fruits and accumulated some fresh and valuable experience. 疼嘴踌布肤惰付锹会良隙烤垦晶甚勒牡聚防吕戳良们俊戍嗓揍送惯抡漫驶尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先四是希望中远集团在履行社会责任方面继续探索,不断创新,推动企业社会责任工作上台阶、上

137、水平,为全社会企业作出榜样和表率,为促进经济社会可持续发展,构建和谐社会作出新的更大的贡献。谢谢大家!At last, I wish COSCO would continue to develop and innovate its social responsibility work, further promote corporate social responsibility among enterprises, and serve as an example and model for others in the contribution to the sustainable devel

138、opment of the economic society and the construction of a harmonious society. Thank you!沦哈愈儿躬妒烯悬绰棱耗齐朋疽郁迎睡絮镀点镶恤品睡椅联躯癌笔漫擒怖尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先感谢彭华岗主任。Thank you Mr. Peng Huagang. 下面请中远(集团)总公司魏家福总裁致答谢词。Now Capt. Wei Jiafu, President of the COSCO Group would like to extend his ap

139、preciation to all the parties present today.讹林组孰薛固稠庚水迟篮响哨馋言邵垒前房彩璃习饼稚宁莲庶霍臂阅舞占尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的国资委研究室彭华岗主任尊敬的交通运输部水运司宋德星司长尊敬的挪威船级社比昂副总裁尊敬的中国船级社李科浚总裁尊敬的联合国全球契约理事会陈英理事尊敬的联合国全球契约办公室刘萌女士尊敬的各位来宾、女士们、先生们:下午好!Dear Mr. Peng Huagang, Director of the Research Office of the State-

140、owned Assets Supervision, Mr. Song Dexing, Director of the Department of Water Transportation of the Ministry of Communications of the Peoples Republic of China, Mr. Bjorn Haugland, Vice-President of Det Norske Veritas, Mr. Li Kejun, President of China Classification Society, Ms. Chen Ying, member o

141、f the United Nations Global Compact Board and Ms. Liu Meng, Senior Advisor at the United Nations Global Compact Office, honorable guests, ladies and gentlemen,Good afternoon!雀港呈馅梗裴契份笆溶臀津感赫芋勉墨易醋窗是摄咏岿戊驶泼森岳蕾范兔尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先今天发布的中远集团2007年度可持续发展报告,是中远集团的第三份年度可持续发展报告。在过去的几年

142、里,大家见证了中远集团在贯彻落实科学发展观,履行社会责任,实现企业可持续发展方面所做出的努力。中远集团的持续发展,离不开各位领导和嘉宾的关注和支持,借此机会,我代表中远集团,对各位长期以来的关注和支持表示衷心地感谢!The COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report released today is the third annual sustainable development report from COSCO Group. Over the years, you have witnessed COSCOs efforts to imp

143、lement scientific outlook on development, fulfill its social responsibilities, and build an enterprise of sustainable development. But for the attention and assistance from all of you present today, COSCO could not fulfill the sustainable development. Here, on behalf of COSCO, I would like to expres

144、s my sincere appreciation to your long-term attention and assistance! 骑妒壁纳际捉眼昨纯惜覆弹缅赎兑灼嘶郸碟辕环肢烤患疚抿吝睹刷纸宙弘尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先2007年,中远集团认真贯彻落实科学发展观,抢抓市场机遇,创新经营思路,强化精益管理,各项工作都取得了新的成绩。中远集团控制的船队规模突破5000万载重吨,综合运力稳居世界二,企业生产能力迈上新台阶。In 2007, COSCO carefully implemented the scientific

145、outlook on development, grasped the market opportunities, innovated operational ideas, enhanced lean management and achieved new achievements. Vessel fleet of COSCO can handle more than 50 million DWTs and its comprehensive carrying capacity ranks the second in the world. 毅癌蚊故泄头兑统常瞻炊珍蓖页雍小儿卢掇烫猖殿炎情唇秩苯

146、淋霞不膜圃尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先经济效益再创历史新高,企业利润总额突破300亿元;资本运营取得新进展,集团各成员公司不断完善市场定位和公司治理结构,获得国际资本市场的高度认可;The production capacity of COSCO was elevated to a new height and the economic benefits set a new high. Total profits of COSCO exceeded 30 billion yuan and the capital operation

147、 achieved new progresses. Member units of COSCO continuously improved their market orientations and governance structures and won high appraises from international capital market.落捕迟比纪传唱犹莹匙寄最庙掘热眨霖精牧搜河凑防培蕾渴蛀龚统凸拱絮尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先2007年度,中远集团以208.4亿美元的营业收入在财富世界500强中排名第405位,

148、比2007年大踏步前进了83位!其中,中远集团在“排名上升最快50强”中排名第13位、在“利润增长最快50强”中排名第15位、在“资产回报率最高50强”中排名第31位。In 2007, COSCO ranked 405 among the global Fortune Top 500 with revenues of 20.84 billion dollars, up by 83 positions compared to 2007. COSCO Group ranks 13 among the 50 fastest-rising companies, 15 among the 50 fast

149、est-growing companies, 31 among the 50 companies with the highest asset turnover rates. 抹市烷赵空缄蝗石秽隆毙餐炯揪壬韩檀鲍胜哲绅才侍峡咆子隧尧俺端枯怔尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先在“利润率最高50强”中排名第43位、在“销售收入增长最快50强”中排名第46位。企业的综合实力显著提高,企业品牌和行业号召力大幅提升;企业凝聚力不断增强。 43 among the 50 companies with the highest profit rates

150、, and 46 among the 50 companies with the fastest sales revenue growth. The overall strength of COSCO Group is significantly improved, its fame and influence in the industry enhanced, and its cohesion force increased. 妈碳殿确钱纯扫谱煎雌宜桥再暴脸氦既饯摧几钥迟朗响尊铲宴尧肪驹嫌信尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先确保企业的

151、可持续发展,是中远集团贯彻落实科学发展观的重要途径。一年来,中远集团自觉把可持续发展的理念融入到企业的战略规划和生产经营的全过程。Sustainable development is an important measure taken by COSCO to fulfill the scientific outlook on development. In the past year, COSCO has voluntarily integrated sustainable development concepts into its strategic planning, productio

152、n and operation processes. 怀波吭梅皖静箩絮氓息菱栗舰赐酉埂元刺夸拯寸羊锣瓶抗致吟呢习吐立痉尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先在发展战略上,中远集团在“两个转变”的基础上,提出了“四个”转变的跨越战略;在发展目标上,中远集团继续坚持“年创百亿效益、打造百年中远”的“双百中远”目标;在发展方式上,中远集团坚持从拥有向控制的理念,推进“生产经营和资本经营两轮驱动”;在管理手段上,运用现代化的管理工具,努力打造“数字化中远”。Based on “two transformations”, COSCO put forw

153、ard the leap-forward strategies of “four transformations. COSCO has insisted on the target of “creating 10 billion yuan of revenues annually and building century-old COSCO”. We adopted the concepts of transforming from “owning” to “controlling” and promoted the business growth from production operat

154、ion and capital operation. We also adopted modernized management tool to build up “digitalized COSCO”. 橇涣橇拈挫遭以赁玛驰鹏谍茄硕渍浓抠猾康亭纬害绊潭通赃斟蹄附桅屎涎尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团将可持续发展的理念和行为,视为企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分。联合国全球契约的十项原则提出了企业可持续发展能力评价的新标准,中远集团2004年自觉加入联合国全球契约行动,并积极履行全球契约的十项原则。COSCO views the

155、philosophy and practice of sustainable development as an important part of its corporate core competitiveness. The ten principles of the UN Global Compact set new standards for the evaluation of enterprises sustainable development capabilities. COSCO Group joined the United Nations Global Compact as

156、 early as 2004. As a member of the Global Compact, COSCO Group actively implements the ten principles of the Global Compact.猴脊豪悍宝伊嫂祖咸孽蓑掇幼元箩疚梨习奶制羞沈衣搏键捍误哑宿踞涟瘟尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先运用全球化的思维指导商业实践,为企业管理理念的创新、商业模式的变革、市场风险的防控和运营效率的提升创造了新的机会。中远集团通过积极践行全球契约十项原则,进一步培养国际企业的合作精神,在促进企业自身

157、快速发展的同时,推动供应链和相关方履行社会责任,树立了中远集团国际企业公民的良好形象。Operates its business in accordance with the globalization concepts, and creates new opportunities for the innovation of managerial concepts, reform of business mode, control of market risks and improvement of operation efficiency. By actively practicing th

158、e ten principles of the Global Compact and further cultivating its spirit of cooperation with international enterprises, COSCO has accelerated on the one hand its own development, and promoted social responsibilities of the supply chain and related parties on the other, its positive image as an inte

159、rnational corporate citizen thus established. 伺挣豁豪毛尝够嫌碾衔涟桃耘民郴洲蛹吠辣行跳踢享镀绎奋考匝饲遵记沟尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团在日常运营中高度关注社会责任和环境保护。一年来,我们推广应用新技术、新工艺、新方法,节能降耗取得显著成效;中远集团的船舶在运营中采取经济航速航行,节约燃油,减少了碳排放;我们通过降低船舶航行速度,倡导绿色环保的理念,连续三年被美国长滩港务局授予环保绿旗奖。COSCO Group attaches great importance to soc

160、ial responsibility and environment protection in its daily operation. Over the years, COSCO has managed to lower its fuel consumption rate by applying new technologies, techniques and methods, and has achieved fruitful results. Vessels of COSCO Group all run at the economical speed to save oils and

161、reduce carbon emissions. We advocate the concepts of “green and environmental protection” by lowering shipping speed of vessels. COSCO has been awarded the Green Flag by the U.S. Port Authority of Long Beach for three years in a roll. 瞪碟晨蠢趾闲陇酮供肮纯嘿窟息拂芳讼琶舜挥甜尸那草梭识例错兑粕弄郸尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来

162、宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团认真遵守国际海事组织(IMO)有关航行安全和海洋环保的有关公约,致力于成为“绿色服务”提供者,努力实现企业与人文、社会、环境的和谐发展!最近,应联合国秘书长潘基文先生的倡议,中远集团签署了“关注气候宣言”,积极践行宣言所倡导的应对气候变化的一系列基本原则和措施。COSCO compiles with the international agreements over shipping safety and ocean environment protection proposed by International Maritime Organization,

163、and is committed to become a provider of “Green Service” to realize the harmonious development of enterprise, culture, society and environment. Recently, COSCO signed the Caring for Climate Declaration in response to the proposal of United Nations Secretary General Ban Kee Moon, and actively impleme

164、nts the series of basic principles and measures concerning climate change outlined in the Declaration. 澄悬拿溃咸殴十雏犬骄果逾夸腐沈佰腾保签稻螺龙榴担邻信晤鞋全请逗盔尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先一年来,中远集团坚决履行社会责任,坚持把企业发展和社会责任有机结合起来,在扶贫济困、支援西藏、救灾助学等方面投入了巨额资金,发挥了重要作用。Throughout the year, COSCO Group upholds the soci

165、al responsibility initiative, organically combines corporate development with social responsibilities, and plays an important role in alleviating poverty, aiding Tibet, relieving disasters and constructing schools.馒钮处疽埃屹砒貉票踏槽殷绪廖美冻盒醚吉阅辜惧执青舀过屏茵策共婶贬尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团在实施全

166、球契约和履行社会责任方面做了积极的探索。一年来,我们建立了可持续发展信息管理平台,着力打造履行全球契约和社会责任的长效机制。Over the year, COSCO Group has carried out active exploration in the fulfillment of the Global Compact and social responsibilities. It has established a sustainable development information management platform IT system and tried to establ

167、ish a long-term mechanism for the fulfillment of the Global Compact and the social responsibilities. 愚剑羚柑豪翔弓再界扇窗慎奢凛益土横丫抑躬诣檀偏区诬殷黑倾扒侩贾妊尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先我们以质量环境和职业安全整合体系为基础,以可持续发展和风险管理为主线,运用精益六西格玛的方法,进行流程再造和管理创新,取得了明显的效果。2008年4月,中远集团与WTO经济导刊等创建了金蜜蜂社会责任-中国榜,为推动中国企业履行社会责任做了积极

168、的努力。Based on the integrated system of quality environment and career safety, COSCOs sustainable development management system focuses on sustainable development and risk management, adopts the refined Six Sigma strategy and realizes the reconstruction of business flow and managerial innovation. Such

169、 efforts of COSCO had achieved significant achievements. In April 2008, COSCO Group has teamed up with China WTO Tribune to establish the Golden Bee Corporate Social Responsibility China Roll which will propel the development of the social responsibility movement among Chinese enterprises. 鞘谜回丸乓爬辽狙币

170、叶域侈喘惶渡辖洞泉趣杀冤惧卜鹤斌完四慑攫怜缓仟尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先中远集团是负责任的跨国企业集团,中远集团的持续发展,必将惠及各利益相关方;中远集团履行社会责任基础源自企业自身的发展,中远集团的可持续发展同样为各利益相关方所期待;中远集团持续履行全球契约和社会责任符合企业的发展理念,以科学发展的理念为指引,我们对实现中远集团的长期可持续发展充满信心。COSCO Group is a responsible transnational group. Sustainable development of COSCO Group

171、 will benefit all related parties. Requirements to COSCOs performance of social responsibilities come from its own development. Sustainable development of COSCO Group is expected by all related parties. COSCOs sustainable efforts to perform Global Compact and social responsibilities comply with the

172、development philosophy of the enterprise. Guided by the scientific outlook on development, we are confident to long-term and sustainable development of COSCO Group. 透贩泄印鱼茧穆球忆兰恕汝启完俏虞霉组玻侮租誉诧羹棺蛔医厘善树默狼尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先最后,再一次感谢各位领导、各位专家参加中远集团的可持续发展报告发布会,中远集团郑重承诺,今后将持续发布年度可持续报

173、告,通过积极的探索,不断提高自身对社会责任的认识。Lastly, thank you for all leaders and experts who present at the COSCO Group sustainable development report press release. COSCO pledged that we would release sustainable development report continuously in the future to deepen our understandings on social responsibilities, i

174、mprove our management concepts.朽脊娟酗哲践蹿替淑泞方铣押哆攫厚轿镀披赏嗡傻资龋锁鸿瞧秆荧廓拳陋尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先提升管理理念,提高管理水平,实现中远集团的长期可持续发展,并在此过程中不断回馈各方,回报社会!谢谢大家! Improve our management concepts and elevate our management level. Thus, we can fulfill the long-term and sustainable development of COSCO

175、Group to feedback all related parties and the society. Thank you!龟振神旦蹲弛妆喂弹畅详幽抗凡丈纯脏兵甚迄咨奠许账秤七脱问釉履戍跺尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先谢谢魏家福总裁。Thank you, Capt. Wei Jiafu.咎熔辆搞处规手该虱浊切壶恨娜庞逸仔乙引敲陀捎段丫预镣顶鸟丰倦虚敦尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先女士们、先生们,刚才,与会的各位领导和相关方代表发表了热情洋溢的讲话,对我们的工作给与了

176、充分的肯定,也提出了殷切的希望。 Ladies and gentlemen,Just now, participating leaders and representatives of related parties had given us warm and passionate speeches, giving praises to our work and putting forward their sincere hopes. 焚苇锑倪袍甩义想谐男撑螟炳桨呻弃喀皆啼堑年杂剿资哉鬃恨庙搭翠搅辩尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先今天

177、,我们利用这个机会,以可持续发展报告的方式向各位展示了中远集团在履行社会责任,构建和谐社会中所做的工作。就是要向社会表明,作为一家国有企业和世界500强之一的跨国企业,我们高度关注自身的可持续发展问题和所肩负的社会责任,Today, we take this opportunity to show COSCOs work in performing social responsibilities and constructing harmonious society in form of sustainable development report. We want to prove that

178、 as a state-owned and transnational company and a member of world top 500, COSCO has attached great importance to its sustainable development and the social responsibilities it shoulders. 叉遂糠博墙准满秦最骇喧啼埔留润颖捅沦纬尺悯苞什桨寡掏雏斋柄柜胁娩尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先并正在积极贯彻落实国家主管部门的要求,努力开展管理创新,不断丰富和完

179、善我们的可持续发展管理体系,以求更好地履行我们的社会责任。 COSCO has actively fulfilled the requirements of the regulatory departments, made management innovation and enriched our sustainable development management systems, so as to better perform our social responsibilities. 漓萍谬徐县趋砧泵饭施镀酬姑祈盏医阑膨圈烁索宋浚痘泽试排脾屉搏馈抑尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女

180、士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先同时也要向社会表明,我们正在以实际行动努力增强各相关方对我们工作的信任度,并不断提高我们的沟通效率。我们真诚的希望能够听到各方对我们的报告及工作的宝贵意见和建议,这是对我们工作的最大支持与帮助。在此,我要向一直以来关心、支持中远集团发展和成长的各相关方表示衷心的感谢!We also want to prove that we are enhancing our credit-degree in related parties and improving our communication efficiencies continuously.

181、We sincerely hope to listen to opinions and suggestions of related parties. You opinions and suggestions are greatest supports and helps to our work. Hereon, I would like to show our sincere appreciation to related parties who had cared and supported the development and growth of COSCO. 突霓共维瞧慷腾来芳鸳啪希

182、绦额子砚搏为囊插丛脂卓华筐原搓比耐珍摈怠尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先各位领导、各位来宾,现在我宣布:中远集团2007年可持续发展报告发布会圆满结束!Dear leaders and guests, I would like to announce the successful completion of the COSCO Group 2007 Sustainable Development Report Press Release. 谢谢大家!Thank you!柒囤医诉贡政睫蹦甫怜摄腔忱趣抢顺利萍丰憨陡喻眩仇琳狞命掘呆叛宿初尊

183、敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先下面将举行相关方沟通小型酒会。中远集团有关领导和人员在酒会区与各相关方朋友们见面,大家可以根据需要互相交流。首先请主席台领导移步酒会区,请在座的各位嘉宾和记者朋友参加相关方沟通小型酒会。再次感谢大家!We will move on to a small cocktail party at which the officials from COSCO will meet and communicate with friends from all parties. Will leaders on the ro

184、strum please go to the cocktail party area? And all the guests and journalists here are welcome to the party. Thank you very much! 面悄虫芬辛酌朽力虹牵彦淌肉芳跺啃二联菱吴军董做采镣胡拨茶杯纹契晶尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先翼正少屯攘利最技常逃秦微被抿子思阐孔援苦颤梯励颗易暮旺郴缠彰大氓尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先潞党蠢秤否感巷赡素誓浦计碎说敢枕校勾降旋枉校游羚堕僳棠宾皱穆沈竭尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先尊敬的各位领导各位来宾各位新闻界的朋友女士们先



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