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1、Unit 9text AThe Web Lifestyle1.Today in the United States, there are over 22 million adults using the Web, about half of whom access the Internet at least once a day. Meanwhile, the variety of activities on the Web is broadening at an amazing rate. There is almost no topic about which you cannot fin

2、d fairly interesting material on the Web. Many of these sites are getting excellent traffic flow. Want to buy a dog? Or sell a share? Or order a car? Use the Internet.nextuphomeN2.Where are we going to get the time to live with the Web? In some instances, people will actually save time because the W

3、eb will make doing things more efficient than in the past, being able to get information about a major purchase, for example, or finding out how much your used car is worth, or what your cheapest way of getting to Florida is. That is easy to find on the Web, even today. nextuphomeIn other instances,

4、 people will trade the time they now spend reading the paper, or watching television, for information or entertainment they will find on the computer screen. Americans, particularly young ones, will spend less time in front of a television, more on the Web.nextuphome3. One great benefit of the Web i

5、s that it allows us to move information online that now resides in paper form. Several states in America are using the Web in a profound way. You can apply for various permits or submit applications for business licenses. Some states are putting up listings of jobs- not just states government jobs,

6、but all the jobs available in the state. I believe, over time, that all the information that governments print, and all those paper forms they now have, will be moved on to the Internet.nextuphome4.Electronic commerce notches up month by month, too. It is difficult to measure, because a lot of elect

7、ronic commerce involves existing buyers and sellers who are simply moving paper-based transactions to the Web. That is not new business. Microsoft, for example, purchases millions of dollars of personal computers (PC) online instead of by paper. However, that is not a fundamental change; it has just

8、 improved the efficiency of an existing process. nextuphomeNThe biggest impact has occurred where electronic commerce matches buyers and sellers who would not previously have found each other. When you go to a book site and find an obscure book that you never would have found in a physical bookstore

9、, that is a new type of commerce. nextuphome5. Today, about half of all PCs are still not connected to the Web. Getting communications cost down and making all the software simple will bring in those people. And that, in turn, will move us closer to the critical mass that will make the Web lifestyle

10、 everyones lifestyle. One element people underestimate is the degree to which the hardware and software will improve. nextuphomeJust take one aspect: screen technology. I do my e-mail on a 20-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor. It is not available at a reasonable price yet, but in two years i

11、t will be. In ten years, a 40-inch LCD with much higher resolution will be commonplace.nextuphome6. The boundary between a television set an a PC will be blurred because even the set-top box that you connect up to your cable or satellite will have a processor more powerful than what we have today in

12、 the most expensive PC. This will, in effect, make your television a computer.nextuphome7. Interaction with the Web will also improve, making it much easier for people to be involved. Today the keyboards we use to search the Web often return to too many articles to sort through, many of them out of

13、context. If you want to learn about the fastest computer chip available, you might end up getting responses instead about potato chips being delivered in fast trucks. nextuphomeIn the future, we shall be either speaking or typing sentences into the computers, not potatoes. Speech recognition also me

14、ans that you will be able to call in on a phone and ask if you have any new messages, or check on a flight, or check on the weather.nextuphome8. To predict that it will take over ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic. We usually overestimate what we do in two years and undere

15、stimate what we can do in ten. The Web will be as much a way of life as the car by 2008. perhaps before.nextuphomeNbackhomenextaccess: n. 进入,通道n. 使用,接近vt. 使用,接近,存取e.g.There is no access to the street through that door.穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。e.g.Before liberation, the laboring people had no access to educatio

16、n.解放前,劳动人民没有受教育的机会。e.g.homeupAccumulators and index registers can be accessed by the programmer.程序员可以对累加器和变址寄存器进行存取。backbackhomenextsubmit: vt.& vi(常与to 连用)服从,顺从;使降服vt. 提出,提交e.g.We should submit ourselves to discipline when we do our work.Under on circumstances did the soldiers submit to the enemy.工

17、作时,我们应该服从纪律。e.g.战士们从来没有屈服于敌人。homeupI submitted my papers to the examiner.我把试卷交给了主考老师。vt. 建议,主张 e.g.The lawyer submitted that there was no case against his client.律师辩称没有一条指控可加罪于他的当事人。backbackhomenextestimate: n. 估计,估价,出价vt. 评价,估计,估价e.g.Now Ive realized that my estimate of her character was one-sided.

18、Can you give me a rough estimate of the cost?现在我认识到我对她品格的评价是片面的。e.g.你能大约估计一下费用吗?homeupWhile an author is yet living, we estimated his powers by his worst performance.We estimate that it would take three months to finish the work.当一个作家还活着时, 我们是以他最差的作品来评判他的影响力的。back我们估价完成这工作需要三个月。backhomedisplay: vt.

19、& n. 显示,表现出;炫耀e.g.He displayed interest in mathematics.Department stores display their goods in the window.He made a display of his learning.The store has a large display of goods.他表现出了对数学的兴趣。百货商店把商品摆在橱窗里。他炫耀自己的学识。该商店展出了大量的商品。backhomenextmonitor: n. (学校的)班长n. & vt. 监控(员),监测(器)e.g.He is the monitor o

20、f class 2.他是二班的班长。e.g.The monitor from the United Nations were not allowed to enter the area.联合国监控人员不允许进入该地区。homeupWater flow will be monitored by computer.Youll have to monitor your eating constantly.水流将由计算机来监测。你一定要经常注意控制饮食。backbackhometrade: n.贸易, 商业, 交易, 生意, 职业, 行业 vi. 交易,买卖,经商,对换,购物n. & vt. 监控(员

21、),监测(器)e.g.trades at the local supermarket他是二班的班长。e.g.The monitor from the United Nations were not allowed to enter the area.联合国监控人员不允许进入该地区。homeThere is almost no topic about which you cannot find fairly interesting material on the web.任何一个主题你都能在网上找到与之有关的非常有趣的资料。此处用的是双重否定句,表示肯定,用来强调肯定意义。backhomeMic

22、rosoft: 微软公司创建于1975年,是世界个人和商用计算软件行业的领袖。微软公司为用户提供范围广泛的产品和服务,并通过优秀的软件赋予人们在任何时间、任何地点、通过任何设备进行沟通的能力。backhomeTo predict that it will take over ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic.估计实现这些变化需要十年的时间的话可能太悲观了。此处动词不定式做主语,后跟宾语从句。backbackhomeblur: n. 把.弄模糊; 使.变糊涂,污损, 涂污, 弄脏vi. 沾染污迹,变模糊bl

23、ur out: 弄模糊,抹掉e.g.Tears blurred his eyes.眼泪使他的眼睛模糊e.g.The moths tapped and blurred at the window screen.飞蛾在窗帘上跳来跳去, 弄上了许多污点。backhomeLive with: v. 寄宿在.家,与.同居,承认, 忍受(不愉快的事)e.g.By the way, do you live with your parents or have a place of your own?.I dont enjoy the pain, but I can live with it.Elizabeth

24、 has to live with the fact that she is no longer as charming as she was. 顺便问一句, 你是同父母一起生活还是自己生活?我虽然不以疼痛为乐,但还可以忍受。伊丽莎白不得不承认她已经不像过去那样迷人了。apply: be applied to: 适用于, 应用于, 施加于, 用来表示, 与.接触apply for: 申请; 请求, 接洽apply oneself to: 致力于, 集中精力做某事apply sth. to: 把.施于.; 把.运用于.apply to: 关系到, 牵涉到; 适用于; 运用于; 向.询问, 向.接

25、洽backhomebring in v.生产, 挣得, 介绍引进,带进,引入 ,产生,收 n.投资 backhomecritical mass:临界物质极其重要的阶段,极其关键的阶段backhomebackhomenotch: n.槽口, 凹口;(美)山间小路,刻痕,峡谷 vt.刻凹痕, 用刻痕计算, 开槽, 切口, 得分notch up:(口)完成,创下,达到e.g.notched the score on a sticknotched 30 wins in a single season在木棍上切出分数记号在一个赛季赢了30分backhomereside: vi.1.居住(in, at); (官吏)留驻 2.(性质)存在于, 具备 (in); (权力等)属于(in)reside in: v.居住e.g.The real power resides in the people.真正的权力属于人民。call in: 召集,召来,来访call up: 打电话call back: 召回,通知,需要(某人)返回到先前的状况或位置call down: 挑剔,找麻烦,斥责call for: 需要,要求call forth: 唤起,振奋call off:取消backhome



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