高三英语一轮复习 Unit1 Friendship课件 新人教版必修1

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1、人教版新课标人教版新课标2012届高三英语一轮复习基届高三英语一轮复习基础知识核查课件系列:必修一础知识核查课件系列:必修一Unit 1 Friendship知识点知识点1. Add up your score and see how many points you get. (Page 1)Please add up these figures for me.请帮我把这些数字加起来。请帮我把这些数字加起来。用法归纳用法归纳add up 加起来加起来add.to向向增加增加add补充说;又说补充说;又说add to增加增加add up to总计;共达总计;共达对应训练对应训练(1)He wro

2、te down the weight of each stone and then _ (加起来加起来)all the weights.(2) _ (把所有的钱都加起来把所有的钱都加起来) I owe you.(3)All his school education_(加起来总共加起来总共) no more than one year.(4)The heavy snow _our difficulty, and the goats lost _one hundred. We _the cows to see how many remained. It was getting colder and

3、 colder so we had to _more wood _the fire. (add up, add to, add up to, add.to) added up toadded upAdd up all the moneytoadded toadded up toadded upadd知识点知识点2. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. (Page 1)Nobody could ignore these problems.没有谁会忽视这些问题。没有谁会忽视这些问题。用法

4、归纳用法归纳ignore vt.不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视feel ignored by感到被忽视感到被忽视对应训练对应训练(1)I tried to tell her but she _ (不理我不理我).(2) _ (别去理睬别去理睬)the child if he misbehaves, and hell soon stop.(3)He completely _ (忽视所有事忽视所有事 实实)as though they never existed.ignored me Ignoreignored all these facts(4)George _ (不理睬医生的不理睬医生的 劝告劝告)

5、about drinking and smoking less.(5)She _ (总是感到被忽视总是感到被忽视)by her teachers, which makes her upset.知识点知识点3. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. (Page 1)Ill go and calm your angry brother down.我去让你生气的兄弟平静下来。我去让你生气的兄弟平静下来。用法归纳用法归纳calm vt. & vi.(使使)平静平静;(使使)镇定镇定calm a

6、dj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的平静的;镇静的;沉着的calm down (使使)平静下来平静下来;(使使)镇定下来镇定下来 always feels ignoredignored his doctors advice对应训练对应训练(1)The nurse _ (使安静使安静)the little boy by giving him some candy.(2)The sea was _ (平静下来平静下来)after the storm.(3)It was difficult to _ (使安静使安静)the football fans.(4)母亲使孩子安静下来。母亲使孩子安静下来。(汉译英汉

7、译英) _(5)Gradually, they calmed down and regained self- confidence.(英译汉英译汉) _她们逐渐地镇定下来,重新找回了自信。她们逐渐地镇定下来,重新找回了自信。 calmed calmcalm downThe mother calmed down her child.知识点知识点4. You will tell your friend that you are concerned about him/her and you will meet after class and talk then. (Page 1)Many peop

8、le are concerned about the pollution of the environment.许多人都关心环境污染问题。许多人都关心环境污染问题。用法归纳用法归纳concern vt.(使使)担忧;涉及;关系到担忧;涉及;关系到concern n.担心;关注;担心;关注;(利害利害)关系关系be concerned about/for关心;挂念关心;挂念be concerned with对对有关系有关系对应训练对应训练(1)Were rather_ (担心担心)about fathers health.concerned (2)Nowadays more and more p

9、eople_ _ (担心自己的健康担心自己的健康).(3)She showed great_ (担心担心)about you.(4)We are all concerned about her safety.(替换替换) _(5)我对她的健康感到担忧。我对她的健康感到担忧。(汉译英;汉译英;health) _知知识识点点5. Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? (Page 2)Disappointment in lov

10、e is something most people must go through.爱情上的失意是多数人都要经历的。爱情上的失意是多数人都要经历的。I am concerned about her health.are concerned abouttheir healthconcern worried用法归纳用法归纳go through经历,遭受经历,遭受go through通过;仔细察看通过;仔细察看go through fire and water赴汤蹈火赴汤蹈火get through结束,完成;接通电话结束,完成;接通电话look through浏览;预习;看穿浏览;预习;看穿对应训

11、练对应训练(1)In the early 20th century, China _ _(经历了太多的战争经历了太多的战争).(2)The police _ (仔细检查仔细检查)the house looking for evidence.(3)The rope is too thick to _ (穿过穿过)the hole.(4)Professor Smith said he had to _ (批完批完) those papers in one hour.went throughtoo many warswent throughgo throughgo through(5)她在童年时期经

12、历了困苦的生活。她在童年时期经历了困苦的生活。(汉译英汉译英;childhood) _知识点知识点6. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. (Page 2)It was that love that would save me now.现在会拯救我的正是这种爱。现在会拯救我的正是这种爱。用法归纳用法归纳it is.that.强调句型强调句型(句子谓语属于现在时态句子谓语属于

13、现在时态)it was.that.强调句型强调句型(句子谓语属于过去时态句子谓语属于过去时态)对应训练对应训练(1) _ was only then that I realized my mistake.(2)Was_in the meeting room _ you held the meeting last night?(3)Where was it _ you held the meeting?She went through hard life in her childhood. that It itthat(4)It was not until 12 oclock _ I went

14、to bed.(5)She looks sad. Could you please tell me what is it that prevents her from being as happy as before?(改错改错) _知识点知识点7. .For example, one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. (Page 2)He knocked the old

15、 man down on purpose.他故意把那个老人撞倒。他故意把那个老人撞倒。用法归纳用法归纳on purpose故意故意by accident意外意外by no accident决非偶然决非偶然by chance偶然偶然what is it 改为改为what it isthat对应训练对应训练(1)I dont think he hurt her _ (故意故意).(2)They often complain that their boss _ _ (故意给我们制造麻烦故意给我们制造麻烦).(3)Jack has been really upsetting me and I thin

16、k hes _ (故意干的故意干的).(4)我不是故意把窗户打破的。我不是故意把窗户打破的。(汉译英;汉译英;break) _知识点知识点8 .I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself. (Page 2)In order to save time, we used the computer.为了节省时间为了节省时间,我们用了电脑。我们用了电脑。 I didnt break the window on purpose.on purposem

17、akes troublefor us on purposedoing it on purpose用法归纳用法归纳in order to为了为了(可用于句首可用于句首)so as to为了为了(不用于句首不用于句首)in order that(接从句接从句)以便以便so that(接从句接从句)以便以便对应训练对应训练(1)_(为了为了)catch the train, she hurried through her work.(2)_(为了挣足够的钱为了挣足够的钱),he worked late into the night.(3)We are here_(为了帮助你为了帮助你).(4)He

18、lit a cigarette in order to calm his mind.(英译汉英译汉) _(5)She shut the window in order to keep mosquitoes out.(替换替换) _so as toIn order toIn order to earn enough money in order to help you他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。知识点知识点9. Its no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing

19、that really must be experienced. (Page 2)I can no longer stand his bad temper.我再也不能忍受他的坏脾气了。我再也不能忍受他的坏脾气了。I dont work for you any longer.我再也不为你工作了。我再也不为你工作了。用法归纳用法归纳no longer不再不再not.any longer不再不再not.any more不再,再也不不再,再也不对应训练对应训练(1)I no longer think gold is the best.(英译汉英译汉) _我不再认为金子是最好的了。我不再认为金子是最好的

20、了。(2)我不能再保持沉默了。我不能再保持沉默了。(汉译英;汉译英;remain, silent) _(3)我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能再在这儿多呆了。我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能再在这儿多呆了。 I regret to tell you that we cannot _ _.(4)He doesnt come here any longer.(用用no longer改写改写) _知识点知识点10. She suffered from loneliness, but she had to learn to like it there. (Page 4)She was suffering from a

21、headache.她正经受头痛之苦。她正经受头痛之苦。用法归纳用法归纳suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历遭受;忍受;经历suffer from遭受;患病遭受;患病He no longer comes here.I cant remain silent any longer.stay hereany longersuffering n.受难;苦楚受难;苦楚sufferings 受难;苦难的经历受难;苦难的经历对应训练对应训练(1)My mother often _ (忍受忍受)from backache.(2)Nothing can make up for _ _ (他们所受的苦他们所受的苦).(3)战争期间孩子们遭受缺乏食物之苦。战争期间孩子们遭受缺乏食物之苦。 During the war, children _a lack of food.(4)她在学习上遭受了挫折。她在学习上遭受了挫折。(汉译英汉译英;defeat) _She suffered a defeat in her studies.sufferswhat they have sufferedtheir sufferingssuffered from



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