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1、语法填空语法填空针对学生实际的备考方法探讨针对学生实际的备考方法探讨TEACHING OBJECTSTo analyze: Common mistakes Possible reasons Possible solutionslHe is student.lHe in the classroom study.lHe by bike to go to school.lHe is reading under the sun.lThere are many students study in the classroom.lBecause he got up late, so he couldnt c

2、atch the bus.lMy hometown happened great changes.Grammar or not?母语影响大母语影响大语法观念淡薄语法观念淡薄“语法填空语法填空”要求考生阅读一篇短文,要求考生阅读一篇短文,然后完成然后完成1010项语法填空。内容包括项语法填空。内容包括根据句子的根据句子的语法结构和上下文连贯语法结构和上下文连贯的要求的要求填入适当的词填入适当的词语;或语;或使用括号中词语的适当形式填空。使用括号中词语的适当形式填空。“语法填空语法填空”考查考生在考查考生在 上上理解并应用语法知识的能力,考试采用填空的理解并应用语法知识的能力,考试采用填空的形式,

3、而不是选择填空。形式,而不是选择填空。“语法填空语法填空”要求考要求考生必须具备较好的生必须具备较好的 能力,而不只是能力,而不只是语法辨析能力。语法辨析能力。 题型说明题型说明 语法填空语法填空语篇层面语篇层面语法分析语法分析 考查学生是否能理清考查学生是否能理清考查学生是否能理清考查学生是否能理清句子结构的语法性和句子意义的逻辑句子结构的语法性和句子意义的逻辑句子结构的语法性和句子意义的逻辑句子结构的语法性和句子意义的逻辑性性性性。需分析。需分析。需分析。需分析: : : : 句子的句子的句子的句子的构成成分构成成分构成成分构成成分(包括句子的基本成分和扩展成分);(包括句子的基本成分和扩

4、展成分);(包括句子的基本成分和扩展成分);(包括句子的基本成分和扩展成分); 句子成分之间的句子成分之间的句子成分之间的句子成分之间的一致性一致性一致性一致性,比如,主谓一致、时态一致等;,比如,主谓一致、时态一致等;,比如,主谓一致、时态一致等;,比如,主谓一致、时态一致等; 句子的句子的句子的句子的篇章篇章篇章篇章制约制约制约制约; ; ; ; 句子的句子的句子的句子的意义意义意义意义制约。制约。制约。制约。 考点分析考点分析 语境语境+ +语法语法 句子结构的构成:句子结构的构成:句子结构的构成:句子结构的构成:非谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词非谓语动词( ( ( (扩展成分扩展成分扩展

5、成分扩展成分) ) ) ) 句子的篇章制约:句子的篇章制约:句子的篇章制约:句子的篇章制约:代词指称代词指称代词指称代词指称 句子的意义制约:句子的意义制约:句子的意义制约:句子的意义制约:语境意义语境意义语境意义语境意义 Thirty-two people watched Kitty Genovese 1 being killed (kill) right below their windows. She was 2 their neighbor. Yet 3 none of the 32 helped her. Not one even called the police.I was on

6、 my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car31_(break) down near a remote and poor village. Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to 32_should have the honor of r

7、eceiving me 33_a guest in their house. Finally, I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me 34_(settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to 35_small town some 20 kilometres away 36_the

8、re was a garage. I had noticed three hens running free in my hostesss courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table. 37_ villagers brought me goats cheese and honey. We drank together and talked 38 _(merry) till far into the night.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my

9、friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman 39 _the trouble I had caused40_.brokewhoassettledawhereOthermerrilyforher句子结构:谓语句子结构:谓语was broken (34); broken (25); 句子结构:分句层次句子结构:分句层次Whom(36) 句子结构:扩展成份句子结构:扩展成份(意义制约)(意义制约)with (13); for (9); 句子结构:句子结构:扩展成份扩展成份to settle (27); settle (20); 意义

10、制约意义制约the (40); 句子结构:分句层次句子结构:分句层次from (32); because (13); 篇章制约:代词指称篇章制约:代词指称The (45); Some (40; merried (9); merries (6) ; 句子结构:扩展成份句子结构:扩展成份what(12); 篇章制约:代词指称篇章制约:代词指称to(37); before(25); 句子结构:句子结构:词类转换词类转换Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese peoples daily life.31_ t

11、hese proverbs there are often interesting stories. For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop32_(help) it grow”, is based on the following story. It is said that a shorttempered man in the Song Dynasty (9601279) was very anxious to help 33_ rice crop grow up quickly. He was thinking about 34_ day

12、 and night. But the crop was growing much slower than he expected.One day, he came up with an idea 35_ he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. He did so the next day.He was very tired 36_ doing this for a whole day, 37_ he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” 38_(high). His son heard ab

13、out this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither. This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their 39_(nature) course. Being too anxious to help an event develop often 40_ (result) in the contrary to our intention. Behind to help histhisthatafterbuthigh

14、ernaturalresults意义制约:意义关系意义制约:意义关系In (37); And(24); 扩展成份;意义制约扩展成份;意义制约helps(21); helping(7); 篇章制约篇章制约the (61); 篇章制约篇章制约it(109); 句子结构:句子结构:分句层次分句层次which(5); 意义制约:语境意义意义制约:语境意义of(52); to(13); 意义制约:分句逻辑意义关系意义制约:分句逻辑意义关系and(2); 语境意义;构词语境意义;构词highly(17); 句子结构:词类转换句子结构:词类转换nature(4); naturely(3); 句子结构:谓语句

15、子结构:谓语resulted(33); result(11); 上下文上下文上下文上下文的线索,的线索,的线索,的线索,篇章篇章篇章篇章的连贯。的连贯。的连贯。的连贯。 没联系上下文;或联系脱节。没联系上下文;或联系脱节。没联系上下文;或联系脱节。没联系上下文;或联系脱节。 语境意识语境意识语境意识语境意识不强。不强。不强。不强。代词代词(pronoun)07年年 37题:题:Other villagers brought me goats cheese and honey. 40题:题: the trouble I had caused her.08年年 33题:题:anxious to h

16、elp his rice crop grow up quickly. 34题:题:He was thinking about this day and night.均属句子的均属句子的扩展成份扩展成份。意义意义制约制约固定短语固定短语必须能运用自如必须能运用自如介词介词(preposition)07 年年 33题:题: receiving me as a guest 39题:题: I wanted to reward the old woman for the trouble .08年年 31题:题:Behind these proverbs there are often interesti

17、ng stories. 36题:题:He was very tired after doing this for a whole day.从句从句(clause)07年年32题:题:were arguing as to who should have the honor of .36题:题: a small town some 20 kilometres away where there was a garage.08年年 35题:题: he came up with an idea that he would pluck up .一般考一般考一般考一般考关联词关联词关联词关联词;找出找出找出

18、找出谓语动词谓语动词谓语动词谓语动词;分清楚分清楚分清楚分清楚句子层次句子层次句子层次句子层次;理清理清理清理清分句关系分句关系分句关系分句关系;克服干扰,克服干扰,克服干扰,克服干扰,划掉修饰成分划掉修饰成分划掉修饰成分划掉修饰成分学会分辨各个非谓语形式所表达的学会分辨各个非谓语形式所表达的基本意义基本意义惯用表达惯用表达( (例只能接动名词作宾语的;只能接例只能接动名词作宾语的;只能接不定式作宾语不定式作宾语; ; 动词接不同的非谓语形式作动词接不同的非谓语形式作宾补的不同意义等)宾补的不同意义等)动词动词的基本用法(例是否及物动词)的基本用法(例是否及物动词)非谓语动词非谓语动词(Non

19、-predicate verbs) 07年年 34题:题:While she was getting me settled (settle) into .08年年 32题:题: “plucking up a crop to help (help) it grow”, 时态、语态、主谓时态、语态、主谓一致一致基本时态:基本时态:一般现在,过去,将来及进行和完成一般现在,过去,将来及进行和完成形式(共形式(共9 9种)和它们各自的被动形式。种)和它们各自的被动形式。不规则动词不规则动词的变化形式。的变化形式。谓语动词谓语动词(predicate verbs)07年年31题:题: when my c

20、ar broke (break) down near a remote and poor village.08年年40题:题:Being too anxious to help an event develop often results (result) in the contrary to our intention.构词构词(word-formation)07年年38题:题:We drank together and talked merrily (merry) till far into the night.08年年38题:题: he felt very happy since the

21、 crop did “grow” higher (high). 39题:题: let things go in their natural (nature) course.规则较多多; 容易混淆,随意容易混淆,随意变化化词汇知知识不扎不扎实。熟悉四会熟悉四会单词的的意意义、拼写和、拼写和词性性。掌握基。掌握基本的本的词形形转换。冠词冠词(article)07年年 35题:题: to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometres away 除特殊用法外,分清泛指和特指是关键。除特殊用法外,分清泛指和特指是关键。意义理解意义理解上下文上下文并列连词并列连词(

22、conjunction)08年年 37题:题:He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher.比较容易;比较容易; 关键是理清关键是理清分句的关系分句的关系谓语动词谓语动词盲点:盲点:1.1.篇章的连贯;上下文的呼应;篇章的连贯;上下文的呼应;只见树木不见森林。只见树木不见森林。缺乏语篇连贯理解的习惯,语境意识不强。缺乏语篇连贯理解的习惯,语境意识不强。Possible solution:瞻前顾后瞻前顾后;遇到要填介词或代词的题

23、的时候;遇到要填介词或代词的题的时候更加要注意从总体上更加要注意从总体上把握全文把握全文; 从上下文中从上下文中去找答案去找答案。(Remember: Its a passage!) 基本基本基本基本结结构构构构 扩扩展成份展成份展成份展成份 从句从句从句从句2.2.句子结构和层次句子结构和层次基本成分:主、谓、宾、表等。基本成分:主、谓、宾、表等。理清分句关系;分清主次理清分句关系;分清主次去掉修饰成分,使句子结构一目了然。去掉修饰成分,使句子结构一目了然。宾补、状语等;宾补、状语等; 动词词组特定意义的固定搭配动词词组特定意义的固定搭配固定介词短语固定介词短语三不:三不:三不:三不:二要:

24、二要:二要:二要:eg: “plucking up a crop to help it grow”3.3.意义理解意义理解不以母语思维理解英语。不以母语思维理解英语。紧紧围绕文章本身的中心意思和作者看问紧紧围绕文章本身的中心意思和作者看问题的角度做题。题的角度做题。不把自己的意愿强加于文章或作者身上。不把自己的意愿强加于文章或作者身上。不断章取义。不断章取义。结合语境,理解作者的意图。结合语境,理解作者的意图。PRACTISING WAYS 分析分析长难句句子句句子结构构给出短文,学生挖空命出短文,学生挖空命题;汉译英翻英翻译;小结小结 语法填空法填空题比起比起单选题来来对考生提出了更高的要求。它考生提出了更高的要求。它;强化化。一些。一些至关重要,至关重要,对文章的意思要理解透文章的意思要理解透彻,对的关系要的关系要明确。明确。以语法为基础以语法为基础 以语境为依托以语境为依托对句子的分析和理解对句子的分析和理解固定搭配固定搭配上下文,前后句上下文,前后句语境(语境(context)篇章意识篇章意识



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