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1、I like music that is loud and energetic.The music is loud and energetic. I like it.I love music that I can_. I can sing along with the music. I love it.sing along withI love music that is quiet and gentle.The music is quiet and gentle. I love it.The music is quiet and gentle. I love it.I prefer musi

2、c that I can dance to.I can dance to the music. I prefer it.Most people like music, because music can bring us Most people like music, because music can bring us happiness. But different people like different kinds of music.happiness. But different people like different kinds of music. Listen to mus

3、ic and answer the questions:Listen to music and answer the questions:What kind of music do you like?What kind of music do you like?popfolkrockclassicalWhat kind of movies do you like?Iprefermoviesthatarefunny.Ilikemoviesthathaveagreatstory.Whatkindofmoviesdoyoulike?Iprefermoviesthatarescary.Ipreferm

4、oviesthatareaboutkungfu.discussionWhatclothesdoyoulike?Ilikeclothesthatarecomfortable.Ilikeclothesthat_.scarymartriendlybeautifulshycuteuglyfunA: What kind of animals do you love? B: I love animals that _. 11(定语从句)Ilikemoviesthatareexcitingbest.Ilikeanimalsthatarecutebest.Iprefermusicthatisgentle.Ip

5、referweatherthatiscool.名词或代词先行词关系词that宾语主语省略先行词修饰_的句子叫定语从句. 被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫_. 连接定语从句的词叫. 如果先行词是物, 用连接. 如果关系词在从句中做, 可以省略. 如果关系词在从句中做, 不能, 从句中谓语动词与保持一致What kind of music do I like?I like quiet and gentle music. .=I like music which is quiet and gentle. Every kind of music is loved by people.Every kind

6、of music is loved by people.先行词先行词先行词先行词 关系代词关系代词关系代词关系代词 定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句 (物)(物)(物)(物)()活动探究活动探究IlikeJay.Hecanwritehisownsongs.IlikesingerswhowritetheirownsongsWhoisyourfavoritesinger?活动探究活动探究I prefer him.He is a great musician.He can play different kinds of music.I like musicians whoplay different

7、 kinds of musicWhoisyourfavoritesinger?Listen and circle “T” (for true) or“F” (for false).1.Carmen likes musicians who play T F different kinds of music.2.Xu Fei likes Dan Dervish. T F3.Carmen likes music thats loud. T F4.Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet T F and gentle songs.各种各样的各种各样的2aListen

8、and complete the sentences.2bCarmensays 1. I really love Dan Dervish.I like musicians _ 2.The Modern are really great. I love eletronic music _Xu Fei says 2. I like musicians _ 4. I think The Modern are too noisy. I prefer groups _who play different kinds of music.thats really loud and energetic.who

9、 write their own songs. that play quiet and gentle songs见10页一一一一. . 英英英英汉汉互互互互译译。1. 1. 随音随音随音随音乐乐起舞起舞起舞起舞 _2. 2. 比比比比更喜更喜更喜更喜欢欢_ _ 3.3.古典音古典音古典音古典音乐乐_4. Sing along with_ 4. Sing along with_ 5. have great lyrics_5. have great lyrics_dance todance to随之而唱随之而唱随之而唱随之而唱有有有有优优美的歌美的歌美的歌美的歌词词prefer toprefer

10、toclassical musicclassical music选择题1、Thegirlreadingunderthetreeismysister.A、whoB、whoseC、whichD、whom2、Imlookingatthephotographyousentmewithyourletter.A、whomB、whoC、whichD、it3、IlikemusicthatIcansingalong。A、toB、ofC、inD、withA AB BD D考考你!考考你!考考你!考考你!4、-Whichdoyouprefer,English_science?-IpreferEnglishscien

11、ce.A、or;toB、to;toC、to;orD、or;than5、Thepreferredinbedratherthan-horses.A、tolie;torideB、lying;ridingC、tolie;rideD、lying;rideA AC C我最我最我最我最棒棒棒棒练一练用who.that填空1.Pleasepassmethebookliesontheshelf.2.Thefirstthingyoumustdoistohaveameal.3.Anurseisapersonlooksafterpeopleareill.4.Thepolicemancaughtthethiefismy


13、BthatCwhichBthatCwhichDwhomDwhom(3)Thedress_sheiswearingtodaywasa(3)Thedress_sheiswearingtodaywasabirthdaypresentfromheraunt.birthdaypresentfromheraunt.A.whatA.what BitBit CthisCthisDthat.Dthat.(4)Haveyoureadthebook_Igaveyou(4)Haveyoureadthebook_Igaveyouyesterday?yesterday? A.thatA.thatB.whenC.where


15、tCwhoseCwhoseDwhereDwhere(7)Thegirl_yousawinthestreetisMary.(7)Thegirl_yousawinthestreetisMary.AwhichAwhich BwhatBwhatCwhoseCwhoseDwhomDwhom(8)Kevinisreadingabook_istoo(8)Kevinisreadingabook_istoodifficultforhim.difficultforhim.AwhoseAwhose BthatBthatCwhoCwhoDwhomDwhomExercises .Exercises .翻译句子翻译句子翻

16、译句子翻译句子. .1)1)他喜欢他喜欢他喜欢他喜欢晴朗的晴朗的晴朗的晴朗的天气天气天气天气。He likes the weather He likes the weather 2)2)我喜欢我喜欢我喜欢我喜欢那些不会太贵的那些不会太贵的那些不会太贵的那些不会太贵的鞋子鞋子鞋子鞋子。I like the shoes I like the shoes 3)3)我喜欢我喜欢我喜欢我喜欢容易相处的容易相处的容易相处的容易相处的朋友朋友朋友朋友。I like the friendsI like the friends4)4)我有一个我有一个我有一个我有一个喜欢做运动的喜欢做运动的喜欢做运动的喜欢做运动

17、的朋友朋友朋友朋友。I have a friendI have a friendwhich/thatis sunny.which/that are not too expensive.who/thatareeasygoing.who/thatlikes playing sports.Guess your classmates.1. He is a boy who is the tallest in our class.2. She is a girl who left our class this term.3. She is a girl who has the longest hair.随

18、堂练习随堂练习. 阅读下列句子,再用阅读下列句子,再用who/that 填空。填空。1.I have a brother _ likes soccer.2.Tom doesnt like movies _are too long and too scary.3. We prefer groups _ playloud and energetic songs.4.He likes friends _ often help each other.whothatthatwho小结与作业小结与作业请完成下列句子。请完成下列句子。1. I like singers who_.2. I prefer singers who_.3.He likes singers who_.4.She prefers singers who_.5. I like mobile phones that_.6. I like ( )that_Homework



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