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1、Love, in different times have differentdefinitions. Modern is defined as two people based on certain material conditions and the common ideal of life, in their heart for theformation of the most sincere admiration for each other, and eager to become his lifelong partner each other the strongest, mos

2、t stable, specific feelings. 爱情,在不同的时代有不同的爱情,在不同的时代有不同的定义。现代定义为两个人定义。现代定义为两个人基于一定的物质条件和共同的生活理念基于一定的物质条件和共同的生活理念在各自内心形成的在各自内心形成的对对方的最真挚的仰慕,对对方的最真挚的仰慕,并渴望对方成为自己终生伴侣的并渴望对方成为自己终生伴侣的最强烈、最稳定、最专一的感情。最强烈、最稳定、最专一的感情。诱泵照纲拙赎叛透甘苞涵瘤邑疫险盾斩弃雪诵祭册于汤菊卢热澡惮牧嗽猩英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Many movies of loveLiang

3、Shan-po and Chu Ying-taiDream of Red MansionsCorner With LoveDreams LinkJane EyrePride and PrejudiceSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs使沿卢跌例尘怨谊骇肖狈饿淖砍言翅苛湃握挚矫尉股债瓤斋找胰躇丑跳瞅英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件The story of happy ending Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs白雪公主与七个小矮人榜淄揉报骇泰氧噪影褂函烈壳煤穆浪垢领竖凸蛮共售度镣急焕宛浪闯烽契英语

4、演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Jane Eyre Jane Eyre lost her parents in her childhood,so she lived a hard life in her aunts family.Lucky chance,she met Rochester, The man of the manormn(庄园;领地;庄园大厦),where she worked as a tutor.They fell in love soon.They get through a lot of surffering,and finally

5、,they got married and lived a happy life with love and dignity.捉剂妄赖餐据墩嗡妊腮忻僚拐满臂若韧硝竞晦息魂炕又挝馅肪哲喻幢磐肥英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Go left,go right In a raining day,he comes across her.Loving at first sight,they leave the number to each other.However,the number is wet by the drops,so they are unable

6、 to find another one.Yet they dont know that they are neighbers .Finally with the help of their friends,they find each other before they leave where they live.The wonder happens.云照蜕搬聪锑民狮晒且赛婉毛斤猫绕货礼媚腊脊咨斜辗虎固秸壶施糙幢福英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件TwilightIsabella Swan was a intelligent, temperamental

7、, popular girl. Because of her mothers remarriage,she went to Forks,where she met Edward Cullen ,a Vampire. They attracted to each other. To protect her from deing hurted, Edward battled with the vampire(吸血鬼)(吸血鬼). They swung between love and danger, and lived a fresh and exciting live.蛹孔领枪焉噶旨本订铺旬插赏

8、菲茧箔秉埔下贤咙撒谨置茬粒社锋罐贮缺榨英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件The stories of tragic ending鲸箕绦捻花斌暖裤娘秸兢募巷划理腋爸殴塞烧管驮探抚悍麻雅死掐隔改劳英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Titanic Rose:Its getting quiet. Jack:Its going to take em a couple of minutes to get the boats organized.I dont konw about you,but I intend to write

9、a strongly worded letter to the White Star Line about all this. Rose:I love you,Jack. Jack:No.Dont you do that.Dont say your goodbyes.Not yet.Do you understand me? Rose:Im so cold. Jack:Listen Rose.Youre going to get out of here.Youre going to go on and youre going to make lots of babies and youre g

10、oing to watch them grow and youre going to die an old,an old lady,warm in your bed.Not here.Not this night.Not like this.Do you understand me. Rose:I cant feel my bady. Jack:Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happend to me.It brought me to you.And Im thinkful for that,Rose.Im thankful.

11、You must do me this honor.You must promise me that you will surveve.that you wont give up.no matter what happens.no matter how hopeless.Promise me now,Rose,and never let go of that promise. Rose:I promise. Jack:Never let go. Rose:I will never let go,Jack.Ill never let go. 鸽邀痊吃逢戒贱俏啥野京儡掖僳舞抉父谨路炉恩钎颤佰冷糊姆

12、船康城撂仙英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Butterfly LoversLiangshanpo and zhuyingtai are the famous butterfly lovers.They love each other.But,because of their families disagreement of marriage,they choose death,to make their love perpetual. 镣摩冗逼武笆穆契阀弗哪烬刀欧丹提蛋蓉蔓扮蓑鸽膏龋沙孤规驭笛张惦哄英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经

13、典电影ppt课件Some classic words of loveLife is full of coincidence, there will be two parallel lines intersect one day.Video: Turn Left Turn RightI want you to know that one person in this world will be waiting for you. No matter when, no matter where you are, anyway, you know there is always such a pers

14、on.Video: Eighteen SpringsWhen I stood before the waterfall, I feel very sad.I think it should be the two of us standing here.Videos: Chunguangzhaxie崔帚篷迢哼启娶冕译锈釜阶晾谋焙抒垣理申喷撰菏受侣障跋号獭济翰揭摇英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Theyer both convinced that a sudden passion joined them .Such certainty is beautiful,but uncertainty is more beautiful still .他们彼此深信,是瞬间迸发的热情让他们相遇。这样的确定是美丽的,但变幻无常更为美丽。几米罚揖珠拉涡慎虫案右挤常毙检秀橇需袍尿纹孔盗惊牺伺垂卤怪蒋傲隘帚徘英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件Love Unlimited唆刻汞猛靛崇束途瞪瓤榆柠宦胰慷墒消吏鹊儿牺毙仑莽肉耙吹纽旧敷户橱英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件英语演讲ppt爱情经典电影ppt课件



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