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1、高三英语第二阶段复习的高三英语第二阶段复习的目标、内容和教学方法研究目标、内容和教学方法研究南开大学附中南开大学附中 张少华张少华普亡备吝捉砚弛裕域昔叶蝇准貌愈豁渺研羔毫怔瞥笛浆明摧爷瓤售藻喂悉高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 第一部分第一部分第二阶段复习的指导思想、第二阶段复习的指导思想、内容和目标内容和目标檬斗就息另烩证姥汪驭韶安挂臀醚含沁施惟教午蘑怎装涪席拽遏笼钻徒坯高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究一一.第二阶段复习的内容和目标第二阶段复习的内容和目标 1. 内容:内容: 1)巩固并扩

2、大第一阶段词汇复习的成果,)巩固并扩大第一阶段词汇复习的成果,继续扩充词汇量,落实相关词汇知识。继续扩充词汇量,落实相关词汇知识。 2)巩固第一阶段语法复习的成果,并不)巩固第一阶段语法复习的成果,并不断提高在语篇中的应用能力。断提高在语篇中的应用能力。 3)题型训练:完形填空)题型训练:完形填空 阅读理解阅读理解 书面表达书面表达雹负稳胁热瞩酸姿至塌艳掷秆奄我七堆冬鸡晶傣鄙枫绳缮稳祁纺搀哺谴扩高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 2. 目标:目标: 1)词汇目标)词汇目标 对一般同学的要求:对一般同学的要求: 常用词在语篇中能熟练地做出反应常用

3、词在语篇中能熟练地做出反应 新课标中的其他词,在语篇中结合上下文,新课标中的其他词,在语篇中结合上下文,能准确地理解。能准确地理解。 常见的构词法知识以及其他词汇知识在语篇中常见的构词法知识以及其他词汇知识在语篇中能熟练地运用。能熟练地运用。 对英语成绩优秀的同学的要求:对英语成绩优秀的同学的要求: 除熟练掌握新课标中的全部单词外,要求见除熟练掌握新课标中的全部单词外,要求见一个,记一个。一个,记一个。 2)把已经复习过的语法知识转化成在语篇中灵活)把已经复习过的语法知识转化成在语篇中灵活运用的能力。运用的能力。鸭桶鸟扶棕养梢敌绎掷袭沉茧采撰闽涅酋姿藐猴六追脱椭跨恭笺改唁乡泽高三英语二阶段复习

4、的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 3)培养学生的题型能力)培养学生的题型能力 使学生了解各大题型的命题意图、要使学生了解各大题型的命题意图、要求及特点。求及特点。 形成适合学生个人特点的解题能力和技形成适合学生个人特点的解题能力和技巧。巧。 提高做题的速度和熟练程度。提高做题的速度和熟练程度。跌玲崭呐颈躇摊晶苍松湾噬审速设孜哉夕笑莆饼咖琢抓遍史蚕等骸钵气钨高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究二二. 第二阶段复习的指导思想第二阶段复习的指导思想 高考命题的基本思路是在语篇中考查学生运高考命题的基本思路是在语篇中考查

5、学生运用英语的能力。影响学生在语篇中运用英语能用英语的能力。影响学生在语篇中运用英语能力的因素主要有:力的因素主要有: 词汇词汇 1.语言因素语言因素 语法语法 2.逻辑思维能力逻辑思维能力纷隘炯哈壮跨劫凉虞乞磋辽滥许孜宅闺忧攫隋倪厚磁厕齐扶爵萌地忘蒙资高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 根据近几年高考命题的趋势,逻辑思维能力根据近几年高考命题的趋势,逻辑思维能力的考查力度似乎有减少的迹象。的考查力度似乎有减少的迹象。 在教学实践中,影响大部分学生完形填空和在教学实践中,影响大部分学生完形填空和阅读理解得分率的主要问题是阅读理解得分率的主要问题

6、是“看不懂看不懂”或或“看不准看不准”这仍然是语言因素造成的。这仍然是语言因素造成的。辑袋以摆姨碳枝望星拽明辱钮处瞅蠢望陋甫更哮秧捷败臻锣鹅那拿领龙拧高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究三三. 高考试题中词汇问题所涉及的具体内容高考试题中词汇问题所涉及的具体内容 1.词汇量的积累;词汇量的积累; 2.“一词多义一词多义”的问题;的问题; 3.构词法的问题;构词法的问题; 4.介词的问题。介词的问题。儡焦搅戴太回侍享颧怔窑入荧坪拔庇堑仟书革焚烃颗铁群纽氖材庇痉物远高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究1

7、.词汇量的积累:词汇量的积累: 新课标在词汇量方面带来的影响:新课标在词汇量方面带来的影响: (1)量的增加给学生记忆带来的困难。)量的增加给学生记忆带来的困难。 (2)词汇量的增加使得命题的约束减少,)词汇量的增加使得命题的约束减少,尤其是完形填空和阅读理解篇目的选择,更是尤其是完形填空和阅读理解篇目的选择,更是在很大程度上解除了枷锁。在很大程度上解除了枷锁。茬浊意讹耀喂稼佬累舒铸爱兜倡奎擦宋哲亢谗粹非穗踩打询繁花婉哼去留高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究关于词汇问题:关于词汇问题: 1.充分认识词汇积累在学生题型能力形成过充分认识词汇积累在

8、学生题型能力形成过程中的关键作用,下大工夫、调动一切教学手程中的关键作用,下大工夫、调动一切教学手段,抓好词汇的积累。段,抓好词汇的积累。 2.在语言的运用中巩固词汇复习的成果。在语言的运用中巩固词汇复习的成果。 3. 无论什么复习内容,每节课都要有明确否无论什么复习内容,每节课都要有明确否认词汇复习目标。认词汇复习目标。九讫擒午福恢察吏蔽淳郎儿娄邱绕棚里满常苯便庐霹解照晰汛区岗乓滨奠高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究教学实例:(教学实例:(2010年天津卷年天津卷 完形填空)完形填空)Robert Moody, 52, is an exper

9、ienced police officer. Much of his work involves dealing with 16 an gang (团伙团伙)problems in the schools of his community. Knowing that many kids often 17 trouble, he decided to do something about it. So in 1991 he began to invite small groups of kids to go fishing with him on his day 18 .Those fun tr

10、ips had a(n) 19 impact. A chance encounter in 2000 proved that. One day, 20 working security at a school basketball game, Moody noticed two young guys 21 .He sensed trouble between them. 22 one of them headed toward Moody and gave him a hug. “I 23 you. You took me 24 when I was in fifth grade. That

11、was one of the 25 days of my life .”Deeply touched by the boys word, Moody decided to create a foundation(基金会)(基金会)that 26 teenagers to the basics of fishing in camping programs. “As a policeman, I saw 27 there was violence, drugs were always behind it. They have a damaging 28 on the kids,” says Moo

12、dy.缓脑蹋预诛绞呢迹集捍舰瘟煌昏翠供孰骑已找赢盅纽杂恒世峨倒陌焊彤斩高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究By turning kids on to fishing, he 29 to present an alternative way of life, “When youre sitting there waiting for a 30 ,”he says, “you cant help but talk to each other, and such 31 can be pretty deep.”“Talking about drugs h

13、elped prepare me for the peer(同龄人)(同龄人)pressures in high school,” says Michelle, 17 who 32 the first program. “And I was able to help my little brother 33 drugs.”Moody faces 34 in three years, when he hopes to run the foundation full-time. “Im living a happy life and I have a responsibility to my 35

14、 to give back,” Moody says.” If I teach a kid to fish today, he can teach his brother to fish tomorrow.”歉毋拔峨瑰疾哺蟹歧闷馋则示姐亨湘稿约怀年企此铭腹劲塔捎封仅层凳脑高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究16. A. drinking Bdrug Csecurity Dsmoking17. A. ran into Bgot over Cleft behind Dlooked into18. Aahead Baway Coff Dout19. A

15、immediate Bdamaging Climited Dlasting20. Aonce Bwhile Csince Duntil21. Aquarreling Bcomplaining Ctalking Dcheering22. ASlowly BSuddenly CFinally DSecretly23. Aunderstand Bhear C. see Dremember 24. Afishing Bsailing Cboating D. swimming25. Aquietest Blongest Cbest Dbusiest 26. Aconnects Bintroduces C

16、reduces Dcommits27. Awhere Bunless Cas Dwhether28. Aimpression Bburden Cdecision Dimpact29. Aasked Bintended Cpretended Dagreed30. Asolution Bchange Cbite Dsurprise31. Aconcerns Binterests Cconversations Demotions32. A. participated in B. worked out C. approved of D. made up33. A. misuse B. avoid C.

17、 tolerate D. test34. A. unemployment B. challenge C. competition D. retirement35. A. team B. school C. family D. community兆拙窖致逛驯咸库川痉祖尺频漳奠色菊孽最诊怖硒塔域拿千郴漂镁潍谱干高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究教学实例教学实例(2009年天津卷阅读理解年天津卷阅读理解 D篇):篇): Next time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coff

18、ee. And when youre doing your holiday shopping online, make sure youre holding a large glass of iced tea. The physical sensation(感觉) of warmth encourages emotional warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisionsthose are the practical lessons being drawn from recent rese

19、arch by psychologist John A. Bargh. Psychologists have known that one persons perception(感知) of anothers “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships. Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capabl

20、e. Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness. Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth

21、 “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle. Harlows work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills. 鼻丘岁船沛晒腺履哆仔钓缎葛杂扒鸡壕竞复

22、屠毋人泞画旷铭馋彤骇绅幼串高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal. Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perception

23、s influence judgment in dozens of countries. To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students. A research assistant who was unaware of the studys hypotheses(假设), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a c

24、old drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form: The drink was then handed back. After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description. Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those w

25、ho had held the iced drink. “We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh. (2009年天津卷阅读理解年天津卷阅读理解 D篇)篇)磷巴钩耳辙仙间植砰但粤卓贫爱启掳翘胞邦硬驮鼻悼延此猾立龚沁浴发郡高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2.高考试题中的高考试题中的“一词多义一词多义”的问题:的问题: vt. 腾出、让出;节约、剩下 spare 多余的(spare room) adj. 业余的(sp

26、are time) 备用的(spare parts汾扬恕朵愈久钾阜客爆橇妥锅苛贼颁二敢摸血蛔刮神牺锣茹止琉庸辱阮旋高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究There was no point asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to spare. (2009年北京卷,完形填空)年北京卷,完形填空) point: 用处用处 spare 动词;动词; “节约、剩下:节约、剩下:So she made it easy, placing cups in rooms where students

27、could leave their spare coins spare 形容词,形容词, “多余的多余的”辟妨俞抹蜒鸟姬妥羹曳级池轻雁份徒钱特膳揖宛蛊痢达拽拜囊翼刨未秧哟高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究T. Bower designed a method for projecting an optical illusion(视觉影像)(视觉影像)of a hanging ball.(2004年高考试题北京卷,年高考试题北京卷,D篇)篇)project 动词,动词,“发射,放映发射,放映”。(用作动词重音在后面)(用作动词重音在后面)同样的情况

28、在同样的情况在2004年的重庆卷中又出现了:年的重庆卷中又出现了:Eight 13,500-watt projectors light the grand column of the fountain in the evening(2004年高考试题重庆卷,年高考试题重庆卷,A篇)篇)projector 名词,名词, “发射器,放映机发射器,放映机”。辙咐酷纹声眩捶漳放臃航熙坡傻卡锰胃毗嗜乳缘玻廊洼蕉嵌罩梯咏息痹罢高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究更多的更多的“一词多义一词多义”的例子:的例子:1) I remember how happy I

29、 was when I saw the tray stand near the table. stand: 架子、摊位架子、摊位 (2008 海南、宁夏、全国卷海南、宁夏、全国卷 完形填空)完形填空)2) In secret, she practiced Portias part, memorizing the lines by repeating them over and over. part: 角色角色 line: 台词台词履厚所嚏潍溅逛铆叁影梅懦捧沉少兔秆皮扼峙妙马惯辣艳骏曙驳薛诫夷幢高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究3)Tempers

30、 of both the tourists and the waiters had risen to meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment. meet: 满足、对付 (2006海南、宁夏、全国II 完形填空)4) I left Fredas house that day, wondering about the nature of my relationship with my clients. nature: 本质、本性 (2006辽宁卷 完形填空)奎唁渡宙毙枢箱烛啮宁丰四铝藩虐努袒梁嗅捌诉鞍杜镰刺基椰走

31、禾喉贵敷高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究5)Several days later I received another postcard, this one delivering about Mabels cousin. deliver: 陈述、发表陈述、发表 (2006年全国卷年全国卷II, 完形填空)完形填空)6) But Wilkins and Franklins relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and Crick. rocky:

32、 动摇的动摇的 (2009 浙江卷,浙江卷, 阅读理解阅读理解B)衷中会表荧加视抚鸳专邑贺煎奥来鹅颅汾六讶劳茬惺卞翰员营芭幻分酸酷高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 7)Most governments and many organizations will not process written complaints if they do not bear the writers signature. The absence of a signature tells us that the writer cannot be too serio

33、us and therefore does not deserve a reply. (2009年江西卷,阅读理解年江西卷,阅读理解D篇)篇)process: 对对起诉(处理)起诉(处理)complaint: 原告;申诉原告;申诉bear: 提供提供 盅灿矩甥棺势判向撕扯箕悦挫鸡秃玩裁屑鞠窟霹战邻译强胰前葵肉勒回耕高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究单选试题中的一词多义问题:单选试题中的一词多义问题:例一:例一:2007年天津卷单选试题年天津卷单选试题:14.The final score of the basketball match was

34、93-94.We were only _ beaten. A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. lightly痒桨宋么由肆壁匝找氯烤鄂纂肃愁窥听乱会倡羞寞盲轧熙如挫埔稳否项掸高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究3.高考试题中的构词法知识问题:高考试题中的构词法知识问题:1)Due in part to old inefficient batteries, Helios finished fourth- out of four- in its kind, the sun-powered class. (2004年

35、全国卷年全国卷II, 阅读理解阅读理解C )2)Every issue contains usable articles such as “Style Lab”, in which wearable clothes are mixed and matched on non-models and the “Eat-right Road Map”, with tips on how to eat properly. (2004年全国卷年全国卷III, 阅读理解阅读理解D )辨骚蹬构缆儒晓柳这员杠痒励务梅件潘存鲤夷事借凤烷追诈扎胰糟蚀擅尾高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的

36、目标内容和教学方法研究3) Nowadays, the socialization of the child in the United States is a two-way transaction(事事务)务)between parent and child rather than a one-way. (2008年福建卷,年福建卷, 完形填空)完形填空) “ize” 动词后缀,动词后缀,“使使化化”; “ization”名名词后缀词后缀 modernization globalization 4) People like parrots, always treating them as

37、nothing more than pets or valuable “collectables” (2009 湖北卷,阅读理解湖北卷,阅读理解B) 此句中此句中collectables的后缀阿扁的后缀阿扁 able的意思是的意思是“适合适合的的”纬函经枕丛奶总地啤同瑟惜忽播蛇瞒证筛望灭闯披扒旭掳绅抽七莱邮初肥高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究5) Second, the U.S. and Europe should abandon their policies of paying partly for the change of food i

38、nto biofuels. (2008 上海卷,阅读理解上海卷,阅读理解B) 词素词素bio的意思为的意思为“生物生物”6)It is possible that one good thing to arise from downturn will be a generation thats financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty. (2009年山东卷,阅读理解年山东卷,阅读理解D)匙您滨亿聂兹祁彬炒翘臂驯蔓延长味皑邮则姓饥即犀池耽倔间浪卫

39、猫簿盼高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究4. 高考试题中的介词问题:高考试题中的介词问题:1) 高考试题中的高考试题中的介词介词 against: Against the flow of the new words, many Japanese are turning back to the study of their own language. (2003全国高考试题全国高考试题 ;阅读理解;阅读理解D) against:“对照对照” She rested herself against a post close to the track.

40、 (2009年宁夏、海南、全国卷年宁夏、海南、全国卷I; 阅读理解阅读理解D) against: “倚着、靠着倚着、靠着”撮料遮执郡耽价苛腋喀属约适酥垮谩蔑场速捎帛没破淡债疙酝蟹耶邢掌艳高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2)高考试题中的)高考试题中的介词介词 over: An unusual story of human effect over the centuries, Fermats Last Theorem will delight specialists and readers alike. (2003年高考试题;年高考试题; 阅读理

41、解阅读理解C篇)篇) Weeks passed and the excitement over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of school before the holiday break. (2009年山东卷;完形填空)年山东卷;完形填空) over: “在在 期间期间”女奶排使邱耙儡毯辉煞泥尝瘪翟席冗碱腿俞仍铭抚录讯涝改呜凋残玲公盟高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 We kicked over a log and the fish jus

42、t came crowding out. (2009年全国卷年全国卷II; 完形填空)完形填空) over: “翻转翻转” Further studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time. (2009年宁夏、海南、全国卷年宁夏、海南、全国卷I; 阅读理解阅读理解C篇篇) over: “跨越跨越”沽缸咏抠炸沃隆奇镑刀斩渝梭久棍济麻勋彻将顿菱阎困浙士锥摹峦英眨荆高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究3)高考试题中的其他)高考试题中的其他介词介词 : During the trip,

43、you can rest on the deck, enjoying yourself in the games rooms and in evening dance to our musical team. (2009年宁夏、海南、全国卷年宁夏、海南、全国卷II; 阅读理解阅读理解D篇篇) to: “合着合着” He had realized that the word: “One of six to eight” under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to Katherine Aragon, t

44、he first Henry VIIIs six wives. (2003全国高考试题全国高考试题 ;阅读理解;阅读理解D) of : “ 在在中中”闻翅妒设洽忱谐荧录烙湖康侯授究董骨账落有蝉忘侗腹情呸阮伍绑懒悉扛高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 The next day Jenna went to see Mrs. Biden about being on the school newspaper. (2008年天津卷,年天津卷, 完形填空)完形填空) on: “参加参加”; “是是的成员的成员” Upon its ringing ever

45、yone would run for their coats and go home. (2009年山东卷;年山东卷; 完形填空)完形填空) upon = on = as soon as漾称荷社亏寐呵博绕柏涎湃砂仑辉挞奈档踌庄店横饺呢欣膛绊吕肋为芝吗高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 四四.关于语法知识在语篇中的应用问题关于语法知识在语篇中的应用问题: 1. 学生对语法知识的基本理解不等于能够学生对语法知识的基本理解不等于能够在语篇中灵活运用。实践证明,这两者之间存在语篇中灵活运用。实践证明,这两者之间存在很大的距离。培养学生在语篇中运用所学语

46、在很大的距离。培养学生在语篇中运用所学语法知识的能力,是第二阶段复习的重要目标之法知识的能力,是第二阶段复习的重要目标之一。一。 冲蟹窒谭笛份隘终建议刚皑桌肋愁何蠢腰忿裕陕宰橱道降舷趟敢嚏嘿肠悼高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2. 在语篇中所运用的语法知识有其独特的侧重点,在语篇中所运用的语法知识有其独特的侧重点,不同于单选试题。不同于单选试题。 语篇中的语言结构知识问题主要有:语篇中的语言结构知识问题主要有: 1)各类从句的运用)各类从句的运用 2)后置定语的问题)后置定语的问题 3)相关的句子成分被分割的问题)相关的句子成分被分割的问题

47、4)复杂的句子结构问题)复杂的句子结构问题 柑议火绊鲤漫吼炒神嘻牙邹办先濒珐角皿歧箭锦装就沧窃芦盒膀炉屯必窝高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究1)各类从句的运用)各类从句的运用:(:(2010年年 四川卷,阅读理解四川卷,阅读理解A篇)篇) I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedroom entirely lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood was spent on

48、books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives (观点观点) by creating worlds we could step into, take part in,and live in. With this unshakable belief, I, at fourteen, decided to become a writer. Here too,

49、 reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes

50、his own world. He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other peoples writing can one discover what works, what doesnt and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has. 衡裴件苦额瘩墒拽抚俭遍芜纯荷拷肇肛角克奥血锦矫庸伪竣凸晃镇讫贴获高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 Now I am i

51、n college, and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction (文学作品文学作品)As a law student, my reading is in fact limited to subject matterthe volume (量量) of what I have to read for classes every week means there is little time to read anything else. Such reading made it all the clearer to m

52、e that I live in a very small part in this great place called life. Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own. It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I

53、 wouldnt necessarily be able to have in my lifetime.右丧粗髓柄冰硫界痢实憎邀拣靡婴甚型半惋党蜜蛛沽宝捻配沪整肃秃嘲印高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2)后置定语的问题:)后置定语的问题: And there is a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3billion worth of childrens books bought each yearplus stories and articles needed by o

54、ver 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers. (2009年北京卷,阅读理解年北京卷,阅读理解B) 拭署敬婶烹渗筋皆偷严哩蓄磊狼帮真低凝隙改灾莆舀泡谐物位持起凌隙鱼高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究3)相关的句子成分被分割的问题)相关的句子成分被分割的问题 Due in part to old, inefficient batteries, Helios finished fourthout of four in its kind, the sun-powered clas

55、s. (2004年高考试题全国卷二,年高考试题全国卷二,C篇)篇) You will find as you read the book that you just cant keep some of these stories to yourself. You will share them with a friend. (2005年湖南卷单选试题)年湖南卷单选试题)阴畜悸蜗八邱目挚抽庆畅逐窥龙纤青笋赛晦教凉丫潭倍蝇盛嫂乳扎寐侦淘高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 They walked without an appointment into

56、 the outer office of Harvards president. (2005年福建卷,年福建卷, 完形填空)完形填空)茹狐嘎逞石扔仔疑疥捻烹杂暖仗诌至脂樱庞彼锅沧蓝伎威寞竿皂襄力儡啤高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 4)复杂的句子结构问题)复杂的句子结构问题 (一)(一) Scientists have reported recently that the world is heating up even faster than predicted only a few years ago, and that the cons

57、equences could be severe if we dont keep reducing emissions(排放)排放)of carbon dioxide(CO2)and other greenhouse gases that are trapping heat in our atmosphere. (2009年福建卷,阅读理解年福建卷,阅读理解E篇)篇) 注意:两个并列连词注意:两个并列连词 and; 三个由三个由that引起的从句引起的从句饭邱深屿挺瀑屠唇掩忘俄聪俯轨除壁喀刊商琐斥腊钥程拳鬼幼颐胆烧签嚏高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学

58、方法研究复杂的句子结构问题复杂的句子结构问题 (二)(二) FHWA spokesman Doug Hecox says reasons for the change include an aging population that needs more time to cross, health-conscious Americans walking more, children encouraged to walk to prevent to getting overweight and high gas prices pushing people to walk instead of d

59、rive. include后四个并列的宾语都带有各自的后置后四个并列的宾语都带有各自的后置定语定语- 并列和后置定语的问题交织在一起。并列和后置定语的问题交织在一起。 (2009年四川卷,阅读理解年四川卷,阅读理解D篇)篇)苞膏怔誓疹宜利囚瓣符味天涪罢协肌综碟雌倪民缨唐直描彭早诅骨馒摘旗高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究结论:结论: 在语篇的理解中,语言因素是解决学生能在语篇的理解中,语言因素是解决学生能准确地准确地“读懂读懂”的问题;而的问题;而“读懂读懂”又是做对又是做对试题的基础。试题的基础。 因此,对高考几个主要题型的复习仍需不因此,对

60、高考几个主要题型的复习仍需不断提高词汇能力和语法知识运用能力。断提高词汇能力和语法知识运用能力。 然后,才是解决不但读懂了文章还要做对然后,才是解决不但读懂了文章还要做对试题的问题。试题的问题。阴愤听鄙镰绢哼弹猿侧现必柜笨洱呸萍岭才啮卜切挽墓辛伶停谓邑榴斟凰高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究第二部分第二部分高考题型复习的教学研究高考题型复习的教学研究1.完形填空题型研究完形填空题型研究 2.阅读理解中的逻辑思维训练阅读理解中的逻辑思维训练 3. 英语书面表达的教学要点英语书面表达的教学要点鸟骆熊腺貉悯捷稠拆播切锤事题肇湍花岂斩掘佐排憨霖歼药毖涪

61、蔚餐渊肃高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究1.完形填空题型研究完形填空题型研究汐裙撤宇贸草咒自原抗誊疥以炽遏嘱后券帽抹膝蕊伦菠瓜脐糖之物坑蛋寿高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 (一)(一)完形填空题型的基本特点完形填空题型的基本特点及近年来的命题趋势及近年来的命题趋势 1)完形填空的试题意图。完形填空的试题意图。 2) 完形填空的试题特点。完形填空的试题特点。 3)近十年来各地高考命题的动向。)近十年来各地高考命题的动向。 汞鲸达冲冉眠毙郊忙棉奖格运枯宵折竣羌庚云李镀占锤墨波刷害盅掇潦辙高三英

62、语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究1)完形填空的试题意图。完形填空的试题意图。2003年版高考试题说明对完形填空的试年版高考试题说明对完形填空的试题意图做了明确的表述:题意图做了明确的表述:“考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对考查考生在阅读理解的基础上对词汇知识的综合运用能力词汇知识的综合运用能力”。抉虎预承胆合办咱江掂则彰陀结泄蛀有抱蔼酵痹召伍碑怯冀己拖狰荒伺梭高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 完形填空意在考词汇。因此,只要词汇功完形填空意在考词汇。因此,只要词汇功夫差,就不可能有较高的正确率。夫差,就

63、不可能有较高的正确率。 What was _9_ to be a stopgap(权宜之权宜之计)计)trip turned into a new life. I kept travelling between London and here and felt _10_than I had in months. 9. A. said B. prove C. supposed D. judge 10. A. smarter B. higher C. firmer D. lighter Paul understood that and never _14_ me.导妊勿榷线赡绽躯貌郴蛰售显胆邀宪姚

64、峦队跨冤妮嚷瀑骄有计瘴绳偷逃里高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究14. A. left B. pushed C. surprised D. interrupted (2011年,四川卷完形填空)年,四川卷完形填空) 学生在这些题上容易出错误的根本原因,学生在这些题上容易出错误的根本原因, 是抓不住正确选项的意思:是抓不住正确选项的意思: be supposed to 应该、被认为应该、被认为 light 轻松地、愉快的轻松地、愉快的 push 推动;推动; 逼迫逼迫篱屏驼愧胡戚对舀脾参觉登忿景罩撕蛔搜伍浚腕阁焉软铃齐日托僧订阜册高三英语二阶段复

65、习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究完形填空考查词汇知识的典型例子:完形填空考查词汇知识的典型例子: A young man was ready to graduate from college. For many months he had _ a beautiful sports car in the dealers showroom. A. expected (学生误选)学生误选) B. enjoyed C. admired D. owned (2009年辽宁卷完形填空)年辽宁卷完形填空) expect:期待、期望;:期待、期望; 预料、预计预料、预计 a

66、dmire:钦佩、羡慕;:钦佩、羡慕;想要、喜欢想要、喜欢 英捏噎喧辛抉耽叭籽窝不酵待寻习迸肃钨厌统涅塌暴聚捉拱萧钨摔悟驾盾高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2)完形填空的思维特点完形填空的思维特点虽然完形填空同听力、单选、阅读理解在形式上虽然完形填空同听力、单选、阅读理解在形式上都是都是“四选一四选一”,但解题时的思维方式截然不同:,但解题时的思维方式截然不同: 听力、单选、阅读理解中的绝大多数试题听力、单选、阅读理解中的绝大多数试题是是“选对错选对错” 完形填空的大部分试题是完形填空的大部分试题是“选最佳选最佳”箭端浩萍姓碍悄粒纱肺阵褥援皂


68、究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究(二)学生在完形填空中的常见错误(二)学生在完形填空中的常见错误 分析分析络揩械棕玻钱叛奋嫁穿焊律淬枝渐娄脆啦诫付宦行钳椒币辅录级畸蔼瑚弧高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究1)学生做题时没有整体理解的意识,学生做题时没有整体理解的意识,思考问题的范围太窄,思维的焦点思考问题的范围太窄,思维的焦点只局限在填空所在的句子,甚至只只局限在填空所在的句子,甚至只盯着填空的前后几个词。盯着填空的前后几个词。蒲瘪逮佳麦婿六寅惧办涯软颈幽溪置察乍赐单光芍们狭触鸵晕恫缘镍带吐高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究

69、高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 Jenna, a popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in herclass and was ready for new challenge in high school. However, high school was different. In the first week, Jenna went to tryouts(选拔赛) for cheerleaders(拉拉队队员). She was competing against very talented

70、girls, and she knew it would be difficult for her to be selected. Two hours later, the judge read a list of the girls for a second tryout. Her heart sank as the list ended without her name. Feeling _6_, she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework. Arriving home, she started with math. Sh

71、e had always been a good math student, but now she was_7_. She moved on to English and history, and was relieved to find that she didnt have any trouble with those subjects. Feeling better, she decided not to worry about math for the time being. The nest day Jenna went to see Mrs. Biden about being

72、on the school newspaper. Mrs. Biden wasnt as enthusiastic as Jenna. “Im sorry, but we have enough writer for the newspaper already. Come back next year and well talk then.” Jenna smiled weakly and left. “Why is high school so different?” she sighed. Later in math class, Jenna devoted herself to figu

73、ring out the problems that had given her so much trouble. By the end of class, she understood how to get them right. As she gathered her books, Jenna decided shed continue to try to fit in at her new school. She wasnt sure if shed succeed, but she knew she had to try. High school was just as her mom

74、 had said: “You will feel like a small fish in a big pond instead of a big fish in a small pond. The challenge is to become the best fish you can be.” 陨衍瓣仰躯飘亭践坑哄臼伦社鄂殖战趾失瓢娇割争裕硫诱胖漱资止追渗掌高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究6.A. strange B. happy C. awful D. lonely(学生的错误选项学生的错误选项) 要想得出正确的结论必须具备两个条件:

75、要想得出正确的结论必须具备两个条件: 知道知道awful的意思是:令人不愉快的。的意思是:令人不愉快的。 理解全文的主旨大意:理解全文的主旨大意:JennaJenna到了新学校到了新学校后,在新的环境和竞争中所遇到的挫折以及从后,在新的环境和竞争中所遇到的挫折以及从不适应到逐渐适应的心里过程。不适应到逐渐适应的心里过程。7. A. struggling B. improving C. working D. complaining(错误选项错误选项)昂吠抗径幅脑囊授技扒拭甥怀淳订思右暂邀幂肪句檬丈桥绽沼娃啥凡鼎搏高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究

76、缺乏整体理解意识的教学实例(二)缺乏整体理解意识的教学实例(二) Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the way of mining, construction, and warfare as the inventor of dynamite(炸药炸药).On April 12, 1888, Alfreds brother Ludwig died of heart attack. A major French newspaper mistook his brother for him and carried an article an

77、nouncing the death of Alfred Nobel. “The merchant of death is dead,” the article read. “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became _3_ by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” Nobel was upset憾漱龋瘟忻噶左吗哼剃德韭虾佰辖铆汗鹿销阎荣胖记殊瘟障胶瞩医咐爱菩高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 to find out

78、 not that he had died, but that, when his time was up, he would be thought of only as one who profited from death and destruction. 3. A. famous (学生错选)学生错选) B. sick C. rich D. pleased分析:分析: 文章引用报刊的话意在说明舆论对诺贝文章引用报刊的话意在说明舆论对诺贝尔的看法尔的看法制造死亡的商人,并没有把他当制造死亡的商人,并没有把他当作知名人士。作知名人士。 第一句:第一句:Alfred Nobel became

79、a millionaire 莹冲麓布询队央泵染疑峻悬徽课臀莆雹朔槛褂卉时词钵吼外涵刁猾瘤凶屏高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2)由于解题方法不对导致的错误由于解题方法不对导致的错误 尤其是文章后面的内容决定前面的尤其是文章后面的内容决定前面的选项时,最容易出现此类错误。选项时,最容易出现此类错误。轻渺措册忱靛桔茵美铬务铬屿殖美蹄辰巧展滞膝声着呸嘿牢巨擎觅战疡告高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 I was a single parent of four small children, work

80、ing at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a _1_ over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always enough. (2008年,辽宁卷)年,辽宁卷) A. roof B. hat C. sky (学生误选)(学生误选) D. star 学生选学生选sky,并认为,并认为“虽然生活不富裕,但头虽然生活不富裕,但头顶上依然有一片自己的蓝天。顶上依然有一片自己的蓝天。” 错误的原因分析:根本没有考虑后面的内容

81、错误的原因分析:根本没有考虑后面的内容用排比的方式表示在用排比的方式表示在物质物质上尚且过得去。上尚且过得去。 壬胜鄙远垮淬购蕴航阵苑饺甜至睫渗洋街涡软瞬窜朋拇颂币钥衙扯汲弥渝高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 3)3)没有建立没有建立“最佳最佳”的思维方式,的思维方式,在下结论前缺少在下结论前缺少比较比较的思维过程。的思维过程。巢伊绽惕爽峰点绎界沈全把阐靡啡浆寄琶隘郝位殃氮鼓疚益裕袋堵稽也枪高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 When I entered Berkeley, I hoped t

82、o earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could take tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he presented in class.When I took the first exam, I was shocked to find a

83、77, C-plus, on my test paper, for English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained unmoved.I decided to try harder, although I didnt know what that meant because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77.

84、Again, I _ 42_ with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldnt change his mind . A. quarreled B. reasoned C. bargained D. chatted熄犁缎驯录蠢憾窥酮垛瀑负褐份医弥俗抓宋葛舍痕噪贴卓圭绑顺爷秘汲急高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 学生认为选择学生认为选择quarrel无可争议,而且前面还出现无可争议,而且前面还出现了了argument。错误分析:错误分析: 不理解上述几个词的准确意思不理解

85、上述几个词的准确意思 argue: 争论、争辩争论、争辩 quarrel:争吵:争吵 reason: 理论(动词);据理力争理论(动词);据理力争 缺少比较的思维过程,因此就没有最佳的意缺少比较的思维过程,因此就没有最佳的意识。识。杏赦箍焊泳掺阶就腋恃叉彭屿芬鬃潘京信丁剔楚毅秧壹息苔澎处组猩垫夯高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究最佳思维的又一个例子:最佳思维的又一个例子: After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning_20

86、_ behind the little empty box set on my desk. A. from (学生误选)学生误选) B. behind C. over D. towards (2009年山东卷)年山东卷)比较:来自小空盒的意义比较:来自小空盒的意义 小空盒背后的意义小空盒背后的意义 最佳思维模式的关键,是培养学生最佳思维模式的关键,是培养学生建立建立“比较比较”的思维过程的思维过程。 谱喊瑟辟侗孙纂俊泅睬趁阅娃秽服悸品依澜晨契攫请鼻唬链巍顺唆窿忻怜高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究4)帮助学生建立品味)帮助学生建立品味“主谓关系

87、主谓关系”和和“动宾关系动宾关系”合理性的语言思维逻辑。合理性的语言思维逻辑。 完形填空的选项设计以实词为主,完形填空的选项设计以实词为主,20个填空个填空中的动词和名词通常占半数以上。中的动词和名词通常占半数以上。 培养学生每遇动词或名词时养成品味培养学生每遇动词或名词时养成品味“主谓主谓关系关系”和和“动宾关系动宾关系”的思维习惯,认真考虑:的思维习惯,认真考虑: 主谓搭配合理主谓搭配合理 动宾搭配合理动宾搭配合理腺姆吸简泞力语拽蒸望油灾骤坷泛睦妥盏悔蓬笋难晶樊焰霉凹拷塌弧讫驶高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究主谓关系搭配合理的教学实例(一

88、)主谓关系搭配合理的教学实例(一) After five years of poor job, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best _39_ that could have happened to me. (2005年安徽卷)年安徽卷) A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing分析:分析: 不仅要考虑哪个选项最适合被不仅要考虑哪个选项最适合被best修饰,修饰,而且还要考虑哪个选项而且还要考虑哪个选项最适合充当后面定语从最适合充当后面定语从句的主语。

89、句的主语。莫冀蚤峡仅海制铬聘乃戏剿粉爬接逛贩肮误恭职冤奥郊文量么没悟椿顾组高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究动宾关系搭配合理的教学实例(一)动宾关系搭配合理的教学实例(一) Parents and coaches in particular should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better _13_. They should not cheer when children win or act aggressively. (20

90、08年上海卷,阅读理解)年上海卷,阅读理解) A. techniques B. means C. values D. directions收彦岿碘笆内挤鲤环躯带过湾敏消研帆劳嫩皂规讥挑忠凉住遥替捡综凉豫高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究分析:分析: A. A. 技术技术 ( (动宾搭配合理)动宾搭配合理) B. B. 方法、手段方法、手段 (合理)(合理)教给孩子们更好的教给孩子们更好的 C.C.价值观价值观 (合理)(合理) D. D.方向、指导方向、指导 (不合理不合理)结论:结论: 选选D D的同学没有的同学没有“动宾搭配合理动宾搭配合理

91、”的思维。的思维。 选选A A、B B的同学缺乏整体理解,因为全文的的同学缺乏整体理解,因为全文的主题是论述主题是论述“体育道德体育道德”,而非体育技术。,而非体育技术。叁链喧歼介湍炔吼吸裂诸莎泪缔煞钧泻零羚滔湛施豢喘钱油星碴炯协羞暴高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2.阅读理解中的逻辑思维训练阅读理解中的逻辑思维训练 1 1)概括能力培养的教学实例)概括能力培养的教学实例 2 2)推断能力培养的教学实例)推断能力培养的教学实例瓢醇揪蛙潘霍除豪耪煌酮敌瞄孰囱屯肛妈厢恤化扔匣惺剔槐哎诽摆腺竖牛高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶

92、段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究逻辑和语言都同人类的思维密不可分:逻辑和语言都同人类的思维密不可分: 语言是思维的工具;逻辑是思维的规律。语言是思维的工具;逻辑是思维的规律。因此当我们运用语言这门工具进行思维时,因此当我们运用语言这门工具进行思维时,逻辑问题是不可避免的。以前的高考单选试逻辑问题是不可避免的。以前的高考单选试题也曾考过逻辑问题:题也曾考过逻辑问题: We all write _, even when theres not much to say. (NMET94) A. now and then B. by and by C. step by step D. more or le

93、ss航阶伊茧趣屯斯畦痹偷棒舒巡役燃行醒扔偿吱狸墩泄心破策酿四哨瓦冕独高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 Do you always understand the direction on a bottle of medicine? Do you know what is meant by “Take only as directed?” Read the following directions and see if you understand them. “To reduce pain, take two tablets (药片药片) wi

94、th water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For night-time and early morning relief (缓解疼痛缓解疼痛) take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablet twenty-four hours. For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount (量量) . For children six years old, ask your

95、doctors advice. Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness after taking the medicine.” This text is most probably taken from a _ . A. textbook B. newsreel C. doctors notebook D. bottle of medicine阜拾嗓她寝械太载鞠捕拱做逊酝蓟孺蕊街寝陀抬柴蓖恃水积声偿恒角荡式高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 The s

96、oybean( 大豆大豆 ) is one of the world useful crops. It is already used in many different foods and in many industrial products. And scientists continue to find more uses for it. American farmers grow about one thousand nine hundred million bushels ( 容量单位容量单位 ) of soybean each year. They earn eleven tho

97、usand million dollars for their crops. In the United States, about twenty three million tons of soybean were fed to farm animals last year. More than five hundred sixty-five million bushels were exported. Soybeans are also used in different kinds of food eaten by humans. Soybean oil is used to make

98、cooking oil. It is the main substance (物质物质) used in salad oil. The soybean is used to make some baby foods, some meats, a kind of ice-cream, and beer. Six years ago, American scientists developed a new kind of ink for use in printing newspapers. Traditional newspaper ink is made from petroleum(原油原油

99、) oil. The traditional ink easily rubs off onto your hands and clothes. The new ink 钵润瘟奏窝陌抄悦桥媳鬃催图俭季佬块淆谊瘟底公六肢宵焰料际著堤鲍渴高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 contained thirty percent soybean oil, and it did not rub off easily. But, it cost seventy percent more than the old ink. So, few painters use

100、d it Scientists now have developed another newspaper ink. This new ink contains only soybean oil and color dyes. It costs less than ink made from petroleum and the ink made from a petroleum and soybean mixture. A government agriculture scientist said he believes the printing industry will use about

101、one hundred million bushels of soybeans each year to make the new ink. Another team of government scientist is experimenting with another use for soybeans. The soybean food would be less costly than the food that farmers now feed to fish.练习:练习: The best title for this passage is _ . A. Soybean and O

102、ur Life B. Soybeans C. Soybean and Newspaper Ink D. The Use of Soybean 逮尉进渺缮鼻傀轨酱沉绵初侣傍杉迹逢笆遁向拢逮迈颤塘淀饱质则尹灾独高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 Successful people in international business understand the cultures of other countries and learn to change their practices in different cultures. They und

103、erstand the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions-mistaken ideas. One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that ones own cultures way of doing things is better than the way of other cultures. Its ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international busines

104、s. To avoid ethnocentrism, its necessary to study the different elements(组成部分组成部分) of culture: language, values and attitudes ,and customs and manners.Language A knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four ways. First, people can communicates directly. Second, peop

105、le are usually more open in their communication With someone who speaks their language. Third, an understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly. Finally, knowing the language helps people to understand the culture better.逮官诅赦恋铀譬琳讥讣断赚颜啪响瞩诣彝适昨躺宽缎绎两黍津钝砖仙壕攒高三英语

106、二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究Values and Attitudes Values are peoples basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. An attitude is way of thinking or acting. Values and attitudes influence international business. For example, many people in the United States belie

107、ve that chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it.Customs and Manners Customs are common social practices. Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite. For example, in the United States, it is custom to have salad(色拉) befor

108、e the main course at dinner, not after. Its not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at table. Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their products. Orange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesnt sell well because t

109、he French dont usually drink juice with breakfast. What would be the best title for the text? ( 抓住中心词)抓住中心词) A. Misconceptions in Business B. Basic Beliefs in Business C. International Business Culture D. Successful International Business糊庆跟域步清床挚蒜彝胆毗歉伦收势溺撇鸳任领啸皇捻邓椭辽貌临耕媒感高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习

110、的目标内容和教学方法研究 考查主旨大意的试题设计类型考查主旨大意的试题设计类型1)按照概括范围的大小设计四个选项)按照概括范围的大小设计四个选项 A. B. C. D.杀嘎申累称崩盒摊娃链些蜘好途肄撰墙揩拱仿鲍氓堪曾应诡隐苏脯澈豹紊高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2)用偏离主题方向的手法设计干扰项用偏离主题方向的手法设计干扰项主题方向BCDA亏望簇罩漏躲撒拴另漓辣嘿蕊营谗践溅商历薪催鹃腰纸馈械它岸十胶填脑高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2 2)培养推断能力的教学实例)培养推断能力的教学实例

111、推断的概念:推断的概念:根据根据文章中的文章中的已知已知信息,信息,推推测出文章中没有说出的测出文章中没有说出的未知未知信息。信息。 推断的关键是根据试题的要求,准确抓推断的关键是根据试题的要求,准确抓住推理的依据;依据正确结论才能正确。住推理的依据;依据正确结论才能正确。 考查推断的试题常用考查推断的试题常用“infer”、 “imply”一类词语。一类词语。哪恰卯碧畔丸裔踌败增段典娇售粘矽岭谗是识锁寝题虾脏鸯命孩贵时闷牧高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 From Stanford we turned your attention nort

112、h and slight west to San Francisco. We set off a quarter past eleven a.m. and before long a car travelling the 35 miles between the two places brought us terrible news of a city in ruins, with fires beginning at varies points, and water supply interrupted. I was fortunate enough to board the only tr

113、ain that got up to the city; fortunate enough also to escape in the evening by the only train that left it. This gave me and my brave female companion four hours of observation. By midday, when we reached the city, the smoke was heavier and the terrible explosion had begun, but the troops, the polic

114、e, and the firemen seemed to have set up order, dangerous neighborhoods were roped off everywhere and stationed with policemen, bars were closed, trucks or cars were forced into service, and everyone was at work who could work. It was indeed a strange sight to see an entire population in the streets

115、 busy as ants in an uncovered ant hill hurrying to save their eggs. The sidewalks were covered with well-dressed men and women, carrying precious things, or dragging big boxes to spots of greater temporary ( 暂时的暂时的 ) safety, soon to be dragged farther, as the fire kept spreading! 练习:练习: When did the

116、 writer and his woman companion leave San Francisco? A. At 3:15 p.m. B. At 4:00 p.m. C. At midday. D. At 11:15 a.m.蔚居悍氏转淑邢屋幼甩唱耗踩谢日燃鹅棕热辈嚼棺桓腊裤楷妒锣铸灭僚由高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 3.书面表达的教学研究书面表达的教学研究 1)近年来高考作文试题的类型)近年来高考作文试题的类型 2)从高考满分的学生作文看作文教学的方)从高考满分的学生作文看作文教学的方向。向。 3)学生作文中常见问题分析)学生作文中

117、常见问题分析完绩劝蒂粥狗晕稗钠坦菌峦摩岁蜗魏蓝曾夸淑欧鸯停寸印狮烁诅拣圃妹彝高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 1)近年来高考作文试题的类型)近年来高考作文试题的类型扎嗅僻混忘同催滔著隅燕钳宫纫丢喊磕与溉讽甜姐捏宿掸仍陋煞具潦络绍高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 完全限定内容的写作完全限定内容的写作2011年全国大纲卷年全国大纲卷: 假定你是李华,你所喜爱的假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周刊创刊五周年之际周刊创刊五周年之际征集读者的意见。请你根据以下内容给主编写一封信,内容

118、主要征集读者的意见。请你根据以下内容给主编写一封信,内容主要包括:包括: 1.说明你是该报的忠实读者说明你是该报的忠实读者 2. 赞赏该报的优点:赞赏该报的优点: 1)兼顾国内外新闻)兼顾国内外新闻 2)介绍名人成功的故事)介绍名人成功的故事 3. 提出建议:提出建议: 刊登指导英语学习的文章刊登指导英语学习的文章 讨湾西灰惟炳紧陕聋扩匿嘶洼猎宙军搞苞碟哟熄吓耻酝暴跋秸叠铀赚面脾高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2011年江西卷:年江西卷: 假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为“Lets Ride Bicyc

119、les”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:主要内容包括: 1. 目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题; 2. 骑自行车的益处,如节能环保,有利健康等。骑自行车的益处,如节能环保,有利健康等。 参考词汇:低碳生活(参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carton life) 节能(节能(energy saving) 注意:注意: 1. 词数:词数:120词左右;词左右;2. 演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,请将其抄写在答题演讲稿开头和结尾已给出,请将其抄写在答题卡上且该部分不计入总词数。卡上且该部分不计入总词数。求揪霸微踊

120、舵埂糟款井举撩驳耪昧刹航币衫娟刷廖隙郊苑装格例窿红俺囊高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究部分限定内容的写作部分限定内容的写作2011年全国课标卷:年全国课标卷: 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根)的帮助。根据学校规定,你须书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:据学校规定,你须书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信: 1.本人简介;本人简介; 2.求助内容;求助内容;(没有具体内容的要求)(没

121、有具体内容的要求) 3.约定时间;约定时间; 4.你的联系方式:你的联系方式:Email:;Phone:12345678 注意:注意: 1.词数词数100左右;左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.结束语以为你写好结束语以为你写好 庭羡俞竿吵忌越斧望聂婉奢恰册骤胎年桑鸦橇乙蜡衡持贵恳膏惑喇斌纫目高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2011年陕西卷:年陕西卷: 假定你是中学生李华。在一位名叫假定你是中学生李华。在一位名叫TigerMom的学生家长的学生家长的博客上,你看到如下内容。请你根据的博客上,你看到

122、如下内容。请你根据博客内容博客内容、写作要点写作要点和和要求要求,给这位家长回复。,给这位家长回复。 Im the mother of a fourteen-year-old. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school, but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on

123、her. Am I wrong? 写作要点:写作要点: 1.表明自己的看法;表明自己的看法; 2.陈述自己的理由(可举例说明);陈述自己的理由(可举例说明); 3.提出至少两条建议提出至少两条建议 要求:要求: 1.短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。短文须写在答题卡的指定区域。 2.短文词数不少于短文词数不少于100(不含已写好的部分)。(不含已写好的部分)。3.内容充实,结构完整,语意连内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯。贯。 4.书写需清晰、工整。书写需清晰、工整。庶螟制播仑谅耳骑曳煞舅智应齿吃蜗闽杨颓揭氟誊困盐燎贞苹洞哀蝉记主高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教

124、学方法研究无限定内容的写作无限定内容的写作 北京卷的开放作文开北京卷的开放作文开 “读写结合读写结合”之先河之先河 You and your Australian friend Jim are visiting a city in China where you see the street sculptures as shown below. You and Jim are discussing what the artist is trying to say. Now you are telling Jim how you understand this piece of art and

125、what makes you think so. (北京卷北京卷2006年试题年试题) (某市街头雕象某市街头雕象) 鹿原什禾颈俺镣眶障俩境叙瞄氢逛土蔼塔嚣驭萨顶施龙委斋城趾力婶钦皋高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究2011年北京卷:年北京卷:请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。 In your spoken English class, your teacher shows you the following picture. You are asked to describe the pictu

126、re and explain how you understand it.喧腋电程荧财土组关膏三沾哇朽臼搁诅兴纷距纪铀戈逻卜输芳火稗男杖刺高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究结论:结论: a) 近年来,在各地的试题中,近年来,在各地的试题中,“部分限定部分限定内容内容”的写作有逐渐增加的趋势。的写作有逐渐增加的趋势。2011年的全年的全国大纲卷出现的苗头应该被视为对这一趋势的国大纲卷出现的苗头应该被视为对这一趋势的肯定。肯定。 b) “部分限定内容部分限定内容”试题的普及将产生两方试题的普及将产生两方面的影响面的影响 评分标准的变化和增加学生写作

127、评分标准的变化和增加学生写作时的困难。时的困难。 c) “部分限定内容部分限定内容” 写作应该在写作训练中写作应该在写作训练中得到充分的重视。得到充分的重视。 蛹利旁绒褂蒋惩做懂全舷柒名劣瞅亡救气鞠狄伞棉债驮试诫旋似蹄轮揣敲高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 2)写作训练的目标:)写作训练的目标: 因材施教是确定写作训练目标的基本原则。因材施教是确定写作训练目标的基本原则。应该为不同层次的学生设定不同的目标。最终应该为不同层次的学生设定不同的目标。最终使所有的学生都能得到提高。使所有的学生都能得到提高。 一般目标:内容全面、语言正确。一般目标:

128、内容全面、语言正确。 高级目标:布局、谋篇、立意、高水准的高级目标:布局、谋篇、立意、高水准的语言(连贯、流畅、规范)。语言(连贯、流畅、规范)。 惺相驭青哀瞄镑瘟阁右批衬童膏罢涝连蚁晶少洲湘闽快宅痉伐佯厩甄吟仕高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 3)高水准语言训练的教学实例)高水准语言训练的教学实例 戍紧补桩购启妨语纹王副灸弧碟掉亭捉痴菩袜党左铭省农咨疯何躯圈搐奥高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究充分认识句子的主语作用。充分认识句子的主语作用。高考满分的学生作文: Whether we nee

129、d the Labor Day Golden Week or not depends on circumstances. However, views among students differ sharply as the following discussion. Labor Day Golden Week invented in last decade, with its wide popularity for traveling and increasingly prosperous economy, is supported by nearly one third of the to

130、tal students. They argue that along with the family reunion and the total relaxation both physically and mentally, “Holiday Economy” can be realized by family traveling and individual consuming.拎独吓楚桥檬遍菲睫炸馅黑灯棋唬娄滔驱摘赌产裴招惯腋气拳绎勒放衙陶高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 Those who are against the long

131、holiday account for sixty-seven percent, saying that the Labor Day Golden Week should be cancelled. Problems have arisen in many aspects, such as the crowdedness in resorts and the difficulty in purchasing train tickets. When it comes to the destruction of the ecosystem, it has a lot to do with the

132、holiday. Further details should be carefully examined to limit the holiday economy.匀驮反露弥帮匙溯孵窑糜林辱泼澡赔裹窝相眠暇力搐物釉各倪衬桩涨瑟兼高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究经过专题教学后的学生作文:经过专题教学后的学生作文:试题:试题: 假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟假设你是晨光中学的高中生李华。你校拟选拔一批优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学选拔一批优秀学生,利用暑期到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此

133、活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信:以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信: 1.对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生级社会对此活动的认识(如对本人、学生级社会的益处等)的益处等) 2.个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等)能力等) 3.你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等你的计划(如怎样进行辅导等 庞玉嚎焊圣巍飞岳江坤蛹曳操字脏偏份岿岔痛墟袭胺化埠妄赛露宿线洁浸高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究学生的习作:学生的习作:Dear Sir or Madam, Im Li Hua from ClassOne

134、, Senior Two. Id like to take part in the activity which will help the students of Chenxi Hope School with their English in the Summer holiday. Im a student who is warm-hearted. Also, Id like to be independent and being able to speak fluent spoken English is another advantage of mine. I have made a

135、plan of the activity. Vocabulary is the most basic ability of English. So we must let the student remember as many English words 幂言丙貉康腐你诡碱泡兆么钒呵报爷侩事犁椽状瞧尉忘利狙碘馋帝掘笋镁高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 As possible. On the other hand, grammar should not be ignored. Teaching them some easy grammar i

136、s another way to improve their English. In my opinion, this activity is not only good for me, but also a benefit to the society. All of us can get o lot from it.涧武搀涝躺射砖硫良爪塘扳玩戈扛拉秃贬啤栽祈锈怖豫沸疗胰恰宝捉售端高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究对比分析对比分析2011年安徽卷的参考答案:年安徽卷的参考答案:My Approach to Difficulties in Le

137、arning As high school student, we run into on difficulty after another in the process of learning. Everyone has their own way to deal with them. Here I would like to share mine. When I am faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages. In this way, I c

138、an not only work it out but also improve my ability to overcome problems all by mtself.毖奏辩忌渴啮趴膳携若选航衰晌柏峪擅视敬吧服吧脏洛蕾男昂散灌薄搭狸高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 However, when it is something beyond my competence, I turn to my classmates or teachers for help. Sometimes I also ask my parents for advi

139、ce. As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies. 题目要求这篇作文必须从第一人称的角度题目要求这篇作文必须从第一人称的角度布局谋篇,但是否就意味着所有的句子都用第布局谋篇,但是否就意味着所有的句子都用第一人称呢?一人称呢? 可以让学生试着改动几处主语,可以让学生试着改动几处主语, 以解决主以解决主语单调的问题。语单调的问题。 依烘爪呛宴也唉嚣润刊偏侵呸室舀某鲁锥偶恋怜劲缎汾澄亏坠氰外缚昆犁高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究学生作文中的汉语干扰学生作文中的汉语干扰“汉语干扰汉语

140、干扰”教学实例教学实例(一一) “大约大约有有300名学生参加了这次运动会。名学生参加了这次运动会。” 学生常写成:学生常写成: There were about three hundred students take part in the sports meet. 修改也很简单,将和汉语对应的修改也很简单,将和汉语对应的there were 去掉,再改正时态即可:去掉,再改正时态即可: About three hundred students took part in the sports meet.熬仟邪蚁莱汞疵磷版妹袍纷优嫩围搬走表罗变虽慕厉慧塘栗塞菲储干啥土高三英语二阶段复习的目标内

141、容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究“汉语干扰汉语干扰”教学实例教学实例(二二)学生习作摘录学生习作摘录: :Whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city, let the people decide.分析分析: :学生的汉语思维就已经产生了错误。学生的汉语思维就已经产生了错误。“北京动物园是否迁出这坐城市,让人民决定。北京动物园是否迁出这坐城市,让人民决定。”汉语中可以将宾语提前以示强调,但通常使用汉语中可以将宾语提前以示强调,但通常使用“把把”字,因此,作为书面语言,应该修改为:字,因此,作为书面语言,

142、应该修改为:分镀杰盗惕暑歹洱歹郧尸菠妮耸沦程织瘩误户甫否幻坏业兼剂衰默俞蔗荧高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究“把北京动物园是否迁出的问题留给人民决定把北京动物园是否迁出的问题留给人民决定”建议将学生的作文修改为:建议将学生的作文修改为: Whether the Beijing Zoo will be moved out of the city should be decided by the people.说寅谓傅瑞汾沾苇就嵌涣弟莽捷字狄定阀目猎蔼赐锭醇捐教催芽捕免肿耿高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教

143、学方法研究学生作文中的语句连贯、过度自然的学生作文中的语句连贯、过度自然的 问题问题 教学实例(一)教学实例(一)学生习作:学生习作: Some of the students support the idea that the Beijing Zoo should be moved out. They say too many visitors usually cause traffic jams. Secondly, if the park is moved to the suburb, the animals will live better. The 2008 Olympic Game

144、s will be held in Beijing, wider streets will be built to meet the needs of the games.剔埋贬龋保贡灌们枝欢哼料柜凹宴侨荧蜗裙横到璃吝雌艇王件挺国缺丝坊高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究问题分析:问题分析: 读过这段文字后的感觉是内容松散,意读过这段文字后的感觉是内容松散,意思的表达缺乏逻辑上的因果关系和连贯性。思的表达缺乏逻辑上的因果关系和连贯性。 虽然没有语言错误,但难以给人以语言的虽然没有语言错误,但难以给人以语言的美感。美感。 其次,其次,Secondl

145、y, if the zoo is moved to the suburb, the animals will live better.一句,一句,也犯了同样的思维错误,令读者无法理解也犯了同样的思维错误,令读者无法理解动物园的迁出同动物生活的更好之间有什动物园的迁出同动物生活的更好之间有什么必然的联系。么必然的联系。领滑札香县雏孤藏钨抨扳大锯哼瑟组疮邵君描氦淬噪洋樱括掀烘巳味汰册高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究修改建议:修改建议:1.Some of the students support the idea that the Beijing

146、Zoo should be moved out for the following reasons: Firstly Secondly, And finally,2.把把if the park is moved to the suburb, the animals will live better一句修改为:一句修改为: if the park is moved to the suburb, theanimals will have much more space and live better腔学躺搁店凝侨子夷污索变遇怔父碑浊篡砧端限筑踊豆敛玖旧班宫讽煤朋高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方

147、法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究学生作文中的语言逻辑问题:学生作文中的语言逻辑问题:教学实例:教学实例: In my view, Id like to work in a team, because working in a team can not only share my ideas with others but also know what other peoples thought about the same question. because从句的主语是从句的主语是working in a team; 作作share的主语尚且可以,作的主语尚且可以,作know的

148、的主语绝对不符合语言逻辑。主语绝对不符合语言逻辑。 修改办法:在修改办法:在but also后加后加make me兔桩悸全妇眩芝奄吾膜逾卧郎款锹盅川阂弧吱聘郸屈坛蛔察窝驻撬腕蛛篷高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 学生在部分限定内容或无限定内容的学生在部分限定内容或无限定内容的作文中的审题和立意问题作文中的审题和立意问题 (以(以2006年广东卷的学生作文为例)年广东卷的学生作文为例)浇蒸辖肩蜕萝其质统毗话呜车诊酣撮毯碳岔俐航忱猜麦没店河票评凶就幂高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 200620

149、06年广东卷:年广东卷: 根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,根据以下图画,写一篇英语短文,描述今昔通讯方式的变化,以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响。 注意:注意:1 1词数:词数:100100左右左右 2 2生词:通讯:生词:通讯:communicate (with sb)vi. communication (n) 互联网:互联网:the Internet (n.)尖越斑况显威橙佩艇烬绽牟逃豌邦申猩奥涟绎臃奏现抄效鸭迪听跺峭葬喳高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 The Changing M

150、eans of Communication As the development of science, peoples means of communication have greatly changed. In the past, people communicated with each other by letters which were not punctual time. People always had to wait for a while during the process of sending letters, which was not convenient to

151、 them. However, people were pleased to receive and send letters, for they enjoyed the long-time wait and the excitement of reading letters, which was an unforgettable experience to people. At present, people have many ways of communication, such as sending e-mails, chatting online and so on. These m

152、eans bring us so much convenience that people all over the world However, more and more people start to communicate with each other by the means of chatting online which makes people have few chances to have a face to face conversation. 问题:红色字体部分同文章的主题是否切合?问题:红色字体部分同文章的主题是否切合? 扎哆辣蛔沸斥届慨临赠拙煽蹋枫瞧源剑橡可哇喂耻愧擅绞本嘻肿拣漳渍诅高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究 欢迎交流:欢迎交流: zhanghome_添饰判岂闻钢觅檀值乘乖帘俐捅哟箍蓉旋瓤源成儡役着迂墒药习鞠秤闻衷高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究厄蒸湘禽或届淀缄袄杭请掠休痊鼓落买曼拴劝褒叠妄痹芳娜催琢狼钞刺亏高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究高三英语二阶段复习的目标内容和教学方法研究



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