大学动漫英语上册Unit 7 Flash Anmated Ads

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《大学动漫英语上册Unit 7 Flash Anmated Ads》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学动漫英语上册Unit 7 Flash Anmated Ads(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、大学动漫英语(上册)unit 7Flash Animated Ads flash动画广告 Reading & Speaking: How to Design a Creative Ad?4 LISTENING2Reading:Flash Animated Ads3Planning and design of residential area5Country Style Bathroom Decor6Dialogue:What is advertising?1Unit 7 Contents Grammar;Future Perfect7Unit goals:You will become fam

2、iliar with the basic definitions of advertisement. With the understanding advertisement, you will begin to learn how to animate the World with Flash, and how to create a FLASH advertisement.Task1:Dialogue: What is advertising? munication k.mju:nikein n. 沟通,交通,沟通I am in communication with him on this

3、 subject. 关于这问题,我正和他交换意见。2.) information .infmein n. 信息The development of the information technology is the greatest technological advance of the 20th century. 信息技术的发展是二十世纪工业技术上的最大进步。3) medium mi:djm n. 媒体,方法,媒介 Sound travels through the medium of air. 声音通过空气这一媒介传播。返回返回返回返回Words study4)commercial km

4、:l adj. 商业的 n. 商业广告 New York is a big commercial city. 纽约是一座大的商业城市。5) profit prfit n. 利润,赢利,利益 v. 有益,获利,赚钱 There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present. 现在卖报纸利润很少。6) element elimnt n. 成分,要素,元素 Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life. 诚实、勤劳和善良是幸福生活的要素。Words study7)

5、illustration .ilstrein n. 插图,例证,说明Children like books filled with illustrations. 孩子们喜欢插图丰富的书。8)creative kri(:)eitiv adj. 创造性的 画家是具有创造性的艺术家。Painters are creative artists. Words studyTask B: I.According to the dialogue complete the following sentences with the correct information.1. Professor Smith is

6、 an ad designer.2. Jenny is a student from Shenzhen Technical Institute.3. Commercial ad is mainly for making profits and non-commercial ad is for public interests.4. Advertising is a kind of communication of information by medium.5. The important elements of making a good ad are color choices, illu

7、strations, layouts, logos and creative ideas, Imagination.Task B:II.Translate the following sentences into English.1.现代广告设计中,创意是广告作品成败的关键。Creativeness is the key to success for modern ads designing. 2.标新立异:现代广告创意创新的关键Seeking to be Different: Key of Modern Advertisement Innovation; 3.他提出了一个这产品的广告设计。H

8、e advanced a design to advertise the product. 4.这个广告是针对儿童设计的。This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children. 返回返回返回返回Dialogue: What is advertising?返回返回返回返回Task 2:LISTENING :The Movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden DragonDirections: Listen to the conversation between Taylor and Fred and decide wheth

9、er the following statements are true(T) of false (F).( T )1. Ang Lee was the director of the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.( T )2. Ang Lee was nominated that year for the Academy Awards.( F )3.Chou Yun-Fat was nominated for his role in the movie.( F )4. The movie did win three Oscars that year

10、.( F )5.A number of studios were used in different places, including Hong Kong and the U.K.( F )6. The movie was a low cost and also makes big profits.返回返回返回返回The Movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden DragonTaylor : Have you watched the movie Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon?Fred: Yeah, Its very good movie.The

11、 movies director Ang Lee, received a nomination that year for the Academy Awards.Taylor: In the movie Chou Yun-Fat was one of the leading actors.Fred: Chou Yun-Fat,however ,was not nominated for his role,but the movie did win four Oscars that year.Taylor:And I also know that a number of studios were

12、 used in different places,including Hong Kong and the USA.Fred: Thats true.I ts high-cost movie and it also makes big profits.返回返回返回返回Task 3.Reading:Flash Animated Ads1. shelter elt n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight. 这种植物必须遮起来,免受阳光直射。In the storm I took shelter under t

13、he tree. 暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避2. consider knsid v. 考虑,思考,认为In judging him you should consider his youth. 在对他进行评审时,你应该考虑到他还年轻。He will be considered a weak leader. 他会被认为是个软弱无能的领导人。3. masterpiece m:stpi:s n. 杰作The artistic zealot devoted his life to the completion of a great masterpiece. 这位艺术热心者奉献他一生来完成一幅伟大的作品。

14、Words study返回返回返回返回4. version v:n n. 版本,翻译The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world. 这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。5. vogue vug n. 时尚Short hair came back into vogue. 短发又开始流行起来了。His novels were in vogue ten years ago. 他的小说十年前风靡一时。6. attractive trktiv adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的I think she is a v

15、ery attractive girl. 我认为她是很有魅力的女孩。7. charming t:mi adj. 迷人的The picture showed a charming pastoral scene of cows drinking from a stream. 这幅画表现了牛在溪边饮水的迷人的田园风光。8. precious pres adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的You should make good use of every precious minute to study. 你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。9. corporate k:prit adj. 法人的, 共同的 n.法

16、人 ,公司Learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness. 学会仔细研读公司年度报告,并从中发现财政困难的迹象10 various vris adj. 各种各样的For various reasons Id prefer not to meet him. 由于各种原因,我不愿见他。The products we sell are many and various. 我们出售的产品是各式各样的。11. magnet mgnit n. 磁体,磁铁For

17、bidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists. 紫禁城对外国旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。12 extremely ikstri:mli adv. 极其,非常This task is extremely difficult. 这项任务极其困难。13. purpose p:ps n. 目的,意图 她似乎是有意地做这些事。She seems to do these things on purpose. 14. magnetize mgnitaiz v. 使带磁力,磁化,附磁She can magnetize a theatre audie

18、nce. 她能像磁石般吸引剧院观众。15. excitement iksaitmnt n. 激动,兴奋Her eyes kindled with excitement. 她的眼睛里闪耀出激动的神色。16. install inst:l v. 安装,安置,使.就职She installed her air-conditioner without help. 没请别人帮助,她自己安装了空调。17. click klik n. 点击,滴答声v. 点击,作滴答声Thats the click of the switch. 那是开关的咔嗒声。18. initial inil adj. 开始的,最初的,字

19、首的After shed overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly. 她克服了开始时的羞涩之后,就变得非常友善。19. Screen skri:n n. 屏幕, v. 选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽His job at the bank was just a screen for his life as a spy. 他在银行的工作仅仅是他当间谍的一种掩护。20. column klm n.圆柱;柱形物,专栏 计算机 列He used to write a column for this newspaper. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。

20、21.template templit n.模板,样板Save the active document or template with its current name. 以其目前的名字保存当前的文件或模板。22. pointer pint n. 指示的人,教鞭,暗示The pointer flickered. 指示针来回摆动。23. contain kntein v. 包含,容纳,容忍This book contains all the information you need. 这本书包含你所需的一切资料。24. frame freim n. 框,结构,骨架 v. 构成,设计,陷害In

21、a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her husband. 在桌上的银相框里有张她丈夫的照片。25. sophisticated sfistikeitid adj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,复杂的sophisticated weapons. 精密的武器sophisticate sfistikeit n. 久经世故的人,老油条 v. 玩弄诡辩,掺合,弄复杂26. computer graphics 计算机图形学27. superb sju:p:b adj. 极好的After six months training, the wh

22、ole team is in superb form. 全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳。28 perform pf:m v. 执行,表演,做Their football team performed very well in the match yesterday. 他们的足球队在昨天的比赛中表现突出。The surgeon has performed the operation. 外科医生做了手术。参考译文 :Flash Animated AdFlash 动画广告用 Flash 让世界动起来 用Adobe Flash 的软件设计制作的作品被称为Flash 动画。Adobe Flash被誉为

23、当今动画网络世界的杰作。目前最新版本的 Adobe Flash 是非常流行的CS4。大多数网络开发商最喜欢此版本的 Flash。目前探讨Flash 动画广告 (广告) 是一件有趣的事情。Flash 动画广告,可帮助您创建出更具吸引力和动态十足的网站,使得您网站的任何广告都魅力无穷,非常漂亮。Flash 动画的必要性 在当今的经济世界,人们必须要淋漓尽致地表达自己,让别人了解自己的生意业务。为此我们必须要具有创造性思维,拥有创新的软件,这样我们可以轻松地创建一些与众不同的东西,让人们去了解。只有用Adobe FLASH软件去创建各种世界顶级动画,让人们去欣赏,这一切才成为可能。Adobe FLA

24、SH 可以让你创作出顶级动画视频,对人们产生巨大吸引力,向他们展示一些不同的东西了。这就是 Flash 动画的必须性。 FLASH简介 懂得使用Flash 可以使任何人思维开阔。它使人的头脑敏锐,使设计师构思巧妙。FLASH 是创建动画的软件,Flash动画可以让人产生巨大的吸引力,让人们兴奋不已。可以说,目前设计师用FLASH可以创建出人们从未见过的动画。FLASH已经成为网站必不可少的一部分。让我们创建一个 FLASH 广告 创建一个 FLASH 广告,首先你必须要有 Adobe FLASH 软件。然后,您可以像在 Flash 中创建动画一样在 Flash创建一个广告。所以FLASH广告的

25、创建可以像 Flash 动画的创作一样,你要遵循创建一个 Flash 动画完全一样的规则。首先,安装 Adobe Flash CS3/CS4 到您的计算机上,然后通过单击桌面上的图标打开它。你会看到 Flash 的初始画面,窗口有三列,即打开最近的项目,创建新建的和从模板创建。将指针移动到第二列,然后单击第一个选项即 Flash 文件 (操作脚本 3.0)。)。之后,您将看到 Flash 新的窗口,那你会再次看到三列。第一列是工具栏中 ;第二个是主列,您将在顶部看到时间轴,其中包含各种小矩形框,称为框架。在中间白色界面是場景編輯視窗,您可以从工具栏使用各种工具,和底部的动画屬性視窗中的工具,来

26、制作动画。最后第三列,出现各种窗口,像色板窗口、 对齐窗口和库窗口等。因此在第一列帮助下,即窗口栏中,第三列的工具栏帮助下,您可以在中间白色的場景編輯視窗创建各种动画。 除此之外,在短时间内,Adobe FLASH 可以创建复杂的动画和广告。您可以创建各种图形,广告,但要记住两件事,即矢量图形和位图图形。 这样在上面所讨论的帮助下,可以播放精心制作的精美动画广告了。Exercise: Read the dialogue and fill in blanks with the proper form of words in the blanket.1.The Flash Animated obj

27、ects are those that are designed and developed under the shelter of a software tool named Adobe Flash.2.At present the latest version of Adobe Flash is CS4 in vogue and most web developers prefer the Flash on all others.3. It is necessary to create various world class animations and place it in the

28、peoples eyes.4. The FLASH is an Animation S/W(software) used for the purpose of creating an Animations that just magnetize the visitor to it and fill much more excitement in his/her mind.5. The Adobe FLASH provides the power to create sophisticated Animations and Ads, just within a short period of t

29、ime.返回返回返回返回Task 4 How to Design a Creative Ad?1. Preference prefrns n. 偏爱,优先,喜爱物 例句与用法:I dont know your preferences, so please help yourself. 我不知道你喜欢吃什么,请你自便吧。Weve granted that country special trade preferences. 我们给了那个国家特殊的贸易优惠。2. loyalty lilti n. 忠诚,忠心 例句与用法:Dont allow personal loyalty to colour y

30、our judgement. 不要因讲义气而影响了你的判断。All the men took a vow of loyalty to their leader. 所有士兵都发誓效忠他们的指挥官。返回返回返回返回Words study3. confidence knfidns n. 信任,信心 例句与用法:He possesses the quality of inspiring confidence. 他有本事能让别人信任他.She has great confidence in her success. 她充分自信自己能成功。4. emotional imunl adj. 感情的,情绪的 例

31、句与用法:She had a major emotional upset. 她情绪上受到了沉重的打击。His emotional language reduced many of the audience to tears. 他满怀感情的话语使许多观众流下眼泪。5. popularity .ppjulriti n. 普及,流行例句与用法:Golf have gained popularity among the wealthy in my country. 高尔夫球已在我国富有的人中流行起来。6. appealing pi:li adj. 引起兴趣的,动人的例句与用法:Physically a

32、ttractive or appealing; pretty. 漂亮的外观有吸引力的或动人的;好看的7. benefit benifit n. 利益 v. 获益例句与用法:This project is of great benefit to everyone. 这项工程对每个人都大有好处。I have benefited a lot from extensive reading. 广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。8. stimulate stimjuleit vt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞 例句与用法:Light stimulates plant growth. 光会刺激植物生长。I hoped my w

33、arning would stimulate her to greater efforts. 我希望我的告诫会促使她作出更大的努力。9. headline hedlain n. (pl.)新闻提要,大字标题例句与用法:A newspaper headline caught his attention. 报纸的大标题引起他的注意.10. impressive impresiv adj. 给人深刻印象的例句与用法:His collection of paintings is the most impressive. 他的绘画收藏令人叹为观止。11. gaudy g:di adj. 俗丽的例句与用法

34、:He dislikes gaudy decorations. 他不喜欢俗丽的装饰。These are cheap and gaudy clothes. 这是些廉价而花哨的衣服。12. crowded kraudid adj. 拥挤的 例句与用法:Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms. 把客人都挤在剩余的几个房间里了。The new store is crowded with customers. 这家新开的商店里挤满了顾客。13. tough tf adj.强硬的,艰苦的,棘手的,严厉的 例句与用法:The company face

35、s tough competition. 这家公司面临着艰难的竞争。We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating. 我们赢得了合同,但是却经过了多次不屈不挠的谈判才达到目的。Exercises:I.Translate the following sentences into English.1.广告可以分为商业广告和非商业广告. It can be divided into commercial advertising and non-commercial advertising.2. 它可以激发人们阅读广告文案

36、的兴趣.It can stimulate peoples interests on reading the copy of an ad. 3.插图的目的是吸引目标观众的注意。The illustration can serve such purpose as attracting the attention of the target audience.4.我认为广告的大标题的设计也非常重要 I think the headlines design of an ad is also important.II.Word study: Match Column A to Column B. - f

37、; - c; - e; - g; - b ; - d ; -aIII.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Advertising is a kind of communication of information by medium.广告是通过媒体对信息的交流。2.Commercial ad is mainly for making profits and non-commercial ad is for public interests.商业广告主要是为了盈利而非商业主要是为了公众利益。3.It can build the con

38、sumers brand preference and loyalty, thus increasing the value of the product.它可以建立消费者的品牌喜爱和忠诚度,从而可以提高产品的价值。4.Advertising is helpful to build the brand, increase the value of its goodwill and win the confidence of consumer.广告有助于树立品牌,提高其商誉的价值,赢得消费者的信心。5.Some layouts are too gaudy, some include too ma

39、ny illustrations, and some copies on ads are too crowdedly arranged.广告的布局有的华而不实,有的插图太多,有的文字太紧凑。6.The illustrations of their ads are the most important factors.广告里的插图是最重要的因素。III. Answer the questions.1.What are the main functions of the advertising?Advertising is an important means for business. It c

40、an build the consumers brand preference and loyalty, thus increasing the value of the product.Advertising is helpful to build the brand, increase the value of its goodwill and win the confidence of consumer.2.Why are some ads, such as McDonalds in 1955, Pepsi, Coca Cola in 1931, Nokia and Nike, very

41、 popular?The illustrations of their ads are the most important factors. The illustrations of the above ads are quite appealing.3.What are the most important factors for the successful advertising?Illustrations,the headlines design,the design quality of the color mix,the layout 4.What are the functio

42、ns of illustrations in the ads?The illustration can serve such purpose as attracting the attention of the target audience, showing the features and benefits of the product, creating a feeling or image and stimulating peoples interests on reading the copy of an ad.返回返回返回返回Task 5: Planning and design

43、of residential area住宅区景观规划设计住宅区景观规划设计Concept and purpose设计理念及目的It also needs to follow the corresponding planning and design principles of residential areas to construct a civilized living community suitable to live in. 需要遵循这样的设计原则:建设文明、适居的居住社区。starting from meeting the needs of people, residential

44、planning should take full account of the habitability of living environment, identification and ownership, and foster a human environment with culture and vitality. 以满足人的需求出发,住宅区规划应充分考虑居住环境的适居性、识别性与归属性以及营造具有文化与活力的人文环境。参考译文返回返回返回返回Exercises:Translate the following sentences into English. 1.住宅区规划设计应该全

45、面考虑满足人的需求、对环境的作用与影响。Design of residential areas should fully take such requirements into account as peoples need, its role and impact on the environment。2. 住宅区规划应充分考虑居住环境的适居性。Residential planning should take full account of the habitability of living environment。3. 生态优化是住宅区规划设计的原则之一。Ecological impro

46、vement is one of the general principles of residential planning.4. 住宅区规划应充分考虑营造具有文化与活力的人文环境。Residential planning should take full account of fostering a human environment with culture and vitality. 返回返回返回返回Task 6 :Country Style Bathroom Decor田园风格浴室装修现代元素在乡村生活里相映成辉,田园气息与现代符号完美结合可以营造出一种平和雅致的居住氛围。卫浴空间融

47、入曼妙的田园色彩,那种轻松、不雕琢的感觉会让主人放松全身。特点就是尽可能选用木、石、藤、竹、织物等天然建筑材料,如墙上的护墙木板、天花板上的木横梁,都会给浴室增添一种温馨的、起居舒适的感觉。返回返回返回返回1.trend trend n. 趋势, 倾向 The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend. 暴力犯罪的上升是一种令人担忧的新趋势。 Can anything be done to reverse this trend? 有什么办法扭转这种倾向吗? 流行 The trend at the moment is towards a mo

48、re natural and less made-up look. 现在流行的是外表上更注重少加装扮的自然美。 2. Be after : in pursuit or quest of 追求,寻求 chasing after something you cant have. 追逐你得不到的东西。 most of them are after money. 他们中大多数人在追求金钱。 Words study3.rustic rstik adj. 有农村或村民特色的 He has the appearance of a rustic fellow. 他有着乡下人的样子。 The village h

49、as a certain rustic charm. 这村庄有种迷人的田园风貌。 4.incorporate ink:preit vt. 包含, 加上, 吸收 The shopping centre also incorporates a library and a bank. 商业中心还包括一家银行和一家图书馆。 5. rage reid vi. 大发脾气, 动怒 n. 狂怒, 盛怒 She raged when her jewels were stolen while under police protection. 在有警察保护的情况下她的珠宝被偷, 她十分生气。 Be all the

50、rage :(the rage)a widespread temporary enthusiasm or fashion 流行,盛行 video and computer games are all the rage. 录像和电脑游戏风靡一时。 6. resort to :turn to and adopt so as to resolve a difficult situation (尤指不可取的策略、方法、手段)向求助;采取,诉诸 the duke was prepared to resort to force if negotiation failed. 如果谈判失败,公爵准备诉诸武力。

51、 7.out of place: in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous 不适当的;不相称,格格不入的 not in the proper position; disarranged 不在合适的位置;放错地方 He felt out of place in their company.与他们在一起他感到不自在。His arty clothes look out of place in the office.他的奇装异服,在办公室里很不顺眼。8.consistency knsistnsi: n. 一致性, 连

52、贯性 to maintain consistency with past practice 与过去的做法保持一致 Your behaviour lacks consistency. 你的行为缺乏一贯性。 参考译文:有很多时尚的浴室装修风格,田园风格浴室装修是其中最受欢迎的一种。即使浴室通常是家里最小的房间,但其装饰也和装饰其它任何房间一样重要。如果你崇尚喜欢田园风格,可以通过很多方法实现这一风格的装修。 田园风格对不同的人来说意味不同,但每个人都认为它古朴,起居舒适。采用天然的颜色、 材料和纹理,我们可以把户外的风光元素完美融入家中。当重新装饰浴室时,试着把田园乡村元素融入其中。 田园风格浴室

53、装饰创意 有一段时期,人们以为田园风格装修就是在家中配上对红色格子窗帘和公鸡配件,但现在雅致的田园风格装修风靡一时。人们不再使用红色格子窗帘和公鸡配件等有田园乡村色彩的饰物来装饰房间,而使用经典设计原则来营造出曼妙的田园氛围。雅致的田园装修风格注重简朴,不雕琢。 雅致的田园装修风格特别适用于浴室设计,因为浴室小,简朴,素雅,不雕琢的装饰能达到很好的效果。色彩的使用 墙或地砖适合采用浅色和中性颜色。通过配件装饰搭配增添其它色彩。毛巾、 百叶窗帘之类装饰物和浴帘,是更换屋内色彩的理想之选,因为如果主人想要营造不同的氛围,可以通过更换窗帘,浴帘等配件饰物。材料的使用尽可能选用天然材料如木材、 石板和

54、石头等营造田园气息。而不要选用很快变得过时和令人厌倦的材料,使用天然材料可以营造一种质朴,让主人放松全身的乡土氛围。考虑到其他房间装修风格 浴室通常很小,是进行装潢实验的好地方。但是,请记住,浴室装修应与家中其余房间的风格相协调。如果你的房子是超现代风格,田园风格浴室装潢会显得不相称。家庭的整体设计风格要保持一致,幸运的是,田园装修风格运用到每个房间,看起来都很棒。Task 7:Grammar(Future Perfect)Fill in the blanks by using proper tenses.1. Mr. Johnson has arrived (arrive) in Londo

55、n already.2. She will have gained (gain) her drivers license before next Monday.3. They will have arrived(arrive) in Hangzhou by two oclock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow.4. Maybe by the time we get to the airport the plane will have taken off (take off) already.5. Families in America usual

56、ly eat (eat) breakfast at about six oclock in the morning.返回返回返回返回6. Tom refused to tell us whether he had accepted (accept)the job.7. Mary put on her new dress before she went (go) to the party.8. Two hundred more such houses will have been built (build) by the end of the year.9. Next year today, I

57、 will have been (be) here for five years.10. She never wears (wear) a hat in winter.现在完成进行时(present perfect progressive)1. You should have put the meat into the fridge.I think it _inedible by now.A. becomes B. has become C. became D. has been becoming 2. After looking for his pen for half an hour, J

58、ohn realizes that it _on the table all the time.A. has been lying B. had been lying C. is lying D. has lain3. She ought to have a rest;she _the book too long.A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. reads4. Two of the glasses were broken when they _.A. were washed B. washed C. have been wash

59、ing D. were being washed5. It seems that it_for some time.A. has snowed B. is snowing C. snows D. has been snowing 6. Great changes_in Shanghai in the past few years.A. took palce B. have been taken place C. was taking place D. have taken place7. The telephone _four times in the last days. A. had ru

60、ng B. rang C. has rung D. has been ringing 8. Mother is ill and she _in bed for three days.A. has been laying B. has laid C. laid D. has been lying 9. I used to drink a lot of coffee but these days I _tea.A. preferred B. prefer C. am preferred D.have been preferring10. The maths exam is much easier than we all _.A. expected B. have expected C. expect D. have been expecting



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