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1、Unit One, Module OneRevision爸瓶浙口菇豫骂柱管畔埃驭芽疟涝缓亿秤僚锁拙初梗吼峡王休猖恃蜜兜糕Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)VocabularyPhrasesSentence patternsAttributive clausesTexts佐站棘窃篙侥法陕者志硅哨该头岳友磨袁嗜邹铝傣址锅痊搀褪硕伎殆柯审Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)1. achieve v. 取得;获得取得;获得 achievement n. 成就成就 Cf. achieve h

2、igh grades (goals) earn ones respect (living, money) acquire skills/knowledge gain experience/support/reputation2. average n. /adj.平均;平均的平均;平均的3. challenging adj. 有挑战性的有挑战性的Cf. challenge n. 挑战;挑战;v. 挑战挑战meet the challenge; challenge sb. to do sth.On average, below average, above average彦胖档洲扦基婪抄倍复幕症亩

3、框蔡械渊厩椅耐条雨养裹映蔷跨菊弦谗勋乾Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)4. introduce v. 介绍;引进介绍;引进 introduce sb. to sb. ; introduce a new systemintroduction n. 介绍介绍5. develop v. 发展;开发;冲洗;培养发展;开发;冲洗;培养 6. donate v. 捐赠捐赠 donate sth. to donation n. 捐赠捐赠 make donations to7. please v. 使使感到满意感到满意pleasant adj. 令人

4、满意的;令人满意的;pleased adj. 满意的满意的pleasure n. 满意;快乐满意;快乐development n. 发展发展developing 发展中的;发展中的;developed 发达的发达的 晤耶堆艘屎音叔甥措呻骸夕锯辛鸡猾潭懂惊烯劣柑庆亲水匈田如表咸肆岗Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)8. preparation n. 准备准备 make preparations for in preparation for prepare v. 准备准备 prepare for9. inform v. 通知,告知通知,告知

5、 information n. 信息信息10. former adj. 从前的,以前的从前的,以前的 pron./n. 前者前者 antonym: latter adj. 后者后者 宙渡窍牵霸炬峡抡捶拾光矿善凑季咯钾民莎俺齐前抿帚蕉教衰亢交喜浚题Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)12. drop v. 放弃;丢下放弃;丢下 drop supplies for victims; drop English13. select v.选择;挑选选择;挑选 drop n. 滴;掉下滴;掉下Rain drop, a drop in temperat

6、ure selection n. 选择;挑选选择;挑选 Cf: elect v. 选举选举 election n. 选举选举Synonym: pick out, choose 11. Close adj. 亲密的,靠近的,亲密的,靠近的, close n.结束,完结结束,完结 closely adv. 严密地,周密地;靠近地严密地,周密地;靠近地 close v. 关闭,结束关闭,结束豆莱眼喳固仁炊黎疗辅著阑傅穆绢幸初暗凌愉寄沟六帆婴威熊痰噎棕粗惹Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)1. respect (形容词)(形容词)_ 2. ac

7、hieve (名词)(名词)_3. prepare (名词)(名词)_ 4. experience(形容词)(形容词)_5. introduce (名词)名词)_6. develop (名词)名词)_7. donate (名词)名词)_8. regret (形容词)(形容词)_9. run (近义词)(近义词)_10. inform (名词名词) _respectful/respectableachievementpreparationexperiencedintroductiondevelopmentdonationregretfulmanageinformation则协辩袜说卑司铜功窥剧吐

8、膳脉脯护砍榴怕哉顾凌腥溅珊适缺十此能伙抡Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)Practice:用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.The professor who is giving a lecture on outer space now _ often _ (listen to) make speeches on TV. 2. I am sorry, but we dont seem to _ _(introduce) to each other before. 3. Much attention should be p

9、aid _ (protect) the wild animals as many of them are dying out. 4. The paintings _ (donate) to the school _ now _ (display) in the assembly hall. is listened to to have been introduced donated is being displayedto protecting狮敬覆歼男呜坛押逼戮差趟鹅揪瞎孺雾坡屈逾台陆噎霓讳卿辰斤觉鼻小庸Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revisio

10、n)5. _ (not experience) failures so far, the girl cannot imagine how hard life sometimes can be.6. My uncle sent me an E-mail, _ (encourage) me to learn English well. 7. Arguing with such a person means _ (waste) your time.8. When the earthquake happened, it sounded like a train _ (go) under the gro

11、und.9. _ (run) the company for ten years, she accumulated a lot of experience in management.encouragingwastingNot having experiencedgoingHaving run裕阳上帅拈渠饺钎汇唉唆伤缅邹瘴义返筐慧膘毖缚塘螟件船纂恰磕栗宁耽Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)Multiple choices:1.He told us that the best way to earn respect from the sc

12、hool was to work hard and _ high grades. A. acquire B. win C. achieve D. make achieve : to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard. 功绷亦徽玩泌辣分灼煮椅寻添煽霖哨艰砰泽吹预擒鸿顿轿郧点虹蛤搔柄诞Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what

13、I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit _ for me at first because all homework was in English. A. boring B. amusing C. shocking D. challenging 3. Students at that school have to sutdy Maths, English and Science, but can _ some subjects if they dont like them. A. prevent B. resist C. fall D.

14、 drop 恰账室铆拨凋氮舀赵痴莎走粥株凯膊疹湘闷绞负嘱糙徒笑泳凭壬胺谩柒西Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)4. The radio club in our school is great because it is _ by the students for the school. A. organized B. run C. prepared D. joined 5. When I asked the headmaster if muxic could be played during break time, he _ my id

15、ea and two years later I am the oldest student member of the radio club. A. approved B. agreed C. allowed D. proved丑惠汕尸艰诛哟扎剩佐识泌碾皮攻尔邮拍卵著徐衬腿摇轴愧殖抿泪碉臆液Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)Phrases 轧衔郁囚淀迢箭糯财葫埋来呕桐押浩罪鸯神剁碎混骆旬约囚蒲厂亲遮缎斌Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)at ease withearn resp

16、ect for freeUpon arrivingdevelop an interest in1.Dexter liked the picture editor and felt _ him.2.After he retired, he _ collecting stamps.3. He is so kind that he offered to do the work _. 4. Our headteacher is hardworking and open-minded, so he _. 5. _ there, the soldiers began to save the victims

17、 buried under the ruins. at ease withdeveloped an interestfor freeearns our respectUpon arriving沤陨垫拼寡衡期碗霖氛伺淹详功哉潜腿喊衅鞍棠圣浩狞旬墩轿矾滤陕男贿Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)Sentences冤汁街抓洽丫碗概焊歌坤迅公嗣屋蚀楚窗聊珊东志黍拎垢彻挥呼逛臃于基Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)1Going to a British high school for one

18、 year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.Going 为动词为动词-ing形式作主语形式作主语. Practice:1 1没有理解的情况下阅读是没有意义的。没有理解的情况下阅读是没有意义的。 2 2认真听讲并且及时复习是提高学习最好的方法。认真听讲并且及时复习是提高学习最好的方法。Reading without understanding makes no sense. Listening carefully in class and reviewing in time is the best way to improv

19、e your studies.粤放猩区抓喘核刑毡诡京弊徊扒奴判毕枷峦招歧刁柔榆杰状和灶稼窜啦莉Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision) as 此处引导方式状语从句此处引导方式状语从句, “如如一样一样”。 Practice:1. 我们正如我们所预料地及时完成了工作。我们正如我们所预料地及时完成了工作。2我们最好还是把一切保持原样到警察赶到。我们最好还是把一切保持原样到警察赶到。We finished the work in time as we had expected.Wed better leave things as they are

20、until the police arrive.2. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your articles.内抽稻疤规黑职仲寂初稻怪窍凤炯趁胶峻全芒纫紫讣耶尚舰葱痛狙份幢锄Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)3. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.Upon此处作介词,可与此处作介词,可与on替换,后接名词或动名词,替换,后接名词或动名词,与与as soon as 意思

21、接近。意思接近。Practice:1.一到那儿,他们就开始营救困在废墟中的人们。一到那儿,他们就开始营救困在废墟中的人们。2 一听到这个消息,人们便举起酒杯开始互相敬一听到这个消息,人们便举起酒杯开始互相敬酒。酒。On arriving there, they got down to rescuing the people trapped in the ruins.On hearing the news, people held up glasses and began to cheer each other. 婶横悬安缨嘿藉炯去夫吱猴暖嫂震铀粒泳俺洁漠搐弓臆掉抱状滓缮遁仅亥Unit1,mod

22、ule1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)The more choices you have, the better your final decision will be.The+比较级比较级, the+比较级比较级, 表示表示 “越越,就,就越越”.Practice:1. 他们爬地越高,空气越稀薄。他们爬地越高,空气越稀薄。2. 他越说越激动。他越说越激动。The higher they climbed, the thinner the air was.The more he talked, the more excited he became.奉毒薛喝萄卷

23、侄扰弧栅许碌笨素扁截缨仪终烯荣咎驯瞧谚纠值孤菌灰距竣Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)Grammar聚瑰圣拄生羌惨悄耍敌破栽头凿门空校证肉安怀衫整袖敌岂码葵蒜浊蹈婪Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)定语从句中的细节规则:定语从句中的细节规则:1. Who is the teacher that teaches you English?2. Which is the book that you borrowed from the library?1.This is the most

24、 interesting story that I have ever read.2. Do you still remember the first day that we spent together?3. Ive read all the books that you lent me.4. This is the very book that Im looking for.He told me about all the people and things that he had met on the way.皮盲普锡苞该巫乳莱屈延尝省进套播吓霄秒吨巫岩洽帆扯傍噬愧胀空割皇Unit1,m

25、odule1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)He is not the man that he used to be.1.He is one of the students who have been to America in our class.2. He is the only one of the students who has been to America in our class.实战练习:实战练习: 1. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a gre

26、at success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which影悄锈卉雹父讨凛械淹片柯族筑镭进慌扇另寂漳榆腐寄辨巍阻娱系坤图甘Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)2. Alex asked the policeman _ he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident. A. with him B. who C. with whom D. whom3. He was not the man _ he was befor

27、e. A. what B. that C. who D. as4. Do you still remember the days _ we spent together in the country? A. what B. which C. when D. where 思挚闸羹运挪圭俄伦诌蚜障尿纱篮绍妒嘱庚沥盆秤衡牛沧前秸壤咎效峻禽Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)5. Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels

28、 place. A. when B. where C. what D. which6. I work in a business _ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. how B. which C. where D. that7. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. in way which婿彪细韧调胆浩鬼节殿宋毁衍奇睹视匪吐叔诡知叭劣锄埂丸溢站壬织唆奸Uni

29、t1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)8. Luckily, wed brought a road map without _ we would have lost our way. A. it B. that C. this D. which9. She is no longer the sweet little girl _ she used to be. A. what B. who C. when D. that 10. -You should say sorry to Bob. -Yes, I regret _ with him. A.

30、 to quarrel B. quarrelling C. quarrelled D. have quarrelled贺屿鼠蒂究邑麦督刨冒甚松娜头唯胆细讹苫宦噎恳勇益哼醛慨得蕴几吊鸭Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)用关系代词填空用关系代词填空:1.All _ is needed is your hard work.2.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person to _ she could turn for help.3.Is there anything else _ you re

31、quire?4.Is this the reason _ he gave for being late?5.That is the very person _ is known to all.6.The house _ roof was damaged has now been repaired.7.Is there anything _ belongs to you here?8.He often helps the students _ he thinks are not good at their lessons.逢系炭屎籍枷茂暖啤转楼宿措瞻驻耕极将栖傍卓畏演溢寨爽凿携钞傣肯缓Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision) Thanks for your attention!稗夫蜕鸟召泥闸徐测咯心恋农喻缨伍蹬邑哑绰畜值灯陛酸仆蝎虞更捷曝煮Unit1,module1(Revision)Unit1,module1(Revision)



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