高考英语一轮复习 Module4 Carnival课件 外研版必修5

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1、Module 4Carnival狂欢节Module 4Carnival狂欢节狂欢节1_(vt.)躲躲藏;掩藏藏;掩藏2_(vt.)延延长长3_(vi.)假装假装4_(vt.)预订预订基基础础盘盘点点自自测测自自评评核心单词核心单词核心单词核心单词hideextendpretendbook5_(vi.)漫步;闲逛6_(vt.)运输;运送7_(vt.)进口;引进8_(vt.)废除9confusion (n.)_wanderimportabolish混乱;杂乱混乱;杂乱transport10calendar (n.)_11parade (n.)_12elegant (adj.)_13memory (

2、n.)_日历;月历日历;月历优美的;高雅的优美的;高雅的记忆记忆(庆祝庆祝)游行游行14Fishing is his favourite _.He knows it helps to _ him and many people else also find fishing _ and they often wear a _ smile after catching a fish.(relax)relaxationrelaxrelaxingrelaxed15Wed like to _ his birthday and the _ will be held in the hall.(celebra

3、te)celebratecelebration高频短语高频短语高频短语高频短语1_ 结束;完结2_ 装扮;打扮3_ 接手,接管come to an enddress uptake over4_ 由组成;由构成旅行)5_ 放弃6_ 过得愉快7_ 追溯到consist ofgive uphave fundate back to8_ 几乎,差不多;大约9_ 连续地;不断地10_ 秘密地;暗地里11_ 变得疯狂more or lesson endin secretgo wild12_ 冲洗某物,冲下13_ 用暴力,迫使14_ 捉弄,取笑wash.downby forcemake fun of典型句式典

4、型句式典型句式典型句式1祈使句and陈述句_(想到狂欢节),and you think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.Think of carnival2v.-ing作伴随状语For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks,_(做他们想做的事而不被认出来)doing what they wanted without being recognised3介词关系代词Their use was limited by laws,_(最初)dates back to the fourteen

5、th century.the first of which4as引导状语从句_(随着时间的推移),however,the carnival period was extended,so that it began just after Christmas.As time passed被动语态1(2010高考四川卷)Youve failed to do what you _ to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you.Awill expect Bwill be expectedCexpected Dwere expected单元语法单元语法单元语法单元

6、语法解析:选D。句意:你没有按照预期的要求去做,恐怕老师会责怪你。本题考查动词的时态和语态。由句意可知you和expect之间是被动关系,故A、C两项被排除;结合句子前后的两个时态可知设空处使用将来时不合适,B也被排除。2Nothing remained after the terrible fire which _ by someone smoking in bed.Ahad been caused Bis causedCwould be caused Dwas being caused解析:选A。句意:那场由在床上吸烟引发的可怕的火灾没有剩下任何东西。火灾是被引起的要用被动语态,又由句意知

7、要用过去完成时的被动语态。3The wet weather will continue tomorrow,when a cold front _ to arrive.Ais expected Bis expectingCexpects Dwill be expected解析:选A。句意:潮湿的天气明天将会持续,同时一股冷空气前锋即将到来。a cold front和expect之间存在被动关系,排除B、C;由语境可知:现在预测明天的天气状况,所以D是错误的。4Whats that noise?Oh,I forgot to tell you.The new machine _.Awas teste

8、d Bwill be testedCis being tested Dhas been tested解析:选C。句意:那是什么声音?哦,我忘了告诉你,新机器正在被测试。根据语境,此处应用现在进行时的被动语态。1 hide(hid,hidden)vt.&vi.藏藏;隐隐藏藏;躲躲藏藏;隐隐瞒瞒(事事实实、感感情情等等);n.隐隐蔽蔽处处,藏身处藏身处考考点点串串讲讲讲讲练练互互动动单词精研单词精研单词精研单词精研(教材教材P32)If you wear this,it hides your face and your feelings.如果如果你戴上它,它就会把你的你戴上它,它就会把你的脸脸和表

9、情和表情隐隐藏起来。藏起来。归纳拓展hide sth.from sb.向某人隐瞒某事hide sth.behind/under/in.把隐藏到后面/下面/里面hide-and-seek捉迷藏hiding place躲藏处,藏匿处hidden meaning/message隐含意义助记Hearing someone come in,he hid himself behind the curtain.听见有人进来了,他一闪身藏在了窗帘的后面。He hid the fact from us that he had gone to Europe.他向我们隐瞒了他曾经去过欧洲的事实。(2011高考大纲全

10、国卷)She found the hidden camera.她找到了藏起来的照像机。2 extendv.延长,延伸;扩大;伸出,伸展;给予,提供(教材P32)As time passed,however,the carnival period was extended,so that it began just after Christmas.随着时间的推移,庆祝狂欢节的时间长了,圣诞节一过狂欢节就开始了。归纳拓展extend for 延续(指距离)extended adj. 伸出的,延长的,扩大的,扩大范围的,长期的(2011高考四川卷)A commitment to change my

11、life with a way that reduces daily anxiety,increases selfconfidence and energy,extends life and above all improves my body shape.辨析expand,extend,spread,stretchexpand展开,扩大。不仅指尺寸的增加,还展开,扩大。不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。可指范围和体积的扩大。extend伸出,延伸。指空间范围的扩大以及伸出,延伸。指空间范围的扩大以及长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间长度、宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。的延长。spr

12、ead伸开,传播。一般指向四面八方扩大伸开,传播。一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如:传播传播的范围,如:传播(疾病疾病)、散布、散布(信息信息)等。等。stretch伸展,拉长。一般指由曲变直、由短伸展,拉长。一般指由曲变直、由短变长的伸展,不是加长。变长的伸展,不是加长。The fire soon spread to the nearby buildings.大火很快蔓延到附近的建筑。Water expands when it freezes.水结冰时体积膨胀。The cat stretched out in front of the fire.猫四肢伸展躺在火炉边。The hot wea

13、ther extended to October.炎热的天气一直持续到10月份。3 pretendvi.& vt.假装,装扮,谎称(教材P32)Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important,while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret.普通人可以装阔佬和重要人物,而名人也可以偷偷地体验浪漫的奇遇。归纳拓展(2011高考广东卷)More often,it would be better if we dont pretend we feel strong wh

14、en we feel weak or pretend that we are brave when were scared.更多的情况是,当我们较弱的时候不假装坚强,当我们害怕的时候不假装勇敢,将会更好。The boy pretended to be sleeping when his mother entered the room.当他妈妈走进房间时,那男孩假装正在睡觉。When we asked him to have lunch with us,he pretended to have had it.当我们叫他一起吃午饭时,他假装说吃过了。4 celebrationn庆典,庆祝;庆祝活动

15、(教材P39)Carnival became a celebration of freedom.狂欢节成了自由的庆祝活动。归纳拓展in celebration of庆祝,为举行庆祝活动celebrate v.庆祝,祝贺Spring Festival begins on the first day of the lunar year,and the celebration usually lasts for days.春节从农历新年的第一天开始,庆祝活动通常会持续数日。There will be a huge parade in celebration of National Day every

16、 year.每年人们都会举行一个盛大的游行来庆祝国庆节。辨析celebrate,congratulate,observecelebrate表达表达“庆祝,祝贺庆祝,祝贺”之意,侧重指以仪之意,侧重指以仪式、典礼等活动庆祝令人欢乐的事件或式、典礼等活动庆祝令人欢乐的事件或日子。日子。congratulate指指“祝贺祝贺”某人,表达自己对某人的祝某人,表达自己对某人的祝贺。常用贺。常用congratulate sb.on sth./doing sth.。其名词形式。其名词形式congratulation常用复常用复数形式,可单独使用,也可用数形式,可单独使用,也可用congratulations

17、 to sb.on sth.的形式。的形式。observe意为意为“庆祝,庆贺,欢度庆祝,庆贺,欢度”时,为正式时,为正式用语,更多侧重节日。用语,更多侧重节日。Its Dads birthday and were going out for a meal to celebrate.今天是爸爸的生日,我们打算出去吃饭庆祝一下。Do they observe Christmas?他们庆祝圣诞节吗?I sent him an e-mail,congratulating him on his success.我给他发去一封邮件,祝贺他的成功。跟踪训练.品句填词1Now more and more s

18、chools are trying to _(扩大)their school yards to admit more students.extend2He _(假装)that he was ill so that he could stay at home.3Your _(记忆) tends to get worse as you get older,so you are always forgetting something important.pretendedmemory4They will _(传递)passengers from Beijing to Shanghai.5She wa

19、s _(漫步)aimlessly up and down the road.transportwandering6She is in a state of mental _(错乱)7They had a party in _(庆祝) of their fiftieth wedding anniversary.confusioncelebration8As a power,America has to _(进口) large quantities of oil from the Mid-East.imported.单项填空1The railway will _ further to my hom

20、etown.AextendBbe extendedCexpand Dbe expanded解析:选A。句意“这条铁路将延伸到我的家乡。”2When the boss came in,the workers pretended _ hard on their machines.Ato work Bto be workingCto have worked Dworking解析:选B。句意“当老板进来时,工人们假装正在机器旁努力工作。”用to be doing表示当时那一刻正在进行的动作。3Worried about the safety of my child in such a heavy ra

21、instorm,my attention began to _ off my work.Awonder BseparateCwander Ddivide解析:选C。由题意可知,此处表示注意力不集中,wander off指人、思想等“走神”,符合题意。4Where is your pencil case,Tom?Ive _ it for this kite.Aafforded BcollectedCpicked Dtraded解析:选D。trade A for B意为“用A交换B”。5There are many bad customs and laws that ought to be _.A

22、abolished BpolishedCabsorbed Dpublished解析:选A。abolish意为“废除;废止”;polish意为“擦亮;磨光”;absorb意为“吸收;吸引”;publish意为“公布;发表”。短语精释短语精释短语精释短语精释5 come to an end结束(教材P32)The original Venice carnival came to an end about 200 years ago.最初的威尼斯狂欢节在大约200年前结束。归纳拓展Under growing pressure from international environmental grou

23、ps Japan put an end to whale hunts.在国际环保组织的不断增加的压力下日本已经中止了猎鲸。(朗文P617)Since Mike lost his job,we can hardly make ends meet.自从迈克失业以后,我们简直难以维持生计。The heavy rain lasted for three days on end,causing huge losses to local people.大雨连续下了三天,给当地人带来了重大损失。2 dress up打扮;装饰(教材P31)Have you ever dressed up in special

24、 clothes?你曾经用特别的服装来打扮过自己吗?归纳拓展be dressed in 穿着dress sb. up as 把某人打扮成dress up(in)sth. 穿上盛装,化妆,打扮You neednt dress up and go to the party as you are.你用不着特意打扮,就穿平时的衣服去吧。Children love dressing up as fairies,heroes and pirates on Halloween.在万圣节,孩子们喜欢装扮成仙子、英雄、海盗。We dressed (ourselves) up for wedding.我们为婚礼而

25、盛装打扮。辨析dress,wear,put/put on,have ondress表动作表动作后接人后接人用于用于dress sb.或或人人be dressed in衣物衣物wear表状态表状态后接衣后接衣服、饰品服、饰品表留发、蓄胡、表留发、蓄胡、面露某种表情面露某种表情put/pull on表动作表动作后接衣后接衣服、鞋袜服、鞋袜pull on意为意为匆匆穿上匆匆穿上have on表状态表状态后接衣服后接衣服无进行时和无进行时和被动语态被动语态She dressed her baby quickly.她迅速地给她的宝宝穿衣服。She had a red jacket on the othe

26、r day.那天她穿了一件红夹克。She usually wore a diamond necklace.她经常戴一条钻石项链。Hurry up!Put your coat on!快!把外套穿上!She glanced at her watch,pulled on her coat and went out into the street.她看了一眼手表,穿上大衣,走上了街。跟踪训练.选词填空date back to,dress up, take over,give up,consist of1Some people are good at _,but they have nothing in

27、 their mind.2This exhibit also shows the worlds oldest coins _ more than 2,600 years ago.dressing updating back to3The volunteers _ people from all walks of life.4He wouldnt _ smoking until his doctor told him it was a matter of life and death.consisted ofgive up5The manager resigned,and his assista

28、nt _ his business.took over.单项填空1The conference coming to _ with an agreement,all the people from either side _ cheered with joy.Athe end;all Bthe end;bothCan end;all Dan end;both解析:选D。come to an end“结束”;从either side判断是“双方”。2Its a small informal party,so you dont have to _.Adress up BdressCbe dresse

29、d Dget dressed解析:选A。句意:这是个小型的非正式的晚会,因此,你不需要穿很讲究。3Do you know how many parts this machine _?Aconsists in Bconsists ofCis consisted of Dconsists with解析:选B。consist of意为“由组成”,无被动语态和进行时态;consist in意为“在于;取决于”;D项搭配不存在。由句意可知B项正确。4I am feeling too tired to drive any more.Will you _?Atake off Btake onCtake ou

30、t Dtake over5Have you understood what he really means?_.ANow and then BMore or lessCFrom time to time DHere and there解析:选B。more or less“或多或少;有点”。7 (教材P32)Think of carnival,and you think of crowds,costumes,and confusion.想起狂欢节,你自然就会想起拥挤的人群,节日的服饰及混乱的场景。句型精析句型精析句型精析句型精析【点津点津】在在“祈使句祈使句and陈陈述句述句”这这种句型中,祈使

31、句表条件种句型中,祈使句表条件,与与陈陈述句述句之之间间要用要用连连接接词词,其,其连连接接词词共分两共分两类类:第一第一类类:and,and then,意思是意思是“就就”,“那么那么(就就)”,“于是于是”,“然后然后”。第二第二类类:or,or else,otherwise,意思是意思是“否否则则”,“要不要不”,“不然的不然的话话”。Come early tomorrow,and youll be on time for the meeting.明天早点来,你就会准时参加会议的。Use your head,or(else) you wont find a way.动动脑筋,不然的话,你

32、就找不到办法。Work harder,and then you will pass the test.再努力一点,你就会通过考试的。【注意】有时“祈使句and陈述句”句型中的祈使句可以被一个名词短语所替代。One more word,and Ill knock you flat.你再说一个字,我就把你摆平在地。One more week,and Ill do the work better.再给我一周,我会把工作做得更好。8(教材P32)As time passed,however,the carnival period was extended,so that it began just a

33、fter Christmas.然而,随着时间的推移,狂欢节的时间被延长了,这样它就正好在圣诞节以后开始。【点津点津】as的用法:的用法:(1)conj.随着;当随着;当时时,引,引导时间导时间状状语语从句从句照照方式,引方式,引导导方式状方式状语语从句从句因因为为,由于,引,由于,引导导原因状原因状语语从句从句尽管尽管,虽虽然然,引引导让导让步状步状语语从句从句(倒装倒装)(2)prep. 像,如同,the same as 作为,当做,treat/regard.as,work/act/serve as(3)adv. (比较时用)像一样,as.asAs she grew older,she ga

34、ined in confidence.随着年龄的增长,她的信心增强了。Leave the papers as they are.别动那些文件。As you were out,I left a message.因为你不在,我留了一张字条儿。(朗文P87)Unlikely as it might seem,Im tired too.尽管看起来不像,但我的确也累了。She works as a guide in the tourism agency.她在这家旅行社当导游。跟踪训练.完成句子1_,(再努力点)or you will not pass the test.Work harder2_,(由于

35、她病了)perhaps shell need some help.3The man _(刚才你和他握手的)is our English teacher.As she has been illwith whom you shook hands just now4“Cant you read?”Mary said angrily,_.(指着通知)pointing to the notice.单项填空1(2011高考课标全国卷)Try _ she might,Sue couldnt get the door open.Aif Bwhen CsinceDas解析:选D。句意:尽管苏尝试想打开门,但就是

36、打不开。as引导让步状语从句时,从句要用倒装语序,即把表语、副词或动词原形提前;若表语为可数名词单数,名词前不加冠词。其结构为:adj./adv./n./v.as主语句子其他部分,因此D项正确。2(2011高考辽宁卷)Bring the flowers into a warm room _ theyll soon open.Aor Band Cbut Dfor解析:选B。句意:把这些花带进一个温暖的房间,它们很快就会开放。这是一个“祈使句and简单句”的固定句式。另外与之相反,也可以说“祈使句or简单句”意为“,否则的话,”。根据句意可知此处应选and。3_ the Internet is o

37、f great help,I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time on it.AIf BWhile CBecause DAs解析:选B。句意:尽管因特网对我们有很大的帮助,但我认为花太多的时间上网不是一个好主意。whileeven though尽管;if如果;because因为;as因为,当的时候。只有B项符合句意。4There is no need _,for the clock says we have about ten minutes to go.Oh,dont be foolish.The clock on the wa

38、ll is five minutes _.Dont you know?Ato rush;later Bto worry;laterCworrying;lately Dto rush;late解析:选D。该题考查There is no need to do sth.句式,可先排除C项。later意为“以后;随后”;lately意为“最近;近来”;late意为“迟;晚;迟于通常时间”。后句句意:哦,别傻了。墙上的表慢五分钟,你不知道吗?5She had no idea _ Cork Street was,except _ it was near Bond Street.Athat;that Bwhat;whatCwhere;where Dwhere;that解析:选D。idea后面为同位语从句,第一个空的引导词应在从句中作was的表语,that引导名词性从句时无意义也不作成分,应排除A项;根据near Bond Street可知她不知道的是位置,所以第一个空排除what而选where。第二个空用that,except that后面接句子,意为“除了”。



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