4 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Grammar Focus-3c课件

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《4 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Grammar Focus-3c课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《4 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles Grammar Focus-3c课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Unit 10Id like some noodles.(Grammar Focus3c) 一、核心词汇。(13分3分)1肉meat二、核心句型。(410分40分)2你想要什么样的面条?我想要牛肉面。What kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef noodles,please.堂堂清得分卷后分自我评价3你想要多大碗的?我想要一份大碗的。What size would you like?Id like a large bowl,please.4那我要羊肉面。Id like the mutton noodles th

2、en.5羊肉面里有蔬菜吗?Are there any vegetables in the mutton noodles?三、将下列单词按要求分类。(3927分)apple,beef,noodle,mutton,tea,bowl,chicken,cabbage,potato,tomato,pear,rice,strawberry,egg,salad6可数名词apple,noodle,bowl,potato,tomato,pear,strawberry,egg7不可数名词beef,mutton,tea,rice8既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词salad,chicken,cabbage四、单项选择。

3、(56分30分)9What B noodles would you like?Id like beef noodles.Asize bowl ofBkind ofCsize Dkinds10What would Lily like? C an egg.AHe likes BShe hadCShed like DShe likes11Wed like B_and _ noodles.Amutton,cabbages Bbeef,tomatoCchicken,potatoes Dtomatoes,meat12Would you like some apples? DANo,thanks BNo,I

4、 wouldntCYes,please DA and C13What kind of noodles A you have?We have mutton,cabbage,tomato and beef noodles.AdoBwouldCdoesDdid 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。(54分20分)1Id like mutton and tomato (tomato)noodles.2Id like to buy(buy)a dictionary.3A large bowl of noodles is (be)on the table.4He has a lot of meat (meat)

5、for lunch every day.5Id like noodles with chicken (chicken) and potatoes (potato)in them.日日清得分卷后分小组长评价二、单项选择。(54分20分)6Id like D some green cabbage for dinner.Aeat Beats Ceating Dto eat7Would you like some apples?CAYes,thanks BNo,just a littleCNo,thanks DThank you8Id like beef noodles B vegetables.Ai

6、n Bwith Con Dat9May I A your order?Yes,I want chicken soup.Atake Bbring Clike Dcook10I dont like eating C ,but I have three _Achickens,chicken Bchickens,chickensCchicken,chickens Dchicken,chicken三、根据横线后的标点和提示,将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(57分35分)11size,they,what,would,likeWhat size would they like?12you,or,beef,

7、like,mutton,wouldWould you like beef or mutton?13like,large,size,you,medium,do,what,orWhat size do you like,large or medium?14carrots,noodles,with,I,like,would,beefI would like beef noodles with carrots15any,soup,egg,meat,there is,in,theIs there any meat in the egg soup?四、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话(其中有两项为多余选项)

8、。(55分25分)A:16.CB:Yes,please.Tomorrow is my mothers birthday.17.FA:You are a good boy.18.AB:A large cake,please.A:19.EB:Please write“Happy Birthday to Mother”A:20.DB:Its 8910566.A:Whats your address(地址)?B:56 Lincoln Drive.AWhat size would you like?BMay I take your order?CCan I help you?DWhats your phone number?EWhat would you like to write on it?FI want to order a birthday cake for my mother.GWhat kind of cake would you like?励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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