《组织学与胚胎学》实验:实验十二 消化管和消化腺

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《《组织学与胚胎学》实验:实验十二 消化管和消化腺》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《组织学与胚胎学》实验:实验十二 消化管和消化腺(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Digestive tractExperimental courseChun-min Liang1.1.tongueSpecimen:No.49#Preparation: HE stainObjects:1.stratified squamous epithelium2.striated muscle3.papillaes-filiform papillaefungiform papillaecircumvallate papillaeHEHematoxylin EosinThe comparation of 3 different papillaTypesTypesQuantityQuant

2、ityStructural characteristicsStructural characteristicsFiliformFiliformMostnumerousSharpSharp,partly keratinized,lacking taste budsFungiformFungiformLessResemble mushroommushroom,has taste buds on its expanded upper surfaceCircum-Circum-vallatevallateLeast numerousLargestLargest,near the V-shaped gr

3、oove,has more numerous taste buds2. esophagus Specimen:No.6#Preparation: HE stainObjects:1.Mucosa: stratified squamous epithelium lamina propria: CT with vessels2.Submucosa: loose CT with esophageal glands3.Muscularis externa 4.Fibrosa: loose CT (mesothelium only within abdominal cavity)( (FundusFun

4、dus of stomach) of stomach)Specimen: No.51Preparation: HE stainObjects:1.simple columnar epithelium2.gastric pits3.fundic glands parietal cell chief cell mucous neck cell4.muscle layer is very thick5.serosa with mesothelium3. stomach TypesDistributionL.M.E.M.FunctionParietal cellParietal cellLie mai

5、nly in the upper part of the glandLarge, round to pyramidal cells, with one or two central nuclei, and acidophilic cytoplasmAbundant mitochondria and intracellular canaliculus, or circular invagination of the apical plasma membrane Secrete HCl(Hydrochloric acid) intrinsic factors(Vitamine B12erythro

6、poiesis pernicious anemiapernicious anemia)Chief cellChief cellPredominant in the base of gastric glandsSmaller than parietal cells; they are columnar shaped with round basal nucleus and basophilic cytoplasm (rich in RERs ribosome)Extensive rough ER and apical secretory granules near the lumen, cont

7、aining in active enzyme pepsinogenSecrete mainly pepsinogen that is converted into pepsin later Neck mucous Neck mucous cellcellMainly in the top area of the glandSingly or clusters between the parietal cells; brightly stained cytoplasm and basal nuclei Irregular in Shape, with nucleus at the base o

8、f the cell and secretory granules near the apical surfaceSecrete acidic mucus *pernicious anemiapernicious anemia is different from common anemia being absent of ferrum.Pyloric glandsFundic glandsCardiac glandsStomachHas 4 regions with different gastric glands.(Deep pits and short glands)Specimen: N

9、o.52Preparation: HE stainObjects:Deep pits and short glandsMore mucous cellsLess parietal cells4. pyloric region of stomachSmall Intestine(5,6,7)duodenum, jejunum and ileum.No.53#No.4#No.54#SegmentShape of VilliNumber of Goblet CellsGlands in SubmucosaDistribution of Lymphoid NodulesDuodenumWide, le

10、af-likeA fewBrunners glands(duodenal) Occasional solitarylymphoid nodulesJejunumLong, finger-like MoreContains neither Brunners glands nor Peyers patches ?IleumShort, broad-tippedAbundantN/AMore Peyers patches The comparison of 3 segments of small intestine Absorptive cellcentral lactealcentral lact

11、ealVilliMyenteric nerve plexus is prominent in duodenumInner circularOut longitudinal8. colonSpecimen:No.55#Preparation: HE stainObjects: no villi abundant goblet cells abundant large deep intestinal glands more lymphoid tissues in the lamina propria 9. appendixSpecimen:No.2#Preparation: HE stainObj

12、ects:smaller and irregular lumenno villusfewer and shorter cryptsmasses of lymphatic tissue in mucosa and submucosa10. rectum- anal canal junctionSpecimen:No.2#Preparation: HE stainObjects:Changes of epithelium,glands, Muscularis externa, et al.Paneth cellShowcentral lactealcentral lactealNeck mucou

13、s cellNeck mucous cellNeck mucous cellParietal cell Parietal cell E.M.Chief cellChief cellEpithelium of small intestinemicrovilliv Goblet cellDigestive GlandExperimental courseChun-min Liang1.Submandibular glandSpecimen:No.57#Preparation: HE stainObjects:1. serous and mucous cells2. demilunes3. myoe

14、pithelial cells4. ducts:HEHematoxylin Eosin2. LiverSpecimen:No.58#Preparation: HE stainObjects:1. Hepatic LobuleHepatic Lobulecentral veinhepatocyte plates (hepatic cords)hepatic sinusoidKupffer cell2. Portal TriadPortal TriadBranch of hepatic arteryBranch of portal vein Branch of bile duct2. LiverS

15、pecimen:No.58#Preparation: HE stainObjects:1. Hepatic LobuleHepatic Lobulecentral veinhepatocyte plates (hepatic cords)hepatic sinusoidKupffer cell2. Portal TriadPortal TriadBranch of hepatic arteryBranch of portal vein Branch of bile duct3. PancreasSpecimen:No.59#Preparation: HE stainObjects:1. Exo

16、crine acinar serous (intensely staining)2. Endocrine- Islets of Langerhans (pale-staining) 3. Acinar cells:basophilia in the basal cytoplasmacidophilic zymogen granules in the apical 4. Centroacinar cell5. Intercalated duct Hepatocyte observed by E.MM: mitochondriaRER: rough endoplasmic reticulumG: Golgi complex Ly: lysosome BC: Bile canaliculus Bile canaliculusformed by invagination of opposing membrane of adjoining hepatocytes into their own cytoplasm Sinusoid of liverSinusoid Microvilli



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