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1、必修必修3Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note 1共 84 页一、单词拼写一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。1._ si:n n.景色景色 2._ nA5reitC:,EnA5reitC:,E n.讲述者讲述者3._ 5sE:vEnt5sE:vEnt n.仆人仆人 4._ pE(:)5mitpE(:)5mit vt.& vi.允许允许5._ steE(rsteE(r)vi.凝视凝视 6._ 5Qn5peid5Qn5peidadj. 未付款未付款7._ E5kauntE5kauntn.说明说明 8._ E5piErEn

2、sE5piErEnsn.出现出现9._ 5peiFEns5peiFEnsn.耐性耐性 10._ in5kredEblin5kredEbladj.难以置信难以置信scenenarratorservantpermitstare unpaidaccountappearancepatience incredible 2共 84 页11._ 5simpli5simpliadv.仅仅仅仅 12._ in5di:din5di:d adv.真正的真正的13._skri:mskri:m vi.尖叫尖叫 14._5isju5isju: vt.& vi.发行发行15._5mAnE5mAnE n.礼貌礼貌 16._

3、5tain5taini adj.很少的很少的17._5dVelEs5dVelEs adj.妒忌的妒忌的 18._5nCvE5nCvEl n.小说小说19._ 5bB:bE5bB:bEn.理发师理发师 20._ ru:ru:d adj.粗魯的粗魯的 simply indeedscreamissuemannertiny jealousnovelbarberrude 3共 84 页四、词组互译四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。1. 1. 处理处理_ _ 2. 2. 偶然偶然_ _ 3. 3. 养育养育_ _ 4. 4. 解释解释_ _ 5. 5. 至于至于

4、_ _ 6. 6. 即使即使_ _ 7. 7. 正相反正相反_ _ 8. 8. 盯住盯住_ _ stare at deal withby accidentbring upaccount foras foreven ifon the contrary4共 84 页9. go ahead _10. in rags _11. get in trouble _12. to be honest _13. in a rude manner _14. be about to _15. take a chance _16. earn ones passage _说吧说吧衣衫褴褛衣衫褴褛陷入困境陷入困境说实话说

5、实话以粗鲁的方式以粗鲁的方式即将要即将要碰运气碰运气赚取路费赚取路费5共 84 页二、单词运用二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个适当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式入一个适当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。填空。1. I cant yet tell you I will go to travel after exam.2. The woman looked after the baby as if he_ her child.3. Henry by accident on the sea one day. (spot)4. The

6、 teacher stared at the kid , him not to be absent-minded . (warn)5. Most students dont know they should do themselves when parents are not at home .with whether werewas spottedwarningwhat6共 84 页6. be honest , I have no time to argue this silly question with you now .7. is not clear that you have to

7、leave so soon .8. It you that I met in the library on Sunday afternoon.9. Do you mind my here ? (smoke)10. China exported a large amount textile to the western countries ever since 2007 it .(decrease)has been decreased To Itwas smoking of 7共 84 页三、词语派生三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. We can d

8、o whatever we like now ,for we have our head teachers to do our favorite. (permit)2. Though it was , everyone loved to took an active part in this activity as volunteers. (pay)3. At last the singer appeared at the stage, and the audience were amazed at his .(appear)4. You should try to your explanat

9、ion for the children. They can only work out the of the maths at this age. (simple)5. What he said is ,because he often lies to his friends. (believe)permission unpaid appearance simplicity simplify unbelievable 8共 84 页6. The often gives me help. I make rapid progress under his .(direct)7. Both of t

10、he countries showed a to finish their argument of the border. So the problem will continue to be remained. (willing)8. The two enjoyed the of their life on the island and never felt .(lonely)9. Rainy days are of March in Guangzhou and most novelist it as a _ different from that in the north. (charac

11、ter)10. After three hours of waiting for the train, our _was finally exhausted. (patient)direction director direct unwillingness lonely lonelinesscharacter characteristiccharacterizepatience 9共 84 页五、词组运用五、词组运用词组填空词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。个适当的词组并用其适用的形式填空。1. He is ,b

12、ut he is a millionaire.2. The secret is only found .3. When the thief found the police had already him he ran away quickly.stared at in ragsby accident10共 84 页翻译填空翻译填空 根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个适当根据汉语意思,从上述短语中选一个适当的词组完成句子。的词组完成句子。4. 没人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。没人能解释为什么他会犯如此愚蠢的错误。No one can the reason why he made such

13、stupid mistake.5. 说到吸烟,它确实对身体有害。说到吸烟,它确实对身体有害。 Smoking, it does do harm to health.6. 看去天好像要下雨了。看去天好像要下雨了。It looked it was going to rain.as if account forAs for11共 84 页句子翻译句子翻译 从上述短语中选择适当的短语翻译下列句从上述短语中选择适当的短语翻译下列句子。子。7. 开车时绝不应冒险。开车时绝不应冒险。8. 当我小时,我在一个小城镇生活。当我小时,我在一个小城镇生活。9. 他不贫穷,相反他很富有。他不贫穷,相反他很富有。10.

14、 我正要离开时,他就打电话来了。我正要离开时,他就打电话来了。I was just about to leave when he was calling to me.You should never take chances when driving a car.I was brought up in a small town when I was a child.He is not poor, on the contrary, he is very rich.12共 84 页要要 点点 梳梳 理理高效梳理高效梳理知识备考知识备考重点单词重点单词1adventure n奇奇遇遇;冒冒险adve

15、nturer n冒冒险家家adventurous adj.喜喜欢冒冒险的的2scene n(戏剧)一一场;现场;场面;景色面;景色3wander vi.漫游;漫步;漂泊漫游;漫步;漂泊4pavement n人行道人行道5permit vt. & vi.许可可;允允许;准准许n.通通行行证;许可可证;执照照permission n许可;准可;准许13共 84 页6spot vt.发现;认出出n.斑点;斑点;污点;地点点;地点7passage n船船费(包括食宿包括食宿);通道;通道;(一一)段段8account vi. & vt. 认为;说明明;总计有有 n说明明;理理由由;计算;算;账目目9s

16、eek vt. & vi.寻找找;探探索索;寻求求sought(过去去式式/过去去分分词)10patience n耐耐性性;忍忍耐耐patient adj. & n有有耐耐心心的的;病人病人11 contrary n 反反 面面 ; 对 立立 面面 adj.相相 反反 的的 ; 相相 违 的的contrarily adv.相反地相反地14共 84 页12envelope n信封信封13 believe vt.相相 信信 ; 信信 任任 believable adj.可可 信信 任任 的的unbelievable adj.难以置信的以置信的14amount n数量数量15manner n礼貌;礼

17、貌;举止;方式止;方式16indeed adv.真正地;确真正地;确实;实在在15共 84 页重点短语重点短语1bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出养;培养;教育;提出2go ahead 前前进;(用于祈使句用于祈使句) 可以;往下可以;往下说3by accident/chance 偶然;无意中;不小心偶然;无意中;不小心4stare at 盯着看;凝着看;凝视5account for 导致;作出解致;作出解释16共 84 页6on the contrary 与此相反;正相反与此相反;正相反7take a chance 冒冒险8in rags 衣衫衣衫褴褛9as for/to 关于;至于关

18、于;至于10to be honest 说实话11from the bottom of ones heart 从心底从心底12take ones order 点菜点菜17共 84 页重点句型重点句型1The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,第二天早上,我正感到我正感到绝望的望的时候候,一艘船一艘船发现了我了我。2You cant open it until two oclock.到两点到两点钟你才能打开你才能打开。3Thats why weve given

19、 you the letter.这正是我正是我们给你你这封信的原因封信的原因。18共 84 页4Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.哎哎,傍晚傍晚时分分,我我发现自己被一自己被一阵大大风刮到了大海上刮到了大海上。5You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like.您您什什么么时候候想想来来,您您想想吃吃点点什什么么,你你就就一一定定要要来来呀!呀!19共 84 页vv 我十二岁的时候,非常偶然地读了马克吐温写的一个

20、有趣的故事。作者给我们讲了一个令人难以置信的故事。我真的非常喜欢这个故事,正是这个故事让我对马克吐温的作品感兴趣。在这个故事中,一对有钱的英国兄弟对身无分文的亨利打了一个赌。他们给了衣服褴褛的亨利一张面值百万的支票。带着这张支票,亨利经历了许多惊险的奇遇。由于他寒酸的外表,亨利在许多地方遭遇了劣质服务。可是,当他们看到这张钞票后,那些瞧不起他的人立刻改变了态度,就连富家兄弟中的哥哥的女儿也爱上了亨利。发生在亨利身上的故事对那时崇拜金钱的社会作出了生动的解释。答案:When I was twelve years old, I found an interesting play written b

21、y Mark Twain by accident. The writer tells us an unbelievable story. I did like it very much and it was this story that made me interested in Mark Twain,s works. In the story, two rich English brothers made a bet on penniless Henry, who was in rags, giving him a million-pound banknote. With the bank

22、note, he met many adventures. Because of his poor appearance, Henry received bad services in many places. But after they saw the banknote, those who looked down upon him all changed their attitude. Even one of the rich brothers, daughter fell in love with him. The story happening to Henry accounts v

23、ividly for the money society those days.20共 84 页考考 点点 探探 究究互动探究互动探究能力备考能力备考.词汇短语过关词汇短语过关1scene n. (戏剧戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色一场;现场;场面;景色the scene of the crime 犯罪现场犯罪现场behind the scenes 暗中,秘密地,在幕后暗中,秘密地,在幕后(come) on the scene 出现,到场,在场出现,到场,在场set the scene (为为)作好准备,作好准备,(为为)设置舞台设置舞台21共 84 页 即学即练即学即练1(1)Our repo

24、rter was the first person_(到现场到现场)(2)The rocking boats along the river bank_(构成一道美丽的风景构成一道美丽的风景)(3)The boy led his mother to _(事故事故现场现场)on the scenemake a beautiful scenethe scene of the accident22共 84 页2permit vt. 允许,许可允许,许可nC许可证,执照许可证,执照permission n. U许可,准许,允许许可,准许,允许permit doing sth. 允允许做某事做某事per

25、mit sb. to do sth. 允允许某人做某事某人做某事with/without ones permissionwith/withoutthe permission of sb. (不不)在某人的允在某人的允许下下23共 84 页 即学即练即学即练2(1)She refused to _.她拒不同意。她拒不同意。(2)Do you have a drivers _?你有驾驶执照吗?你有驾驶执照吗?(3)_, well go out for a picnic.时间允许,我们就去野餐。时间允许,我们就去野餐。(4)The policeman _ there.The policeman _

26、there.警察允许他在那里停车。警察允许他在那里停车。give her permissionpermitTime permittingpermitted his parkingpermitted him to park24共 84 页词语拓展allow doing允许做allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做permit doing sth.允许做permit sb.to do sth.允许某人做forbid doing sth.禁止做forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做advise doing sth.建议做advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做25共 8

27、4 页即学即练选用上述单词或短语完成下列小片段。 The salesman(1)_the child(2)_ (buy)the cigarette in the store though the store rules didn,t (3)_it.What,smore,he(4)_him(5) (bring) more classmates here. As a result, his store was closed because in our country, cigarette (6)_ sell to the people under 18.答案:(1)allowed (2)to b

28、uy (3)permit (4)advised (5)to bring (6)is forbidden to 26共 84 页3spot vt. 发现,认出;点缀发现,认出;点缀n. 斑点;污点;地点斑点;污点;地点on the spot 当场,当下当场,当下put sb. on the spot 使某人尴尬,使某人为难使某人尴尬,使某人为难hit the spot 满足要求,合口味满足要求,合口味a scenic/historic spot 风景名胜风景名胜/古迹古迹be spotted with sth. 满是满是斑点斑点27共 84 页 即学即练即学即练3(1)This is the s

29、pot _ the two trucks collided.这儿就是那两辆卡车相撞的地点。这儿就是那两辆卡车相撞的地点。(2)How did you _ on your face?你脸上怎么弄脏了一块?你脸上怎么弄脏了一块?(3)The teacher graded our test papers _.老师当场就给我们的试卷打了分。老师当场就给我们的试卷打了分。(4)The ink has _ my clean shirt.墨水把我的干净衬衫弄脏了。墨水把我的干净衬衫弄脏了。(5)My father _ several spelling mistakes in my composition.我

30、父亲在我的作文里发现了好几处拼写错误。我父亲在我的作文里发现了好几处拼写错误。whereget that spoton the spotspottedspotted28共 84 页4account n. 说明;理由;计算;账目;报道说明;理由;计算;账目;报道vi. & vt. 认为;说明;总计有认为;说明;总计有account for 说明说明(原因等原因等);作出解释;作出解释on account of 由于,因为由于,因为on no account 决不决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)on any account 无论如何无论如何take account of

31、take.into consideration 考虑考虑keep an account of 记录,记载记录,记载29共 84 页即学即练即学即练4(1)He could not _ his foolish mistake.他无法解释他所犯的愚蠢错误。他无法解释他所犯的愚蠢错误。(2)Give us _ what happened.跟我们说一下到底发生了什么。跟我们说一下到底发生了什么。(3)She retired early _ ill health.她体弱多病,所以提前退休。她体弱多病,所以提前退休。(4)The company _ environmental issues whereve

32、r possible.只要有可能,只要有可能,这家公司会考虑到环境问题。这家公司会考虑到环境问题。 account foran account foron account oftakes account of30共 84 页提示:表示否定意义的提示:表示否定意义的 on no account 放在句首时,句子应放在句首时,句子应用部分倒装。如:用部分倒装。如:On no account should you go there. 你绝对不可以到那里去。你绝对不可以到那里去。31共 84 页5seek (sought, sought) vt. & vi. 寻找;探索;追求寻找;探索;追求seek

33、ones fortune追求财富;碰运气追求财富;碰运气seek (after/for) sth. 寻找某物;追求某物寻找某物;追求某物seek sth. from sb.向某人寻求某事向某人寻求某事seek to do sth.(try/attempt to do sth.)试图试图/企图做某事企图做某事32共 84 页 即学即练即学即练5(1)He is _ (asking for) a job.他正在找他正在找工作。工作。(2)The boy _ his teacher.这个男孩向他的老师请教。这个男孩向他的老师请教。(3)He is the man who is always _.他是

34、个始终追求真理的人。他是个始终追求真理的人。(4)They are _ us. 他们试图误导我们。他们试图误导我们。seekingsought advice fromseeking after truthseeking to mislead33共 84 页6bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出抚养;培养;教育;提出即学即练即学即练6(1)She has _ five children.她养育了五个孩子。她养育了五个孩子。(2)These are matters that you can _ in committee.这些问题你可在委员会中提出。这些问题你可在委员会中提出。brought u

35、pbring up34共 84 页拓展:拓展:bring about 引起;致使;造成;达成引起;致使;造成;达成bring along/on 带来带来bring back 使记起;归还;恢复使记起;归还;恢复bring down 使减低;降低;挫伤使减低;降低;挫伤(傲气傲气)bring forth 产生;产出;生产产生;产出;生产bring forward 提出;出示;展示提出;出示;展示bring out 揭露;显示,解释;出版揭露;显示,解释;出版bring to (oneself) 使复苏使复苏bring in 引进;引来;赚得引进;引来;赚得35共 84 页7go ahead 前进

36、;前进;(用于祈使句用于祈使句)可以;往下说;说吧;干可以;往下说;说吧;干吧吧go ahead with开始做某事开始做某事ahead of 在在 之前;超过之前;超过press ahead with加紧进行,推行加紧进行,推行36共 84 页即学即练即学即练7写出下列句中写出下列句中go ahead的意思。的意思。(1)If you think you can settle the problem, go ahead._ (2)The police examined the cars and allowed them to go ahead._(3)Im afraid I have to

37、trouble you with a question.Go ahead. _(4)The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans._开始干吧开始干吧继续前行继续前行请说吧请说吧推行;开始做推行;开始做37共 84 页8on the contrary 正相反,反之正相反,反之(表示相反意见表示相反意见)on the other hand 另一方面另一方面(说明问题的另一方面说明问题的另一方面)contrary to. 与与相反;违反,对抗相反;违反,对抗quite/just the contrary 恰恰相反恰恰相

38、反to the contrary 与此相反地与此相反地38共 84 页 即学即练即学即练8(1)The boy was swimming in a direction _ the current. 那男孩逆流游去。那男孩逆流游去。(2)You didnt bother me. _, I like your company. 你没有打扰我。相反地,我喜欢有你没有打扰我。相反地,我喜欢有你做伴。你做伴。(3)Although Bill was going to the movies, he told Jack _.虽然比尔要去看电影,但是他告诉杰克,说他不去。虽然比尔要去看电影,但是他告诉杰克,说

39、他不去。contrary toOn the contraryto the contrary39共 84 页7.Well,we will have to take a chance.(P22)那么,我们只得冒险了。chance做名词时表“机会,可能性”,做动词时表“碰巧,冒险”。词语归纳take a chance/take chances 冒险seize a chance 抓住机会 by chance 偶然by any chance万一,碰巧chance to do sth.碰巧做It so chanced that.=It so happened that.这么碰巧(The) chances

40、are that.有可能There is always a chance of sb./sth.doing sth.有可能There is a slim/slight chance that.不大可能不大可能40共 84 页 即学即练即学即练9(1)You should never _ when driving a car.开车时千万别冒险。开车时千万别冒险。(2)We hadnt planned to meet. We met _.我们原未打算相见,是偶然遇见的。我们原未打算相见,是偶然遇见的。(3)_ shes already heard the news.可能她已经听到那则消息了。可能她

41、已经听到那则消息了。take chancesby chanceChances are that41共 84 页即学即练将下列句子译成英语。(1)这么碰巧,我一到门口他就来了。_ (2)他有可能去广州找工作。_ (3)蛇总有可能藏在洞穴里。_ (4)我碰巧知道那个地方。_ 42共 84 页答案:(1)It so chanced that I was at the gate when he arrived./It so happened that.(2)(The) chances are that he will go to Guangzhou to find a job./It is likel

42、y that he will go to Guangzhou to find a job.(3)There ,s always a chance of a snake hidden in the cave.(4)I chanced/happened to know the place.43共 84 页10as for 关于;至于关于;至于即学即练即学即练10(1)_ the cause of the fire, I dont know anything.至于火灾的原因,我一点也不知道。至于火灾的原因,我一点也不知道。(2)We had a wonderful time in the count

43、ry. _ the traffic, we had no difficulty.我们在乡下度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没遇到我们在乡下度过了一个愉快的周末。至于交通,我们没遇到任何困难。任何困难。As forAs for44共 84 页拓展:拓展:as for与与as to都是介词短语,意思相近,都是都是介词短语,意思相近,都是“至于,至于,关于;就关于;就而言,就而言,就来说来说”之意。之意。as with“与与一样一样”。As to the journey, we must decide about that later.至于旅行,我们必须以后再作决定。至于旅行,我们必须以后再作决

44、定。45共 84 页.Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made a bet.(P17)一对年老又富有的兄弟,罗德里克和奥利弗,打了一个赌。词语归纳bet on sth.就某事打赌I bet that.我敢说make a bet with sb.与打赌make a bet on sth.就某事打赌46共 84 页即学即练将下列句子译成英语。(1)关于那古画的价格,张先生与妻子打了一个赌。_ (2)他不仅赌上了财产,还赌上了身家性命。_ (3)我敢说他已经把这一切忘得一干二净了。_ 答案:(1)Mr. Zhang ma

45、de a bet with his wife on the price of the ancient painting.(2)He made a bet with both his wealth and his life.(3)I,ll bet that he has forgotten all these completely.47共 84 页3.As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.(P18)事实上,我在英国上岸是非常偶然的。as a matter of fact=in fact 事实上by accident=by cha

46、nce 偶然即学即练将下列句子译成英语。(1)事实上,青霉素是非常偶然发现的。_ (2)他显得很健康,但事实上,他的心脏不太好。_48共 84 页答案:(1)In fact, penicillin was found quite by accident.(2)He appears to be in good health, but in fact, he suffers from a weak heart.49共 84 页4.His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers,dinner on table.(P18)他的眼睛盯着兄弟俩留在餐桌上的残羹

47、剩菜上。stare at=fix one,s eyes on/upon 专注于,凝视词语拓展stare at凝视glare at怒目而视glance at瞥见look at看50共 84 页即学即练将下列句子译成英语。(1)长时间盯着别人是不礼貌的。_ (2)她聚精会神地在看电视,没有注意发生的事。_ (3)他看着儿子,不知说什么好。_ 答案:(1)It is not polite to stare at other people for a long time.(2)She fixed her eyes on watching TV, not knowing what was happeni

48、ng.(3)He looked at his son, not knowing what to say.51共 84 页5.towards night I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(P18)傍晚时分我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。词语归纳find sb./sth.doing 发现在做 (主动)find sb./sth.done发现 被做 (被动)find oneself in/at.发觉自己处在某处/处于52共 84 页即学即练完成下列句子。(1)I found the boy_.(藏在门后)(2)Three hours

49、,later, we found ourselves _ .(在山脚下的一个村庄)(3)When he came to himself, he _.(他发觉自己在医院里)(4)When day broke, _.(他们发觉自己被敌人包围了)答案:(1)hidden behind the door (2)in a village at the foot of the mountain (3)found himself in hospital (4)they found themselves surrounded by their enemies53共 84 页6.I,m afraid it,ll

50、 cost a large amount of money.(P22)恐怕这得花费一大笔钱。阅读下列句子,注意amount的意思。(1)The annual output of the steel plant amounts to 5,000,000 tons. (amount to合计,共计达)(2)His answer amounts to a refusal. (amount to 相当于、等于)(3)The amount of the money we,ve lost amounts to 1,000,000 yuan. (n.总数、数额)54共 84 页短语归纳a large num

51、ber of+名词复数 大量the number of+名词复数的总量amounts of/a large amount of+不可数名词 大量the amount of+不可数名词 的总量55共 84 页即学即练用上述词将下列句子补充完整。(1)_workers were absent from the meeting.(2)_the workers absent from the meeting was surprising.(3)He gave us _ advice.(4)_money is 1000.答案:(1)A number of (2)The number of (3)amou

52、nts of/a large amount of(4)The amount of56共 84 页.重点句型详解重点句型详解1Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried_out to sea by a strong wind.哎哎,傍傍晚晚时时分分,我我发发现现自自己己被被一一阵阵大大风风刮到了大海上。刮到了大海上。(1)“find oneself宾语补足足语”,意意为“(突然突然)发现自己自己”。When he came to, he found himself in a deserted island. 他他醒来后醒来后,发现自己在一个荒凉的

53、自己在一个荒凉的岛上上。On hearing this, I found myself in an embarrassing position. 听到听到这后后,我突然我突然发现自己自己处在很在很尴尬的境地尬的境地。57共 84 页 (2)find oneself doing sth. 突然发现或惊奇地发现自己在做某事,突然发现或惊奇地发现自己在做某事,表示吃惊或不相信等情感。表示吃惊或不相信等情感。Dick found himself walking in the direction of Mikes place. 迪克突然发现自己在朝迈克家的方向走去。迪克突然发现自己在朝迈克家的方向走去。

54、When he came to, he found himself lying in the hospital.他他醒来后,发现自己躺在了医院里。醒来后,发现自己躺在了医院里。(3)find oneself done (突然突然)发现自己被发现自己被;不知不觉中发现自;不知不觉中发现自己被己被Then I found myself surrounded by half a dozen boys.然后我就发现自己已被六个男孩围住了。然后我就发现自己已被六个男孩围住了。58共 84 页 即即境境活活用用1 Toward _ sunset, he found himself _ to a deser

55、ted island.Athe; taken B/; takenCthe; taking D/; taking解解析析:第第一一空空 toward 后后接接时时间间名名词词时时,名名词词前前通通常常不不加加冠冠词词;第第二二空空 “find oneself过过去去分分词词”,过过去去分分词词做做宾宾补补,表被动。表被动。答案:答案:B59共 84 页2The next morning _Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。第二天早上,我正感到绝望的

56、时候,一艘船发现了我。had just done.when.刚做完某事做完某事,这时be doing.when.正在做正在做这时be about to do.when.正要做正要做这时be on the point of doing.when.正要做正要做这时60共 84 页I had just gone to bed when the telephone rang.我刚上床睡觉,这时电话响了。我刚上床睡觉,这时电话响了。He was reading newspapers when he heard his name called.他正在读报,这时听到有人叫他的名字。他正在读报,这时听到有人叫

57、他的名字。I was about to go out when an unexpected visitor came.我正要出门,一位不速之客来访了。我正要出门,一位不速之客来访了。61共 84 页 即境活用即境活用2I had finished my homework and _ watch the Olympics when the power was cut off.Awas going to Bwas about toCwas to Dwould解析:解析:be about to do.when.表示表示“正要做正要做这时这时”,符合语境和语意。,符合语境和语意。答案:答案:B62共

58、84 页3You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. 您您什什么么时时候候想想来来,您您想想吃吃点点什什么么,你你就就一一定定要要来来呀!呀!(1)whenever, wherever, however 引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句,相相当当于于 no matter when/where/how。(2)whatever, whoever, whichever, whomever 既既可可引引导名名词性性从从句句,也也可可引引导让步步状状语从从句句,在在引引导让步步状状语从从句句时相相当于当于 no matter w

59、hat/who/which/whom。(3)“no matter疑疑问词”只只能能引引导让步步状状语从从句句,可可放放在在主主句句前或主句后前或主句后。63共 84 页(4)however 的用法主要有以下三点需要注意:的用法主要有以下三点需要注意:用做连接副词,相当于用做连接副词,相当于 no matter how,引导让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句,意思是意思是“不管怎样不管怎样;无论如何;无论如何”,具体结构为:,具体结构为:however形容词形容词/副词主语谓语。例如:副词主语谓语。例如:However rich people are, they always seem anxiou

60、s to make more money.无论人们有多富裕,他们似乎总是渴望挣到更多的钱。无论人们有多富裕,他们似乎总是渴望挣到更多的钱。用做连词,表示用做连词,表示“不管用什么方法不管用什么方法”。however 还可作还可作“然而然而”讲,是副词,不能引导从句,常用逗讲,是副词,不能引导从句,常用逗号隔开。号隔开。 64共 84 页(5)whichever, whatever 在句中还可做定语。在句中还可做定语。Eat whichever cake you like.你可以吃任何一块你想吃的蛋糕。你可以吃任何一块你想吃的蛋糕。65共 84 页 即境活用即境活用3(1)(2008辽宁辽宁)_

61、 hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.AWhatever BWheneverCWherever DHowever解析:解析:“howeveradj.主谓主谓”表示表示“无论多么无论多么”。答案:答案:D66共 84 页 (2)_team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.ANo matter what BNo matter whichCWhatever DWhichever解析:根据句子结构可知,本题

62、考查名词性从句,排除解析:根据句子结构可知,本题考查名词性从句,排除A、B项。项。whatever和和 whichever 的不同在于前者没有范围的不同在于前者没有范围而后者有范围,本句中指而后者有范围,本句中指“周六参加比赛的获胜队周六参加比赛的获胜队”,是,是有范围的,故选有范围的,故选 whichever。答案:答案:D67共 84 页易易 错错 点点 拨拨自我完善自我完善误区备考误区备考1. scene/scenery/view/sight(1)scene 指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指 scenery 的一部分,指的一部分,指某处小范围的景色,大多包括景物中

63、的人及活动,可译为某处小范围的景色,大多包括景物中的人及活动,可译为“情情景景”“景色景色”“场面场面”“(戏剧戏剧)一场一场”。(2)scenery是总称,指大范围的自然风光,是由多个是总称,指大范围的自然风光,是由多个 scene 构成构成的景色,常译为的景色,常译为“景色景色”“风景风景”。(3)view 是指人从一定的角度是指人从一定的角度(或从远处或从高处等或从远处或从高处等)所看到的景象,所看到的景象,还有还有“观点观点”“看法看法”等意思。等意思。(4)sight是眼睛所看到的景象,可以指美丽的风景,也可以指悲惨是眼睛所看到的景象,可以指美丽的风景,也可以指悲惨的景象,其复数形式

64、的景象,其复数形式 sights 表示表示“名胜古迹,人文景观名胜古迹,人文景观”等。等。68共 84 页 应用应用1用用 scene, scenery, view, sight的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。(1)As we climbed higher, a wonderful _ opened out before us.(2)The next day we returned to the _ of the accident.(3)The _ of the play is a kitchen.(4)The Great Wall is one of the most breathtakin

65、g _ in the world.(5)The autumn _ of Beijing is charming.(6)Do you remember the _ in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?viewscenescenesightssceneryscene69共 84 页2. manner/method/way/means这四个词均有这四个词均有“方法;方式方法;方式”的意思。的意思。(1)manner指个人的、独特的或有特色的指个人的、独特的或有特色的“方法;方式方法;方式”,常与,常与in连用。连用。(2)met

66、hod指合理的或系统的指合理的或系统的“方法方法”,包括抽象的观念和具体,包括抽象的观念和具体的步骤,如为完成教学、调查、医疗等各项工作而采取的一系的步骤,如为完成教学、调查、医疗等各项工作而采取的一系列步骤或方法,常与列步骤或方法,常与with连用。连用。(3)means指为达到某种目的而采取的指为达到某种目的而采取的“手段手段”或或“方法方法”,常与,常与by连用。连用。(4)way为普通用语,可以代替为普通用语,可以代替method, manner或或means,但,但why更富有表达力,常与更富有表达力,常与in连用。连用。70共 84 页 应用应用2(1)He invented a

67、new _ of teaching English.(2)I dont like his _ of walking.(3)There is/are no _ of getting there.(4)You can finish it by this _.(5)There are a lot of _ to make friends.methodmannermeansmeansways71共 84 页3. ever与与no matter wh的用法的用法应用应用3(1)In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help_there is hum

68、an suffering.Awhoever BhoweverCwhatever Dwherever解析:解析:(1)句意为句意为“在和平时期,红十字会也应把帮助送在和平时期,红十字会也应把帮助送到人们受苦难的地方到人们受苦难的地方”。答案:答案:D72共 84 页 (2)(2009福建泉州高三质检福建泉州高三质检)All the books I have are here. You may borrow _ you like.Awhatever BwhicheverCwhenever Dhowever解析:解析:(2)whichever强调强调“在某一范围内任何一个人在某一范围内任何一个人/物

69、物”。whatever指指“任何任何(某事某事)”,不强调范围。,不强调范围。答案:答案:B73共 84 页(3)He tried his best to solve the problem, _difficult it was.A. however B. no matterC. whatever D. although 解析:解析:(3)however 引导让步状语从句,等于引导让步状语从句,等于 no matter how, 若用若用 although,应改为,应改为 although it was difficult。答案:答案:A74共 84 页(4)_,I have to put i

70、t away and focus my attention on study this week.A. However the story is amusingB. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story isD. No matter how the story is amusing解析:解析:(4)howeverno matter how,引导让步状语,引导让步状语从句,后接从句,后接“adj./adv.主谓主谓”结构。结构。答案:答案:C75共 84 页高高 效效 作作 业业自我测评自我测评技能备考技能备考76共

71、 84 页.单词拼写单词拼写1I can make a b_ that our team will win.2I warn you; Im beginning to lose my p_ with you.3The Japanese are used to b_ to each other when they meet.4The little girl s_ when she saw a mouse running by her feet.5It was really u_ that he fell off the truck without being hurt.betpatiencebow

72、ingscreamedunbelievable77共 84 页6The first _(场景景) of the play was almost over when they got to the theatre.7It is good _ (礼礼貌貌) to give your seat to an old man on the bus.8In order to keep his money safe, he opened an _ (账户) with the bank.9They had a lot of _ (冒冒险) in the journey.10With nothing to do

73、, he just _ (漫漫步步) about every day.scenemannersaccountadventureswanders 78共 84 页 .单项选择单项选择1(2010安徽皖南八校二联安徽皖南八校二联)As soon as _ concert film This Is It was released on October 28th, it became _ great success in all big cinemas across the planet.Aa; the Bthe; aCthe; / Da; a答案:答案:B解析:考查冠词。根据句意可知,第一空特指解析

74、:考查冠词。根据句意可知,第一空特指This Is It这部影这部影片,因此用定冠词片,因此用定冠词the; success当当“成功的人或事物成功的人或事物”讲时,讲时,是可数名词,因此前面加不定冠词。是可数名词,因此前面加不定冠词。79共 84 页2It is bad _ to talk with your finger _ at the other person.Amanners; points Bmanner; to pointCmanners; pointing Dmanner; pointed答案:答案:C解析:解析:Its bad manners to do sth. 意为意为“

75、做做是不礼貌是不礼貌的的”;第二空考查;第二空考查 “with宾语宾补宾语宾补(现在分词现在分词)”的用的用法。法。80共 84 页3When the murderer_to run away, the police came.Asought BriskedCdared Dthought答案:答案:A解析:解析:seek to do.意思为意思为“试图做试图做”,相当于,相当于 try/attempt to do. ;risk 后必须接后必须接 doing 结构,结构,think 后应该接后应该接 of doing 结构,结构,dare to do 意思为意思为“敢做敢做”,均不合题意。,均不

76、合题意。81共 84 页4Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the years to come?Sorry, I have no idea.Alifting up Bgoing upCbringing up Dgrowing up答案:答案:B解析:考查动词短语。解析:考查动词短语。“价格价格”上涨应用上涨应用 go up。82共 84 页5When the thief found the police had already _ him, he ran away quickly.Arealized BknownCspotted Ds

77、tared答案:答案:C解析:句意:当小偷发现警察已经发现他时,他飞快地跑了。解析:句意:当小偷发现警察已经发现他时,他飞快地跑了。spot 有有“发现,认出发现,认出”的意思。的意思。realize 意识到;意识到;know 认识;认识;stare vi. 后接介词后接介词 at。83共 84 页6Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.Yes, that might _ why he didnt do well in the test.Asum up Badd up toCaccount for Dmake sense of答案:答案:C解析:考查动词短语。

78、解析:考查动词短语。account for“说明说明的原因的原因”,合,合题意。题意。A.总结总结 B加起来总计加起来总计D.弄懂;理解。弄懂;理解。84共 84 页7Because of _ mail we receive, we may not be able to reply to your letter. Please remember to include your full name with your letter.Aa great many of Ba large number ofCthe large amount of Da great plenty of答案:答案:C解析

79、:考查表示数量的短语。句意表示解析:考查表示数量的短语。句意表示“由于我们收到邮件由于我们收到邮件数量很多数量很多”,mail为不可数名词,故选为不可数名词,故选C。85共 84 页8(2010北京海淀期末北京海淀期末)I regret to you the other day.Forget it. I was a bit say that I _ have shouted at out of control myself.Ashouldnt BmustntCcouldnt Dmightnt答案:答案:A解析:考查情态动词的用法。解析:考查情态动词的用法。shouldnt have done表

80、示表示“过去本不该做,却做了过去本不该做,却做了”。语意:。语意:我很抱歉,我我很抱歉,我本不该朝你大声嚷的。本不该朝你大声嚷的。忘了吧,我也有点失控。忘了吧,我也有点失控。86共 84 页9_me, I dont like this _ novel.AAs with; latest BAs with; newestCAs for; latest DAs with; newest答案:答案:C解析:解析:as for me 就我而言;就我而言;as with 和和一样;一样;latest最最新的,最近的。新的,最近的。87共 84 页10There is much chance _ Bill

81、will recover from his injury in time for the race.Athat BwhatCwhen Dwhich答案:答案:A解析:解析:There is much chance that.“很有可能很有可能”,that引导同位语从句。引导同位语从句。88共 84 页11The little boy came riding at full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. _ it was!AWhat a dangerous sceneBWhat dangerous a sceneCHow a dangerous

82、sceneDHow dangerous the scene答案:答案:A解析:解析:scene为可数名词,其感叹句的正确表达应为:为可数名词,其感叹句的正确表达应为:What a dangerous scene it was!或!或How dangerous the scene was!或!或How dangerous a scene it was!89共 84 页12_ if you passed the exam you would receive a reward was telling lies.AWhoever told you thatBThose who told you tha

83、tCNo matter who told youDWhoever that told you答案:答案:A解析:解析:whoever相当于相当于anyone who,引导主语从句。,引导主语从句。that引导宾语从句,宾语从句又含有一个引导宾语从句,宾语从句又含有一个if引导的条件状语从引导的条件状语从句。句。90共 84 页13The bill would _ workers twelve weeks of unpaid leave for family emergencies.Apermit BsupplyCadmit Dprovide答案:答案:A解析:解析:permit sb. sth

84、. “允许某人某事允许某人某事”。句意为:如果家。句意为:如果家有急事,法案允许工人有有急事,法案允许工人有12周无薪假日。周无薪假日。91共 84 页14When I came to myself, I found myself _ and _ a group of people.Ato be at hospital; surrounded byBat hospital; surroundingCat hospital; surrounded byDat hospital; to be surrounded答案:答案:C解析:考查解析:考查 “find宾语宾补宾语宾补”结构。第一空用介词短语

85、结构。第一空用介词短语做宾补;第二空用过去分词表被动。做宾补;第二空用过去分词表被动。92共 84 页15Would you mind my sitting here _ lunch?_.Aand have; No, not at allBand having; No, thank youCto have; Never, go aheadDand have; Oh, its my pleasure答案:答案:C解析:第一空需填解析:第一空需填 to have或或 and having,与,与 sitting并列;并列;对于对于 mind 的回答应为的回答应为 No, not at all. 或

86、或 Never, go ahead.93共 84 页 .完形填空完形填空“How did you do it, Dad? How have you _1_ not to take a drink for almost 20 years?” It took me almost 20 years to have the _2_ to even ask my father this very _3_ question. When Dad first _4_ drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles _5_ he got into a sit

87、uation that, in the past, would have started him drinking again. For a few years we were _6_ to bring it up for fear that the drinking would begin again.94共 84 页“I had this little _7_ that I would recite to myself _8_ four to five times a day.” was Dads _9_ to my 18yearold unasked question. “The _10

88、_ were an instant relief and constant reminder to me that things were never so _11_ that I could not handle them,” Dad said. And then he _12_ the poem with me. The poems simple, yet profound (深深奥的奥的) words _13_ became part of my daily routine as well.95共 84 页About a month after this talk with my fat

89、her, I _14_ a gift in the mail from a friend of mine. It was a book of affirmations(断言断言)with one affirmation listed for each _15_ of the year.I _16_ opened the book to the page of my birthday to see what words of wisdom this book had in store for me. _17_ of disbelief and appreciation rolled down m

90、y face. There, on my birthday, was the _18_ poem that had helped my _19_ for all these years! It is called The Serenity Prayer. 96共 84 页God, give me the serenity (平静平静)to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to _20_ the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.97共 84 页1. A. fail

91、ed B. succeeded C. managed D. tried2. A. courage B. ability C. wisdom D. confidence3. A. interesting B. personal C. hard D. unanswered4. A. started B. enjoyed C. minded D. stopped5. A. every time B. all time C. next time D. last time98共 84 页6. A. anxious B. glad C. afraid D. eager7. A. book B. passa

92、ge C. poem D. list 8. A. at least B. at most C. at first D. at last9. A. comment B. praise C. contribution D. reply10. A. words B. phrases C. letters D. sentences99共 84 页11. A. strange B. different C. simple D. tough12. A. shared B. talked C. read D. impressed13. A. surprisingly B. immediately C. in

93、creasingly D. regularly 14. A. brought B. bought C. received D. accepted15. A. hour B. week C. month D. day100共 84 页16. A. easily B. hurriedly C. sadly D. peacefully17. A. Tears B. Smiles C. Sweat D. Satisfaction18. A. correct B. impossible C. original D. exact19. A. mother B. father C. friend D. cl

94、assmate20. A. believe B. benefit C. change D. do101共 84 页答案及解析:答案及解析:1. C。句意为:。句意为:“你是如何设法做到在过去的你是如何设法做到在过去的20年里不喝一杯酒年里不喝一杯酒?”manage to do sth.设法做到某事。设法做到某事。2. A。我过了。我过了20年才有勇气去问我的父亲这个非常私人的问题。年才有勇气去问我的父亲这个非常私人的问题。”作为子女去问这样的问题肯定是有顾虑的,所以作者说的是作为子女去问这样的问题肯定是有顾虑的,所以作者说的是“勇气勇气”。courage 勇气。勇气。3. B。 persona

95、l个人的,私人的。分析见上题。个人的,私人的。分析见上题。4. D。 句意为:句意为:“当父亲刚开始停止渴酒的时候,全家人如坐针当父亲刚开始停止渴酒的时候,全家人如坐针毡,每一次他总会陷入一种情形之中,他会再次渴酒。毡,每一次他总会陷入一种情形之中,他会再次渴酒。every time每次每次/5. A。 every time每次。分析见上题。每次。分析见上题。102共 84 页6. C。 几年来我们都不敢提出这个话题,因为我们害怕父亲几年来我们都不敢提出这个话题,因为我们害怕父亲会再次渴酒。会再次渴酒。7. C。 根据后文可知用根据后文可知用poem。8. A。 每天至少背四到五次来强调父亲的

96、决心。每天至少背四到五次来强调父亲的决心。9. D。 与与question相对应的词是答案,即:相对应的词是答案,即:answer或或reply。10. A。 用用words来指父亲要背诵的那首诗。来指父亲要背诵的那首诗。11. D。 首先确定句意,父亲指的是事情并非如此艰难以至首先确定句意,父亲指的是事情并非如此艰难以至于事情是可以控制的。于事情是可以控制的。tough艰难的,不容易的。艰难的,不容易的。103共 84 页12. A。 句意为:句意为:“然后父亲把那首诗拿来和我分享。然后父亲把那首诗拿来和我分享。”share sth. with sb.和某人分享某事物。和某人分享某事物。13

97、. B。 父亲的那首诗立刻变成作者日常行为的一部分。这父亲的那首诗立刻变成作者日常行为的一部分。这句话是用来体现这首诗对作者的影响也很大。句话是用来体现这首诗对作者的影响也很大。14. C。 我收到了一件邮件。客观的收到用我收到了一件邮件。客观的收到用receive。15. D。 这是一本电子书,上面列出了适合每一天的宣言。这是一本电子书,上面列出了适合每一天的宣言。言外之意是每天都可以背一个相对应的宣言。言外之意是每天都可以背一个相对应的宣言。16. B。 句意为:句意为:“我快速地翻到与我生日相对应的那一天,我快速地翻到与我生日相对应的那一天,想看看送给我的睿言是什么。想看看送给我的睿言是

98、什么。”104共 84 页17. A。句意为:。句意为:“难以置信的和感激的眼泪顺着我的脸流了难以置信的和感激的眼泪顺着我的脸流了下来。下来。”18. D。 句意为:句意为:“在我生日那一天的书页上正是帮助我父在我生日那一天的书页上正是帮助我父亲度过这些年的那首诗歌。亲度过这些年的那首诗歌。”19. B。 见上题分析。见上题分析。20. C。 与上一句话的与上一句话的change对应。意为:对应。意为:“给我以平静,给我以平静,让我接受我不能改变的事情,给我勇气来让我改变我能改让我接受我不能改变的事情,给我勇气来让我改变我能改变的事情。变的事情。”105共 84 页.短文改错短文改错I was

99、 recent told that listening to loud music is gradually 1._making people hard of hearing. Im sure it has already been 2._happened to my neighbor. For years she has turned a deaf 3._ear to my requests to turn her radio down. When she gave a 4._party she isnt have to invite the rest of the street. Ever

100、yone 5._recentrecently去掉去掉beengavegivesisntdoesnt 106共 84 页can dance in her music in his own room. Now a scientist has 6._discovered a certain electronic sounds have strange effects on7._rats. He declares they break down, almost paralyze(瘫 ) with 8._legs trembled. Then it is simply a matter of throwing them 9._out by their tail. I wonder if the same thing will happen to 10._my neighbor some day. 第一个第一个into 去掉去掉a with后加后加theirtrembledtremblingtailtails107共 84 页



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