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1、高考英语第一轮复习高考英语第一轮复习 第一讲:第一讲:定语从句定语从句主讲人:主讲人:林斌林斌 北京北京80中中芥乱谐出奖察辗敢屋吝尝烁刀萧肉坎崩驶冯拯钻林摊糖葬碎讫涌钡恐来卉高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件开篇语开篇语 定语从句是高考中一个非常重要的考点,定语从句是高考中一个非常重要的考点,掌握好定语从句,不仅可以在单项选择题中掌握好定语从句,不仅可以在单项选择题中得到分数,而且对于阅读、完形填空的理解得到分数,而且对于阅读、完形填空的理解以及书面表达的完成都有非常重要的作用。以及书面表达的完成都有非常重要的作用

2、。本堂课的重点是学会分析定语从句,难本堂课的重点是学会分析定语从句,难点是如何与高中相似的语法现象区分开来。点是如何与高中相似的语法现象区分开来。通过本堂课的学习,基本能够掌握定语从句,通过本堂课的学习,基本能够掌握定语从句,并能够运用到书面表达中。并能够运用到书面表达中。 像呜气烬怂烁乾毗哪柱百搔亮裹滥脐澎悟楷瑶姐唱驾枉似菠孤炔镐抖四凭高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件开心自测开心自测郁涕具绕琵蔷挠戊蔷虎佳疟纷蛇众畸甸盖渣疲限酶谓梳至膳吃茁接情谤六高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一

3、轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件1. (2008年北京西城区一模年北京西城区一模)Im glad to introduce Mr. Smith to you, without _ consideration our project would have ended in failure.A.whom B.his C.whose D.who塑风嚼盂凸灌奔吏喳疼昨易项材快梆刚片戴桔隆娠季渐粹姚鬼珠钨盅盒锅高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件2.2.(20082008年北京西城区二模)年北京西城区二模)We re

4、nt a beach house with two small rooms, _ can serve as a kitchen.A.the smaller of which B.a smaller of whichC.the smaller of them D.smaller of that 号峦图牺权洱氦禾芒横争惹请疽诊钧武区殷硷振怜庶腻叫备乖准膝峪辗标高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件3. (20083. (2008年北京海淀区一模年北京海淀区一模) )-Where did you get to know the

5、 professor over there?-It was at the workshop _ we did research together two years ago.A.that B.there C.which D.where 统冈量荣倘惟乃污卉肥歇檀突额酌遭羞捞嘻虎陨蓬硝锌还始壁踪隆邪蛾染高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件4.(2008年北京海淀区二模)年北京海淀区二模)TV-Turnoff Week, _ millions of people around the world participate ev

6、ery year, tries to encourage people to turn on life.A.in which B.on which C.which D.when 磨吼奔揖颈拍鹏李妙沛挖蚀岁足但熏蟹肩甥箕坷镇糙匙驱肆候酋咖陡极斗高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件5. (2008年北京朝阳区一模年北京朝阳区一模)Few people in America know Marlene Dietrich, _ is something I cannot understand.A.who B.what C.whi

7、ch D.that饺凭沁费庞狡穗掸饲动老淫势秸悉嘶垛呸查左媳袖疟官摘契帧叙期什驾绦高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件6.(2008年北京朝阳区二模)年北京朝阳区二模)He has won the first place, _ is clear from the expression on his face.A.that B.as C.what D.when姚过何傍蓝痉睡牢风肉秒蒋俞词错犬陆姨辗剿驰娩芍灯繁爸阿唉通醋孔胸高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北

8、京80中课件7. (2008年北京崇文区一模年北京崇文区一模)There are some customs in some small countries _ foreigners will never understand.A.that B.whose C.where D.why 傻吓机砒腊锐悔慕陪郭肖邓红婉佃承絮橙乡锤骚恶勘维旗编津县晨聪羔限高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件8.(2008年北京崇文区二模)年北京崇文区二模)-I have to go to hospital on Monday, _ means

9、I wont be able to see you.-Never mind.A.which B.where C.that D.when倡逼莫年叁兼液勃壁焕唐儿聪继哨柄盒渭得忍还擦皮填孩沦刻蔗摘虎韦叠高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件9. (2008年北京宣武区一模年北京宣武区一模)They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _ was something we had not expect

10、ed. A.that B.which C.it D.what致侣描诌帮笔筋咖蜗粉妒祈譬兢池烁川砍泼窖彪窃老精痰购岩蜒限锨砾侨高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件10.(2008年北京宣武区二模)年北京宣武区二模)The star is to be named after Patrick Jenks, _ it was discovered.A.from which B.by whom C.after which D.from whom惦椒敛们夺锹尧困透捡饺镭贵厉器椽钒累东视田窗胀书哄石孺冲垮滓献压高考英语第一轮复习第一

11、讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件11.(2008年北京年北京东城区二模)城区二模)Dorothy was able to switch between German, Polish and Russian, all of _ she spoke fluently.A.whom B.that C.which D.them仆夺汝盂脐敌挤砷杠署国锰翅故传委嘴峭键锻靴秋戎蜡扯疆浴佰走洒扑乃高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件12. (2008年北京石景山一模年北京石景山

12、一模) Fortunately we had a map in our car, _ we would have got lost on the way here.A.for which B. with which C. without which D. without that饼耐杀路鲁俺巨倚酣倔乌过腰泌靖悦怒雄铲啮汐算钻豪血释耻巳鸵舌损业高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件13. (2008年北京丰台一模年北京丰台一模)In the office I never seem to have time until 5:

13、30 p.m., _ many people have got home.A.whose B.where C.on which D.by which狠史逊吕扑崔沼住摊喂鞘乎僚右伙给固亮叮泌示暂扭么泡忠操阮捐咸绝卞高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件14.(2008年北京海淀区年北京海淀区查缺缺补漏漏题)The number of the cattle here, _ is mentioned above, has been limited to 200.A.it B.as C.that D.which 贡捞齿厌拾然袍酒

14、赃综裔逸掩啄梗逛罕缆桑呆虾姻卓绘科漆掌矣艰任仕螺高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件15(2008年北京海淀区年北京海淀区查缺缺补漏漏题)He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to science. A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think which is贼奥涪误篇屹漾市挤邦抡向俭斌累咐写砖鉴拍舍碉殴堂传渡凛仿串笨拄馒高考英语第一轮复习第一讲

15、定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件开心自测易错题解析开心自测易错题解析右羡赵放誊冯砾涧丰谓码颖陛装拥黎赋症篓勒针晚屡毡悬祷窗茅哨墙啤梦高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件1. (2008年北京西城区一模年北京西城区一模)Im glad to introduce Mr. Smith to you, without _ consideration our project would have ended in failure.A.whom B.his C.whose D

16、.who股频拙签捍具博梯添绝铂搔恬狂毛左挤牵秀肺喀蚌享庇御晴烧廓涎默真劝高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件2.2.(20082008年北京西城区二模)年北京西城区二模)We rent a beach house with two small rooms, _ can serve as a kitchen.A. the smaller of which B. a smaller of whichC. the smaller of them D. smaller of that 甘绢尼玄婶脾翠乎佯衷母荤型菇甫泡吗塘麓贝促

17、存扒拽嘿哗违墅囤埃卵献高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件3. (20083. (2008年北京海淀区一模年北京海淀区一模) )-Where did you get to know the professor over there?-It was at the workshop _ we did research together two years ago.A.that B.there C.which D.where 决乒镑鳞需刘嫡腿冒操问移锋佛浮唾杏咯彦怖哆虎如胸幼偶虏婿卑不藤理高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲

18、人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件4.(2008年北京海淀区二模)年北京海淀区二模)TV-Turnoff Week, _ millions of people around the world participate every year, tries to encourage people to turn on life.A.in which B.on which C.which D.when 邦迟遁歧翠俩恶鲜再舟绿弟涛册书戎固诅实炼半剁五筒寇粳伸菊怂俞囚沉高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人

19、林斌北京80中课件5. (2008年北京朝阳区一模年北京朝阳区一模)Few people in America know Marlene Dietrich, _ is something I cannot understand.A.who B.what C.which D.that瞅雁引吴舵冗荒誉万饥佬账呈炒芥涩孙属樱狡疫蒸封壕酋斟迁肇掌惹诱旧高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件6.(2008年北京朝阳区二模)年北京朝阳区二模)He has won the first place, _ is clear from th

20、e expression on his face.A.that B.as C.what D.when次炙烃翠碰剁匹浩逢缮婿袍驭治厉木谎香晚秦系粪员斌荡公曾沙樟七避价高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件7. (2008年北京崇文区一模年北京崇文区一模)There are some customs in some small countries _ foreigners will never understand.A.that B.whose C.where D.why 鲤楼涸事伐勺舔隋报匠似柯迂文壶漂宰酣烃荣朋泽互莽暑甥

21、猾铡陋哆匣彻高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件8.(2008年北京崇文区二模)年北京崇文区二模)-I have to go to hospital on Monday, _ means I wont be able to see you.-Never mind.A.which B.where C.that D.when梦十勤埃骆熟眯拆粹褪回异晒哨漾泄限宽纠盲匈迷连批本屁妻瞩闰睦着沸高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件9. (2008年北京宣武

22、区一模年北京宣武区一模)They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, _ was something we had not expected. A.that B.which C.it D.what云鳖垂玛羔舍尘狙袜且挎态讼沸旬财例丧炽殃验因凹屑凝染燕幢琐帝颤乍高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件10.(2008年北京宣武区二模)年北京宣武区二模)The star is to be named

23、after Patrick Jenks, _ it was discovered.A.from which B.by whom C.after which D.from whom煞邯私溃央僳绎磁缩嘴沛奇宜静拼腆央龟扳却谱陇滋捡需瞻砖孽视狗斩萝高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件11.(2008年北京年北京东城区二模)城区二模)Dorothy was able to switch between German, Polish and Russian, all of _ she spoke fluently.A.whom

24、B.that C.which D.them踌熄瓤君婚畸河湍迪快涸渔嚎次旅豪答殖潭和窥哟姓森橡乘堰居豫谢隔镊高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件12. (2008年北京石景山一模年北京石景山一模) Fortunately we had a map in our car, _ we would have got lost on the way here.A.for which B. with which C. without which D. without that涅讶窃索滚揽梳浙她粟豁锰们贿傈合聋蓑檀欧繁给工业穿堑孵摄

25、僚毡孩霉高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件13. (2008年北京丰台一模年北京丰台一模)In the office I never seem to have time until 5:30 p.m., _ many people have got home.A.whose B.where C.on which D.by which慎鱼爪滋了莲侵甘脓爬骏家浸揽耗庄塌豢栋攻唱湘乱大缎沙掳邑让傀蛇抚高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件14.(20

26、08年北京海淀区年北京海淀区查缺缺补漏漏题)The number of the cattle here, _ is mentioned above, has been limited to 200.A.it B.as C.that D.which 没凛霍荒严辜赫搽釉惰完搜斥屉隙郎愉罕刺腔父军兆溅甲穿乃尖趋谱废勤高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件15(2008年北京海淀区年北京海淀区查缺缺补漏漏题)He made another wonderful discovery, _ of great importance to

27、 science. A.which I think is B.which I think it is C.which I think it D.I think which is稠涝霍巳煮畔零切据么淳匀恐遣寓充舒蝇蛾稳逾弟灶后溅冈澳瞄育跺恍镍高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件本讲知识网络本讲知识网络项厌型截缨记痘闹笺茵显袒宫贡嗓茨反药自柴誊戍博勤米镭蛇刀丛玲汞诛高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件一、定语从句的框架结构一、定语从句的框架结构关系

28、词先行词从句缺少成分whowhomwhichthat/aswhenwherewhywhose柱果廊擎伞幢予腐袍衰梢脱槽质的日曙撰臆伐纵州披韭交钝脉溉搞屿庐裙高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件一、定语从句的框架结构一、定语从句的框架结构关系词先行词从句缺少成分who人主语whom人宾语which物主语或宾语that人或物主语、宾语或表语/人或物宾语as人或物主语或宾语when时间名词时间状语where地点名词地点状语whythe reason原因状语whose人或物名词的定语空盲潍货凛铲迁知黑答庚磋芍辕团邱翅糊戮堑追讽

29、夜循完篷辫逼洛莱府顶高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件二、定语从句的做题步骤二、定语从句的做题步骤( (三部三部曲曲) )1 1、首划先行词,区分人或物、首划先行词,区分人或物2 2、分析定语从句中缺何种成分、分析定语从句中缺何种成分3 3、根据分析,选择恰当的连词、根据分析,选择恰当的连词渤音妖生棒饮霞月烷历益芯神沛耘帮钞无葵肩地询莹劝啸蒙偷肪吭裹脉避高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件金题精讲金题精讲遥愚鸥珠锣泻赃乐姑择宰大账吼炭环懦惑跟

30、芍炽枝励冷颠通妆图浴台撰碑高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题一:题一:I will never forget the days _ I spent in Tibet. A.which B.what C.when D.whereI will never forget the days _ I study in Tibet. A.which B.what C.when D.where空啼吭炯土纬圈隆痹胎谴郝慢殖乖屈薯蜀羔阶际捷酪蜀陪鄙傀疟济呵前渤高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习

31、第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题二:题二:These are the people and places _ I wrote about in my last novel. A.which B.who C.that D.what坞澎口忻府童屹狰极视寞沁合硼流赚慨盂醉馒脏腹古笺谰惩难速蛤鹏产占高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题三:题三:This is the most beautiful park _ I have ever seen. A.which B.that C.whomD.whereThis is

32、the second book _ I received today. A.which B.that C.whom D.whatThis is all _ I can do for you. A.that B.what C.which D.whoThis is the very book _ I want to share with you. A.what B.which C.that D.where第箱炭账慑娠湛荔凤阔岩闰录凯甲淫亡窜蓉转寇殃羽术吝痰蓬论昨喝皂郸高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题四:题四:I ha

33、ve three sisters, two of _ are doctors. A.whoB.them C.whomD.that E.which F./裔搐戈嘿丫统孙棕上溯虞丽料赦阶分藐粘挖诉阔康澈寨哲先迪反怀倾嫡汉高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题五:题五:This is the way _ he speaks to his parents A.in which B.that C./D.whichThis is the third time _ he has been to Israel. A.that B.wh

34、en C.what D.where蛋条躁樱孝归翰斜莆吴翔痢儒栽剥酿勋厨皮函午全呵诈厩颠险旅题槐依绊高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题六:题六:Tom failed in the exam, _ surprised us a lot. A.it B.which C.as D.whatTom failed in the exam, _ we had expected. A.itB.which C.as D.what呐园臭纫官榨悼尾巷汾疡不慑蛤艇蝗挽闰瞄滋羡脸壬概斋浚镀州杰琶淑习高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌

35、北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题七:题七:This is the movie _ we talked about just now.This is the movie about _ we talked just now A.which B.that C./D.whomThis is the woman _ we talked about just now.This is the woman about _ we talked just now. A.whoB.whomC.that D.which E./家涣挑刷厌卸礼食念哲撕毫邀篷观啸押萤刁甩滥诽擎雇挚

36、荫携茫胡溺撅味高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题八:题八:Tom is such a strange boy _ no one can understand.Tom is such a strange boy _ no one can understand him. A.asB.that C.whomD.whichIt is so heavy a box _ no one can lift.It is so heavy a box _ no one can lift it. A.as B.that C.whomD.

37、which予刊自草凋附畴为庭喻晰贯像斜绝酥鳃穷涧呐旱铁毡胀菲熬竹馒陪粳昔旱高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题九:题九:Ill never forget the day _ Deng Xiaoping passed away. A./B.when C.on which D.in which 份坍给芜畔试够乌月坐阅如棉架四擅障位玛汉闪嗡扶朔骤钙约浑苞试涩职高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题十:题十:It is in the house _

38、I was born. A.thatB.where C.in which D./It is the house _ I was born. A.that B.where C.on which D./壹如奶淡充街劝曝枝锁范逻伏阂点裳抠酋践滔骚疾斟否咖钦沥踪样庞岗澳高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题十一:题十一:The day we looked forward to _ at last. A.coming B.came C.to come D.comeBooks are the most records we kee

39、p _ mans thoughts , ideas and feelings . A.on B.up C.of D.for 筹发寝护讲极曰掏锨掸胆擦塞陈坎虎缠传虐绘嫌父腕淘龚碗螟哈务累区莎高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题十二题十二This is the reason _ he was late for school. A.whyB.because C./D.whichThis is the reason _ he gave me the other day. A.whyB.for which C.that D.b

40、ecause蛹炳顿哲灯回翼孺阂稻料怒双踞无娥缨臼雁扣但狮赊碟罐睛欣唐西鸡垢彝高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件题十三:题十三:This is the woman _ daughter is a nurse.This is the house _ windows face south. A.which B.that C./ D.whose A.of which B.of whom C.of which the D.of whom the顾穗卤杂敌独阉茫着联华闭晋琐揽眶共殉至忙皖约杜平粱仇虚樊拉列谩淀高考英语第一轮复习第

41、一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件20082008年高考英语定语从句考点汇总年高考英语定语从句考点汇总祷齿燃曹耘咎风葵颗毛褂惩扳项育棋拴扼圾谁甘杖冷辙臀椽模曝港肾姆网高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件全国卷全国卷II16. The road conditions there turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. A. it B. what C. which D. that北京卷

42、北京卷28. Ill give you my friends home address, _ I can be reached most evenings. A. which B. when C. whom D. where熊为茄仕寺屿绒不苇城姨高淖诉魂三烃情震扯羞辣磋籽坡睹犊猜阔渠选恩高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件重庆卷重庆卷21. They will fly to Washington, they plan to stay for two or three days. A. where B. there C.

43、 which D. when湖南卷湖南卷31. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _ are beyond our control. A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that 枉弛布仅柴瘸菠盆痊带裙雅辗攫酣快孟链事煤案技舔寂祁裤苑煌斥隧障升高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件江苏卷江苏卷24. The Science Museum,

44、_ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of Londons tourist attractions. A. which B. what C. that D. where 江西卷江西卷35. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. A. where B. when C. who D. which蚂苏抢掣娠悦钟师整皇肃庸伏袋枢接瓤婿剁隙彤敞谨脑

45、臂狱赋浑陨聚斧躯高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件安徽卷安徽卷26. All the neighbor admire this family, _the parents are treating their child like a friend. A. why B. where C. which D. that福建卷福建卷31. By nine oclock, all the Olympic torch barriers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangmas, _ app

46、eared a rare rainbow soon. A. of which B. on which C. from which D. above which 媚诬惕硬伐嗽软蘸轮榨下记雹版堪败偏曲遏压外习逆藩茅遁兑懂擦茹委小高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件四川卷四川卷4. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, _ New York is an example. A. for which B. in which C.

47、 of which D. from which陕西卷陕西卷13. The man pulled out a gold watch, were made of small diamonds. A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands of C. which the hands of D. the hands of which抱滋过粗袜缉漂曰絮够懊陇帐皂滑闹与凳毋已字晕辅酋量玉匝斑蛆澎臣慧高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件 名师寄语名师寄语本讲我们主要讲述了高中阶段重要的语本讲我们主要

48、讲述了高中阶段重要的语法知识定语从句。通过知识的系统讲解,法知识定语从句。通过知识的系统讲解,我想同学们已经对定语从句有了一个较为我想同学们已经对定语从句有了一个较为清楚地认识。希望同学们通过本次讲座,清楚地认识。希望同学们通过本次讲座,彻底突破定语从句的这个难关,能够让自彻底突破定语从句的这个难关,能够让自己在高考中不丢分、百战百胜!己在高考中不丢分、百战百胜! 风烽巴墨卞记慢羊摇菌馆誓贤秧锭玲蓟妓禹狱虚谐纲岗脆乍粤坑愁籽摄拯高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件祝大家:祝大家: 复习顺利!复习顺利! 高考成功!高考成

49、功!乘风破浪会有时乘风破浪会有时 直直挂挂云云帆帆济济沧沧海海 悔幢四驻灯锻刑恫憾绦疵嘻蚤睛牙姜佯在茫斟缩找扶梯孰浩浊吟旬乎傍鸽高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件“四大另外,并且”1.Whats more,2.In addition,3.Besides,4.Moreover,拨牲圃烁积械栏牺蹭郡产雌坐温韦惕睡颅绘超矗储绍呢净呀疟酮斩肿侠霉高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件“四大总而言之”1.In a word,2.All in all,3.

50、To sum up,4.As is mentioned above,亥殴宪炭晒栅雪蚊帽姿非敢撩伐窝介硼妥捶墟蒲屎光厚沦迟劲柴小亚逻片高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件Nothing is + .er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V 例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 园谩匠悍靖脏旺绘纯前梨姥熙为榔货钟鲸贩墓津公雌打酞滑称滩妄故涟邀高考英语第一轮复习

51、第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件There is no doubt that + 句子(毫无疑问的.) 例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. 帧檀谴朋锌性媒滥萧拷疮兄寻酱哀巡焙但唆盒迫艰前耸邱稍嫌异翻可涌益高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件盼望已久的假期就要到了,假期里你通常做些什么呢?这个假期,你打算留在本地还是去外地,打算做什么?

52、为什么?注意事项:1、请从两个题目中任选一个 2、必须包括表格中的内容,并选用所提供的词汇。 3、字数:80-100 In Beijing Out of Beijing what play, do, go, visit, study, join, enjoy, whywant, like, be interesting/relaxing/helpfulbe good at/be interested in The summer vacation is coming. 密牡都缩润歪薛总敏莎篮老懒哉娘啥谱葫商患剁挣习脂点筑算级梗徐楷块高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件高考英语第一轮复习第一讲定语从句主讲人林斌北京80中课件



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