高三英语复习Unit 12 163017

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《高三英语复习Unit 12 163017》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语复习Unit 12 163017(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!位敦市安定阳光实验学校高三英语复习:Unit 12 北 【本讲信息】 一、教学内容: 高三复习:Unit 12 (一)Vocabulary 1. owe v. 欠,归功于 owe sb. sth.= owe sth. to sb. owing to I owe the landlord $100. I owe my success to my education. Owing to the rain the match was cancelled. 2. apology n. 道歉,认错 make

2、 an apology to sb. for sth./ doing sth. = offer an apology to sb. for doing sth. accept an apology I must make an apology to her. I owe you an apology for my rudeness last night. I have an apology to make to youI am afraid I opened your letter by mistake. 3. absorb v. 吸收,吸引 be absorbed by be absorbe

3、d in absorb ones attention 4. brief adj. 短暂的,简短的 I will make a brief visit to Paris. be brief with sb. to be brief in brief 比较:in brief / in short There is not much time left, so Ill tell you about it in brief. In short, we must be prepared. 5. expectation n. 期待的事物,预期 in expectation of out of / agai

4、nst all expectation beyond expectation come up to ones expectations 比较:expectation/ hope Its our expectation that you will do well. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!They have great hopes of winning. 6. exchange v. / n. 兑换,交换 exchange sth. for sth. exchange sth. with sb. in exchange f

5、or make an exchange for 7. wander v. 漫游,闲逛 wander about / over wander through wander off/ away 8. majority n. 大半,多数 in the majority the majority of The company holds a majority of the stock. The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio. The Socialists won by a narrow majority. He won by a major

6、ity of 19. 9. book v. 预,预约 book in book up Mary has booked a flight from New York to London. The secretary has booked the manager in at the hotel. Youll have to book up early. 比较:book / order The manager booked a magic show for Sunday night. He ordered his son a new suit. 10. give a lift 给搭便车 Can yo

7、u give me a lift to the station? offer a lift They managed to offer her a lift to London. thumb a lift 11. request v. /n. 请求,要求 make a request for sth. at sb.s request = at the request of sb. be in request request sth. from / of sb. request sb. to do sth. request that 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系

8、删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!12. familiar adj. 熟悉的,常见的 sb. be familiar with sb. sb. be familiar with sth. sth. be familiar to sb. 13. cautious adj. 小心翼翼的,谨慎的 be cautious of / about/ with be cautious not to do sth. The old lady is very cautious with money. The boss is cautious about making promises. I should be

9、 cautious not to give offence. 14. stare v. 凝视,盯着看 stare at stare sb. into silence stare sb. up and down 比较:stare, glare, glance Dont stare at me like that. They stopped arguing and glared at each other. He glanced round the conference room. 15. whisper v. /n. 低语,耳语 whisper to sb. in a whisper The w

10、ind was whispering in the trees. She is whispering to him. She said it in a whisper. Mum whispered to us, “Be quiet, the baby is sleeping.” 16. custom n. 习俗,风俗 manners and customs break a custom follow / keep up a custom So many countries, so many customs. It is the custom for the Chinese to take of

11、f their shoes when they get into the hall. 比较:custom / habit Dont be a slave to custom. He has the habit of staying up. 17. see off 给送行 see through see to 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!see about He saw his friend off at the bus station. Nobody saw through his disguise. When you st

12、art the engine, you must see to it that the car is in neutral. 18. injure v. 伤害 His back was injured. There are two people injured in the car accident. 比较:injure / hurt / damage / wound A bullet injured his left eye. The driver hurt himself badly in the accident. He damaged my car with a stone. The

13、bullet wounded his arm. 19. attach v. 系,固 be attached to attach oneself to 比较:attach / join / connect Attach a recent photo to your form. We joined hands and danced. Connect the printer to the computer. 20. contrary adj. / n. 相反 be contrary to on the contrary His views are contrary to mine. He produ

14、ced no evidence to the contrary. You didnt bother me. On the contrary, I like your company. He passed the exam, contrary to what I expected. 比较:contrary / opposite Your plan is contrary to mine. “True” and “false” have opposite meanings. 21. bear v. 携带,容忍 bear with bear out bear up People are not al

15、lowed to bear arms. I dont feel very well. I cant bear this weather. We have to bear with his bad temper because he is a bit frustrated these days. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!I cant bear living / to live alone. 22. forgive v. 宽恕,饶恕 I have already forgiven you. He has forgiven m

16、e for losing his notebook. 比较:forgive/ excuse / pardon They forgive us for our rudeness. Please excuse me for interruption. The teacher pardoned me when I made a mistake. (二)sentence. Id rather stay cosy and read my novel. would rather 宁愿。可以接不式或省略 that 的宾语从句。接宾语从句时要用虚拟语气。 I would rather die than giv

17、e in. I would die rather than give in. I would rather you didnt tell him about it. 【模拟试题】(答题时间:30 分钟) 给下面各题选出最佳答案,注意比较题目之间的区别。 1. (1) Mr. Smith did all he could _ his familys living standard. (2) Mr. Wang made up his mind to devote all he could _ his oral English before going abroad. (3) He couldnt

18、believe that such a little boy could _ his English with so little time. A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving 2. (1) He was very careless, so I am afraid he _ your umbrella by mistake yesterday. (2) Everything he _ away from him before he returned to his hometown. (3) Everything _ aw

19、ay from him before he returned to his hometown. A. took B. had been taken C. had had been taken D. had taken 3. (1) Before he went abroad, he looked forward _ English as much as possible. (2) Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he _ English. (3) As their English teacher had gone back Ame

20、rica, so as a result, they stayed only _ French. A. could learning B. to learn C. to learning D. could 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!learn 4. (1) You can not imagine what a silly mistake I _. A. make B. made C. has made D. had made (2) You can never imagine what great difficulty I

21、 have _ your house. A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding 5. (1) The person we spoke to _ no answer at first. (2) The person was made _ a speech at the meeting. A. making B. makes C. to make D. made 6. (1) He seemed _ everything, but in fact he knew nothing. A. to know B. to have known C. to

22、 knowing D. knowing (2) The person we referred to _ us a report tomorrow. A. giving B. have given C. gave D. give 7. (1) The days we have been looking forward to _ soon. (2) They have been looking forward to _ to China soon. (3) These days we have been looking forward to _ to visit you. A. coming B.

23、 will come C. came D. have come 8. (1) Are you talking about _ the new school next week? (2) The person we talked about _ our school last week. A. visiting B. will visit C. visited D. has visited 9. (1) The man is fond of _ the most popular songs in our city. (2) The man whose songs we are fond of _

24、 in our city next week. A. singing B. to sing C. will sing D. sang 10. (1) Not only_ the jewelry she _ been sold for her sons gambling debts but also her house. (2) Never _ he come unless he _ his wallet back. A. will, has B. has, had C. has, has D. /, has 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网整理,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档!【试题答案】 1. BDA 2. ACB 3. CAB 4. BB 5. DC 6. BC 7. BAA 8. AC 9. AC 10. BA



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