高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period 4 Using Language课件 新人教版必修3.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period 4 Using Language课件 新人教版必修3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars Period 4 Using Language课件 新人教版必修3.ppt(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4UsingLanguage1.让学生能读懂文章的大意及细节,并能捕捉到题中的相关的细节在文中的位置。2.帮学生梳理文中的重点语言点的用法,并引导他们去运用,并进行相关的拓展。 本节课是unit4 Astronomy : the science of the stars 的第二篇小课文,设计的意图主要是让引导学生对本文中的细节问题进行准确处理,除此之外,对文中的重点考点及其延伸做必要恰当的处理,做到拓展有度,拓展有据,也就是根据考纲进行补充,使这节课的英语教学不局限于课本,但又不超越大纲。 首先,用和the moon 相关的图片导入,引发并激起学生的兴趣,从而自然的过度到让学生描述 t

2、he three ways in which gravity changed for LiYanping。 其次,让学生listen to the text,然后填好表格,从而达到了听读结合的目的。总之,任务型阅读法教学帮学生更深层次的理解了课文。本文的语言点教学部分,有 解释,有拓展,讲练结合,实现了重点语言点的突破。 spacewalkLook at the pictures! Write down the three ways in which gravity changed for Li Yanping.Reading I-scanning& skimming (2m)The way

3、gravity changedLeft the earthIn spaceOn the moon3. It became very light.1.The gravity became very strong.2. The gravity disappeared. His weights changed three times too. Now listen to the passage and write them down.using language readingThe weight changedLeft the earthIn spaceOn the moonHe became v

4、ery heavy.He had no weight and could float around like a feather. He was about one-sixth of his weight on the earth.Language points in this passage1.LastmonthIwasluckyenoughtohaveachancetomakeatripintospacewithmyfriendLiYanping,anastronomer.上个月我有幸得到一个机会同我的朋友,一位宇航员李上个月我有幸得到一个机会同我的朋友,一位宇航员李彦平一道去太空旅行。彦

5、平一道去太空旅行。enough的用法:1)形容词作定语:enough用在名词前、后都可以。 I have enough time to do the work. / I have time enough to do the work. 我有足够的时间做此项工作。2)用作副词修饰形容词或副词表示程度)用作副词修饰形容词或副词表示程度:enough一般放在一般放在形容词或副词的后边。形容词或副词的后边。longenough,fastenough,quicklyenough等。等。但一般不说:但一般不说:enoughlong,enoughfast,enoughquickly.Theboyisolde

6、noughtogotoschool.这孩子到上学的年龄了。这孩子到上学的年龄了。3)用作副词修饰动词时也需放在动词之后。)用作副词修饰动词时也需放在动词之后。Themeatisnotcookedenough.肉炖得不够熟。肉炖得不够熟。IfIhad_(足够长的假期足够长的假期),IdvisitEurope,stoppingatallthesmallinterestingplaces.a long enough holiday2. the force force n. 力量,暴力,力量,暴力, 军队军队 vt. 强制,强制, 逼迫,用力打某物逼迫,用力打某物 come into force 开始

7、生效;开始实施开始生效;开始实施put into force 施行(法律等)施行(法律等)force sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事迫使某人做某事force sth on sb 勉强接受某物勉强接受某物forceful adj. 有力的有力的forced adj. 强迫的强迫的3.Thenwewereoff.随后我们就启程了。随后我们就启程了。beoff=setoff出发;动身出发;动身与off相关的短语: see.off 送行 jump off 跳下 give off 散发 show off 炫耀get off 下车take off 脱下turn off 关闭pay off 付清;

8、还清4.Whenwegetclosertothemoon,weshallfeelitsgravitypullingusbutitwillnotbeasstrongapullastheearths. get close to 靠近,接近,指动态变化 be close to 距.近,指状态 The school is close to the post office.1).“A+be+倍数倍数+as+形容词原级形容词原级+as+B”.Thistreeisthreetimesastallasthatone.Hisfatheristwiceasoldashe.5. But when I tried t

9、o step forward I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over. 2).“A+be+倍数倍数+形容词比较级形容词比较级+than+B”TheYangtzeRiverisalmosttwicelongerthanthePearlRiver.长江差不多比珠江长两倍。长江差不多比珠江长两倍。Thenumberofstudentsinourschoolisthreetimeslargerthanthatintheirs.我们学校的学生数量比他们学校的多三倍。我们学校的学生数量比他们学校的多三倍。3).“A+


11、one.3.Aftertheexperiment,thiscellhasbecomethreetimesthesizeofthatone.6.get the hang of sth.查看某物运作了解.的意义我一直想知道这部新的打字机的用法.Ive been trying to _ this new typewriter.我不十分了解你的论据的意义.I dont quite _ your argument.get the hang ofget the hang of7.We watched, amazed as fire broke out on the outside of the spaceship as the earths gravity increased.amazed 是过去分词,此处做状语用 他进来的时候没有人注意到.He came in _ .unnoticed



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