高中英语 Unit 4 Global warming Section Ⅳ Grammar & Writing课件 新人教版选修6

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1、Section Grammar & Writing 探究 语法精要it的用法()【语法感知】课文原句翻译1There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that _has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon.毫无疑问,地球是在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。答案:it is human activity that2They also agree that _ _has resulted i

2、n this increase in carbon dioxide.他们还赞同下述观点,正是由于越来越多地燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。答案:it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that【语法知识储备】it构成的强调句型其结构为:It is/was被强调的部分that/who剩余部分。强调人时可以用who,也可以用that,强调其他一律用that。1强调句的句子成分强调句型可以强调句子的主语、宾语和地点、时间、原因等状语。It was the beautiful lady that/who I met in the hotel y

3、esterday.我昨天在旅馆里遇到的正是这位漂亮女士。(强调宾语)It was in Beijing that we visited the Birds Nest and Water Cube.正是在北京我们参观了鸟巢和水立方。(强调地点状语)It is my mother who/that reminds me to get up on time every day.每天都是我妈妈提醒我按时起床。(强调主语)2强调句型的时态Mr Wang almost visits the club every day.It is the club that Mr Wang almost visits e

4、very day.王先生几乎每天都到这个俱乐部。We had a wonderful holiday in Paris last summer.It was in Paris that we had a wonderful holiday last summer.去年夏天是在巴黎我们度过了一个愉快的假期。3强调句的疑问句式(1)强调句型的一般疑问句为:Is/Was it被强调的部分that剩余部分Is it in 2012 that the 30th Olympic Games will be held in London?是在2012年第30届奥运会将在伦敦举行吗?(2)强调句型的特殊疑问句

5、为:特殊疑问词is/was itthat剩余部分。How was it that your brother succeeded in finishing the difficult task?你哥哥是怎样成功完成了那个困难的任务的?4强调句型作宾语从句时,其构成为:动词特殊疑问词it is/wasthat剩余部分I dont understand why it is that smoking is not forbidden here.我不明白为什么这里不禁止吸烟。5如果对含有“not.until.”句子中的until引导的时间状语进行强调时,需将主句中的否定副词not连同until时间状语一

6、起提前并被强调。即:It is/wasnot until.that其他成分He didnt go to bed until his mother came back.It was not until his mother came back that he went to bed.直到他妈妈回来他才去睡觉。6强调句型用于名词性从句中及与定语从句相结合It was in the hotel where he stayed last night that he lost his mobile phone.(定语从句)就是在昨天晚上他待的旅馆里,他丢了手机。7强调句型与定语从句、状语从句的辨析强调句

7、型的判断方法为:当it is/was以及that划掉,剩余部分仍然成句子的就是强调句型,不成句子的就是其他句型。It is that the boy often breaks the rules that makes his teacher very angry.将it is和第二个that划掉后,剩余部分为:That the boy often breaks the rules makes his teacher very angry.这是一个完整的句子,故判断为强调句型。看下面的四个句子,判断其分别是什么句型。It was at midnight that my mother return

8、ed home after work.It was midnight when my mother returned home after work.分析句是强调句型;句是时间状语从句。两个句型的区别在于强调句型中有介词at。8注意事项(1)强调句不能强调谓语动词,如果需要强调谓语动词,则用助动词do/does/did表示“的确,务必”。He did write to you last week.上周他确实给你写了信。(2)强调主语时,that/who后的谓语动词必须与被强调的主语在人称与数上保持一致。It is I who am to blame.是我该受到指责。课时 语法专练对下列各句中的

9、画线部分进行强调1Susan and John were absent from school yesterday._答案:It was Susan and John who were absent from school yesterday.2He wasnt able to go back to his motherland until the war was over._答案:It was not until the war was over that he was able to go back to his motherland.3What the student said made

10、 his teacher angry._答案:It was what the student said that made his teacher angry.4They built a new modern school where there had been a theatre._答案:It was where there had been a theatre that they built a new modern school.5Did the famous professor graduate from the university in 1958?_答案:Was it in 19

11、58 that the famous professor graduated from the university?解码 书面表达如何设计英文海报海报是种大众化的宣传工具,常见于公共场所,具有画面大、内容广、艺术表现力强等特点。写作指导1海报通常含有通知性,所以主题应鲜明,内容简单明了,同时要具有感染力,能够唤起公众的关注。 2海报的语言要求简明扼要,可以用一些鼓动性的词语,但不可以夸大事实。 3海报的形式要求新颖美观,能吸引读者的眼球。4海报的基本结构:标题:可以直接用号召性的语句,也可以添加副标题,对海报的内容加以说明。正文:多用祈使句,句子短小精炼、通俗易懂。结尾:可以用标语或口号吸引读者的注意力。实战演练假设你是你校学生会主席,请根据下面的提示,写一则英文海报。由本校学生会主办的足球友谊赛将于2014年1月5日(星期日)下午5时在校足球场举行,参赛队为我校队与育英中学校队。欢迎届时观战。校学生会20141.2谢谢观看!谢谢观看!



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