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1、小学英语全英优秀教案【篇一:小学英语优秀教学设计】小学英语优秀教学设计(一)小学英语优秀教学设计(一)小学英语第五册(外研版)小学英语第五册(外研版) module 8 school module 8 school unit 1 what time does school start? unit 1 what time does school start?蓬莱市南王中心小学蓬莱市南王中心小学 包晓晴包晓晴一、教材分析一、教材分析 module 8 book 5 module 8 book 5 的主题是的主题是“school”“school”,“ unit 1 what time does“ u

2、nit 1 what time doesschool start?”school start?”的语言功能是描述学校生活;学习任务为的语言功能是描述学校生活;学习任务为“what time“what timedoes school start? what time do you get up?”does school start? what time do you get up?”二、学情分析二、学情分析本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们已经掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性,具备了一定的英语语言运具有一定的英语学习

3、的积极性与主动性,具备了一定的英语语言运用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能用能力,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,教师要尽可能多的为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言多的为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言“ “习得习得” ”机会,机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。自主学习的能力。三、教学目标三、教学目标(一)知识目标(一)知识目标 1 1、能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:、能听懂、会说并认读下列单词:exercise, before, playgrou

4、nd,exercise, before, playground,skip, coffee, tea.skip, coffee, tea. 2 2、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:、能听懂、会说并认读下列句子:what time does school start?what time does school start?my school starts at 9 o?clock. what time do you get up? i getmy school starts at 9 o?clock. what time do you get up? i getup at half past seve

5、n.up at half past seven.(二)能力目标(二)能力目标能口头运用能口头运用“what time does school start?”“what time does school start?”这类语句询问发生的这类语句询问发生的时间,并能口头运用时间,并能口头运用“my school starts at 9 o?clock.”“my school starts at 9 o?clock.”这类语句回这类语句回答。答。(三)情感目标(三)情感目标为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习为学生创设轻松、愉悦、和谐的英语课堂学习氛围,使学生在学习中敢于开口说

6、英语,并了解西方小学学校日常生活习惯,从而对英中敢于开口说英语,并了解西方小学学校日常生活习惯,从而对英语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。语学习产生更为浓厚的兴趣。四、教学要点分析四、教学要点分析(一)教学重点(一)教学重点 1 1单词:单词:exercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, teaexercise, before, playground, skip, coffee, tea 的认读。的认读。 2 2运用运用“what time ?”“what time ?”来询问事情发生的时间。来询问事情发生的时间。(二)教学难点(二)教学难点能够在真实的语境中

7、正确运用能够在真实的语境中正确运用“what time ?”“what time ?”询问事情发生的时询问事情发生的时间。间。五、教学准备五、教学准备多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、跳绳。多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、单词卡片、跳绳。六、教学过程六、教学过程 step 1 warming-up step 1 warming-up 1. chant: 1. chant:i like coffee, i like tea.i like coffee, i like tea.( (第二册中第二册中 m3 u2 4)m3 u2 4)教师一手拿教师一手拿 coffeecoffee 一手拿一手拿 teat

8、ea 的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说的英语单词卡片示意学生一起拍手说chantchant,并教授单词:,并教授单词:coffee, teacoffee, tea。(教授单词时尽量提供一些学过。(教授单词时尽量提供一些学过的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。)的词汇,鼓励学生自己读出来,培养学生的拼读能力。) step 2 presentation step 2 presentation 1. leading-in. 1. leading-in. (1) (1)课件出示学校的图片介绍说:课件出示学校的图片介绍说:this is our school. do you read ath

9、is is our school. do you read abook in your classroom?book in your classroom? (2) (2)课件出示学校学生跳绳和做操的照片课件出示学校学生跳绳和做操的照片t: what are they doing? they are skipping. do you skip in thet: what are they doing? they are skipping. do you skip in theplayground?playground? they are doing morning exercises. they

10、 are doing morning exercises. (3) (3)课件出示学校作息时间表引出句型:课件出示学校作息时间表引出句型:what time does ourwhat time does ourschool start?school start? 及回答:及回答:my school starts at eight o?clock.my school starts at eight o?clock. t t:we know the school life in china, how about the children inwe know the school life in c

11、hina, how about the children inengland? todayengland? today,let?s go and visit their school with amy.let?s go and visit their school with amy.【设计意图】出示自己学校的照片,学生感觉熟悉,同时渗透【设计意图】出示自己学校的照片,学生感觉熟悉,同时渗透playgroundplayground,skippingskipping,exerciseexercise 的单词的教学,为下边的教学活的单词的教学,为下边的教学活动做好相关铺垫。通过介绍自己的学校引出动做

12、好相关铺垫。通过介绍自己的学校引出 amyamy 的学校生活是什么的学校生活是什么样的?与我们的学校有什么不同样的?与我们的学校有什么不同? ? 2. text. 2. text.(1 1)listen to the tape.listen to the tape. t: our school starts at 8:00. what time does amy?s school start? t: our school starts at 8:00. what time does amy?s school start?do you know? let?s listen to the tape

13、 anddo you know? let?s listen to the tape and answer the question: answer the question: what time does amy?s school start? what time does amy?s school start?【设计意图】由学校生活自然要谈到几点上课的问题,学生对此问【设计意图】由学校生活自然要谈到几点上课的问题,学生对此问题的提出不会感到唐突。由教师对题的提出不会感到唐突。由教师对 our school starts at 8:00.our school starts at 8:00.的讲

14、的讲解,孩子们也一定急于知道英国学生的上课时间,从而初步感知课解,孩子们也一定急于知道英国学生的上课时间,从而初步感知课文内容,了解课文大意。文内容,了解课文大意。(2 2)listen to the tape again.listen to the tape again. t: i get up at 5:30. what time do you get up? t: i get up at 5:30. what time do you get up?t: you get up at and you go to school by schoolbus or walkt: you get up

15、 at and you go to school by schoolbus or walkto school and so on. how about amy? let?sto school and so on. how about amy? let?s listen again and answer the following questions: listen again and answer the following questions: what time does amy go to school? what time does amy go to school? how does

16、 amy go to school? how does amy go to school? a. she walks to school.b. she goes to school by schoolbus. a. she walks to school.b. she goes to school by schoolbus.【设计意图】由于中西方孩子上学时间的不同,学生起床时间的早【设计意图】由于中西方孩子上学时间的不同,学生起床时间的早晚必然不同。通过对问题的回答,让学生对中西方学校生活的差异晚必然不同。通过对问题的回答,让学生对中西方学校生活的差异有更深的了解。有更深的了解。(3 3)lo

17、ok and say.look and say.课件出示课件出示 get up/watch tv/go to bed/have english/read aget up/watch tv/go to bed/have english/read abook/go to schoolbook/go to school 的图片让学生进行交流。的图片让学生进行交流。 a: what time do you get up? a: what time do you get up? b: i get up at b: i get up at 询问小伙伴的起床时间、上学时间等。询问小伙伴的起床时间、上学时间等

18、。【设计意图】通过对小伙伴们作息时间的询问,使学生对本课重点【设计意图】通过对小伙伴们作息时间的询问,使学生对本课重点句型有了进一步的理解。句型有了进一步的理解。(4 4)listen, repeat and answer.listen, repeat and answer. t: what do you do before 8:00? teach: before t: what do you do before 8:00? teach: befores: s: t: i know you clean the classroom and read some books t: i know yo

19、u clean the classroom and read some booksbefore 8:00. what about amy? listen, repeat and answer.before 8:00. what about amy? listen, repeat and answer. what does amy do before 9 o?clock? what does amy do before 9 o?clock? does amy do exercises every morning? does amy do exercises every morning? teac

20、h: exercisemorning exercises/eye exercises/exercise book teach: exercisemorning exercises/eye exercises/exercise book playground blackboard/classroom/football/bedroom/postcard playground blackboard/classroom/football/bedroom/postcard(使学生理解合成词的含义,有助于单词的记忆。)(使学生理解合成词的含义,有助于单词的记忆。) t: does amy do exerc

21、ises every morning? what does amy do in t: does amy do exercises every morning? what does amy do inthe playground?the playground?s: s: t: yes. let?s take our skipping rope t: yes. let?s take our skipping rope (教师手拿跳绳)(教师手拿跳绳)and skipand skipwith amy and lingling. let?s chant together. “i like coffee

22、, i likewith amy and lingling. let?s chant together. “i like coffee, i liketea” you can skip with your good friendtea” you can skip with your good friend after class.after class.【设计意图】学生模仿、跟读课文,加深对课文的理解,同时在词【设计意图】学生模仿、跟读课文,加深对课文的理解,同时在词汇教学中培养学生的归纳整理能力,初步感知英语合成词的构词规汇教学中培养学生的归纳整理能力,初步感知英语合成词的构词规律。律。 s

23、tep 3 practice step 3 practice fill in the blanks with the following words. fill in the blanks with the following words. exercises, starts, before, playground, gets up, walks, likes exercises, starts, before, playground, gets up, walks, likesskippingskipping amy?s school at 9 o?clock. she to school.

24、 they don?t do they amy?s school at 9 o?clock. she to school. they don?t do theyplay in the 9 o?clock.play in the 9 o?clock. amy amy 【设计意图】让学生在理解课文的基础上完成以上题目,训练【设计意图】让学生在理解课文的基础上完成以上题目,训练学生写的能力的同时,锻炼了学生的应用能力。学生写的能力的同时,锻炼了学生的应用能力。 step 4 consolidation step 4 consolidation与小组同学谈谈你们理想中的学校生活。与小组同学谈谈你们理想

25、中的学校生活。 a: what time does the school start? a: what time does the school start? b: it starts at a: what time do we get up? b: it starts at a: what time do we get up?b: we get up at b: we get up at 【设计意图】通过小组同学谈论理想的一天作息时间,既调动了学【设计意图】通过小组同学谈论理想的一天作息时间,既调动了学生的学习积极性,又使所学知识得到了有效地运用。生的学习积极性,又使所学知识得到了有效地运用

26、。 step 5 summary step 5 summary教师针对板书,引导学生以教师针对板书,引导学生以 amyamy 在校的学习生活为线索进行归纳小在校的学习生活为线索进行归纳小结。结。 step 6 assignments step 6 assignments 1. listen to the tape for three times. 1. listen to the tape for three times. 2. 2. 采访一下你的好朋友的一天时间安排。采访一下你的好朋友的一天时间安排。 3. 3. 找出中英小朋友学校生活的差异。找出中英小朋友学校生活的差异。 in china

27、, we start school at at in china, we start school at at (后两个为选做作业)(后两个为选做作业)【设计意图】语言源于生活,又应用于生活。因而在作业的布置上,【设计意图】语言源于生活,又应用于生活。因而在作业的布置上,我给学生充分的施展空间,让他们自主选择,选自己想做的,说自我给学生充分的施展空间,让他们自主选择,选自己想做的,说自己想说的,使他们能更好的将所学知识合理应用,培养他们的综合己想说的,使他们能更好的将所学知识合理应用,培养他们的综合语言运用能力。分层次作业,可以满足不同学生的需求,使每一位语言运用能力。分层次作业,可以满足不同

28、学生的需求,使每一位学生都有事做,都能体会到成功的快乐。学生都有事做,都能体会到成功的快乐。牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 5bunit8 a camping trip5bunit8 a camping trip一、教材依据一、教材依据牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 5b unit8 b and d5b unit8 b and d二、设计思路二、设计思路本课时主要围绕本课时主要围绕 what do you have ? i havewhat does he/shewhat do you have ? i havewhat does he/shehavehave ? ? he/shehe/she hasha

29、s句型展开的一节活动式英语教学课,通过听做、句型展开的一节活动式英语教学课,通过听做、说唱、玩演、读写等活动的设计,让学生一边玩一边学。教师充分说唱、玩演、读写等活动的设计,让学生一边玩一边学。教师充分设置各种教学场景,营造浓厚的口语氛围,突出设置各种教学场景,营造浓厚的口语氛围,突出“ “以学生为主体以学生为主体” ”的的教学思想,让抽象的内容变得直观形象。最后延伸环节中教学思想,让抽象的内容变得直观形象。最后延伸环节中 “ “爱的奉献爱的奉献” ”的设计不仅提高了学生的口语能力,更让每一个学生对这世界都充的设计不仅提高了学生的口语能力,更让每一个学生对这世界都充满了爱心,并体验到了助人为乐

30、的喜悦。满了爱心,并体验到了助人为乐的喜悦。三、教学目标三、教学目标 1 1、认知目标:、认知目标:、能听懂、会说、会读:、能听懂、会说、会读:a telescope, a tin-opener, a pot aa telescope, a tin-opener, a pot astove ,a blanket, a towelstove ,a blanket, a towel、能听懂、会说、会读并在实际中加以运用:、能听懂、会说、会读并在实际中加以运用:what do you have ?what do you have ?i have what does he/she have ? he/

31、she hasi have what does he/she have ? he/she has 2 2、思想情感目标:通过本节课语言操练,学会用英语询问别人有什、思想情感目标:通过本节课语言操练,学会用英语询问别人有什么,并能介绍自己有什么,养成助人为乐的好习惯。么,并能介绍自己有什么,养成助人为乐的好习惯。四、教学重点四、教学重点 1 1、句型与词结合在具体情景中运用。、句型与词结合在具体情景中运用。五、教学难点五、教学难点结合句型与词在具体情景中进行综合语言运用及其书写。结合句型与词在具体情景中进行综合语言运用及其书写。六、教学准备六、教学准备 1 1、多媒体课件(课前收集国家部分贫困地

32、区的资料及单词实物投影、多媒体课件(课前收集国家部分贫困地区的资料及单词实物投影等)等) 2 2、录音机、磁带、课文挂图、单词卡、句型条。、录音机、磁带、课文挂图、单词卡、句型条。 3 3、歌曲:爱的奉献、兔子舞。、歌曲:爱的奉献、兔子舞。 4 4、一个募捐箱、一个、一个募捐箱、一个“ “爱心大使爱心大使” ”证、一个话筒。证、一个话筒。 5 5、实物:启子、毯子、手巾、望远镜、玩具锅和炉子、罐头、实物:启子、毯子、手巾、望远镜、玩具锅和炉子、罐头七、七、teaching stepsteaching steps step1 step1 组织教学组织教学 1 1、warm upwarm up :

33、listen and dolisten and do 设计意图设计意图 :活跃气氛并集中注意力,让学生以轻松愉快的心情学英:活跃气氛并集中注意力,让学生以轻松愉快的心情学英语。语。2 2、greetingsgreetings 设计意图设计意图 :师生之间互相问候,使学生心情放松。:师生之间互相问候,使学生心情放松。 step2 presentation step2 presentation 1 1、learn“a pot”and“what do you have ? i have”learn“a pot”and“what do you have ? i have” listen to a so

34、ng listen to a song t t:first,let?s listen to a songfirst,let?s listen to a songwhat do you havewhat do you have,then youthen youmust tell memust tell me : what do you have ? what do you have ? 设计意图设计意图 :为下一步教学作铺垫。(放课文中:为下一步教学作铺垫。(放课文中 h h 部分的歌曲,让部分的歌曲,让学生从中听出学生从中听出 i have a poti have a pot,以便引到,以便引

35、到 i havei have 和和 a pota pot 的教学)的教学) t t:tell me,please. what do you have ?tell me,please. what do you have ? 点评点评 :教师指着录音机边问边说示意学生回答歌曲里的内容:教师指着录音机边问边说示意学生回答歌曲里的内容 s1 s1:i have a pot.i have a pot. what do you have ? i have a pot. what do you have ? i have a pot. practise practise:pot pot pot.pot po

36、t pot. i have a pot. i have a pot. what do you have ? what do you have ? i have a pot. i have a pot. 设计意图设计意图 :以学生喜闻乐见的:以学生喜闻乐见的“ “数来宝数来宝” ”形式练习两句话,学生说起形式练习两句话,学生说起来朗朗上口,更容易较快掌握。来朗朗上口,更容易较快掌握。 2 2、learn“a stove”learn“a stove” t t:boys and girls. i?m hungry, let?s cook some food, ok ?ssboys and girls

37、. i?m hungry, let?s cook some food, ok ?ss:ok.ok. t t:i need a stove to cook some food.but where?s my stove ?i need a stove to cook some food.but where?s my stove ?where?s my stove ? oh, it?s here.where?s my stove ? oh, it?s here. 点评点评 :引出此单词的教学,事先将模型炉子放在一隐蔽处):引出此单词的教学,事先将模型炉子放在一隐蔽处) practise practi

38、se: 点评点评 :教师声音大,学生声音小;教师声音小,学生声音大。:教师声音大,学生声音小;教师声音小,学生声音大。 play a game play a game:pot.stove.quickly.pot.stove.quickly. t t:let?s play a game, ok ?sslet?s play a game, ok ?ss:ok.ok. t:let?s cook some food.i put the pot on the stove but you must t:let?s cook some food.i put the pot on the stove but

39、you mustsay“pot.stove.quickly”say“pot.stove.quickly” 点评点评 :学生边拍巴掌边说:学生边拍巴掌边说 pot .stove. quicklypot .stove. quickly) t t: how delicious ! do you want to eat ? how delicious ! do you want to eat ? 点评点评 ;学生练的差不多时,师拿出小锅里事先准备好的食物;学生练的差不多时,师拿出小锅里事先准备好的食物【篇二:小学英语口语全英文教案】 teaching plan teaching plan 2011-5

40、-11 2011-5-11 school school: grade grade: class class: teacher teacher: content of courses content of courses topic11.my pet turtle topic11.my pet turtle teaching aims teaching aims listen to say familiar three sentence patterns and their listen to say familiar three sentence patterns and their answ

41、er form answer formwhat is your favorite ?what is your favorite ? my favorite ismy favorite is teaching difficult points teaching difficult points first-person converting and reconverting first-person converting and reconverting teaching media teaching media 1. teacher preparation teaching material

42、matching tapes 1. teacher preparation teaching material matching tapes 2.prepare relevant part of the courseware 2.prepare relevant part of the courseware 3.teachers learned patterns card ready 3.teachers learned patterns card ready teaching steps teaching steps 1. warming-up/revision. 1. warming-up

43、/revision.(1 1)daily conversation display.daily conversation display.(2 2)play“let us sing together” songs the recording, theplay“let us sing together” songs the recording, theteachersteachers and students singing and do the action and students singing and do the action 2. presentation 2. presentati

44、on(1 1)the tortoise knowledge introductionthe tortoise knowledge introduction t:look and think. t:look and think.(2 2)teachers fast. pictures of animals show series:teachers fast. pictures of animals show series: daddy turtle,mommy turtle, brother turtle, baby daddy turtle,mommy turtle, brother turt

45、le, babyturtle.according to see pictures about students cultivateturtle.according to see pictures about students cultivateanimal words observation and memory.animal words observation and memory. (3) listen to recording ,then practice in pairs. the next lead (3) listen to recording ,then practice in

46、pairs. the next lead“what is your favorite pet?”“what is your favorite pet?”, first , take out to the whole , first , take out to the whole ,then ask several students answer shows the correct answerthen ask several students answer shows the correct answerform.form.“ my favorite pet is”“ my favorite

47、pet is” 3. practice 3. practice(1 1)lets do a game!lets do a game!i will ask two students to do it.one say “whats your favoritei will ask two students to do it.one say “whats your favoritepet?”,the other do a reply and express it with your bodypet?”,the other do a reply and express it with your body

48、languag-e.languag-e. (2)exchange. (2)exchange. 4.now read the text quickly and find out other sentence pa - 4.now read the text quickly and find out other sentence pa -ernserns :when and where did you get it?how often do you feedwhen and where did you get it?how often do you feedit?why do you like i

49、t?is it a turtle? and so forth.it?why do you like it?is it a turtle? and so forth. 5.assignment 5.assignmentyou should know “what is hisyou should know “what is his her favorite .?”and theirher favorite .?”and theiranswer form.next class teacher will check it ,ohanswer form.next class teacher will c

50、heck it ,oh【篇三:全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案】全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案( (一一) ) asking the way asking the way(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校 祁承辉)祁承辉) i.teaching content i.teaching content asking the way asking the way a: excuse me, sir. can you tell me the way to bihai

51、hotel, a: excuse me, sir. can you tell me the way to bihai hotel,please?please? b: sure. you can go there by bus. b: sure. you can go there by bus. a: is it a long way from here? a: is it a long way from here? b: no, itll take you fifteen minutes. b: no, itll take you fifteen minutes. a: which bus c

52、an i take? a: which bus can i take? b: you can take a no. 2 bus. b: you can take a no. 2 bus. a: where is the bus stop? a: where is the bus stop? b: just go straight. look, the bus is coming. b: just go straight. look, the bus is coming. a: thank you very much. a: thank you very much. b: youre welco

53、me. b: youre welcome. ii. teaching procedures ii. teaching procedures step 1. warming-up step 1. warming-up t: nice to meet you. my name is bright. b-r-i-g-h-t. t: nice to meet you. my name is bright. b-r-i-g-h-t. shall we sing an english song named bingo, and try to change shall we sing an english

54、song named bingo, and try to changethe word bingo with my name bright?the word bingo with my name bright? step 2. presentation step 2. presentation t: im new here, when i arrived at the airport, i heard someone t: im new here, when i arrived at the airport, i heard someonesaidsaid 对不起对不起( (注注) ),早晨好

55、,早晨好( (注注).i really want to know their).i really want to know theirmeanings in english. could you help me?meanings in english. could you help me? s: s: 对不起对不起 is excuse me and is excuse me and 早晨好早晨好 is good morning. is good morning. t: thanks a lot. and now could you tell me something about t: than

56、ks a lot. and now could you tell me something aboutyour city? i want to travel in this city, but i dont know where iyour city? i want to travel in this city, but i dont know where ishould go.should go. s1: bai lian dong park. s1: bai lian dong park. s2: fisher girl. s2: fisher girl. s3: jiuzhou town

57、. s3: jiuzhou town. t: good. but i want to find a hotel now.please do me a favour. t: good. but i want to find a hotel now.please do me a favour.can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city?can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city? s1: 2000 hotel. s1: 2000 hotel. s2: yindu hote

58、l. s2: yindu hotel. s3: bihai hotel. s3: bihai hotel. (the teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.) (the teacher takes notes while the students are speaking.) step 3. new structures learning step 3. new structures learning t: they all sound very nice. but how can i get there, by bus or

59、t: they all sound very nice. but how can i get there, by bus orby bike?by bike? s: by bus. s: by bus.t: and how long will it take me to get there? maybet: and how long will it take me to get there? maybe fifteen minutes is enough. fifteen minutes is enough. (the teacher looks at the watch and gives

60、the students a (the teacher looks at the watch and gives the students agesture.)gesture.) 1) draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand 1) draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understandthe meaning of the sentence:the meaning of the sentence: itll take someone some time

61、to do something. itll take someone some time to do something. 2) write the sentence itll take you fifteen minutes. on the 2) write the sentence itll take you fifteen minutes. on theblackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence.blackboard, and have the students imitate the sentence. 3) a gue

62、ssing game: 3) a guessing game: t: please look at these pictures and guess how long will it take t: please look at these pictures and guess how long will it takeme to .? t: how long will it take me to have a football match?me to .? t: how long will it take me to have a football match? s1: itll take

63、you ninety minutes. s1: itll take you ninety minutes. t: yes. t: yes. 4) get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in 4) get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, inorder to introduce the new sentence: just go straight.order to introduce the new sentence: just g

64、o straight. 5) use the multi-media to help the students understand the 5) use the multi-media to help the students understand themeaning of the sentence go straight.meaning of the sentence go straight. 6) write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the 6) write the sentence on the blackboard, and

65、 have thestudents imitate the sentence: just go straight.students imitate the sentence: just go straight. step 4. practice step 4. practice 1) ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then 1) ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, thenask them to repeat after the tape, fi

66、rst individually and then inask them to repeat after the tape, first individually and then inpairs.pairs. 2) encourage the students to read their dialogue with their 2) encourage the students to read their dialogue with theirdeskmates.deskmates. step 5. consolidation step 5. consolidation t: you kno

67、w im from shanghai. maybe in the future youll go to t: you know im from shanghai. maybe in the future youll go toshanghai, so ive prepared some photographs for you.shanghai, so ive prepared some photographs for you. 1) show the photographs of nanjing road, pudong new area 1) show the photographs of

68、nanjing road, pudong new areaand the bund to the students.and the bund to the students. 2) get the students to ask the teachers from shanghai 2) get the students to ask the teachers from shanghaisomething they dont know, such as directions, transportationssomething they dont know, such as directions

69、, transportationsin shanghai.in shanghai. 3) ask some students to introduce their tour plans to shanghai. 3) ask some students to introduce their tour plans to shanghai.注注、注、注:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“ “对不起对不起” ”和和“ “早晨好早晨好” ”。专家点评专家点评上海参赛选手祁承辉老师所做的课上海参赛选手祁承辉老师所做的课 asking the way asking

70、 the way 是一节理念正确、是一节理念正确、设计巧妙、活动丰富、效果突出的优秀参赛课。这堂课充分体现了设计巧妙、活动丰富、效果突出的优秀参赛课。这堂课充分体现了以学生为主体的教学思想。本节课主要体现出以下几个特点以学生为主体的教学思想。本节课主要体现出以下几个特点: : 1 1、趋向真实交际的教学设计、趋向真实交际的教学设计教师以自己来自上海和对珠海不熟悉为由,请学生向他介绍当地的教师以自己来自上海和对珠海不熟悉为由,请学生向他介绍当地的名胜,进而表示对这些地方很感兴趣,并询问去这些地方的方式和名胜,进而表示对这些地方很感兴趣,并询问去这些地方的方式和所需要的时间。由此自然而巧妙地展开本


72、间的信息差,让学生问有关上海的情况。学生在教师的引导下在教师的引导下 ( (教师询问问题教师询问问题) ),既进行了存在信息差的实际交流,既进行了存在信息差的实际交流,又练习和掌握了问路与指路的语言结构和用法。又练习和掌握了问路与指路的语言结构和用法。 2 2、以学生为主体的活动安排、以学生为主体的活动安排在本课中,该教师安排了多样的学生活动,其中有个人、两人、小在本课中,该教师安排了多样的学生活动,其中有个人、两人、小组和全班性的,有教师指导性的,也有需学生独立或合作完成的。组和全班性的,有教师指导性的,也有需学生独立或合作完成的。活动均有明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的语境和情景中进活

73、动均有明确的目标与要求,并能够安排在一定的语境和情景中进行,突出了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力,体现行,突出了培养学生用英语做事情和用英语进行交流的能力,体现了交际语言教学的思想。评价一节课成功与否,主要应看学生在活了交际语言教学的思想。评价一节课成功与否,主要应看学生在活动中的参与程度动中的参与程度 ( (外显的语言行为和内部语言思维过程外显的语言行为和内部语言思维过程) ),学生言语交,学生言语交际的有效性,以及学生在学习中表现出的情感、合作精神和学习与际的有效性,以及学生在学习中表现出的情感、合作精神和学习与交际策略等方面的发展情况。在本次课上,学生能够积极参与讨论交际策略


75、教学要求,表现了该教师较强的教学能力和教学组织能力,体现了以学生为主体、教师为指导的教学学能力和教学组织能力,体现了以学生为主体、教师为指导的教学原则。原则。 3. 3.良好的自身素质与教学素质良好的自身素质与教学素质授课教师在教学中表现出较高的教学素养。首先是良好的教学语言授课教师在教学中表现出较高的教学素养。首先是良好的教学语言表达能力,语音、语调自然,清晰,强调适度表达能力,语音、语调自然,清晰,强调适度 ( (包括有时降低音量等包括有时降低音量等手段的运用手段的运用); );其次是形体语言在教学中运用相当出色,能够吸引学生其次是形体语言在教学中运用相当出色,能够吸引学生的注意力,辅助教

76、学效果突出的注意力,辅助教学效果突出; ;还有一个特点是学生思维活跃,课堂还有一个特点是学生思维活跃,课堂教学容量较大教学容量较大; ;教学节奏掌握得当。这些都离不开教师自身较高的素教学节奏掌握得当。这些都离不开教师自身较高的素质和平时的努力与积累,因为教师的每一节课都是自己整体水平的质和平时的努力与积累,因为教师的每一节课都是自己整体水平的综合展现。全国小学大面积开设英语课即将开始,这既给我们带来综合展现。全国小学大面积开设英语课即将开始,这既给我们带来了机遇,也向我们提出了更高的要求和挑战,希望有更多的优秀小了机遇,也向我们提出了更高的要求和挑战,希望有更多的优秀小学英语教师脱颖而出。学英

77、语教师脱颖而出。评课人评课人: :张连仲张连仲 ( (大赛评委、北京首都师范大学外语系大赛评委、北京首都师范大学外语系) )全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 ( (二二) ) shopping shopping(湖南省长沙市育英学校(湖南省长沙市育英学校 欧阳丹熙)欧阳丹熙)一、教学内容一、教学内容 shopping shopping a: hello! can i help you? a: hello! can i help you? b: yes, i want a sweater for my daughter, please. b: yes, i

78、 want a sweater for my daughter, please. a: how about this one? a: how about this one? b: oh, good. the size is ok. b: oh, good. the size is ok. c: mum, i dont like the colour. c: mum, i dont like the colour. a: do you like this purple one? a: do you like this purple one? c: cool! thats my favourite

79、 colour. c: cool! thats my favourite colour. b: how much is it? b: how much is it? a: sixty-eight yuan. a: sixty-eight yuan. b: heres the money. b: heres the money.a: thanks.a: thanks. size size 尺寸;大小尺寸;大小 purple purple 紫色的紫色的 cool cool 棒的棒的二、教学目的与要求二、教学目的与要求 1. 1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话;能听懂、会说本篇对话; 2. 2. 能运用会话

80、中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话;能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话; 3. 3. 能听懂、会说新单词:能听懂、会说新单词:purple, size, coolpurple, size, cool。三、教学重点三、教学重点能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。四、教学手段四、教学手段运用多媒体辅助教学。运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备五、教具准备一件毛衣,各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等。一件毛衣,各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等。六、教学步骤六、教学步骤 step 1. greetings step 1. greetings t: good mornin

81、g, boys and girls. glad to meet you. t: good morning, boys and girls. glad to meet you. step 2. presentation step 2. presentation (1) lead-in (1) lead-in t: you know, im new here. i thought it would be hot in t: you know, im new here. i thought it would be hot inzhuha.but today it is cold. im just i

82、n a blouse.zhuha.but today it is cold. im just in a blouse. now im feeling a little cold. so i want to go shopping and buy now im feeling a little cold. so i want to go shopping and buysome warm clothes. (read the title shiopping.)some warm clothes. (read the title shiopping.) (2) play a guessing ga

83、me (2) play a guessing game (课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片(课件:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成一件毛衣)慢慢扩大,变成一件毛衣) t: what am i going to buy? what do i want? just guess and say: t: what am i going to buy? what do i want? just guess and say:you want .you want . (3)( (3)(课件:教师走进一家服装店,与售票员进行交谈。课件:教师走进一家服装店,与售票员进行交谈。) ) t= the tea

84、cher c= the computer ss= the students t= the teacher c= the computer ss= the students c: can i help you? c: can i help you? (learn to say:can i helpyou?) (learn to say:can i helpyou?) t: i want a sweater, sir. t: i want a sweater, sir. c: how about this one? c: how about this one? (课件:售货员拿出一件很大的毛衣。)

85、(课件:售货员拿出一件很大的毛衣。) t: i think its too big. t: i think its too big. t t:how about this one? what do you think?how about this one? what do you think? ss:its too small. ss:its too small. c: how about this one? c: how about this one? (课件:售货员拿出一件对教师来说大小(课件:售货员拿出一件对教师来说大小合适的毛衣。)合适的毛衣。) (learn to say:how a

86、bout.?learn to say:how about.?) t: i think the size is ok. do you think so? t: i think the size is ok. do you think so?ss:yes!ss:yes! (learn to say:size.) (learn to say:size.) (read after the teacher:the size is ok.) (read after the teacher:the size is ok.) t: the size is ok, sir. but i dont like th

87、is colour. t: the size is ok, sir. but i dont like this colour. c: whats your favourite colour? c: whats your favourite colour? t: whats my favourite colour is t: whats my favourite colour is . .(课件:毛衣随着学生的回答变换颜色,并由此引出新授单词(课件:毛衣随着学生的回答变换颜色,并由此引出新授单词purplepurple。)。) (learn to say:purple.) (learn to s

88、ay:purple.) t: (take out a purple sweater)i like this purple sweater. t: (take out a purple sweater)i like this purple sweater. (4) play a game: guess the price of the sweater. (4) play a game: guess the price of the sweater. ss: how much is it? ss: how much is it? s1 : .yuan. s1 : .yuan. (if the pr

89、ice s1 guess is too low, the teacher will say:up, up, (if the price s1 guess is too low, the teacher will say:up, up,up.; if too high, the teacher will say: down, down, down. eachup.; if too high, the teacher will say: down, down, down. eachstudents has three chances to guess.) after the students gu

90、essstudents has three chances to guess.) after the students guessthe price right, the teacher puts on the purple sweater andthe price right, the teacher puts on the purple sweater andasks the students am i cool?asks the students am i cool? (leatn to say:cool.) (leatn to say:cool.) step 3. practice s

91、tep 3. practice (1)listen to the dialogue. (1)listen to the dialogue. t: what have you heard in the dialogue? t: what have you heard in the dialogue? (2)listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence. (2)listen to the dialogue and repeat it sentence by sentence. (3)pratice in groups of th

92、ree. (3)pratice in groups of three. step 4 consolidation step 4 consolidation (1)divide all the students into 5 groups: stationers, toy shop, (1)divide all the students into 5 groups: stationers, toy shop,clothes shop, fruit shop and food shop. put some goods inclothes shop, fruit shop and food shop

93、. put some goods ineach shop. get the students to do the shopping in groups.each shop. get the students to do the shopping in groups. (每(每组由一名学生当售货员,其它学生充当顾客。)组由一名学生当售货员,其它学生充当顾客。) (2)ask the students to go to different shops and buy different (2)ask the students to go to different shops and buy dif

94、ferentthings.things. (把全班分成五个组,即五个(把全班分成五个组,即五个“ “商店商店” ”,顾客可以到任,顾客可以到任何一家何一家“ “商店商店”“”“购买购买” ”自己喜欢的物品。教师到各组去指导,同时教自己喜欢的物品。教师到各组去指导,同时教师也当顾客,购买物品。师也当顾客,购买物品。 (3) (3)教师总结全课,表扬做得好的学生。电脑计分牌显示胜方,并伴教师总结全课,表扬做得好的学生。电脑计分牌显示胜方,并伴随胜方的欢呼声。随胜方的欢呼声。 step 5 ending step 5 ending the students sing a song good-bye.

95、 the students sing a song good-bye.全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案 ( (三三) ) a telephone call a telephone call(广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学(广州珠海香洲区吉莲小学 鲍当洪)鲍当洪) i.teaching material i.teaching material a telephone call a telephone call a: may i speak to jim, please? a: may i speak to jim, please? b: sorry. hes not at home. b: sorry. hes not at home. a: where is he now? a: where is he now? b: he went to the bookshop. b: he went to the bookshop.



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