七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 12 Let’s Go Shopping精美课件 (新版)冀教版

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《七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 12 Let’s Go Shopping精美课件 (新版)冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lesson 12 Let’s Go Shopping精美课件 (新版)冀教版(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 12: Lets Go Shopping!Lets chant!Lets chant!Colourful ClothesSkirt, sweater, dress and hat.These, those, this and that!Pants, shoes, shirts and socks. Take them all out of the box!Red, yellow, blue and white.Colourful clothes are so bright!Task I. Read the sentences below, can you understand t

2、he Task I. Read the sentences below, can you understand the sentences?sentences?1.1.Kim and her friends will meet at the (shopping centre/ Kim and her friends will meet at the (shopping centre/ school/library) this Saturday.school/library) this Saturday.2.2. Kims friends can come with their (mothers

3、/fathers/ Kims friends can come with their (mothers/fathers/ grandparents ).grandparents ).3.3.Kim wants to buy a pair of (pants/shoes/gloves) and a Kim wants to buy a pair of (pants/shoes/gloves) and a (yellow/white/pink ) blouse for school.(yellow/white/pink ) blouse for school.What will you read

4、in the e-mail?What will you read in the e-mail?Kim isKim is going shoppinggoing shopping! !Some of Kims Some of Kims friendsfriends are going with her!are going with her!Kims friends can come with one or some of Kims friends can come with one or some of their their family.family.What else do you Wha

5、t else do you know?know?Read and find out the meaning of the following phrases!Read and find out the meaning of the following phrases!go shoppinggo shoppingthe shopping centrethe shopping centrecome withcome withwant to dowant to dobuy / buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb.buy / buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for

6、 sb.Read the e-mail and answer the questions.Read the e-mail loudly!Read the e-mail loudly!Hi,Hi,Lets!Lets!Lets at at this Saturday.Lets at at this Saturday.You can!You can!You canYou canI will I will I want to!I want to!What do you want?What do you want?Can.?Can.?We can.We can.KimKimCan you Can you

7、 retell it?retell it?Can you make your own conversationusing the following phrases or words?the shopping centre, go shopping, have fun, buy, meetWhat have you learnt? Discuss with your partners!go shopgo shoppingpingcenter, Saturday, willcenter, Saturday, willgo shopping, go shopping, a at the t the

8、 shopping centreshopping centreWhat do youWhat do you want to want to buy?buy?I want to buyI want to buymeet atmeet athave fun have fun (doing sth(doing sth.).)HomeworkPractice after class!Practice after class!1.Learn Learn the the new new words words and and expressions by heart.expressions by heart.2.Using Using the the target target language language toto write write an an e-mail e-mail to to invite invite some some friends friends to to shop together.shop together.3.Go Go over over what what youve youve learnt learnt in in this this unitunit. .



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