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1、中小学英语课堂规范用语中小学英语课堂规范用语常见课堂规范用语中小学英语课堂规范用语01BeginningA:问候1. Lets start class. = Its time for class. 2. There goes the bell. Now class begins.3. How are you today?/ How is it going?4. What day/ date is it today? 5. Whats the weather like today? 中小学英语课堂规范用语01BeginningB:点名1. Who is on duty today? 2. Is

2、everyone/ everybody here/ present? 3. Is anyone/ anybody absent?4. Whos absent?. 中小学英语课堂规范用语02InclassA:导入1. Lets review what we learned last week.2. Lets begin a new lesson.3. Well learn something new.4. Lets learn some new words/ sentences. 中小学英语课堂规范用语1. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , plea

3、se.2. In pairs, please. 3. Whos going to . ?4. Who wants to .? 5. Any volunteers?6. Please come to the front.7. Now you, please. = Would you, please? = Its your turn now! = You want to try?8. Lets act. / Lets act the dialogue. = Who would like to act out the dialogue? InclassB1:口语呈现(单)中小学英语课堂规范用语02I

4、nclassB1:口语呈现(双)1. Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 2. Listen carefully, please. Then I will ask you some questions.3. Pay attention to your pronunciation.4. Please read this passage to the class. 5. How do you read this word? 6. Please go back to your seat.7. Please choose the

5、best one.中小学英语课堂规范用语1. Think it over and then give me your answer. 2. Dont be afraid.3. Dont be shy. 4. Think it over and try again. 5. It doesnnt matter. Sit down, please. .02InclassB1:口语呈现-问题中小学英语课堂规范用语02InclassB2:书面呈现1. Look carefully. 2. Please look at the blackboard/picture/slide.3. Please answ

6、er my questions. 4. Can you spell the word.? 5. Spell the word., please. 6. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation. 7. Say/Read after me, please. 8. Try to keep up with me, please.9. Please say it again.10. Please repeat again./ Once more, please.中小学英语课堂规范用语Put it/ them into Chinese/English. 0

7、1In English, please. 02Whats this in English/ Chinese? 03请在这里输入您的标题02InclassB2:书面呈现. 04中小学英语课堂规范用语请在这里输入您的标题02InclassB3:评价&鼓励1. Excellent./ Great./ Good idea./ Amazing./ Well done./ Youve done well.2. Its almost perfect.3. I agree with you./ I think so.4. Im afraid this is wrong. 5. Im sure youll be

8、 even better next lesson/ next time. 中小学英语课堂规范用语For todays homework. Write down the words twice.010402 03Do it orally before write it out.Remember/Memorize these words. Next time well have a dictation/spelling test. 03EndingC1:家庭作业中小学英语课堂规范用语03EndingC2:结束语1. The bell is ringing.2. There goes the bell. 3. Class is over. 4. Time is up. Lets stop here.5. Thats all for today. 6. Goodbye. / Bye, see you next time.中小学英语课堂规范用语04其他课堂规则1Please stop talking.Please be/keep quiet.Please dont make noise.游戏用语2Lets play a game.教学用语3中小学英语课堂规范用语中小学英语课堂规范用语



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