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1、英文自我介绍英文自我介绍简单的英文自我介绍vHello, everyone.Hello, everyone.vMy name is xxx, xx years old.My name is xxx, xx years old.vIm very interesting in paintingIm very interesting in painting、watching TVwatching TV、 reading and so on .reading and so on .vMy hometown is xxx, My hometown is xxx, imim happy to be a m

2、ember happy to be a member here .here .vWelcome to the China dinosaur land and I hope Welcome to the China dinosaur land and I hope everyone have a nice day here! Thank you!everyone have a nice day here! Thank you! 收银常用英语收银常用英语v英文数字英文数字v服务用语服务用语v日常收银对话日常收银对话The NumberThe Numberv1-one v2-two v3-three

3、 v4-four v5-five v6-six v7-seven v8-eight v9-nine v10-ten v11-elevenv12-twelvev13-thirteenv14-fourteenv15-fifteenv16-sixteenv17-seventeenv18-eighteenv19-nineteenv20-twentyv30-thirtyv40-fortyv50-fiftyv60-sixtyv70-seventyv80-eightyv90-ninetyv21-29 twenty-one.nine21-29 twenty-one.ninev31-39 thirty-one.

4、nine31-39 thirty-one.ninev41-49 forty-one.nine41-49 forty-one.ninev51-59 fifty-one.nine51-59 fifty-one.ninev61-69 sixty-one.nine61-69 sixty-one.ninev71-79 seven-one.nine71-79 seven-one.ninev81-89 eighty-one.nine81-89 eighty-one.ninev91-99 ninety-one.nine91-99 ninety-one.ninev100 a hundredv1,000 a th

5、ousandv1,000,000 a millionv1,000,000,000 a billion v101-999 “先说几百,再加先说几百,再加and,最后加末尾两位数,最后加末尾两位数或者末位数或者末位数” 123-one hundred and twenty-three 902-nine hundred and twov1000-999,999 1,001-one thousand and one8,021-eight thousand and twenty-one 13,849-thirteen thousand,eight hundred and forty-nine631,56

6、2-six hundred and thirty-one thousand,five hundred and sixty-twov小数的读法(point) 0.3- (naught) point three 或 zero point three 6.4- six point foure 12.7-twelve point seven 709.6-seven hundred and nine point six 1698.5-one thousand six hundred and ninety-eight point five 服务用语vGood morning/afternoon/eveni

7、ng.vWelcome vOkvWait for a minute/moment ,please.vI am sorry to keep you waiting.vThank you.vThanks for coming.场景场景1 1Cashier&Customer收:您好,欢迎光临!收:您好,欢迎光临! Welcome to Charter! 收:先生收:先生/小姐,您共计消费小姐,您共计消费*元?请问您是用现金还是信用卡元?请问您是用现金还是信用卡? Sir/MS,they are *yuan. Cash or credit card?顾:信用卡。顾:信用卡。 Credit card.收

8、:请您输密码。收:请您输密码。 Please enter your password.顾:好的顾:好的 Ok.收:请您签字。收:请您签字。 Please sign your name here.顾:好的,给你。顾:好的,给你。 Ok.Here you are.收:好的。小票请收好。收:好的。小票请收好。 Ok. Here is your receipt.顾:谢谢。顾:谢谢。 Thank you.收:不客气。谢谢光临!收:不客气。谢谢光临! Youre welcome. Thank you for coming.场景场景2 2Cashier&Customer收:你好,先生。欢迎光临。收:你好,先

9、生。欢迎光临。 Good afternoon,sir.Welcome to Charter. 收:先生,您总计消费收:先生,您总计消费*元。请问现金消费还是刷卡?元。请问现金消费还是刷卡? Sir,the total is *yuan. Pay in cash or by credit card?顾:现金顾:现金 Cash.收:收您收:收您*元。找您元。找您*元。卡及小票请收好。元。卡及小票请收好。 Here is * yuan. The charge is *yuan. Here is your receipt.顾:谢谢!顾:谢谢! Thanks.收:不客气。谢谢光临!收:不客气。谢谢光临!

10、 Youre welcom. Thank you for coming.补充v请问请问你们你们的账单是分开打还一起打呢的账单是分开打还一起打呢? How would you like us to print your bill, together or separate?v我们只接受人民币。我们只接受人民币。 RMB only. v请稍等,我需要请其他人帮助解决。请稍等,我需要请其他人帮助解决。 Please wait a monent, Ill ask others for help.v不好意思,可能是不好意思,可能是POS机出了机出了点点问题。请您另换一张信用卡好吗?问题。请您另换一张信用

11、卡好吗? I am sorry, maybe there is something wrong with the Machine. Would you please change another one?v对不起,这张卡不能用。对不起,这张卡不能用。 Sorry,this card doesnt go through.v系统显示请联系您的发卡行。系统显示请联系您的发卡行。 It says that please contact your issuingbank for details. 英文指引英文指引v请问请问*怎么走?怎么走? Wheres *? How can I find the *?

12、 Can you show me the way to the*? v相应指引相应指引 Its over there.(在那边在那边)This way please!(请这边走请这边走)Follow me,please! (请跟我来请跟我来)Go ahead,please!(一直往前走一直往前走)Go ahead and then turn rightleft.(前走右(前走右左拐)左拐)On the secondthirdfourthfifth floor.(在二(在二三三四四五楼)五楼)Please use the escalator to the fourth floor.(请乘扶梯至四楼请乘扶梯至四楼)



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