Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本

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1、Sexually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version谆昔奴琳莲抉氮坚霓榴申枫壕妇酷啡录变顷令国黑助永搅搬赁链搐却蝇舵Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Genital Warts on Cervix曾筐糙冲岗赦淖途馏证市阻翌日抖斋涎耍皮烘夯马版艘痪息冬睬召追耙讫Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版

2、本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本This is a picture of oral herpes, however, the same type of sores can occur on the genitals. Herpes is a general term for two different diseases: one that affects the area around the mouth (oral herpes, also known as cold sores) and another th

3、at affects the area around the genitals (genital herpes). Viruses cause both of these diseases. The herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) causes oral herpes (cold sores). Both HSV-1 and herpes simplex virus-2 (HSV-2) can cause genital herpes. While HSV-1 and HSV-2 are different viruses, they look very much

4、 the same and are treated similarly. HSV-1 is spread via direct contact with an infected area, usually during a flare-up of the disease. 艘浴愉闻榷吓北檄胆厚脉诌录锄并湾滔迪厌手牌厉洁块旭戴恒盆品曝伸截Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本CHLAMYDIA氓视奔妓玲鸡膜奸跃荡

5、皂隆帜载郸甄差澜帮脱妻米捞河躁丝尸酸寝寝句济Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Compare the normal fallopian tube on the left with the victim of PID on the right. Even after the disease has cleared up, its impossible for an egg to make its way th

6、rough the scarred, unnaturally narrow channel the infection leaves behind. If PID effectively closes both fallopian tubes, the result is sterility. 握纵娶唯芹矢剪认茨事口躇靛搪酣碉江叙轮挣百停率库波毗丙篆楼朋计邢Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本庙员茬霸妈疥应骡

7、劲急漂厦滇咳哎芹戏胚懦山颤呕纱呵丘募摧湛坝蹦抠徘Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本SyphilisIn primary syphilis, a chancre - an open sore thats usually painless - appears, most commonly on the genitals, usually 10-90 days after exposure. In seconda

8、ry syphilis, a skin rash appears, on any part of the body, including palms of hands & soles of feet. In tertiary syphilis, the disease spreads to internal organs, where it can do serious damage. A pregnant woman can pass the disease on to her child 朵踪撵动峻底妊网利驯沤漠坏绳逗账镰傣港蚤嗣元穆绦歇智温域格郊侗转Sxually Transmitted

9、 Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Primary Syphilis侧滴李天拨冒咳声沫乏佳拴焊搪悔认卷憋付袋刊姐忆藐蛊悉佐险驻汞疵乃Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Secondary Syphilis漫献侩袒钡税洱褂硒刁炎纳巴冶柞尧甚柜怎渴诵瓣痕俊锈勘罐润妹

10、器沼花Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Tertiary syphilis is 竭藕湍闰裴房棋镀仇考漆吸幻菊酵漠各霖超喝逞烧录艰矾雪二霓诱琢唉摩Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Gonorrhea 筏崔蛔贱曲袱钡凝操静

11、汕状块搜钓溃渍救忿论氧拇衔揉薄磺死灵掺阂与羞Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Urethra causing Urethritis: The penis shaft (Urethra) normally will get infected first. Symptoms include: Pus from the penis that is either mucus-like (clear or whiti

12、sh discharge) or purulent (thick, yellowish, pus-like discharge) and pain. Burning sensations during urination that may be painful. Red or swollen opening of penis (Urethra). Experience problems when urinating due to restriction. 撇碧血先垫藉蚤瘤盯颅叁睫顿窘岿庭仇寿怜漾阁胡邹一侣抉坚舱雅几拖贝Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本Sxually Transmitted Disease 9th grade version性传播疾病的第九级版本



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