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1、 Unit 4 (8B)Teacher: Ding Hong xia.Wangjie Middle SchoolSydney opera house口语训练口语训练:Charity shows例一例一 要点要点:1.当我被选为义演的主持人时我感到很高兴当我被选为义演的主持人时我感到很高兴;2.在演出之前在演出之前,我们做了大量的练习我们做了大量的练习;然后重然后重要的那一天来了要的那一天来了,剧场的大门打开了剧场的大门打开了,人们人们蜂拥而入蜂拥而入;流行歌手的歌迷们发出很大的响流行歌手的歌迷们发出很大的响声声;为了让观众听见我说话为了让观众听见我说话,我不得不大声我不得不大声讲话讲话;3.那

2、天那天,很多人为很多人为希望工程希望工程”捐了钱。捐了钱。口语训练:Charity shows例二例二 要点:要点:1、6月月3日将有一场义演,它将在北京阳光学校日将有一场义演,它将在北京阳光学校举办,组织这场义演为的是给举办,组织这场义演为的是给“希望工程希望工程”捐款;捐款;“希望工程希望工程”帮助建造学校,也帮助穷困的孩子帮助建造学校,也帮助穷困的孩子上学;上学;2、义演的门票为每张、义演的门票为每张20元;义演于晚上元;义演于晚上6:30开始,开始,9:30结束;希望你们都会来并支持结束;希望你们都会来并支持“希望希望工程工程”curtainperformersmicrophoneex

3、itstageaudienceseatslights1. We held a show in a big hall last week. There were a lot of_ (座位)座位)in it.2. We invited some people to come to watch our charity show. We called them _.3. The host came on the s_ with a _ (it can make his voice sound louder) in his hand.4. His job was to introduce the _

4、(perform) in the show.5. When the show was over, the _ (it hangs in front of the stage) came down and the people went out of the hall through the e_. 根据首字母,中英文释义及上下文,填出正确的单词:根据首字母,中英文释义及上下文,填出正确的单词:seatsaudiencetagemicrophoneperformerscurtainxitWhat can we do at the theatre?listen to musicwatch film

5、shold a meetingact a playwatch a dramagive a fashion showhold a charity showCan you still remember them?1、最初;一开始最初;一开始 2、重返学校重返学校 3、在网上登广告在网上登广告 4、在恰当的时候在恰当的时候5、许个愿许个愿 6、关心关心7、得到大力支持得到大力支持 8、实现、实现 9、组织慈善演出组织慈善演出 10、搭建舞台搭建舞台 11、只要;要是只要;要是 12、准时做每件事准时做每件事at the beginningreturn to schooladvertise on th

6、e Internetat the right timemake a wishcare abouthave a lot of supportcome trueorganize a charity showset up a stageonly ifdo everything on time13、从从现在开始、从从现在开始 14、把某人介绍给、把某人介绍给15、出差、出差 16、在演出结束时、在演出结束时17、分发;散发、分发;散发 18、积极加入;积极参加、积极加入;积极参加19、需要被做、需要被做 20、发出很大的噪声、发出很大的噪声21、兴奋地叫起来、兴奋地叫起来 22、志愿做某事、志愿做某事

7、23、保持安静、保持安静 24、流行歌星的歌迷们、流行歌星的歌迷们from now onintroduce sb. toon businessat the end of the showgive outtake an active part inneed to be doneneed doingmake a lot of noiseshout with excitementvolunteer to do sth.keep quietsilentthe fans of the pop stars Ricky wrote a letter to his cousin Kitty. He held

8、a _ show. They wanted to _ some money for _. He felt very _ because the organizers chose him to be the _. But he was also_ because of the TV _. Ricky startedto work on the show two months ago. He said his job wasto _ each star. It was hard work so he _a lot before the show. He had to remember to loo

9、k at theright camera at the _ time. In the _, it was difficult for him. But slowly everything became a little bit_. Fill in the blanks after reading the text:charityraiseProject Green HopehappyhostnervouscamerasintroducepractisedrightbeginningeasierWhen the night before the show came, Rickycouldnt _

10、 at all because he was very _.“ Will it be a _?” He kept _ himself.Then the _ day came. Many people came to the show. The _ of the pop stars made a lot of _ so Ricky had to speak _.sleepexcitedsuccessaskingbigfansnoiseloudlyEverything seemed to happen fast that day. At last a lot of people _ money t

11、o Project Green Hope and everyone was very_. They had a lot of _ from local_. So Ricky hope they can have more _ like this to raise money for charities.donatedgeneroussupportbusinesseseventsRevision of grammarPassive Passive VoiceVoicePassive voice in simple present tenseThey plant the trees in the

12、park A B C DJim does the homework everyday A B C DThe trees C are planted Bin the park Dby them AThe homework C is done Bby Jim Aeveryday DPassive voice in the past tenseHe cleaned the room yesterday A B C DLily bought some books in the bookshop A B C DThe room Cwas cleaned Bby him Ayesterday DSome

13、books C were bought Bby Lily Ain the bookshop DPassive voice in simple future tenseWe will have a class meeting this afternoon.They are going to choose Jan to be their monitor. I am going to visit my grandmother next Sunday.A class meeting will be had (by us) this afternoonJan is going to be chosen

14、to be their monitor (by them).My grandmother is going to be visited by me next SundayPassive voice in present perfect tenseThey have finished their work.Sandy has learnt English for 3 years.We have raised money for Project HopeTheir work has been finished (by them).English has been learned by Sandy

15、for 3 yearsMoney has been raised for Project Hope (by us).Passive voice with modal verbsWe should keep our classroom cleanEveryone must hand in your homework on time.You can borrow my bike.Our classroom should be kept clean (by us).Your homework must be handed in on time.My bike can be borrowed (by

16、you).Passive voice with “to-infinitive”and others.I need to wash the clothesShe makes the girl laughBob let the workers work over 10 hours a day.The clothes need to be washed (by me)The girl is made to laugh (by her)The workers were let to work over 10 hours a day (by Bob)Work out the rules1、一般现在时的被

17、动语态一般现在时的被动语态2、一般过去式的被动语态、一般过去式的被动语态3、一般将来时的被动语态、一般将来时的被动语态4、现在完成时的被动语态、现在完成时的被动语态5、带有情态动词的被动语态、带有情态动词的被动语态主主+isam are+Vpp主+waswere+Vpp主主+will +be +Vpp /主主+isam are+going +to+be +Vpp主主+havehas+Vpp主主+canmaymustshouldwould+be+Vpp中考连接单选题1、Dont discuss the problems with your partner unless you_to do so.

18、 A.ask B.are asked C.will ask D.will be asked (2009常州)常州)2、-Do you know the result of the competition?No.It_. A.hasnt announced B. hasnt been announced. C.didnt announce. D.wasnt announced.(2009扬州扬州)3、It_that our government has taken action to control the spread of H1N1. A.reportsB.has reported C.is

19、 reported D.was reported. (盐城盐城2009)BBC4、Chinese_in many countries today.Maybe you will teach chinese in France in the future. A.is speaking. B.speaks. C.is spoken. D.speak.(2009镇江镇江)5、Do you know_,Mike?_Sure .From May 1,2010 to October 31,2010.A.when will World Expo Shanghai be held B.when World Ex

20、po Shanghai will be held. C.how soon will World Expo Shanghai be held. D.how soon World Expo Shanghai will be held.(2009南通南通)6、In my hometown,the old over 100_not only by their families but also by the government. A.is taken good care. B.are taken good care. C. is taken good care of. D. are taken go

21、od care of. (2009南通南通)CBD7、It said that smoking wont be_in indoor public or work places in China soon.(2010镇江)镇江)A、attacked B、admired C.attractedD.allowed.8、The fire was completely_shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen. (2010连云港)连云港)A.cut down B.put out C.give out D.floaed away9.-Can you s

22、ing this English song?Of course,I can.It_many times on the radio.A.taught B.has taught C.is taught D.has been taught.(2010南京)南京)10.-Our city looks more beautiful.-Yes. Lots of trees and grass_since last year. A.have been planted.B.are planted.C.will be planted.D.were planted.(2010徐州)徐州)DBDAA完成句子完成句子

23、 中考链接中考链接1、这篇文章是以日记的形式写成的、这篇文章是以日记的形式写成的.(翻译)(翻译)(2009苏苏州)州)The article_.2、上周他被指控闯入电脑系统。、上周他被指控闯入电脑系统。He_ the computer system last week.(完成句子)(完成句子)(2009常州)常州)3、Usually the thunder_(hear)after the lighting.(2009无锡)无锡)4、In the old days the working people in our country_ (look)down on.(2009无锡)无锡)was w

24、ritten in the form of a diarywas charged with breaking intois heardwere looked5、你的申请表务必准时上交。、你的申请表务必准时上交。Your application form must_.(2009无锡)无锡)6、Every year,lots of charity shows_ (organize) to raise money for the poor people in the world.(2009泰州)泰州)7、A pair of pandas_(赠送赠送)to Australia months ago.(

25、2010连云港)连云港)8、You musnt touch the machines unless you_(allow)to.(2010常州)常州)9、With the development modern medicine, a lot of common diseases_(能能够治愈或预防够治愈或预防)(2010无锡)be handed in on timeare organizedwas givenare allowedcan be cured or preventedWriting work假如你是假如你是Sandy,你班决定举行一场义演,你写信你班决定举行一场义演,你写信邀请邀请

26、Mr Wu,希望他能参加这场义演。,希望他能参加这场义演。1、义演名为、义演名为“Sunshine For All”2、4月月29日日7:30-9:30举行。举行。3、目的是为希望工程募集钱,它能发挥很大的作、目的是为希望工程募集钱,它能发挥很大的作用。用。4、每张票、每张票20元。元。5、同学们志愿做些工作:我和、同学们志愿做些工作:我和Kitty设计海报;设计海报;Millie将是女主持,她也将帮助将是女主持,她也将帮助Simon组织剧组织剧目;目;Daniel和和Kitty将唱一首歌。将唱一首歌。你希望你希望Mr Wu 来参加。来参加。Dear Mr WuOur class has decided to hold a charity chow.-We hope to see you there.Sandy.



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