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1、非谓语动词之分词作状语非谓语动词之分词作状语分词的产生分词的产生说课说课HowWhatWhenWhyWho 分词是非谓语动词的一种,分词是非谓语动词的一种, 又可以细分为现在又可以细分为现在分词(分词(ving)和过去分词()和过去分词(Ved)。两者在句子)。两者在句子中可以充当中可以充当 表语,表语, 定语,定语, 状语和补语成分:状语和补语成分: 表语:表语: the play is very interesting 定语:定语:who is the guy kissing Mary 补语:补语:I find the book boring 结构简单, 位置固定,数量有限, 词法层面Ha

2、ving been shot by machine guns round after round, he finally falls down with his eye staring far deep into the sky and with a faint smile hanging in his face .句子主干:句子主干: He falls (down).状语 1 Having been shot by machine guns 2 round after round 3 finally 4两个with 短语讲课讲课Simple to complexorgintransforma

3、tions and rulesmore rules check 分词能够充当的状语类型l 时间时间(when,while,once,until),),l 原因原因(as,since, because),),l 结果结果(so that),),l 条件条件(if, unless),),l 让步让步(though,even if) l 行为方式行为方式l 伴随状况等伴随状况等 分词状语大都是由一个主从复合句的从句或者一个并列句的子句截短得到的分词从哪里来?分词从哪里来?状语从句改为分词短语做状语的条件是: 主句与从句的主语要一致主句与从句的主语要一致 I stand in the corner a

4、nd I smoke 变形步骤变形步骤 1. 去掉连词去掉连词 and和重复的主语和重复的主语I 使得两句成为一句使得两句成为一句 2. 找到两个动词的发出者,找到两个动词的发出者, 确定语态确定语态 3. 比较两个动作发生的先后,比较两个动作发生的先后, 确定时态确定时态 结构:结构: 缺少连词缺少连词 and 使得一句中含有两个谓使得一句中含有两个谓 语部分语部分 语态语态 : 我抽烟我抽烟-主动主动 doing 时态:时态: 边站着边抽烟,边站着边抽烟, 同时同时 I stand in the corner, smoking Doing when the mother heard the

5、 news ,she cried out with joy. 变形步骤: 1.结构:去掉when和主语the Mother 使得 两句成为一句 2.语态:妈妈主动听到消息 doing 3. 时态: 闻讯色变, 同时 Hearing the news ,she cried out with joy. Having done When he has swallowed 3 giant burgers at one sitting, he raises up his head and orders an ice cream.变形步骤: 1.结构: 去掉连词when 和从句主语he 主从复合句变为一句

6、 2.语态: 他吃汉堡-主动-doing 3.时态: 没吃饱绝不抬头 (一先一后)保留has 并变为原型have Having_, He_. Done when he was dumped by his girl friend again and he felt furious and helpless.变形步骤: 1.结构, 去掉连词when和多余的he 2.语态: 他被甩: dumped 3.时态: 伤情总在别离时-同时 Dumped by his grilfriend again , He felt furious and helpless. 注意:被动态结构: be+ 过去分词(“被过

7、分”) Being done when you are being talked to , you should look into the speakers eyes.变形过程: 1.结构:去掉连词when 和多余的you 2.语态: 被拉去谈话: be talked to 3.时态: 谈话同时看眼睛强调同时性 保留being. Being talked to, you should look into the speakers eyes.注意: 被动态进行时:be+being +过去分词Having been done If I have been given more time ,I w

8、ill have a short vacation.变形步骤: 结构: 去掉If, I 语态: 时间被给我 been given 时态: 先有闲, 再出游 having Having been given more time I will have a short vacation. 注意:完成被动态:have+been 过去分词 总结规律总结规律时时 态态 语语 态态主语发出动作主语发出动作主语承受动作主语承受动作主从句动作同时主从句动作同时doingbeing done从句先于主句从句先于主句Having donehaving been done过去分词过去分词doneTry yourse

9、lfThe children ran out of the room, and laughed and talked merrilyThe children ran out of the room, laughing and talking merrily Because he had lived in the city for years, he knew it very well.Having lived in the city for years, he knew it very wellIf we are united, we stand;if we are divided, we f

10、all.United ,we stand ;divided ,we fall.进入高考进入高考More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, _ advantage of the health and relaxation benefits.A. taking B. taken C. having takenD. having been taken答案:A【解析】 take advantage of (利用)和句子主语 people 构成主谓关系,且和句子谓语sign up for (报名)同时发生。l _ anyt

11、hing about the accident ,he went to work as usual. A. Not known B. Known not C. Knowing not D. Not knowing答案:D【解析】He 与 know 是主谓关系Not know 与go to work 同时发生lThe next morning she found the man in bed, _ dead. A. lying B. lie C. lay D. laying答案:答案: A【解析】【解析】 man 与与lie(躺)是主谓关系(躺)是主谓关系be dead 与与lie 是同时发生是同时发生l Generally speaking, _ according to directions, the drug has no side-effect.A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken答案B药被服用:动宾结构 吃药与产生副作用几乎是同时Thank U All



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