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1、教材同步复习教材同步复习第一部分第一部分 Grade 7Book 2Units1012中考考点中考考点 精讲精讲n n 活学巧练活学巧练n n1 1Would you like to have some rice?Would you like to have some rice?n n_. Id rather have a piece of bread._. Id rather have a piece of bread.n nA ANo, I dontNo, I dont B BYes, I likeYes, I likeC CNo, thanksNo, thanksD DNo, youd

2、better notNo, youd better notn n2 2Would you like _ camping with me?Would you like _ camping with me?n nId like to. But Im busy doing my homework.Id like to. But Im busy doing my homework.n nA Ato goto goB BgoinggoingC CwentwentD Dgogon n3 3My parents would like _ to be a doctor when I My parents wo

3、uld like _ to be a doctor when I grow up.grow up.n nA AI IB BmymyC CminemineD DmemeC A D n n【图解助记】n n 活学巧练活学巧练n n4 4Look! There _ a number of apples on these trees.Look! There _ a number of apples on these trees.n nWow! I think the number of the apples _ over 100.Wow! I think the number of the apple

4、s _ over 100.n nA Ais; areis; areB Bis; isis; isn nC Care; isare; isD Dare; areare; aren n5 5_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and _ the teachers in their school is about 200 and _ them are women teachers._ them are women teachers.n nA AA number of; a number ofA number of; a number of B BT

5、he number of; a The number of; a number ofnumber ofn nC CA number of; the number ofA number of; the number ofD DThe number of; The number of; the number ofthe number ofC B n n6 6_ wild animals has become less and less in _ wild animals has become less and less in recent years.(recent years.(的数量的数量)

6、)n n7 7_ students in our school have seen the _ students in our school have seen the movie movie HelloHello MrMr. . BillionaireBillionaire( (西虹市首富西虹市首富) )( (许许多;多; 大量大量) )The number of A number of n neg.eg.Boys and girls, can you Boys and girls, can you hearhear what I said what I said?同学们,同学们, 你你们能

7、听见我所说的吗?们能听见我所说的吗?n nI can I can hearhear Lucy Lucy playingplaying the piano. the piano.我能听见露西正在弹钢我能听见露西正在弹钢琴。琴。n nI often I often hearhear him him readread English in the morning. English in the morning.我经常听见我经常听见他早上读英语。他早上读英语。n nThe music The music soundssounds great great!这首歌听起来太棒了!这首歌听起来太棒了!n nL

8、isten!Listen! Someone is calling for help Someone is calling for help!听!有人在求救!听!有人在求救!n nListenListen to me, please to me, please!请听我说!请听我说!n n 活学巧练活学巧练n n8 8How about going boating?How about going boating?n nThat _ great.That _ great.n nA AsoundssoundsB Bhears hears n nC Clistens listens D Dlistens

9、 tolistens ton n9 9Im happy to _ that you are admitted to Oxford Im happy to _ that you are admitted to Oxford University.University.n nA AlistenlistenB Blisten tolisten ton nC CsoundsoundD DhearhearA D n n1010When the teacher walked past the classroom, she When the teacher walked past the classroom

10、, she heard the students _ some questions.heard the students _ some questions.n nA AdiscussdiscussB Bdiscusseddiscussedn nC CdiscussingdiscussingD Dto discussto discussn n1111I often hear my mother _ a song when she I often hear my mother _ a song when she cleans the floor.cleans the floor.n nA Asingsing B Bsingingsingingn nC Cto singto singD DsingssingsC A



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