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1、Unit 2Cloning4_ adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的5_ vt.(undertook; undertaken) 着手;从事;承担核心单词differdifferentdifference1 _ vi. 不同;相异_ adj. 不同的_ n不同;差异exactexactly2_ adj.精确的;准确的_ adv.精准地3_ adj.商业的;贸易的_ n商业;贸易commercialstraightforwardcommerceundertake6_ n突破breakthrough7._ n程序;步骤;手续procedure8_ vi.反对;不赞成_ n不赞成;反对;异议_ adj.真实

2、的;客观的;无偏见的object9_ vt.获得;赢得objectionobjective10._ vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)11_ adj.道德(上)的;伦理的_ n道德;伦理obtainattainmoralmorality12_ vt.(forbade,forbad; forbidden) 禁止;不准 forbid13_ vt.& vi.积累;聚积_ n积累;聚积accumulateaccumulationowe14_ vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于15_ vi.退休;离开_ n退休16._ vt.打扰vi.操心 n烦扰retire17_ n假定;设想_ vt.假定;设想

3、18_ n规则; 规章;法规_ v调节;管理retirementbotherassumptionassume19_ n受人喜爱;流行_ adj.流行的;受人欢迎的regulationregulatepopularitypopularstrike20_ vt.& vi.(struck, struck) 打;撞击;罢工n罢工resistresistanceresistantadore21_ vt.抵抗;对抗_ n抵抗;对抗_ adj.抵抗的22_ vt.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱23_ adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的_ n原因reasonablereason常考短语paycastobject1_ off

4、 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清2_ down 使失望;使沮丧3_ to 反对haveimpactfavour4_ a great _ on.对有很大影响5in_ of 赞成;支持6_.to.把归功于7(be) _ to (do).一定或注定(做)oweboundstrikehearttimetime8_.into ones _ 使刻骨铭心9from _ to _ 不时;偶尔10_ back to _ 使复生;使复活11in _ 白费力气;枉费心机12in good/poor _ 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)bringlifevaincondition经典佳句Fromtimetotime1 _

5、_ _ _ people suggestthat extinct animals like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back tolife through cloning.人们时常设想灭绝的动物,例如恐龙,有可能通过克隆技术使它们复活。ifthereis2 All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain _ _ _ _ _ in the group toovercome illnesses.如果某个动物群体没有足够的多样性以战胜疾病,那么克隆这种动物的所有努力都将是无用的。not3 Diversit

6、y in a group means having animals _ _ _ in different ways.群中的多样性指的是拥有基因排列方式不同的动物。enoughdiversitywiththeirgenesarranged课文回顾exactusesvaluableCloning is a way of making an 1._ (exactly) copy ofanother animal or plant.Cloning has two major 2_ (use)Firstly, gardeners use it to produce plants.Secondly, it

7、 is3._ (value) for medical research on animals.Cloning plantsisstraightforward4._cloninganimalsismorecomplicated.The procedure is difficult 5._ (undertake)In 1996, scientists succeeded in 6._ (clone) the sheepwhileto undertakecloningthatobjectionsforbadeorDolly. Then came the disturbing news 7._ Dol

8、ly was ill.Altogether Dolly lived for six years.Dollys appearance raised astorm of 8._ (object)Governments became nervousand many 9._ (forbid) research into human cloning.Scientists still wonder whether cloning will help 10._ harmus and where it is leading us to.单句语法填空1_ (retire) from business, he n

9、ow occupieshimself with his garden.2His efforts to raise money for his program were _vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of theirpockets.Having retiredintaking3 The new clothes in that shop are so beautiful that Annacannot resist _ (take) a close look at them, although shecan

10、not afford them at present.4(2017 年浙江卷语法填空)But something made her lookcloser,and she noticed a _ (shine) object.5I think it is her personality rather than her looks _has struck me.shiny/shiningthatcould have obtained6 Honey, look at your mistake in spelling this word, or you_ (obtain) full marks in

11、this exam.7Liu Lei insisted that he merely did what everybody wouldhave done and strongly objected to _ (call) a hero.8 Equipped with modern facilities, todays libraries differgreatly _ those of the past.being calledfrom9 Jackie Chan enjoys great _ (popular) in bothHong Kong and Inland.popularitydif

12、ferent10(2017年新课标卷 阅读理解D)They pump outperfumes designed to attract _ (differ) insects who arenatural enemies to the attackers.1differ vi.不同;相异differ from 不同于;与有区别differ in 在方面不同differ with 与意见不一致make a/some/no difference 有/有些/没有作用或影响【名师指津】differ 强调两者的区别:vary 强调在一定的范围内变化;diversify 强调多种多样。withinfromto

13、运用用适当的介词填空(1)The two brothers differed _ each other _politics.(2)The story he told the police differed _ the one hetold his mother.(3)What you have told me may make a difference _my own position.2object vi.反对;不赞成object to sth./doing sth.反对某事/做某事objection n不赞成;反对;异议be open to objection 有可争议之处;有不合理之处m

14、ake/have an objection to/against.反对feel objection to doing sth.反对做某事【一句多译】我的观点是,反对停车收费。As far as Im concerned, I have an objection to charging forparking.In my opinion, I object to charging for parking.In my view, I am opposed to charging for parking.From my point of view, Im against charging for pa

15、rking.运用单句语法填空(1)I object to _ (waste) money on useless things.(2)The issue proposed by him is open to _ (object)(3)We object to _ (blame) for something thatwastingobjectionwe havent done. being blamed3owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于owe sb.sth.owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物owe sb.an apology 该向某人道歉owe sb.a favour 欠某人一个情o

16、we it to sb.that.多亏某人owe.to.把归功于owe sb.for.因而欠某人(的)owing to 因为;由于【名师指津】如果 owe 的宾语是动词不定式或名词性从句,可使用 it做形式宾语,将充当真正宾语的动词不定式或名词性从句放在句尾。运用单句语法填空(1)He owes his success more _ luck than _ability.tototoitto(2)I owe a lot _ my wife and children.(3)He owed _ to his teachers that he could beadmitted to a key un

17、iversity.(4)Owing _ my lack of experience, I didnt do thework well.4bother vt.打扰vi.操心 n烦扰bother with/about 为而烦恼;因而操心bother to do/doing 费神做【写作佳句】bother 作“麻烦;困难”讲时,是不可数名词;作“令人烦恼的事物;讨厌的人”讲时,是单数可数名词。辨析bother, disturb, trouble 和 annoy(1)bother 指干扰别人的正常生活和工作而使之不太安宁,可能是故意的,含有使人讨厌的意味。(2)disturb 指使人失去正常秩序而一时

18、得不到安宁,精力不能集中,语气比 bother 弱。(3)trouble 常指在心情上失去平静而感到忧虑、苦恼或在行动上带来不便,也常用于礼貌的请求。(4)annoy 通常指重复性的行为使(别人)生气,常用于被动,to sayabout/with表示为某事烦恼、生气。运用单句语法填空(1)He didnt even bother _ (say) thank you.(2)Dont bother your father _ it now ; hesvery tired.is botheringtrouble(3)Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fel

19、low students to talkover what _ (bother) them.(4)Im sorry to _ (trouble) you.5resist vt.抵抗;对抗cant/couldnt resist doing sth.禁不住做某事resist (doing) sth.抵制(做)某事be hard/impossible to resist 难以拒绝be resistant to 对有抵抗力【写作佳句】I found the temptation to sleep in too hard to resist.我抵挡不住睡懒觉的诱惑。运用单句语法填空(1)The chil

20、dren always resist _ (go) to bed onChristmas Eve.toplaying(2)The new product is resistant _ high temperatureand heat.(3)The child couldnt resist _ (play) computergames.going1pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清pay for 为付款;为付出代价pay back 偿还(欠款);回报pay out 付出pay the bill 付账单get paid 获得报酬【名师指津】pay off 表示“得到好结果;有回报”时是不及

21、物动词词组,其后不接宾语; 表示“偿清”时是及物动词词组。运用单句语法填空(1)The doctors efforts paid _ when he saw the patientopen his eyes.offforbackpaid(2)Hell have to pay _ what he has done.(3)That I can pay _ the help people give me makesme happy.(4)I get _ (pay) for piecework, not on a monthlywage.2in favour of 赞成;支持in sb.s favou

22、r 对某人有利;得某人欢心do sb.a favour 给某人以恩惠;帮某人的忙【写作佳句】Those in favour of this proposal demanded to be highly paid.支持这个建议的那些人要求增加工资。运用单句语法填空(1)Lu Xun abandoned health care _ favour ofliterature in the 1920s.inato pick(2)Do me _ favour and turn off the radio.(3)Could you do me the favour _ (pick) up Samfrom s

23、chool today?3(be) bound to (do).一定或注定(做)be bound to sth.被束缚于/被绑在某物上be bound (for.)准备(去)be bound up in 热心于;忙于be bound up with 与有密切关系【写作佳句】I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point.我觉得有必要指出,在这点上我与你意见不一致。(2)She is bound up _ her homework.(3)His future is bound up _ that of the company.运用单句语法填

24、空(1)The new discovery is bound _ (be) of great serviceto mankind.to beinwith4in good/poor condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)out of condition 健康状况欠佳working/living/studying conditions 工作/生活/学习环境on condition that.在条件下;倘若on no condition 一点也不;决不(放在句首时,用部分倒装语序)【写作佳句】Before the college entrance examination , all of

25、 us shouldadjust ourselves to being in good condition.高考前,我们每个人应把自己调整到最好状态。运用单句语法填空(1)The car has been well maintained and is _ goodcondition.(2)No one pay attention to their working _(condition)inconditionsonshould(3)You can keep the books for about 3 weeks _condition that you preserve them well.(4

26、)On no condition _ you lose heart when you arein trouble.原句1The fact that she seemed to develop normally wasvery encouraging.她(多莉羊)看来是在正常地成长着,这很鼓舞人心。“that she seemed to develop normally”是一个同位语从句,做the fact 的同位语。同位语从句一般由 that 引导,常放在 fact,truth, news, information, idea, thought, hope, suggestion, advic

27、e,reply, remark, report 等名词后面,说明该名词的具体内容。注意:当先行词是problem, question 或当主句是表示疑问或否定意思时,连接词要用whether 或其他的疑问代词或疑问副词。运用单句语法填空(1)The idea _ schools cancel sport activities is verydiscouraging, which, in my opinion, is not a good way to preventstudents from getting hurt.thatthatwhether(2)The old saying _ hon

28、esty is the best policy is wellknown to everyone, which signifies the importance of honesty.(3)The question _ we should continue to do theexperiment has not been answered yet.原句2Could it be solved if corrections were made in theirresearch procedure?如果改进研究程序,问题会不会解决呢?本句为虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的用法。在非真实条件句中的虚拟语气中

29、,如果表示与现在事实相反的假设,用动词的 过 去 式 (be 动 词 一 般 用 were) , 主 句 则 用 would/could/should/might动词原形;与过去事实相反的假设,用 had过去分词,主句则用 would/could/should/mighthave过去分词;与将来事实相反的假设,可用动词的过去式,were to动词原形或者 should动词原形,主句则用 would/could/should/might动词原形。运用单句语法填空(1)If I _ (be) you, I should go and see the dentist atonce.werewould

30、 lend(2)If the sun were to rise in the west, I _ (lend)you the money.原句 3The advantage is that if there is a new illness some ofthese animals may die, but others will survive and pass on theability to resist that disease to the next generation.其优点是如果发生了某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉,但是另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代

31、。The advantage/disadvantage of.is that.的优点/不足是The drawback of.is that.的缺点是The problem of.is that.的问题是The chance is that.有可能运用完成句子,每空一词(1)由于我们队余下的比赛不太难,因此我们队在结束时有可能名列前茅。Thechanceisthat_ _ _ _ our team will finishat the top, as our remaining matches arent too difficult.(2)汽车普及的缺点是它带来了严重的空气污染。_ _ of th

32、e popularity of cars _ it brings about so much air pollution.ThedrawbackisthatTheadvantageofisthat(3)住在你所就读的大学宿舍里的优势在于如果你有问题可以得到帮助。_usingyouruniversityaccommodation _ _ you can get support if youhave a problem.concerndifferinbenefitcures运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵下来Nowadays, the biotechnology of cloning

33、 has given rise towidespread 1._ (concerned) and controversy ; peoplesopinions 2 _ (different) widely as to that.Those who are3._ favour of cloning claim that human beings may4._ (beneficial)from it basing on the facts that it can beused to produce 5._ (cure) for serious illnesses in humansendangere

34、dawithstronglyto forbidand plants of similar quality for sales and to help save 6._(endanger) animals as well.While others firmly hold cloning willinduce 7._ series of problems.For example, animal clonesmay develop the illnesses of older animals to die younger than thedonators and some evil leaders

35、may want to clone themselves8._ the aid of the technology of cloning.Personally, I am9._ (strong) opposed to human cloning and thegovernment should introduce laws 10._ (forbid) it beforeit is too late.短文改错(四)短文改错之形容词与副词7形容词与副词形容词、副词的误用主要指在该用形容词的地方错用了副词,该用副词的地方错用了形容词。改错中出现形容词或副词时就要仔细分析该形容词或副词修饰什么,形式是

36、否正确,是原级、比较级还是最高级。形容词、副词误用是常考的改错项目之一。对于形容词和副词的考查,需注意以下几点:(1)做定语、表语、补语,用形容词。(2)做状语,修饰动词、形容词、全句,用副词。(3)注意比较级与最高级的比较对象或范围;单音节形容词的比较级前,不可再加 more。(4) 注 意 many, much, (a) few, (a) little, very, so, never, ever,hardly 等修饰词的用法。常见形容词与副词类错误:(1)形容词、副词错用【例】(2015 年新课标卷 短文改错)Lots of studies haveshown that global w

37、arming has already become a very seriouslyproblem.解析:seriouslyserious。名词前应该用形容词做定语。故seriously 应改为serious。(2)形容词、副词或名词词性混淆【例】(2017 年新课标卷 短文改错)I enjoyed studyingdifference kinds of cars and planes,playing pop music, and.解析:differencedifferent。修饰名词kinds 应用形容词。故difference 应改为different。(3)修饰词错用或多余【例】(201

38、5 年新课标卷短文改错)Much rare animals aredying out.解析:MuchMany。animals 为可数名词复数形式,所以应用many 修饰,much 只能修饰不可数名词。故将Much 改为Many。(4)比较等级误用【例】(2015 年陕西卷短文改错)My mom makes the betterbiscuits in the world, so I decided to ask her for help.解析:betterbest。由该句中的“in the world”以及前面的the可知此处应该用形容词的最高级。故better 应改为best。(5)分词化形容

39、词混用【例】 (2016 年浙江卷 短文改错)It was both excited andfrightening to be up there!解析:excitedexciting。本句主语是形式主语it,真正的主语是“to be up there”,主语是物的时候,表语应该用现在分词形式的形容词。故excited 应改为exciting。(1)(2017 年新课标卷短文改错)It was a relief and I cameto a suddenly stop just in the middle of the road._(2)(2016 年新课标卷短文改错)My uncle tell

40、s me that thekey to his success is honest._(3)(2017 年新课标卷短文改错)I was so much nervous thatI could hardly tell which direction was left._(4)(2017 年新课标卷 短文改错)They often get up earlierand water the vegetables together._(5)Gradually, I became interesting in biology and chose tolearn biology when I entered

41、 the college._答案解析:(1)suddenlysudden。修饰名词应用形容词。故将 suddenly改为 sudden。(2)honesthonesty。句意:我叔叔告诉我他成功的关键是诚信。这里应是名词做表语,故把 honest 改为 honesty。(3)去掉 much。形容词 nervous 前面有 so 修饰,与后面的that 形成 so.that.结构,much 多余,故去掉。(4)earlierearly。earlier 是形容词比较级,不能修饰动词短语 get up, 故将 earlier 改为 early。(5)interestinginterested。be interested in 对感兴趣,为固定搭配。故 interesting 应改为 interested。



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