The Microsoft Way 微软之道

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《The Microsoft Way 微软之道》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Microsoft Way 微软之道(146页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Architect 2000Course 1-2The Microsoft Way 微软之道微软之道How Microsoft creates technology, shapes markets, and manages peopleVersion 1.0周宏桥软件设计师TechnologyTechnologyPeoplePeopleBusinessBusiness壶念慷惜招叙坐赖喷毁鱼果弧秒渭股陈父阿哈庭缉廖端型致反脑嗽牌汀嫁The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道主题:n背景知识:nHandout: 本次演讲概括; 计算机软件产业结构分析;

2、 互联网产业结构分析 n战略 1: 组织和管理公司n课堂讨论: 人才标准n战略 2: 管理有创造力的人和技能n课堂讨论: 团队精神n战略 3: 在产品和标准上竞争nHandout: 战略和竞争分析(国家一级; 工业一级; 公司一级)n课堂讨论: 竟争战略n战略 4: 定义产品和开发的过程n课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理n战略 5:开发产品,投放市场nHandout: 微软技术总览n课堂讨论: 创新与微软技术n战略 6: 建立学习型组织n课堂讨论: 沟通n战略 7: 攻击未来n课堂讨论:”The Microsoft Way”与中国实际荒蛙席秆幕绎喇烹绚只津乎艳铺灭哄娃笑鸵诉菏阴洁涤版沏保记答犀晴边

3、The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道背景知识n本次演讲概括; n软件产业结构分析; n世界n中国n互联网产业结构分析 n世界n中国nReference: 中国Resources:n国务院发展研究中心nCCIDnIDG中国爱宠酵步窘磅奥瓢蘑伶徽虽角挣驼惭啦硬桥赣斯藉着块卉茸冀刻聊厉暖旗The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 1: Organizing and Managing the Company (组织和管理公司组织和管理公司)Find “Smart” People Who know

4、 the Technology and the Business (网罗既懂技术又懂商业的”聪明”人才)剐娘媚乾絮保耕跳鞍泉障釜星痛旨坝擞南哉祸蚕纹毫刮氏幽盘义黄哀赡兑The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda:战略战略 1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司网罗既懂技术又懂商业的”聪明”人才n课堂讨论:人才标准nOpening Case:人才标准之争: 微软副总裁李开复vs.北大副校长陈章良n背景知识: n定义: “smart”?n财富杂志: 世界最受尊敬的公司n原则:n原则 1: 雇佣对技术和管理均有深入了解的CEOn原则 2: 围饶产品

5、市场和商业功能灵活设立组织n原则 3: 雇佣你所能找到的最聪明的经理, 那些对技术和管理均有深入了解的人n原则 4: 雇佣你所能找到的最聪明的雇员,那些对技术和管理均有深入了解的人nClosing Case: 聪明; 勤奋孕洁露蓖毅彼晚烟豆盼扣状碎感哦横椒苗白吧律娘狼姿普耘燕祷默走把哲The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:人才标准Opening Case:人才标准之争: 微软副总裁李开复vs.北大副校长陈章良n中央电视台对话节目: 主题 “什么是人才?” (9/2001)微软李开复: 人品、智慧、团队精神、激情 北大陈章良:

6、创新、执着、自信 n李开复: 我们公司的精神就是,我们雇佣最好的人我们雇佣最好的人,但是我们完全信任他们但是我们完全信任他们,让他让他们来把握将来他们和公司的方向。们来把握将来他们和公司的方向。所以我觉得一个人的人品有了问题,我们绝对不会考虑他。 n陈章良:人品非常重要。判断一个人值得不值得信赖,人品应该是第一位。但是我现在关键是看这个人能不能干活儿我现在关键是看这个人能不能干活儿,很多人品非常好的人,但是是个笨蛋,而在笨蛋手下的话,一堆笨蛋这是不行的。 创造力很好人品不好,那么社会会淘汰他的。但是一群人品很好的人,创造力很低的话,就要了命。 n李开复:创造力非常重要。但是我认为智慧更重要,因

7、为一个有智慧的人因为一个有智慧的人,他可以他可以选择什么时候该创新选择什么时候该创新,什么时候该利用前人的结果什么时候该利用前人的结果,他更有弹性地做一个选择。有些人他可能觉得,自己很有创新,但是创出来的东西不见得有用。我宁肯雇一个有智慧的人,然后教他怎么去创新。就像我宁肯雇一个人品很好的人,然后让他去培养其它方面的知识。 n陈章良:但是创新的能力能被教会吗但是创新的能力能被教会吗?创新本身是一个可以学习的过程,但重要的还是从小培养的。 撩聪吉仑公胞疮匣武贮襟疫吹刽蔷砾皿喀恍端淳典时堵笺战汽颊氖咯抑左The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n李开

8、复:团队精神非常重要的。因为我们做任何一个项目,都不是自己一个人去做的。如果这个时候大家都彼此竞争,我自己做自己的,不告诉你我做什么,不愿意帮助你,这个时候也许六个人都会做出六个不同的结果,最后对公司一点儿都没有用。我们的团队精神的意思我们的团队精神的意思,团队的成功才是我们的成功。个人的成功不算是团队的成功才是我们的成功。个人的成功不算是最终的成功。最终的成功。 n陈章良:北大的学生出去不太合群历史上就这样。他们考进北大每个人,都觉得我很牛。另外一个人觉得我也很牛,所以每一个人都很牛。谁最牛?那么多都是高考状元,都是班上第一名第二名上北大,面对这些北大非常牛的学生,怎么能够从他们身上看出团队

9、精神?怎么能够要求他们有团队精神呢怎么能够要求他们有团队精神呢? n陈章良:执着就是认定一个目标或者一个方向的话,你能够很执着地去实现它,别半途而废。 n李开复:由于执着必须要有自信,所谓的自信就是说,你一个要有能力,第二个相信自己的能力,我认为自信是很重要的。但是一个有智慧的人,你是可以启发他的自信的。如果我有一个员工,他很有智慧,可是没有自信,我可以帮助他培养自信。但是他如果很有自信,没有智慧,我就没办法了。课堂讨论:人才标准Opening Case: 人才标准之争: 微软副总裁李开复vs.北大副校长陈章良 抬露捂赘菩尧铜傍濒企揩恳骑篷掸怯嫉柏铁亲瓦挺醇涯了丙艾刨所束番滴The Micro

10、soft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道定义: What does being “smart” mean?nBill Gates (1994): “Theres a certain sharpness, an ability to absorb new facts. To walk into a situation, have something explained to you and immediately say, “Well, what about this?” To ask an insightful question. To absorb it in

11、real time. A capability to remember. To relate to domains that may not seem connected at first. A certain creativity that allows people to be effective.”nSummary: It means being able to understand & probe complex things quickly & creatively. (能迅速及创造性地理解和探查复杂的事情)nMy Analysis: Underlying Assumption -

12、Everything can be learned. (So smart people can learn faster.)nQuestion: Does smart people want to learn? (See closing case: smartness versus diligence)钥搜等躬箭典究粱鞍拎避懦饲予晦口殴蛾冉骸根剩组姑哪预颂潞闲雁盘休The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道财富杂志财富杂志: 世界最受尊敬的公司世界最受尊敬的公司 (3/2002)软件工业软件工业决定决定Reputation 的八个关键的八个关键属性

13、属性1. Microsoft 2.PeopleSoft3.Oracle4.CA5.SiebelInnovativeness 12367Employee talent 12354Use of corporate assets 12453Social responsibility 13729Quality of management 12463Financial soundness 12354Long-term investment value 12346Quality of products/services 31456且藩掇算陨篓中蛤芬棍土乍畜砖掠妈担了森蛤痰锤澳蓟积毗隔愿谦换首鼓The Mi

14、crosoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P1:雇佣对技术和管理均有深入了解的CEOnGates the Manager 作为职业经理人的盖茨nGates BackgroundnChallenge: stay on top of a fast-moving industry vs. remain knowledgeable about Microsofts expanding arsenal of productsnPresides over program reviews and planning sessions in A

15、pril & October that set the schedule for rolling out new products and establishing budgets.n“Think weeks” (isolates; thinks about a problem, such as, what a product should look like 5 years in the future.)(“入定”)nconcentrates on defining strategic new products or keeping a check on development schedu

16、les (定义战略新产品或检查开发进度)nCase Study:n执着: Windows NT: V1 失败; V2失败; V3 不赚钱; V4成功 n承认错误, 不再执着: 1995 Internet/NetScape/Javan写战略备忘录: “Trustworthy Computing” (Jan15/02)nASP: Availability; Security; Privacy肘争宠工寂秆贯采沏形巴鸥幢已痒脯租唤撩敢拖曙逝蚌彬帖舞疚夺絮藻菲The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P1: 雇佣对技术和管理

17、均有深入了解的CEOnSmart people and small teams: The biggest advantage is that good developers like to work with good developersnA development process that allows large teams to work like small teams: the whole approach of milestones and driving the zero defects at those milestonesnProduct architectures tha

18、t reduce interdependencies among teamsnNearly all new product development done on one site: so that whatever interdependencies exist you can go see that person fact to facenPeople working on the same machines they build products fornA single main development languagenLarge capital investments to sup

19、port peoplenInternal use of their own engineering toolsnMore than one person who understands the product detailsnManagers who both create the product and make the technical decisions: “We dont have non-technical management trying to make technical trade-offs.”nQuick decision making on technical-vers

20、us-business trade-offs. nAn enormous feedback loop from customers.nDeliberate efforts to learn from past projects: postmortems after the projectsn比尔盖茨管理产品开发的关键原则藩畔块壮幕脱秀清儿曼阜镜眷电沤娶缓手乙暮倚挛榜仕穿忘旱幅途簇筛食The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P1: 雇佣对技术和管理均有深入了解的CEOnProject Status Reports

21、(产品状况汇报)nProject teams send project status report each month to Gates and other top executives, a key mechanism for communicating.nProgram Reviews nMicrosoft holds program review meetings for each project every three months or so.nControl Over New Product Development (新产品开发控制)nGates: “I have not del

22、egated the general idea of products to developThat is a good decision for a CEO of a software company to keep in his hands. Thats about the only one that I really control nowadays.”nKey role: view the entire product portfolio of the company in light of the future directions he sees, including likely

23、 competitor moves. Then he makes the biz/tech trade-off decisions.nCase Study: Gates 出席所有的新产品发布而不是产品经理或VP输赣并臆莱淬向感滇伤栖围充言厉邵夜薪森咯釜痞次扼蹿蛮瘸嗓之铝房瓜The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P1: 雇佣对技术和管理均有深入了解的CEOnCase Study: Main Points in “Business the Speed of Thought” by Bill Gates: Only

24、managers who master the digital universe will gain competitive advantagenRule1: Insist that communication flow through e-mailnRule2: Study sales data online to share insights easilynRule3: Shift knowledge workers into high-level thinkingnRule4: Use digital tools to create virtual teamsnRule5: Conver

25、t every paper process to a digital processnRule6: Use digital tools to eliminate single-task jobsnRule7: Create a digital feedback loopnRule8: Use digital systems to route customer complaints immediatelynRule9: Use digital communication to redefine the boundariesnRule10: Transform every business pro

26、cess into just-in-time deliverynRule11: Use digital delivery to eliminate the middle mannRule12: Use digital tools to help customers solve problems for themselves葡乙蝉隐徽固斥仲弃陵骡稗砷较衰贼姚内邵写吞嗓职指否隙铀别鲁蛹颇几The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P2: 围饶产品市场和商业功能灵活设立组织nGates: “ Microsofts dom

27、inant organizational theme is by products” (微软设置组织机构的主题是围绕产品)nmultifunctional teams organized by product, with some mechanisms to integrate across the product groups.(多功能组)nHas two other organizational structures. nThe 1st is formal, consisting of the management hierarchy. (正式的管理价构)nThe 2nd is infor

28、mal; this consists of a loosely defined “brain trust” of executives and a network of technical people and managers who work on special assignments or projects.(非正式的智囊团)柿牵妨柱刀薄昌颂些碱亨灼边瞪鸵擅灯口气诧羽尺溃舷蒙绿蚕坐颈耙赣岗The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P2: 围饶产品市场和商业功能灵活设立组织nOrganizational an

29、d Process Evolution(组织与过程的演变)n1984: 设立单独的测试和PM组; n1986: Postmortem方法n1988 milestones方法n1989 The May “retreat” and Nov. “Zero-defects code” memon1992 Establishment of the collective Office of the PresidentnCentralization of marketing teams at the division level.nCase Study: 软件测试组的设立nH/W OEMs的抱怨: MS B

30、ASIC in IBM PC. 除法出错.nBallmer 坚持软件开发人员可以测试他们自己的产品, assisted by 高中学生,文秘, 和一些 outside contractorsn不能使用 IBM 的方法: large groups of people review all S/W items青肄迁芋碧丈抢啊逸战膊惠榔浩沼闪赏冲懂尤咆临圃竣二收撒破康钩邢治The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P2: 围饶产品市场和商业功能灵活设立组织nCase Study: 管理架构和组织变迁n扁平结构: Over

31、 time, Microsoft had developed a structure with 5 levels in the hierarchy with 30,000 employees.n问题: BillG & SteveB involved themselves in all important organizational decision making and had developed a very centralized approach to management. 它严重减慢了 decision-making process.n挑战: 互联网和电子商务n抱怨来自下一级经理:

32、 excessively bureaucratic; under increasing scrutiny.n解决: 改变管理风格. 不再干扰每一个部门的战略。将控制权力下放到部门领导沿汐夯唁脱翁歪瞅胺锅莹湾脏均糟钎生嘻位误儿些丢梳德纷耿辱咬纷挣啸The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P2: 围饶产品市场和商业功能灵活设立组织n新市场及新技术:nInternet & new consumer products. Another culture, more concerned with mixing cutting

33、-edge sci & tech with everyday consumer habits.nParadigm Shifts (check handout: Strategy Industry level)Case Study: Microsoft in 1995nEarly 1990s, MS emerged as the dominant S/W company in desktop mrktnMS strategy was to ensure the continued dominance of Windows.n1993, Mark Andreessen developed Mosa

34、ic in Univ. of Illinois. 1994, he found Netscape. In mid 1995, Netscape has 70% browsers & Web servern1995, Sun invented Java. Scott McNealy: “The network is the computer.”nMSs initial response: BillG called Netscapes browser technology trivial.nBy late 1995, MS decided to the unexpected threat pose

35、d by Netscape/JavanMicrosoft must generate more of its own technologies.nCase Study: OLE 2.0; nCase Study: Win-Tel High End Cell Phone (2/ 2002)nMicrosoft Research糟须袁村妹嚣狠祈斑姓蘑雄劲粹巢崭佃端获微核丑罐么媚乒撤捧猿刘叭杉The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P2: 围饶产品市场和商业功能灵活设立组织nOrganizational Culture

36、 组织文化nVision in 1975: A computer on every desk and in every home.nVision in ?: Information your fingertip.nVision in 2000: Empower people through great software any time, any place, and on any device. nWorking long hours & weekends, wearing whatever clothing is comfortable (but never a suit and tie)

37、, consuming junk food, and communicating with other employees via email and the intranet.n具有创新及企业家精神: employees should feel free to experiment and stretch out even if there is a significant chance of failure.nCase Study: My innovation & stretch out - Atlantis Lite (Details in 战略 5)酪行矛虐与鸡憎库捧枫舍鄂构譬荔帮徐裸

38、隐湍雅揪胀坐戌惊根舒况捍扑廷The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P3: 雇佣你所能找到的最聪明的经理, 那些对技术和管理均有深入了解的人nThe Brain Trust (智囊团)nThe core of MSs 智囊团consists of around a dozen people.nCase Study: Mike Maples (EVP 1988-1995, EE+MBA, IBM)Help BillG avoid the pitfalls of large, bureaucratic orgs by

39、 emphasizing 4 general precepts that worked well in IBM.1st: Introduce a full set of personnel management practices2nd: nurture middle managers3rd: continue cultivating functional expertise, but to make sure people move around and receive broad experiences. Avoid dept rivalries/battles. Avoid hiding

40、 bad news. Open communication aiming at constructive mutual criticism.4th: define a process for product development with some common principles:1.Let people do their own schedules.2.Build in buffer time for the unforeseen delays that always occur.3.Assume change will happen. Dont try to write a comp

41、lete spec up front.4.Manage by milestones, starting with the most difficult things first.5.Focus on customer problems, not technologies or processes.6.Move people around, to mix the good and the bad.贤韩锣延俄腋拣骤恢贿啮闰朵靳桃衅闪盘阁漠燥掌城烙窒政定尿遗宙锦休The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P3: 雇佣你所

42、能找到的最聪明的经理, 那些对技术和管理均有深入了解的人nTechnically Competent ManagersnIn Microsoft, you will find the level of technical expertise and competence all the way through the management hierarchy. Its not that common in the computer industry to find strongly technical people in key management positions throughout

43、the company.n“No.1 is everybody actually has code responsibilities, so nobody just manages peoplePeople who manage people lost sight of what the goal is and they dont appreciate the problems and issuesand they dont act on them quickly enough”nWeaknesses in Middle Management 中层管理人员的弱点n微软文化: 最好的程序员成为经

44、理. 否则微软人不会尊重他/她。n问题: 经理人的选择基于技术能力而非管理能力.nGenerally, the managers at Microsoft are not the charisma types.n最大挑战: 寻找合适的中层经理人.疤赛枷徘伯梧执湘检椎琼拐堰蕊蚤小盎扣惺杆忠栅拣虞却烈载膊工递鱼没The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司 P4: 雇佣你所能找到的最聪明的雇员,那些对技术和管理均有深入了解的人nLooking for people:nRecruiter: Individual with

45、functional specialty + Teamwork nManagers: Adopt to Microsoft Way; with the ability to act and learn on their own & make good decision quickly without a lot of formal training and written rules or guidelinesnStupid Companies: hire bodies + make up for their hiring bodies by applying rules. Root caus

46、e of the problem was not lack of rules but hiring people that needed lots of rules to do their job.n软件工业公认的最困难的面试nCase Study: My interview & hiring processn1st time: graduate student in Syracuse University; apply for program manager; 1st interview passed in SU; 2nd interview in Seattle with 7 people

47、 1 day; failed on communications.n2nd time: senior consultant in ; apply for lead developer; 7 people 2 days; succeed; BillG in orientation界梳携镇怯骇映过嘻广胶成勾块蛔品鞭酥反阉恢峙箭激席御藐咋识沦伟啤The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S1:组织和管理公司组织和管理公司P4: 雇佣你所能找到的最聪明的雇员,那些对技术和管理均有深入了解的人nThe Benefits of Smart People:聪明人

48、的正面n人才的质量是无价之宝.n编程生产力: 1020 time more codenLess Bureaucratic/more flexible: Make a large company like a small onen强调技术能力而非:遵守规则, 尊敬职务titles, or cultivating skills in political infighting.nThe Negatives of Smart People:聪明人的负面nLearning curve: painful trial and error; reinvent the wheel; n高层经理人,包括BillG

49、,很难告诉“smart” people如何做。n并不总是愿意合作,妥协,或者共享知识n培根: Knowledge is Power. nBillG: Knowledge Sharing is Power.祝倍绵姓甸灵尖捶粤之疼喂誊欲投双苞阑吱努揪秀颈望吹饲啡宦洪鸟物絮The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n勤奋(diligent):n爱因斯坦: Success = 99% Perspiration + 1% Inspiration; 毛泽东“世界上怕就怕认真二字”;中国足球主教练博拉*米卢蒂诺维齐: 态度决定一切nCase Study: 微软中

50、国前总裁吴士宏和她的 n没上过大学, 在北京一家医院当护士nIBM扫地搽桌子; 半杯咖啡被辱; 抓住去HK培训之机; 做销售; 南天王n微软中国第二任总裁n每天工作17/18小时, 几十年如一日n聪明(smart):n聪明反被聪明误; 小聪明; nCase Study: 王安石“伤仲永”n投入与产出-80/20原则n您的单位选拔与任用人才的标准?课堂讨论课堂讨论:人才标准Closing Case: 聪明; 勤奋房地产房地产E网网晨文活活叙吓啸杂峪乙呕载丧安漆狙闽嗓烂驶阵嚷肾贫尹逐缀眷辣谭些含The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 2:

51、Managing Creative People and Technical Skills(管理有创造力的(管理有创造力的人和技能)人和技能)Organize Small Teams of Overlapping Functional Specialists (组织功能特点重叠的小组)煤郁莉狄褐寝苏宙碾甲萄糯棚确缮吗任颐稗玄沂侨虽瘩庚停相傈袜截刽宇The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda:战略战略 2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能组织功能特点重叠的小组n课堂讨论: 团队精神nOpening Case: MSF in

52、 Channel teamn原则:n原则 1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠n原则 2: 让 functional experts 定义和雇用他们的技术人员.n原则 3: 通过 learning by doing 和 mentoring 来指导和教育新人n原则 4: 创造职业道路和阶梯来挽留并嘉奖技术人才nClosing Case: Team from Venture Capitalists Point of View (附: 风险投资简介)寸辈俗甜捉突摘娘涕稗松缠臭衫嫉吸歧贱束盾乎碧宅避堆游叶颠双措峙盆The Microsoft Way

53、微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: 团队精神团队精神Opening Case: Microsoft Solution Framework: Team of PeersProgramProgramManagementManagementDevelopmentDevelopmentTestingTestingReleaseReleaseManagementManagementUserUserExperienceExperienceProductProductManagementManagementTeam of PeersWe will discuss the

54、detail of MSF in later course.畦捅现堕桥筷口做瑶鹅胶纯绒赫衙梭炕硬矿沿精油崖户串贮稿两是骗毁斩The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: 团队精神团队精神Opening Case: Microsoft Solution Framework: Process ModelWe will discuss the detail of MSF in later course.萄廓屉泣底炼寇霉敬玲楞瘦邑琵笺昏掇慰毡娇讫衍怀裕战惟豆小谚弓贺噬The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft W

55、ay 微软之道n“Nobody likes hero unless youre.”nCase Study: Channel Team: From “Hero” Model to “MSF”nPersonal Excellence Model before Sept, 2001nSept, 2001, MSF IntroductionnCase Study: Me & Atlantis Lite Project: “Hero” ModelnCase Study: Me & Shuttle System Project: Pain with other teamnCase Study: Me &

56、 Taxonomy for Atlantis Project: Pain inside the teamnFeedbacks from Dev team after 6 month (3/2002-4/2002)nSee Sample 27 Slides.nCase Study: Me in 珠海市人事局办公自动化系统n“Hero” Modeln珠海市科技进步奖n您单位的软件开发模式?课堂讨论课堂讨论: 团队精神团队精神Opening Case: Whats your dev model?会插爷疾耀瓷婴巨市病沾酋诣貌盏昌狡截党堕自攻的措孔络呸莽朝要虱狠The Microsoft Way 微软之

57、道The Microsoft Way 微软之道副总裁副总裁 (VP)总经理总经理 (GM) 产品单元经理产品单元经理 (PUM)产品组经理产品组经理Group Manager客户教育经理客户教育经理UE Manager文档编辑员文档编辑员UE Manager产品组项目经理产品组项目经理Group Program Manager (GPM)开发经理开发经理Developer Manager质量保证经理质量保证经理QA Manager项目经理项目经理Program Manager (PM)软件工程师软件工程师Software Developer (SDE)测试工程师测试工程师Test Engine

58、er (QA)测试软件工程师测试软件工程师Software Developer in Test(SDET)设计项目经理设计项目经理Feature PM流程项目经理流程项目经理Release PM产品使用性工程师产品使用性工程师Usability Engineer使用设计师使用设计师UI Designer战略战略 2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能组织功能特点重叠的小组爆次碎奈郊懊衷瓮舍下尉锣曰凝姬绸截埃惠篡颤婪涩秤榔慢锦渔噬迫河痘The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Appendix: Management Theory Com

59、parison of Different organizational StructurenMatrix:nVertical:nHorizontal:矾迸佩贰前魂缘彪符器全纳毯攫册揭鞋蔽充总杆勘全阉筷咕址狮少嘶苛挣The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nProgram Manager:nManage the process of product spec, and serve as a crucial l

60、ink between software development and marketing.nThe PM is a leader, facilitator, and coordinator, but is not the boss.nKey Roles & Responsibilities:n the products visionnThe written product spec.nThe product schedulenThe product development processnAll implementation trade-offsnCoordination of the p

61、roduct development groupsnCase Study: setup in 1984; wrest some control over product development from “superprogrammers” because managing the process differed from developing software.需株氛烫瞩摊塘胸刘录粒浦蔓盐变或男金郸活查涧叛窘烯盐榆岭概降潭粮The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functio

62、nal specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nDevelopment:nMission: To create high quality software. nDefine the vision and create the details of individual product features.nKey Roles & Responsibilities:nDetermine the vision for new featuresnDesign the featuresnAllocate project resourcesnBuild the featuresnTest

63、the featuresnPrepare the product for shippingnCase Study: Problem of “Hero”: nShort supplynnot interest to update his code/other people hard to understand his code.nSometimes doesnt understand what the market wants瑞纱作聊溶膏讼兵怯贴翼罪舱设挺答僵箩影检商腋篱淬九刹奈侩溢瞪结手The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力

64、的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nTesting: nMission: To validate high quality software. nKey Roles & ResponsibilitiesnSystematically monitor and evaluate various aspects of a project to verify that quality standards are metnIndependently validate product features and func

65、tionalityensure against assumptionsnTest compliance to design standardsnReport status of product qualitynServe as advocate for our customersnStrive for qualitynCase Study: Testing in Software IndustrynS/W industry in mainframe/minicomputer rely on dev to test their own code & also have separate grou

66、ps of people do final test.nPC S/W industry. Testing is ad hoc activity. Dev & outside contractorsn1984 setup testing team哪截甭踩辊磺皱禄六览厉捡踢鞋绑蔓屑亭裂漱酱舟伏旬或酌壕蒂餐幽砒缆The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nMicrosoft Testing Perspectives

67、nUser perspective: replicate how customers will use a feature and determine if the feature make sense to them.nInternational perspective: Correct formats and languagesnHardware perspective: Evaluate compatibility with different H/W platform and equipment configurationnSoftware perspective: Evaluate

68、if the product is compatible with other software.nSpecification compliance: written by Program Manager.nProduct stability: check on two levels. One consists of “measurable metrics” (the bug-find rate versus bug severity, and other measures). The 2nd is qualitative, defined as “the gut feel for are w

69、e ready” to ship the product晾青浊养呵按帚舒燕询莹诵惮作杉缕汹否堪叼唉打鉴陕挟膨掣铝嫂膨买积The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nTesting ActivitiesnGeneral review of the previous projects postmortem report, as well as reports from other testing groups.n

70、Encourage testers to talk with product support personnel and customers, to review media evaluations (industry critics).nDevise special tools or code routinesnResearch: studying competitors products; new featuresnDevelop a testing strategy by identifying high-risk areasnDevelop automated “test suites

71、”nMethodologies: unstructured testing, scenario testing, ad hoc testing, gorilla testing, free-form Fridays.nCase Study: Testing Tools in Channel Testing TeamnRAID/Product StudionLoad generation/Performance Monitor/Network MonitornLink checkernApplication Center Test (ACT)遮缆撵具凝碉诸复蜜断唾颊叼附珊慨萎遭呕瑶萧姜窜款泳匡

72、屉沽拣膏钎案The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nUsability EngineernMission: To make our products more useful and usablenWork with the product teamnUnderstand users task domainnUsability testingnCompetitive testingnField resear

73、ch nCast Study: Usability Testing in Channel TeamnUsability Labn1 Usability Engineers; Ph.D majoring in Psychology.nRandomly find a customer. Ask question, such as, “how can I send a greeting card to my parents?”. Test if (s)he can locate the links.驱岔孕顺习恬撼裂僚揽诱咙宰酷潮梨药沫谱阅刹灿撑唱棱复赦兢弄岳础第The Microsoft Way

74、微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nLocalization EngineernMission: deliver products to international markets that meet geopolitical/cultural standardsnTranslate and adapt products for specific international marketsnresizing interfacenrede

75、signing graphicsnrewriting contentnProduct ManagernMBAs nKey areas of responsibility:nOversee a “business”nRecognize and pursue market opportunitiesnAggressively represent the customer in the product development processnTake responsibility for the trade-off between functionality and ship datenTake r

76、esponsibility for the marketing and sales process吸装司煮拢算啮友眉慌粘窗吞翘守痕彩潍况扩土挖稗跑钙秧玩手翌炼拖隔The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nProduct PlannernMission: To define a product that meets customer needsnConduct research and provide ana

77、lysis that identifies user needs, market trends, competitive efforts, and product directionsnSurveys; User visits; Feedback from marketing, sales and PSSnDevelop shared vision for the product: Who are the customers? What are their needs? What can the product team do to meet customers needs?nDefine L

78、ong-term product objectives (3-5 years)nProduct Unit Manager (PUM)nMission: Create and deliver superior customer satisfaction while simultaneously creating long term value for the companynDetermine positioning, pricing, packaging, and promotionnDevelop messages that communicate product value to cust

79、omersnCreate product visibility and awareness in the marketplace using appropriate tools, including: Publicity; Advertising; Press coverage; Channel (in-store, OEM, reseller) and/or online presence围搔店簇硬寿孪定怔汉退跃洗怪卤痉叼样拔纳焊沼肠茨拭缄郭到犊瑚旁淬The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P

80、1: 设立 functional specialties, 但以小组形式工作, 责任重叠nProduct Support EngineernMission: To delight customersnCustomer satisfaction is key goal: Quick resolution; Accurate resolution nIdentify high-volume issues and key support trendsnTransfer information about key causes of customer dissatisfaction back to p

81、roduct teams for resolutionnWeb Ops EngineernMission: Provide hosting for Web products that is highly available, responsive and secure nRunning the business: Monitor Site and server monitoring of events; Reports of availability and response times; Scale to match production requirements; Manage deplo

82、yment of minor version releasesnProvide feedback to planners, developers, testers and program managers about improving service quality in a cost-effective manner星纶傻彩溜淄拿瑰打营迂妆逃吾缸愉刀锑窍吞获角周响吃羞盛逊阑垣僚柜The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P2: 让 functional experts 定义和雇用他们的技术人员

83、.nBillG: “looking for four essential qualities in new hires: ambition, IQ, technical expertise, and business judgment, with IQ most important”nCase Study: The Microsoft Recruiting & Screening Process:nHalf of all employee come directly from collegenSend out recruiters to top 4050 universities nPromi

84、sing candidates come back to Seattle for 2nd interviewsnRecruiters do not hire; they manage the hiring processnMS headquarters interviews are entirely with people from the functional areas in the product groups.nResults: Interviewed at universities, MS typically asks 1015% back for 2nd interviews, a

85、nd then hires 1015% of the final group. In total, Microsoft hires 23% of the people it interviews. 蘸炯稍第凳孝贺龚吸寝味铂牢壕芹蚌韧锣盒对来牡疙钻鳖咎凶炽父影活毖The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P2: 让 functional experts 定义和雇用他们的技术人员.nCase Study: My Interview Sample QuestionsnGeneral: Why do yo

86、u want to work in Microsoft?nAlgorithms: Judge if a single link list has a loop.nDesign: Describe singleton.nManagement: 2 nabors with grassnAnalysis: How to build a vending machine in international airport?nPuzzle: 2 cuts for a bar栗筷凑懈肖拐甜载檬鸿涸触胯拢三贺贰辖莱涛矮书接琢浇署乒候狭缆酬深The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft

87、Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P2: 让 functional experts 定义和雇用他们的技术人员.nCase Study: Tester Hiring PhilosophynAssumption: Almost no people want to be career testers.nMicrosoft will not hire people who really want to do programming and think they can start in testing to “get in the door”.n“We want pe

88、ople who want to be testers. We dont want people who want to be developers.”n“We had to do some selling because, in many peoples minds, software testingdidnt fit with what a competent software engineer viewed as a challenging role”nSDET (software design engineer/testing) versus STE (software testing

89、 engineer)芜裤槽都完童永甜潍叹忌宾网魔狭栏骂班都笺的酬弄痔烧屈晨睦赏脂椽闷The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P2: 让 functional experts 定义和雇用他们的技术人员.nBurnout:nMicrosofts conscious policy to hire about half the number of people we think we need. nBurnout particularly affects developers.nWake up, go

90、to work, do some work. Oh, Im hungry. Go down and eat some breakfast. Do some work. Oh, Im hungry. Eat some lunch. Work until you drop. Drive home. Sleep.nCase Study: My experience in AT&T and MicrosoftnAT&T: World Cup 98nMSN Channel Team: “Red October”nCase Study: How to reduce pressure?nSports: “W

91、orld Cup” Pingpong Tournament: 3/23/2002. My home; Skiing & Snowboarding; Microsoft “World Cup” - Chinese Soccer Team; hikingnPingpong: Personal Excellence; Soccer: TeamworknTravel: 房地产房地产E网网肯栓渐送晓幅礁哭芝练稳动歼贬讲牵鱼坤栗地耀法抵芭尘定使生加芜啊蒂The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P2: 让 f

92、unctional experts 定义和雇用他们的技术人员.nTurnover & Let go:n10% of new hires leave each year. And this rate continues during an employees first five years. After five years, almost no one leaves permanently.nLet go: The bottom 5% of its work force.nCase Study:nMicrosoft Turnover Rate during dot com bombnSoft

93、ware Industry Turnover RatenInternet Industry Turnover RatenTurn over rate in other countries: NCC of UK nCase Study: Channel Team腊槽蚜恭责据供版兽洽毙沮菜舔堤球肿墅呐沛勃额轧潭模奥垃泅兴婆擅账The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P3: 通过 learning by doing 和 mentoring 来指导和教育新人nLearning by Doing nRa

94、ther than investing heavily in training programs, formal rules and procedures, or even detailed product documentation, Microsoft tries to hire people who can learn on their own on the job.nRely on experienced people to educate and guide new people.nAdvantage: people feel empowered to learn and make

95、decisions on their own, and their roles in the company are flexible and can become as broad as they can handle.nDisadvantage: difficult to learn; interrupt the work of other people to ask questions; learn by trial and errornCase Study: formal training in Channel Dev TeamnOriginally, I was the train

96、er for new comer.nNow we formalize the new hire training processnAppendix: Training List/day1/day2/home work合诉力购打著揭抬臀惊露吗卒鼎询粹躲魄激刑墟褂忿苹臀莎帮埃帮枢颖龙The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P3: 通过 learning by doing 和 mentoring 来指导和教育新人nPeer Mentoring nDepends on experienced peopl

97、e to teach inexperienced people, mostly by example and word or mouth.nCase Study: My Experience in Database MentoringnIm mentor to teach a team member database principle and MS SQL Server.nOriginal Thought: 自己过去是大学老师; 小菜一碟nObjective statement; theory; operation; assignment; project; examination; rev

98、iew with dev manager every 6 weeksnMentees point: heavy work load, no time to learn. But nMy point: “Attitude determines everything.” “Show me your effort.”nCool down 1 month.nFormal academic-like examination (50% theory/50% practice)nResult: He can do database project.胃屋纸毋唆笺左柿夫剂涅死逃课经栖技削喻际往铆偶豹犊茫药马粕丈

99、院皆The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P4: 创造职业道路和阶梯来挽留并嘉奖技术人才nCareer Path:nThe typical career path within a functional specialty is to move from being a new hire to being a mentor, team lead, and then manager of the functional area for an entire product unit. Above

100、these managers are special position that cut across product units.nLadder Level: From 5?6?; Related with stock option, salary, etc.nCase Study: nCareer Path for DevnManagement Path: new hire - mentor - dev lead - dev managernTechnology Path: new hire - mentor - senior SDE - architect - senior archit

101、ectnCareer Path for Program ManagernPM - Lead PM - GPMnCareer Path for TestnSTE/SDET - Test Lead - Test Manager监棱垫潞企日略星眉讥视系邀咎尊盘萨旭勇稚掖曼敏剑梢遮栈雨硬也傀贿The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nSMART Performance ObjectivesnSpecific nIndicate specific behaviors and skills.nMeasurablenQuantity and quality m

102、easurements. What will success look like?nAchievable nObjectives should be challenging but not unrealistic.nResults-orientednMeasure success on results, not merely the steps you take.nTime-specificnSet milestones, check points, and a completion date S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P4: 创造职业道路和阶梯来挽留并嘉奖技术人才疆

103、赵往沫紧匪察旺瓤阉睁睦保肘拈彬皂衫侦会绊害呈泰脉僻讹躺融你组芍The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P4: 创造职业道路和阶梯来挽留并嘉奖技术人才揖鸥放绊碑镰商关俭官更帅巢汤蛔坛枫搁蕴鸳隅保孔习诀开牵爵韧洱肃奶The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道5.0Exceptional performance rarely achieved. Marked by precedent-setting results beyond the scope of

104、the position. 4.5Consistently exceeds all position requirements and expectations. Accomplishments are highly valued.4.0Consistently exceeds most position requirements and expectations. Accomplishments are often noteworthy. 3.5Exceeds some position requirements and expectations. Successfully accompli

105、shes all objectives. 3.0Meets most or all position requirements and expectations. Accomplishes most or all objectives. Some aspects of overall performance may require additional development.2.5Falls below performance standards and expectations of the job. Demonstrates deficiencies that hinder accept

106、able performance.S2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P4: 创造职业道路和阶梯来挽留并嘉奖技术人才粮狰禾损直颂锗恃吭帜汾劝骄渡鉴康钢钳沈怎冈登锦争熊乾坍活申蛆脊牛The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nWeekly 1:1 reviewnWeekly functional team meetingnMonthly product group meetingnThings to watch outnConflicts among team membersnBalance work and lifenDont le

107、t burned outS2: 管理有创造力的人和技能管理有创造力的人和技能P4: 创造职业道路和阶梯来挽留并嘉奖技术人才贤鼓逞右搔钝鲁咽康舌焦抹婚鸟蝴躯矮神手一围棉综臼寨篇沈搜织尘阿亨The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nVenture Capitalists Point of View of Team:nA team + A projectnA team + B projectnB team + A projectnAppendix: Venture Capitalist Knowledge for CTO/CIOsn企业家和工程师企业家

108、和工程师:n企业家,工程师是属于弱势群体nVC是联系富有的投资者和技术人员的桥梁,工程师在创业初期一般需要VC。别的选择时间成本相当高。 nVC创建投资基金之后,对出钱的投资者收取管理费以及“分成”,分成一般是投资获利的20-30%,这就决定了VC从事的是几乎稳赚不赔的买卖。真正承担最大风险的是那些具有企业家精神的工程师,他们为公司投入了大量的时间、脑力劳动甚至感情,成功了,VC得大头,失败了,自己几年的心血就会付之东流。 nVenture Capitalists:nVC相互之间联系很密切,他们有自己的比较封闭交际圈子,如果没有私人推荐或介绍你是很难受到VC青睐的,希望VC从成千上万份商业计划

109、书中看中自己的想法是很天真和幼稚的。 nVC不会跟你签署任何保密协议,在跟你打交道的过程中VC始终处于有利的地位,他们可能很喜欢你的创意,但却想资助别的人去做。 课堂讨论课堂讨论: “Hero” and Teamwork 个人英雄与团队精神Closing Case: Team from Venture Capitalists Point of View (附: 风险投资简介)鲁攘讫戊搅院像耻括垣老集阔有谜绘徐冯雹饮跨图稚瞳菜曾疮狐姨蕴澈茧The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nVC是最疯狂的时尚追星族,什么热门他们就追什么。nVC喜欢随大溜,某

110、个领域要么就是得到很多投资,要么就是得不到任何投资。 n一般来说,VC并不懂技术,尽管有的还是学工程毕业的。n项目项目:nVC比较喜欢大项目 n对于项目的评估和定价,VC们会经常互相通风透气,他们经常搞聚会,讨论一些侯选公司的投资以及定价,定价主要涉及股票总股本数和价格n如果VC对你确实感兴趣,它肯定会给你打电话的,最后还会给你一张支票,但如果它对你不怎么感兴趣,你就不会得到答复。 n当VC准备向你的公司投资时,他们会详细盘问你公司管理团队的经验,不用担心你的团队不够好,VC会再给你配备必要的人员的(CEO),把你们原来创业的那帮哥们全换掉。 n一般来说,VC派来的CEO会得到10%的股份,指

111、派的董事会成员每人也会有1%的股份,整个公司技术团队最多只能得到15%的股份,剩下的全归风险投资公司,以后再追加投资时公司技术团队的股份还会被进一步稀释。 n你的创意,你的工作,他们的公司 课堂讨论课堂讨论: “Hero” and Teamwork 个人英雄与团队精神Closing Case: Team from Venture Capitalists Point of View (附: 风险投资简介)脖慢思桥根娃亭服鹃沥柿奢懦兆称耀龙龟昼灵已贪鳞癸壶晨谢典蓬挛劲豁The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 3: Competing wit

112、h Products and Standards(在产品和标准上竞争)(在产品和标准上竞争)Pioneer and Orchestrate Evolving Mass Markets (领先并协调不断发展的大众市场)弛鸽腥臂洁翻商铬蜘及荚划行巩机匡辊稠朗别蕴之础畅日幕态囊绩谆肤狡The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda:战略战略 3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争领先并协调不断发展的大众市场n课堂讨论:竟争战略nHandout: 战略和竞争分析n国家一级; n工业一级; n公司一级;nOpening Case: C+ War:

113、 Microsoft versus Borlandn原则: n原则 1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.n原则 2: 增量改进新产品并定期淘汰旧产品.n原则 3: 推动规模销售和专有合同以保证公司产品成为并保持工业标准n原则 4: 利用工业标准持有者之优势不断推出新产品和其关联产品.n原则 5: 集成, 拓展和简化产品以占有新的大众市场.nClosing Case:国家级竞争: 印度的软件工业涣枣酒挠蔡猴漂表蜡沛连氮空目洛盛抵溢戳坛颤阜亦职卑窑劫织胳眷员怖The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:竟争战

114、略Opening Case: C+ War: Microsoft versus BorlandnTurbo C 第三项畅销产品, 世界前10名; Turbo C/C+ V2 成为C+王者n1991: MS C/C+ V6 & MFC V1; DOS环境, 最佳编译器会产生错误代吗. Innovate MFC.nBorland C/C+ 3.0: 第一个Windows环境, 成功n1992: Borland C/C+ 3.1: Add OWL, better than MFC. Market Rate50%. No. 1 C+ Brand; No.3 S/W CompanynBorland: P

115、hilippe Kahn vs. Eugene Wang: Next Step? Encapsulate all WinAPI; Based on Visual Component Dev. No upgrade for 2 yearsnMS VC 1.0: Compiler same level; IDEBorland; MFC auto code. 60% team from BorlandndBase/MS Foxpro; Quattro Pro/Excel/Lotus; IDAPI/ODBCnAfter 4 years of 3.1; Borland 4.0: Carl Quinn;

116、new IDE; new OWL; modify Optimizer; VBX. Results: Waterloo. V4.01, V4.02. MSVC grownSymantec (Eugene Wang); Watcom (Optimizer); license MFC 1.xn1994 OLE 2.0: MFC support; OWL 2.5 support; new OLEnMS VC/MFC 2.0; Borland 4.5; MS 50%; Borland 30%.蟹烃患台亮颂怎广壤患臆室茹沤遵惑郁鳞蛀渔蚂恰韵壕戚钢雨冒票恐吻骋The Microsoft Way 微软之道Th

117、e Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争领先并协调不断发展的大众市场nMicrosoft really isnt in the software business; its in the standards business. Microsoft succeeds not because it writes the best code but because it sets the best standards.nCase Study: TCP/IP versus ISO/OSInStandard is decided by market,

118、government, business alliance, etc.察脾纶洼抡薛编痊碌吐体撰拦搽墙抓台斋远样灾纯杖掉乒从输锌兴却霹伯The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.nKey points about how the company competed:nMicrosoft has aggressively moved from one type of software and mass market to another, as

119、well as from one generation of products to another.nMicrosoft has created standards that have themselves stimulated new mass marketsnAggressive expansion has been important because Microsofts early mass markets have become saturated.nMicrosoft is now a leader in blurring the distinctions among the d

120、ifferent layers of software and different types of software within these layers脐晋拖范眷颅揉服幢咕匪傀痕纪容窥柠委巢锭掺厄横汰痕衬嚏脂苛酞蜂儒The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.nCase Study: Main Programming Languages CompetitionnBASIC: nMS BASIC: 1975, BillG & Paul A

121、llen, started the PC software industry; nVisual BASICnPascal: nBorland Turbo Pascal; Philippe Kahn; Anders Hejlsberg; Ads in Byte nMicrosoft Quick PascalnBorland Pascal for Windows; Charles Petzold impossiblenDelphi: Zack UrlockernC/C+: nBorland Turbo C; Turbo C/C+ V2.0; Borland C/C+ V3.0; Borland C

122、/C+ V3.1 & OWL1.0; V4.0 failure; 1994 V4.5; OCFnMS C/C+ 6.0 & MFC 1.0; 1st C/C+ framework; mediocre; MS Visual C/C+ 1.0; 1994 OLE;nSymantec C/C+(Zortech C/C+); Eugene Wang; Visual Caf (Java)nWatcom C/C+; acquired by SybasenJava/C#佬奢裕赠隘航灰椭圆羹脾硅败捂莽恿蝗麻拨阜坍菊幂序拳服内杜后杉罕蛮The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Wa

123、y 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.nCase Study: Operating SystemsnHome Operating Systems:nMS-DOS: Seattle Computer; Tim Peterson; Q-DOS; IBM; Digital Research CP/MnApple GUI, law suitnWindows 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, Windows 95, 98, ME, XP HomenEnterprise Operating SystemsnWindo

124、ws NT 3.0, David Cutler, one of the chief designers of VMS for DECs VAX joined Microsoft; 3.5, 4.0, Windows 2000, XP Professional/ServernMicrosoft and Norvell: NetWarenMicrosoft and IBM OS2nUnix World: Sun Solaris; HP-UX; IBM AIX; SCO XENIX; nCase Study: Linux: 1st dev in 1991 by Linus Torvalds; Com

125、paq ships the most Linux box; IBM is the biggest enabler ($2B); 2 Business model: selling H/W & Service ; LAMP; SAMBA (file & print); strongest in retail/gov/edu; Wine (framework allowing Linux app run in Windows)忽彬阐酿做蝗舌好恤戳郁堰骇谋瘤仔松回鳃修壤霸肩拓群门搏材陈叁吕困The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上

126、竞争在产品和标准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.nCase Study: Database MarketnLow End DB MarketnLotus Approach; nMicrosoft AccessnMiddle End DB Market:nBorland: Paradox; acquired Ashton-Tates dBaseIII; acquired HPs RDBMS-InterBasenMicrosoft: acquired FoxBase; MS FoxPro for WindowsnHigh End DB Market:nMS

127、SQL Server 6.5 (from Sybase), 7.0, 2000, YukonnOraclenIBM DB2卒偷苦万程陀一较仅漂霖谜诀墓巾坊扎浦把根炮钾恳撵艾试魏善槐宜段藕The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.nCase Study: Microsoft & Oracle High-End Database MarketnOracle total revenue: $10.6B/2001 (75% revenues DB

128、related)nExternal Problems: Key customers in trouble (dot-com, telecom); Fighting maturing DB market an two fronts (1 is DB market is maturing; 2 is MS SQL Server from low end and IBM DB2 from high end); Thrifty Market: DB sales shift away from Enterprise version (40K pricing; standard version 15K);

129、 Deal size dropping (35% over $500K vs 45%)nInternal Problems: Well-publicized application problems (such as, Bell Application; EPR; CRM; , not compatible ); Applications competitive with ISVs (IBM taking advantage); Service competitive with Sis; Key execs have left (4-5; esp. COO); Pricing problemF

130、Y 01 Market % (Revenue)Windows PlatformUnix PlatformMS SQL Server38%0%Oracle38%63%DB217%25%Sybase2%Others5%12%Total Revenue2785M3305M核撒涕妙塑深霍奉楞勾掇妮桨伙疏韦常鉴载撤娠噎伸磁祝碧箍蹿拯窃棉而The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nCase Study: Microsoft Xbox & Home Video Game IndustrynAtari Pong: Boom: installed base; do

131、minant design; hit arcade games; supply of games; Bust: no quality assurance, no control over supply, too much supplynNintendo GameCube: More functionality for lower price; great games (Donkey Kong); licensing strategy; security chip; control over cartridges; New distribution channel in US; risk fre

132、e proposition for retailers; installed based and network externalitiesnSega Dreamcast: More functionality for lower price; great games; dev hungry for an alternative to Nintendo; aimed at an older demographic; bundling; Nintendo delayed launch of 16bit; lack of compatibility with 8 bitnSony Playstat

133、ion II: owned IP; low royalty; tools to dev; target demographic (18-35); Great gamesnMicrosoft Xbox: Based on PC technology: 128 bit; 733MHz Pentium III; graphics chip from Nvidia; a build-in brandband cable modem; 64M RAM; CD/DVD; hard disk; Windows OS; easy for dev to write gamesS3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标

134、准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.邑凸聘灶取凭夏耙蝉眼徒翔糟佐坝锡束互拆戌创腋戊姓枝米性冈淆今糊楔The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P1: 及早进入大众市场或用能设立工业标准的”好”产品刺激新市场.nCase Study: Desktop ApplicationsnSpreadsheet: Software Arts VisiCalc (acquired by Lotus); Sorcems SuperCalc (acquired by CA); Lotus

135、 1-2-3; MS ExcelnWord Processor: MicroPros WordStar; WordPerfect; MS Word; Lotuss Ami Pro for WindowsnPower point: Whitfield Diffie, Bob Gaskins, B.N.R. Presenter; acquired by MicrosoftnSuites: MS OfficenCase Study: OthersnGroupwarenLotus Notes versus MS ExchangenPersonal Finance:nIntuits Quicken ve

136、rsus Microsoft Money关黍雏麓敞难略蔼由柱北东湾龚柠沫块鞍尔隆然苗贬掣锥猪膀抱猎得棠太The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P2: 增量改进新产品并定期淘汰旧产品.nMicrosoft has preempted (先发制人) the competition, as well as dramatically expanded its market coverage and penetration, in two main ways:nR&DnPeriodically introduc

137、es new product generations rather than complacently watching existing products decline in sales relative to competitors.nMicrosofts strategy has been to combine incremental improvements with major changes every three to five years. The idea is to parallel and even anticipate the exponential growth i

138、n the processing power of computer hardware.悄脆棚主贮借饲菠绳垂纵匆往唾些欢桥多迫坍互绚殴浚茅弯核歹嘿遮戳丑The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P3: 推动规模销售和专有合同以保证公司产品成为并保持工业标准.nBillG discussed the strategic connection between volume and standards:“Why do we need standards? Its only through volume that

139、 you can offer reasonable software at a low price. Standards increase the basic machine that you can sell into the market”nInstalled Base & Network EffectnWintel Machine + Application for Wintel Machine + Customers purchase Wintel Machine + Wintel Installed Base +双芳古玫畸柱穴滋沏村局脂汉傈锚冰拯厩博烯纫谰帽脖仁财姑默锭包中统The

140、Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P4: 利用工业标准持有者之优势不断推出新产品和其关联产品.nProviding the Standards:nThere are four main elements to the H/W and S/W architectural standards for a PC: the microprocessor, the operating system, the data controller, and the video graphics system.nBy tak

141、ing advantage of its position, Microsoft nProduces complementary productsnSuch as, applications like word, excel, etcnProduces key enabling technologiesnCase Study: OLE2.0, a key factor in the compiler war with BorlandnCreate technical and marketing linkagesnCase Study: Linkage between Windows 95 an

142、d NT3.0nNT 3.0 didnt sell well at first. Win95/NT both Win32.nMS use the lever of Windows compatibility and the Windows logo.nReduced the incentives for dev to write for Win3.1 (hurt IBM OS/2)眨醉妥浪眨达递瑟阜兢避套露骸察传隙克烦拢百贸亨孜厉捂滇都记老记楷The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S3: 在产品和标准上竞争在产品和标准上竞争P5: 集成, 拓展

143、和简化产品以占有新的大众市场.nThe Office applications suite: Word, Excel, Power point, etcnThe Back Office Suite: Windows 2000 Server; SQL Server; Exchange Server; etc.浴宾翰寓狭八堆介虹钳迸砖畅佃消粟嘎桓搔憾扮蛛抒奠耻棺讯逞柄寻帛诡The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:竟争战略Closing Case:国家级竞争:印度的软件工业n统计数据:n印度是世界上五大计算机软件供应国之一,是仅次于美

144、国的第二大计算机软件出口大国,软件出口额占全球市场份额的20,美国客户购买的软件产品有60是印度制造的 n2000统计年度印度软件出口62亿美元;2001年度出口可达85亿美元。而同期中国的软件出口才1亿美元n全世界已有91个国家进口印度计算机软件,其中28个国家完全依靠进口印度计算机软件和服务支撑; nCMM级别最高的计算机软件公司全球有59家,其中有29家是印度的计算机软件公司; n过去10年,印度软件业平均年增长率为42,近年来,印度软件出口每年以近60的速度增长; n印度全国有35万名合格的计算机软件人才,有320万专业人员服务于计算机软件公司,在海外工作的印度计算机软件工程师有10万

145、多人,每年培养6万多名专业人才投入到软件行业;全世界计算机软件开发人才中印度人占30; 汕闺龚党昧导敛滥至睡同锡洪羔供佛沫倒铝啤氓澄酬筹潘搞猫骋筛乃姨智The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:竟争战略Closing Case:国家级竞争:印度的软件工业n战略分析:n有目标有机构有政策印度政府支持发展软件产业:有目标有机构有政策印度政府支持发展软件产业: n一是有明确的战略目标: 拉甘地;拉奥;瓦杰帕伊; “要把印度建设成为一个名符其实的信息技术超级大国。” n二是有力的政府机构: 以总理为组长的“国家信息技术特别工作组”和“信息

146、技术部” n三是具体的支持政策:首先是国家投巨资加强软件产业发展的基础设施建设,创造投资环境。其次是实行零税赋政策。第三是倾斜式的资金政策。 n强化人才培训体系强化人才培训体系: 印度软件产业的人才优势,得益于他们的教育体制和教育方式。n一是开放的人才观。 n二是按照软件产业发展的需要,多层次、多渠道培养人才,形成多层次的人才结构。 n首先,依靠高等院校培养高中级人才。 n其次是,依靠民办的软件人才培训机构培训中初级实用人才。 n第三,软件企业自身还建立培训机构。 督辖帛在梧梳奔游伺堕彝臼壁傻鞋叮赤缄瓣厦期枕狼昧兢翁汲裴绽菏裴陷The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microso

147、ft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:竟争战略Closing Case:国家级竞争:印度的软件工业n战略分析:n企业运作企业运作“美国模式美国模式” n印度完全采用美国模式,任用大量从美国回归的人才为程序经理,保证了印度软件研发的标准化和集约化。n印度软件制造商们把质量和服务视同产品的生命,是参与国际竞争的核心能力。印度软件业的质量和服务意识体现于软件生产和售后连续服务的全过程。 n印度软件公司的CEO们都是亲自出马在各国市场上竞争订单,印度软件业70是外包业务,主要市场在海外,这就要求软件公司的CEO们必须面向国际市场。n印度软件人员有着良好的敬业精神和团队精神 n英语优势能嚷肢悯汝腹旁臂

148、椿谊踞汪弟燕牧羊屑魂协糠乞已趾杜嫁椒选伙凿咐红抗The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:竟争战略Closing Case:国家级竞争:印度的软件工业n对比中国对比中国:n在全球软件业发展最重要的八十年代,中国软件业却被完全忽视,中国软件业在起步的时候,没有想过要应用于市场,很多软件制造只是为某项具体的应用,这项应用完成了,软件的生命周期也就结束了。n九十年代初,中国曾经涌现一批由个人开发的优秀软件,如WPS、CCED等,这些个人软件很快被不断升级的电脑硬件所埋没。而这个时期几乎所有的计算机公司都在做计算机硬件的批发销售,软件往往

149、是硬件促销的搭配。n九十年代初期的电脑公司没有软件销售这个概念,客户要求装什么软件,卖计算机的就给装什么软件.n保护和鼓励政策滞后: 直到2000年6月,国务院正式发布了鼓励软件产业和集成电路产业发展的若干政策,1991年,印度政府发布文件大力扶持软件行业,实施零税赋,同时软件业和服务公司的银行贷款“优先权”,引发了印度软件行业的一场革命.n中国软件企业缺乏标准化的研发模式,缺乏了解正规的软件研发流程的管理人员. n中国软件企业还缺乏能够融入国际同行的优秀CEO。 nYour Opinion?章练焊悬咱刮写泽滤抉百鳖兹药豫骤沦勤痒触蚜酱享扳侠翌烈沽价鬼裤柴The Microsoft Way 微

150、软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 4: Defining Products and Development Processes(定义产品和开发的过程)(定义产品和开发的过程)Focus Creativity by Evolving Features and “Fixing” Resources (将创造性侧重于可拓展的特点和有限的资源)商暗山痹娇斑侯辈帘回矾靳痉淮私虱煌凭想蚕痪毛淖蚕铅看捞氏掸移梆尧The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda:战略战略 4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程将创造性侧重于

151、可拓展的特点和有限的资源n课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理nOpening Case: Capacity Maturity Modeln原则:n原则 1: 将大型项目分为多个 milestone 循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.n原则 2: 用 vision statement 和 outline specification of features 来指导项目.n原则 3: 基于用户活动和数据的 feature 选择和优先权设定.n原则 4: 形成模块化和水平设计的体系结构, 将产品结构反应在项目结构中.n原则 5: 由个人承诺来控制小任务和”固定”的项目资源.nClosing Cas

152、e: 微软对CMM的实践审倦哄寇挫或实灵鹅熔蕴田效跺锗盟峦萝富葛淑蹿鹅痒嫂勾阜巢队撞七躺The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理软件工程项目管理Opening Case: Whats CMM?What is CMM? (Capability Maturity Model)What is CMM? (Capability Maturity Model)Description of software management best practicesDescription of software managemen

153、t best practicesa guideline, not an implementationa guideline, not an implementationFormalized in 1991 by SEI based on software process Formalized in 1991 by SEI based on software process assessments and industry feedback assessments and industry feedback De facto software process improvement modelD

154、e facto software process improvement modelAn evolving standard, newest version CMMI for use by An evolving standard, newest version CMMI for use by organizations pursuing enterprise-wide process organizations pursuing enterprise-wide process improvement.improvement. 拣啦坞企情职惊漱构筹粱沟亢箩唬弧侧伎哭恶怕人圾薛誉纸邱祝瘸邢俭钦T

155、he Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理软件工程项目管理Opening Case: Why CMM is so hot?Why CMM is so hot? Why CMM is so hot? An enforced standard in US for choosing software An enforced standard in US for choosing software companies when companies when outsourcingoutsourcing. . A good

156、software management standard for large and A good software management standard for large and mission-critical companiesmission-critical companiesA detailed guideline for software companies to assess and A detailed guideline for software companies to assess and improve software processesimprove softw

157、are processesUsing CMM properly can help software companies achieve Using CMM properly can help software companies achieve better performance and software quality.better performance and software quality.铭脆欣茸吹绩赎帐燎薪昌莱撕坛堰胚围挚携涸磕访砌攫好馋不孟坯仔汕褪The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理软件工

158、程项目管理Opening Case: What are the problems of using CMM?What are the problems of using CMM?What are the problems of using CMM?No authoritative implementation for CMM practices.No authoritative implementation for CMM practices.CMM requirements are big, implementations takes a long CMM requirements are

159、big, implementations takes a long time and are very costly. time and are very costly. A lot of companies give up after six months or settle at low A lot of companies give up after six months or settle at low CMM levels.CMM levels.Overly bureaucratic for small/performance-oriented firmsOverly bureauc

160、ratic for small/performance-oriented firmsNo international certification body. CMM audits are very long, No international certification body. CMM audits are very long, frequent and expensive.frequent and expensive.塑钾雄苫豆葬膝申域胀熔窍峭萧跺札设索顷陛烷戊眷涛怀设煤薛鳖袄宴瓷The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:

161、软件工程项目管理软件工程项目管理Opening Case: CMM LevelsLevelCharacteristicsKey Process Areas5OptimizingContinuous processcapability improvementProcess Change Mgt.Technology Change Mgt.Defect Prevention4 ManagedQuantitative measurementof process & qualitativemanagement of productSoftware Quality Mgt.Quantitative Pr

162、ocess Mgt.3DefinedSoftware processesdefined and institutionalizedPeer ReviewsIntergroup CoordinationSoftware Product EngineeringIntegrated Software Mgt.Training Program Organization Process DefinitionOrganization Process Focus2RepeatableManagement controls inplace; stable planningand product baselin

163、es; still dependent on individuals for new productsSoftware Configuration Mgt. Software Quality Assurance Software Subcontract Mgt.Software Project Tracking & Oversight Software Project PlanningRequirements Mgt.1InitialHeroes进菠句番鸭宛译撮渭屈朝拿折娱吴旋士率瓦醋把詹凝犯朔朴淡讲玲寸讶疆The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之

164、道LevelCategoryManagementOrganizationalEngineering5OptimizingTechnology Change Mgt. Process Change Mgt.Defect Prevention4 ManagedQuantitative Process MgtSoftware Quality Mgt.3DefinedIntegrated Software Mgt.Intergroup CoordinationTraining Program Organization Process DefinitionOrganization Process Foc

165、usPeer ReviewsSoftware Product Engineering2RepeatableSoftware Configuration Mgt. Software Quality Assurance Software Subcontract Mgt.Software Project Tracking & Oversight Software Project PlanningRequirements Mgt.1InitialAd Hoc Processes课堂讨论课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理软件工程项目管理Opening Case: CMM Process Categories描

166、吩结豹罚种箍样淋骋岛岩赘唉泼妥峨嚏熊浴柑粳惰肢询汲巾暗蛰僻他彭The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道折衷ResourcesResourcesFeaturesFeaturesScheduleSchedule战略战略 4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Focus Creativity by Evolving Features and “Fixing” Resources慌朗醛奠抬歼凿镜减钙灿沽舷询仇礁栽殃疽苗靶没昧即焕伍铜午郸尸糊腆The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 4: 定

167、义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Focus Creativity by Evolving Features and “Fixing” ResourcesnProduct development needs to be flexible as well as structured, and it must move forward as quickly as possible.nIn slower markets, companies might try to create a complete spec and then “freeze” the spec, along with a s

168、chedule, then code.nIn MS, everything is being done in parallel.nState-of-the-art engineering methods or tools are of secondary importance.nDifference between system products (Man Year), applications (Man Month), and Internet projects (Man Week)nCase: 1st version of Windows NT: 4 years; 400 people a

169、t its peaknCase: Excel V5: 18 month; 100125 peoplenCase: MSN Women Central V2: 8 weeks; 78 people.艇吐幼谊劳吭阐沂汾益痴年烯山颐氓腺派蛆解命竞未瞬傅辙待媳汽齐终豫The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.nCase Study: Comparison of Software Life Cycle ModelsnWate

170、rfall ModelnRapid Prototyping ModelnIncremental ModelnSpiral M房地产房地产E网网卓嗡廊逊槐韩范辟浪齿李侦忻役坑枉部蝗炼侮锯绝提卓整啃潞劝利丧频溢The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.nProject Scheduling & MilestonesnMSs synch-and-stabilize approach originated in Publi

171、sher 1.0 in 1988. Focused around the concepts of milestones and daily builds.nLife cycle of typical Microsoft projects contains three phases: nPlanning concludes with a functional spec and final schedule, ndevelopment concludes with the code complete release, and nstabilization concludes with the pr

172、oduct release to manufacturing.nSimilar to the risk-driven, incremental “spiral” life cycle model.亮豺遮栋示诲隆超恳饲蹈码双拔清腐眼哪涩靠械旬尊膛右胜潘缺庸讹沁曲The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nMilestone Driven ProcessnMilestones are review and synchronization points, not freeze pointsnMilestones enable the team to as

173、sess progress and make mid-course correctionsnAchieving a major milestone represents team and customer agreement to proceednDeliverables are physical evidence that the team has reached a milestoneS4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.抄羽拟酶得洒谰徐累圈膊饶翱媚终彤审瘪最颖比园燕巫旅咙惨遇难巡脯甲The

174、Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.商挥葫杏蜕避凰爬砌载电倡赚轿扁嘱纯呐慷佳启管霉搔滋冉搞留勘飘强盲The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.nPlanning Phase: define product vision, spec, an

175、d schedulenVision Statement: Product and program management use extensive customer input to identify and prioritize product features.nSpecification Document: Based on vision statement, program management and development group define feature functionality, architectural issues, and component interdep

176、endencies.nSchedule and Feature Team Formation: Based on spec document, program management coordinates schedule and arranges feature teams that each contain approximately 1 program manager, 3-8 developers, and 3-8 testers (who work in parallel 1:1 with dev.)卢您寨绽扰狈氖儒眉脑尺饲榆暗拾斩砍睹歪殿萍隧蚀岿祁山喧朱阔布靛适The Micros

177、oft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.nDevelopment Phase: Feature development in 3 or 4 sequential subprojects that each results in a milestone releasenProgram managers coordinate evolution of spec. Developers design, code, and debug. T

178、esters pair up with developers for continuous testing.nSubproject I: First 1/3 of features: Most critical features and shared components.nSubproject II: Second 1/3 of features.nSubproject III: Final 1/3 of features: Least critical features.nCase Study: Excel V5.0 (Predicted/Actual Schedule: 39/45 we

179、eks)nMilestone I: 8/8 weeks dev; 2/2 weeks integration; 3/1 weeks buffernMilestone II: 8/9 weeks dev; 2/2 weeks integration; 3/3 weeks buffernMilestone I: 8/9 weeks dev; 2/2 weeks integration; 3/3 weeks buffer; /6 weeks delay蚂丫焊组多诅拄瓦骇蜀能浪姑折蕊祟晒掘晶式扬诞瞻延科报察灶科馋济房The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之

180、道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.nStabilization Phase: Comprehensive internal and external testing, final product stabilization, and shipnProgram managers coordinate OEMs and ISVs and monitor customer feedback. Developers perform final debugging and code stabiliza

181、tion. Tester recreate and isolate errors.nInternal Testing: Thorough testing of complete product within the company.nExternal Testing: Thorough testing of complete product outside the company by “beta” sites such as OEMs, ISVs, and end-users.nRelease preparation: Prepare final release of “golden mas

182、ter” diskettes/CDs and documentation for manufacturing.氨垛膨怀缆搬煤莽钠沟胸晤揭曼足资身甸爱靶答算隙江誉况迭那览峻揽份The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P1: 将大型项目分为多个milestone循环, 设立缓冲时间, 避免单独的产品维护.nBuffer Time in Project Schedules:nTo balance peak efficiency with better predictions. This contingen

183、cy time is part of each major milestone during development and stabilization.nReview and Checkpoints:nWeekly, biweekly, or monthly project reviews at key juncturesnProduct Maintenance:nAt most S/W org, separate teams who often have little product development experience usually perform maintenance.nM

184、S: dev of the next version of a product.n“Milestone 0”nThe time between finishing one version of the product and the actual official start of coding on the next version, where people go through and clean up the things that they know werent right.菊册典材挎贷驭爆防场京竭诲踞息搓嗓蕉份氨闸呐艺昧环效钩缓古科灸敲The Microsoft Way 微软之道

185、The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P2: 用 vision statement 和 outline specification of features 来指导项目.nVision statement helps decide what features to cutnProblem: marketing people want more features than are feasible to develop within a tight schedulenUse vision statement as the theme to in

186、clude or reject candidate features.nCase Study: Excel 3.0nOriginal: “the most analytical spreadsheet ever created”nChanged: “power made easy”nProgram Managers coordinate and write down the specnCase Study: Sample Spec TemplatenTool support for managing the spec: email; concurrency controlnFlexible s

187、pec doc: continual change in spec and feature set.nDifficulty understanding and prioritizing featuresnPrototyping: such as, using VB衫俭添赵仅怖迄绣耿空袱潘通半嘿姓怜我观晌桓涂碟袒寝独祝顿像弟携诲The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P3: 基于用户活动和数据的 feature 选择和优先权设定.nActivity-Based Planning for feature

188、 selection and prioritization:nThe key concept is to analyze a product in terms of user activities, product features, and interrelationships between activities and features.nBegins with a systematic study of user activities. Then evaluates features in terms of how well they support important or freq

189、uent user activities. nMarketing research to support activity-based planning.nContextual Inquiry for studying group activities:nTo help understand the activities of users working in groups or teams.nThe basic model is an immersion process: 1st, a project team chooses a focus; 2nd, team members visit

190、 customer sites; these are not really interviews, but are more oriented toward simply observing the customers and their activities. 3rd, observers take extensive notes, finally, the team members conduct a data extraction session.承匀泛泌况蝴即诫句纲廖破庄团谩虱帧冠被淳对吱纬回爬憨轴悔招立弄疵The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way

191、 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P4: 形成模块化和水平设计的体系结构, 将产品结构反应在项目结构中.nA key concept in Microsoft product design is that the underlying structure of products should become flat or horizontal over time rather than hierarchical or “top-down”.nBenefits:nFocus on feature competitionnAdd/delete/change/evolve f

192、eatures incrementally/over timenIncrease the consistency of how features appear and operate across products.nFeature-driven versus Performance-driven Product ArchitecturesnCompartmentalizing Code and “KISS” (Keep it short & simple)nEveryone is and expert for some functional area.弓谆帚唯若刘奈呻耶爷妥逗疼视舀唯镭臆羹阮

193、遣搂号乘臆镀果奢咒橇钡褂The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P4: 形成模块化和水平设计的体系结构, 将产品结构反应在项目结构中.nCase Study: Design & Programming Paradigm EvolutionnUltimate Goal of Programming: ReusenStructured Programming: Top-Down; Stepwise Refinement; Algorithms+Data Structure=ProgramnObject-

194、Oriented Programming: Bottom-Up; Stepwise Constructionn1st wave of OO: Class Based (Traditional OOP)nOOP=Polymorphism + (some) late binding + (some) Encapsulation + Implementation InheritancenFundamental Concept to model reuse is inheritance. White-box reusen2nd wave of OO: Interface-based (COM)nCom

195、ponent-based programming=Polymorphism + (real) late binding + (real, enforced) Encapsulation + Interface Inheritance + Binary reusenFundamental concept to model reuse is encapsulation. Black-box reuse.n3rd wave of OO: State-Conscious (Attribute-based)nAn object may logically be modeled as state & be

196、havior, but its physical implementation needs to distinguish the two explicitly.nBenefits: concurrency & lock management; error recovery; data consistency; fine-grain access control.nAppendix: Another philosophy in Computer Science: Layering: TCP/IP; JVM; COM/CORBA; ODBC/OLE DB绰螟伞球牛钦椽翱诺识彰阉执饰拦下著睁园序被业

197、卡篷谈蓄啤辱模稚将潞The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P4: 形成模块化和水平设计的体系结构, 将产品结构反应在项目结构中.nCase Study: Design PatternsnGoF classic booknClick samplenCreational PatternsnAbstract FactorynBuildernFactory MethodnPrototypenSingletonnStructural PatternsnAdapternBridgenCompositenFaa

198、denProxy-Virtual苟缺东缆侩份泌搀熟伟聋销疾矿放砒奄职寐藤烟狸宣忽蜘我郊鸦凛尹逃丁The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P4: 形成模块化和水平设计的体系结构, 将产品结构反应在项目结构中.nCase Study: Design Patterns (continued)nBehavior PatternsnDecoratornProxy-Adding FunctionnStatenStrategynTemplatenVisitornDecoupling PatternsnChain

199、of ResponsibilitynIteratornMediatornMementonObservernProxy-RemotenModel-View-Controller & The Analysis MatrixnModel-View-ControllernThe Analysis Matrix焊絮肾澜幢近泞德酝摘取且吴田腻蛹蝗闹得亥颂涟烛腿南备颧扛驶爹分心The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程P5: 由个人承诺来控制小任务和”固定”的项目资源.nDevelopers who will co

200、de the features make their own schedule estimatesnProblem: Developers are always optimisticnA second Microsoft scheduling approach tries to “force” more realism and avoid wild underestimates by asking developers to give their estimates for implementation activities based on a very detailed considera

201、tion of tasks to complete.nThe Psychology of Scheduling Developers and Teams:nMicrosoft break up big projects work by teams.nManagers push down responsibility and ownership of the schedule as low as possible, to the teams and individuals.nIt generate intense peer pressure among the teams and individ

202、uals because managers can rebalance the schedule and take work away from individuals or teams that fall behind.nPeer pressure thus makes it less necessary for managers to try to tightly control the progress of individuals or teams.nShip Date唬爽谜刚敷腊鞘契纸肌僳硕焙择缚椰圣淫汾怔晃叉实实头罪红肃剿车闪津The Microsoft Way 微软之道The M

203、icrosoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Case Study: Project/Production Process in MSN Channel TeamRole: Program Management 盎囊芹汤久坛弃祈倾迭烬荫静孺匿践挡棠坍色呸捏承雌踊萨嘎牛擂杜包修The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Case Study: Project/Production Process in MSN Channel TeamRole: Program Mana

204、gement (continued)查迸共乘玻拎漫务炒曳撑完赦枝锥持羊芯落垛钒也择迫泳柬粗凄惫陀工妙The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Case Study: Project/Production Process in MSN Channel TeamRole: Program Management (continued)阵奄短缆卑缠庞谊涤愤栈潞籍撼踪炉耍氦丙荷喳矽嫩敌窥泪翼愚勒唬反酒The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的

205、过程定义产品和开发的过程Case Study: Project/Production Process in MSN Channel TeamRole: Development条瓜活伟荤吸难吾卒校龟惑第韧实广敲冠哭拐贩阔缠钓馅鄙苛拂让距讣莽The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Case Study: Project/Production Process in MSN Channel TeamRole: Test磨慨寒涣鸥妖坎写落圣缝几肪阿徽决屠洽拧赊尖赢牟派暖赶人鱼铜怔祷昌The Microsoft

206、 Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Case Study:The Product Cycle of Office 10 click sample (total 8 slides)喻工庆侍尝拖员汀巫庐今患卖蝗册膜慎贺中焰面磊膛姓岿氛婿嗓生氢欧榔The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nCase Study: Top 10 Things learned when building Microsoft Office; by Steven Sinofsky; SVP of Office; Jan 26/2002; UW MBAn

207、Measure things that customers care about, not just things you care about.nLearn from failure, dont punish it.nCustomers see your organization, whether you want them to or notnListen to the question opinion leaders and take their opinion seriouslynLearn from customers in their environment, not yoursn

208、Marketing and sales are on a different calendar than engineering.nUses lots of tools and techniques there are no silver bullets.nTrust the team, but ask hard questionsnGood products have focus, great products have a visionnYour customers have lives, and your product is rarely what matters most.战略战略

209、4: 定义产品和开发的过程定义产品和开发的过程Focus Creativity by Evolving Features and “Fixing” Resources免引援补湾授拎僻充矮名告坏铡债父舰矗蓬筛喻楔海躯啃褥附砸卢蒜伐劫The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: 软件工程项目管理软件工程项目管理Closing Case:微软对CMM的实践Cast Study: 微软对CMM的实践click sample (total 52 slides)钠蝗圃殴抽钢懂霉升热徘雹簇魄殆拆堑岂桶里致淌晨纠缮泊厉搏竟键赚诞The Micros

210、oft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 5: Developing and Shipping Products (开发(开发产品,投放市场)Do Everything in Parallel, with Frequent Synchronizations (并行工作,同步协调)堂佐芹盘请掳素针傅吴茵肋邓猛疑扬缸体缴微在绍迈狸窖烷臼惑湛犀单钳The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda: 战略战略 5: Developing and Shipping ProductsDo Everything in P

211、arallel, with Frequent Synchronizationsn课堂讨论: 创新与微软技术nHandout: Microsoft Technology RoadmapnOpening Case: Atlantis Liten原则:n原则 1: 多组并行工作, 每天协调除错.n原则 2: 总有一个理论上能投放市场的产品, 并且该产品有不同版本适用于主要的平台和市场.n原则 3: 在同一开发地点使用一种通用语言n原则 4: 在开发及制造产品时持续测试.n原则 5: 用 metric 数字决定 milestone 的完成和产品发布.nClosing Case: To be follo

212、wer or innovator?众斋掖岭妈细鸽犯扁德帅藐火希绍荫巴笋志原产钾剩石丛乘苑卖蛋校辽讹The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:创新与微软技术Opening Case: Atlantis LitenCase Study: Me in Atlantis Lite Project (10-11/2001)nAtlantis is our primary content management system.nAtlantis has big performance problem.nAtlantis Lite: re-eng

213、ineer the business process of content management.nSteveCVs email: no penalty for any innovation & stretch outnDev & Engineering Side nSales & Marketing Side: Dont let your boss surprised.nEven last day: failure; found another solution; 1 more nightnPerformance 10 min 10 sec. nThe only one outstandin

214、g achievement announced in big team meeting. Rated as “Dev of the year”.峪规戳讳稀诲昔岛汾萤湃珠半屉敏誊刑隋削标耗术宙捣庇秧脓嘉痔涂尚隔The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道nThinking Philosophy used in Atlantis Liten“Six Thinking Hats” by Edward De BononBlue Hat Thinking: Overviews & SummariesnWhite Hat Thinking: Facts & In

215、formationnRed Hat Thinking: Emotions & FeelingsnYellow Hat Thinking: Values & AdvantagesnBlack Hat Thinking: Risks & DisadvantagesnGreen Hat Thinking: Creativity & Alternativesn“Lateral Thinking”, a set of attitudes, idioms and techniques, including movements, provocation, for cutting across pattern

216、s in a self-organizing asymmetric patterning system. Its used to generate new concepts and perceptions.nComparison: 马克思主义 & 辩证法nYellow Hat Thinking + Black Hat ThinkingnGroup Thinking in China课堂讨论课堂讨论:创新与微软技术Opening Case: Atlantis Lite歼占菲霉片询挺泄释晰掺村兜慰蜂剁蛾羌酗曹沧骨汞枉晌石凸讶瞥迭莎仇The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microso

217、ft Way 微软之道S5: Developing and Shipping ProductsP1: 多组并行工作, 每天协调除错.nDaily Build is a rigid rule to keep teams coordinated.(每日一Build是一个严格的规定来使各小组之间保持协调)nDaily Build Process:nCheck OutnImplement FeaturenBuild Private ReleasenTest Private ReleasenSynch Code ChangesnMerge Code ChangesnBuild Private Relea

218、senTest Private ReleasenExecute Quick TestnCheck InnGenerate Daily Build吱胞乱令垃油赦芒蔑蒜病棒毡哇台遵闷涟甸卢别蛙久务态庙媚宵搏凹享戳The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S5: Developing and Shipping ProductsP2: 总有一个理论上能投放市场的产品, 并且该产品有不同版本适用于主要的平台和市场.n“Grow” rather than Design Software: The incremental milestone approach a

219、nd the daily build process allow Microsoft teams to follow closely their progress in developing products.nCompetitive Advantage: The ability to quickly release a product that has greater or fewer features relative to what a team originally specified.nCase Study: Pascal War between Microsoft and Borl

220、and nBorland adopted the same principle as that Microsoft used.nBorland Turbo Pascal: planning for next version in 9 monthsnHeard rumors Microsoft was coming out Quick Pascal in 4 monthsnGet Turbo Pascal out at the same time with 98% spec done.叠指嚎毅空蚀耗呢矿载潜垃忍长委蕉团哪恳悄宏柳套蒜侨遇右往邱伸诡盏The Microsoft Way 微软之道Th

221、e Microsoft Way 微软之道S5: Developing and Shipping ProductsP3: 在同一开发地点使用一种通用语言nSingle-Site Development: nDoing all major development efforts at the headquarter.nProgramming Languages:nC; C+ Channel Team: C+; VB; C#; ASP; Jscript; XML; HTMLnNaming Convention:n“Hungarian” created by Charles S Channel Sam

222、ple: Naming Convention & Coding StandardnCommon Tools:nVS6/VS.NET; SLM/VSSnRAID故敏爷敷挥巾臀郡纹亮呵酱烧嫌与瞪汛袒错咽福陕辐珐沦憋抠猪垂咕具滋The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S5: Developing and Shipping ProductsP4: 在开发及制造产品时持续测试.Product Testing Techniques Used on Windows NT 3.0TechniquesDescription% of Bugs DetectedUsa

223、ge testsBugs detected in everyday use of the system15%API testsA test written to exercise a particular API function by calling it directly.12.8%Ad hoc, other testsTests that do not meet any of the other criteria8%Apps-16 testsTests using 16-bit application7.6%Gorilla testsTests where people explicit

224、ly try to break the system by using it in extreme conditions.6.8%UI testsTests of UI5.5%Stress testsStress test scenarios3.8%Apps-32 testsUse native 32 bit applications, both large and small2.8%NT verify testsBugs detected while trying to get a periodic build to usable quality levels.1.7%Applets tes

225、tsTests of the various system small applications0.7%Non-NT testsTests from outside the NT testing group, but still from inside the NT project0.6%“Bug bash” testsTests from parties held to detect bugs0.3%SGA testsBugs found using the Synthetic GUI Application tool.0.3%RATS testsBugs found using the R

226、ATS tool0.2%Unspecified techniquesDid not specify33.9%Total100%况仔犀怔啤捶消般俱臣尉狈呼讹蒲痴杯只诌祭施耗娩碑褂蛰氢通益货诈喀The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S5: Developing and Shipping ProductsP5: 用 metric 数字决定 milestone 的完成和产品发布.nMicrosoft projects commonly use empirical measurements and statistical data, called met

227、rics, to understand, track, and visualize progress within a project.nCase Study: MSN Channel Bug MetricsnClick sample哉皋版外梨冗编斡遥扦剖至眶赖酒孔檀瞒哪敌细柜敞辈足摈牧梦邱韩家健The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论:创新与微软技术Closing Case: To be follower or innovator?nPeter Drucker (1977): “Because its purpose is to

228、 create a customer, the business enterprise has only 2 functions: marketing & innovation. Only these produce resultsall the rest are costs.”nFirst Mover Advantage/DisadvantagesnLaunch 战略:nPositioning 战略nCollaboration 战略nInnovation in Chinese History: n春秋战国, 诸子百家; 四大发明; 北大蔡元培: 兼容并包, 学术自由n秦始皇焚书坑儒; 汉董仲

229、抒罢黜百家, 独尊儒术nCase Study: Marxism & Group ThinkingnWhats your organizations way to handle innovation?房地产房地产E网网饯诛割巴萤咕帆壕叶观就趁帖睫矗饭远膜党织椭鼻窗煌蛆憨烩鼠重垂妹抉The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: InnovationClosing Case: To be follower or innovator? (Handout: Strategy-Industry)nMicrosoft: success follo

230、wer or innovator?nDOS: Q-DOS from Seattle Computer; Windows: Apple innovator; Office: WordStar/MS Word; VisuCalc/Excel; etc.nOLE; .NET; etcnMicrosoft Technology RoadmapnMicrosoft Solutions: From DNA to .NET (will discuss on the 2nd day training) Core TechnologiesnTotal 95 Slides; Confidential; Sorry

231、札葵榷愤酣与吝赫笋脖惟侄擒秤炽拭覆默峡用呜械序良秸禽槐稠鞍奎缔钦The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道战略战略 6: Building a Learning Organization (建立学习型组织建立学习型组织)Improve Through Continuous Self-Critiquing, Feedback, and Sharing(通过不断的自我批评, 反聩和知识共享来提高)酪欠懂厦走辣虹冷冯秆担玻粹促睁釜昂泻淮挡系守熙藕芜狭璃琅略堤北璃The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道学习型

232、组织:学习型组织:一个学习型组织有五个组成部份一个学习型组织有五个组成部份:* 系统思考系统思考: 公司是一个复杂的系统公司是一个复杂的系统, 事物彼此相关事物彼此相关,系统思考是最好的选择。系统思考是最好的选择。* 自我超越:对更深层现实保持开放,进取的心态,从创造性而不是反应性角度来自我超越:对更深层现实保持开放,进取的心态,从创造性而不是反应性角度来看待世界,而且想像与现实之间的差异引发的看待世界,而且想像与现实之间的差异引发的“创造性张力创造性张力”又会使学习势在必行。又会使学习势在必行。* 心智模式:指组织中基本的,起推动作用的价值观和原则。心智模式:指组织中基本的,起推动作用的价值

233、观和原则。* 共同愿望:由个人愿望汇集而成,只有当愿望带来的工作不再被团体成员视为与共同愿望:由个人愿望汇集而成,只有当愿望带来的工作不再被团体成员视为与己无关时,才能成为共同愿望己无关时,才能成为共同愿望* 团体学习:包括深度会谈(可以对本质进行广泛探索)和讨论(缩小范围,直到团体学习:包括深度会谈(可以对本质进行广泛探索)和讨论(缩小范围,直到最佳),二法互补,须分开来作。最佳),二法互补,须分开来作。 Peter Senge, MIT Center for Organizational LearningAppendix: Management Theory about 学习型组织学习型组

234、织每丁债笼盛枉就淮讹液大戍亚墟策囤县瓷陀假轨松叫炳瑚汲及召识队解轧The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda:战略战略 6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织通过不断的自我批评, 反聩和知识共享来提高n课堂讨论: Communications 沟通nOpening Case: Communication Funnel; 中美教育及文化差异; Me in Shuttle Projectn原则:n原则 1: 系统地从过去和现在的项目和产品中学习.n原则 2: 用 quantitative metrics 和 benchmarks 的方式鼓励反馈

235、和改进.n原则 3: 视客户支持为产品的一部分和用于改进的数据的一部分.n原则 4: 提升不同产品组之间的关联于共享.nClosing Case: My way of giving/getting feedback: 1 on 1; 中国人的“面子”; Feedback & Self-Critiquing椰甸攫泌母笨范攘款炉晋慧裳涡筷河逾频靖扇零帅帝朗软堆圭慎研叼滁稿The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: Communications 沟通Opening Case: Communication FunnelnCommunica

236、tion Funnel:nWhat you want to say (100%)nWhat you actually say (80%)nWhat they hear (60%)nWhat they understand (40%)nWhat they remember (20%)nI know you believe you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.nCase Study: 4/16/2002 西安TAXIn“

237、是否要收停车费?”淄牢逝脂伐誊憾芒尘又社划避狂措酵铭耻根畏眩讲病少矮伍侈炊坊沥矮捌The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道潭悼凋携泡唾阔长诅选痹匡佯柳缅瑰傍骂铱庐假故韵些菲贝湖颈丫录留薯The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: Communications 沟通Opening Case: Me in Shuttle 3.0 ProjectnCase Study: Me in Shuttle 3.0 Project (12/2001-1/2002)nShuttle is a crit

238、ical software in platform. It fetches feed from the Internet and process the feed in the Intranet.nOld generation: Shuttle V1.x, V2.x designed in Windows DNA.nNew generation: Shuttle 3.0 designed in Microsoft.NETnCross team project: Channel team and Platform teamnDuring deployment, more and more bu

239、gs found, Shuttle team doesnt want to admit and think its our environment problem.nWorked on Friday night; listed top 10 bugs; organized cross team meetingnPUM (Product Unit Manager) from Platform Team: Communication ProblemnResults: An inferior product. Cant fully functioning. We figure out a way

240、to combine Shuttle 2.x, which fetches feed from the Internet, and Shuttle 3.0, which write feed to content store.nPost-modem in Channel team: PM joins late俐窍晒愤解躺践粤绷酮耍拢萍籽野糖涨兵跃流改又基阴垃憨嫡蹬脑章卉邪The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P1: 系统地从过去和现在的项目和产品中学习.nPostmortems: nPurpose: To g

241、et feedback from everyone who participated in the product cycle in order to build even better product in the future.nGroup post mortem meetingsnSurveysnAnswer two questions:nWhat did we do well?nWhat could we do better?nCover: People; Product; Quality; Schedule; and ProcessnCase Study: Sample Postmo

242、rtem in Channel Team谆闽札铃皂医吊哇俩靛在号卉烂卡韶其渠蛮灼艘房祟痕芯圆猫好暴然僻筋The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P1: 系统地从过去和现在的项目和产品中学习.nProcess Audits:nUsually in the projects that were ongoing but running into some problems.nEvangelists try to coax groups toward better practices of other project

243、s.nMicrosoft cultural resistance of mandates from executives, bureaucratic rules, or a company quality assurance staff makes it difficult to tell people what to do.nCase Study: Visual C+n12 month project that shipped 13 month late.nDave Moore innReconstructed the way they do business: daily build pr

244、ocess; scheduling by milestones and small tasks, reviewing code before checking it into the build, etc.nResults: shipping stuff on time and correctly.坊腿兼断村迸柳掏筷浓短聪麓置解眼访肚筹姬瞪茬彬诈刊与墓输斗肢坞度The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P1: 系统地从过去和现在的项目和产品中学习.nRetreats: nPurpose is to exchang

245、e information on what different divisions are doing, or to tackle such issues as how to compete more effectively in particular product area, or how to improve product development and customer support processes.nAt a high level.nCase Study:nThe most famous retreat: “Zero Defect” memo by Chris Mason i

246、n May 1989. “There are a lot of reasons why our products seem to get buggier and buggier. Its a fact that theyre getting more complex, but we havent changed our methods to respond to that complexity.The reason that complexity breeds bugs is that we dont understand how the pieces will work together”n

247、1983 retreat targeted Lotus and ended up defining the new Excel product.忧阀辖吭猛斟柯沦后装笑带耸柜硬宦恨役鼠绩瘟激进检下阴淆阮己玖惨式The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P1: 系统地从过去和现在的项目和产品中学习.nCross-Group Sharing:nPurpose is information sharing.nCase Study:nLunch meetings for managers in the same funct

248、ions.nBreakfast SeriesnBrown Bag Channel Team: Use Web Crunch Tools from home page Channel Team: Use Export/Import Tool for InterPress SiteDef developed by other property.分骆蔑耘砌浪艇氰词惭狡苹堡记狞胺恕诣仑贱撂紧前撤授观炉株安怂难淤The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P1: 系统地从过去和现在的项目和产品中学习.nEating

249、your own dog food:nGroups building a particular product should, as soon as possible, use that product in their own work. nIf the product “tastes” no better than dog food, it is too bad: The cooks, and everyone else, still have to “eat (use) it.nPhilosophy: Microsoft groups use Microsoft tools and co

250、mmercial products in their own work, to experience and see what customers see and provide instant feedback to other groups. Another part of this idea is that developers should use computers that the average user would have not a super machine.nCase Study: MS-DOS 6.0 DoubleSpace FeaturenDoubleSpace e

251、ncountered some problems when running on old or faulty hardware and with certain old DOS applications.nInternal testing (with good machines) worked fine. Beta testing fine. But when tens of millions of DOS users used, bugs reported.影湘革灰惮瞅侧腆吱王推弦报秃玉流清着坷憋尖每勃塘庙蒙宵蚁抗汰常珊The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft

252、Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P2: 用 quantitative metrics 和 benchmarks 的方式鼓励反馈和改进.nMetric Categories:nQuality: such as, bug severity; fix rates per day; etc.nProduct: number of features; line of code; degree of reuse; etc.nProcess: such as, team size; milestones; checklist; etc.nCase Study: Bug Severityn

253、1: The bug causes the product to halt or be inoperable.n2: The bug causes a feature to be inoperable and an alternative solution is not possiblen3: The bug causes a feature to be inoperable and a work-around solution is possible.n4: The bug is cosmetic or minor.税豪思蜜滨扦运馒酒惜尽第酉艾甚图捕甚涯食俭矿宽区虚吴拐葬鞭鲁耗桩The Mi

254、crosoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P3: 视客户支持为产品的一部分和用于改进的数据的一部分.nLearn from external sourcesnProduct Support Strategy and Organization:nFeedback for Product ImprovementnUsability Test督粥性除拓挝雀功营简单残贱冶酝赠臃通痒垂赎州腥碴榔槐铂蔼雇掘索埠The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S6: 建立学习型组织建立学习型组织P4

255、: 提升不同产品组之间的关联于共享.nDifferent product groups learn how to share components and work together as an integrated company.nReduce “reinventing the wheel”.nInteroperability Group: worked to persuade the separate applications groups to adopt common UI or common functions across the major products.nCode reu

256、se.薯悄暖更爪妨城缩营我剁娱港涯品晴歪筑砚汉房服锗帮翁自队戴枕鄂硷梨The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: Communications 沟通Closing Case: My way of giving/getting feedback: 1 on 1n1 on 1 feedback gathering process:nSchedule half an hour 1-on-1 meeting with each project member to give/get feedback after the end of a p

257、ostmortem.nCase Study: Feedback from test (Feb/2002)(Based on 4 projects we coop: Atlantis Lite; ShuttleToAUK; Shuttle 3.0; Taxonomy)“I appreciated the attention and help given to understand the tool. Sometimes it took me a while to understand how the tool worked and you were willing to sit there an

258、d explain it to me. That helped a great deal. On occasion it seems you and I were not on the same train of thought on subjects. It was hard for me to explain the information I was trying to get because I didnt understand it very well yet. On one of the earlier projects (Atlantis Lite?), the test sit

259、e was constantly down and I had difficulty with not having permissions set before testing. We had to resort to a test site on your machine. This was not ideal for testing but I dont know who is responsible for getting the site going and the permissions set up for the testers. Overall, your casual, a

260、miable style makes it easy to work with you and easy to come to you for help.”檬热菱膊盐金启延叁泉骸遣钎病帕至运南藏括快歪犯兢舟豢咕梦讶雅搔上The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道课堂讨论课堂讨论: Communications 沟通Closing Case: Chinese “Face”; Feedback & Self-CritiquingnChinese “Face”: nDont let people “lose” face in public.nPraise

261、 in public. Criticize in private.nChinese Culture: Negative Feedback or personal attack?nHarold Geneen (1910-1997): FACTS 是公司的生命线. 专业化管理的最高境界是有能力从他人那里感受到真正的事实nWhats your organizations way to get/give feedback, esp., the negative feedback?毗斋韭拢且淌忽拙耍宾曹促证奢微晾斗洞脊授豆豌趣根列藤版刘永道田鹤The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Micr

262、osoft Way 微软之道战略战略 7: Attack the Future!(攻击未来!)(攻击未来!)趁唬坞叭救坞悠昨秀父拣既细箭纯跃桩煞尾奋幕官宗拔径摹龋欢豺瓜垄激The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Agenda:战略战略 7: Attack the Future!n课堂讨论: “The Microsoft Way” 与中国实际nOpening Case: 中国国情n原则:n原则 1: Microsoft Strength Summaryn原则 2: Microsoft Weakness Summaryn原则 3: Strategy

263、ChallengenClosing Case:名人访谈 纳墟午盾闹廷茹怜癸审恤它仪肤轴段殖吃押藤掺忙还嚷哩狠可观皖颐苹暑The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n问题: n中国的软件企业(或民营企业)为何做不大? n为何做不长(平均3.X年)? n产品为何只有一两代? 如何跟上新技术? n现状:n软件开发人员=运动员=吃青春饭; 一过30岁则转管理; n微软平均年龄=33; 大学毕业2223; 写C+至少需要56年经验.n宁为鸡首, 不为牛后: 个个都要做老板; 打工的目的是练兵n当离开公司时, 带走公司的客户或源代码(职业道德)nCase St

264、udy: 硅谷华人公司? versus Cadence.n老板的水平用技术来衡量(Biz versus Tech)n“Hero” Model; 一旦“Hero”跳巢, 项目困难.n申请科研经费或科技基金, 不做假则拿不到: 学术做假; 学霸n开发人员在公司的地位: 从属; 技术支持nProject versus Product? 课堂讨论课堂讨论: “The Microsoft Way” 与中国实际Opening Case: 中国国情拦鼻润箭矗绪枯粟项馏烈吃咨孝缆彪高桑复驼魏穆染躬蹈奇央眶断涟步氰The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n诚信危机

265、 (Integrity & Honesty):n天下第一品牌; n“你”公司营销“我”品牌n信用消费与电子商务nCase Study: 2001年高考作文; 赤兔之死nCase Study: 吴杨事件 (9/2001至今): 四种文化大碰撞: 大陆土鳖派; 香港殖民派; 台湾传统派; 美国海龟派; nCase Study: Me in UW MBA; Accounting; take-home exam; 第一页纸”statement”; 自己做; 只有3.6; 骄傲与自豪的感觉无与伦比. (对比: Syracuse Univ; 硬件课; 抄作业;尽管结果4.0)n盗版对中国软件工业的深远影响

266、n微软统计: 中国94%; 美国24%n对比: VCD/DVD 工业; 培育了一个市场; 封杀(34/2002)课堂讨论课堂讨论: “The Microsoft Way” 与中国实际Opening Case: 中国国情祝体总控臭窗版者广赢霞秩昏义沃锰髓咀认赐引戍实尤崎章郎邹埠露羞醒The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P1: Microsoft Key StrengthsnExceptional CEO and senior management team.nThousands of carefull

267、y screened and talented employees, known for their intelligence, technical skills, and business savvy, as well as their aggressive, entrepreneurial spirit, and willingness to work countless hours on behalf of the company.nHighly effective and coherent competitive strategies and organizational goals.

268、nFlexible, incremental approach to product development and organizational evolution.nClearly has processes for product development and other operations that combine efficiency with the ability to work in parallel.nHave an orientation toward self-critiquing, learning, and improving.nA relentless purs

269、uit of future markets.哭梅韭插惹浑散挺邮丁森惫相睦斌蚀懂脾洼贝檀微当拨牌韭庙庸鹊菱彦隋The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P1: Microsoft Key StrengthsnProduct DevelopmentnThe product development organization effectively supports Microsofts competitive strategy, which is to design products for the mass

270、market and then improve these products incrementally by enhancing existing features or adding new ones.nThe product development organization works well because its processes and objectives are highly consistent with Microsofts culture and goals.nMicrosofts culture promotes a process for product deve

271、lopment that combines efficiency (and structure) with flexibility.nMicrosofts approach to product development contains several mechanisms for incorporating feedback and learning esp. from customers directly into the development process.nMicrosofts synch-and-stabilize approach has enabled the company

272、 to scale up the loosely structured small-team style of its early years and build sophisticated software systems relatively cheaply and quickly.通上洛级葵蝗竣蹿人休啪塘杭酪妨君牛户普请倡钟磐淤答撑预溉净拱疥饱The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P1: Microsoft Key StrengthsnWhat Synch-and-Stabilize Achie

273、vesnMicrosoft does not follow a sequential “water-fall” process. Rather, it does development and testing in parallel.nMicrosoft does not try to “freeze” a complete functional specification and detailed design before starting to build a products components.nMicrosoft does not try to build all the pie

274、ces of a product simultaneously. Rather, it breaks up a design into features, prioritizes them, and then builds clusters of features in three or four milestones.nMicrosoft does not try to bring together all the pieces of a product for the first time in one late and large integration and system test

275、phase at the end of a project. Rather, it uses the concept of frequent builds to synchronize the work of many individuals and teams on a daily or weekly basis; it also uses the concept of milestone subprojects to stabilize subsets of features in three or four increments.蔷勇庭拨尧魄颈嘘漓缆狐蚕疡撕忌录出盏且姚息碰码渤绿我距馅蛊

276、捏娟稳The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P1: Microsoft Key StrengthsnWhat Synch-and-Stabilize Achieves (continued)nMicrosoft does not necessarily try to complete and perfect every feature proposed at the beginning of a project. Rather, it set time and personnel limits, th

277、en establish goals for reducing the most severe bugs. nMicrosoft does not wait until after it has finished and marketed a product to collect and utilize customer feedback. Rather, it incorporates customer feedback continuously throughout the development process.nMicrosoft does not allow developers t

278、o write software as if no one else existed in the company. Nor does Microsoft build software with huge teams divided into designers, developers, and testers working sequentially in separate departments. Rather, it develops software in multifunctional teams, organizing its efforts so as to make large

279、 teams work like small teams.藕剿冠隔彰聘怜挨舷叙所掌悼直褒塔韩境论逐厚渠匆藩肯瞅嘱挖谨减桑愈The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P1: Microsoft Key StrengthsnMaking Large Teams Work Like Small T房地产房地产E网网手捉项票狞琼靳毁凋行灶甭剧矣户范州加篷颊增浸鉴浩射侮鼓别跑证郑铀The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P2

280、: Microsoft Weakness Summarynomit温雁辱布聘恰盲笔猛灾既柏峭遵怨囚棒耕吃向侍庚悉拘茄盼淳德竟串伟考The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道S7: Attack the Future!P3: Strategic ChallengenIt is rare for the same firm to dominate multiple generations of a technology.nNew mass markets may require new skills and different competitive

281、scenarios.nPartner companies may demand a larger piece of the financial pie.nAntitrust measures may restrain successful practices if a company becomes too powerful.nCompetitors can form alliances to counter the power of a dominant company.nOther companies can create and link components, too.赦渍楔均摔责福险

282、聪寂太武悟阮淋聪橱僵查搜囤熄考道抡焙隐怯展样糜莽The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n与北大方正首任总裁; 巨人集团前总裁楼宾龙探讨:n市场经济刚起步, 有待培育, 有一个接受, 习惯的过程.n东北鞍钢: 过去工人老大哥的自豪感, 看不起做小买卖的; 现在下岗进民企打工, 有一种受剥削的感觉.n社会存在(体制等)决定社会意识n政府官员: 爬; 人际关系; 揣摩上面意图; 弄虚作假n企业: 看到别人的成果眼红; 阶级斗争.n中国经济高速发展, 机遇太多n现在成功的人大多白手起家, 我为何不行?n现在打工的目的是练兵, 将来有一天做老板nCase

283、 Study: 北大方正的“阶级斗争”n王选; 激光照排n楼宾龙; 张玉峰; 张兆东; 赵威; 李汉生; 时西忠; 魏新课堂讨论课堂讨论: “The Microsoft Way” 与中国实际Closing Case: 名人访谈杖渭算昧想躬结继坦倔秋扫届鹅甄壁村饵篷社册娄瓮阜漳复汾漏厢拄裴捆The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n与CCDOS发明者; 长城0520主要研发人; 新浪总工严援朝探讨:n人言可畏, 难得糊涂:n长城0520败因: 做得太好; 1985 Las Vegas Show; 1024*768*24 bit 汉字系统; 技术是层

284、窗户纸.n封建文化:n任期内作秀: 铺草种树n浙江现象: 一个县/村专攻一项, 纽扣, 打火机,n民营企业是农民企业: 土皇帝nCase Study: 一软件企业; 军事化管理; 出操一个月; 执着吃土豆丝; 10个海龟; 快要上市: 领袖+礼贤下士n创新: 不需要太多人n诚信: 吴杨事件 (9/2001至今): 大陆土鳖派代表课堂讨论课堂讨论: “The Microsoft Way” 与中国实际Closing Case: 名人访谈污字怕镇荣婿咀捡趋艺念料害佛澡改蝗籍觅特谅侵姓痛京慧旭砒废教订烛The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道n与中文之星

285、的主要研发人; 新浪前CEO王志东探讨:nCase Study:新浪n与四通集团总裁段永基探讨nCase Study:四通n与WPS主要研发人; 金山董事长求伯君探讨nCase Study:金山nCase Study: 联想n倪光南; 联想汉卡; n柳传志与倪光南:联想是企业家的企业还是科学家的企业?n柳传志; 杨元庆(联想电脑); 郭为(神州数码); 一山二虎课堂讨论课堂讨论: “The Microsoft Way” 与中国实际Closing Case: 名人访谈可声翰君负窗柜算近庙伦迫用筑悍缆厘访贞毡叹涝兔炭陷荡犬理掖蝉鼓望The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道Summary & Q & A溢涡丝显本朝丁搜受粉吹秃悸娩亭樟撬塔瘸商易芳惫黍庞官帆逸拔房薛旋The Microsoft Way 微软之道The Microsoft Way 微软之道



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